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地震断层作用下的埋地管道等效分析模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王滨  李昕  周晶 《地震学刊》2009,(1):44-50
地震作用下,活动断层附近的埋地管道易发生强度屈服、局部屈曲或整体失稳等形式的破坏,建立准确、高效的埋地管道在断层作用下的计算模型,对管道的抗震设计和震后安全状态评估具有重要的实用价值。本文采用非线性弹簧模拟远离断层处埋地管道的反应,基于管土之间小变形段管道处于强化阶段,提出一种改进的管土等效分析模型,进一步减小了管土之间大变形段的分析长度,从而提高了有限元分析效率。该模型采用ALA推荐的方法计算管土间的滑动摩擦力,可以考虑土体种类的影响;用Kennedy方法确定管道的计算长度。通过与精确模型比较,验证了管土等效模型的合理性和有效性。  相似文献   

跨断层测量是研究断层活动特征的重要手段之一.本文介绍了一种利用台站短基线观测,通过刚体模型、弹性体模型和组合模型确定断层或断裂带附近应变的方法,并以唐山地形变台资料为例进行对比分析.通过对比同时间段的位移和应变时间序列的变化幅度和趋势特征,认为组合模型更符合实际情况.同时,分析了多条测段不同组合情况下的模型计算结果,探讨了跨断层观测资料与区域GPS数据计算结果之间差异的原因.并提出了基线过渡桩更可能位于断层东侧的认识.  相似文献   

壳有限元方法是目前较先进的分析地震活动断层作用下埋地管线反应的方法 ,但是由于受断层错动影响的管道一般较长 ,因此该方法需要较大的计算资源 .本文提出一种等效边界方法 ,可以克服现有壳有限元方法的缺点 .埋地管线在地震断层作用下的大变形反应往往只发生在断层附近 ,而离断层较远处管段的变形反应相对较小 .本文从理论上得出一个等效边界 ,以非线性弹簧的形式应用到壳单元分析模型的两端 ,替代模型以外管段的影响 .这样只需对感兴趣的发生大变形的管段进行壳单元建模型 ,从而解决了现有的壳有限元方法需要大量计算机时和资源的缺点 .与现有的壳模型固定边界方法进行比较 ,验证了等效边界方法的合理性和有效性 .  相似文献   

云南普洱-宁洱地区变形及应力场的有限元模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为研究普洱-宁洱地区强震频发与构造应力场和变形场的相关性,以1997—2007年GPS数据计算得到的云南普洱-宁洱块体年运动量为边界约束,建立云南普洱-宁洱地区包含红河断层及澜沧江断层等10个断层的三维摩擦接触有限元模型,计算在GPS年运动速率约束下棋盘式构造格局的变形位移场、应变场及应力场分布,并将计算结果与GPS计算结果进行比较。通过计算发现:普洱-宁洱断层群会使澜沧江及红河断层包围区域变形及应力场更复杂,普洱-宁洱地区复杂变形及应力场可能是该地区中强地震频发的主要原因;镇远-普洱断层可能是影响普洱-宁洱地区变形及应力场的主要断层;普洱-宁洱地区走向共轭断层交汇处,存在较大变形及应力值;变形场与应力场会随断层走向变化而发生变化,在断层走向变化剧烈部位有较大值。  相似文献   

壳有限元方法是目前较先进的分析地震活动断层作用下埋地管线反应的方法, 但是由于受断层错动影响的管道一般较长,因此该方法需要较大的计算资源. 本文提出一种等效边界方法,可以克服现有壳有限元方法的缺点. 埋地管线在地震断层作用下的大变形反应往往只发生在断层附近,而离断层较远处管段的变形反应相对较小.本文从理论上得出一个等效边界,以非线性弹簧的形式应用到壳单元分析模型的两端,替代模型以外管段的影响. 这样只需对感兴趣的发生大变形的管段进行壳单元建模型,从而解决了现有的壳有限元方法需要大量计算机时和资源的缺点. 与现有的壳模型固定边界方法进行比较,验证了等效边界方法的合理性和有效性.   相似文献   

断层走滑不均匀性对地面变形的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据塞积群理论导出了走滑断层两端点固定时位移场随位置的不均匀分布解析表示关系,分析和讨论了断层上不同位置的位移场分布特征, 采用新导出的断层滑动不均匀分布公式对地面的水平位移场和垂直位移场进行了数值模拟计算,并与传统的Okada 位错模型在理论和计算结果上进行了对比分析.理论和计算结果分析表明:断层滑动不均匀分布公式是Okada位错模型在一定条件下理论上的扩展,而Okada位错模型是走滑不均匀公式的零阶近似;断层滑动不均匀分布公式与Okada 位错模型计算的地面位移场在走滑方向、垂直于断层走向和垂直于地面方向的近场变形差异最大在50%至65%之间,而最小差异在1%以内.  相似文献   

基于地壳分层的唐山地震断层震后变形分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用球体粘弹性地球模型研究唐山地震断层基于地壳分层的震后变形影响,计算四种不同类型的地球分层模型(均匀模型和三种地壳分层模型)产生的震后变形场,分析不同模型对地表变形的影响异同,定量研究了实际地壳分层模型与均匀地壳模型计算的地表变形差异.计算结果显示,相对均匀粘弹性地球模型,利用分层的地壳结构模型,计算的唐山地震断层附近区域震后28年积累的变形,两者最大差值水平方向可达20mm,垂直变形相差10mm左右.计算的结果显示地壳结构的差异对震后地表变形的影响很大,超过现有高精度测量技术的精度.如果利用该区的实测资料进行反演研究,必须根据实际地壳构造情况考虑地壳分层的影响.  相似文献   

采用跨断层场地垂直形变观测数据和气象站气象数据等资料,利用灰色关联分析法构建了适于本类数据的灰色关联模型,对影响因素与形变值之间的关联度进行了研究,同时提出了一个关联度评价模型用于计算关联度阈值,将计算所得的关联度与阈值进行比较来筛选干扰因素。通过对窝子滩场地和大泉口场地计算的结果进行分析,结果表明该模型能在一定程度上定量确定干扰因素对形变的影响程度,可应用于跨断层监测场地的形变分析。  相似文献   

跨断层流动形变观测能直接反映观测场地所在断层的活动情况,张超等(1987)采用断层刚体模型推导了利用跨断层基线、水准测量数据计算断层的水平扭动和垂直位移公式,并且经公式推导分析得出计算结果对监测断层现今活动非常有利,张晶等对利用跨断层基线和水准测量资料推算断层活动参数公式进行了改进,采用断层三维立体模型计算了断层三维运动参数,并在此基础上提出了断层活动协调比的概念.  相似文献   

地震自发破裂模拟是震源动力学研究的重要内容,了解复杂的断层动力学破裂过程对深入认识震源特征和解释运动学反演结果具有重要意义.基于边界积分方程方法的破裂模拟已经被广泛使用,大多采用的是平面断层模型的结构化网格划分.由于实际的断层往往具有较为复杂的几何特征,为了更为灵活地刻画断层几何复杂性,我们建立断层模型的三角形网格离散方案,通过精确的解析解形式来计算断层各个单元之间的应力格林函数,联立滑动弱化摩擦准则和非奇异边界积分方程,对断层的自发破裂过程进行了模拟.在简单的平面断层模型下,将计算结果与前人的结果进行了对比,验证了方法的正确性与有效性.对于几种常见的复杂断层模型,例如弯折、阶跃、含障碍体断层等,我们模拟了其破裂过程并对计算结果进行了比较与分析.模拟结果表明,非结构化网格划分的边界积分方程方法能够很好地模拟平面矩形断层或由其组成的规则断层,同时也能成功地模拟具有复杂几何形状的不规则断层上的动力学破裂过程.本研究的结果显示了边界积分方程方法在模拟复杂断层系统的动力学破裂问题上具有较广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

埋地管道在断层错动作用下的内力分析及其抗震措施一直是生命线工程的一个重要问题与研究热点。对地下管道在断层错位下的响应计算,取得的成果较多,比较经典的有Newmark-Hall方法和Kennedy方法。后来又出现基于壳模型的简化方法,如高田至郎提出的简化计算方法等。相对来讲,关于管道抗震措施的研究成果较少。本文提出一种抗震措施,进行了基于壳模型的有限元动力数值模拟,并与4种松到中密场地土条件下的埋地管道断层错位响应进行对比分析。计算结果表明,本方法中三种长度管道的最大轴向拉应变远小于埋地管道的最大轴向拉应变,而且最大轴向压应变亦不大。  相似文献   

条件均值谱(CMS)已成为目前国内外广受关注及认可的结构抗震时程分析选波的目标谱,但其无法同时兼顾多个周期点谱加速度具有相同的地震危险水平,对于须考虑多阶振型影响的长周期结构尚存局限。Newmark-Hall三联谱是基于加速度峰值(PGA)、速度峰值(PGV)和位移峰值(PGD)并联合短、中、长周期相关放大系数建立的反应谱,与短、中、长周期结构均具有天然良好的相关性,其与概率地震危险性分析(PSHA)结合较弱及具有经验化特征。将两种反应谱的优势相结合,即将CMS的“条件分布”理念引入Newmark-Hall三联谱,建立了条件Newmark-Hall三联谱(即CN-H),并提出了以CN-H为目标谱的选波方法(即CN-H方法)。以美国SAC计划设计的3层和9层抗弯钢框架结构为例,将CN-H方法与以CMS为目标谱的选波方法所得结果进行了对比。CN-H方法对于结构反应均值的估计与CMS方法具有一致的准确性,且所得结构反应的离散性也较低,可见CN-H方法对于结构弹塑性时程分析选波具有良好的适用性。  相似文献   

Based on the results of an extensive parametric study of elastic and inelastic response of SDOF systems, in which the most important structural parameters were varied and ground motions of very different characteristics were taken into account, simple formulae for determining the seismic demand in SDOF systems with natural periods in the medium- and long-period range are proposed. Seismic demand is expressed in terms of the mean values of maximum relative displacements and maximum input energy. These results can be used to provide rough estimates of structural behaviour when different damage models are applied. As well as this, the proposed formulae can be used to construct design spectra of the Newmark-Hall type.  相似文献   

Ground-Motion Hazard Values for Northern Algeria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study examines distinctive features of ground motion parameters in northern Algeria. An initial computation of seismic hazard in terms of horizontal peak ground acceleration (PGA) and spectral acceleration (SA) at different periods, damped at 5%, is carried out for three different types of soils (rock, stiff soils and soft soils) for return periods of 100 and 475 years. In addition, uniform hazard spectra (UHS) are computed for these two return periods at several locations in the region. Then, the UHS computed for different soil types are proposed as a starting point to define elastic design spectra for building-code purposes. We have used the well-known Newmark-Hall approach. As proposed in the most recent International Building Codes, the SA (0.2 s) value is used to establish the spectral region for lower periods (region controlled by acceleration), whereas the SA (1.0 s) value is used to establish the spectral region for intermediate periods (region controlled by velocity). We also obtained important relations, dependent on site condition, between SA (0.2 s), SA (1.0 s) or SAmax values, and the PGA, for both return periods of 100 and 475 years. Other relationships between PGA or SAmax values have also been derived for return periods of 100 and 475 years, in this case independent of site condition.  相似文献   

钢框架结构直接基于位移抗震性能设计的非迭代法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为使直接基于位移的抗震性能设计方法更加简便准确,本文采用一种直接基于位移的非迭代抗震设计方法对钢框架结构进行设计。该方法首先考虑结构的非弹性反应确定等效弹性反应谱和弹塑性反应谱,并建立了使用Newmark-Hall变形折减系数的能力谱的明确表达式。采用能力-需求图方法,确定了结构需要的目标位移与延性、谱位移和谱加速度之间关系的明确表示式,得到结构的刚度和设计基底剪力,进而确定构件截面,完成结构设计。对五层两跨平面钢框架结构进行了直接基于位移的抗震性能设计,设计过程简便,无需迭代程序,不需画出反应谱,通过时程分析验证了设计结果的精确性。本文研究表明:直接基于位移的非迭代抗震设计方法是一种简便、高效、精确的抗震性能设计方法。  相似文献   

Inelastic displacement response spectra are determined for a broad class of single-degree-of-freedom hysteretic structures. Based on these spectra, effective linear period and damping parameters are defined as a function of ductility. A simple empirical formula is derived which may be used to estimate the mid-period range inelastic response spectrum of a general hysteretic structure given the linear response spectrum of the excitation. The estimates obtained from this formula are compared with those obtained by the Newmark-Hall method, the substitute–structure method and the ATC–3 tentative procedure. It is found that the empirical formula not only gives good estimates of the average behaviour of the inelastic spectrum, but also reproduces some of the details of the spectrum.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the effect of soil conditions on the response of single-degree-of-freedom inelastic systems subjected to earthquake motions. The ground motions considered are 72 horizontal components of motion, most of them recorded during the 3 March, 1985 Chile earthquake (Ms = 7·8) and two main aftershocks; among these records are some of the strongest and longer duration earthquake motions ever recorded. The recording station sites were classified in one of three soil types, which can be generically referred to as rock, firm ground, and medium stiffness soil. Response results for each group were analysed statistically to obtain factors for deriving inelastic design spectra of the Newmark-Hall type, as well as alternative simplified spectral shapes suitable for code formulation. Particular attention was given to the response modification factors (R) that are commonly used in seismic codes to reduce the ordinates of the elastic spectrum to account for the energy dissipation capacity of the structure. The response modification factors, known to be function of both the natural period of vibration and the ductility factor, are found to be dependent on soil conditions, particularly in the case of medium stiffness soils. It is also shown that the indirect procedure of applying R to the elastic design spectrum is less accurate than directly using functions that represent the inelastic design spectrum.  相似文献   

Regional groundwater flow in deep aquifers adds advective components to the surface heat flow over extensive areas within the Great Plains province. The regional groundwater flow is driven by topographically controlled piezometric surfaces for confined aquifers that recharge either at high elevations on the western edge of the province or from subcrop contacts. The aquifers discharge at lower elevations to the east. The assymetrical geometry for the Denver and Kennedy Basins is such that the surface areas of aquifer recharge are small compared to the areas of discharge. Consequently, positive advective heat flow occurs over most of the province. The advective component of heat flow in the Denver Basin is on the order of 15 mW m−2 along a zone about 50 km wide that parallels the structure contours of the Dakota aquifer on the eastern margin of the Basin. The advective component of heat flow in the Kennedy Basin is on the order of 20 mW m−2 and occurs over an extensive area that coincides with the discharge areas of the Madison (Mississippian) and Dakota (Cretaceous) aquifers. Groundwater flow in Paleozoic and Mesozoic aquifers in the Williston Basin causes thermal anomalies that are seen in geothermal gradient data and in oil well temperature data. The pervasive nature of advective heat flow components in the Great Plains tends to mask the heat flow structure of the crust, and only heat flow data from holes drilled into the crystalline basement can be used for tectonic heat flow studies.  相似文献   

Flume experiments have been carried out to study the formation processes and the bed morphology of step–pool channels. From the experiments different step types and step configurations could be distinguished depending on the stream power. These step types can be seen as an image of the generation mechanisms of step–pool systems. These results suggest that the bed roughness geometry develops towards a condition that provides the maximum possible bed stability for a given grain size distribution. In contrast to a variety of other studies, antidunes did not contribute to the generation of the step structures. However, the data of the presented study fits well into the region of antidune formation proposed by Kennedy for sand‐bed rivers. This observation points out that step–pool field‐data located in the Kennedy region do not inevitably prove that antidunes played a role in step development. It is rather proposed that in Kennedy's region of antidune formation there exist hydraulic conditions where the flow resistance is maximized. It is suggested that such maximum flow resistance is associated with an optimal distance between the bedforms and their height, independently of whether these are antidunes in sand‐ and gravel‐bed rivers or step–pool units in boulder‐bed streams. The considerations of the Kennedy region of antidune formation and the analysis of planform step types depending on stream power both suggest that steep channels have a potential for self‐stabilization by modifying the step–pool structure towards a geometry that provides maximum flow resistance and maximum bed stability. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

跨断层隔震管道管端与土体相互作用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
断层错动是造成埋地管道破坏的重要因素之一,因此,跨断层埋地管道在断层错动下的破坏机制、模型设计与参数分析和管道抗断层措施一直是生命线工程的前沿问题。对跨断层管道内力分析取得的成果较多,比较经典的是Newm ark-Hall方法、Kennedy方法和王汝梁方法,后来又出现基于壳模型的有限元分析方法。现有的管道抗断层措施具有其优点的同时亦有其不足。本文基于壳模型的有限元动力数值模拟,对一种管道跨断层隔震措施进一步研究,考虑管端与土体相互作用计算隔震管段的断层错动响应。计算结果表明拉应变容易在土中的管段传递,相比较而言,压应变不容易在土中的管段传递;最大拉应变降低比较多,最大压应变降低比较少。根据分析结果,对跨断层隔震管段边界条件的选取提出建议。  相似文献   

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