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本文利用DMSP F13和F15卫星观测数据,对2001—2005年58个磁暴(-472 nT≤Min.Dst≤-71 nT)期间高纬顶部电离层离子整体上行特征进行了统计研究.观测表明,磁暴期间,顶部电离层离子上行主要发生在极尖区和夜间极光椭圆区.在北半球,磁正午前,高速的离子上行(≥500 m·s-1)多集中在65° MLat以上;午后,高速离子上行区向低纬度扩展,上行速度要略高于午前;在南半球,磁午夜前,DMSP卫星在考察区域内几乎所有的纬度上都观测到了高速上行的离子;午夜后,各纬度上观测到上行离子的速度明显降低.离子上行期间,DMSP卫星在极区顶部电离层高度上也频繁地观测到电子/离子增温,且电子增温发生的频率要远高于离子增温.O+密度变化分析显示,DMSP卫星磁暴期间观测到的上行离子更多地源于顶部电离层高度.这些结果表明电子增温在驱动暴时电离层离子整体上行过程中起着重要作用.  相似文献   

太阳活动高年上电离层中O+-H+离子过渡高度的特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文用日本电离层探测卫星ISS-b的资料,假设F2层峰顶以上电离层中各类离子随高度呈扩散平衡分布,得到了太阳活动高年(1978年8月-1979年8月)确定顶外电离层电子密度剖面形状的一个重要参数,即O+-H+离子过渡高度hT的一些变化特征.指出hT的日变化特性主要受电离层中O+离子的产生与复合作用的控制.太阳活动高年在不同纬度和所有经度区域,平均说来日间hT为大约1500-2500km变化,而夜间位于800-1400km,冬夜甚至接近中性氢、氧原子的化学平衡高度.过渡高度也表现出明显的纬度关系,在接近±20°的磁赤道地区,hT基本上不随纬度变化;但在大于±30°磁纬区域hT随纬度很快增加.义中还就hT随时间和地磁(或地理)纬度变化的机制作了简要讨论.  相似文献   

高纬日侧电离层离子上行的地磁活动依赖性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文对比分析了太阳活动高、低年期间高纬日侧顶部电离层离子上行随地磁活动水平的变化特征.按地磁活动水平,将DMSP卫星在太阳活动高年(2000-2002年,F13和F15)及太阳活动低年(2007-2009年,F13;2007-2010年,F15)期间的SSIES离子漂移速度观测数据分为三组:地磁平静期(Kp<3),中等地磁扰动期(3 ≤ Kp < 5)和强地磁活动期(Kp ≥ 5),分别统计分析了高纬日侧顶部电离层离子上行特征的时空分布.对比分析发现:(1)太阳活动低年期间,高纬日侧电离层离子上行发生率以及上行速度峰值均是太阳活动高年的2倍多,而离子上行通量峰值只有高年的1/6-1/4;(2)在相同太阳活动条件下,地磁活动水平对日侧电离层离子上行发生率峰值的影响并不明显,但对离子上行发生率的空间分布有着显著的控制作用:电离层离子上行高发区随地磁活动向低纬度扩展,并在强地磁活动期间呈现饱和的趋势;(3)日侧顶部电离层等离子体似乎存在两个效率相当的上行区域,一个位于极尖/极隙区纬度附近,离子可沿开放磁力线上行进入磁尾;另一个位于晨侧亚极光区附近,离子沿闭合磁力线上行,有可能进入日侧等离子体层边界层.  相似文献   

利用CRRES/MICS的观测数据,研究了磁暴期间内磁层离子成分的变化.对1991年两个典型磁暴和12个大磁暴的分析表明,组成暴时环电流的离子可以分成两组,一组由O+、低能H+和He+组成,起源于电离层(IOP);另一组为高能H+和He++,主要来自太阳风(SOP).宁静时环电流主要成分为SOP,大磁暴主相极大时环电流的主要成分是IOP.大磁暴期间离子可被注入到很低的高度(L=3-4).IOP对环电流的贡献随磁暴强度增大而增加,在大磁暴主相极大时可达80%(数密度).IOP中O+的快速增减是导致Dst指数在磁暴主相期间快速下降和恢复相中快速增长的主要原因.小磁暴中(Dst>-50nT)O+对环电流的贡献可以忽略不计.  相似文献   

不同地磁活动水平下电离层H+上行的半球对比研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
赵凯  蒋勇  门可佩  黄林峰  傅帅 《地球物理学报》2014,57(11):3715-3728
使用FAST/TEAMS仪器在第23太阳活动周下降相的数据,从地磁活动水平的角度,分别分析在磁静日(Kp≤2+)和磁扰日(Kp≥3+)时南(SH)、北半球(NH)高纬(>50°)电离层H+的上行强度,计算其上行率和净上行积分能通量,以期得到H+上行的长期水平并分析地磁扰动期间南、北半球离子上行强度的异同.研究结果表明,磁扰期间上行强度显著加强,平静期南、北半球的平均上行率分别是~15%和~20%,而磁扰期的平均上行率分别增强了1.45倍和1.04倍,磁扰期间南半球上行强度的增长更显著;平静期南半球的上行强度小于北半球,但磁扰期两个半球的上行强度相当;磁午夜和黎明区间受地磁扰动的影响最显著,其磁扰期与平静期上行率的比值(S/Q)最大,同时南半球在各个地方时区间的S/Q值均大于北半球;另外,我们发现磁扰期间的上行率在极光椭圆带下边界附近增幅最明显,而积分通量在上边界附近增加显著.上行源区以平静期的源区为中心从日侧极尖区扩展到磁午夜、且向低磁纬延伸,同时,极尖区上行源区在磁扰期有向晨侧偏移的趋势.  相似文献   

2011年5月26日北京上空TeSL与Es、大气风场的同时观测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文报道了北京延庆(116.0°E,40.5°N)钠荧光激光雷达在2011年5月26日夜间观测到的一例低热层钠层(lower thermospheric-enhanced sodium layer,TeSL)事例,从数据采集开始到观测结束,该低热层钠层持续存在且不断增强,峰值密度从250 cm-3增加至1500 cm-3,峰值高度却从111 km逐渐下降到100 km.同一时间相距28 km的测高仪也观测到了出现在106~117 km的Es层,平均强度4.5 MHz;对流星雷达设备观测到的75~100 km的纬向风风速进行拟合,得到100~125 km的风速,风剪切节点从122 km下降到108 km.Es层和纬向风剪切节点的演化趋势与TeSL事件呈现出极好的相关性.我们计算了离子垂直速度及辐射复合反应的生成率,对钠原子的出现高度和密度做出解释,推测风剪切汇聚的Na+与Es层中的电子中和,是形成当日TeSL的主要机制.  相似文献   

根据解析求解引导中心近似的动力学方程得到的离子分布函数 ,研究了不同Kp指数条件下起源于不同电离层区域的上行O+离子通量密度沿不同经度处的磁力线的定态分布 ,并研究了上行O+离子向不同磁层区域传输的特性 .主要结果为 :( 1 )起源于向阳面极光带外侧及更低纬区的电离层离子基本上传输到向阳面磁层区 ;起源于背阳面极光带及更低纬区的电离层离子基本上传输到背阳面磁尾等离子体片区和闭合磁力线区 ;起源于极盖区及向阳面极光带内侧的电离层离子基本上传输到等离子体幔区和磁瓣区 .( 2 )上行离子主要分布在近地空间 ,其通量密度相对于地心距离呈负梯度 .( 3)地磁活动指数Kp 增高时上行离子进入磁层的概率增大 ,因而上行离子起动力学作用的地球空间范围增大 .所得结果可解释有关地顶的观测特征 ,理论估算的上行离子在磁尾的通量密度与观测结果相符合.  相似文献   

不同太阳活动及地磁条件下的电导率分布变化   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
电离层电导率在不同的太阳活动和地磁条件下会发生变化. 本文通过中性大气经验模式NRLMSISE_00(Neutral Atmosphere Empirical Model_2000,简称NRLMSISE_00)和电离层经验模式IRI_2001(International Reference Ionosphere_2001,简称IRI_2001)计算电离层的电子、离子碰撞频率以及电导率,并简要讨论了120 km和300 km高度上的电导率在不同季节、不同太阳活动和地磁指数下的经纬分布. 结果显示,电导率的分布与日照密切相关,且随太阳活动的变化而变化. 磁暴时电导率随地磁活动的变化相对于随太阳活动的变化要小,在120?km高度,磁暴期间电导率在低纬地区和高纬地区发生不同变化,且Pedersen电导率和Hall电导率变化趋势相反,向两极靠近,电导率变化幅度略有增长;在300?km高度上,磁暴对低纬地区和高纬地区电导率的影响要比120?km处大,Pedersen电导率和Hall电导率变化趋势相同,且越向两极靠近电导率的变化幅度越大.  相似文献   

从雷电脉冲谱推算出低电离层等效结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从低电离层-地面波导中电波传播的波导模理论出发,分析了雷电产生的电磁脉冲(LEP)谱随距离变化与低电离层结构之间关系。利用LEP谱中干扰最小值时的频率与指数电离层模式参量的关系得出低电离层等效模拟参量。从我们观测出的LEP数据得出指数电离层等效参量是:在白天β=0.3km-1,hi=70km;在夜间β=0.5km-1,hi=88km。并指出使用这种方法可以观测出低电离层在时间上和地理位置上的变化。  相似文献   

对DE2航天器测量的离子漂移速度矢量的检验揭示了高纬度区垂直和平行于磁场的电离层流动的意义.在行星际磁场南向期间,垂直于磁场的两涡对流图案伴随着电离层等离子体的场向运动,这种运动在昼侧极光带和极隙区的主要是向上的,在极盖区主要是向下的.对流通过中性大气产生的摩擦加热和能粒子沉降产生的加热确信是导致等离子体总体向上流动和随后等离子的冷却造成的向下流动的原因.一部分向上流动的等离子体看来是在约800km以上高度中获得逃逸能量的,在400km高度处通过整个高纬度区的平均离子流是向外的.它可与DEI在远高于400km的高度上观侧到的向外的能离子流相比拟。  相似文献   

The polar wind is an ambipolar outflow of thermal plasma from the high-latitude ionosphere to the magnetosphere, and it primarily consists of H+, He+ and O+ ions and electrons. Statistical and episodic studies based primarily on ion composition observations on the ISIS-2, DE-1, Akebono and Polar satellites over the past four decades have confirmed the existence of the polar wind. These observations spanned the altitude range from 1000 to ∼50,500 km, and revealed several important features in the polar wind that are unexpected from “classical” polar wind theories. These include the day–night asymmetry in polar wind velocity, which is 1.5–2.0 times larger on the dayside; appreciable O+ flow at high altitudes, where the velocity at 5000–10,000 km is of 1–4 km/s; and significant electron temperature anisotropy in the sunlit polar wind, in which the upward-to-downward electron temperature ratio is 1.5–2. These features are attributable to a number of “non-classical” polar wind ion acceleration mechanisms resulting from strong ionospheric convection, enhanced electron and ion temperatures, and escaping atmospheric photoelectrons. The observed polar wind has an averaged ion temperature of ∼0.2–0.3 eV, and a rate of ion velocity increase with altitude that correlates strongly with electron temperature and is greatest at low altitudes (<4000 km for H+). The rate of velocity increase below 4000 km is larger at solar minimum than at solar maximum. Above 4000 km, the reverse is the case. This suggests that the dominant polar wind ion acceleration process may be different at low and high altitudes, respectively. At a given altitude, the polar wind velocity is highly variable, and is on average largest for H+ and smallest for O+. Near solar maximum, H+, He+, and O+ ions typically reach a velocity of 1 km/s near 2000, 3000, and 6000 km, respectively, and velocities of 12, 7, and 4 km/s, respectively, at 10,000 km altitude. Near solar minimum, the velocity of all three species is smaller at high altitudes. Observationally it is not always possible to unambiguously separate an energized “non-polar-wind” ion such as a low-energy “cleft ion fountain” ion that has convected into a polar wind flux tube from an energized “polar-wind” ion that is accelerated locally by “non-classical” polar-wind ion acceleration mechanisms. Significant questions remain on the relative contribution between the cleft ion fountain, auroral bulk upflow, and the topside polar-cap ionosphere to the O+ polar wind population at high altitudes, the effect of positive spacecraft charging on the lowest-energy component of the H+ polar wind population, and the relative importance of the various classical and non-classical ion acceleration mechanisms. These questions pose several challenges in future polar wind observations: These include measurement of the lowest-energy component in the presence of positive spacecraft potential, definitive determination and if possible active control of the spacecraft potential, definitive discrimination between polar wind and other inter-mixed thermal ion populations, measurement of the three-dimensional ion drift velocity vector and the parallel and perpendicular ion temperatures or the detailed three-dimensional velocity distribution function, and resolution of He+ and other minor ion species in the polar wind population.  相似文献   

Annual and seasonal variations in the low-latitude topside ionosphere are investigated using observations made by the Hinotori satellite and the Sheffield University Plasmasphere Ionosphere Model (SUPIM). The observed electron densities at 600 km altitude show a strong annual anomaly at all longitudes. The average electron densities of conjugate latitudes within the latitude range ±25° are higher at the December solstice than at the June solstice by about 100% during daytime and 30% during night-time. Model calculations show that the annual variations in the neutral gas densities play important roles. The model values obtained from calculations with inputs for the neutral densities obtained from MSIS86 reproduce the general behaviour of the observed annual anomaly. However, the differences in the modelled electron densities at the two solstices are only about 30% of that seen in the observed values. The model calculations suggest that while the differences between the solstice values of neutral wind, resulting from the coupling of the neutral gas and plasma, may also make a significant contribution to the daytime annual anomaly, the E × B drift velocity may slightly weaken the annual anomaly during daytime and strengthen the anomaly during the post-sunset period. It is suggested that energy sources, other than those arising from the 6% difference in the solar EUV fluxes at the two solstices due to the change in the Sun-Earth distance, may contribute to the annual anomaly. Observations show strong seasonal variations at the solstices, with the electron density at 600 km altitude being higher in the summer hemisphere than in the winter hemisphere, contrary to the behaviour in NmF2. Model calculations confirm that the seasonal behaviour results from effects caused by transequatorial component of the neutral wind in the direction summer hemisphere to winter hemisphere.  相似文献   

The ionospheric signature of a flux transfer event (FTE) seen in EISCAT radar data has been used as the basis for a modelling study using a new numerical model of the high-latitude ionosphere developed at the University of Sheffield, UK. The evolution of structure in the high-latitude ionosphere is investigated and examined with respect to the current views of polar patch formation and development. A localized velocity enhancement, of the type associated with FTEs, is added to the plasma as it passes through the cusp. This is found to produce a region of greatly enhanced ion temperature. The new model can provide greater detail during this event as it includes anisotropic temperature calculations for the O+ ions. This illustrates the uneven partitioning of the energy during an event of this type. O+ ion temperatures are found to become increasingly anisotropic, with the perpendicular temperature being substantially larger than the parallel component during the velocity enhancement. The enhanced temperatures lead to an increase in the recombination rate, which results in an alteration of the ion concentrations. A region of decreased O+ and increased molecular ion concentration develops in the cusp. The electron temperature is less enhanced than the ions. As the new model has an upper boundary of 10 000 km the topside can also be studied in great detail. Large upward fluxes are seen to transport plasma to higher altitudes, contributing to the alteration of the ion densities. Plasma is stored in the topside ionosphere and released several hours after the FTE has finished as the flux tube convects across the polar cap. This mechanism illustrates how concentration patches can be created on the dayside and be maintained into the nightside polar cap.  相似文献   

A simple integral equation describing the height of the mid-latitude ionosphere is presented and compared with observations and a more sophisticated model. At any instant, the ionosphere moves toward an equilibrium altitude, if it exists, which is determined by a combination of southward wind and eastward electric field. If no equilibrium exists, the layer simply falls at its terminal velocity or at a wind or electric field-aided rate. Including a simple recombination model provides an even more complete characterization of the nighttime ionosphere. By comparing the measured and predicted content, an estimate of the flux from the plasmasphere is possible.  相似文献   

We used bottomside ground observations and topside sounding data from the Intercosmos-19 satellite to study a Travelling Ionospheric Disturbance (TID) that occurred in response to Large-Scale Internal Gravity Wave (LSIGW) propagation during a substorm on November 30, 1979. We built a global scheme for the wavelike ionospheric variations during this medium substorm (AEmax ~800 nT). The area where the TID was observed looks like a wedge since it covers the nighttime hours at subauroral latitudes but contracts to a ~02 h local sector at low latitudes. The ionospheric response is strongly asymmetric because the wedge area and the TID amplitude are larger in the winter hemisphere than in the summer hemisphere. Clear evidence was obtained indicating that the more powerful TID from the Northern (winter) hemisphere propagated across the equator into the low latitude Southern (summer) hemisphere. Intercosmos-19 observations show that the disturbance covers the entire thickness of the topside ionosphere, from hmF2 up to at least the 1000 km satellite altitude at post-midnight local times. F-layer lifting reached ~200 km, Ne increases in the topside ionosphere by up to a factor of ~1.9 and variations in NmF2 of both signs were observed. Assumptions are made concerning the reason for the IGW effect at high altitudes in the topside ionosphere. The relationship between TID parameters and source characteristics determined from a global network of magnetometers are studied. The role of the dayside cusp in the generation of the TID in the daytime ionosphere is discussed. The magnetospheric electric field effects are distinguished from IGW effects.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis of F-region and topside auroral ion upflow events is presented. The study is based on observations from EISCAT Common Programmes (CP) 1 and 2 made between 1984 and 1996, and Common Programme 7 observations taken between 1990 and 1995. The occurrence frequency of ion upflow events (IUEs) is examined over the altitude range 200 to 500 km, using field-aligned observations from CP-1 and CP-2. The study is extended in altitude with vertical measurements from CP-7. Ion upflow events were identified by consideration of both velocity and flux, with threshold values of 100 m s–1 and 1013 m–2 s–1, respectively. The frequency of occurrence of IUEs is seen to increase with increasing altitude. Further analysis of the field-aligned observations reveals that the number and nature of ion upflow events vary diurnally and with season and solar activity. In particular, the diurnal distribution of upflows is strongly dependent on solar cycle. Furthermore, events identified by the velocity selection criterion dominate at solar minimum, whilst events identified by the upward field-aligned flux criterion dominated at solar maximum. The study also provides a quantitative estimate of the proportion of upflows that are associated with enhanced plasma temperature. Between 50 and 60% of upflows are simultaneous with enhanced ion temperature, and approximately 80% of events are associated with either increased F-region ion or electron temperatures.  相似文献   

More than 30 years after the prediction of the polar wind outflow from the high latitude ionosphere, the exact magnitude and ultimate fate of the ionospheric plasma supply remains unknown. Estimates made more than a decade ago suggested that the polar ion outflow might well be of sufficient strength to populate the different regions of the Earth’s magnetosphere. Direct measurements in the high altitude magnetosphere became possible only with the launch of the Polar spacecraft. The combination of the Thermal Ion Dynamics Experiment and the Plasma Source Instrument has revealed the presence of low energy (<10 eV) ions moving through the polar regions and into the lobes of the magnetotail. These ions would have been invisible to previous un-neutralized satellites because of the high positive spacecraft potentials. Through the use of a recently developed single particle trajectory and energization code, the movement and energy transformation of these measured particles can be estimated. They are found to move into the plasma sheet region and to be energized to typical plasma sheet energies. The magnitude of the flux of the highly variable out-flowing ions mapped to 1000 km altitude is 1 − 3 × 108 ions/cm2 s in agreement with the original estimates. Future observations by the TIDE/PSI instruments will be required to determine the extent of the total ionospheric contribution.  相似文献   

The results of observations of the solar eclipse ionospheric effects on March 29, 2006, are presented. The observations were conducted using the partial reflection method near Nizhni Novgorod and the vertical sounding method at the automatic ionospheric station near Murmansk. It has been obtained that the electron density at altitudes of 77 and 91 km decreases by a factor of more than 4; in this case the response of the ionosphere at an altitude of 91 km lags behind the eclipse maximum phase on the Earth by approximately 20 min. It has been established that the eclipse in the E and F1 regions of the polar ionosphere causes a change in the electron density by 15–20%. The delay time of this effect varies from 12 to 24 min depending on the altitude. It has been registered that the reflection virtual altitude at altitudes of the ionospheric F region increases in Murmansk and Nizhni Novgorod.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report the results of our comparison study between satellite measurements and the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model on the seasonal and longitudinal changes of the low-latitude nighttime topside ionosphere during the period of solar maximum from June 2000 to July 2001. Satellite measurements were made by KOMPSAT-1 and DMSP F15 at 685 km altitude and 840 km altitude, respectively. The results show that the IRI2001 model gives reasonable density estimations for the summer hemisphere and the March equinox at both altitudes. However, the observed wintertime densities are smaller than the predictions of the IRI2001 model, especially at a higher (840 km) altitude, manifesting strong hemispheric asymmetries. The observed electron temperatures generally reside between the two estimations of IRI2001, one based on the Aeros–ISIS data and the other based on Intercosmos, and the latter estimation better represents the observations. With more or less monotonic increase with latitude, the temperature profiles of the IRI2001 model do not predict the enhancement seen around 15° magnetic latitude of the winter hemisphere. Longitudinal variation, probably caused by the zonal winds, is seen in all seasons at both altitudes, while the IRI2001 model does not show a large variation. The observed density and temperature show significant changes according to the F10.7 values in the whole low-latitude region from 40°S to 40°N geomagnetic latitude. The effect is manifested as increases in the density and temperature, but not in the hemispheric asymmetry or in the longitudinal variation.  相似文献   

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