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传统理论认为,支撑水生态系统食物网的碳主要来自于系统内部的初级生产者,如藻类、大型水生植物等,或者来自陆源输入的新鲜且容易分解的有机质;而部分生物或非生物生产的有机碳,在冰川、冻土等环境中可停留数百年至数千年(定义为老碳),由于储存环境稳定、物理化学性质顽固,难以参与水生生态系统有机碳循环.近年来这一观念不断被挑战.研究表明老碳能够参与水生态系统食物网碳循环:可以被微生物分解利用;被浮游动物、无脊椎动物直接或者间接摄取、或沿着营养级传递至鱼类、水禽等高级消费者.这意味着除了内部初级生产,老碳是支撑水生态系统重要的碳源.本文概述了当前老碳与水生态系统食物网关系研究最新进展和所取得的研究成果,介绍放射性14C同位素技术在水生态学领域的应用,同时提出研究中存在的问题以及未来研究应关注的方向,以期促进我国水生态系统碳循环研究的进一步发展.  相似文献   

稳定同位素示踪方法是研究生态系统组成与功能的重要手段,有助于认识湖泊食物网的基本组成与生物地球化学循环的主要过程.本研究选择了云南省东部地区营养水平不同的10个湖泊,开展了高等水生植物(沉水植物、漂浮植物)、浮游植物与浮游动物的空间调查,分析了不同生物在碳、氮稳定同位素信号与元素组成上的分布模式.在碳稳定同位素信号的分布上,漂浮植物在4种生物类型中最为偏负且变化幅度最小,为-28.99‰±0.86‰;浮游动物碳稳定同位素(-20.85‰±2.70‰)的分布特征与浮游植物(-21.88‰±2.97‰)显著相似;而沉水植物的碳稳定同位素显著偏正且变化范围较大,平均值为-12.04‰±4.57‰.结果表明,碳源及其传输途径的差异是导致湖泊生物体内碳同位素信号不同的主要驱动过程.在氮稳定同位素信号上,同为初级生产者的沉水植物(5.43‰±5.84‰)、漂浮植物(5.58‰±7.38‰)与浮游植物(7.26‰±3.83‰)较为相似,而浮游动物氮同位素信号(11.02‰±3.18‰)显著高于浮游植物且平均富集约3.46‰,反映了湖泊生物随着营养级的增加出现较为明显的同位素分馏效应.在空间分布上,湖泊生物碳同位素信号受到水温、水深等因素的明显影响,氮同位素信号则随湖泊营养水平的增加而逐渐偏正.与长江中下游等地区相比,云南湖泊生物的碳、氮元素含量总体偏高;同时,代表内源有机质组分的水生植物和浮游生物C/N质量比值都小于20.因此,本研究揭示的生物碳、氮同位素信号与元素组成特征可为评价高原湖泊食物网组成与生物地球化学循环提供重要的科学依据.  相似文献   

稳定同位素技术应用于水域食物网的方法学研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
稳定同位素技术是揭示食物网中物质的循环路径和探究消费者、生产者间的营养关系的重要方法.但是,不同的样品处理方法可能引起同位素比值的变动,使得食物网模型的建立和各研究结果间的相互比较存在一定的困难.样品的预处理主要分为四个环节,即保存、分离、酸化和干燥.在水域生态系统中,水体中的颗粒,溶解性有机物质、细菌、浮游动物、藻类、水生植物、鱼类及底栖动物等采集后,通过分离纯化,得到目的样品,-20℃冷冻保存.对于含有无机碳酸盐的生物样品,例如沉积物、含有钙质结构的无脊椎生物、部分浮游生物等需要酸化处理以排除无机碳对6"c测定的影响,1mol/L.HCl滴加可以达到很好的去除效果.对于生物样品δ15N的测定则不需要酸化处理.最后,样品经冷冻干燥或40—70℃低温烘干以备稳定同位素的测定.另外,用福尔马林、乙醇等保存在博物馆里的样品,对于长时间尺度上食物网的重建具有重要的生态学意义.本文系统总结了不同研究中样品处理过程的差异,分析其干扰机制,为进一步的方法学研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖流域饶河鱼类稳定同位素比值和营养级的空间变化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张欢  肖协文  王玉玉  于秀波 《湖泊科学》2015,27(6):1004-1010
由于水文特征的变化和栖息生境的异质性,河流食物网结构存在着一定的空间变化.认识人类活动对河流食物网结构空间变化的影响能够为河流生态系统的科学管理提供有效指导.利用稳定同位素分析技术,测定枯水季节饶河不同地区初级生产者和鱼类的碳、氮稳定同位素比值(δ13C和δ15N),比较饶河下游鄱阳和中游海口河段4种常见鱼类的δ13C、δ15N值和营养级,并分析导致不同河段食物网结构差异的原因.结果表明,鄱阳与海口两个地区鱼类的δ13C值无显著差异,但δ15N值差异显著.鱼类的δ13C值变化范围在鄱阳河段大于海口河段,鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)和贝氏(Hemiculter bleekeri)在鄱阳河段的δ15N值要显著高于海口河段,而黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)和鲫(Carassius auratus)的δ15N值在鄱阳河段却表现更低.另一方面,除黄颡鱼外,鳜、贝氏和鲫在鄱阳河段的营养级均显著高于其在海口河段的营养级.研究认为,由于颗粒有机物和附着藻类的δ13C值在鄱阳与海口河段没有显著差异,因而导致鱼类的δ13C值也没有明显变化.不同生境下初级食物源δ15N值的差异及人为扰动的程度可能是影响饶河不同河段鱼类的δ15N值存在明显差异的主要原因.  相似文献   

李静  陈光杰  黄林培  孔令阳  索旗  王旭  朱云  张涛  王露 《湖泊科学》2023,35(6):2170-2184
区域增温和大气氮沉降作用已成为高山湖泊面临的重要环境胁迫,已有高山湖泊生物群落响应的长期模式研究主要集中于藻类而缺乏更高营养级生物(如浮游动物)的系统调查。本研究选择滇西北地区深水型的高山湖泊沃迪错开展沉积物调查,通过多指标分析(总氮、总磷、叶绿素a、氮稳定同位素等)并结合区域气候重建记录,识别近两百年来该湖泊及流域环境的变化历史,进一步利用枝角类群落指标(物种组成、生物量等)定量评价了湖泊生物群落的响应模式与驱动因子。结果表明,湖泊营养水平(如总氮浓度)和初级生产力(叶绿素a浓度等)在过去近两百年总体呈上升趋势。相关分析显示,大气氮沉降和流域外源输入是影响总氮上升的主要因素,同时区域增温和营养盐富集促进了湖泊初级生产力的不断上升。自1960s以来区域升温明显,湖泊营养水平和叶绿素a浓度呈现加速上升的趋势。钻孔中枝角类群落以浮游属种(Daphnia longispina等)为优势种,在1900AD以前D.longispina相对丰度较为稳定(40.83%±8.02%),之后出现下降趋势且在1948—1965年间明显下降,之后再次明显上升并成为主要优势种。排序分析显示,气温、叶绿素a和总...  相似文献   

太湖梅梁湾富营养化过程的同位素地球化学证据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以浅水湖泊太湖为研究对象,通过湖泊水体、水生生物同位素以及相应湖泊水体营养指标的比较分析,并根据梅梁湾钻孔沉积物TN,TP,TOC,C/N,δ15N,δ13C等多项指标记录,恢复了湖泊富营养化过程.研究结果表明,不同湖区植物碳、氮同位素值和水体NH4+的δ15N值变化反映了植物组成和营养水平的差异.梅梁湾水体NH4+的δ15N和水环境参数不同月份的变化反映了外部营养载荷的输入对湖泊环境有明显的影响.1950~1990年湖泊沉积物有机质碳、氮同位素同步变化的趋势说明湖泊初级生产力的增长和湖泊逐渐富营养化的过程,而1990年之后二者之间反相关关系的出现表明在富营养条件下,大量浮游植物生长对富15N的无机氮的吸收及表层沉积物有机质分解和反硝化作用,代表湖泊富营养化加剧.以同位素示踪,并结合元素地球化学指标变化,将太湖梅梁湾富营养化过程分为三阶段,以20世纪50年代和20世纪90年代为营养状态的转换时段,揭示了人类活动不断加强的影响,与近50年来的湖泊环境监测结果一致.  相似文献   

富营养化对湖泊生态系统能流和物流的影响具有不确定性,多数研究仅关注富营养化对浅水湖泊食物网结构和功能的影响,而富营养化对消费者群落碳源和氮源的影响及其时空分异特征较少关注.鉴于此,本研究选取华北平原最大的浅水富营养化湖泊——白洋淀为研究区,依据生境理化参数将白洋淀划分为3类生境(生境1(Ⅰ和Ⅱ区)主要遭受上游府河废水排放影响;生境2(Ⅴ、Ⅶ和Ⅷ区)主要遭受水产养殖和生活污水的影响;生境3(Ⅲ、Ⅳ和Ⅵ区)遭受人为干扰较小).在2018年4月和8月分别收集了浮游生物、底栖生物和鱼类样品,运用碳、氮稳定同位素技术定量估算3类生境中底栖和浮游生物对消费者群落碳源和氮源贡献百分比的时空分异特征;同时收集水体和沉积物样品进行常规理化参数分析,明晰富营养化对白洋淀消费者群落碳源和氮源贡献百分比的影响.结果表明:1)就水体和沉积物理化参数季节变化而言,除pH相对稳定外,化学需氧量(COD)、沉积物氨氮(NH3-Ns)、总氮(TN)和沉积物总磷(TPs)4月高于8月,而其他理化参数则8月高于4月;就空间分布而言,温度(T)、水深(WD)、溶解氧(DO)和沉积物总碳(TCs)值在生境3中最高,而其他理化参数的值则在生境1中最高;2)就δ13C和δ15N空间分布而言,对于同一群落,δ13C和δ15N在3类生境中富集程度呈现显著差异;就时间分布而言,不同季节消费者群落的δ13C值存在显著差异,而δ15N值未呈现显著差异,且消费者群落的δ13C和δ15N呈显著负相关;3)就消费者营养级的空间分布而言,3类生境存在显著差异,同一消费者营养级在生境1中最高,在生境3中最低;就时间分布而言,消费者营养级未呈现显著差异;4)浮游生物对消费者群落碳源和氮源贡献百分比4月高于8月,生境1高于其他生境;而底栖生物对消费者群落碳源和氮源贡献百分比则8月高于4月,生境3高于其他生境;5)通过相关分析,结果表明白洋淀消费者群落的δ13C与总磷(TP)、TCs、沉积物总氮(TNs)、总有机碳(TOCs)、TPs呈现负相关关系;δ15N值与TP、TCs、TNs、TOCs、TPs呈正相关关系.因此,湖泊富营养化会影响消费者群落的碳源和氮源,进而改变湖泊生态系统的能流和物流.  相似文献   

人工载体理化性状对附着生物水质修复能力的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
附着生物初级生产力、叶绿素a含量和碱性磷酸酶活性能够指示其对水质的净化能力.本实验选择了5种具有不同表面结构和理化特性的人工载体(载玻片、PVC片、软性载体、组合载体和立体载体),野外原位测定了不同人工载体上附着生物的初级生产力、叶绿素a含量及碱性磷酸酶活性.结果表明:人工载体的理化性状是影响其上附着生物群落稳定、生产力、叶绿素a含量和碱性磷酸酶活性的重要因素.在野外原位条件下,附着生物通常在8~10 d就可以达到最大附着量,此时,其初级生产力、叶绿素a含量和代谢活性等均处于最佳状态.在所选择的5种人工载体中,立体载体和软性载体上附着生物的初级生产力、叶绿素a含量及碱性磷酸酶活性均显著高于其他3种载体,其中立体载体上附着生物净初级生产力最高可达164.21 mgO2/(g.h),且与软性载体相比,立体载体价格相对经济,因此立体载体是一种比较理想的用于水质修复的人工载体.  相似文献   

浮游生物是湖泊食物网的重要组成,其碳、氮稳定同位素能够反映元素地球化学循环和食物来源的波动,是了解水域生态系统结构变化的重要手段之一.本文选取云南4个不同类型湖泊,开展浮游生物碳、氮稳定同位素组成(δ13C、δ15N)的季节变化与湖泊对比研究.大型深水湖泊(抚仙湖和阳宗海)中,浮游植物δ13C值在夏、秋季(-20.34‰±1.98‰)显著高于冬、春季(-28.00‰±2.51‰),反映夏秋季藻类生长速率较高、HCO3-无机碳源利用增多等的影响.而小型浅水湖泊(长桥海和大屯海)中浮游植物δ13C值在夏季最高(-21.24‰±0.88‰),可能与雨季流域输入增强、陆源有机质占比增加有关.4个湖泊浮游生物δ15N值具有一致的变化特征,春季显著高于其他季节.分析表明,云南地区雨季以面源污染为主向旱季以点源污染为主的转变,导致氮素营养盐季节性来源差异,并通过生物吸收作用影响了浮游生物δ15N值的季节变化.在浮游动物与浮游植物的稳定同位素差值(即富集度)方面,营养水平高的小型浅水湖泊中δ13C富集度为1.61‰±0.90‰、δ15N富集度为2.71‰±1.22‰,显著小于营养水平低的大型深水湖泊(分别为2.60‰±0.98‰和4.19‰±1.25‰),表明随着湖泊营养水平的增加,浮游动物更多地以浮游植物为食,导致有机碳在不同营养级之间的传输过程中具有更强的耦合作用,且相邻营养级之间具有更低的δ15N富集度特征.  相似文献   

周起  陈光杰  李蕊  陈小林  张涛  韩桥花  王露 《湖泊科学》2023,35(6):1891-1904
藻类是湖泊生态系统中重要的初级生产者,物种多样性高且对水环境变化敏感,其生产力水平与群落构建模式是反映湖泊环境梯度和生态系统特征的可靠指标。其中硅藻优势属种的演替模式及其环境条件识别,是开展湖泊生态健康和环境质量评价的重要内容。本文选择亚热带地区浅水湖泊异龙湖开展季节调查,对20个采样点的叶绿素a和硅藻群落组成等指标开展分布特征及其驱动因子的定量评价,系统分析藻类变化的时空模式、驱动因子及其指标异同。2020年12月一2021年9月,异龙湖水环境特征的季节波动明显,综合营养指数TSI平均为74.76,总体处于富营养水平。在80个水体样品中共发现硅藻21属68种,群落结构以浮游类型(平均占比79.33%±20.69%)的耐中富营养种为主;在4个季节的调查中,膜糊直链藻Aulacoseira ambigua(61.62%±20.26%)为优势种。主成分分析显示,硅藻群落组成存在明显的空间差异和季节变化。冗余分析和方差分解等结果表明,水体营养因子(TN、TP和N:P)是影响叶绿素a浓度空间变化的重要因子(解释方差为19.08%±11.4%),水温和水深梯度的影响较小(9.63%±11.31%...  相似文献   

Determining the effects of species loss on ecosystems has received considerable attention given the current threats many ecosystems are facing. A significant body of research has yielded many insights to this question, but this work has been limited by a focus on ecosystems where primary production plays a significant role in energy transfer. As many ecosystems rely on energy sources that are not derived from in situ production, there is a need to better understand how species loss will affect ecosystems of varying trophic states. To examine the effects of species loss on an ecosystem that is not reliant on in situ primary production, we manipulated the larval amphibian community of temporary forest ponds. These ponds are heterotrophic systems that rely on allochthonous inputs of detritus as a basal energy source. The larvae of two amphibian species that are prone to local extinction, wood frogs (Lithobates sylvatica) and spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum), were removed from ponds and net ecosystem production was monitored. We found no effects of the removal of these top consumers on ecosystem functioning or on lower trophic groups (i.e., zooplankton, algae, bacteria). While amphibians can influence food web dynamics in other systems, their influence on system processes in temporary forest ponds appears to be limited. We hypothesize that the lack of any effects is due to the microbial degradation of detritus ??swamping?? the system, providing more than enough energy to maintain the food web, and/or due to omnivory dampening species interactions. These data indicate that the functioning of heterotrophic systems may be inherently stable due to internal dynamics that minimize interaction strengths among trophic groups.  相似文献   

Based on the stable isotope composition in 15N and 13C of different potential sources of organic matter and consumers of an intertidal Zostera marina meadow located in San Simón Bay (Ría de Vigo, NW of Spain), a simplified food web of this community was reconstructed. For this purpose, some alternatives in different steps of the most used methodology of stable isotope dietary analysis were developed that cope with some of the limitations associated to the interpretation of isotopic signals for food web analysis, those of uncertainty on the fractionation value, mathematical model to use for the diet resolution and shortage of the isotope number for discriminating many food sources. The application of this protocol to the studied community reported similar results to those from other studies based on similar trophic webs, emphasizing the importance of local primary producers, especially microphytobenthos, which could be available for several primary consumers through resuspension forced by tidal hydrodynamic. The good agreement with previous results suggests that the proposed protocol is a feasible alternative to elucidate the most plausible trophic relationships in complex trophic webs using stable isotopes analysis.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen are increasingly used in marine ecosystems, for ecological and environmental studies. Here, we examine some applications of stable isotopes as ecological integrators or tracers in seagrass ecosystem studies. We focus on both the use of natural isotope abundance as food web integrators or environmental tracers and on the use of stable isotopes as experimental tools. As ecosystem integrators, stable isotopes have helped to elucidate the general structure of trophic webs in temperate, Mediterranean and tropical seagrass ecosystems. As environmental tracers, stable isotopes have proven their utility in sewage impact measuring and mapping. However, to make such environmental studies more comprehensible, future works on understanding of basic reasons for variations of N and C stable isotopes in seagrasses should be encouraged. At least, as experimental tracers, stable isotopes allow the study of many aspects of N and C cycles at the scale of a plant or at the scale of the seagrass ecosystem.  相似文献   

We studied for the first time the intertidal and subtidal gas seepage system in Mocha Island off Central Chile. Four main seepage sites were investigated (of which one site included about 150 bubbling points) that release from 150 to 240 tonnes CH4 into the atmosphere per year. The total amount of methane emitted into the atmosphere is estimated in the order of 800 tonnes per year. The gases emanated from the seeps contain 70% methane, and the stable carbon isotopic composition of methane, δ13C-CH4 averaged −44.4±1.4‰ which indicates a major contribution of thermogenic gas. Adjacent to one of the subtidal seeps, rocky substrates support a diverse community of microbial filaments, macroalgae, and benthic organisms. While stable carbon isotopic compositions of marine benthic organisms indicate a dominant photosynthesis-based food web, those of some hard-substrate invertebrates were in the range −48.8‰ to −36.8‰, suggesting assimilation of methane-derived carbon by some selected taxa. This work highlights the potential subsidy of the trophic web by CH4-C, and that its emission to the atmosphere justifies the need of evaluating the use of methane to support the energy requirements of the local community.  相似文献   

Abundance of benthic bacteria, heterotrophic nanoflagellates and ciliates, extracellular enzymatic activities, bacterial C production, C mineralisation and sediment community oxygen consumption rates were measured in the Thermaikos Gulf (Northeastern Mediterranean), before (September 2001), and during intense trawling activities (October 2001 and February 2002). The biochemical composition of sedimentary organic matter has revealed that bottom trawling had an effect on the trophic state of Thermaikos Gulf. Changes on the benthic microbial food web were also recorded, during the three sampling seasons. Even though trawling-induced sediment resuspension did not alter significantly the abundance of the microbial components, with the exception of the most impacted station, it determined changes regarding their relative importance. Thus, the ratios of bacterium to nanoflagellates and ciliate to nanoflagellates abundance increased in the trawled stations, causing a sudden increase in bacterial C production, in comparison to the non-trawled station. Four months later, the effects of trawling on the microbial food web were less evident, masked possibly by the drastic decrease in the water temperature. The results of the present work suggest that bottom trawling induces alteration of the sedimentological variables and can be considered as a factor affecting the function of the microbial food web in marine coastal ecosystems. These alterations cause faster mobilisation of organic C buried in the sediment and increase nutrient concentrations and availability in the system, thus inducing an effect that could lead to coastal eutrophication.  相似文献   

We used carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses to assess the relative contributions from pelagic and littoral energy sources to higher trophic levels in a lake ecosystem before and after a major food web perturbation. The food web structure of the lake was altered when the population sizes of the most abundant fish species (small perch, roach and bream) were reduced during an attempt to improve water quality by biomanipulation. Fish removal was followed by dense year classes of young fish, which subsequently increased the utilisation of pelagic resources. This was reflected as a decrease in relative energy contribution from littoral sources and also led to more distinct pelagic and littoral food chains after fish removal. Community metrics calculated from stable isotope data indicated increased trophic diversity and occupied niche area, and reduced trophic redundancy in the food web. However, only minor changes were observed in fish trophic positions, although roach and pike occupied slightly lower trophic positions after fish removal. Despite the Jyväsjärvi ecosystem becoming more dependent on pelagic energy after fish removals, the littoral energy contribution was still substantial, particularly to certain fish species. Hence, our results support recent arguments for the importance of benthic production in lake ecosystems. More generally, our results illustrate how large-scale perturbations of food web structure can alter energy flow patterns through an entire ecosystem.  相似文献   

Nitrogen loading to aquatic ecosystems from sewage is recognised worldwide as a growing problem. The use of nitrogen stable isotopes as a means of discerning sewage nitrogen in the environment has been used annually by the Ecosystem Health Monitoring Program in Moreton Bay (Australia) since 1997 when the technique was first developed. This ("sewage plume mapping") technique, which measures the delta(15)N isotopic signature of the red macroalga Catenella nipae after incubation in situ, has demonstrated a large reduction in the magnitude and spatial extent of sewage nitrogen within Moreton Bay over the past 5 years. This observed reduction coincides with considerable upgrades to the nitrogen removal efficacy at several sewage treatment plants within the region. This paper describes the observed changes and evaluates whether they can be attributed to the treatment upgrades.  相似文献   

Louis Legendre 《湖泊科学》1998,10(S1):247-250
A model was recently proposed to analyse the food-web mediated flux of carbon in pelagic ecosystems (Legendre and Rassoulzadegan, 1996). According to these authors, the flows of biogenic carbon (BC) within ecosystems (defined as exchanges of BC among trophic compartments of the food web) are largely determined by the size structure of primary producers and the matching between primary production and grazing.  相似文献   

The development of ecosystem-based indicators requires the broadening of a view of the community, from fish species to all the species (macrobenthic and fish) correctly captured by a given sampling gear. Many scientific surveys already have such integrated databases. The present note aims to demonstrate that existing databases, herein from dedicated coastal nursery surveys, are actually underexploited. Such databases contain information on non-commercial taxa, which could greatly improve our knowledge on the organisation and functioning of coastal ecosystems. Using two datasets, a “complete” dataset composed of commercial and not-commercial epibenthic trawled species (fish and invertebrate) and a “subset” dataset characterized by commercial and routinely surveyed species (mainly fish and cephalopods), different measures of functional diversity are compared to identify the functional gains of including epibenthic species. The results show that, when included in the analyses, epibenthic taxa provide gains of functional information, associated mainly with the community feeding traits, i.e. organisms composing the primary and secondary consumer levels of the coastal nursery food web. Failure to include some of the primary (zooplanktivores and suspension feeders) and secondary consumers (detritivores–scavengers) in coastal survey analyses may, for instance, hamper our understanding of energy flux between the benthic and water column compartments of these ecosystems. The results also suggest that the exclusion of some taxa associated with these two food web compartments, may lead to the underestimation of the functional redundancy in coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

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