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为了精确得到大陆地震震源位置,利用模拟退火法对大陆地震参数进行反演,并对改变算法中相关参数后的反演结果进行分析,表明反演精度受降温速度和收敛阈值的影响较大,初始温度只影响迭代次数,模拟退火法在对模型参数进行全局搜索情况下能获得质量较好的最优解。  相似文献   

地震定位是地震监测、预测和其他地震学研究工作中最基础的工作之一,高效率和高精确度的地震定位工作对于地震预警工程等各项防震减灾工作的开展都具有重要的意义。本文通过模拟退火方法反演震中位置,并对模拟退火的温度、降温方式、扰动方式和收敛阈值等进行改变,分析各种参数对模拟退火法反演结果的影响。也对模拟退火法的优缺点进行了总结和分析。  相似文献   

在地震断层参数的反演中,选取合适的反演方法,对于反演的结果具有至关重要的意义,模拟退火法是一种非线性的反演方法,为了验证此方法在地震断层反演中的准确性,以2004年的仲巴6.7级地震为研究对象,采用模拟退火的方法,通过调用Rongjiang Wang的Okada程序,对用四叉数方法处理过的INSAR地震数据进行反演,从而得到该次地震的断层参数。  相似文献   

快速模拟退火地震反演   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
讨论了用模拟退火方法进行地震资料的参数反演,利用快速的降温方式实现模拟退火反演,从而形成了快速模拟退火算法。模拟退火反演的优点是可以突破反演过程中局部最优的限制,获得全局最优解。因此,SA方法适于解决地震反演中的非凸性目标函数的最优化问题。  相似文献   

运用双差定位法对2014年云南鲁甸6.5级地震序列余震进行重新定位,得到565次小震的精确定位结果.根据小震丛集性原则,求解发震断层参数的数学模型,运用模拟退火全局搜索和高斯牛顿局部搜索相结合的方法对地震发震断层面参数进行反演,得到鲁甸6.5级地震断层面的走向、倾角分别为160.8°和89.1°,并对其构造环境进行了分析.  相似文献   

振幅随偏移距变化(AVO)反演是一个非线性的组合最优化过程,理论上可先将该非线性问题线性化,然后求解线性问题;或者直接利用非线性的模拟退火、遗传算法等方法求解.但无论哪种反演思路,实际中影响其精度的因素很多,因此分析AVO反演中的误差来源对提高反演精度和评价反演方法的可靠性非常重要.本文对能造成反演误差的主要因素,噪音、薄层调谐、地震数据处理中的误差、入射角范围等进行了分析,讨论了这些因素可能对反演结果造成的影响,发现在AVO反演过程中可以从优化参数选择和针对性处理方面来减小这些误差,提高反演精度.  相似文献   

提出了各向异性页岩储层统计岩石物理反演方法.通过统计岩石物理模型建立储层物性参数与弹性参数的定量关系,使用测井数据及井中岩石物理反演结果作为先验信息,将地震阻抗数据定量解释为储层物性参数、各向异性参数的空间分布.反演过程在贝叶斯框架下求得储层参数的后验概率密度函数,并从中得到参数的最优估计值及其不确定性的定量描述.在此过程中综合考虑了岩石物理模型对复杂地下介质的描述偏差和地震数据中噪声对反演不确定性的影响.在求取最大后验概率过程中使用模拟退火优化粒子群算法以提高收敛速度和计算准确性.将统计岩石物理技术应用于龙马溪组页岩气储层,得到储层泥质含量、压实指数、孔隙度、裂缝密度等物性,以及各向异性参数的空间分布及相应的不确定性估计,为页岩气储层的定量描述提供依据.  相似文献   

由于地震波的信噪比,传播路径效应,震源机制差异和震源过程等因素的影响,传统的谱比法反演的拐角频率结果不精确,离散性大。以谱比法为基础,引入Bootstrap重采样法,KolmogorovSmirnov检验以及谱比趋势检验的筛选方法,对谱比法的反演结果进行精度评定和筛选,提高谱比法反演的拐角频率精度。将此方法应用于汶川地震余震的拐角频率、地震辐射能量、辐射效率以及能矩比等震源参数反演,建立拐角频率与地震矩之间的对应关系,验证谱比法以及三种筛选方法的可靠性。汶川地震余震震源参数反演结果表明,汶川地震余震的拐角频率与地震矩对应关系M0∝fc-3.295±0.25存在与自相似关系M0∝fc-3偏离现象。在地震释放能量方面,存在能矩比随地震矩增大而增大,以及大地震的辐射效率大于小地震的现象。  相似文献   

混杂的全局最优化算法是一种模拟退火法和下坡的单纯形法相结合的方法,该法用来反演远震体波求解震源参数,在时间域对震源时间函数加约束,反演双力偶参数而不是反演矩张互通主考虑多重震源导致非线性和多重模型问题,在这些问题中,目标函数包括许多局部极小值。  相似文献   

套管井井壁附近地层横波速度径向分布反演   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
王兵  马明明  刘鹤  刘志军 《地球物理学报》2016,59(12):4782-4790
套管外地层受异常地应力、油气开采的影响,在径向上表现出非均质性;采用声波测井可以对该非均质性进行探测,利用偶极子横波测井数据可以对横波速度的径向分布进行反演.本文建立了套管井外地层横波速度径向分层参考模型,采用修正的微扰法计算了该模型的偶极弯曲波频散曲线,建立了横波速度径向分布反演目标函数,采用高斯牛顿法和快速模拟退火法对目标函数进行了求解,得到了套管井外地层横波速度的径向分布.分析了偶极弯曲波频段、套管横波速度对反演结果的影响,对比了高斯牛顿法和快速模拟退火法对反演过程的影响.分析对比结果表明,采用偶极弯曲波激发强度较高的频段与采用全频段的反演结果相近;套管的横波速度准确度越高,反演结果越准确;高斯牛顿法和快速模拟退火法计算精度相同,都可以得到高精度的横波速度径向分布;快速模拟退火法的计算效率略低于高斯牛顿法,但其收敛性对初始值依赖更小,实际处理中应选择快速模拟退火法.  相似文献   

电阻率成像反演中的模拟退火方法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
电阻率成像反演是一种典型的多参数、非线性反演问题。模拟退火方法将组合优化问题与统计力学中的热平衡问题相类比,开辟了求解组合优化问题的新途径。本文通过数字模拟及对野外资料的处理,证明快速模拟退火方法在二维电阻率成像反演中具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Inversion for seismic impedance is an inherently complicated problem. It is ill‐posed and band‐limited. Thus the inversion results are non‐unique and the process is unstable. Combining regularization with constraints using sonic and density log data can help to reduce these problems. To achieve this, we developed an inversion method by constructing a new objective function, including edge‐preserving regularization and a soft constraint based on a Markov random field. The method includes the selection of proper initial values of the regularization parameters by a statistical method, and it adaptively adjusts the regularization parameters by the maximum likelihood method in a fast simulated‐annealing procedure to improve the inversion result and the convergence speed. Moreover, the method uses two kinds of regularization parameter: a ‘weighting factor’λ and a ‘scaling parameter’δ. We tested the method on both synthetic and field data examples. Tests on 2D synthetic data indicate that the inversion results, especially the aspects of the discontinuity, are significantly different for different regularization functions. The initial values of the regularization parameters are either too large or too small to avoid either an unstable or an over‐smoothed result, and they affect the convergence speed. When selecting the initial values of λ, the type of the regularization function should be considered. The results obtained by constant regularization parameters are smoother than those obtained by adaptively adjusting the regularization parameters. The inversion results of the field data provide more detailed information about the layers, and they match the impedance curves calculated from the well logs at the three wells, over most portions of the curves.  相似文献   

利用水平与竖向谱比(HVSR)方法反演场地速度结构是国际上迅速发展的研究领域.HVSR反演计算实质是一个土层场地模型空间搜索的全局优化问题,当模型搜索空间的复杂程度增大时,目前常用的搜索算法收敛速度慢,计算效率较低.本文实现了一种结合遗传和模拟退火方法优点的混合全局优化HVSR反演算法,通过理论模型和竖向台阵实测数据的检验,表明该算法能获得很好的反演效果,较好地解决了蒙特卡罗方法收敛速度慢,遗传算法收敛早熟和模拟退火算法搜索效率低的问题.本文在此基础上讨论了单台加速度S波记录用于场地速度结构HVSR反演的适用性,为基于单个地震台的地震观测记录反演浅层速度结构提供了一种高效且较为准确的反演方法.  相似文献   

非线性地球物理反演方法:回顾与展望   总被引:19,自引:13,他引:19  
自20世纪90年代以来,非线性地球物理反演方法已走向成熟,这些方法包括线性化迭代法,仿真淬火法,遗传算法及联合反演方法等,线性化迭代反演基于开放物理系统状态发生相变的原理,要进一步改善模型参数化的技术和迭代过程的自组织;仿真淬火法与遗传算法基于自然过程的指数率或生物演化的优生率,可以相互结合以提高解估计的分辨率与置信度;联合反演要结合岩石物理性质的统计规律,才能取得兼容地质与综合方法的应用效果,地球动力学中的反问题不仅涉及偏微分方程系数项的求解,而且涉及初始条件或初始边界的求解,对地球动力学作用过程研究特别重要。  相似文献   

基于余震分布确定主震断层面的数学模型,以确定断层面的走向和倾角参数进行计算,研究了遗传算法、模拟退火算法、差分演化算法、粒子群算法等4种最优化反演方法的反演效果和可靠性。结果显示,在涉及到的反演参数较少和非线性不太严重时,4种方法都有较好的表现,差分演化算法、粒子群算法速度快,精度高,遗传算法速度较慢,精度较低,模拟退火由于缺乏并行机制,速度较慢,精度高于遗传算法。余震在求出的断层附近分布图直观地反映出4种方法的效果和可靠性。  相似文献   

地面核磁共振找水反演   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
简要介绍了地面核磁共振找水的正演理论方法,采用高斯求积并结合连分式展开的方法对核磁共振核函数中包含双重贝塞尔函数的积分核进行了数值积分,进而计算出精度较高的核函数值,在此基础之上,讨论了导电性对地面核磁共振信号的影响.基于奇异值分解算法,对核磁共振找水理论模型进行了反演研究,在不导电的情况下,重构出了比较理想的含水率分布.总结并改进了模拟退火算法,用改进的模拟退火算法分别对覆盖层高阻和导电条件下的核磁共振人工合成数据进行了反演,试验结果表明,利用改进的模拟退火算法反演地面核磁共振是可行的,而且反演结果较稳定,收敛速度较快.  相似文献   

量子退火反演的原理和实现   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
现有的非线性反演方法,大都存在着求解的局部收敛性和计算速度慢的问题. 在与模拟退火方法进行比较的基础上,本文研究了基于量子跃迁过程中量子隧道效应的量子退火反演算法. 数值试验结果表明,量子退火方法应用于地球物理反问题的求解是成功的,它适合于非线性、多极值的地球物理反演问题,与模拟退火反演相比,量子退火反演在退火收敛速度和避免陷入局部极小等方面有着一定的优势,该方法也适用于其他领域非线性最优化问题的求解,具有较强的普适性.  相似文献   

地球物理资料群体智能反演(英文)   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
复杂地球物理资料的反演问题往往是一个求解多参数非线性多极值的最优解问题。而鸟和蚂蚁等群体觅食的过程,正好与寻找地球物理反演最优解的过程相似。基于自然界群体协调寻优的思想,本文提出了交叉学科的群体智能地球物理资料反演方法,并给出了其对应的数学模型。用一个有无限多个局部最优解的已知模型对该类方法进行了试验。然后,将它们应用到了不同的复杂地球物理反演问题中:(1)对噪声敏感的线性问题;(2)非线性和线性同步反演问题;(3)非线性问题。反演结果表明,群体智能反演是可行的。与常规遗传算法和模拟退火法相比,该类方法有收敛速度相对快、收敛精度相对高等优点;与拟牛顿法和列文伯格一马夸特法相比,该类方法有能跳出局部最优解等优点。  相似文献   

The problem of equivalence in direct current (DC) resistivity and electromagnetic methods for a thin resistive and conducting layer is well‐known. Attempts have been made in the past to resolve this problem through joint inversion. However, equivalence still remains an unresolved problem. In the present study, an effort is made to reduce non‐uniqueness due to equivalence using global optimization and joint inversion by successive refinement of the model space. A number of solutions derived for DC resistivity data using very fast simulated annealing global inversion that fits the observations equally well, follow the equivalence principle and show a definite trend. For a thin conductive layer, the quotient between resistivity and thickness is constant, while for a resistive one, the product between these magnitudes is constant. Three approaches to obtain very fast simulated annealing solutions are tested. In the first one, layer resistivities and thicknesses are optimized in a linear domain. In the second, layer resistivities are optimized in the logarithmic domain and thicknesses in the linear domain. Lastly, both layer resistivities and thicknesses are optimized in the logarithmic domain. Only model data from the mean models, corresponding to very fast simulated annealing solutions obtained for approach three, always fit the observations. The mean model defined by multiple very fast simulated annealing solutions shows extremely large uncertainty (almost 100%) in the final solution after inversion of individual DC resistivity or electromagnetic (EM) data sets. Uncertainty associated with the intermediate resistive and conducting layers after global optimization and joint inversion is still large. In order to reduce the large uncertainty associated with the intermediate layer, global optimization is performed over several iterations by reducing and redefining the search limits of model parameters according to the uncertainty in the solution. The new minimum and maximum limits are obtained from the uncertainty in the previous iteration. Though the misfit error reduces in the solution after successive refinement of the model space in individual inversion, it is observed that the mean model drifts away from the actual model. However, successive refinement of the model space using global optimization and joint inversion reduces uncertainty to a very low level in 4–5 iterations. This approach works very well in resolving the problem of equivalence for resistive as well as for conducting layers. The efficacy of the approach has been demonstrated using DC resistivity and EM data, however, it can be applied to any geophysical data to solve the inherent ambiguities in the interpretations.  相似文献   

--Efficacy of the global optimisation technique is demonstrated in the inversion of time domain electromagnetic data. Transient EM responses observed using a coincident loops system along several profiles and different time channels over a plate like conducting body are inverted, using very fast simulated annealing (VFSA) as an optimisation tool. Three time channels for each profile are considered in the inversion. Study reveals that only one run of global inversion considering a single multi-channel profile is not enough to resolve all the nine model parameters of a plate-like conducting body. However, the global inversion of a single multi-channel profile with several runs yields a mean model that is quite close to the true model. Considering many profiles and time channels together in the global inversion can yield reliable estimates of all the parameters. Computationally, this is not an efficient procedure. Analysis of the results shows, however, that two distant profiles are enough to yield all the model parameters reliably, even after one run of the global inversion. Both noise-free and noisy synthetic data are used in the inversion. Finally, field data are also inverted to study the performance of the global inversion.  相似文献   

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