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腾冲火山区形变分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
腾冲火山群是我国目前仍具喷发危险的火山群。本文首先对火山区的地壳运动背景进行了总结分析,然后介绍了火山区的形变监测情况,再依据1998~2004年的水准测量及2002~2004年GPS观测成果,参考重力变化及其它观测资料分析火山区岩浆的活动特征,最后得出主要结论:相对欧亚板块,腾冲火山区总体具有向西南的顺时针旋转运动;火山区的形变变化受岩浆和断层活动两方面控制;火山区西南部发生了较强烈的下沉运动,可能由于岩浆和水的流失及放气等原因引起;以固东—腾冲断裂的西支为界,水平位移在断层两侧分别向东西两个方向运动,2002~2003年运动更剧烈些,断层活动表现为明显的拉张特征。综合各种资料表明火山目前活动量较小,近期喷发的危险性不大。  相似文献   

文中对腾冲火山区1998—2004年水准及重力观测资料进行了分析,发现垂直形变量大多在±10mm之内,重力变化为几十μGal,火山锥体和断层附近点位活动异常较大,可综合应用多源mogi模型和断层模型解释,断层的活动可使相邻测点的形变方向相反;垂直形变和重力的逐年变化表明火山岩浆处于一种活动状态。将火山区点位各时间段的重力梯度展布在形变-重力关系解释图中,发现数据主要落在Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ和Ⅴ区,结合形变量对压力源等效体积的估算,初步认为火山区岩浆目前活动程度较低,暂没有喷发的危险  相似文献   

以垂直形变资料反演腾冲火山区岩浆活动性的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
根据腾冲火山区67个精密水准测点的4期实测垂直形变资料,和对该火山区已有的地质和地球物理工作的分析,参考了由层析成像推测的腾冲火山岩浆系统动力模型,利用Mogi模型对岩浆房的大小和空间位置进行了最小二乘法反演的初步研究。对4期资料分别进行了形变差的反演计算,所得初步结果表明岩浆活动源比较分散,可能存在3个表示岩浆流入引起地面上升的上升源,和2个表示岩浆流出到断层中引起地面下降的下降源。上升源位置大致沿北东走向的断层分布。而下降源位置则在测区东南一侧,等效岩浆源的深度在6~4km之间,与小震震源的深度大致相符。4年来岩浆活动量约为10^6m^3,量级与国外已喷发的火山相比处于较低活动水平.  相似文献   

岩浆活动的不同阶段引起地表变化不同。地表形变受压力源大小、形状、深度及岩浆运移速率等影响;另外火山类型不同,地形不同,形变特征也不同。地表形变幅度范围很大,为1×10-7—1米量级。火山区形变监测可以了解火山活动状态,有助于进行喷发危险性的预测预报。形变监测从20世纪60年代的传统技术逐渐过渡到20世纪90年代发展起来的GNSS和InSAR等大地测量新技术,火山区形变时空监测能力得到提高,同时缩短了预测时间。我国火山形变监测开始较晚,现已在长白山天池、腾冲以及海南等主要火山区开展监测。传统的连续测量以地倾斜观测为主;新技术主要以流动GNSS监测为主,连续观测站少,InSAR技术研究时间密度不够;目前形变监测还不能实现很好的时空覆盖。  相似文献   

腾冲火山区是中国最年轻的板内火山之一,岩浆活动频繁以及高温地热异常使其受到广泛关注.以往的地球物理探测结果显示腾冲火山区下方存在地壳岩浆囊,但其深部几何形态和分布一直存在争议.本文基于腾冲火山地区的大地电磁测深结果,并结合相关地质与地球物理资料,提出腾冲火山岩石圈尺度的多地球物理参数模型.我们的模型显示在腾冲火山区中下地壳内存在三个岩浆囊;腾冲火山区岩石圈上地幔可能存在岩浆囊,但需要长周期大地电磁测深数据进一步的验证.  相似文献   

腾冲火山区的形变特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用现有的腾冲火山区水平及垂直形变资料进行分析研究,结果表明,水平形变网覆盖的2000km^2区域内,大部表现为面收缩的趋势。马鞍山、来凤山、腾冲县城一带,地表基本保持平稳,并以此为界,其北面大部上升,而南部下降。由此谱明火山区内地下岩浆仍在运动。  相似文献   

中国大陆火山监测研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
在过去几年里,长白山天池火山观测到了明显的地震活动增加、地表抬升和膨胀以及多种流体化学异常。地震学研究和形变模拟表明,长白山天池火山近年来的活动可能是由其下方的岩浆活动引起的。1993年以来,腾冲火山出现强烈的水热活动。地球化学参数的变化表明,气体源区的深度逐渐增加。火山区存在的震群活动、部分台站观测到的S波阴影区以及地表的缓慢抬升等,指示火山区存在一个岩浆系统。监测研究结果表明,目前我国大陆其他火山的活动性较弱。  相似文献   

腾冲火山区微震观测(Ⅱ)   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
论述了腾冲火山地区流动数字化台网的建设与观测过程。根据腾冲台网记录的各种微震图像,将其进行分类分析。主要有包络型事件、微构造破裂事件、汽爆事件、高频地震和小震群。由震相分析判断热海台记录到岩浆熔融体上的反射SxS波,腾冲地震台记录到S波不发育图像。表明腾冲火山区南部存在岩浆熔融体,估计距地表5~8km。腾冲台网观测表胆腾冲火山区周边地区地震活动水平明显高于火山区,火山区南部的马鞍山热海一带是腾冲火  相似文献   

腾冲火山区水平形变初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了采用精密大地测量的方法,对腾冲火山区域的水平形变情况进行了探索。通过两期相距38年的实测数据,对火山“休眠期”中岩浆活动与地壳局部变形的相关性进行研究,并提供了部分计算结果。作者认为,采用精密大地测量的方法对火山区域地壳变形进行研究是可行的;火山区域水平形变与构造形变的区别是存在的;腾冲火山区内近几十年内岩浆的动也是明显的,但目前总体为间歇性收缩期;从水平形变测量的结果来看,显示了南面活跃的迹象;且认为可能是岩浆囊的存在才会引起此大范围的地壳活动。  相似文献   

20 0 2年 6月 13日至 9月 13日腾冲火山区流动数字化地震台网记录了腾冲火山区及周边地区的 2 92次地震事件。对资料的初步分析表明 ,在本次观测期间 ,腾冲火山区南部地区火山地震活动仍然频繁 ,以微震为主。选用发生在火山区的 33个地震震源参数计算得出的拐角频率为 4 37~11 87Hz、应力降为 0 0 0 5~ 0 2 77MPa ,显示该区域尚属低应力分布区。S波湮灭图像的再次出现 ,充分表明在腾冲县城西南至热海的马鞍山火山、老龟坡火山一带有岩浆囊熔融体存在的可能 ,深度不超过 10km。文中还展示了台网记录到的S波湮灭、微破裂高频地震、波形特征类似火山颤动 (包络型事件 )的图像  相似文献   

Extensive measurements of ground deformation at the Krafla volcano, Iceland, have been made since the beginning in 1975 of a series of eruptions and intrusions into the fissure system that extends north and south of the volcano. I concentrate on measurements before and after the eruption of September 1984, the last event of this series when the largest volume of lava was erupted. The patterns of ground deformation associated with the 1984 eruption, determined by precision levelling, electronic distance measurements and lake level observations, were similar to earlier intrusions and eruptions, in that the surface of the volcano subsided and the fissure system widened as magma moved laterally from a shallow central reservoir into the fissure system. The shallow magma reservoir of Krafla continued to expand for about five years after the eruption, but a slow subsidence of the central area began in 1989. Besides the presence of an inflating and deflating shallow magma reservoir at a depth of 2.5 km beneath the Krafla caldera, another inflating magma reservoir may exist at much greater depth below Krafla. The accumulation of compressive strain by numerous rift intrusions and eruptions since 1975 along the flanks of the north-south Krafla fissure swarm is being released slowly and will probably be reflected in the results of deformation measurements near Krafla for the next several decades. The total horizontal extension of the Krafla rift system in 1975–1984 was about 9 m, equal to about 500 years of constant plate divergence. The extension is twice the accumulated divergence since previous rifting events and eruptions in 1724–1729  相似文献   

A lot of seismic volcanic rocks and strong earthquake-induced thixotropic deformation structures in soft mud-sandy sediments(seismites)were identified from the Upper Cretaceous Shijiatun Member of the Hongtuya Formation for the first time in Jiaozhou City of the Zhucheng Sag, eastern China. Seismic volcanic rocks are volcanic rocks with co-seismic deformation structures which were produced by major earthquakes destroying volcano ejecta. Seismites are sediment layers with soft-sediment deformation structures formed by strong earthquake triggering saturated or semi-consolidated soft sediments to produce liquefaction, thixotropy, faults, cracks and filling and so forth. The Shijiatun Member of the Hongtuya Formation mainly consists of basaltic volcano rocks interbedded with mud-sandy(muddy sand and sandy mud)deposition layers of the river-lake facies. In the Shijiatun Member, main types of seismic volcanic rocks are shattered basalts with co-seismic fissures and seismic basaltic breccias. The thixotropic deformations of soft mud-sandy sediments mainly include thixotropic mud-sandy veins and thixotropic mud-sandy layers with tortuous boundaries. Under the strong earthquake action, saturated mud-sandy sediments could not be liquefied, instead resulting in thixotropy, i.e. their texture can be damaged and their flow-ability or rheology becomes strong. Because basaltic volcano rocks were damaged(shattered, seismic broken), a major earthquake can lead to thixotropic mud-sandy sediments flowing along seismic fissures in basalts, resulting in the formation of deformation structure of thixotropic veins, and boundaries between volcano rock and mud-sand layer became quite winding. Under the koinonia of gravity and vibration force, seismic breccia blocks sunk into thixotropic mud-sandy layers, resulting in the formation of inclusions of thixotropic mud-sandy sediments. Seismic intensity reflected by these strong earthquake records during the end stage of the Late Cretaceous was about Ⅶ to more than X degrees. The Shijiatun Member is mainly distributed in the south of the Baichihe fault in the northern Zhucheng Sag, and the fault has generated many strong tectonic and earthquake activities at the end of the late Cretaceous, also provided the channel for intrusion and eruption of basaltic magma then. At the end of the late Cretaceous, intermittent intrusion and eruption of basaltic magma took place along the Baichihe fault, meanwhile the volcano earthquakes took place or tectonic earthquakes were generated by the Baichihe fault which caused the deformation of the volcano lava and underlying strata of red saturated muddy-sand, resulting in the formation of various seismo-genesis deformations of volcanic rocks interbedded with mud-sandy sediment layers. Therefore, strong seismic events recorded by them should be responses to strong tectonic taphrogenesis of the Zhucheng Sag and intense activity of the Baichihe fault in the end of Late Cretaceous. In addition, these seismogenic deformation structures of rock-soil layers provide new data for the analysis of the failure effect produced by seismic force in similar rock-soil foundations.  相似文献   

The 1991–1993 eruption was probably the largest on Mt. Etna for 300 years. Since then the volcano has entered an unusually quiescent period. A comprehensive record of gravity and ground deformation changes presented here bracket this eruption and give valuable insight into magma movements before, during and after the eruption. The gravity and deformation changes observed before the eruption (1990–1991) record the intrusion of magma into the summit feeder and the SSE-trending fracture system which had recently been active in 1978, 1979, 1983 and 1989, creating the feeder dyke for the 1991–1993 eruption. In the summit region gravity changes between 1992 and 1993 (spanning the end of the eruption) reflect the withdrawal of magma from the conduit followed more recently (1993–1994) by the re-filling of magma in the conduit up to pre-eruption levels. In contrast, in the vicinity of the fracture zone, gravity has remained at the 1991–1992 level, indicating that no withdrawal has occurred here. Rather, magma has solidified in the fracture system and sealed it such that the 1993–1994 increase in magma level in the conduit was not accompanied by further intrusion into the flanks. Mass calculations suggest that a volume of at least 107 m3 of magma has solidified within the southeastern flank of the volcano.  相似文献   

Following the 2001 and 2002–2003 flank eruptions, activity resumed at Mt. Etna on 7 September 2004 and lasted for about 6 months. This paper presents new petrographic, major and trace element, and Sr–Nd isotope data from sequential samples collected during the entire 2004–2005 eruption. The progressive change of lava composition allowed defining three phases that correspond to different processes controlling magma dynamics inside the central volcano conduits. The compositional variability of products erupted up to 24 September is well reproduced by a fractional crystallization model that involves magma already stored at shallow depth since the 2002–2003 eruption. The progressive mixing of this magma with a distinct new one rising within the central conduits is clearly revealed by the composition of the products erupted from 24 September to 15 October. After 15 October, the contribution from the new magma gradually becomes predominant, and the efficiency of the mixing process ensures the emission of homogeneous products up to the end of the eruption. Our results give insights into the complex conditions of magma storage and evolution in the shallow plumbing system of Mt. Etna during a flank eruption. Furthermore, they confirm that the 2004–2005 activity at Etna was triggered by regional movements of the eastern flank of the volcano. They caused the opening of a complex fracture zone extending ESE which drained a magma stored at shallow depth since the 2002–2003 eruption. This process favored the ascent of a different magma in the central conduits, which began to be erupted on 24 September without any significant change in eruptive style, deformation, and seismicity until the end of eruption.  相似文献   

GPS monitoring of temporal deformation of the Xianshuihe fault   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Highly precise (σ ~1 mm) temporal deformation measurements are taken across the Xianshuihe fault from two pairs of continuous GPS stations straddling the fault. Baseline vector changes of the two pairs of stations show clearly the difference in deformation behavior between the Qianning and Daofu segments of the fault: the former deforms steadily, and the latter deforms with a strong transient component. The transient deformation across the Daofu segment is possibly related to its irregular geometry, where the fault splits into two branches, that is, the east and west branches. An attempt is made to interpret the baseline vector changes using a kinematic fault model composed of a brittle layer in the upper crust, a ductile layer in the lower crust, and a transition zone in between. The slip in the transition zone of the south segment of the Xianshuihe fault is steady. The slips in the transition zones of the north and Daofu segments of the Xianshuihe fault, however, are not steady, and the average slip rates there are higher than that of the south segment. The difference in deformation behavior is probably associated with the rheological properties of the fault interface, suggesting that the overall fault strength of the south segment is greater than those of the north and Daofu segments, corresponding to longer earthquake recurrence time.  相似文献   

In this work we present seismological and ground deformation evidence for the phase preparing the July 18 to August 9, 2001 flank eruption at Etna. The analysis performed, through data from the permanent seismic and ground deformation networks, highlighted a strong relationship between seismic strain release at depth and surface deformation. This joint analysis provided strong constraints on the magma rising mechanisms. We show that in the last ten years, after the 1991–1993 eruption, an overall accumulation of tension has affected the volcano. Then we investigate the months preceding the 2001 eruption. In particular, we analyse the strong seismic swarm on April 20–24, 2001, comprising more than 200 events (Mmax = 3.6) with prevalent dextral shear fault mechanisms in the western flank. The swarm showed a ca. NE-SW earthquake alignment which, in agreement with previous cases, can be interpreted as the response of the medium to an intrusive process along the approximately NNW-SSE volcano-genetic trend. These mechanisms, leading to the July 18 to August 9, 2001 flank eruption, are analogous to ones observed some months before the 1991–1993 flank eruption and, more recently, in January 1998 before the February-November 1999 summit eruption.  相似文献   

火山区岩浆压力变形源的反演计算采用解析方法存在难以考虑地形的限制,采用传统有限元方法则存在网格依赖和计算量大的问题,反演过程中每一次正演由于岩浆房位置和大小变化都需要重新生成一次网格,耗费巨大的计算量和网格生成时间.为了克服上述问题,首次在长白山火山区使用"有限元等效体力"方法考虑地形影响反演地下岩浆压力变形源,计算岩浆应力扰动对周边断层稳定性的影响.在火山区地下压力变形源引起的地表形变计算中,地表地形影响不可忽略.埋深越浅,地表最大径向位移ur所在的位置越靠近岩浆囊中心.当坡度达到30°时,最大垂向位移uz所在位置不再位于岩浆囊正上方.椭球状岩浆囊压力源可以较好地模拟长白山火山地区2002—2003年间的GPS和水准测量.岩浆房扰动应力场和区域构造应力场的叠加有可能造成天池西部近EW向,天池北部以NW-NNW向为主的现今应力方向.岩浆房压力源引起的库仑应力变化有利于天池火山口NW向震群在空间上主要分布于火山口的西南和东北部.  相似文献   

Crustal deformation by the M w 9.0 megathrust Tohoku earthquake causes the extension over a wide region of the Japanese mainland. In addition, a triggered M w 5.9 East Shizuoka earthquake on March 15 occurred beneath the south flank, just above the magma system of Mount Fuji. To access whether these earthquakes might trigger the eruption, we calculated the stress and pressure changes below Mount Fuji. Among the three plausible mechanisms of earthquake–volcano interactions, we calculate the static stress change around volcano using finite element method, based on the seismic fault models of Tohoku and East Shizuoka earthquakes. Both Japanese mainland and Mount Fuji region are modeled by seismic tomography result, and the topographic effect is also included. The differential stress given to Mount Fuji magma reservoir, which is assumed to be located to be in the hypocentral area of deep long period earthquakes at the depth of 15 km, is estimated to be the order of about 0.001–0.01 and 0.1–1 MPa at the boundary region between magma reservoir and surrounding medium. This pressure change is about 0.2 % of the lithostatic pressure (367.5 MPa at 15 km depth), but is enough to trigger an eruptions in case the magma is ready to erupt. For Mount Fuji, there is no evidence so far that these earthquakes and crustal deformations did reactivate the volcano, considering the seismicity of deep long period earthquakes.  相似文献   

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