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文中基于某核电站场地工程地质资料,构建了5个硬夹层厚度不同的工程地质剖面。在此基础上,建立了5个一维分析模型,并应用一维土层地震反应等效线性化方法分析了硬夹层厚度对场地地震反应加速度峰值与反应谱的影响。分析结果表明:硬夹层的厚度对场地地震反应峰值加速度与反应谱有较明显的影响,硬夹层厚度的增加减小了场地的非线性效应;不同输入地震动水平下,硬夹层顶板的峰值加速度均小于输入加速度峰值,地表峰值加速度均大于输入加速度峰值;相同输入地震动水平下,随着硬夹层厚度的增加,硬夹层顶板和场地地表峰值加速度与输入峰值加速度之比均表现为先逐渐减小后逐渐增加的趋势,而场地地表与硬夹层顶板的峰值加速度之比随硬夹层厚度的增加总体逐渐增加;硬夹层厚度相同时,随着输入峰值加速度的增大,硬夹层顶板和场地地表的峰值加速度与输入峰值加速度之比逐渐减小;硬夹层仅对一定频带内的加速度反应谱有影响,其厚度越大,影响频带越宽,而对于影响频带之外的加速度反应谱影响很小,同时周期越长影响越小。  相似文献   

基于深圳市前海自贸区填海场地某一典型的含软弱淤泥夹层钻孔剖面,对填海场地中软弱夹层的厚度和埋深对地面运动特性的影响进行分析。将原软弱夹层按2 m、4 m、6 m、8 m、10 m厚度,0 m(地表)、5 m、10 m、15 m、20 m、30 m、45 m(层底)埋深,构造出35个土层模型。利用土层一维等效线性化分析方法对上述35个土层模型进行不同超越概率地震动输入下的地震反应分析,结果表明:当输入地震动一定时,随着软弱夹层埋深的增加,地表加速度峰值放大倍数k逐渐减小,埋深超过一定深度后,k值小于1;随着软弱夹层的厚度增大,加速度峰值放大倍数k先增显大后减小;随着输入地震动的增大,各工况下地震地表加速度峰值放大倍数k相应都减小,地表加速度峰值减小明显。  相似文献   

软弱土层的厚度及埋深对深厚软弱场地地震效应的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
就软弱土层的埋深和厚度对深厚场地地震动的影响进行了数值分析。场地1、场地2和场地3分别选自南京、盐城和天津。场地1、场地2用于分析软弱表层土的厚度对地表地震动参数的影响:场地1的软弱表层土厚度从2m依次增加到30m,构造了18个土层剖面;场地2的软弱表层土的厚度从2m依次增加到36m,构造了21个土层剖面。场地3用于分析软弱夹层的埋深和厚度对地表地震动参数的影响:软弱夹层的埋深从2m增加到62m,构造了16个剖面;软弱夹层的厚度从2m增加到10m,构造了5个剖面。选用Taft、E1 Centro和Northridge地震记录作为输入地震动,将Taft、El Centro和Northridge地震波加速度时程的峰值水平调整为0.35m/s^2,0.70m/s^2和0.98m/s^2,利用程序SHAKE91对不同的构造剖面、不同的输入地震波及不同的峰值加速度水平,共进行了507种组合的场地地震反应分析。分析表明:对于给定的输入地震动条件,当软弱表层土的厚度超过一定界限值时,地表加速度峰值及放大系数的变化已不很明显;当软弱表层土的厚度超过一定界限值时,加速度放大系数会小于1。也即软弱表层土可起到减震的作用;对于同一场地,输入地震动强度越大,此软表层厚度值越小。对于给定的输入地震动和峰值加速度水平,随着软弱夹层埋深的增加,地表加速度峰值和放大系数入都有减小的趋势,当埋深超过一定值后,地表加速度放大系数小于1.0;软弱夹层厚度对地表加速度峰值的影响与软弱夹层所处位置有关。  相似文献   

选取某核电场地控制性钻孔的厚度、剪切波速、密度等实际勘探数据,通过改变回填土剪切波速,分析了回填土不确定性对场地地震动参数的影响。研究结果表明:在回填土层厚度不变和模型总厚度不变的情况下,地表的水平向峰值加速度随着回填土剪切波速的增大而减小,但水平向峰值加速度增幅逐渐减小;回填土剪切波速到达一定的波速就不再影响地表水平峰值加速度;随着回填土剪切波速的增加,整个反应谱的谱值都普遍减小。  相似文献   

选择粘土、粉土、砂土、砾石4类土场地构造了140个单一均质土剖面,输入峰值分别为50、100、150、200、300 Gal的各3条人工合成地震动时程,使用一维等效线性波动法,进行了土层地表地震反应计算,并对计算得到的地表峰值加速度和反应谱平台值做了统计分析和讨论.结果表明:不同土类地表峰值加速度和反应谱平台值随覆盖层增大达到最大值的厚度不同;不同幅值的基底输入,不同土类的覆盖层情况下,地表峰值加速度相对于基岩值加速度的放大倍数并不具有规律性,同是Ⅱ类场地,中软和中硬场地土条件下放大倍数的差异也是明显的.  相似文献   

宋星  兰景岩 《地震学报》2020,42(6):769-780
以我国近海海域工程场地为研究对象,充分考虑上覆海水的自重影响,构建典型的饱和海底自由场计算模型,运用动力有限差分法开展二维地震反应分析,探讨以不同幅值的SV波、P波作为基底输入条件下上覆海水厚度对海底地震动峰值和反应谱的影响,总结上覆有水和无水场地的地震动结果差异,并分析差异产生的原因。结果表明:当基底输入SV波时,上覆有水场地海床表面峰值加速度小于上覆无水场地地表峰值加速度,海水层厚度对峰值加速度的影响可以忽略;当基底输入P波时,上覆有水场地海床表面峰值加速度大于上覆无水场地地表峰值加速度,且随着海水层厚度的增大,海床表面峰值加速度逐渐减小。   相似文献   

土层结构对地表加速度峰值的影响   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
本文在研究我国数百个工程场地钻孔资料的基础上,选取和构造了若干有代表性的典型场地剖面,利用目前工程上广泛应用的场地地震反应分析的一维等效线性化波动方法,计算了不同场地在三种不同强度的地震动输入下的地表加速度峰值反应。分析研究了覆盖层厚度、软土层的埋深与厚度等对场地地表加速度峰值的影响,得到了一些有意义的结论。  相似文献   

场地对地面结构地震动力的输入分析有决定性影响。本文用Shake 2000程序计算并讨论了浅硬场地多工况下剪切波速变化对不同周期结构动力响应的影响,主要结论如下:浅硬场地剪切波速测试标准差对地表加速度反应谱的影响很大,影响程度与输入地震动的强度、频率和剪切波速有关;剪切波速测试标准差对地表加速度反应谱的影响在大多数情况下不可忽略;对于不同周期的结构,剪切波速变化对短周期和1s周期的影响程度与地表加速度反应谱峰值略有不同;场地剪切波速减小对反应谱的影响明显大于波速增大时的影响;浅硬场地波速标准差对短周期的影响基本不可忽略,对1 s周期的影响则可以忽略;随地震动强度增加,剪切波速的减小对反应谱短周期的影响程度加大。  相似文献   

董亮  夏峰 《地震工程学报》2017,39(6):1062-1069
收集天津地区十多年来的83份地震安全性评价报告,统计202个钻孔的1 650组动三轴数据,分别给出不同种类土在不同区间深度下的统计代表值及其标准差。以某典型Ⅲ类场地为例,用等效线性化方法进行多种地震动强度及相位输入下的水平成层场地地震反应分析计算,详细研究该地区覆盖土层动剪模量比和阻尼比变异性对地表峰值加速度及其反应谱的影响。结果表明:场地地表峰值加速度和反应谱随土动剪切模量比增大或减小而增大或减小,随土动阻尼比增大或减小而减小或增大;在大震输入条件下,地表峰值加速度和地表反应谱的中、高频段随土动剪切模量比减小而减小的变化尤为明显,动阻尼比变化也有一定影响,但不如土动剪切模量比减小变化时影响明显;在中震、小震地震动输入条件下,场地土的动剪模量比和阻尼比变异性对地表峰值加速度和反应谱影响并不显著。  相似文献   

为了探究不同地下水位的场地条件下对吹砂填海场地动力响应的影响,以广西北部湾吹砂填海场地为研究对象,基于FLAC3D软件结合前期室内试验结果建立了场地模型,进行了数值模拟分析。在此研究中着重分析地下水位的变化对场地加速度放大系数、加速度反应谱和地震液化效应的影响,为减轻吹砂填海建设场地的震害程度提供参考依据。结果表明:随着地下水位埋深的增加,地表加速度放大系数呈现出逐渐减小的趋势,地震放大作用主要集中在短周期,卓越周期也在短周期处取得;随着地下水位埋深的减小,地震波高频成分被过滤,低频成分被放大,场地特征周期与卓越周期均有增大趋势;地下水位变化对吹填沙土层液化的产生和发展具有显著的影响,随着地下水位的上升,砂土表现出更强的液化效应,并且液化现象随着地震峰值加速度的增大逐渐沿土层深部发展。  相似文献   

Studies on the effect of near-surface overburden soil layers on seismic motion have shown that the overburden soil layers have a significant impact on the seismic effect of the site due to the formation age, genetic type, thickness difference, structure, and dynamic characteristics of the soil layers. In this paper, the one-dimensional seismic response analysis of a nuclear power plant site containing a thick hard interlayer was conducted to discuss the influence of the hard interlayer thickness on the site seismic response, so as to provide a basis for determining the seismic motion parameters for seismic design of similar sites. Based on the engineering geological data of a nuclear power plant site, five models of one-dimensional soil-layer seismic response analysis were built, and the equivalent linear method of the one-dimensional site seismic response was applied to analyze the effect of the interlayer thickness on the peak acceleration and the acceleration response spectra of the site seismic response. The seismic response characteristics of the site and influence rules of the hard interlayer thickness are summarized as follows:1)Under different input seismic motion levels, the peak acceleration at the top of the hard interlayer was less than the input peak acceleration, and the peak acceleration at the ground surface of site was greater than the input peak acceleration. 2)Under the same input seismic motion, the ratios of the peak accelerations at the top of hard interlayer to the input peak accelerations were smaller than the ratios of the peak accelerations at the ground surface to the input peak acceleration, and these ratios first decreased and then increased gradually with the increase of the hard interlayer thickness; while for the same hard interlayer thickness, these ratios gradually decreased as the input peak acceleration increasing. 3)For the same input seismic motion, the ratios of the peak accelerations at the ground surface of site to those at the top of the hard interlayer increased gradually as the hard interlayer thickness increased; however, corresponding to different hard interlayer thicknesses, the variation characteristics of ratios which are the peak accelerations at the ground surface of site to those at the top of the hard interlayer were inconsistent with the increase of the input peak acceleration. 4)The hard interlayer had a significant influence on the short-period acceleration response spectrum and the thicker the hard interlayer was, the wider the influence frequency band would be; while for a special hard interlayer thickness, the influence frequency band is certain, and the hard interlayer had little effect on the acceleration response spectrum coordinates outside this frequency band, the longer the period is, the less the influence of the hard interlayer on the acceleration response spectrum coordinates. The seismic response characteristics of the site and influence rules of the hard interlayer thickness indicate that the hard interlayer thickness has a significant impact on the peak acceleration and the acceleration response spectra of the site seismic response, and the hard interlayer has obvious isolation effect at the seismic motion, and the increase of its thickness reduces the nonlinear effect of the site and leads to the wider influence frequency band. Meanwhile, the higher the input peak acceleration is, the stronger the nonlinear effect of the site, and it's remarkable that the soft layer overlying the hard interlayer has a significant amplification effect on the seismic motion.  相似文献   

当前,合理确定地震动峰值加速度与反应谱特征周期是工程场地地震动参数确定工作的主要内容。本文以北京地区典型中硬场地为研究对象,分析场地条件对不同周期地震动反应谱值的影响。首先,计算不同震级、震中距条件下的基岩地震动加速度反应谱,合成基岩输入地震动时程;再利用110个工程场地的钻孔资料进行土层地震反应计算,分析中硬场地条件对不同输入环境下的地震动加速度反应谱值的放大效应。结果表明,中硬场地对高、中频震动放大效应明显,尤其是对0.2-0.5s周期段地震动加速度反应谱值的放大倍数大多在1.3以上;场地覆盖层厚度变化对不同频段地震动加速度反应谱值的放大倍数所产生的影响是不同的,与场地自振周期的相关性很强;在不同的地震动输入环境下,中硬场地对不同频段地震动加速度反应谱的影响是不同的,这一结论对实际的抗震设防工作具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

地震动输入界面的选取对地震动参数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地震反应分析中的输入界面是一种规定的假想基岩面,其选取具有很大的不确定性,对确定地震动参数的影响很大.本文以北京地区存在剪切波速较高的卵石硬夹层场地为研究对象,探讨实际工程场地中能否将硬夹层选作地震动输入界面的问题.利用一维等效线性化波动方法,对390个含有剪切波速高于500m/s的卵石层场地模型进行地震反应分析计算,讨论卵石层的上覆土层、下伏土层以及卵石层自身特性对地震反应分析结果的影响.计算结果显示,厚度5m左右、剪切波速小于600m/s的卵石层作为地震动输入界面是否合理,主要取决于上覆土层和下伏土层,而卵石层厚度和剪切波速的影响很小.对于一般性工程,当上覆土层厚度大于15m,下伏土层厚度在10m以内时,选取硬夹层顶面与选取钻探揭示的基岩或剪切波速不小于500m/s的土体顶面为输入界面,计算结果差别不大;当上覆土层厚度达到60m,下伏土层的变化对计算结果影响很小.研究表明,在钻探没有揭示出基岩或坚硬土体时,埋深大于60m的硬夹层可以选为地震动输入界面,这一结论对实际的地震安全性评价工作具有一定参考价值.  相似文献   

汶川地震远震区黄土场地地震反应特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在实际场地钻孔资料的基础上,选取和构造45个有代表性的典型场地剖面,利用一维等效线性化波动方法,计算各个场地在三种不同强度地震动输入下的地表加速度反应。结果表明:(1)在远场地震动作用下,黄土场地PGA较大,反应谱平台范围较宽,集中在0.2~0.6s;(2)随着黄土覆盖厚度的增加,PGA减小,但对于自振周期大于一定范围的结构物震害加重;(3)对于无地形影响的厚层黄土地区,当黄土厚度在20~100 m时,随厚度的增加,反应谱下降段谱值增大1.1~1.4倍,特征周期放大1.1~1.25倍。  相似文献   

The empirical equations for scaling Fourier amplitude spectra in the frequency band from ~0·1 to 25 Hz can be extrapolated to describe the long period strong motion amplitudes. The results of this extrapolation can agree with (1) the seismological and field estimates of permanent ground displacement (near field), and with (2) the independent estimates of seismic moment and the observed frequencies of far field Fourier spectrum amplitudes.  相似文献   

A key component in seismic hazard assessment is the estimation of ground motion for hard rock sites, either for applications to installations built on this site category, or as an input motion for site response computation. Empirical ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs) are the traditional basis for estimating ground motion while VS30 is the basis to account for site conditions. As current GMPEs are poorly constrained for VS30 larger than 1000 m/s, the presently used approach for estimating hazard on hard rock sites consists of “host-to-target” adjustment techniques based on VS30 and κ0 values. The present study investigates alternative methods on the basis of a KiK-net dataset corresponding to stiff and rocky sites with 500 < VS30 < 1350 m/s. The existence of sensor pairs (one at the surface and one in depth) and the availability of P- and S-wave velocity profiles allow deriving two “virtual” datasets associated to outcropping hard rock sites with VS in the range [1000, 3000] m/s with two independent corrections: 1/down-hole recordings modified from within motion to outcropping motion with a depth correction factor, 2/surface recordings deconvolved from their specific site response derived through 1D simulation. GMPEs with simple functional forms are then developed, including a VS30 site term. They lead to consistent and robust hard-rock motion estimates, which prove to be significantly lower than host-to-target adjustment predictions. The difference can reach a factor up to 3–4 beyond 5 Hz for very hard-rock, but decreases for decreasing frequency until vanishing below 2 Hz.  相似文献   

The 1897 Great Shillong earthquake revealed considerable seismic susceptibility in Guwahati City, such as soil liquefaction, landslides, and surface fissures. In an attempt to quantify the seismic vulnerability of the city based on geological, seismological, and geotechnical aspects concerning seismic site characterization, in-depth analysis was performed using a microtremor survey with recordings of five small to moderate magnitude (4.8 ≤ mb ≤ 5.4) earthquakes that occurred in 2006 and geotechnical investigations using the Standard Penetration Test (SPT). Additionally, the basement topography was established using vertical electrical resistivity sounding and selected drill-hole information. Region-specific relationships are derived by correlating the estimated values of predominant frequency, shear-wave velocity, and basement depth indicating conformity with the predominant frequency distribution and the basin topography underlain by a hard granitic basement. Most parts of the city adhere to the predominant frequency range of 0.5–3.5 Hz, setting aside areas of deep sediment fills or hilly tracts, suggesting that the existing moderate-rise RC buildings in the territory are seismically vulnerable. Furthermore, the geotechnical assessment of the soil liquefaction potential reveals widespread susceptibility across the terrain. Eventually, a site classification map of the city is prepared following the National Earthquake Hazard Program (NEHRP) provision. The average site amplification factor from geotechnical modeling for site class D is about 3 in the frequency range of 2–4 Hz. In addition, earthquake data yield an average site amplification factor of 4–6 in the frequency range of 1.2–5.0 Hz at the seismic stations located in site class E and F. High site amplifications of around 5.5 and 7.5 at 2 Hz, respectively, are observed at AMTRON and IRRIG seismic stations, which are located in the proximity of Precambrian rocks, indicating probable basin edge effects—scattering and diffraction of incident energy. Interplay of dispersed valleys surrounded by small hillocks in the study region is likely to induce micro-basin effects where the sediment thickness/depth vis-à-vis predominant frequency and basin geometry in conjunction play pivotal roles in the augmentation of site response.  相似文献   

2008年汶川MS8.0地震中, 固定和流动地形影响台阵记录到大量主余震记录, 本文通过对其均方根加速度、 相对持时、 频谱等要素进行分析, 讨论了山体地形效应的特征及其影响因素. 对于自贡西山公园地形台阵各测点的分析结果显示: 该台阵山脚基岩位置地震动的均方根加速度和相对持时明显低于山体周边土层场地和山体基岩测点; 随着高程的增加, 山体基岩测点的均方根加速度逐渐变大, 相对持时则变化不大, 傅里叶谱形状也大体一致, 在2.0—5.0 Hz频段内有所放大; 山体周边土层场地和山体地形对于相同地震动输入中不同频段内地震动能量的放大水平不同, 从而导致二者的地表地震动强度产生显著差异, 且前者对地震动持时的增加更加显著.   相似文献   

在研究多个工程场地钻孔资料的基础上,选取和构造了若干典型场地剖面,利用目前工程上广泛应用的场地地震反应分析的一维等效线性化波动方法,计算了各剖面在不同基底地震动输入的反应谱值及地表加速度峰值,分析了覆盖层厚度对反应谱峰值及峰值周期、地表加速度峰值和放大倍数的影响,得出了一些有意义的结论。  相似文献   

Introduction A sudden rupture of fault in the crust induces intensive earthquake, and brings about the overlaying soil moving and cracking, and the Earth′s surface deforming and rupturing as well. When it crosses the foundations of buildings and the underground structures, the rupture close to the Earth′s surface or surface fault would lead to direct destruction to these structures. The study on this problem has been paid more attention in recent years. From Kobe Earthquake, Izimit Earthq…  相似文献   

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