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1龙门山断裂带概述 龙门山断裂带为青藏高原川青块体与华南四川盆地间的边界断裂,沿龙门山展布,走向北东,全长约500km,宽40~50km.该带主要由茂汶-汶川断裂(后山断裂)、北川-映秀断裂(主中央断裂)、江油-灌县断裂(主边界断裂)和后山、前山和前缘三条推覆构造带组成.全长约500km,宽40~50km.断裂带中段与岷江斜交并断错了岷江及其支流的河流阶地.本文应用河流阶地变形研究了该断裂带中段晚第四纪的活动速率.  相似文献   

汶川地震同震过程中断层间的相互作用及子事件触发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年5月12日四川省汶川县发生了MS8.0地震,造成了重大人员伤亡和经济、财产损失。主震发生时,龙门山前山断层从都江堰北部开始错动,且一直破裂到地表。文中利用映秀-北川断裂和灌县-江油断裂2条断层模型,着重研究和深入探讨了灌县-江油断裂的触发机制以及错动时间。基于滑移速率和状态相依赖的摩擦定律,推导出在剪切应力变化率是否为0的2种前提条件下的地震触发新破裂的时间延迟,并将结果用于研究汶川地震是否为同震触发的时间过程上。通过与绵竹清平和汶川卧龙台站的三分量强地面运动观测资料计算出的时间延迟对比,得到了比较一致的结果,发现汶川地震中映秀-北川断裂和灌县-江油断裂并不是同时错动的,而是映秀-北川破裂产生的动态地震波(应力波)触发了灌县-江油断裂,并造成了几秒到十几秒的触发延迟。  相似文献   

2018年5·12汶川地震后,龙门山断裂带的大地震活动特征一直是倍受关注的科学问题.而探槽古地震研究是最直接揭示活断层带晚第四纪大地震活动规律的重要途径.本文通过系统总结龙门山断裂带近十年来探槽古地震研究成果,全面分析了龙门山断裂带不同段落的晚第四纪大地震活动与复发特征.结果显示:龙门山断裂带的大地震活动具有明显的分段性,北川—映秀断裂和江油—灌县断裂中段(包括小鱼洞断裂)是全新世以来,最为活跃的段落,约距今6000年以来,发生过3次位移量近似相等的事件,分别发生在5920—5730 cal BP和3300—2300 cal BP,大地震活动具有3000年左右的准周期复发特征;北川—映秀断裂的北段具有独立破裂的能力,该段汶川地震前一次事件发生在大约665—1030 AD,可能是历史上记载的942 AD地震事件,另一次事件发生在8240—7785 BC;江油—灌县断裂的南段(大川—双石断裂)发震能力明显弱于断裂带中段和北段.现有古地震数据表明,沿北川—映秀断裂,除汶川地震以外,并未显示出不同段落间在全新世期间存在级联破裂的证据,这可能意味着2008年汶川M8地震是龙门山断裂带上罕见的巨大地震事件.另外,青川断裂上探槽揭露的古地震变形事件不像是断裂直接位错的结果,更可能是被动响应北川—映秀断裂右旋位错的现象.  相似文献   

汶川M_S8.0地震地表破裂带及其发震构造   总被引:178,自引:33,他引:145  
震后应急野外考察表明,2008年5月12日汶川MS8.0地震在青藏高原东缘龙门山推覆构造带上同时使北川-映秀断裂和灌县-江油断裂两条倾向NW的叠瓦状逆断层发生地表破裂。其中,沿北川-映秀断裂展布的地表破裂带长约240km,以兼有右旋走滑分量的逆断层型破裂为主,最大垂直位移6.2m,最大右旋走滑位移4.9m;沿灌县-江油断裂连续展布的地表破裂带长约72km,最长可达90km,为典型的纯逆断层型地表破裂,最大垂直位移3.5m;另外,在上述两条地表破裂带西部还发育着1条NW向带有逆冲垂直分量、左旋走滑性质的小鱼洞地表破裂带,长约6km。这一地表破裂样式是近期发生的特大地震中结构最复杂的一次逆断层型地表破裂,地表破裂的长度也最长。利用已有的石油地震剖面,结合余震分布和地表破裂带特征等资料构建的三维发震构造模型表明,龙门山推覆构造带现今和第四纪时期以地壳缩短为主,斜滑逆冲型地震表明青藏高原中东部的水平运动在华南地块与巴颜喀拉地块之间的龙门山推覆构造带上转化为地壳的缩短和隆升  相似文献   

汶川8.0级地震陡坎(北川以北段)探槽的记录特征   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:14  
汶川8.0级地震在龙门山中央断裂(北川-映秀断裂)上形成了长度约240km的地震地表破裂带,同时在前山断裂(灌县-江油断裂)上形成了长约72km的地震地表破裂带。我们在中央断裂北段(北川以北)的地震陡坎上开挖探槽,揭露了本次地震的构造变形特征,同时通过对探槽内所揭露地层的相互关系的讨论,以及邻近区域内地貌面的对比,认为该段断裂在本次汶川8.0级地震之前可能还存在一次震级相当的地震事件,其发生时间至少早于该区域内T1阶地形成的最新年龄3000 a  相似文献   

四川汶川8.0级地震震源过程   总被引:167,自引:70,他引:97       下载免费PDF全文
2008年5月12日在青藏高原与四川盆地交界的龙门山山脉发生了Ms8.0级强烈地震,引发山体滑坡等地质灾害,造成了巨大的人员伤亡和经济损失.本文利用远场体波波形记录结合近场同震位移数据,根据地质资料和地震形成的地表破裂轨迹,构造了一个双“铲状”有限地震断层模型,利用反演技术重建地震的破裂过程.结果显示汶川大地震主要是沿龙门山构造带的映秀-北川断裂和灌县-江油断裂发生的逆冲兼右旋走滑破裂事件.断层面上的滑动分布显示两个高滑动区先后发生在地震破坏最为严重的映秀和北川地区,最大滑动量高达1200~1250 cm,且破裂过程也显示一定的复杂性.地震破裂的平均走滑量略大于平均倾滑量,与多种观测资料获得的震前龙门山断裂带构造变形相一致,推断是由于长期区域应力场作用和龙门山地区特殊的物质组成和结构孕育了这次千年尺度的强烈地震.  相似文献   

断裂带物质组成、结构及其物理性质是理解断裂变形机制和地震破裂过程的基础和关键,断裂带地震(黏滑)和非地震(蠕滑)滑移行为不仅对了解地震活动性和山脉隆升过程具有重要意义,而且直接为防震减灾提供科学依据.我们以穿过龙门山映秀—北川和灌县—安县断裂带的汶川地震断裂带科学钻探(WFSD)岩心和地表出露的断裂带为研究对象,通过对断裂岩组成、结构、显微构造和钻孔物性测井数据进行分析研究,确定了龙门山逆冲断裂带滑移行为和物性特征,初步探讨了大地震活动性和有关断裂带的隆升作用:(1)映秀—北川断裂带倾向NW,浅部倾角~65°,发育的断裂岩厚约180~280 m,由碎裂岩、假玄武玻璃(地震化石)、断层泥和断层角砾岩组成.断裂带具有高自然伽马、高磁化率值、低电阻率、低波速等物理性质以及对称型破碎结构.断层泥普遍具有摩擦热效应的高磁化率值和石墨化作用特征,是古地震滑动的岩石记录.表明映秀—北川断裂带为经常发生大地震的断裂带,晚新生代以来类似汶川地震的大地震复发周期小于6000—10000年,具有千年复发周期特征.(2)灌县—安县断裂带倾向NW,浅部倾角~38°,发育的断裂岩厚约40~50 m,仅由断层泥和断层角砾岩组成,具有典型的"压溶"结构,表现出蠕滑性质.除压溶作用外,定向富集的层状黏土矿物和微孔隙的发育使断层强度变弱.断裂带具上盘破碎的非对称型破碎结构,除具低磁化率值特征外,其他物性与映秀—北川断裂带一致.(3)根据断裂岩厚度与断层滑移量相关经验公式关系,以及断层产状,粗略估算映秀—北川断裂带自中生代以来累积垂直位移量大于9 km,灌县—安县断裂带累积垂直位移量小于3 km.映秀—北川断裂带长期大地震产生的累积垂直位移量是龙门山隆升的主要贡献.  相似文献   

汶川Ms8.0级地震断层滑动机制研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
汶川Ms8.0级地震的发震构造为龙门山断裂带,地震地表破裂主要分布在其中的北川-映秀断裂和江油-灌县断裂上,尤其是沿前者发育了长达240 km左右的地表破裂带.通过对龙门山断裂带震后断层擦痕的测量,得到311条断层擦痕数据,利用由断层滑动资料反演构造应力张量的计算方法,得到研究区8个测点的构造应力张量数据,并获得了研究区构造应力场特征:区域现代构造应力场以近水平挤压为主,最大主应力方向(σ1)为76°~121°,平均倾角9°,应力结构以逆断型为主.受构造应力场及断层几何特征的影响,地表破裂呈现出分段性:映秀-北川段主要以NW盘逆冲为主,垂直位移明显;北川以北段为逆冲兼走滑,水平位移量与垂直位移量基本相当,或水平位移略大.  相似文献   

汶川MS8.0级地震的发震构造为龙门山断裂带,地震地表破裂主要分布在其中的北川-映秀断裂和江油-灌县断裂上,尤其是沿前者发育了长达240 km左右的地表破裂带.通过对龙门山断裂带震后断层擦痕的测量,得到311条断层擦痕数据,利用由断层滑动资料反演构造应力张量的计算方法,得到研究区8个测点的构造应力张量数据,并获得了研究区构造应力场特征:区域现代构造应力场以近水平挤压为主,最大主应力方向(σ1)为76°~121°,平均倾角9°,应力结构以逆断型为主.受构造应力场及断层几何特征的影响,地表破裂呈现出分段性:映秀—北川段主要以NW盘逆冲为主,垂直位移明显;北川以北段为逆冲兼走滑,水平位移量与垂直位移量基本相当,或水平位移略大.  相似文献   

汶川8.0级地震地表破裂带与岩性关系   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
2008年汶川8.0级地震沿龙门山断裂带内的映秀—北川断裂和灌县—安县断裂分别形成约230 km和70 km的地表破裂带.震后地质考察研究表明,伴随地震断层出露地表的滑动面大多沿炭质泥岩和煤层发育.与1∶5万区域地质图进行对照,显示映秀—北川地震破裂带的西南段(虹口—清平段)和灌县—安县地震地表破裂带的展布与龙门山地区上三叠统须家河组煤系地层的出露范围相一致.龙门山地区的上三叠统须家河组地层中的薄煤层、炭质泥岩层以及志留系、寒武系的炭质页岩层是易于产生滑动的柔性岩层,易形成滑脱面或成岩片夹于断层带中.汶川地震产生的复杂地表破裂带是龙门山逆冲推覆构造带沿地表构造层中夹有煤层等柔性岩层的断层产生B型滑动的结果.  相似文献   

The Longmenshan fault zone is located in eastern margin of Tibetan plateau and bounded on the east by Sichuan Basin, and tectonically the location is very important. It has a deep impact on the topography, geomorphology, geological structure and seismicity of southwestern China. It is primarily composed of multiple parallel thrust faults, namely, from northwest to southeast, the back-range, the central, the front-range and the piedmont hidden faults, respectively. The MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake of 12th May 2008 ruptured the central and the front-range faults. But the earthquake didn't rupture the back-range fault. This shows that these two faults are both active in Holocene. But until now, we don't know exactly the activity of the back-range fault. The back-range fault consists of the Pingwu-Qingchuan Fault, the Wenchuan-Maoxian Fault and the Gengda-Longdong Fault. Through satellite image(Google Earth)interpretation, combining with field investigation, we preliminarily found out that five steps of alluvial platforms or terraces have been developed in Minjiang region along the Wenchuan-Maoxian Fault. T1 and T2 terraces are more continuous than T3, T4 and T5 terraces. Combining with the previous work, we discuss the formation ages of the terraces and conclude, analyze and summarize the existing researches about the terraces of Minjiang River. We constrain the ages of T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 surfaces to 3~10ka BP,~20ka BP, 40~50ka BP, 60ka BP and 80ka BP, respectively. Combining with geomorphologic structural interpretation, measurements of the cross sections of the terraces by differential GPS and detailed site visits including terraces, gullies and other geologic landforms along the fault, we have reason to consider that the Wenchuan-Maoxian Fault was active between the formation age of T3 and T2 terrace, but inactive since T2 terrace formed. Its latest active period should be the middle and late time of late Pleistocene, and there is no activity since the Holocene. Combining with the knowledge that the central and the front-range faults are both Quaternary active faults, the activity of Longmenshan fault zone should have shifted to the central and the front-range faults which are closer to the basin, this indicates that the Longmenshan thrust belt fits the "Piggyback Type" to some extent.  相似文献   

阿尔金主断裂东端第四纪左行走滑的新证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王萍  卢演俦  陈杰 《地震地质》2005,27(1):5-62
通过对阿尔金主断裂东端早更新世冲积相砾岩的追踪,发现疏勒河古冲积扇沉积的西边界距现今疏勒河河口约 10km,由此提出了阿尔金主断裂东端第四纪以来左行走滑错动 10km的沉积学新证据。通过对疏勒河河口阶地的分析,认为疏勒河河道沿阿尔金主断裂 2 8km的肘状弯曲除主要反映了断裂的左行走滑外,可能还包含了河流弯折段侧向侵蚀因素的影响。对阿尔金主断裂东端第四纪期间的位错量和走滑速率进行了讨论  相似文献   

On 20 April 2013, a destructive earthquake, the Lushan MS7.0 earthquake, occurred in the southern segment of the Longmenshan Fault zone, the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau in Sichuan, China. This earthquake did not produce surface rupture zone, and its seismogenic structure is not clear. Due to the lack of Quaternary sediment in the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone and the fact that fault outcrops are not obvious, there is a shortage of data concerning the tectonic activity of this region. This paper takes the upper reaches of the Qingyijiang River as the research target, which runs through the Yanjing-Wulong Fault, Dachuan-Shuangshi Fault and Lushan Basin, with an attempt to improve the understanding of the tectonic activity of the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone and explore the seismogenic structure of Lushan earthquake. In the paper, the important morphological features and tectonic evolution of this area were reviewed. Then, field sites were selected to provide profiles of different parts of the Qingyijiang River terraces, and the longitudinal profile of the terraces of the Qingyijiang River in the south segment of the Longmenshan fault zone was reconstructed based on geological interpretation of high-resolution remote sensing images, continuous differential GPS surveying along the terrace surfaces, geomorphic field evidence, and correlation of the fluvial terraces. The deformed longitudinal profile reveals that the most active tectonics during the late Quaternary in the south segment of the Longmenshan Fault zone are the Yanjing-Wulong Fault and the Longmenshan range front anticline. The vertical thrust rate of the Yanjing-Wulong Fault is nearly 0.6~1.2mm/a in the late Quaternary. The tectonic activity of the Longmenshan range front anticline may be higher than the Yanjing-Wulong Fault. Combined with the relocations of aftershocks and other geophysical data about the Lushan earthquake, we found that the seismogenic structure of the Lushan earthquake is the range front blind thrust and the back thrust fault, and the pop-up structure between the two faults controls the surface deformation of the range front anticline.  相似文献   

畹町断裂晚第四纪活动与水系构造变形   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
畹町断裂位于滇西中缅交界地带,蚌冬以西走向近EW,以东走向NE,倾向N和NW,全长170km。最新考察发现,沿断裂新活动的断层地貌明显,表现为清晰的断层三角面、平直的断层槽地、断层陡崖、线性山脊、多级跌水等。断裂对第四纪盆地有着明显的控制作用,畹町、曼海等盆地呈串珠状沿断裂展布。龙镇大桥等地第四纪断层及高家寨洪积扇位错等揭示出畹町断裂切错了晚更新世堆积层,被错堆积层热释光年龄为(17.60±1.49)ka~(38.24±3.25)kaBP,表明断裂在晚第四纪有过明显活动。蚌冬一带怒江沿断裂展布,主河道被左旋位错了约9.5km并形成"发卡"型拐弯;公养河等6条河流及其支流均沿断裂发育,局部或整体河段受断裂控制明显,说明这些河段是在断裂新活动后沿断裂破碎带追踪侵蚀形成的。沿断裂多处可见水系同步左旋位错现象,如平子亭—公养河间有11条小溪同步左旋位错,中山—万马河一线有10余条水系表现出同步左旋位错。位错量可分为40~50m、90~100m、200~250m、300~400m和600~1100m5个量级;梳状水系发育。水系左旋位错、阶地及洪积扇等位错现象表明,断裂在晚第四纪以水平左旋走滑为主,滑动速率为1.7~2.2mm/a.。沿断裂曾发生多次中强地震,被认为是1976年龙陵7.3、7.4级地震的余震,但它们不是沿发震断层———龙陵-瑞丽断裂呈带状分布,而是集中于龙陵-瑞丽断裂与畹町断裂间南北长55km、东西宽32km的广阔区域。因此,推断这些余震的发生是龙陵-瑞丽断裂与畹町断裂相继活动所致。  相似文献   

Strike-slip fault plays an important role in the process of tectonic deformation since Cenozoic in Asia. The role of strike-slip fault in the process of mountain building and continental deformation has always been an important issue of universal concern to the earth science community. Junggar Basin is located in the hinterland of Central Asia, bordering on the north the Altay region and the Baikal rift system, which are prone to devastating earthquakes, the Tianshan orogenic belt and the Tibet Plateau on the south, and the rigid blocks, such as Erdos, the South China, the North China Plain and Amur, on the east. Affected by the effect of the Indian-Eurasian collision on the south of the basin and at the same time, driven by the southward push of the Mongolian-Siberian plate, the active structures in the periphery of the basin show a relatively strong activity. The main deformation patterns are represented by the large-scale NNW-trending right-lateral strike-slip faults dominated by right-lateral shearing, the NNE-trending left-lateral strike-slip faults dominated by left-lateral shearing, and the thrust-nappe structure systems distributed in piedmont of Tianshan in the south of the basin. There are three near-parallel-distributed left-lateral strike-slip faults in the west edge of the basin, from the east to the west, they are:the Daerbute Fault, the Toli Fault and the Dongbielieke Fault. This paper focuses on the Dongbielieke Fault in the western Junggar region. The Dongbielieke Fault is a Holocene active fault, located at the key position of the western Junggar orogenic belt. The total length of the fault is 120km, striking NE. Since the late Quaternary, the continuous activity of the Dongbielieke Fault has caused obvious left-lateral displacement at all geomorphologic units along the fault, and a linear continuous straight steep scarp was formed on the eastern side of the Tacheng Basin. According to the strike and the movement of fault, the fault can be divided into three segments, namely, the north, middle and south segment. In order to obtain a more accurate magnitude of the left-lateral strike-slip displacement and the accumulative left-lateral strike-slip displacement of different geomorphic surfaces, we chose the Ahebiedou River in the southern segment and used the UAV to take three-dimensional photographs to obtain the digital elevation model(the accuracy is 10cm). And on this basis, the amount of left-lateral strike-slip displacement of various geological masses and geomorphic surfaces(lines)since their formation is obtained. The maximum left-lateral displacement of the terrace T5 is(30.7±2.1)m and the minimum left-lateral displacement is(20.1±1.3)m; the left-lateral displacement of the terrace T4 is(12±0.9)m, and the left-lateral displacement of the terrace T2 is(8.7±0.6)m. OSL dating samples from the surface of different level terraces(T5, T4, T2 and T1)are collected, processed and measured, and the ages of the terraces of various levels are obtained. By measuring the amount of left-lateral displacements since the Late Quaternary of the Dongbielieke Fault and combining the dating results of the various geomorphic surfaces, the displacements and slip rates of the fault on each level of the terraces since the formation of the T5 terrace are calculated. Using the maximum displacement of(30.7±2.1)m of the T5 terrace and the age of the geomorphic surface on the west bank of the river, we obtained the slip rate of(0.7±0.11)mm/a; similarly, using the minimum displacement of(20.1±1.3)m and the age of the geomorphic surface of the east bank, we obtained the slip rate of(0.46±0.07)mm/a. T5 terrace is developed on both banks of the river and on both walls of the fault. After the terraces are offset by faulting, the terraces on foot wall in the left bank of the river are far away from the river, and the erosion basically stops. After that, the river mainly cuts the terraces on the east bank. Therefore, the west bank retains a more accurate displacement of the geomorphic surface(Gold et al., 2009), so the left-lateral slip rate of the T5 terrace is taken as(0.7±0.11)mm/a. The left-lateral slip rate calculated for T4 and T2 terraces is similar, with an average value of(0.91±0.18)mm/a. In the evolution process of river terraces, the lateral erosion of high-level terrace is much larger than that of low-level terrace, so the slip rate of T4 and T2 terraces is closer to the true value. The left-lateral slip rate of the Dongbielieke Fault since the late Quaternary is(0.91±0.18)m/a. Compared with the GPS slip rate in the western Junggar area, it is considered that the NE-trending strike-slip motion in this area is dominated by the Dongbielieke Fault, which absorbs a large amount of residual deformation while maintaining a relatively high left-lateral slip rate.  相似文献   

安宁河断裂带晚第四纪活动的基本特征及强震危险性分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过影像解译,结合野外地质调查,利用第四纪地貌填图、样品采集和差分GPS地貌面的测量等研究手段,对安宁河断裂带及其附近地区第四纪地貌特征与断层活动关系进行了研究,分析了安宁河断裂带晚第四纪以来的活动特征,探讨了该断裂上强震的危险性。结果表明,晚第四纪以来,安宁河断裂带有强烈左旋走滑和逆冲的双重运动特征,由此可将其划分为南、北两段,北段最后一次活动时间大约在公元15世纪,南段最后一次活动时间为1536年。安宁河断裂带北段的强震危险性大于南段,且未来地震的强度在7.5级左右。  相似文献   

Located at the west of the Linfen basin, the Luoyunshan piedmont fault zone controls the western boundary of the basin. According to the measurements of the terraces in eight gullies along the Luoyunshan fault zone, five levels of terraces, namely T1~T5 have developed in these gullies. The heights of terraces T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 are about 3m, 8~10m, about 20m, about 30m and 40~50m, respectively. The dating data of the terraces and investigation of the faulted landforms show that the Luoyunshan fault zone has experienced much activity since the Late Quaternary. The uplift rate of the terraces was 0.41mm/a since the Middle-Late Pleistocene, and 0.75mm/a since the Holocene. The increasing trend of uplift rate of the terraces along the Luoyunshan fault zone from the Middle-Late Pleistocene to Holocene indicates the tendency of gradual tectonic uplift of the fault zone since the late Quaternary. This is in good agreement with the increasing trend of subsidence rate of the Linfen basin from the Late Pleistocene to Holocene.  相似文献   

越南红河断裂活动性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过中越两国对越南红河断裂带开展的联合野外考察,获取了地震、地质、地貌和年代学等反映该断裂最新活动的相关证据。综合研究表明,越南红河断裂带第四纪以来的右旋走滑活动延续和保持了在中国境内自北向南逐渐减弱的总体趋势。其第四纪主要活动时代为中更新世中晚期,且总体活动水平明显低于中国云南境内部分,特别是自晚更新世以来越南红河断裂带的活动已表现得十分微弱。结合断裂现今地震活动和区域GPS大地形变特征分析认为,自晚第四纪以来,来自青藏高原的"侧向挤出"动力作用对红河断裂右旋走滑活动在时间、空间和强度等方面的影响可能非常有限。文中还探讨了造成这一有限影响可能的大地构造和深部构造原因  相似文献   

The northeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau, a particularly important area to understand the mechanism of plateau formation, is characterized by large transpressional arcuate faults. There is debate on the amount of Quaternary sinistral displacement on the major Haiyuan Fault. Previously unrecognized systemic asymmetrical valleys have developed between the Haiyuan and Xiangshan faults. Southeast tilting and sinistral displacement on the northeast side of the Haiyuan Fault resulted in southeast migration of large rivers and asymmetrical widening of their valleys, leaving a systematic distribution of tilted strath terraces along their northwest sides. Where asymmetrical widening created by tilting kept pace with sinistral displacement, rivers have not been deflected, and the increase in valley width downstream from the fault should equate to total lateral displacement since river formation (e.g. Yuan River, a 7 km asymmetrical valley with a c. 2.2 Ma paleomagnetic age). Where river deflection and asymmetrical valley growth are coeval, valley width is less than total horizontal displacement (e.g. Hebao River, a c. 2.1 km asymmetrical valley with c. 2 km deflection). All rivers north of the Haiyuan Fault converge to cut across the Xiangshan Mountains as a gorge. Northeast thrusting of the upthrown side of the Xiangshan Fault has resulted in degradation and related strath terrace formation as the valleys asymmetrically widened. A probable earthquake‐induced landslide caused by movement on the Xiangshan Fault in latest Pleistocene blocked the gorge causing aggradation along all rivers and their tributaries. Deposition terraces were formed after the landslide dam was breached. Together with previous research on the Xiangshan Fault, it is concluded that there has been c. 7 km of Quaternary sinistral displacement on the Haiyuan and Xiangshan faults along the northeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau since the formation of rivers that intersect them. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Qilian Mountains, as a major orogenic belt in the northeastern margin of the Tibetan plateau, is the forefront of the expansion of the plateau to the northeast, where thrusts and folds dominate tectonic deformation. The Baiyang River starts from the inner Qilian Mountains, flowing northward across various structures, and finally into the Jiuxi Basin. This work focused on exhaustive investigations to the terraces on this river to characterize the Late Quaternary tectonic deformation in this region. The results show that (1)these river terraces on the Baiyang River are segmented, of which multiple levels developed at steep terrains and anticlines in the basin. Bounded by the Niutou Mountains, mainly 2-3 and 4-5 levels of terraces formed in the upper and lower reaches, respectively. (2)The longitudinal profiles along the river suggest a vertical motion rate of the Changma fault as (0.32±0.09)mm/a and crustal shortening rate (0.12±0.09)mm/a. There was no vertical activity since the formation of T5 surface (13ka)on the Hanxia-Dahuanggou fault. At the terrace T5 (9ka)on the Laojunmiao anticline, fold uplift amounts (6.55±0.5)m and shortening amounts (3.47±0.5)m, yielding uplift and shortening rates (1.23±0.81)mm/a and (0.67±0.44)mm/a, respectively. The Baiyang River anticline began to be active about 300ka with uplift and shortening rates (0.21±0.02)mm/a and (0.14±0.03)mm/a, respectively since 170ka. (3)In the Qilian Mountains, there were two different deformation characteristics in response to the expansion of the Tibetan plateau. Shear deformation dominates the inner Qilian Mountains, which is manifested as lateral extrusion of blocks. In the northern margin of Qilian Mountains and Jiuxi Basin, the deformation is dominated by compression, expressing crustal shortening and uplift, and the shortening within the basin accounts about half of the total deformation.  相似文献   

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