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利用陕西及邻区测震台网和中国地震科学台阵探测项目共257个宽频带台站记录的连续波形与远震数据,采用基于射线追踪的面波频散直接反演方法获得了渭河盆地及邻区地壳上地幔顶部S波速度结构,成像结果显示:1)渭河盆地顶部形成于新生代的沉积层造成其浅部显著的低速异常,盆地中、上地壳为低速结构,低速带延深至约25km深处,莫霍面相对两侧突变上隆,上地幔高速体侵入下地壳,可能与中—新生代上地幔基性-超基性铁镁质物质底侵有关。2)南鄂尔多斯块体地壳浅层东薄西厚的低速结构可能与块体遭受的整体掀斜、差异性抬升和强烈而不均匀的剥蚀有关。壳内不存在明显的低速异常,说明壳内低速体并没有贯穿整个鄂尔多斯地块,鄂尔多斯南段仍保留着稳定克拉通属性,至今还未遭受明显改造。3)秦岭造山带东、西深部结构存在差异,具有分段特征。造山带下地壳底部的低速异常,可能与造山带受青藏高原东北缘隆升和向外扩展等构造活动的影响有关,分析认为秦岭造山带存在青藏高原物质E流的下地壳流通道的可能性不大。  相似文献   

利用跨越华北克拉通中-西部南段及邻区祁连造山带的宽频带密集流动地震台阵共64个台站约一年的连续记录,采用地震背景噪声层析成像方法,获得了台阵下方5~35s的Rayleigh面波和5~30s的Love面波相速度分布,并进一步反演获得了地壳SV、SH波速度和径向各向异性(2×(V_(sh).V_(sv))/(V_(sh)+V_(sv)))结构图像.我们的研究结果显示,研究区地壳速度结构存在明显的区域差异.克拉通中部南段地壳结构变化复杂,广泛存在壳内低速体,可能是在中-新生代构造和岩浆活动中被改造的反映.陕西-山西裂陷区及附近区域的下地壳至壳幔边界表现出强的正径向各向异性特征,可能与中-新生代地幔基性-超基性铁镁质物质底侵有关.克拉通西部鄂尔多斯块体地壳结构相对简单,与其稳定的克拉通构造属性相吻合.该地区浅层为东薄西厚的低速且西向单斜结构,可能与鄂尔多斯显生宙时期的整体掀斜以及晚白垩世以来遭受的强烈差异剥蚀有关;中-下地壳速度较高,不存在显著壳内低速体,并表现为大尺度的正径向各向异性特征,可能还保存了鄂尔多斯块体早期形成时的结构特征.结合前人对华北克拉通北段的研究结果,我们发现克拉通中-西部的南、北段地壳结构相似性和差异性并存,推测可能与克拉通形成之前和形成之后,南、北段各自经历不同的构造过程有关.在克拉通以西的祁连造山带,中地壳存在一近水平且自西向东逐渐减弱的低速层,可能反映该区域受新生代青藏高原东北缘侧向生长的影响,在强烈的挤压构造背景下地壳内部发生了垂向叠置和强烈的韧性变形,且不支持与青藏高原中下地壳流有关.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯块体及周边区域的深部构造研究对于了解华北克拉通与其周边地带形成、发展和克拉通破坏具有怎样的壳、幔结构和深层动力学过程具有重要的意义.本文利用北京大学和中国地震局在华北克拉通西部地区布设的共32台宽频带地震仪记录的远震体波资料,组成一条近南北向的观测剖面,由北至南依次穿过阴山造山带、河套盆地、鄂尔多斯块体、渭河盆地、秦岭造山带和大巴山系.计算各台站的P波接收函数,利用倾斜叠加(H-κ)方法得到了研究区域地壳厚度和泊松比;利用Kirchhoff偏移成像方法得到了研究区域下方Moho面的形态.研究结果表明,阴山造山带地壳厚度为42~44km,地壳结构稳定,泊松比约为0.27,推测该区域的造山运动是深部物质上涌导致.河套盆地内Moho面抬升,可认为是岩石圈物质上涌导致.鄂尔多斯块体内平均地壳厚度41.2km,泊松比0.27,Moho面从北至南平缓有平缓抬升的趋势,从最北端的43.5km到最南端的39km.鄂尔多斯块体北部在20km深度处存在低速层,块体内部36°N~37°N区域内出现Moho面小规模下沉,这对鄂尔多斯块体地壳结构单一、完整、未遭到破坏的观点提出了挑战.渭河盆地内Moho面隆起,最浅达到30km,推测是青藏高原地壳上地幔物质向东挤出并上涌所造成的.秦岭造山带地壳厚度约38.5km,Moho面平稳.位于扬子板块北缘的大巴山系地壳厚度达到54.5km,明显大于华北克拉通的地壳厚度.  相似文献   

本文利用了北京大学在山西地堑的34个台站以及中国地震局台网中心在鄂尔多斯地区46个台站的远震波形数据,运用双平面波干涉的面波层析成像方法,提取瑞利面波相速度频散曲线,开展台阵覆盖区三维速度结构反演,据此分析了研究区地壳和上地幔的结构特征。结果表明,瑞利面波相速度分区特征显著,山西断陷盆地和渭河断陷盆地的相速度整体偏低。鄂尔多斯块体在莫霍面以下有明显高速异常,表明该地块为构造稳定的克拉通块体,鄂尔多斯块体的岩石圈下界面在120~140km的深度左右。与此相反,山西断陷盆地和渭河断陷盆地地下70~120km左右均有低速异常,显示这两个地区构造活动活跃,这也与该区域历史上多次发生强震是相符的。  相似文献   

利用新疆地震台网52个固定台站和天山地区新布设的11个流动台为期1年的观测数据,采用背景噪声层析成像方法获得了天山及邻区(41°~48°N,79°~91°E) 10~50s的瑞利面波相速度分布图像,使用基于贝叶斯的马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛(MCMC)方法反演得到研究区地壳上地幔S波速度结构。研究结果表明,准噶尔盆地沉积盖层南深北浅,最厚处可达15km。在天山造山带北部和南部的盆山交界附近,地壳内部存在明显的向造山带方向倾斜的低速区,结合前人相关研究结果,推测塔里木盆地和准噶尔盆地向天山造山带的俯冲主要发生在中国境内天山造山带中部,东西部只存在较弱的单向俯冲。天山造山带下地壳存在明显的低速异常,反映出介质具有较低的力学强度,在挤压环境下更容易发生变形和隆升,下地壳低速异常可能与存在古板块缝合带、天山南北两侧的大陆块体双向俯冲以及挤压变形等密切相关。  相似文献   

基于ChinArray三期项目布设于华北克拉通中部的流动台阵观测数据,利用背景噪声互相关和地震面波层析成像获取了研究区内6—140 s周期的瑞雷面波频散,使用蒙特卡罗非线性反演方法获得了华北克拉通中部岩石圈的高分辨率三维S波速度结构。结果显示华北克拉通不同地块的岩石圈速度结构存在显著的横向差异:其中鄂尔多斯盆地腹地整体表现为高速特征,延伸至200 km以下,但其东南缘存在小范围的低速异常;东部的华北盆地整体表现为低速特征,具有较薄的地壳和岩石圈厚度;中部造山带南北两端以及南北重力梯度线下方存在相连接的低速区域,在深处延伸至华北盆地下方;在下地壳和上地幔顶部,大同火山群区域的低速体逐渐向西偏移至鄂尔多斯盆地东北角下方;而在上地幔中,该区域的低速异常随深度增加而逐渐减弱,低速体延伸至东南方向的华北盆地下方。基于本研究获得的S波速度模型,我们认为:鄂尔多斯盆地腹地保持了克拉通特性,但其东南缘存在局部的岩石圈改造作用;华北盆地发生了强烈的岩石圈破坏减薄和地壳伸展变形;中部造山带南北端以及南北重力梯度线下方的岩石圈发生了局部的改造减薄,其机制可能都来源于华北盆地下方地幔热物质的上涌;大同火山群下方上涌的热物质从鄂尔多斯盆地东北角下方侵入下地壳,在地壳内上升过程中受到上地壳的阻挡,向东流动至大同火山群下方,形成了大同火山群的岩浆活动,其深部来源可能与西向俯冲的太平洋停滞板块有关。   相似文献   

基于华南地块及其邻区609个宽频带地震台站2010~2012年的垂直分量连续波形记录,通过波形互相关和叠加计算得到各台站对间的经验格林函数.采用时频分析法提取出大量高质量的Rayleigh波相速度频散曲线,并反演得到了研究区周期6~50s的Rayleigh波相速度分布图像.结果显示周期6~10s的相速度分布与地壳中上部地质特征一致性较好,区域内的主要盆地和一些小尺度地堑和盆地呈现低速异常,造山带和褶皱带则呈现高相速度分布特征;周期20~30s的相速度分布以太行山-武陵山重力梯度带和地壳厚度突变带为界,西部地区主要表现为低速异常,东部地区则整体表现为高速异常,其中秦岭-大别造山带以南的华南地块东部相对以北的华北地块东部而言具有相对更高的相速度,可能与中生代以来华北克拉通和华南地块的构造演化存在差异有关;周期40~50s的相速度分布主要与下地壳和上地幔速度结构的横向变化有关,青藏高原东部因地壳厚度较厚表现为显著的低速异常,华北平原东南部和华南沿海地区表现为相对的高低速相间分布,四川盆地、鄂尔多斯盆地南部表现为显著高速异常,体现这两个块体稳定的上地幔岩石圈特征.从不同周期的相速度分布来看,华南地块西边界南段在云南东部及附近地区,相速度分布与当前的块体边界划分不太相符,仍需要深入研究.四川盆地相速度随着周期的增加存在"整体低速-盆地中部向外渐变高速-整体高速"的分布特点,反映了该盆地中部结晶基底和上地幔的高速.位于华北地块的鄂尔多斯盆地南部中上地壳存在一定程度的非均匀性,下地壳-上地幔顶部可能存在高速异常体.秦岭-大别造山带中段和位于桂东南的广西加里东期花岗岩分布区域在一定的周期范围存在显著高速异常体,其形成机理有待进一步分析.  相似文献   

华北克拉通是世界上最古老的克拉通之一.我们利用布设于华北中部的ChinArray计划461个宽频带地震台阵的连续波形资料,基于背景噪声成像技术,获得了克拉通中西部5~45 s的Rayleigh波群速度频散曲线,并利用线性反演方法获得了研究区地壳上地幔顶部的S波速度结构.密集流动地震台阵使我们能够揭示研究区精细的地壳上地幔顶部速度变化,以深入探讨华北克拉通中西部深部结构及其对岩浆和地震的控制作用.8 km深度的S波速度切片显示低速与高速异常分别与地表的盆地和山脉对应良好.不同经度和纬度方向的S波速度剖面均表明,西部克拉通地壳大致可以分为上、中、下地壳三层.克拉通西部鄂尔多斯块体的下地壳S波速度介于3.7~3.8 km·s-1,暗示其下地壳以长英质岩石为主.大同火山区下方的S波低速异常从中地壳延伸至上地幔顶部,推测源自软流圈的地幔热流提供了近垂直的主干上涌通道,并控制了该区新生代岩浆活动.强震集中分布在上地壳高速体内部或高低速相间区,其下地壳乃至上地幔顶部都呈现明显的低速异常,推测源自上地幔/下地壳的深部热流沿地壳尺度的陡深断裂上侵,诱发上覆高应力刚性块体发生蠕动破裂...  相似文献   

基于青藏高原东北缘及邻区流动密集地震台阵——喜马拉雅二期2013年12月至2015年8月期间的三分量连续波形数据,采用背景噪声成像方法获得了Rayleigh波周期为6~30 s和Love波6~25 s的二维相速度.6~12 s Rayleigh和Love波相速度在鄂尔多斯盆地及银川—河套地堑呈现明显的低速异常,而在西秦岭造山带和中亚造山带则显示高速异常.16~25 s的相速度同时受中下地壳及上地幔顶部速度结构和地壳厚度影响.此周期范围内,位于青藏高原的祁连地块和松潘甘孜地块北部呈现大范围相速度低速异常,青藏高原周边的鄂尔多斯和西秦岭造山带表现为高速异常.青藏高原与周边块体相速度的横向不均匀性,可能反映了构造活动或者地壳厚度的差异.此外,中亚造山带在周期16~20 s时,Rayleigh波相速度高低相间,但Love波大范围高速异常,两者差异可能反映了径向各向异性的影响.  相似文献   

通过对南北地震带北段区域所布设的676个流动地震台站观测资料进行处理,联合反演面波频散与接收函数数据,获得了研究区内地壳厚度、沉积层厚度的分布情况以及地壳上地幔高分辨率S波速度结构成像结果.反演结果显示研究区地壳厚度从青藏高原东北缘向外总体逐渐变薄,秦岭造山带地壳厚度较同属青藏高原东北缘的北祁连块体明显减薄;鄂尔多斯盆地及河套盆地分布有非常厚的沉积层,阿拉善块体部分区域也有一定沉积层分布,沉积层与研究区内盆地位置较为一致;松潘—甘孜块体、北祁连造山带等青藏高原东北缘总体表现为S波低速异常;在中下地壳,松潘—甘孜块体下方的低速体比北祁连造山带下方的低速体S波速度值更小、分布深度更浅,更有可能对应于部分熔融的地壳;鄂尔多斯盆地在中下地壳以及上地幔内有着较大范围的高速异常一直延伸到120 km以下,而河套盆地地幔只在80 km以上部分有着高速异常的分布,此深度可能代表了河套盆地的岩石圈厚度,来自深部地幔的热物质上涌造成了该区域的岩石圈减薄;阿拉善块体在地壳和上地幔都表现出高低速共存的分布特征,暗示阿拉善块体西部岩石圈可能受青藏高原东北缘的挤压作用发生改造.  相似文献   

The Weihe Basin is the main component of the extrusion and escape shear zone between the ancient North China craton block in Ordos and the ancient Yangtze platform in Sichuan Basin, and carries the dynamic transmission from the main power source of the Qinghai-Tibet Block in the west to the North China and South China regions in the east. The basin itself plays multi roles in the east-west and north-south tectonic movement, and is an excellent site for studying the structural interlacing, dynamic transformation and transmission. At the same time, Weihe Basin is also a famous strong earthquake zone in China. Historically, there was a strong earthquake of magnitude 8 1/4 occurring in Huaxian County in 1556, causing huge casualties and property losses. In view of the special geological structures and the characteristics of modern seismicity activities in the Weihe fault-depression zone, it is necessary to carry out fine three-dimensional velocity structure detection in the deep part of Weihe Basin and its adjacent areas, so as to study the relationship between velocity structure and geological structural units and their evolution process, as well as the deep medium environment where earth ̄quakes develop and occur. We investigate the S-wave velocity structure beneath Weihe Basin and its adjacent regions based on continuous background noise data and teleseismic data recorded by 257 broadband stations in Shaanxi Province and its adjacent regions and China Seismological Science Array Exploration Project, and by adopting seismic surface wave inter-station method and background noise cross-correlation method, a total of 10 049 fundamental-mode Rayleigh surface wave phase velocity dispersion curves in the periods of 5~70s are obtained. Firstly, using the average dispersion curve in this study area, we obtain the one-dimensional average S-wave velocity structure model of the study area, and then we apply the ray-tracing surface-wave-dispersion direct inversion method to obtain the S-wave velocity structure of the crust and uppermost mantle (3~80km) beneath Weihe Basin and its adjacent regions. The test results of a 1°×1° grid checker board show that the recovery is good, except for the areas east of 111° and south of 32° of the study area, where there is almost no resolution. The imaging results show that the velocity structure beneath each tectonic unit in the study area has a certain distribution rule, and there is a good correlation between surface geological structure and deep velocity structure. Based on the analysis of velocity slices at different depths and S-wave velocity structures of three profiles, and combined with existing geological structures, geophysics and other deep exploration research results, we obtain the following knowledge and conclusions:1)The thick sedimentary layer covering the top of Weihe Basin is the cause of low velocity anomaly in its shallow crust, the middle and upper crust of the basin are of low velocity structure, and the low-velocity zone extends about 25km, the Moho interface uplifts abruptly relative to both the Ordos Block and the Qinling orogenic belt on opposite sides, and high-speed materials from the upper mantle intrude into the lower crust, which may be related to the underplating of mafic-ultramafic materials from the upper mantle in Mesozoic-Cenozoic period; 2)The south Ordos Block is not a homogeneous whole, the low-velocity structure of the shallow crust in southern Ordos Block is thin in east and thick in west, which may be related to the overall tilting of the Ordos Basin since the Phanerozoic, as well as the differential uplift and strong and uneven denudation of the Ordos Block since the Late Cretaceous. The crustal structure of the south Ordos Block is relatively simple and homogeneous. There is no significant low-velocity structure in the curst of the block, which shows that the low-velocity structure in the crust does not penetrate the whole Ordos block. We speculate that the southern Ordos Block still maintains the stable craton property, and has not been reformed significantly so far; 3)The variation characteristics of deep structure of the Qinling orogenic belt reflect the deep crustal structure and tectonic deformation characteristics of the orogenic belt which are strongly reformed by land-land collision and suture between North China plate and Yangtze plate, intracontinental orogeny, uplift of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and its northeastern expansion since the Late Hercynian-Indosinian period. The deep structure beneath the eastern and western Qinling orogenic belt is different and has the characteristics of segmentation. The low-velocity anomaly at the bottom of the lower crust of the orogenic belt may be affected by tectonic activities such as uplift and outward extension of the NE Tibetan plateau, and the analysis considers that there is little possibility of the existence of lower crustal circulation channel for the eastward flowing of Tibetan plateau materials in the Qinling orogenic belt. However, since the maximum depth from the inversion of this paper is 80km, which is located at the top of the upper mantle, our results cannot prove that there exists a mantle flow channel for the eastward flow of Tibetan plateau material beneath the Qinling orogenic belt.  相似文献   

The Tienshan orogenic belt is one of the most active intracontinental orogenic belts in the world. Studying the deep crust-mantle structure in this area is of great significance for understanding the deep dynamics of the Tienshan orogen. The distribution of fixed seismic stations in the Tianshan orogenic belt is sparse. The low resolution of the existing tomographic results in the Tienshan orogenic belt has affected the in-depth understanding of the deep dynamics of the Tienshan orogenic belt. In this paper, the observation data of 52 mobile seismic stations in the Xinjiang Seismic Network and the 11 new seismic stations in the Tienshan area for one-year observations are used. The seismic ambient noise tomography method is used to obtain the Rayleigh surface wave velocity distribution image in the range of 10~50s beneath the Chinese Tienshan and its adjacent areas (41°~48° N, 79°~91° E). The joint inversion of surface wave and receiver function reveals the S-wave velocity structure of the crust and uppermost mantle and the crustal thickness below the station beneath the Chinese Tienshan area(41°~46° N, 79°~91° E). The use of observation data from mobile stations and new fixed seismic stations has improved the resolution of surface wave phase velocity imaging and S-wave velocity structure models in the study area.
The results show that there are many obvious low-velocity layers in the crust near the basin-bearing zone in the northern Tienshan Mountains and the southern Tienshan Mountains. There are significant differences in the structural characteristics and distribution range of the low-velocity zone in the northern margin and the southern margin. Combining previous research results on artificial seismic profiles, receiver function profiles, teleseismic tomography, and continental subduction simulation experiments, it is speculated that the subduction of the Tarim Basin and the Junggar Basin to the Tienshan orogenic belt mainly occurs in the middle of the Chinese Tienshan orogenic belt, and the subduction of the southern margin of the Tienshan Mountains is larger than that of the northern margin, and the subduction of the eastern crust is not obvious or in the early subduction stage. There are many low-velocity layers in the inner crust of the Tienshan orogenic belt, and most of them correspond to the strong uplifting areas that are currently occurring. The thickness of the crust below the Tienshan orogenic belt is between 55km and 63km. The thickness of the crust(about 63km)is the largest near the BLT seismic station in the Bazhou region of Xinjiang. The average crustal thickness of the Tarim Basin is about 45km, and that of the Junggar Basin is 47km. The S-wave velocity structure obtained in this study can provide a new deep basis for the study of the segmentation of the Tienshan orogenic belt and the difference of the basin-mountain coupling type.  相似文献   

陕西省数字地震台下方壳幔速度结构研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用广义反、透射系数的传递矩阵计算理论地震图,用快速模拟退火法搜索最佳模型,通过与地震台站实际记录的P波波形进行拟合对比,反演了陕西省13个数字地震台下方的P波速度结构。台站分布区域涉及到秦岭造山带、渭河盆地及鄂尔多斯地台三个构造区域。结果显示,3个构造区的地下速度结构差异明显,呈现了各自的构造特点。其中秦岭造山带上地壳乃至地表速度高,中下地壳出现多个低速层,可能与岩石脱水、构造滑脱带等有关;渭河盆地内上中地壳高低速度层交替出现,反映了断层活动在浅部的影响;鄂尔多斯地台有部分台站保持稳定的匀速构造。反映了古老地台地层稳定发展的特性,部分台站受到后期改造,低速层位增多。因为变化剧烈的台站分布在盆地的南部和西部。而且震源机制解显示该区主应力场方向为近东西向,可以说秦岭北缘的断裂作用以及后来来自青藏高原的挤压应力是导致渭河盆地形成和发展的主要因素。最后我们讨论了速度结构与强震、地震分布以及不同构造演化的关系。  相似文献   

从2013年3月至2014年11月,我们布设了一条延川—涪陵的流动宽频带地震台阵,剖面由70个流动台站组成,全长约900km,穿越华北克拉通、秦岭—大巴造山带和扬子克拉通东北缘陆内三大构造单元.利用记录到的远震波形资料,提取得到5638个远震P波接收函数,使用H-κ叠加扫描和CCP偏移叠加方法刻划了秦岭造山带与南北相邻地带的地壳厚度、泊松比以及构造界带.研究结果显示,(1)关于地壳厚度:地壳最厚的区域出现在大巴山,地壳厚度集中在47~51km之间,秦岭的地壳厚度相对大巴山较薄,且呈向北减薄趋势,集中在37~46km之间,渭河盆地地壳厚度为本区域最薄地带,在34°N左右处达到最薄为35km,剖面北侧的南鄂尔多斯盆地的地壳厚度变化缓慢,多为44km左右,南侧的四川盆地东北缘的地壳厚度向南缓慢减薄,集中在42~48km之间;(2)关于泊松比:使用接收函数H-κ叠加扫描法得到了沿剖面各台站下方地壳的平均纵、横波速度比VP/VS(κ),进一步计算得到泊松比σ,泊松比具有明显的横向分块特征,秦岭造山带的泊松比明显低于南北两侧区域,其小于0.26的泊松比表征着该区域地壳物质组分主要为酸性岩石,亦即其酸性长英质组分上地壳相对于基性铁镁质组分下地壳较厚,该区域没有高泊松比分布则表明不存在广泛的部分熔融.(3)关于构造界带:秦岭—大巴造山带与扬子克拉通的边界并非在勉略构造带,应向南移至四川盆地的东北缘,华北克拉通和扬子克拉通分踞秦岭—大巴造山带南、北两侧,且分别以较陡倾角向南和相对较缓的倾角向北俯冲于秦岭—大巴造山带之下,使得秦岭—大巴造山带呈不对称状扇形向外扩展与向上抬升的空间几何模型.秦岭和大巴山之间33°N附近存在分界面,两区域地壳厚度与泊松比特征各异.  相似文献   

In order to acquire a better velocity structure of the crustal and uppermost mantle beneath Shanxi area, we obtain the group and phase velocities of Rayleigh wave of the periods 8s to 50s in Shanxi and adjacent area using ambient seismic noise recorded at 216 broad-band stations. All available vertical-component time series for 2014 have been cross-correlated to yield estimates of empirical Rayleigh wave Green's function. Group and phase velocity dispersion curves for Rayleigh wave are measured for each interstation path by applying frequency-time analysis. It describes finer velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle in Shanxi, which reflects the geological structure characteristics at different depths. The resolution is within 50km and the resolution of part periods can reach 40km.The Rayleigh wave group and phase speed maps at short periods(8~18s and 10~22s)show clear correlations with shallow geological structures. Mountain areas on both sides of Shanxi depression zone show apparent high-velocity anomaly, except for low-velocity anomaly in the Taiyuan Basin, Linfen-Yuncheng Basin and Weihe Basin. Especially, the areas of Youyu County-Pianguan County-Kelan County-Shuozhou City and Jingle County-Lishi District of Lüliang City in Lüliang Mountains, and Yu County-Fuping County-Yi County and Yangcheng County-Licheng County in Taihang Mountains, present higher velocity anomaly. In addition, the velocity is lowest in the Weihe Basin, and the amplitude of low velocity decreases gradually from the south to the north of the basins in Shanxi, which probably is related to the process of gradual stretching and development of the Shanxi rift zone from the southwest to the northeast. The obvious velocity difference across the latitude of 38°N exists at 18~30s period of phase and 24~35s period of group velocity maps, which is probably related to the deep and shallow Moho depth variation in the south and north of Shanxi and the suture zone of ancient blocks including "hard" southern block and "soft" northern block. At the same time, the research result of receiver function reveals that partial melting of the lower crust occurs in the northern Taihang Mountains, while the southern section remains stable(Poisson's ratio is above 0.3 in the northern Taihang Mountains and 0.25~0.26 in the southern section). The phase velocity map at 30~50s period clearly shows NW velocity gradient belt, and the low velocity anomaly in the northeast side may be related to Cenozoic volcanism. Meanwhile, the eastern border of Ordos block is the western faults of central basins in Shanxi depression zone. However, some research results indicate that the above border is Lishi Fault in the surface, inferring that the Ordos block shows a shape of wide in the upper and narrow in the lower part from the surface to deep. The Datong volcanic area at 18~45s period of phase and 24~35s period of group velocity maps shows low velocity of trumpet shape from shallow to deep, related to the upwelling of hot material from lower mantle in the Cenozoic causing a large area of intense magmatic activity. It indicates the more specific upwelling channel of Datong volcanoes simultaneously.  相似文献   

利用"中国地震科学台阵探测"在南北地震带北段布设的670套宽频带地震台站记录到的面波资料,使用新近发展的程函方程面波层析成像方法,获得了青藏高原东北缘及周边地区12~60 s周期范围比以往成像结果具有更高分辨率的瑞利面波相速度分布图像.青藏高原东北缘的祁连褶皱系西段、秦岭褶皱系西段和松潘一甘孜褶皱系,在16~60s周期范围内均显示出明显的低速异常分布,表明该地区的地壳力学强度较低,在强烈的构造应力作用下易发生形变.与西段不同,祁连褶皱系东段和秦岭褶皱系中段的相速度分布特征揭示,其中下地壳的速度明显高于高原内部区域.鄂尔多斯块体整体上表现为稳定块体具有的高速特征,但其西部边缘在中上地壳的速度比块体中部地区偏低,且存在一定的不均匀性.鄂尔多斯块体西北缘的临河断陷盆地和西缘的银川断陷盆地,在较短的周期范围内(12~20 s)表现为局部低速特征,但与银川断陷盆地不同,临河断陷盆地的低速特征可一直延续至60 s周期以上,表明该盆地下方地壳及上地幔速度明显偏低,可能与深部热作用有关.阿拉善块体与其北部地区的速度差异主要表现在中上地壳,这一现象值得今后进一步探讨.基于程函方程面波层析成像方法给出了青藏高原东北缘及周边地区高分辨率的成像结果,揭示了以往面波层析成像难以获得的深部细节特征,为该地区的深部构造研究提供了新的信息.  相似文献   

秦岭造山带与其南北两侧华北克拉通和扬子克拉通属三大构造单元,不论其各构造单元体还是其界带构造均甚为复杂,并受到多期次构造运动的制约,形成了大陆内部特异的造山过程.尽管在这一地域曾做过大量的地表地质工作和一些相关的地球物理工作,但对其壳、幔精细结构、深层动力过程,特别是同步穿越华北克拉通、秦岭-大巴造山带和扬子克拉通系统的耦合研究甚少.为了研究和探索该地域的壳、幔精细速度结构和其形成的深层过程,专门布置了一条北起榆林,向南经咸阳、宁陕直抵涪陵长达1000 km的高精度地震宽角反射、折射波场探测剖面.通过剖面辖区高分辨率的数据采集,数据处理、反演和壳、幔层、块精细速度结构,发现剖面辖区深部壳、幔结构存在特异的速度和结构变化,并厘定了一系列的新认识.研究结果表明:(1)秦岭—大巴造山带具有同一基底,其形成乃为结晶基底隆升所致,即它的形成仅涉及到上地壳的受力变形和空间状态.造山带与其南、北两侧的前陆盆地为陆内造山过程中同一深层过程的产物,但其沉积速率和形态却不相同.华北克拉通与秦岭造山带之间前陆盆地Bfc拉张为该区Moho界面的局部隆升所致.(2)首次提出了沿1000 km长剖面连续的沉积建造、结晶基底、上地壳、下地壳和上地幔顶部的层、块速度结构和各界面的起伏变化与空间状态.基于地震波边界场响应厘定了华北克拉通、秦岭—大巴造山带和扬子克拉通的分区界带.论述了三大构造单元各自的内部结构和其相邻界域的速度变化特征.(3)该区大陆内部速度结构和不同类型断裂分布及层序在华北克拉通、秦岭—大巴造山带、扬子克拉通三大块体地域存在显著差异.不同规模、层次与产状的断裂分布反映出它们在变形行为和机制上及所受构造运动的制约上均存在明显的差异.  相似文献   

Rayleigh wave phase velocities of South China block and its adjacent areas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using records of continuous seismic waveforms from 609 broadband seismic stations in the South China Block and its adjacent areas in 2010–2012, empirical Green's functions of surface waves were obtained from cross-correlation functions of ambient noise data between these stations. High quality phase velocity dispersion curves of Rayleigh waves were obtained using time-frequency analysis. These interstation dispersion curves were then inverted to build Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps at periods of 6–50 s. The results of phase velocity maps indicate that phase velocities at 6–10 s periods are correlated with the geological features in the upper crust. Major basins and small-scale grabens and basins display slow velocity anomalies; while most of the orogenic belts and the fold belts display high velocity anomalies. With the gravity gradient zone along Taihang Mountain to Wuling Mountain as the boundary for the phase velocity maps at period of 20–30 s, the western area mainly displays low velocity anomalies, while the eastern side shows high velocity anomalies. Phase velocities in the eastern South China Block south to the Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt is higher than that in the eastern North China Block to the north, which is possibly due to the differences of tectonic mechanisms between the North China Craton and the South China Block. The phase velocities at periods of40–50 s are possibly related to the lateral variations of the velocity structure in the lower crust and upper mantle: The low-velocity anomalies in the eastern part of the Tibetan Plateau are caused by the thick crust; while the Sichuan Basin and the southern part of the Ordos Basin display distinct high-velocity anomalies, reflecting the stable features of the lithosphere in these blocks. The lateral variation pattern of phase velocities in the southern part of the South China Block is not consistent with the surface trace of the block boundary in the eastern Yunnan Province and its vicinities. The phase velocities in the Sichuan Basin are overall slow at short periods and gradually increase with period from the central part to the edge of the basin, indicating the features of shallower basement in the center and overall stable lithospheric mantle of the basin. The middle and upper crust of the southern Ordos Basin in the North China Block is heterogeneous, while in lower crust and the uppermost mantle the phase velocities mainly exhibit high anomalies. High-velocity anomalies are widespread at the middle of the Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt, as well as the areas in southeastern Guangxi with Caledonian granite explosion, but its detailed mechanism is still unclear.  相似文献   

对包含大别-苏鲁碰撞造山带在内的东经 112°-124°,北纬28°-39°区域进行地 震层析成像研究,重建其地壳及上部地幔的三维速度图像.结果表明:造山带岩石圈速度横 向不均匀性显著;大别造山带以商城-麻城断裂为界,东侧的大别地块与西侧红安地块在地 壳速度上是两个不同的速度块体;中地壳 15-25km深度范围内存在低速带,与伸展滑脱构造 有关;南、北大别构造单元之下,莫霍面下凹,地壳内发育了速度为6.5-6.6km/s、向北倾斜的 相对高速体,与超高压变质岩体相对应;在大别-苏鲁造山带下方的上部地幔中存在向北倾 斜的板片状高速体,结合已有地质、地球化学证据推测,它是三叠纪俯冲的扬子地块的残留 体;俯冲板片在深部发生了断离.本文利用地震层析成像方法揭示的造山带岩石圈速度结构 细节,对研究与地表地质有关的地球动力学无疑是十分重要的.  相似文献   

基于EGM2008重力场模型计算获得了渭河盆地及邻区布格重力异常。采用小波多尺度分解方法对布格重力异常进行了4阶小波逼近和小波细节分解,同时基于平均径向对数功率谱方法定量化地计算出1~4阶小波细节和小波逼近所对应的场源平均埋深。结合区域地质和地震资料,对获得的重力场结果进行分析,得到如下结论:①鄂尔多斯地块、渭河盆地、秦岭造山带3个一级构造单元的布格重力异常之间存在明显差异;构造区内部重力异常也存在横向的显著差异。布格重力异常的走向、规模、分布特征与二级构造区及主要的断裂具有一定的对应关系。②渭河盆地及邻区布格重力异常1~4阶细节对应4~23 km不同深度的场源信息,鄂尔多斯地块南缘东、西部的地壳结构存在明显的差异;渭河盆地凹陷、凸起构造区边界清晰,断裂边界与重力异常边界具有较好的一致性;秦岭造山带重力异常连贯性不好,东、西部重力异常变化特征表现出明显的差异。③渭河盆地及邻区布格重力异常分布与莫霍面埋深具有非常明显的镜像关系。渭河盆地及邻区地震主要分布在六盘山—陇县—宝鸡断裂带、渭河断裂与渭南塬前断裂交汇处、韩城断裂与双泉—临猗断裂交汇处。渭河盆地及邻区重力异常主要由中上地壳剩余密度体所影响,这可能是该区地震以浅源地震为主的主要原因。  相似文献   

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