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利用中尺度模式WRFV2.2及NCEP再分析资料,以24h短期天气模拟的方式,模拟了我国2003年7月下旬江南及华南地区的高温天气,检验了模拟高温对不同陆面方案的敏感性.结果表明,模式总体上能模拟出≥35℃的气温分布形势,但模拟高温对不同陆面方案比较敏感,在模拟强度、TS评分及误差上存在较大差异,如从评分来看,SLAB方案模拟最好,RUC次之,NOAH再次之;不同陆面方案能模拟出方案之间的系统性差异,如三个方案中SLAB方案模拟平均绝对误差最小,模拟低层西太平洋副热带高压脊线最为偏东;不同的陆面方案主要通过模拟地表感热通量的变化影响地面气温变化,由不同方案引起的环流变化与地面气温变化之间的正反馈机制不重要,甚至在主要高温区存在"负"反馈.改进陆面方案对提高地面气温的数值预报能力具有重要意义.  相似文献   

近地层参数化对海南岛海风降水模拟的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用WRF模式探讨了两种近地层参数化方案(MM5方案和Eta方案)对2013年5月31日海南岛一次海风降水过程模拟的影响.结果表明,改变近地层方案可对当地的海风环流及相应的降水特征产生明显影响,两个试验最重要的差别主要体现在模拟的海风及降水的强度差异上,与MM5试验相比,Eta试验的低层海风及辐合程度更强,相应的降水也更强,表现为岛屿总格点降水量、大于10mm的降水区域、最大格点降水三个量化指标均比较大.通过分析两种方案在不同降水阶段的地表通量及近地层变量场,发现Eta试验模拟的降水前环境场更有利于对流的启动,随着午后热力湍流的不断增强,将MM5方案替换为Eta方案可使近地层感热通量、潜热通量分别增加约3.57%、5.65%,动量通量减小约10.79%,感热、潜热的增加使Eta试验中近地层大气的加热加湿作用更加明显,相应的低层大气不稳定度更高,再配合海风锋前较强的辐合上升运动,局地不稳定能量的释放变的更加容易,因此降水强度更大.  相似文献   

我国黄土高原地区地处夏季风边缘,分布在气候和生态过渡带,气候环境的空间差异很大,对陆面能量的空间分布格局影响非常显著.然而,由于受该地区陆面过程观测站点较少的局限,对整个黄土高原区域陆面能量的空间分布规律及其影响机制的认识十分有限.在对CLM模式模拟的陆面能量平衡分量资料进行试验验证的基础上,利用CLM模式模拟的近30年黄土高原地区陆面能量平衡分量资料,分析了该地区近30年平均陆面能量平衡分量的空间变化特征以及与最干燥年和最湿润年的差异,研究了陆面能量平衡分量空间分布与经、纬度和海拔高度等地理因素及降水和气温等气候因子之间的关系.发现,黄土高原地区陆面能量平衡分量空间差异非常显著,地表净辐射和感热通量由南至北增加,潜热通量和土壤热通量从东南向西北减少;空间最干格点和最湿格点之间的地表感热、潜热和土壤热通量几乎相差1倍左右,地表能量分配由最干格点的感热通量主导转变为最湿格点的感热和潜热平分秋色;年际干湿波动对地表能量平衡分量的影响也相当显著,对感热和潜热通量的改变幅度最大接近30%.而且,经纬度和海拔高度等地理因素及温度和降水等气候要素均与陆面能量平衡分量空间分布有一定的相关性,但地表净辐射与海拔高度和纬度的关系更密切,感热通量与降水和纬度的关系更密切,而潜热和土壤热通量只与降水的关系比较密切.  相似文献   

使用地球观测系统的中分辨率成像光谱仪(EOS.MODIS)提供的归一化植被指数(NDVI)产品估算植被覆盖度和航天飞机雷达地形测绘任务(SRTM)制成的数字高程模型(DEM)数据遥感产品替换WRF模式默认的植被覆盖度和地形高度,并且利用WRF模式及其先进的三维变分同化系统(WRF.3DVar)循环同化东北半干旱区自动气象站近地面气象要素,对东北半干旱区的温度场、湿度场、风场和能量场的结构及其日变化特征进行了较为细致的模拟研究.通过4组数值模拟试验分别探讨了同化气象要素与改变模式地表参数引起的不同下垫面潜热、感热的分配关系和降水、土壤湿度变化弓f起的地表能量通量模拟效果,并利用通榆站、奈曼站、锦州站、和密云站2009年6-8月的通量观测资料与模拟结果对比检验.结果表明,WRF模式能够较好地模拟出东北半干旱区夏季的近地面温度、风向、净辐射、感热和潜热等要素的变化特征及日变化规律.同化试验(Case2)模拟的近地面气温、相对湿度、风速相比控制性试验(Case1)有所改善;陆面参数试验(Case3)和集合试验(Case4)改善了感热和地表热通量的模拟.WRF模式能较好地模拟出下垫面土壤湿度随时间变化的规律,集合试验(Case4)土壤湿度模拟结果与4个通量站观测值相比无太大差别,但降水的模拟有待改善.本研究利用卫星遥感资料改善模式下垫面陆面参数,利用气象资料同化改善近地面大气要素模拟精度,这是将各种不同空间和时间尺度的多源数据与数值模拟融合的有益尝试.此研究生成的东北地区资料同化数据集可用于气候变化、干旱监测等方面,对深入了解半干旱区气候的形成和维持机理具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

北京精细下垫面信息引入对暴雨模拟的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
首先根据2000年环北京实际的精细下垫面布局资料(500m分辨率),按美国USGS陆面资料分类标准(25类)对其提供的全球30 s经纬分辨率(≈1 km)下垫面分类资料进行了更新设计.进而针对一个北京夏季暴雨过程,利用10:3.3km双向双重嵌套的MM5V3.6-Noah LSM陆气耦合模式进行24h数值对比试验,研究了北京精细下垫面信息引入对暴雨的影响.分析表明:新设计的陆面资料更真实地反映了环北京区域的下垫面结构,尤其针对北京城区面积迅增特征;同时还修正了原资料将亚洲中纬度区域落叶阔叶林下垫面类型归属为热带(或亚热带)稀疏大草原类型的问题.其在数值天气模式中的引入会对短期暴雨过程的发生发展产生重要影响.对此次暴雨主要降水中心的模拟,12h差值分布范围远达30km以上,中心值相对差异可达30%.研究发现在城市下垫面和大气相互间存在一个重要的相互影响机制,即由于城区面积的扩大会导致自然植被减少,进而会减少地表蒸发及相应局地大气水分供应、加深边界层高度并增强大气水汽混合,这不利于降水的发生发展.  相似文献   

边界层参数化方案及海气耦合对WRF模拟东亚夏季风的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
区域气候模式的边界层参数化方案很大程度上影响着陆地-海洋-大气间水汽、动量及热量的交换,该方案的不确定性会给模式结果带来明显误差.本文基于WRF区域气候模式中四种常用的边界层参数化方案(YSU,ACM2,BouLac和MYJ)分别对东亚夏季风进行模拟研究,分析了不同的边界层方案对东亚夏季风环流及降水模拟的影响.结果表明,局地湍流动能方案BouLac和MYJ对东亚夏季风的模拟结果相对于非局地闭合方案YSU和ACM2更接近于观测,前者能更好的模拟出中国东部中低空西南风气流和西太平洋副热带高压.对于东亚夏季风降水,无论是空间分布还是季节内演变,BouLac和MYJ方案都要明显优于YSU和ACM2.此外,通过对比YSU和BouLac两种方案的模拟结果,发现边界层方案对东亚夏季风的模拟在海洋区域的影响更为显著.造成不同方案模拟差异的主要原因是非局地方案YSU和ACM2的边界层垂直混合偏强,使得海表向上输送的潜热通量明显偏强,对流更活跃,导致降水偏多以及相应季风环流的异常偏差.进一步研究指出缺少海气反馈过程使得WRF模式由边界层方案引起的模拟误差在海洋区域更为突出,引入海气耦合可以减小海表热通量误差并明显改善东亚夏季风的模拟结果.  相似文献   

CAMS云微物理方案的改进及与WRF模式耦合的个例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文在中国气象科学研究院(CAMS)双参数云微物理方案的基础上,增加气溶胶粒子的活化过程,改进原方案中的水汽混合比、云水混合比及云滴数浓度的预报方程,实现对各种水成物(包括云水)的混合比和数浓度的预报.此外,改进后的CAMS云方案被成功耦合到了WRF v3.1中尺度模式.本文利用耦合模式对2009年4月23~24日发生在我国北方地区的一次降水天气过程进行了模拟,将新方案的模拟结果与WRF自带的3个微物理方案进行了比较.结果显示,新方案能够合理地描述地面降水特征,其模拟的雨带分布范围与实测接近,降水中心的强度和位置优于其他3个方案.新方案模拟的云滴数浓度与WDM6方案基本一致,表明加入的气溶胶活化过程是合理的.新方案模拟的其他水成物粒子数浓度与Morrison方案相比有时会有量级的差别,说明粒子数浓度的模拟目前还存在着很大的不确定性,这也是云微物理模式进一步发展的难点.  相似文献   

沙漠陆面过程参数化与模拟   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
郑辉  刘树华 《地球物理学报》2013,56(7):2207-2217
沙漠地区植被稀疏、干旱少雨,其陆面物理过程具有与全球其它地区显著不同的特点.本文利用巴丹吉林沙漠观测资料,分析和计算了地表反照率、比辐射率、粗糙度和土壤热容量、热传导系数等关键陆面过程参数,建立了适合于沙漠地区的陆面过程模式DLSM (Desert Land Surface Model),并与NOAH陆面过程模式的模拟结果和观测资料进行了比较.结果表明:巴丹吉林沙漠地表反照率为0.273,比辐射率为0.950,地表粗糙度为1.55×10-3 m,土壤热容量和热扩散系数分别为1.08×106 J·m-3·K-1和3.34×10-7 m2·s.辐射传输、感热输送和土壤热传导过程是影响沙漠地区地表能量平衡的主要物理过程.通过对这三种过程的准确模拟检验,DLSM能够较准确地模拟巴丹吉林沙漠地气能量交换特征;短波辐射、长波辐射和感热通量的模拟结果与观测值间的标准差分别为7.98,6.14,33.9 W·m-2,与NOAH陆面过程模式的7.98,7.72,46.6 W·m-2的结果接近.地表反照率是沙漠地区最重要的陆面过程参数,地表反照率增大5%,向上短波辐射通量随之增加5%,感热通量则减小2.8%.本文研究结果对丰富陆面过程参数化方案,改进全球陆面过程模式、气候模式具有参考意义.  相似文献   

辐射参数化对海南岛海风雷暴结构模拟的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用高分辨率WRF模式探讨了两组短波、长波辐射参数化方案(Dudhia+RRTM、RRTMG+RRTMG)对海南岛一次海风雷暴模拟的影响及其可能的物理机制.结果表明,辐射参数化能影响大气的加热程度和近地面能量,决定海陆温差和气压差,改变海南岛的海风特征,最终影响海风雷暴的发生发展.Dudhia+RRTM方案模拟的短波、长波综合加热率、感热通量以及潜热通量都大于RRTMG+RRTMG方案,造成了前者模拟的近地面能量偏高,大气层结也表现得更加不稳定,进而使得该方案下的海陆温差和气压差相对较大,Dudhia+RRTM方案模拟的海风明显强于RRTMG+RRTMG方案,能提供更好的水汽输送和抬升条件,有利于海风雷暴的发生发展,因此其模拟的雷暴活动范围和对流中心强度都要大于RRTMG+RRTMG方案.  相似文献   

长江流域近50年降水变化及其对干流洪水的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据我国长江流域气象观测站近42年的资料,分析了整个流域年和季节平均面雨量、暴雨日数和暴雨量的变化特征,以及降水对流域径流和洪水的影响.长江流域年和夏季平均面雨量存在明显的年际和年代变化特征,也表现出比较显著的趋势变化特点.大部分测站年平均面雨量呈增加趋势,夏季和冬季平均面雨量的增加趋势尤其明显;秋季平均面雨量呈显著下降趋势.同时,年和夏季暴雨日数和暴雨量也在较大范围内呈显著增加趋势.长江流域的降水对干流平均流量具有重要影响.1973年、1983年和1998年的洪水主要是由明显高于平均的流域面雨量引起的;长江下游平均流量变化趋势也同流域年平均面雨量、夏季平均面雨量变化趋势基本一致,特别是70年代末以来,下游平均流量和流域面雨量的上升趋势更加明显,并同时在1998年达到最高值.长江流域大的丰水年一般对应El Nino年或El Nino次年,表明E1 Nino对长江较大洪水可能具有一定影响.  相似文献   

The planetary boundary layer(PBL)scheme in the regional climate model(RCM)has a significant impact on the interactions and exchanges of moisture,momentum,and energy between land,ocean,and atmosphere;however,its uncertainty will cause large systematic biases of RCM.Based on the four different PBL schemes(YSU,ACM2,Boulac,and MYJ)in Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF)model,the impacts of these schemes on the simulation of circulation and precipitation during the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM)are investigated.The simulated results of the two local turbulent kinetic energy(TKE)schemes,Boulac and MYJ,are more consistent with the observations than those in the two nonlocal closure schemes,YSU and ACM2.The former simulate more reasonable low-level southwesterly flow over East China and west pacific subtropical high(WPSH)than the latter.As to the modeling of summer monsoon precipitation,both the spatial distributions and temporal evolutions from Boulac and MYJ are also better than those in YSU and ACM2 schemes.In addition,through the comparison between YSU and Boulac experiments,the differences from the results of EASM simulation are more obvious over the oceanic area.In the experiments with the nonlocal schemes YSU and ACM2,the boundary layer mixing processes are much stronger,which lead to produce more sea surface latent heat flux and enhanced convection,and finally induce the overestimated precipitation and corresponding deviation of monsoon circulation.With the further study,it is found that the absence of air-sea interaction in WRF may amplify the biases caused by PBL scheme over the ocean.Consequently,there is a reduced latent heat flux over the sea surface and even more reasonable EASM simulation,if an ocean model coupled into WRF.  相似文献   

The overall objective of this study is to improve the forecasting accuracy of the precipitation in the Singapore region by means of both rainfall forecasting and nowcasting. Numerical Weather Predication (NWP) and radar‐based rainfall nowcasting are two important sources for quantitative precipitation forecast. In this paper, an attempt to combine rainfall prediction from a high‐resolution mesoscale weather model and a radar‐based rainfall model was performed. Two rainfall forecasting methods were selected and examined: (i) the weather research and forecasting model (WRF); and (ii) a translation model (TM). The WRF model, at a high spatial resolution, was run over the domain of interest using the Global Forecast System data as initializing fields. Some heavy rainfall events were selected from data record and used to test the forecast capability of WRF and TM. Results obtained from TM and WRF were then combined together to form an ensemble rainfall forecasting model, by assigning weights of 0.7 and 0.3 weights to TM and WRF, respectively. This paper presented results from WRF and TM, and the resulting ensemble rainfall forecasting; comparisons with station data were conducted as well. It was shown that results from WRF are very useful as advisory of anticipated heavy rainfall events, whereas those from TM, which used information of rain cells already appearing on the radar screen, were more accurate for rainfall nowcasting as expected. The ensemble rainfall forecasting compares reasonably well with the station observation data. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the present study using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) and Eta models, recent heavy rainfall events that occurred (i) over parts of Maharastra during 26 to 27 July, 2005, (ii) over coastal Tamilnadu and south coastal Andhra Pradesh during 24 to 28 October, 2005, and (iii) the tropical cyclone of 30 September to 3 October, 2004/Monsoon Depression of 2 to 5 October 2004, that developed during the withdrawal phase of the southwest monsoon season of 2004 have been investigated. Also sensitivity experiments have been conducted with the WRF model to test the impact of microphysical and cumulus parameterization schemes in capturing the extreme weather events. The results show that the WRF model with the microphysical process and cumulus parameterization schemes of Ferrier et al. and Betts-Miller-Janjic was able to capture the heavy rainfall events better than the other schemes. It is also observed that the WRF model was able to predict mesoscale rainfall more realistically in comparison to the Eta model of the same resolution.  相似文献   

MYJ和YSU方案对WRF边界层气象要素模拟的影响   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
研究新一代中尺度气象模式WRF中两种大气边界层方案(MYJ,YSU)对沈阳冬季大气边界层结构模拟的影响,重点分析温度层结、低层风场、边界层高度等对污染物扩散有重要影响的气象要素.和观测数据的比对表明WRF基本能够模拟出温度风速的日变化特征,但模拟风速偏大.YSU方案由于模拟的边界层顶卷挟和边界层内混合作用较强,夜间接地逆温强度低于MYJ方案,逆温维持时间比MYJ方案短4小时,同时模拟边界层高度也高于MYJ方案,有利于污染物垂直扩散.边界层高度的3种计算方法中,湍流动能方法计算的边界层高度最高,Richardson数方法次之,位温方法得到的高度最低.Richardson数方法对临界值的选取较敏感.  相似文献   

We examine the warm season (April-September) rainfall climatology of the northeastern US through analyses of high-resolution radar rainfall fields from the Hydro-NEXRAD system and regional climate model simulations using the weather research and forecasting (WRF) model. Analyses center on the 5-year period from 2003 to 2007 and the study area includes the New York-New Jersey metropolitan region covered by radar rainfall fields from the Fort Dix, NJ WSR-88D. The objective of this study is to develop and test tools for examining rainfall climatology, with a special focus on heavy rainfall. An additional emphasis is on rainfall climatology in regions of complex terrain, like the northeastern US, which is characterized by land-water boundaries, large heterogeneity in land use and cover, and mountainous terrain in the western portion of the region. We develop a 5-year record of warm season radar rainfall fields for the study region using the Hydro-NEXRAD system. We perform regional downscaling simulations for the 5-year study period using the WRF model. Radar rainfall fields are used to characterize the interannual, seasonal and diurnal variation of rainfall over the study region and to examine spatial heterogeneity of rainfall. Regional climate model simulations are characterized by a wet bias in the rainfall fields, with the largest bias in the high-elevation regions of the model domain. We show that model simulations capture broad features of the interannual, seasonal, and diurnal variation of rainfall. Model simulations do not capture spatial gradients in radar rainfall fields around the New York metropolitan region and land-water boundaries to the east. The model climatology of convective available potential energy (CAPE) is used to interpret the regional distribution of warm season rainfall and the seasonal and diurnal variability of rainfall. We use hydrologic and meteorological observations from July 2007 to examine the interactions of land surface processes and rainfall from a regional perspective.  相似文献   

Jia Liu  Michaela Bray  Dawei Han 《水文研究》2012,26(20):3012-3031
Accurate information of rainfall is needed for sustainable water management and more reliable flood forecasting. The advances in mesoscale numerical weather modelling and modern computing technologies make it possible to provide rainfall simulations and forecasts at increasingly higher resolutions in space and time. However, being one of the most difficult variables to be modelled, the quality of the rainfall products from the numerical weather model remains unsatisfactory for hydrological applications. In this study, the sensitivity of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is investigated using different domain settings and various storm types to improve the model performance of rainfall simulation. Eight 24‐h storm events are selected from the Brue catchment, southwest England, with different spatial and temporal distributions of the rainfall intensity. Five domain configuration scenarios designed with gradually changing downscaling ratios are used to run the WRF model with the ECMWF 40‐year reanalysis data for the periods of the eight events. A two‐dimensional verification scheme is proposed to evaluate the amounts and distributions of simulated rainfall in both spatial and temporal dimensions. The verification scheme consists of both categorical and continuous indices for a first‐level assessment and a more quantitative evaluation of the simulated rainfall. The results reveal a general improvement of the model performance as we downscale from the outermost to the innermost domain. Moderate downscaling ratios of 1:7, 1:5 and 1:3 are found to perform better with the WRF model in giving more reasonable results than smaller ratios. For the sensitivity study on different storm types, the model shows the best performance in reproducing the storm events with spatial and temporal evenness of the observed rainfall, whereas the type of events with highly concentrated rainfall in space and time are found to be the trickiest case for WRF to handle. Finally, the efficiencies of several variability indices are verified in categorising the storm events on the basis of the two‐dimensional rainfall evenness, which could provide a more quantitative way for the event classification that facilitates further studies. It is important that similar studies with various storm events are carried out in other catchments with different geographic and climatic conditions, so that more general error patterns can be found and further improvements can be made to the rainfall products from mesoscale numerical weather models. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper the impact of Doppler weather radar (DWR) reflectivity and radial velocity observations for the short range forecasting of a tropical storm and associated rainfall event have been examined. Doppler radar observations of a tropical storm case that occurred during 29–30 October 2006 from SHARDWR (13.6° N, 80.2° E) are assimilated in the WRF 3DVAR system. The observation operator for radar reflectivity and radial velocity is included within latest version of WRF 3DVAR system. Keeping all model physics the same, three experiments were conducted at a horizontal resolution of 30?km. In the control experiment (CTRL), NCEP Final Analysis (FNL) interpolated to the model grid was used as the initial condition for 48-h free forecast. In the second experiment (NODWR), 6-h assimilation cycles have been carried out using all conventional (radiosonde and surface data) and non-conventional (satellite) observations from the Global Telecommunication System (GTS). The third experiment (DWR) is the same as the second, except Doppler radar radial velocity and reflectivity observations are also used in the assimilation cycle. Continuous 6-h assimilation cycle employed in the WRF-3DVAR system shows positive impact on the rainfall forecast. Assimilation of DWR data creates several small scale features near the storm centre. Additional sensitivity experiments were conducted to study the individual impact of reflectivity and radial velocity in the assimilation cycle. Radar data assimilation with reflectivity alone produced large analysis response on both thermodynamical and dynamical fields. However, radial velocity assimilation impacted only on dynamical fields. Analysis increments with radar reflectivity and radial velocity produce adjustments in both dynamical and thermodynamical fields. Verification of QPF skill shows that radar data assimilation has a considerable impact on the short range precipitation forecast. Improvement of the QPF skill with radar data assimilation is more clearly seen in the heavy rainfall (for thresholds >7?mm) event than light rainfall (for thresholds of 1 and 3?mm). The spatial pattern of rainfall is well simulated by the DWR experiment and is comparable to TRMM observations.  相似文献   

In this study we investigate the effect of forcing the land surface scheme of an atmospheric mesoscale model with radar rainfall data instead of the model-generated rainfall fields. The goal is to provide improved surface conditions for the atmospheric model in order to achieve accurate simulations of the mesoscale circulations that can significantly affect the timing, distribution and intensity of convective precipitation. The performance of the approach is evaluated in a set of numerical experiments on the basis of a 2-day-long mesoscale convective system that occurred over the US Great Plains in July 2004. The experimental design includes multiple runs covering a variety of forcing periods. Continuous data integration was initially used to investigate the sensitivity of the model’s performance in varying soil state conditions, while shorter time windows prior to the storm event were utilized to assess the effectiveness of the procedure for improving convective precipitation forecasting. Results indicate that continuous integration of radar rainfall data brings the simulated precipitation fields closer to the observed ones, as compared to the control simulation. The precipitation forecasts (up to 48 h) appear improved also in the cases of shorter integration periods (24 and 36 h), making this technique potentially useful for operational settings of weather forecasting systems. A physical interpretation of the results is provided on the basis of surface moisture and energy exchange.  相似文献   

The partitioning of rainfall into surface runoff and infiltration influences many other aspects of the hydrologic cycle including evapotranspiration, deep drainage and soil moisture. This partitioning is an instantaneous non-linear process that is strongly dependent on rainfall rate, soil moisture and soil hydraulic properties. Though all rainfall datasets involve some degree of spatial or temporal averaging, it is not understood how this averaging affects simulated partitioning and the land surface water balance across a wide range of soil and climate types. We used a one-dimensional physics-based model of the near-surface unsaturated zone to compare the effects of different rainfall discretization (5-min point-scale; hourly point-scale; hourly 0.125° gridded) on the simulated partitioning of rainfall for many locations across the United States. Coarser temporal resolution rainfall data underpredicted seasonal surface runoff for all soil types except those with very high infiltration capacities (i.e., sand, loamy sand). Soils with intermediate infiltration capacities (i.e., loam, sandy loam) were the most affected, with less than half of the expected surface runoff produced in most soil types when the gridded rainfall dataset was used as input. The impact of averaging on the water balance was less extreme but non-negligible, with the hourly point-scale predictions exhibiting median evapotranspiration, drainage and soil moisture values within 10% of those predicted using the higher resolution 5-min rainfall. Water balance impacts were greater using the gridded hourly dataset, with average underpredictions of ET up to 27% in fine-grained soils. The results suggest that “hyperresolution” modelling at continental to global scales may produce inaccurate predictions if there is not parallel effort to produce higher resolution precipitation inputs or sub-grid precipitation parameterizations.  相似文献   

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