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唐山地震深浅构造关系研究   总被引:24,自引:5,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
地表观察和浅层高分辨率地震探测表明 ,唐山断裂与地震地表主破裂带的位置、产状均一致 ,且具有高角度西倾的逆冲走滑性质 ,发生过右旋水平错动和向东逆冲的垂直活动 ,而次破裂带与褶皱构造活动引起的其他断裂直接相关。根据瞬变磁场和深地震探测结果分析 ,唐山地区存在莫霍面斜坡和地壳“背斜”、中地壳水平滑脱和扩展断裂、上地壳高角度逆冲走滑断裂和背向斜构造 ,它们组成 1幅多层次、多级序的复式逆断裂 -扩展背斜构造图像 ,控制了唐山地震的孕育和发生  相似文献   

钻孔联合剖面探测匹配探槽开挖是获取平原区隐伏活动断裂多次活动地质依据的有效途径.本项研究跨唐山市1976年唐山地震地表破裂带实施了3条钻孔联合剖面探测及1个大探槽开挖,取得以下3点主要认识:(1)1976年唐山Ms7.8地震的地表破裂带长度大于47km,自唐山市市区南部向南过丰南县稻地镇孙家楼西侧至丰南县西河.(2)该地震地表破裂带的几何展布分为南支和北支.北支以右旋走滑为主,地表垂直位移为西升东降;南支地表垂直位移表现为东升西降,兼具右旋走滑.这种断层活动方式无法用单一的正断层或逆断层的活动给予解释,而与断裂带右旋走滑活动产生的垂直位移场吻合.研究获得的钻孔和探槽资料证实晚第四纪时期唐山断裂存在这种持续的活动方式.(3)探槽揭示的断面和钻孔揭示的地层断错现象表明,晚第四纪时期唐山断裂带曾发生多次断层活动事件.在1976年唐山地震之前3次断层活动的时间分别为距今7.61~8.13,〉14.57和24.21~26.57ka,连同1976年唐山地震在内这4次强震的时间间隔约为6.7~10.8ka.在3条钻孔测线中,牛马库钻孔测线距今75.18ka以来9次事件断层活动的平均间隔为8.4ka.同时文中根据地层测年结果讨论了唐山市南北侧晚第四纪沉积环境的差异.  相似文献   

江娃利 《中国地震》2006,22(2):135-141
文中讨论了近300年来发生在华北平原5次M≥7强震的构造特征及存在问题。其中包括对1966年邢台地震不存在地表地震断层的认识,对唐山地震的发震断层是西倾逆冲走滑断裂引发的问题,以及对1830年磁县地震和1937年菏泽地震发震构造环境的讨论。作者认为,当前在华北平原强震构造研究中存在诸多问题的主要原因,是对该区主要构造的晚第四纪活动状况不清楚,由此影响了华北平原强震构造标志的建立。如何在众多断裂中甄别出全新世活动的断裂,是开展华北平原未来强震危险性预测最有效的途径。  相似文献   

汶川M_S8.0地震地表破裂带及其发震构造   总被引:178,自引:33,他引:145  
震后应急野外考察表明,2008年5月12日汶川MS8.0地震在青藏高原东缘龙门山推覆构造带上同时使北川-映秀断裂和灌县-江油断裂两条倾向NW的叠瓦状逆断层发生地表破裂。其中,沿北川-映秀断裂展布的地表破裂带长约240km,以兼有右旋走滑分量的逆断层型破裂为主,最大垂直位移6.2m,最大右旋走滑位移4.9m;沿灌县-江油断裂连续展布的地表破裂带长约72km,最长可达90km,为典型的纯逆断层型地表破裂,最大垂直位移3.5m;另外,在上述两条地表破裂带西部还发育着1条NW向带有逆冲垂直分量、左旋走滑性质的小鱼洞地表破裂带,长约6km。这一地表破裂样式是近期发生的特大地震中结构最复杂的一次逆断层型地表破裂,地表破裂的长度也最长。利用已有的石油地震剖面,结合余震分布和地表破裂带特征等资料构建的三维发震构造模型表明,龙门山推覆构造带现今和第四纪时期以地壳缩短为主,斜滑逆冲型地震表明青藏高原中东部的水平运动在华南地块与巴颜喀拉地块之间的龙门山推覆构造带上转化为地壳的缩短和隆升  相似文献   

逆冲构造带的分段性研究是评价该类发震构造地震危险性的基础工作。荥经-马边-盐津逆冲构造带是青藏高原东南边缘重要的NW向强震构造带,该构造带以逆冲错动为主要活动形式,其组合形式与逆冲强度存在南北差异。通过NE向横向断裂的构造地貌分析,发现横向断裂以右旋走滑活动为主,兼有倾滑活动。根据其与纵向断裂的交接关系,将横向断裂概括为横向分割断裂、横向撕裂断裂和横向转换断裂3种类型,讨论了3类横向断裂在逆冲构造带分段中所起的不同作用,进而将荥经-马边-盐津逆冲构造带分为独立的3段,并分析了各段的地震活动特征。研究表明,荥经-马边-盐津逆冲构造带以横向断裂为标志的3分段特点,既体现了段与段之间断裂活动强度、地震破裂强度与步调的差异,又体现了段内地震破裂步调的一致性,表明横向断裂在一定程度上控制了逆冲构造带的破裂分段,只是横向断裂的类型不同,其所起的作用也不同  相似文献   

巴彦浩特断裂位于阿拉善地块与鄂尔多斯地块相互作用的边界构造带上,其晚第四纪活动特征和古地震数据对全面理解贺兰山周边区域地震构造和地震危险性具有重要意义,为此在研究相对薄弱的巴彦浩特断裂北段开展了断错地貌和古地震槽探研究。观测显示巴彦浩特断裂阿拉善左旗以北段以右旋走滑活动为主兼具逆倾滑,断层西盘相对抬升,在浅表形成半正花状构造组合。年代(56.28±4.04)~(82.2±5.78)ka的冲洪积地貌面上冲沟断错137 m,并在东侧形成断塞塘地貌,估计断层右旋走滑速率为1.67~2.43 mm/a。探槽揭示了3次具有显著地表逆倾滑破裂的强震事件,时间分别为(56.28±4.04)~(55.33±3.04)、(32.79±2.22)~(13.76±1.1)、(13.76±1.1)~(7.86±0.43)ka,逆倾滑量分别为0.44、0.35、0.29 m。与前人在巴彦浩特断裂南段的古地震研究进行对比,可知这3次古地震可能仅为部分事件记录。结合已有研究成果建立了贺兰山周边区域地震构造模型,贺兰山西侧右旋走滑的巴彦浩特断裂强震发震能力不容忽视,贺兰山两侧盆地不同性质断裂系共同构成了阿拉善地块与鄂尔多斯地块的活动边界构造带。  相似文献   

2008年5月12日四川汶川Ms8.0地震是一条陆内活动逆断裂带最新活动的结果.地震震源断裂沿龙门山构造带中央断裂发生斜滑作用和沿前山断裂发生纯逆断裂作用,断裂产状前者陡后者缓,垂直位移前者大后者小,这是一条少见的具有右旋走滑特征的挤压性质双断坡破裂,它是深部斜滑断裂在上地壳脆性域发生应变分解的结果.地震地表破裂带的分段活动和位移分布、地震波反演、余震空间分布、主震和余震震源机制解都说明这一条活动断裂带的活动机制和震源断裂破裂机制的复杂性.北西向小鱼洞左旋走滑破裂带是调节北东向破裂带中缩短量不同的破裂段之间的捩断裂,但由于震源断裂西南段经受着强烈挤压,左旋走滑的小鱼洞断裂也具有明显的挤压分量.在中央断裂这一条走滑逆冲和逆走滑性质的断裂和破裂带中出现的走滑正断裂控制的沙坝沟槽是在一个特殊的构造和地貌条件下,由震源断裂滑动和重力共同作用的结果,重力作用加大了该段破裂的正断层型垂直位移量,它不能真正代表震源断裂的最大地表垂直位移.  相似文献   

汶川地震地表破裂在东北端从石坎子乡到窝前的运动性质存着从走滑分量略高于倾滑分量到完全为右旋走滑运动的变化过程,倾滑分量在石坎子—平溪段具有逆断性质,在矿坪子及其以北为正断性质,未见挤压变形,窝前完全为右旋走滑运动,地表变形带宽度集中在10m以内;在董家村,地震地表破裂带主要表现为张性裂缝及地堑式负地形,是地震破裂在尾端应力作用下,应变不均一性调节的产物,地表变形带宽度约10~12m;在东河口以北未见地表破裂的证据,推测汶川地震地表破裂带没有穿过流经青川县东河口、关庄、凉水井一带的清水河,东河口一带的构造地貌现象反映了垂直差异性运动,不存在右旋走滑运动的地质地貌证据。在中央断裂东北端断层一侧隆升和另一侧拉张的典型四象限格局成为汶川地震地表破裂的端部表现特征。中央断裂上的汶川地震地表破裂带总长度为240km左右。在汶川地震过程中,沿着中央断裂在地表产生的构造变形在中央断裂的范围内就已经得到了调整,并没有越过中央断裂的范围而传递到以外的地段。  相似文献   

青海玉树M_S7.1地震两个典型地点的地表破裂特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
2010年4月14日在青海省玉树县发生了MS7.1地震,形成了长达65km的地表破裂带,甘达村西D1、果庆益荣松多D2是地表破裂带上破裂特征具代表性的2个地点。这2个地点的同震地表破裂特征调查结果显示:1)破裂沿先存的断裂晚第四纪活动遗迹展布,在甘达村西主要表现为张剪切破裂呈雁列状展布,在不连续的岩桥区分布了挤压鼓包,地表破裂带主要集中在古地震坳槽中,通过测量一个错断的围墙得到该点的位错量为1.4m;2)在果庆益荣松多,山前坡积物中展布的破裂带由斜列距约30m的次级破裂右阶斜列组成,而次级破裂则由一系列斜列距3~5m的单条破裂右阶斜列组成,单条破裂主要表现为挤压鼓包-张裂缝相间排列与裂缝带等2种破裂样式,在河谷中则表现为挤压垄脊和陷落塘,实测栅栏位错量为1.3m;3)破裂整体为左旋走滑性质,未见明显垂直错动分量,破裂样式为典型的走滑破裂特征,地表破裂带沿先存断错地貌分布,反映晚第四纪活动的甘孜-玉树断裂是此次地震的发震断裂,该断裂大震活动具有原地重复发生的特点  相似文献   

田勤俭  张军龙 《地震地质》2008,30(1):324-332
阿尔泰构造带的活动断裂主要为NW—NNW向。按构造位置可分为阿尔泰西缘活动断裂带、阿尔泰中央活动断裂带和阿尔泰东缘活动断裂带。阿尔泰东缘活动构造带由科布多(Hovd)活动断裂带、哈尔乌苏湖(Har Us)活动断裂带2条大型右旋走滑活动断裂和中间的挤压盆地带构成。在2条走滑断裂带上,前人发现多处地震地表破裂带。通过对阿尔泰东缘构造带中南段地区的野外调查,在哈尔乌苏湖断裂带中段的Jargalant断裂、科布多断裂带南段的Tugen gol断裂上新发现地震地表破裂带。其中,沿Jargalant断裂地震地表破裂带长约50km,右旋位错量约4~5m,是一次规模大、活动较新的破裂事件。可见,在阿尔泰东缘活动断裂带的不同断裂段上均有保存较好的地震地表破裂,显示阿尔泰东缘是活动强烈的地震构造带  相似文献   

The opinions of two papers carried in the journal "Seismology and Geology" are discussed in the paper.One is that the Tangshan fault is a high-angle,west-dipping and thrust with strike-slip fault.The other is that the Fuzhuang-Xihe fault distributed on the east side of Tangshan city is the seismogenic fault that caused the Tangshan earthquake.For the former opinion,it needs to explain the relationship between the active style of the thrust Tangshan fault and the formation genesis of a Quaternary depression along the west side of Tangshan city.For the latter opinion,if the Fuzhuang-Xihe fault is the seismogenic fault of the Tangshan earthquake,it needs to explain the genesis relationship between this west-dip slip fault zone and the strike-slip surface fissure zone that extends through Tangshan city.And it needs more evidence exclude the possibility that the surface rupture belongs to the rupturing of a secondary structure.This paper suggests doing more work on the active fault that controls the Caobo Quaternary depression.  相似文献   

郭慧  江娃利  谢新生 《地震地质》2011,33(3):506-524
1976年河北唐山MS7.8地震发生之后,诸多资料报道了唐山市南侧展布的长8~11km的地震地表破裂带.该地表破裂带由10余条NE方向、具右旋走滑特征的地表破裂呈左阶形式组成,总体走向N30°E,最大右旋位移2.3m,多数地段的垂直位移为0.5 ~0.7m.近年有学者提出,在更大范围内出现的地表破坏现象.分辨这些地表破...  相似文献   

On 20 April 2013, a destructive earthquake, the Lushan MS7.0 earthquake, occurred in the southern segment of the Longmenshan Fault zone, the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau in Sichuan, China. This earthquake did not produce surface rupture zone, and its seismogenic structure is not clear. Due to the lack of Quaternary sediment in the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone and the fact that fault outcrops are not obvious, there is a shortage of data concerning the tectonic activity of this region. This paper takes the upper reaches of the Qingyijiang River as the research target, which runs through the Yanjing-Wulong Fault, Dachuan-Shuangshi Fault and Lushan Basin, with an attempt to improve the understanding of the tectonic activity of the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone and explore the seismogenic structure of Lushan earthquake. In the paper, the important morphological features and tectonic evolution of this area were reviewed. Then, field sites were selected to provide profiles of different parts of the Qingyijiang River terraces, and the longitudinal profile of the terraces of the Qingyijiang River in the south segment of the Longmenshan fault zone was reconstructed based on geological interpretation of high-resolution remote sensing images, continuous differential GPS surveying along the terrace surfaces, geomorphic field evidence, and correlation of the fluvial terraces. The deformed longitudinal profile reveals that the most active tectonics during the late Quaternary in the south segment of the Longmenshan Fault zone are the Yanjing-Wulong Fault and the Longmenshan range front anticline. The vertical thrust rate of the Yanjing-Wulong Fault is nearly 0.6~1.2mm/a in the late Quaternary. The tectonic activity of the Longmenshan range front anticline may be higher than the Yanjing-Wulong Fault. Combined with the relocations of aftershocks and other geophysical data about the Lushan earthquake, we found that the seismogenic structure of the Lushan earthquake is the range front blind thrust and the back thrust fault, and the pop-up structure between the two faults controls the surface deformation of the range front anticline.  相似文献   

Anqiu-Juxian Fault is an important fault in the Tanlu fault zone, with the largest seismic risk, the most recent activity date and the most obvious surface traces. It is also the seismogenic fault of the Tancheng M8 1/2 earthquake in 1668. There are many different views about the southern termination location of surface rupture of the Tancheng earthquake and the Holocene activity in Jiangsu segment of this fault. Research on the latest activity time of the Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault, particularly the termination location of surface rupture of the Tancheng earthquake, is of great significance to the assessment of its earthquake potential and seismic risk. Based on trench excavation on the Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault, we discuss the time and characteristics of its latest activity. Multiple geological sections from southern Maling Mountain to Chonggang Mountain indicate that there was an ancient seismic event occurring in Holocene on the Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault. We suggest the time of the latest seismic event is about(4.853±0.012)~(2.92±0.3)ka BP by dating results. The latest activity is characterized by thrust strike-slip faulting, with the maximum displacement of 1m. Combined with the fault rupture characteristics of each section, it is inferred that only one large-scale paleo-earthquake event occurred on the Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault since the Holocene. The upper parts of the fault are covered by horizontal sand layers, not only on the trench in the west of Chonggang mountain but also on the trench in Hehuan Road in Suqian city, which indicates that the main part of the Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault was probably not the surface rupture zone of the 1668 Tancheng M8 1/2 earthquake. In short, the Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault has experienced many paleo-earthquake events since the late Pleistocene, with obvious activity during the Holocene. The seismic activities of the Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault have the characteristics of large magnitude and low frequency. The Jiangsu segment of Anqiu-Juxian Fault has the deep tectonic and seismic-geological backgrounds of big earthquakes generation and should be highly valued by scientists.  相似文献   

北京时间2014年8月3日16时30分,云南省鲁甸县发生了MS 6.5地震,本次地震的发震构造为包谷垴-小河断裂。野外调查发现,王家坡不稳定斜坡上的地表破裂在整个破裂带中比较具有代表性,其地表破裂带整体走向N45°W-N50°W,并且由剪切破裂、张剪切破裂、压剪切破裂、张性破裂以及鼓包等典型地表破裂组成。其中左、右地表破裂边界与发震断层的出露位置一致,由断层错动造成;而部分地表破裂与断层的位置不重合,其成因分为2种,一种是发震断层导致的一些次级地表破裂,另一种是地震引发的滑坡后缘破裂。地表破裂类型和基本组合特征显示出王家坡潜在不稳定斜坡上的地表破裂带具有左旋走滑的性质。  相似文献   

汶川地震震中映秀地区地表破裂特征   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
汶川8级大震的震中位于映秀镇,地震在映秀地区造成了多处地表破裂,如公路拱曲、地震陡坎,坡中槽新变形等,长度达300余米.经实地全站仪和GPS测量,定量分析了地表破裂的垂直分量与水平分量以及两者之间的比值,以此揭示了映秀-北川断裂的运动性质为逆冲兼右行走滑,在映秀地区逆冲分量大于走滑分量.将本次地震造成的位错数据与震前资料对比,发现汶川地震产生的地表破裂位置与地质历史上映秀-北川断裂造成的断层位错位置是相当吻合的,说明映秀地区Ⅳ级阶地上40余米的的断层陡坎可能是地质历史时期若干次大地震的结果.  相似文献   

Bayan Hara Block is one of the most representative active blocks resulting from the lateral extrusion of Tibet Plateau since the Cenozoic. Its southern and northern boundary faults are characterized by typical strike-slip shear deformation. Its eastern boundary is blocked by the Yangze block and its horizontal movement is transformed into the vertical movement of the Longmen Shan tectonic belt, leading to the uplift of the Longmen Shan Mountains and forming a grand geomorphic barrier on the eastern margin of the Tibet Plateau. A series of large earthquakes occurred along the boundary faults of the Bayan Hara Block in the past twenty years, which have attracted attention of many scholars. At present, the related studies of active tectonics on Bayan Hara Block are mainly concentrated on the boundary faults, such as Yushu-Ganzi-Xianshuihe Fault, East Kunlun Fault and Longmen Shan Fault. However, there are also some large faults inside the block, which not only have late Quaternary activity, but also have tectonic conditions to produce strong earthquake. These faults divide the Bayan Hara Block into some secondary blocks, and may play important roles in the kinematics and dynamics mechanism of the Bayan Hara Block, or even the eastern margin of the Tibet Plateau. The Dari Fault is one of the left-lateral strike-slip faults in the Bayan Hara Block. The Dari Fault starts at the eastern pass of the Kunlun Mountains, extends eastward through the south of Yalazela, Yeniugou and Keshoutan, the fault strike turns to NNE direction at Angcanggou, then turns to NE direction again at Moba town, Qinghai Province, and the fault ends near Nanmuda town, Sichuan Province, with a total length of more than 500km. The fault has been considered to be a late Quaternary active fault and the 1947 M73/4 Dari earthquake was produced by its middle segment. But studies on the late Quaternary activity of the Dari Fault are still weak. The previous research mainly focused on the investigation of the surface rupture and damages of the 1947 M73/4 Dari earthquake. However, there were different opinions about the scale of the M73/4 earthquake surface rupture zone. Dai Hua-guang(1983)thought that the surface rupture of the earthquake was about 150km long, but Qinghai Earthquake Agency(1984)believed that the length of surface rupture zone was only 58km. Based on interpretation of high-resolution images and field investigations, in this paper, we studied the late Quaternary activity of the Dari Fault and the surface rupture zone of the 1947 Dari earthquake. Late Quaternary activity in the central segment of the Dari Fault is particularly significant. A series of linear tectonic landforms, such as fault trough valley, fault scarps, fault springs and gully offsets, etc. are developed along the Dari Fault. And the surface rupture zone of the 1947 Dari earthquake is still relatively well preserved. We conducted a follow-up field investigation for the surface rupture zone of the 1947 Dari earthquake and found that the surface rupture related to the Dari earthquake starts at Longgen village in Moba town, and ends near the northwest of the Yilonggounao in Jianshe town, with a length of about 70km. The surface rupture is primarily characterized by scarps, compressional ridges, pull-apart basins, landslides, cleavage, and the coseismic offset is about 2~4m determined by a series of offset gullies. The surface rupture zone extends to the northwest of Yilonggounao and becomes ambiguous. It is mainly characterized by a series of linear fault springs along the surface rupture zone. Therefore, we suggest that the surface rupture zone of the 1947 Dari earthquake ends at the northwest of Yilonggounao. In summary, the central segment of the Dari Fault can be characterized by strong late Quaternary activity, and the surface rupture zone of the 1947 Dari earthquake is about 70km long.  相似文献   

In order to reveal the deformation and cumulative stress state in Longmenshan and its adjacent faults before Wenchuan earthquake,a 3D viscoelastic finite element model,which includes Longmenshan,Longriba,Minjiang and Huya faults is built in this paper.Using the GPS measurement results of 1999-2004 as the boundary constraints,the deformation and movement of Longmenshan fault zone and its adjacent zones before Wenchuan earthquake are simulated.The conclusions are drawn in this paper as follows:First,velocity component parallel to Longmenshan Fault is mainly absorbed by Longriba Fault and velocity component perpendicular to the Longmenshan Fault is mainly absorbed by itself.Because of the barrier effect of Minjiang and Huya faults on the north section of Longmenshan Fault,the compression rate in the northern part of Longmenshan Fault is lower than that in the southern part.Second,extending from SW to NE direction along Longmenshan Fault,the angle between the main compressive stress and the direction of the fault changes gradually from the nearly vertical to 45 degrees. Compressive stress and shear stress accumulation rate is high in southwest segment of Longmenshan Fault and compressive stress is greater;the stress accumulation rate is low and the compressive stress is close to shear stress in the northeast segment of the fault.This is coincident with the fact that small and medium-sized earthquakes occurred frequently and seismic activity is strong in the southwest of the fault,and that there are only occasional small earthquakes and the seismic activity is weak in the northeast of the fault.It is also coincident with the rupture type of thrust and right-lateral strike-slip of the Wenchuan earthquake and thrust of the Lushan earthquake.Third,assuming that the same type and magnitude of earthquake requires the same amount of stress accumulation,the rupture of Minjiang Fault,the southern segment of Longmenshan Fault and the Huya Fault are mainly of thrust movement and the earthquake recurrence period of the three faults increases gradually.In the northern segment of Longriba Fault and Longmenshan Fault,earthquake rupture is of thrusting and right-lateral strike-slip. The earthquake recurrence period of former is shorter than the latter.In the southern segment of Longriba Fault,earthquake rupture is purely of right-lateral strike-slip,it is possible that the earthquake recurrence period on the fault is the shortest in the study region.  相似文献   

2012年6月24日宁蒗-盐源MS5.7地震,位于丽江-小金河断裂西北30km。区域范围内历史上地震频繁,为滇西北地震多发区。震区断裂构造复杂,主要发育NW向、NE向2组断裂,呈棋盘格式展布。经野外实地考察,震中附近发育NW向永宁断裂和NE向日古鲁-岩瓦断裂2条晚更新世活动断裂。永宁断裂由温泉断层、永宁断层和阿拉凹断层组成。在卫星影像上线性特征清晰,断层地貌明显。断裂对永宁、泸沽湖第四纪盆地具有严格的控制作用,沿线多处发育温泉。前所河的多条支流顺断层发育,八七—海衣角一带、日古鲁东山厝附近,多处河流右旋位错。阿拉凹一带断错T2阶地上更新统沉积,被错地层最新年龄(TL)为(21.19±1.80)ka,是一条以右旋走滑兼正断性质的晚更新世活动断层。日古鲁—岩瓦断裂对岩瓦、日古鲁、利家咀等古近纪、新近纪盆地和永宁第四纪盆地有着明显的控制作用,断错中更新世和上更新世地层。中挖都—利家咀一带,有多条小溪呈现出同步左旋位错特征。断裂在晚更新世有着明显的活动迹象,以左旋走滑运动为主。据震源机制解结果,此次地震为正断兼右旋走滑型地震,NW向节面产状与永宁断裂基本吻合,地震破裂型式与永宁断裂运动学特征一致。地震烈度长轴方向、Ⅷ度烈度异常点线性分布以及构造地裂缝方向均与永宁断裂走向一致。分析认为,永宁断裂为此次地震的发震构造。此外,1996年丽江7.0级地震、1976年中甸5.5级地震以及本次5.7级地震,均具有明显的正倾滑分量。这些地震多分布在哈巴雪山和玉龙雪山新构造隆起周缘。根据区域地形条件分析,该地区的正断层运动作用很可能与地形巨大反差引起的重力势能有关。  相似文献   

The Fodongmiao-Hongyazi Fault (FHF)is one of the most active faults of the northern Qilian thrust fault zone. The 1609 Hongyazi M7 1/4 earthquake occurred on the east segment of the FHF, an area with a complex geometry at the Mayinghe River site. The seismogenic pattern of this earthquake revealed by complex surface ruptures remains unclear. In this paper, we focus on active tectonic deformation around the Hujiatai anticline (HA)in the Mayinghe River site. Combining with topographic survey via dGPS across deformed terraces and alluvial fans, a field survey of the geological section across the HA, the characteristics of the active fold and several sub-faults were constrained. Meanwhile, combined with the seismic reflection profiles passing through the anticline, the correspondence relationship between surface expressions of this tectonic and the deep structure was discussed. According to our research, the HA is a result of northward propagation of the range-front thrust fault F1. At the same time, a thrust fault F2 with dextral strike-slip motion and a thrust fault F4 were formed on the east side and north side of the HA, respectively. These two active faults accommodated local deformation. Trench results and 14C dating reveal that the 1609 Hongyazi M7 1/4 earthquake ruptured the T1 terrace in the Huangcaoba site. Combined with previous field investigations and literature about the 1609 Hongyazi earthquake, we suggest that this earthquake occurred on the range-front fault F1, and the depth of the hypocenter may be about 8~22km.  相似文献   

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