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Geotail卫星于2003年5月15日在近地磁尾观测到磁场重联并穿越重联耗散区.卫星从尾向—南尾瓣一侧穿越磁场重联耗散区到地向—北尾瓣一侧的过程中,随着等离子体流反向,霍尔磁场(By) 被观测到.本文研究了该磁场重联耗散区内的低混杂波.观测结果显示,在磁场重联耗散区核心及其附近区域观测到在低混杂频率附近存在强烈的等离子体波动的增强,其传播方向主要垂直于背景磁场,该等离子体波动为低混杂波.前人的模拟结果认为,当磁场重联得到充分发展之前,低混杂波将消失.本文的观测结果充分说明,当磁场重联充分发展之后,在核心区域仍然存在增强的低混杂波,说明低混杂波贯穿磁场重联的整个发展过程.这种观测结果与计算机等离子体模拟的结果有所不同.本文的观测对低混杂波在磁场重联中的具体表现提供了新的观测证据并有可能修正前人的理论.  相似文献   

近地磁尾重联中哨声波和Hall磁场的Cluster观测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在2001~2003年Cluster飞船通过近地磁尾期间,共探测到14次重联事件,在这些事件中同时还观测到等离子体波活动.本文把14次事件分为三大类,其中:第I类包含了8次事件,它们是在等离子体片内先于重联事件观测到波活动,并且还同时观测到Hall磁场.经过分析判断,这类事件中观测到的波是右旋偏振的哨声波.第II类包含了2次事件,这类事件也观测到了Hall磁场和右旋偏振的哨声波.第Ⅲ类也包含了2次事件,这类事件只是普通的重联事件,没有观测到Hall磁场,但是波活动明显先于重联事件.在我们观测的14次事件中,比较强烈的哨声波和Hall 磁场是一一对应的,因此哨声波可能主要是在Hall磁场的四极结构区激发的.  相似文献   

磁场重联中离子轨道的混合模拟研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
在使用2.5维混合模拟方法研究了Petschek模型稳态驱动磁场 重联演化的基础上, 本文考察了计算域内各典型区域中粒子分布函数的变化,描绘了重联区不同位置几种类型的 非Maxwell分布函数. 结果表明,磁场重联会将重联区少部分粒子加速到很高的能量,不同 加速程度的粒子将形成球壳状的速度分布. 粒子的轨道特征表明,在重联区中出流的粒子, 有一部分被磁镜捕获,其回旋半径大于重联区宽度,并构成整个流体速度的低速部分. 另外 ,在X中性点附近进入重联区的粒子沿磁力线向出流区以三种形式漂移,分别为:沿磁力线 逃逸、捕获在磁镜中随流体运动、横越磁力线漂移,其比例分别约为70%,20%和10%。  相似文献   

磁场重联中的电子加速机制的数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
在应用2.5维混合模拟方法研究Petschek模型磁场重联的基础上,考察了试验电子被加速的特征. 模拟结果表明,稳态的低频重联场能将少量试验电子加速到高能,电子的能谱为幂律谱,但总体分布函数未发生显著变化. 电子在整个加速过程中被束缚在低磁场的加速区内,由重联产生的感应电场Ey分量对其直接加速,根据加速时间和加速区域可以将这些电子分为两种情况:初始位于加速区和漂移到加速区被加速.  相似文献   

本文主要应用THEMIS卫星的磁场和等离子体流观测数据,分析了2008年1月5日08∶51~08∶57 UT亚暴膨胀相期间磁尾的一个近地重联事件.在亚暴膨胀相期间,地面的全天空成像仪清楚地记录到了极光的极向扩展,THEMIS的P5卫星在地球同步轨道附近观测到了磁场的偶极化现象.在亚暴膨胀相末期的08∶51~08∶57 UT期间,P3(XGSM~-9.12RE) 和P4 (XGSM ~-9.40RE) 同时观测到了一对方向相反的高速等离子体流.这对方向相反的高速等离子体流是由磁尾的重联现象所引起.重联的位置被估计位于XGSM ~-9.12RE 和XGSM~-9.40RE之间较小的空间范围内.并且,在重联位置的两侧,重联的Hall效应被P3和P4两颗卫星观测到.因此,这一磁尾重联事件发生在距离地球非常近的空间范围内.  相似文献   

行星际磁场By分量对地球磁层顶场向电流调制   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
采用三维可压缩MHD数值模拟研究了行星际磁场By分量的变化对磁层顶重联区场向电流大小和分布的影响. 行星际磁场通过模拟区x=-Lx处左边界条件By来影响重联过程,从而改变重联区的场向电流. 研究结果表明边界条件By的突然改变,能使重联区场向电流迅速增加,甚至达到增大一个量级的水平.By本身的存在(即不为零)也会使场向电流维持在一个较高的水平. 由于行星际磁场By分量不为零,而形成模拟区磁场By不对称分布,这种不对称分布是场向电流不对称分布产生的主要原因. 这些结果是与Orsted卫星最新观测结果和地 面观测结果相符合的,它表明行星际磁场By分量对地球空间场向电流有较大的调制作用.  相似文献   

在1982年10月31日1600-1830UT磁扰期间,DE1对ULF脉动进行了观测,地面的观测推测脉动是由太阳风速度和压力的突然增加激发的.在脉动期间0900LT 左右DE1通过了从磁纬-55——20°L~13-4的远地点.观测到的ULF 波是周向振荡的,它的前面是持续了一个多小时的逐渐衰减的长周期压缩波,磁场与电场振荡间的位相关系和计算出的Poynting 通量指出,在外磁层(L>8),DE1观测到含有很强极型分量的传播波,而随后在L<10.3看到的准正弦环型波是沿磁力线的驻波.环型波表现为四个波包,每个波包对应着不同的等离子体分布,在很大的磁层区域内观测到的波周期随L减小.磁壳之间似乎很微弱的相互作用意味着这个源是宽带源.对DEI穿过的磁壳磁力线脚部附近的几个高纬台站的磁变仪资料也进行了检验.地面上的地磁脉动包含许多频率分量,空间看到的最强波在同一条磁场线附近的地面上看到的却不常是最强信号.地面脉动的宽带特征表明,地面台站也纪录到相邻磁力线的振荡.在地面台站看到的主要频率约在2小时内大致保持不变,但与L有关,这表明DEI在空间看到的变化周期显然与L有关而并非随时间的变化.  相似文献   

磁云具有较强的磁场和较低的质子温度和Beta值等显著特征,但是大量的观测资料显示在磁云内部往往存在局部高温现象.磁云内局部高温的质子可能是由于其内部磁场重联引起的.以1995年10月18~20日磁云事件为例,该事件前边界到19日11:00 UT之间有一个明显地温度突起区,从这个持续时间将近31小时的磁云内部认证出了8个磁场重联出流区,且大部分磁场重联事件发生在磁云内部质子温度凸起的部分.所以磁云内局部区域的质子被磁场重联加热的可能性很大.  相似文献   

2001年3月2日磁通量传输事件特性的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
2001年3月2日11:00 至11:15 UT 期间,Cluster Ⅱ在南半球极尖区晨侧附近磁鞘内探测到3个通量传输事件(简称FTEs). 本文利用Cluster Ⅱ星簇4颗卫星观测到的磁场和等离子体资料研究了这些通量传输事件的磁场形态和粒子特征. 并利用它们探测到的空间磁场梯度资料由安培定律直接求出星簇所在区域的电流分布. 结果指出:(1)BY占优势的行星际磁场结构在磁层顶的重联可以在极尖区附近发生;(2)FTEs通量管形成初期内外总压差和磁箍缩应力不一定平衡,达到平衡有一发展过程;(3)FTEs通量管截面在L M平面内的线度约为1.89RE;(4)FTEs通量管中等离子体主要沿轴向场方向流动,整个通量管以慢于背景等离子体的速度沿磁层顶向南向尾运动;(5)FTEs通量管中不仅有轴向电流,也存在环向电流. 轴向电流基本沿轴向磁场方向流动. 轴向和环向电流在管内均呈体分布,因而轴向电流产生的环向磁场接近管心时不断减小到零,而环向电流生成的轴向场则不断增大到极值;(6)在通量管的磁鞘部分观测到磁层能量粒子流量的增强,这表明通量管通过磁层顶将磁鞘和磁层内部连通起来了.  相似文献   

磁层亚暴的发生与近磁尾(约6~8 RE)电流片中断和中磁尾(约20~30 RE)磁场重联密切相关,而极光的极向扩展、电流片中断和磁尾重联的时序过程对于认识亚暴的触发机制至关重要. 本文利用位于中磁尾的CLUSTER卫星,同步轨道附近LANL-01、LANL-97卫星,近磁尾POLAR和 极区IMAGE卫星的观测,分析了单个亚暴事例.结果表明,在此事件中,中磁尾磁场重联起始比近尾电流片中断早3 min发生,电流片中断发生4 min后,IMAGE卫星观测到极光增亮,同时AE指数突然增大,亚暴膨胀相起始. 观测结果与亚暴中性线模型较为吻合.  相似文献   

Data from HF-radars are used to make the first simultaneous conjugate measurements of the day-side reconnection electric field. A period of 4 h around local magnetic noon are studied during a geospace environment modeling (GEM) boundary layer campaign. The interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) was southward whilst the eastward component (By) was variable. The flow patterns derived from the radar data show the expected conjugate asymmetries associated with IMF |By| ≥ 0. High-time resolution data (50 and 100 s) enable the flow of plasma across the open/closed field line boundary (the separatrix) to be studied in greater detail than in previous work. The latitude of the separatrix follows the same general trend in both hemispheres but shows a hemispherical difference of 4°, with the summer cusp at higher latitude, as expected from dipole tilt considerations. However, the short-time scale motion of the separatrix cannot be satisfactorily resolved within the best resolution (300 m s−1) of the experiment. The orientation of the separatrix with respect to magnetic latitude is found to follow the same trend in both hemispheres and qualitatively fits that predicted by a model auroral oval. It shows no correlation with IMF By. However, the degree of tilt in the Northern (summer) Hemisphere is found to be significantly greater than that given by the model oval. The convection pattern data show that the meridian at which throat flow occurs is different in the two hemispheres and is controlled by IMF By, in agreement with empirically derived convection patterns and theoretical models. The day-side reconnection electric field values are largest when the radar’s meridian is in the throat flow or early afternoon flow regions. In the morning or afternoon convection cells, the reconnection electric field tends to zero away from the throat flow region. The reconnection electric field observed in the throat flow region is bursty in nature.  相似文献   

As a rule, bright auroral arcs evolve near the poleward boundary of the auroral oval at the growth phase of a substorm, a phenomenon that is known to occur near the poleward edge of the auroral oval. The closeness of these arcs to the projection of the magnetic separatrix on the night side suggests that their generation is related to magnetic reconnection in the magnetospheric tail in a particular way. In this study this suggestion is confirmed by the fact that integral brightness of the auroral oval at the poleward edge correlates with magnetic field structures in the solar wind that are observed by ACE and Wind satellites at distances of 50–300 RE upstream and are shifted towards the magnetospheric tail with time delays of ~ 10–80 min, consistent with measurements of the solar wind velocity. About 50 examples of this correlation have been found. The possible physical mechanisms of the effect observed are discussed.  相似文献   

A discussion is given of plasma flows in the dawn and nightside high-latitude ionospheric regions during substorms occurring on a contracted auroral oval, as observed using the EISCAT CP-4-A experiment. Supporting data from the PACE radar, Greenland magnetometer chain, SAMNET magnetometers and geostationary satellites are compared to the EISCAT observations. On 4 October 1989 a weak substorm with initial expansion phase onset signatures at 0030 UT, resulted in the convection reversal boundary observed by EISCAT (at \sim0415 MLT) contracting rapidly poleward, causing a band of elevated ionospheric ion temperatures and a localised plasma density depletion. This polar cap contraction event is shown to be associated with various substorm signatures; Pi2 pulsations at mid-latitudes, magnetic bays in the midnight sector and particle injections at geosynchronous orbit. A similar event was observed on the following day around 0230 UT (\sim0515 MLT) with the unusual and significant difference that two convection reversals were observed, both contracting poleward. We show that this feature is not an ionospheric signature of two active reconnection neutral lines as predicted by the near-Earth neutral model before the plasmoid is “pinched off”, and present two alternative explanations in terms of (1) viscous and lobe circulation cells and (2) polar cap contraction during northward IMF. The voltage associated with the anti-sunward flow between the reversals reaches a maximum of 13 kV during the substorm expansion phase. This suggests it to be associated with the polar cap contraction and caused by the reconnection of open flux in the geomagnetic tail which has mimicked “viscous-like” momentum transfer across the magnetopause.  相似文献   

The open magnetosphere model of cusp ion injection, acceleration and precipitation is used to predict the dispersion characteristics for fully pulsed magnetic reconnection at a low-latitude magnetopause X-line. The resulting steps, as would be seen by a satellite moving meridionally and normal to the ionospheric projection of the X-line, are compared with those seen by satellites moving longitudinally, along the open/closed boundary. It is shown that two observed cases can be explained by similar magnetosheath and reconnection characteristics, and that the major differences between them are well explained by the different satellite paths through the events. Both cases were observed in association with poleward-moving transient events seen by ground-based radar, as also predicted by the theory. The results show that the reconnection is pulsed but strongly imply it cannot also be spatially patchy, in the sense of isolated X-lines which independently are intermittently active. Furthermore they show that the reconnection pulses responsible for the poleward-moving events and the cusp ion steps, must cover at least 3 h of magnetic local time, although propagation of the active reconnection region may mean that it does not extend this far at any one instant of time.  相似文献   

The numerical three-dimensional MHD model is used to study the formation of the magnetic barrier in the inner part of the magnetosheath near the magnetopause. The set of the quasistationary solutions for several characteristic directions of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) has been obtained: for northward and southward IMF, for the direction along the Parker helix (at an angle of 45° with respect to the Sun-Earth line), and for the predominantly radial direction (at an angle of 20° with respect to the Sun-Earth line). The mechanism used to take into account the effect of magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause on a flow in the magnetosheath is introduced in the case of southward IMF. The results of the calculations indicate that the magnetic field absolute value in the magnetic barrier reaches its maximal value when IMF is northward. The introduction of magnetic reconnection at southward IMF can result in an insignificant decrease in the field value. However, the model predicts that a decrease in the magnetic field is much more substantial when the IMF direction is close to radial.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the accuracy of the method introduced by Lockwood et al. (1994) for the determination of the magnetopause reconnection rate from the dispersion of precipitating ions in the ionospheric cusp region. Tests are made by applying the method to synthesised data. The simulated cusp ion precipitation data are produced by an analytic model of the evolution of newly-opened field lines, along which magnetosheath ions are firstly injected across the magnetopause and then dispersed as they propagate into the ionosphere. The rate at which these newly opened field lines are generated by reconnection can be varied. The derived reconnection rate estimates are then compared with the input variation to the model and the accuracy of the method assessed. Results are presented for steady-state reconnection, for continuous reconnection showing a sine-wave variation in rate and for reconnection which only occurs in square wave pulses. It is found that the method always yields the total flux reconnected (per unit length of the open-closed field-line boundary) to within an accuracy of better than 5%, but that pulses tend to be smoothed so that the peak reconnection rate within the pulse is underestimated and the pulse length is overestimated. This smoothing is reduced if the separation between energy channels of the instrument is reduced; however this also acts to increase the experimental uncertainty in the estimates, an effect which can be countered by improving the time resolution of the observations. The limited time resolution of the data is shown to set a minimum reconnection rate below which the method gives spurious short-period oscillations about the true value. Various examples of reconnection rate variations derived from cusp observations are discussed in the light of this analysis.  相似文献   

Steel box columns are widely used in steel building structures in Taiwan due to their dual strong axes. To transfer the beam-end moment to the column, diaphragm plates of the same thickness and elevations as the beam flanges are usually welded inside the box column. The electro-slag welding (ESW) process is widely used to connect the diaphragms to the column flanges in Taiwan because of its convenience and efficiency. However, ESW may increase the hardness of the welds and heat-affected zones (HAZs), while reducing the Charpy-V notch strength in the HAZ. This situation can cause premature fracture of the diaphragm-to-column flange welds before a large plastic rotation is developed in the beam-to-box column joints. To quantify the critical eccentricity and the effectiveness of fracture prediction, this study uses fracture prediction models and finite element model (FEM) analysis to correlate the test results. In this study, two beam-to-box column connection subassembly tests are conducted with different loading protocols and ESW chamber shapes. To implement a fracture prediction model, the material parameters are established from circumferential notched tensile tests and FEM analysis. Test results indicate that the fracture instances can be predicted on the basis of the cumulative plastic deformation in the HAZs. Analytical results indicate that fracture instances and locations are sensitive to the relative locations of the ESW joints and beam flange. Tests also confirm that the possible fracture of the diaphragm-to-column flange joints can be mitigated by enlarging the chamber of the ESW joint.  相似文献   

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