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中国大陆地质构造历史非常复杂,岩石圈长期积累的形变较大,而利用地震面波传播的各向异性是研究岩石圈形变特征的强有力手段. 本文利用双台窄带通滤波-互相关方法与基于图像分析的相速度频散曲线提取技术,提取Rayleigh面波相速度频散资料,进而反演中国大陆及邻区20~120 s周期Rayleigh面波相速度方位各向异性空间分布图像. 检测板测试结果显示:中国大陆大部分区域的方位各向异性横向分辨率在5°左右. 各向异性研究结果表明:中国大陆地壳上地幔方位各向异性特征存在显著的空间差异,反映出形变特征的空间差异;104°E以东地区地壳上地幔各向异性弱于西部地区,表明其构造变形总体弱于西部地区. 青藏地块及其东缘地区地壳与上地幔顶部变形最为强烈. 但东部的局部地区如华南地块与珠江口地区、鄂尔多斯盆地西南缘以及秦岭-大别造山带,较强的各向异性显示这些区域在不同时期也经历了强变形. 青藏地块内中短周期快波方向自西向东顺时针旋转变化可能指示板块碰撞与挤压过程中软弱物质的流变方向. 青藏地块西部中下地壳和上地幔形变模式相似,可能处于壳幔耦合状态;而中东部及东缘地区地壳上地幔形变模式存在明显差异,壳幔似乎不具备垂直连贯的形变特征. 位于青藏地块北部的塔里木盆地、柴达木盆地以及祁连褶皱带同样经历了强变形. 包括四川盆地在内的上扬子地块快波方向的变化显示中地壳与下地壳上地幔形变模式不同,而形变特征一致的下地壳与上地幔应为强耦合. 大约以103°E为界,龙门山断裂带可分为南西段和北东段,南西段处于低速区,而北东段位于高速区,且方位各向异性强度明显大于南西段;2008年5月12日汶川MS8.0级地震沿断裂带的单侧破裂模式除与北东段的高应力积累有关外,还可能与北东段地下介质物性存在密切关系,高速坚硬岩体的发育有利于应变能的积累与集中释放.  相似文献   

青藏高原东南缘作为高原物质侧向挤出的前沿地带,是研究岩石圈变形机制、高原物质侧向逃逸和深部动力学等科学问题的关键地区之一.本文利用研究区内540个宽频带流动地震台站记录的远震面波资料,基于程函方程面波层析成像方法获得了青藏高原东南缘周期14~80 s瑞利面波相速度和方位各向异性分布图像.结果显示:14~20 s周期内,面波方位各向异性分布与断裂带的走向和最大主压应力的方向密切相关,可能受到了断裂带和区域构造应力场的共同作用.川滇菱形块体的北部次级块体及丽江—小金河断裂带附近随着面波周期的增加,各向异性快波方向从NS向逐步转变为NE-SW方向,并与断裂带大致平行,而其以南的攀枝花附近表现为高相速度和弱各向异性的特征.我们推测,在川滇菱形块体北部存在明显的下地壳流,流动方向与块体向南的挤出方向基本一致,该地壳流受到攀枝花附近的高速、高强度坚硬块体阻挡,其前缘向西南方向流动.川滇菱形块体中部地区由于坚硬块体的存在,下地壳没有明显的通道流.在红河断裂以西地区,30~60 s周期范围的面波各向异性快波方向和红河断裂大致平行,推测可能与渐新世至中新世早期印支地块向南东方向的挤出密切相关.研究区东北部,四川盆地南缘地壳各向异性以NE-SW和NEE-SWW向为主与SKS快波方向明显不同,推测主要与该地区地壳的早期构造变形有关同时也说明SKS各向异性主要来自上地幔介质;在研究区南部104°E以西的中长周期面波各向异性方向与SKS分裂研究获得的近EW快波方向基本一致,但在104°E以东地区面波各向异性较弱且快波方向与SKS的观测结果存在明显差异,我们推测东部SKS各向异性来源深度至少在150 km以下.  相似文献   

新生代以来,青藏高原快速隆升、地壳缩短和东向挤出.受到稳定的扬子地块阻挡,青藏高原东南缘地壳发生强烈变形.地震各向异性研究有助于认识地壳内部精细结构及内部运动学过程.通过收集密集地震台阵的观测资料,利用环境噪声提取Rayleigh波频散曲线,采用多角度频散曲线反演方法,获得地壳和上地幔顶部高分辨率的地震S波速度和各向异性图像.青藏高原东南缘地区上地壳的地震快波方向与其相邻的走滑断裂带走向、GPS水平速度场方向基本一致,围绕喜马拉雅东部构造结顺时针旋转.然而,中、下地壳的各向异性与上地壳存在明显差异,例如,在木里盐源盆地和滇中地块等各向异性方向发生大幅度转向,从上地壳的NE方向转为中、下地壳的NW方向.中、下地壳的各向异性方向与其低速层的延伸方向吻合.在下地壳底部和上地幔顶部的范围内,地震快波方向再次发生改变,与上地壳的各向异性分布一致,可能说明在较早的历史时期上地壳与下地壳是耦合在一起的,在中新世时期低速黏滞性流体挤入青藏高原东南缘中下地壳,使原有的上地壳与中下地壳发生解耦.因此,新生代以来高原物质挤出可能导致青藏高原东南缘地壳发生强烈变形.  相似文献   

中国东部上地幔各向异性研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对布设在中国东部的固定和流动宽频带地震台网共65个台站记录作远震SKS波形资料偏振分析,采用SC方法和叠加分析求得每一个台站的SKS快波偏振方向和快、慢波的时间延迟,获得了中国东部上地幔各向异性图像。中国东部的各向异性快波方向从华南的近EW方向到华北的NWW-SEE方向,再到东北的NW-SE方向,由南向北呈顺时针旋转的趋势。快、慢波时间延迟范围是0.41-1.52s。通过分析研究区各向异性特征,认为中国东部上地幔各向异性可能与中国大陆受印度板块与欧亚板块的碰撞以及太平洋板块和菲律宾海板块向欧亚板块下方的俯冲的共同作用有关。在中国西部地壳增厚隆起的同时,物质向东挤出,使得东部上地幔物质向东和东南方向流动。中国东部大陆岩石圈和岩石圈下的上地幔物质在板块的相互作用下产生变形,使上地幔橄榄岩等晶体的晶格优势取向沿物质流动方向。各向异性快波方向与岩石圈的伸展方向和GPS得到的速度场方向一致,表明中国东部壳幔变形具有垂直连贯变形特征。  相似文献   

中国大陆及邻区上地幔P波各向异性结构   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用分布在中国大陆及邻近地区的213个地震台站记录到的远震P波走时数据和弱各向异性条件下P波速度扰动调和分析方法,研究了中国大陆上地幔P波各向异性结构.研究结果表明中国大陆西部上地幔变形主要受印度大陆俯冲的影响.印度大陆的P波快波方向总体为NNE方向,与绝对板块运动方向一致,这表明印度大陆上地幔流动方向与板块运动方向一致.青藏高原内部、东天山的P波快波方向与主压应力方向接近,而在青藏高原南缘、北缘及东北缘等块体边界地区P波快波方向与主压应力方向垂直.中国大陆东部上地幔变形主要受菲律宾板块和太平洋板块俯冲的影响.在扬子板块内部P波快波方向为SE方向,这与绝对板块的运动方向一致.华北地区的各向异性结构较为复杂,可能与华北克拉通裂解有关.中国大陆东北的东部平均方向为SE,而在兴安岭一侧为SSW方向,即平行于构造线方向.根据各向异性的倾角,中国大陆及邻区上地幔各向异性结构大体可分为三块:1)青藏新疆地区的各向异性倾角接近水平,推测该区形变力源主要为上地幔物质水平流动.2)南北带地区的各向异性倾角较大,特别是在青藏东缘地区的倾角约为40°,这可能是由于青藏向东挤出过程中受华南地块和鄂尔多斯地块的阻挡,在板块边界地区产生了垂直变形.3)中国东部地区各向异性结构较为复杂,在中国大陆东北部各向异性倾角接近水平,这可能是该区上地幔变形主要受太平洋板块俯冲的影响,而在太行山、大别-苏鲁地区各向异性倾角较大,这表明该区上地幔以垂直变形为主.  相似文献   

基于青藏高原东北缘甘肃区域台网41个宽频带地震台站的远震记录资料,通过PKS、SKS和SKKS震相的剪切波分裂分析,获取了台站下方介质的各向异性分裂参数,得到该地区上地幔各向异性分布图像,并结合GPS速度场和地壳剪切波各向异性分析青藏高原东北缘各向异性形成机制及壳幔各向异性特征.分析结果认为,在阿尔金断裂带西侧,各向异性快波偏振呈NWW-SEE方向,与断裂带走向有一定夹角,与塔里木盆地向柴达木盆地俯冲方向一致,说明该地区上地幔物质变形主要受古构造运动的影响,属于"化石"各向异性.在祁连山-河西走廊构造区,XKS快波偏振呈NW-SE方向,一致性较好,与区域断层走向方向相同;由区域小震的地壳剪切波分裂分析得到的地壳剪切波快波偏振在该区域呈NE-SW方向,与相对于稳定欧亚大陆GPS运动速率一致,地壳和地幔快波偏振方向的差异表明壳幔变形可能有不同的形变机制.在陇中盆地及其周缘,由于处于活跃青藏地块与稳定鄂尔多斯地块之间的过渡带,相对于其他区域具有更加复杂的构造背景,地壳快波偏振和地幔快波偏振总体上呈NWW-SEE方向,说明壳幔变形机制可能相同;但不同台站结果之间存在一定离散性,推测是由于受局部构造特征差异性造成.  相似文献   

利用青藏高原东北缘区域数字地震台网43个台站的远震SKS波形资料,采用最小能量法和旋转相关法得到台站下方上地幔介质各向异性的分裂参数:快波偏振方向(φ)和快慢波时间延迟(δt)。研究结果表明:在塔里木盆地东南缘区域,各向异性快波方向与该区域的断裂走向存在明显的夹角,该盆地向柴达木盆地的俯冲方向一致,各向异性归因为古构造运动遗留下的"化石各向异性",且由于壳幔物质的拆沉作用,推测该区域壳幔之间存在解耦作用;在祁连—河西走廊区,SKS快波偏振方向呈NW-SE,与主要断裂带的走向一致;在西秦岭北缘断裂带附近,观测到快慢波时间延迟有着较大的变化,可能是岩石圈变形和软流圈物质流动共同导致;在鄂尔多斯板块内,快波方向呈NW-SE方向,可能暗示青藏高原深部物质分叉绕流运动。青藏高原东北缘不同区域台站下方的各向异性均具有差异性,进一步证实了青藏高原东北缘地区构造变形的复杂性。  相似文献   

李莹  高原 《地震》2021,41(4):15-45
青藏高原东南缘受印度板块NE向推挤和高原物质SE向挤出及四川盆地、 华南块体阻挡的共同作用, 成为高原物质SE向逃逸的关键通道。 本文综述了青藏高原东南缘由不同震相和不同方法得到的不同深度的地震各向异性结果, 结合区域内断裂分布、 地表运动、 构造应力以及深部结构等方面, 全面分析了青藏高原东南缘上地壳至中下地壳及上地幔的介质各向异性与变形耦合特征。 青藏高原东南缘壳幔地震各向异性的差异反映了区域内复杂的深部构造和壳幔变形。 由于青藏高原形成机制、 壳幔耦合状态和软弱层分布形态等科学问题尚处于学术探讨之中, 有效结合不同数据和综合多种方法, 有益于获得更加准确、 精细的地壳—上地幔地震各向异性图像, 对深部物质运动与动力模式进行更有效的约束。  相似文献   

青藏高原及邻区的Rayleigh面波的方位各向异性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用Rayleigh波层析成像研究青藏高原地壳上地幔方位各向异性.收集了包括近年来在云南和川西藏东地区布设的流动台网在内的青藏高原及周边地区宽频带地震台站的记录,使得大部分地区有理想的射线覆盖,因此反演结果获得较高的分辨.模型分辨率的测试表明,大于400km范围内的各向异性特征以及大于2%的各向异性强度是可靠的.青藏高原内部的方位各向异性具有与大地构造相似的分区特征.高原东部大部分地区地壳各向异性强度大于2%,且表现为环绕喜马拉雅东构造结的顺时针旋转.在垂直方向上,高原内部的上地壳、下地壳和岩石圈地幔的各向异性方向基本一致,也与GPS所观测到的速度场和SKS快波方向基本一致,揭示高原下方的岩石圈变形是垂直连贯变形.在高原外部的云南地区,地壳和上地幔岩石圈方位各向异性的强度均小于2%,因此SKS波从核幔边界至台站间产生的分裂应主要归因于软流圈.  相似文献   

本文使用川西密集地震台阵记录的面波资料,利用程函方程面波成像方法获得了周期为14—60 s的瑞雷波相速度及方位各向异性分布。结果显示:川滇菱形地块的川西北地块内部的低速异常明显,其下地壳各向异性快波方向以NS向为主,松潘—甘孜地块内部的低速异常稍弱,下地壳各向异性快波方向以NW?SESE向为主,表明川西北地块可能存在下地壳通道流,松潘—甘孜地块内部存在的通道流相对较弱;龙门山断裂带和丽江—小金河断裂两侧的速度结构和方位各向异性均有明显差异,可推测青藏高原内部的地壳流在东部和南部分别受高速、高强度的四川盆地和滇中地块阻挡,沿高原边界带发生了侧向流动;周期大于25 s的面波方位各向异性方向为NW?SE;与SKS分裂优势方向相近,说明四川盆地的剪切波各向异性可能主要源于上地幔;而龙门山断裂带附近壳幔各向异性较为复杂,面波方位各向异性与SKS分裂的NW?SE向弱各向异性存在差异,表明该处的剪切波各向异性可能来自地幔更深处,有待进一步研究。   相似文献   

The Xiaojiang faults,striking north-to-south(NS),and the Honghe faults,striking north-to-west(NW),are first-order block boundaries that intersect to form a concentrated stress zone at an acute angle in the southern part of the Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block(SYB).It is also a crucial zone for material escaping from the Tibetan Plateau(TP)due to the collision between the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate.In December 2017,the Institute of Earthquake Forecasting of the China Earthquake Administration(CEA)deployed a linear temporary seismic broadband array,the Honghe-Xiaojiang temporary Seismic Array(HX Array),across first-order block boundaries in the southern SYB.By using the waveform data of small earthquakes recorded by stations in the HX Array across Xiaojiang faults from 2017 to 2019,and by permanent seismic stations of the China National Earthquake Networks from 2012 to 2019,this paper adopts the systematic analysis method of shear-wave splitting(SWS),SAM method,to obtain preliminary results for seismic anisotropy in the upper crust.The study area can be divided into two subzones according to the spatial distribution of the directions of polarization of the fast shear-wave(PFS)at the stations:the northern zone(zone A,where the HX Array is located)and the southern zone(zone B,to the south of the HX Array).The results show that the directions of the PFS at stations in zone A were highly consistent,dominant in the NE direction,correlated with the in-situ principal compressive stress,and were seemingly unaffected by the Xiaojiang faults.The directions of the PFS as recorded at stations in zone B were more complicated,and were dominant in the NS direction parallel to that of the regional principal compressive stress.This suggests the joint influence of complex tectonics and regional stress in this narrow wedge area.By referring to the azimuthal anisotropy derived from seismic ambient noise in the southeast margin of the TP,the NS direction of the PFS in the middle and lower crust,and its EW direction in the upper mantle,this paper concludes that azimuthal anisotropy in the upper crust differed from that in the lower crust in the south segment of Xiaojiang faults,at least beneath the observation area,and azimuthal anisotropy in the crust was different from that in the upper mantle.The results support the pattern of deformation of ductile flow in the lower crust,and the decoupling between the upper and lower crusts as well as that between the crust and the mantle in the study area.The crustal directions of the PFS appeared to be independent of the Xiaojiang faults,suggesting that the influence of the South China block on the SYB passed through the Xiaojiang faults to the Yimen region.The results of this study indicate that anisotropic studies based on data on the dense temporary seismic array can yield clearer tectonic information,and reveal the complex spatial distribution of stress and deformation in the upper crust of the south segment of Xiaojiang faults.  相似文献   

The crustal and upper mantle azimuthal anisotropy of the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas was studied by Rayleigh wave tomography. We collected sufficient broadband digital seismograms trav-ersing the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas from available stations, including especially some data from the temporary stations newly deployed in Yunnan, eastern Tibet, and western Sichuan. They made an adequate path coverage in most regions to achieve a reasonable resolution for the inversion. The model resolution tests show that the anisotropic features of scope greater than 400 km and strength greater than 2% are reliable. The azimuthal anisotropy pattern inside the Tibetan Plateau was similar to the characteristic of tectonic partition. The crustal anisotropy strength is greater than 2% in most re-gions of East Tibet, and the anisotropy shows clockwise rotation surrounding the eastern Himalayan syntaxis. Vertically, the anisotropy direction indicates a coherent pattern within the upper crust, lower crust, and lithosphere mantle of the Tibetan Plateau, which also is consistent with GPS velocity field and SKS fast polarization directions. The result supports that the crust-mantle deformation beneath the Tibetan Plateau is vertically coherent. The anisotropy strength of crust and lithospheric upper mantle in Yunnan outside the Tibetan Plateau is lower than 2%, so SKS splitting from core-mantle boundary to station should largely be attributed to the anisotropy of asthenosphere.  相似文献   

刘同振  高原 《中国地震》2023,39(2):225-242
青藏高原东北缘是青藏块体与华北块体的接触前缘部位,是研究青藏高原隆升扩张和深部动力学问题的重要区域。本文收集了青藏高原东北缘及其邻区由不同方法和不同资料获得的地壳地震各向异性结果,介绍了中上地壳和全地壳各向异性特征;结合区域地质构造、地表运动、构造应力和深部结构,分析了研究区域地壳各向异性的区域分布特征及其与地质构造的关系。结果表明,青藏高原东北缘地震各向异性存在明显的横向区域差异性,体现区域深部构造和地壳介质变形的复杂性;上地壳与全地壳的垂向差异性,反映出该区域可能存在各向异性分层现象。由于青藏高原隆升在其东北缘的伸展边界、物质运移及深部动力模式等尚处在探讨之中,结合多种数据并综合多种方法分析,有助于获得精细、准确的地震各向异性信息,为研究青藏高原隆升演化机制和深部动力模式提供有效的约束。  相似文献   

小江断裂带周边地区三维P波速度结构及其构造意义   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
作为青藏高原的东南边界,小江断裂带在高原物质的侧向逃逸中发挥着重要的作用.本文利用流动地震台阵及固定台站的走时观测资料,对小江断裂带及周边区域的壳幔三维P波速度结构进行了研究.结果表明,在中上地壳,小江断裂带内部主要为低速异常,其东侧主要为高速异常.在中下地壳,小江断裂带中部为低速异常,北部和南部主要为高速异常,其中北部的高速异常可延伸到地表附近,南部的高速异常可一直延伸到上地幔.我们推测,小江断裂带中部的低速异常与深部热作用有关;北部的高速异常可能是晚古生代地幔柱活动导致大量基性和超基性幔源物质侵入地壳引起的,它的存在对青藏高原物质向南逃逸起到了一定的阻挡作用,可能是导致川滇活动块体北部次级块体快速抬升的重要因素;南部顶界面向北倾斜的高速异常体对川滇活动块体向南滑移起到了进一步的阻挡作用,导致其上覆的中上地壳低速异常区发生较强的变形和强烈的地震活动,同时在上地幔深度范围起到了稳定的作用,使其南部区域的介质受青藏高原物质向南挤出的影响明显减小.  相似文献   

By using the polarization analysis of teleseismic SKS waveform data recorded at 116 seismic stations which respectively involved in China National Digital Seismograph Network, and Yunnan, Sichuan, Gansu and Qinghai regional digital networks, and portable broadband seismic networks deployed in Sichuan, Yunnan and Tibet, we obtained the SKS fast-wave direction and the delay time between fast and slow waves of each station by use of the stacking analysis method, and finally acquired the fine image of upper mantle anisotropy in the eastern Tibetan Plateau and its adjacent regions. We analyzed the crust-mantle coupling deformation on the basis of combining the GPS observation results and the upper mantle anisotropy distribution in the study area. The Yunnan region out of the plateau has dif-ferent features of crust-mantle deformation from the inside plateau. There exists a lateral transitional zone of crust-mantle coupling in the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, which is located in the region between 26° and 27°N in the west of Sichuan and Yunnan. To the south of transitional zone, the fast-wave direction is gradually turned from S60°―70°E in southwestern Yunnan to near EW in south-eastern Yunnan. To the north of transitional zone in northwestern Yunnan and the south of western Sichuan, the fast-wave direction is nearly NS. From crust to upper mantle, the geophysical parameters (e.g. the crustal thickness, the Bouguer gravity anomaly, and tectonic stress direction) show the feature of lateral variation in the transitional zone, although the fault trend on the ground surface is inconsis-tent with the fast-wave direction. This transitional zone is close by the eastern Himalayan syntaxis, and it may play an important role in the plate boundary dynamics.  相似文献   

The Sichuan-Yunnan Block (SYB) is located at the SE margin of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (TP). Under the influence of the southeastward movement of material originated from the TP, intense crustal deformation, frequent seismic activity, and complex geological structures are observed in the SYB. The Lijiang-Xiaojinhe fault (LXF) goes through the central part of the SYB, dividing it into two blocks from north to south, and forming an intersecting fault system with the surrounding faults. This paper firstly introduces the morphology and the nature of the LXF, the distribution of the regional surface displacements and the focal mechanisms, and then analyzes the medium deformation and the effects of faults. Moreover, according to the regional tectonics and geophysical patterns, the paper discusses the characteristics of the north-south blocks of the SYB and the abrupt change of deep structure along the LXF zone. Since seismic anisotropy is an essential property for detecting crustal stress, deep structures and dynamical mechanisms, this paper is dedicated to the advances in seismic anisotropy at different depths and different scales in the study area. There are noteworthy differences in the anisotropic features between the north part and the south part of the SYB, possibly associated with a clear boundary adjacent to the LXF. Such phenomenon suggests some close correlation between anisotropic zoning boundary and the LXF, although this boundary is not consistent with the LXF in strike. The results from the deformation of the crust and the upper mantle elucidate the distribution patterns of the crust-mantle coupling in the north part and the crust-mantle decoupling in the south part, even though this conclusion needs to be further verified by more studies. Presently, the scientific understanding of the deep tectonics and the media deformation around the “generalized” LXF i.e. the LXF with the Jinpingshan fault on its eastern side, is still insufficient, and related equivocal topics deserve more in-depth studies.  相似文献   

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