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蔡作馨  杨鼎鸿  程庆斌  邓宁  林昊  邓聪 《地震》2006,26(4):9-14
在宁德地震台进行的地下水数字化单井综合观测实验中, 采用“恒流式”单井综合观测方法, 配套相应的技术系统, 实现了对地下含水层氡浓度和水位实时动态的连续综合观测, 而且记录到两者具有与固体潮相对应的同步性半日波微动态。 分析认为, 这一方面为地下水有关测项预报地震力学基础的研究提供了新的观测事实; 另一方面, 为试图通过综合观测以期有利于识别干扰与地震前兆信息研究思路的实践提供了一种新途径。  相似文献   

BG2015R测氡仪近年来作为新型仪器开始应用于地震行业氡观测,但以正式观测仪器进行氡浓度观测的地震台站相对较少。宁德地震台2019年1月安装了该仪器,经试运行后,于2020年1月正式入网运行,在观测过程中对该仪器的性能及运行特性有了一定的了解。本文通过在宁德一号观测井开展SD-3A、BG2015R两套测氡仪系统串网同步、对比观测,并对观测数据及仪器运行进行了比较分析,为其他地震台站在仪器选型、数据分析及系统运维方面提供借鉴。   相似文献   

面向21世纪的地震地下流体科学问题与发展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对地下流体科学国内外最新研究动态和成果进行了介绍。并在此基础上指出:基于先进观测技术的可靠观测资料是提高地震地下流体理论研究水平的关键。最后分析了目前存在的主要问题,并相应地提出今后我国地震地下流体学科的发展方向:建设新一代地震地下流体科学观测台网;发展地震地下流体前兆观测台阵和深井观测;开展野外观测实验研究、室内高温高压实验研究和高精度大型数值模拟研究。  相似文献   

《地震科学研究》系国家地震局主办的综合性地震科学技术刊物,以报道地震预报的应用研究和理论研究为主,兼顾地震学、地球物理学、地震地质等学科.内容包括地震前兆及其观测技术、震源物理、地壳结构、地球化学、大震考察、诱发地震等,辟有:学术论文、综合述评、科研通讯、科技交流、问题讨论、预报方案选登、实验方案选登、震例简介等专栏.是反映我国地震科学研究领域的学术动态、研究思路及科学进展的中一高级刊物.该刊读者对象主要是从事地震学、地球物理学的科学技术人员、台站观测人员、有关大专院校师生及业余爱好者.  相似文献   

在物理定律基础上建立预报理论的方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在物理定律基础上建立预报理论的方案大中康誉为了实现地震预报,观测是一个重要的支柱,而另一个支柱就是地震预报理论的建立和系统化问题。如果确立了预报理论,就能够对预报观测、前兆的判定、地震发生的预测等提出科学根据和合理的指导方针。因此,要确立有科学基础的...  相似文献   

根据地震流动观测实践经验,归纳总结了地震流动观测在提升地震监测能力,开展地震科学研究方面的作用和意义。着重介绍根据不同地区日照情况和设备功耗水平,确定流动地震台站关键设备参数的方法;针对流动观测特点设计制作地震流动观测防护装置、专用底座和集成装置;通过开展软土场地和水泥地面对比观测,分析两种观测环境下背景噪声特点,为改进和发展地震流动观测实用技术拓宽思路。   相似文献   

中国地震科学台阵流动观测现状及进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地震科学台阵是由一定数量的地震仪组成,并根据具体研究目的布设成一定几何形状的地震观测系统。随着地震观测技术的发展与进步,探测能力的提高,大规模流动地震科学台阵观测将成为高分辨率深部结构成像的重要手段和发展方向。本文主要阐述了开展流动地震科学台阵观测的重要性,介绍了国内外流动地震科学台阵观测现状以及差距,并针对我国目前流动地震观测技术,提出了要加强我国流动地震科学台阵观测平台和人才队伍建设,提高深部结构探测成像的精度,增强对深部孕震环境和地震发生机理的认识水平,为社会防震减灾事业服务。  相似文献   

我国地震电磁监测卫星总体技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地震孕育和发生过程会引起震中附近上空的电离层异常,通过空间观测手段对由地震引起的空间电磁异常现象进行观测有着地面观测手段难以企及的优势.本文对我国地震电磁监测试验卫星科学任务进行了分析,在此基础上,给出了卫星的总体方案设计,并对卫星的工作模式、轨道和卫星构型进行了详细的论证、设计与分析,提出了满足地震电磁观测要求的卫星总体技术方案.  相似文献   

地震环境下钢筋混凝土箱梁复合受力特性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
刘觅  高亮 《地震工程学报》2018,40(4):665-670
利用传统有限元分析法对地震环境下钢筋混凝土箱梁复合受力特性分析时,采用专家经验进行配筋,存在较强的主观意识,导致获取的复合受力特性分析结果存在偏差。根据以往的实验研究参数结合国家对混凝土桥梁参数的限制条件,构建地震环境下钢筋混凝土箱梁复合受力实验模型。设定实验模型尺寸,根据模型尺寸选择模型材料,采用圆钢与角钢搭建跨梁连续支座,融合反力架与千斤顶设计实验加载方案;根据方案中得出的配筋计算结果,获取地震环境下钢筋连续箱梁复合受力实验模型的科学配筋方案。实验结果表明,该实验模型可对地震环境下钢筋混凝土箱梁复合受力特性进行全面、准确分析。  相似文献   

建设地震数据库系统是为适应和推动地震工作发展所提出的新任务。建国后,特别是一九六六年邢台地震以来,以探索攻克地震预报难题为目标,我国地震科学事业取得了长足进展,为世界瞩目。地震科学的基础是观测。多年来在全国范围内实施众多的定点、流动观测、大规模考察以及许多实验研究。例如,局属地震台已达四百六十余个,在这些台上数千套仪器每天进行近千(台)项观测;建成了十七个区域或地方地震遥测台网,还有十一个正在兴建;近年来每年在四千多个测点上进行二万多公里的流动观测,迄今累积了约三十五万公里的数据资料;利用人工地震、工业爆破及天然地震转换波测深近三万公里;对不下百多次地震序列组织了现场综合观测考察,以及许多专题的地球物理、地质考察和实验;利用多途径的国内外科技合作和多渠道的交换得到了很多宝贵的地球—空间科学和地震工程数据资料。凡此种种,  相似文献   

This paper investigates and compares the seismic performance of two types of innovative repairable fuse devices for earthquake resistant composite steel frames through experimental tests and numerical analyses. The fuses are energy dissipating devices consisting of steel plates that can be welded or bolted to the beam web and bottom flange. The numerical analyses performed in this study are based on the results of experimental tests carried out on beam-to-column sub-assemblages equipped with both the types of fuse devices. The main differences in terms of hysteretic behavior and failure modes of the fuses are identified through the experimental campaign. Detailed three-dimensional finite element models of the beam-to-column sub-assemblages are then created to provide a deeper insight into both the response and the effectiveness of the two investigated devices. On the basis of the results of both the experimental tests and numerical analyses, simplified models of different types of fuses are developed in order to study the effects of bolted and welded devices on the seismic response of composite steel frames. The results are then extended to the case of three-dimensional building structures with different number of storeys. The experimental and numerical investigations prove the effectiveness of the fuses and highlight the main differences between the two possible solutions.  相似文献   

An experimental test program on a full‐scale model representing a sub‐assemblage of the cloister facade of the Sao Vicente de Fora monastery, retrofitted through base isolation, has been recently carried out at the European Laboratory for Structural Assessment of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. In this paper an overview of the laboratory model and the experimental results is provided. In particular, firstly the test model is described, including the geometry and mechanical properties of the masonry specimen and the design of the isolation devices; then the testing method and the sub‐structuring of the isolation system are described and the seismic inputs adopted for the pseudo‐dynamic tests are defined. Finally, the experimental results are discussed and compared to the analogous results obtained on the ‘as is’, fixed‐base sub‐assemblage model. The implications of the test outcomes are emphasized and developments of this research line are presented. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Optimal transducer placement for health monitoring of long span bridge   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In experimental modal testing, the measurement locations and the number of measurements have a major influence on the quality of the results. In general, there are several alternative schemes for sensor placement, and the accuracy of the data increases as the number of sensors utilized increases. However, the number of transducers that can be attached to a real structure is limited by economic constraints. Therefore, algorithms that address the issue of limited instrumentation and its effects on resolution and accuracy are important from the standpoint of experimental modal analysis. The authors are particularly interested in structural dynamics based damage evaluation of large structures, and the development and implementation of suitable sensor location algorithms are critical for such a problem. A kinetic energy optimization technique (EOT) has been derived, and numerical issues are addressed and applied to real experimental data obtained from a model of an asymmetric long span bridge. Using experimental data from the bridge model, the algorithm proposed in this paper is compared to Kammer's EIM algorithm, which optimizes the transducer placement for identification and control purposes.  相似文献   

多孔岩石波传播的热弛豫模型修正   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
经研究发现热弛豫模型的衰减比BISQ模型大得较多,与地球介质相比衰减量也过大;反演与实验结果相比在虚模量的低频(或低温)端和高频(或高温)端相差较大,仅在峰值附近符合较好.针对上述不足,将Arrhenius关系直接引进Biot模型,替换原模型引进的峰值点的频率对数和温度关系,并重新调整了模型参数.这样既改善了原模型衰减量过大,又克服了模型反演中虚模量峰值曲线两侧差异较大的缺点.进行了P波和S波的波传播分析,仍然在频率谱和温度谱上获得热弛豫峰和Biot峰.分析显示热弛豫峰导致波速随频率升高而上升的普遍规律,Biot峰导致波速随温度升高而上升的异常现象.在相同条件下对Biot模型,BISQ模型和热弛豫模型的P波波速和衰减进行了对比.热弛豫模型得到的速度频散更强,频散范围更宽,所得的衰减峰值频率比BISQ模型要低,衰减幅度比BISQ模型稍大.这些结果与实验结果相近,更符合实际.  相似文献   

With respect to radioactive waste confinement indurated clays are potential host rocks as well as barrier rock formations. Regarding the tight coupling between fluid flow processes and time-dependent deformation in argillaceous rock mass this paper presents recent experimental findings obtained in the Mont Terri URL which are interpreted in terms of potential driving mechanisms for the time-dependent deformation behaviour of the rock. Within the interpretation process, numerical modelling work, reflecting the actual properties of the rock in situ, is performed and the simulation results are compared to the experimental results. The discussion also touches on the work which is in progress on validating the Finite Element Code for physical modelling and numerical simulation (CODE_BRIGHT).  相似文献   

The widespread use of sliding bearings for the seismic isolation of structures requires detailed knowledge of their behavior and improved modeling capability under seismic conditions. The paper summarizes the results of a large experimental investigation on steel–PTFE interfaces, aimed at evaluating the effects of sliding velocity, contact pressure, air temperature and state of lubrication on the mechanical behavior of steel-PTFE sliding bearings. Based on the experimental outcomes, two different mathematical models have been calibrated, which are capable of accounting for the investigated parameters in the evaluation of the sliding friction coefficient. The first model is basically an extension of the model proposed by Constantinou et al. (1990)Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 116(2), 455–472, while the second model is derived from the one proposed by Changet al. (1990)Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 116, 2749–2763. Expressions of the model parameters as a function of bearing pressure and air temperature are presented for lubricated and non-lubricated sliding surfaces. Predicted and experimental results are finally compared.  相似文献   

高强混凝土剪力墙地震损伤模型分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在分析比较现有钢筋混凝土结构的地震损伤模型的基础上,根据高强混凝土剪力墙的滞回曲线特性及刚度退化规律,采用能量耗散系数和最大变位处的卸载刚度的退化为破坏参数,提出了适用于高强混凝土剪力墙构件的双参数地震损伤模型。依据已有的高强混凝土剪力墙构件试验研究结果,对损伤模型进行非线性回归分析,确定了相应的地震损伤模型参数,提出了高强混凝土剪力墙各性能水平的损伤指数以及相应于三水准抗震设防的损伤指数允许值。分析结果表明,按本文所提出的损伤模型计算得到的剪力墙构件最终破坏时对应的损伤指数,其平均值在合理范围内,标准差较小;损伤指数计算值对应的损伤程度基本符合试验结果,计算结果离散程度较低。  相似文献   

An explicit finite difference solution procedure for the 2D, unsteady, turbulent and incompressible Navier-Stokes flow problem is developed. The innovative feature of the numerical model is the use of a penalty function technique. To illustrate the effectiveness of the model, two numerically predicted flow patterns for laboratory size sedimentation tanks are compared to actual experimental results. The predicted flow pattern shows a satisfactory match with experimental data.  相似文献   

DGZ-1多功能共振柱常规试验可靠性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对新研制的多功能共振柱讕验机常规土类试验,发展此类仪器的试验可靠性分析理论,建立一套检验自身可靠性的分析方法傌技术,包括试验误差分析、试验定量考核、土工试验等多种技术手段。首先建立了共振柱仪动剪切模量误差、应叐误差和阻尼比误差的分析公式,得到了几种主要影响因素及其对试验误差影响程度的新认识。同时,通过若干已知动剪切模量且频率和土频率相接近的钢杆和铝杆试件的自振和共振试验,定量上验证该仪器常规试验结果的可靠性;通过砂土和原状粘土常规试验,定性上检验土工试验结果的合理性。通过对新研制的多功能共振柱试验机的常规试验功能进行可靠性的自身检验,所有试验结果是令人满意和可靠的,结果符合现有规律的认识。  相似文献   

A simplified fatigue-life model is proposed for assessing the seismic inelastic rotational capacity of steel connections. First relations are developed for rigid steel connections under lateral loading. Next this is extended to account for the effects of the welded steel moment frame (WSMF) connections of the so-called pre-Northridge type. The seismic fatigue theory is validated against experimental results. The experiments were conducted under increasing ductility amplitudcs until the onset of fracture. Miner‘ rule was used to convert the test results to given an equivalent constant amplitude cyclic fatigue life. Satisfactory agreement is obtained when comparing the experimental observations with the theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

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