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介绍一种能直接从网页获取地震目录的应用软件,实现对任意地震信息网站上的任意地震目录自动下载。该软件向HTTP服务器发送请求获取服务器传回包含数据的网页源文件,最后提取源文件的目录信息,并进行数据格式转换。核心功能主要是实现原来人工操作搜索地震目录,并对接收来的文件进行分析,分离其中的数据部分,以达到自动下载和整理地震目录的目的。  相似文献   

地震目录是地震学中基础资料。从相关网站下载的地震目录在进行地震分析预测研究之前,需要转换为相应的格式,以往这项工作都是人工完成,工作量大而且容易出错。以Excel VBA宏语言为工具,实现下载目录与地震分析预测目录之间自动转换,为进一步的科学研究提供详实可靠的基础资料。  相似文献   

为了提高地震信息网络数据存储的效率和稳定性,本文提出一种地震信息网络数据的动态储存方法。首先,设计和分析地震信息网络数据的动态存储系统中的硬件部分,基于Hadoop的分布式集群大数据动态存储系统,整合多台存储服务器,为一个集群系统,并平衡存储服务器负载情况,获取性能指标的比例值,通过加权公式获取综合性能参数,根据综合负载指标和服务器综合指标参数获取最佳存储服务器。对本文系统、高速数据存储系统和网络编码云存储系统进行大数据动态存储对比实验。实验结果表明:地震信息网络数据的动态存储耗时最短,存储效率最快;具有较高存储稳定性,且不会出现过载问题。  相似文献   

针对FTP方式报送数据及下载文件的方法,研制开发了数据文件传输软件,可自动搜索指定日期应传输的所有文件,自动检索并下载通知及地震目录等,实现了数据文件传输的智能化管理,确保数据传输完整、准确、及时。  相似文献   

数字前兆资料分析系统集成了数字形变、电磁、流体资料的前兆数据处理和信息提取技术,可实现不同周期异常的后台自动计算,以及从数据准备到报告PPT自动生成的一键工作流程,并具备专业异常分析和GMT交互制图功能,为行业内外用户提供前兆产品动态网页浏览和不同权限的数据下载服务.建立数字前兆资料分析处理系统,可提高数字化前兆资料分析自动化处理能力,为建立健全数字地震预测技术和方法奠定基础.  相似文献   

基于PHP的天津市地震局地震事件共享系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用PHP语言和MySql数据库设计系统,设计天津市地震局地震事件共享系统。该系统具有地震事件的上传、下载、查询、绘制地震震中分布图等功能,实现规范地震事件格式,改变数据存储方法,便于局内科研人员通过浏览器方式对测震历史数据进行检索与下载,进一步提高共享信息的利用率。  相似文献   

地震数据自动批处理系统EDSP_LX是针对水库流动观测台网海量观测数据快速处理的需要设计的,软件实现了基于文件系统的自动数据检索、地震事件检测与数据存储、连续数据存储等功能。文中阐明了软件的设计思路和主要功能,重点介绍了系统结构和波形数据自动检索方式。  相似文献   

邓世广  王月  马亚伟 《中国地震》2019,35(3):541-549
首先,基于Python爬虫技术,实现了高精度定位结果的地震目录的自动下载;然后,针对省局台网快报目录汇总后存在重复定位地震的问题,提出了一种能够有效筛除重复定位地震的方法;最后,分析EQ3格式地震目录的二进制结构,实现了高精度定位结果的地震目录向EQ3格式的转换。实际应用表明,该程序能够显著提高EQ3格式地震目录更新的工作效率,更高定位精度的地震目录也有助于对地震活动性进行深入分析。  相似文献   

为提高地震监测台网观测数据质量,及时发现观测数据问题,基于JOPENS6.1.2提供的数据接口,开发了自动下载观测数据,并自动进行断计统计的软件.经测试,此软件可成功下载数据,并对下载数据进行断计统计,其产出的断计统计结果与人机交互MSDP软件的结果基本一致.并可通过企业微信每日定时向运维人员发布断计统计结果.  相似文献   

地震目录和震相数据在地震学研究中具有重要意义,本文介绍了中国地震台网、全球地震台网地震目录数据库和震相数据库的内容和查询使用方法。  相似文献   

数字地震观测报告是计算视应力等重要参数的基础性资料。JOPENS数据服务可提供地震目录,为使用ESSA软件计算视应力等参数提供了前提,但ESSA与JOPENS数据服务没有程序接口,需要从JOPENS数据服务网站手工下载地震目录并按需求人工筛选数据编制成数字地震观测报告。针对手工编制数字地震观测报告效率低且容易出错的问题,利用MATLAB开发出一套程序,对数字地震观测报告的编制实现了自动化处理,大大提高了工作效率,降低了出错率,能够更好地为地震分析预报工作提供数据服务。  相似文献   

地震目录三维展示在天津地震数据服务系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地震目录是地震系统提供的重要公共服务内容之一,以震源深度为主要展示要素的地震目录三维图像,作为一种新型公共服务产品,可把地震发生的位置形象直观地展示给公众。文章详细阐述了天津地震数据服务系统中震源深度三维图和分布图的设计方法及展示效果,对其所产生的积极作用和意义进行说明,并提出未来的设计方向。  相似文献   

China’s seas and adjacent regions are affected by interactions among the Eurasian plate, the western Pacific plate, and the Philippine Sea plate. Both intraplate and plate-edge earthquakes have occurred in these regions and the seismic activities are frequent. The coastal areas of China are economically developed and densely populated. With the development and utilization of marine energy and resources along with the development of national economy, the types and quantity of construction projects in the marine and coastal areas have increased, once an earthquake happens, it will cause huge damage and loss to these areas, therefore, the earthquake-related research for these sea areas cannot be ignored and the need for study on these areas is increasingly urgent. One type of essential basic data for marine seismic research is a complete, unified earthquake catalog, which is an important database for seismotectonics, seismic zoning, earthquake prediction, earthquake prevention, and disaster reduction. Completeness and reliability analysis of an earthquake catalog is one of the fundamental research topics in seismology.
At present, four editions of earthquake catalogs have been officially published in China, as well as the earthquake catalogue compiled in the national fifth-generation earthquake parameter zoning map, these catalogs are based on historical data, seismic survey investigations, and various instrumental observations. However, these catalogs have earlier data deadlines and contain the earthquake records for only the offshore regions of China, which are extensions of coastal land. Distant sea regions, subduction zones, and adjacent sea regions have not been included in these catalogs. Secondly, there were no cross-border areas involved in the compilation of earthquake catalogs in the past. It was not required to use magnitudes measured by other countries’ seismic networks and observation agencies to develop an earthquake catalog with a uniform magnitude scale, moreover, there was no formula suitable for the conversion of magnitude scale in China’s seas areas and adjacent regions. Little research has been conducted to compile and analyze the completeness of a unified earthquake catalog for China’s seas and adjacent regions. Therefore, in this study, we compiled earthquake data from the seismic networks of China and other countries for China’s seas and adjacent regions. The earthquake-monitoring capabilities of different sea areas at different time periods were evaluated, and the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of epicentral location accuracy for China’s seas and adjacent regions were analyzed. We used the orthogonal regression method to obtain conversion relationships between the surface wave magnitude, body wave magnitude, and moment magnitude for China’s seas and adjacent regions, and established magnitude conversion formulae between the China Seismic Network and the ML magnitude of the Taiwan Seismic Network and the MS magnitude of the Philippine Seismic Network. Finally, we developed an earthquake catalog with uniform magnitude scales for China’s seas and adjacent regions.
On the basis of the frequency-magnitude distribution obtained from the magnitude-cumulative frequency relationship (N-T) and the Gutenberg-Richter(GR)law, we conducted a completeness analysis of the unified earthquake catalog for China’s seas and adjacent regions, Then, we identified the beginning years of each magnitude interval at different focal depth ranges and different seismic zones in the earthquake catalog.
This study marks the first time that a unified earthquake catalog has been compiled for China’s seas and adjacent regions, based on the characteristics of seismicity in the surrounding sea regions, which fills the gap in the compilation of the earthquake catalogue of China’s seas and adjacent areas. The resulting earthquake catalog provides a basis for seismotectonics, seismicity study, and seismic hazard analysis for China’s seas and adjacent regions. The catalog also provides technical support for the preparation of seismic zoning maps as well as for earthquake prevention and disaster reduction in project planning and engineering construction in the sea regions. In addition, by evaluating the earthquake-monitoring capability of the seismic networks in China’s seas and adjacent regions and analyzing the completeness of the compiled unified earthquake catalog, this study provides a scientific reference to improve the earthquake-monitoring capability and optimizing the distribution of the seismic networks in these regions.  相似文献   

安徽地震编目自2009年数字化以来,编目方式发生变化,本文从地震初动标注、震相分析、振幅量取等阐述安徽数字地震编目工作进展,同时提出进一步提高数字化地震编目精度的方法,规范编目检查流程,减少人工误差。  相似文献   

简要介绍了利用电子走时表和网上地震目录对单台地震观测报告的震相数据进行初步检查的方法及其软件实现,认为,利用该方法可找出观测报告中分析错误和误差较大的震相,可作为一种对单台地震观测报告进行检查的有效方法。  相似文献   

天津市地震局滨海地震台测震、地球物理等观测手段众多,数据处理量大,处理软件繁多。为此,利用PHP开发网页化的综合管理系统,将工作内容进行分类整理,将台站工作展示、地震观测工作辅助、工作提示等功能整合在系统中,从而减少数据处理错误,提高数据观测质量及工作效率。该平台具有扩展性,可随时添加新的功能模块,适应未来工作变化。  相似文献   

随着地震观测台网的加密,中国地震台网统一地震目录越来越完整。本文以地震资料丰富且研究程度较高的唐山地震为例,尝试利用中国地震台网统一地震目录直接确定断层面参数。将小震确定断层面参数的方法应用于唐山地震序列,对其断层面参数进行分段拟合,其中唐山断裂南段走向和倾角分别为213.4°和81.9°,唐山断裂北段走向和倾角分别为231.4°和89.1°,滦县段走向和倾角分别为125.1°和76.2°,卢龙断裂走向和倾角分别为46.1°和89.3°,宁河断裂走向和倾角分别为246.6°和81.8°。将所得结果与前人研究成果以及现今震源机制解参数研究的误差水平进行对比分析,证明了本研究具有较高的可靠性。本文研究结果表明,在地震活跃且地震定位精度较高的地区,中国地震台网统一地震目录可以广泛应用于断层面参数的确定。  相似文献   

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