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The extensive blanket peatlands of the UK uplands account for almost half of total national terrestrial carbon storage. However, much of the blanket peat is severely eroded so that the contemporary role of the peatland system in carbon sequestration is compromised by losses of organic carbon in dissolved (DOC) and particulate (POC) form in the fluvial system. This paper presents the first detailed assessment of dissolved and organic carbon losses from a severely eroded headwater peatland (River Ashop, South Pennines, UK). Total annual fluvial organic carbon losses range from 29–106 Mg C km,‐2 decreasing from the headwaters to the main catchment outlet. In contrast to less eroded systems fluvial organic carbon flux is dominated by POC. POC:DOC ratios decrease from values of 4 in the headwaters to close to unity at the catchment outlet. These results demonstrate the importance of eroding headwater sites as sources of POC to the fluvial system. Comparison with a range of catchment characteristics reveals that drainage density is the best predictor of POC:DOC but there is scatter in the relation in the headwaters. Steep declines in specific POC yield from headwater catchments are consistent with storage of POC within the fluvial system. Key to the significance of fluvial carbon flux in greenhouse gas budgets is understanding the fate of fluvial carbon. Further work on the fate of POC and the role of floodplains in fluvial carbon cycling is urgently required. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Global peatlands store an unparalleled proportion of total global organic carbon but it is vulnerable to erosion into fluvial systems. Fluvial networks are being recognized as areas of carbon transformation, with eroded particulate organic carbon processed to dissolved organic carbon and CO2. Existing studies indicate biodegradation and photodegradation as key processes controlling the transformation of organic carbon in fluvial systems, with initial concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) identified as a control on the rate of carbon mineralization. This study manipulates temperature and incident light intensity to investigate carbon mineralization rates in laboratory simulations of peatland sediment transport into fluvial systems. By directly measuring gaseous CO2 emissions from sampled stream water, the relationship of temperature and light intensity with carbon efflux is identified. In simulations where sediment (as particulate organic matter, POM) is absent, temperature is consistently the dominant factor influencing carbon efflux rates. This influence is independent of the initial DOC concentration of the water sample. In simulations where POM was added, representing a peatland river receiving eroded terrestrial sediment, initial DOC concentration predicts 79% of the variation in total gaseous carbon efflux whereas temperature and light intensity predict 12% and 3%, respectively. When sampled stream water's mineralization rates in the presence of added POM are analysed independently, removing DOC as a model variable, the dominant variable affecting CO2 efflux is opposite for each sample. This study presents novel data suggesting peatland erosion introduces further complexity to dynamic stream systems where rates of carbon transformation processes and the influence of specific environmental variables are interdependent. Anthropogenic climate change is identified as a leading risk factor perpetuating peatland erosion; therefore, understanding the fate of terrestrial sediment in rivers and further quantifying the benefits of protecting peatland soils will be of increasing importance to carbon budgeting and ecosystem function studies.  相似文献   

River floodplains constitute an important element in the terrestrial sediment and organic carbon cycle and store variable amounts of carbon and sediment depending on a complex interplay of internal and external driving forces. Quantifying the storage in floodplains is crucial to understand their role in the sediment and carbon cascades. Unfortunately, quantitative data on floodplain storage are limited, especially at larger spatial scales. Rivers in the Scottish Highlands can provide a special case to study alluvial sediment and carbon dynamics because of the dominance of peatlands throughout the landscape, but the alluvial history of the region remains poorly understood. In this study, the floodplain sediment and soil organic carbon storage is quantified for the mountainous headwaters of the River Dee in eastern Scotland (663 km2), based on a coring dataset of 78 floodplain cross-sections. Whereas the mineral sediment storage is dominated by wandering gravel-bed river sections, most of the soil organic carbon storage can be found in anastomosing and meandering sections. The total storage for the Upper Dee catchment can be estimated at 5.2 Mt or 2306.5 Mg ha-1 of mineral sediment and 0.7 Mt or 323.3 Mg C ha-1 of soil organic carbon, which is in line with other studies on temperate river systems. Statistical analysis indicates that the storage is mostly related to the floodplain slope and the geomorphic floodplain type, which incorporates the characteristic stream power, channel morphology and the deposit type. Mapping of the geomorphic floodplain type using a simple classification scheme shows to be a powerful tool in studying the total storage and local variability of mineral sediment and soil organic carbon in floodplains. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We draw on published studies of floodplain organic carbon storage, wildfire-related effects on floodplains in temperate and high latitudes, and case studies to propose a conceptual model of the effects of wildfire on floodplain organic carbon storage in relation to climate and valley geometry. Soil organic carbon typically constitutes the largest carbon stock in floodplains in fire-prone regions, although downed wood can contain significant organic carbon. We focus on the influence of wildfire on soil organic carbon and downed wood as opposed to standing vegetation to emphasize the geomorphic influences resulting from wildfire on floodplain organic carbon stocks. The net effect of wildfire varies depending on site-specific characteristics including climate and valley geometry. Wildfire is likely to reduce carbon stock in steep, confined valley segments because increased water and sediment yields following fire create net floodplain erosion. The net effect of fire in partly confined valleys depends on site-specific interactions among floodplain aggradation and erosion, and, in high-latitude regions, permafrost degradation. In unconfined valleys in temperate latitudes, wildfire is likely to slightly increase floodplain organic carbon stock as a result of floodplain aggradation and wood deposition. In unconfined valleys in high latitudes underlain by permafrost, wildfire is likely in the short-term to significantly decrease floodplain organic carbon via permafrost degradation and reduce organic-layer thickness. Permafrost degradation reduces floodplain erosional resistance, leading to enhanced stream bank erosion and greater carbon fluxes into channels. The implications of warming climate and increased wildfires for floodplain organic carbon stock thus vary. Increasing wildfire extent, frequency, and severity may result in significant redistribution of organic carbon from floodplains to the atmosphere via combustion in all environments examined here, as well as redistribution from upper to lower portions of watersheds in the temperate zone and from floodplains to the oceans via riverine transport in the high-latitudes. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fluvial organic carbon (OC) transformations are an important component of carbon cycling and greenhouse gas production in inland waters resulting in considerable recent interest in the fate of fluvial OC exported from carbon rich soils such as peatlands. Additionally, peatland catchments are important drinking water collection areas, where high OC concentrations in runoff have water treatment implications. This analysis presents the results from a year‐round intensive study within a water treatment catchment draining an area of peatland, considering carbon transformations along a continuum from headwater river, through a storage reservoir and pipe, to a water treatment works. The study uses a unique combination of methods (colourmetric, ultrafiltration, and 14C radiocarbon dating) to assess catchment wide changes in fluvial carbon composition (colour, size, and age) alongside concentration measures. The results indicate clear patterns of carbon transformations in the river and reservoir and dissolved low molecular weight coloured carbon to be most subject to change, with both loss and replacement within the catchment residence time. Although the evidence suggests dissolved OC (DOC) gains are from particulate OC breakdown, the mechanisms of DOC loss are less certain and may represent greenhouse gas losses or conversions to particulate OC. The transformations presented here appear to have minimal impact on the amount of harder to treat (<10 kDa) dissolved carbon, although they do have implications for total DOC loading to water treatment works. This paper shows that peatland fluvial systems are not passive receptors of particulate and dissolved organic carbon but locations where carbon is actively cycled, with implications for the understanding of carbon cycling and water treatment in peatland catchments.  相似文献   

Upper North Grain (UNG) is a heavily eroding blanket peat catchment in the Peak District, southern Pennines, UK. Concentrations of lead in the near‐surface peat layer at UNG are in excess of 1000 mg kg−1. For peatland environments, these lead concentrations are some of the highest globally. High concentrations of industrially derived, atmospherically transported magnetic spherules are also stored in the near‐surface peat layer. Samples of suspended sediment taken during a storm event that occurred on 1 November 2002 at UNG, and of the potential catchment sources for suspended sediments, were analysed for lead content and the environmental magnetic properties of anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM). At the beginning of the storm event, there is a peak in both suspended sediment and associated lead concentration. SIRM/ARM values for suspended sediment samples throughout the storm reveal that the initial ‘lead flush’ is associated with a specific sediment source, namely that of organic sediment eroded from the upper peat layer. Using the magnetic ‘fingerprinting’ approach to discrimination of sediment sources, this study reveals that erosion of the upper peat layer at UNG is releasing high concentrations of industrially derived lead (and, by inference, other toxic heavy metals associated with industrial particulates) into the fluvial systems of the southern Pennines. Climate‐change scenarios for the UK, involving higher summer temperatures and stormier winters, may result in an increased flux both of sediment‐associated and dissolved heavy metals from eroding peatland catchments in the southern Pennines, adversely affecting the quality of sediment and water entering reservoirs of the region. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Peatlands are an important store of soil carbon, and play a vital role in global carbon cycling, and when located in close proximity to urban and industrial areas, can also act as sinks of atmospherically deposited heavy metals. Large areas of the UK's blanket peat are significantly degraded and actively eroding which negatively impacts carbon and pollutant storage. The restoration of eroding UK peatlands is a major conservation concern, and over the last decade measures have been taken to try to control erosion and restore large areas of degraded peat. This study utilizes a sediment source fingerprinting approach to assess the effect of restoration practices on sediment production, and carbon and pollutant export in the Peak District National Park, southern Pennines (UK). Suspended sediment was collected using time integrated mass flux samplers (TIMS), deployed across three field areas which represent the surface conditions exhibited through an erosion–restoration cycle: (i) intact; (ii) actively eroding; and (iii) recently re‐vegetated. Anthropogenic pollutants stored near the peat's surface have allowed material mobilized by sheet erosion to be distinguished from sediment eroded from gully walls. Re‐vegetation of eroding gully systems is most effective at stabilizing interfluve surfaces, switching the locus of sediment production from contaminated surface peat to relatively ‘clean’ gully walls. The stabilization of eroding surfaces reduces particulate organic carbon (POC) and lead (Pb) fluxes by two orders of magnitude, to levels comparable with those of an intact peatland, thus maintaining this important carbon and pollutant store. The re‐vegetation of gully floors also plays a key role in decoupling eroding surfaces from the fluvial system, and further reducing the flux of material. These findings indicate that the restoration practices have been effective over a relatively short timescale, and will help target and refine future restoration initiatives. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Increased erosion associated with land use change often alters the flux of sediments and nutrients, but few studies have looked at the interaction between these disrupted cycles. We studied the effects of gully erosion on carbon and nitrogen storage in surface soil/sediment and herbaceous vegetation and on C and N mineralization in a headwater catchment used for cattle grazing. We found significantly lower C and N stored in an incising gully compared with an intact valley. This storage was significantly higher in an adjacent stabilizing gully, although not to the levels found in the intact valley. The intact valley had two to four times higher soil/sediment concentrations of total organic C, total N and Colwell extractable P than the incising gully. Lower storage was not explained by differences in vegetation biomass density or silt and clay content. Vegetation accounted for only 8% of C and 2% of N storage. Although not a significant store in itself, vegetation has an important indirect role in restoring and maintaining soil/sediment C and N stocks in eroding areas. We found significant linear relationships between C and N mineralization rates and soil/sediment C and N content, with lower rates occurring in the eroded sediment. These findings support our initial hypothesis that gully erosion reduces C and N storage and mineralization rates in eroding catchments. The implications of this study include a change to the quality of eroded sediments in headwater catchments, causing C‐poorer and N‐poorer sediments to be exported but overall loads to increase. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Floodplains are vital components of river ecosystems and play an important role in carbon cycling and storage at catchment and global scales. For efficient river management and conservation, it is critical to understand the functional role of spatiotemporally complex and dynamic habitat mosaics of river floodplains. Unfortunately, the fundamental understanding of mineralization and carbon flux patterns across complex floodplains is still fragmentary. In this study, respiratory potential (i.e., electron transport system activity [ETSA]) was quantified seasonally across different aquatic and terrestrial habitats (wetted channels, gravel bars, islands, riparian forests, and grasslands) of 2 Alpine floodplains differing in climate, altitude, discharge, flow alteration intensity, and land use (So?a [natural flow regime, 12% grassland area] and Urbach [mean annual discharge reduction by 30% due to water abstraction, 69% grassland area]). In situ respiration (R) was measured, and ETSA–R ratios were calculated to examine differences in exploitation intensity of the overall respiratory capacity among floodplain habitats and seasons. ETSA and R provided potential and actual estimates, respectively, of organic matter mineralization in the different floodplain habitats. Hierarchical linear regression across habitat types showed that organic matter, grain sizes <0.063 mm, and water content were the most important predictors of ETSA in both floodplains, and grain sizes 2–0.063 and >8 mm were also highly important for the So?a floodplain. The combination of ETSA and R measurements conducted in contrasting floodplains increased our understanding of the relationships between floodplain habitat heterogeneity, organic matter mineralization and human impacts, that is, structural–functional linkages in floodplains. These data are integral towards predicting changes in floodplain function in response to environmental alterations from increasing human pressures and environmental change.  相似文献   

Waterborne carbon (C) export from terrestrial ecosystems is a potentially important flux for the net catchment C balance and links the biogeochemical C cycling of terrestrial ecosystems to their downstream aquatic ecosystems. We have monitored hydrology and stream chemistry over 3 years in ten nested catchments (0.6–15.1 km2) with variable peatland cover (0%–22%) and groundwater influence in subarctic Sweden. Total waterborne C export, including dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), ranged between 2.8 and 7.3 g m–2 year–1, representing ~10%–30% of catchment net ecosystem exchange of CO2. Several characteristics of catchment waterborne C export were affected by interacting effects of peatland cover and groundwater influence, including magnitude and timing, partitioning into DOC, POC, and DIC and chemical composition of the exported DOC. Waterborne C export was greater during the wetter years, equivalent to an average change in export of ~2 g m–2 year–1 per 100 mm of precipitation. Wetter years led to a greater relative increase in DIC export than DOC export due to an inferred relative shift in dominance from shallow organic flow pathways to groundwater sources. Indices of DOC composition (SUVA254 and a250/a365) indicated that DOC aromaticity and average molecular weight increased with catchment peatland cover and decreased with increased groundwater influence. Our results provide examples on how waterborne C export and DOC composition might be affected by climate change. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Concentrations of suspended particulate matter (SPM), NO3-N and P fractions: PO4-P, dissolved organic P (DOP), particulate P (PP) and bioavailable exchangeable P were examined over 5 storm events in two nested agricultural catchments in NE Scotland: a (51 km2) catchment and its headwater (4 km2). NO3-N showed anticlockwise hysteresis for all storms in both catchments. In contrast, the headwater showed strong clockwise hysteresis of SPM, dissolved and particulate P concentrations, but which weakened through summer to spring. Less pronounced hysteresis of P forms in the larger catchment was attributed to a combination of factors: a less energetic system, nutrient leaching from the floodplain, a point source of a small sewage treatment works and the occurrence of coarser soil and sediment parent materials with less P adsorption and transport capacity. The headwater exhibited a strong ‘first flush’ effect of sediment and dissolved P, particularly following dry conditions, received a significant transfer of readily-solubilized organic P from the surrounding soils in late summer and after manure applications in winter, and was the likely cause of large sediment associated P signals observed in the 51 km2 catchment. Our results suggest that steeper gradient headwaters should be targeted for riparian improvements to mitigate soil erosion from headwater fields. The efficiency of riparian erosion controls is also dependant on the size of the store of fine sediment material within the stream channel and this may be large.  相似文献   

Erosion and the associated loss of carbon is a major environmental concern in many peatlands and remains difficult to accurately quantify beyond the plot scale. Erosion was measured in an upland blanket peatland catchment (0.017 km2) in northern England using structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry, sediment traps and stream sediment sampling at different spatial scales. A net median topographic change of –27 mm yr–1 was recorded by SfM over the 12-month monitoring period for the entire surveyed area (598 m2). Within the entire surveyed area there were six nested catchments where both SfM and sediment traps were used to measure erosion. Substantial amounts of peat were captured in sediment traps during summer storm events after two months of dry weather where desiccation of the peat surface occurred. The magnitude of topographic change for the six nested catchments determined by SfM (mean value: 5.3 mm, standard deviation: 5.2 mm) was very different to the areal average derived from sediment traps (mean value: –0.3 mm, standard deviation: 0.1 mm). Thus, direct interpolation of peat erosion from local net topographic change into sediment yield at the catchment outlet appears problematic. Peat loss measured at the hillslope scale was not representative of that at the catchment scale. Stream sediment sampling at the outlet of the research catchment (0.017 km2) suggested that the yields of suspended sediment and particulate organic carbon were 926.3 t km–2 yr–1 and 340.9 t km–2 yr–1, respectively, with highest losses occurring during the autumn. Both freeze–thaw during winter and desiccation during long periods of dry weather in spring and summer were identified as important peat weathering processes during the study. Such weathering was a key enabler of subsequent fluvial peat loss from the catchment. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Utilising newly available instrumentation, the carbon balance in two small tropical catchments was measured during two discharge events at high temporal resolution. Catchments share similar climatic conditions, but differ in land use with one draining a pristine rainforest catchment, the other a fully cleared and cultivated catchment. The necessity of high resolution sampling in small catchments was illustrated in each catchment, where significant chemical changes occurred in the space of a few hours or less. Dissolved and particulate carbon transport dominated carbon export from the rainforest catchment during high flow, but was surpassed by degassing of CO2 less than 4 h after the discharge peak. In contrast, particulate organic carbon dominated export from the cleared catchment, in all flow conditions with CO2 evasion accounting for 5–23% of total carbon flux. Stable isotopes of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the ephemeral rainforest catchment decreased quickly from ~1.5 ‰ to ~ ?16 ‰ in 5 h from the flood beginning. A two‐point mixing model revealed that in the initial pulse, over 90% of the DIC was of rainwater origin, decreasing to below 30% in low flow. In the cultivated catchment, δ13CDIC values varied significantly less (?11.0 to ?12.2 ‰) but revealed a complex interaction between surface runoff and groundwater sources, with groundwater DIC becoming proportionally more important in high flow, due to activation of macropores downstream. This work adds to an increasing body of work that recognises the importance of rapid, short‐lived hydrological events in low‐order catchments to global carbon dynamics. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Understanding the extent to which local factors, including bedrock and structure, govern catchment denudation in mountainous environments as opposed to broader climate or tectonic patterns provides insight into how landscapes evolve as sediment is generated and transported through them, and whether they have approached steady-state equilibrium. We measured beryllium-10 (10Be) concentrations in 21 sediment samples from glaciated footwall and hanging wall catchments, including a set of nested catchments, and 12 bedrock samples in the Puga and Tso Morari half-grabens located in the high-elevation, arid Zanskar region of northern India. In the Puga half-graben where catchments are underlain by quartzo-feldspathic gneissic bedrock, bedrock along catchment divides is eroding very slowly, about 5 m/Ma, due to extreme aridity and 10Be concentrations in catchment sediments are the highest (~60–90 × 105 atoms/g SiO2) as colluvium accumulates on hillslopes, decoupled from their ephemeral streams. At Puga, 10Be concentrations and the average erosion rates of a set of six nested catchments demonstrate that catchment denudation is transport-limited as sediment stagnates on lower slopes before reaching the catchment outlet. In the Tso Morari half-graben, gneissic bedrock is also eroding very slowly but 10Be concentrations in sediments in catchments underlain by low grade meta-sedimentary rocks, are significantly lower (~10–35 × 105 atoms/g SiO2). In these arid, high-elevation environments, 10Be concentrations in catchment sediments have more to do with bedrock weathering and transport times than steady-state denudation rates. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Downed large wood on floodplains creates similar geomorphic and ecological effects as wood in the active channel, but has been the subject of fewer geomorphic studies. I propose floodplain large wood process domains that are distinguished based on recruitment source at the reach to river-length scale. Wood recruited to the floodplain can be autochthonous (individual or mass recruitment from floodplain forest), fluvially transported, or transported from adjacent hillslopes via mass movements that come down the valley side slopes or down the main channel. Fluvially transported wood can be further distinguished as being deposited: within the channel and subsequently accreted to the floodplain; marginal to the channel; on the floodplain during overbank flow; or on tributary fans. The mechanism of wood recruitment to a floodplain influences the spatial distribution of the wood across the floodplain and the proportion of wood pieces within jams, which in turn influences geomorphic and ecological effects of the floodplain wood. Using published studies of floodplain wood load for unmanaged river corridors, I hypothesize that the climate-controlled balance between forest primary productivity and decay rates of downed wood is the first-order control on floodplain large wood loads. Disturbance regime and wood recruitment mechanism are second-order controls on wood load and primary controls on the spatial distribution of large wood. Understanding of floodplain large wood can be applied to quantifying the effect of large wood on river corridors; river restoration; paleoenvironmental inferences; and estimation of organic carbon stock in river corridors. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of anthropogenic activity, namely, land use change and reservoir construction, on particulate organic carbon (POC) transport, we collected monthly water samples during September 2007 to August 2009 from the Longchuanjiang River to understand seasonal variations in the concentrations of organic carbon species and their sources and the yield of organic and inorganic carbon from the catchment in the Upper Yangtze basin. The contents of riverine POC, total organic carbon and total suspended sediment (TSS) changed synchronously with water discharge, whereas the contents of dissolved organic carbon had a small variation. The POC concentration in the suspended sediment decreased non‐linearly with increasing TSS concentration. Higher molar C/N ratio of particulate organic matter (average 77) revealed that POC was dominated by terrestrially derived organic matter in the high flows and urban wastewaters in the low flows. The TSS transported by this river was 2.7 × 105 t/yr in 2008. The specific fluxes of total organic carbon and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) were 5.6 and 6 t/km2/yr, respectively, with more than 90% in the high flow period. A high carbon yield in the catchment of the upper Yangtze was due to human‐induced land use alterations and urban wastes. Consistent with most rivers in the monsoon climate regions, the dissolved organic carbon–POC ratio of the export flux was low (0.41). Twenty‐two percent (0.9 t/km2/yr) of POC out of 4 t/km2/yr was from autochthonous production and 78% (3.1 t/km2/yr) from allochthonous production. The annual sediment load and hence the organic carbon flux have been affected by environmental alterations of physical, chemical and hydrological conditions in the past 50 years, demonstrating the impacts of human disturbances on the global and local carbon cycling. Finally, we addressed that organic carbon flux should be reassessed using adequate samples (i.e. at least two times in low‐flow month, four times in high‐flow month and one time per day during the flood period), daily water discharge and sediment loads and appropriate estimate method. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rivers are dynamic components of the terrestrial carbon cycle and provide important functions in ecosystem processes. Although rivers act as conveyers of carbon to the oceans, rivers also retain carbon within riparian ecosystems along floodplains, with potential for long‐term (> 102 years) storage. Research in ecosystem processing emphasizes the importance of organic carbon (OC) in river systems, and estimates of OC fluxes in terrestrial freshwater systems indicate that a significant portion of terrestrial carbon is stored within river networks. Studies have examined soil OC on floodplains, but research that examines the potential mechanistic controls on OC storage in riparian ecosystems and floodplains is more limited. We emphasize three primary OC reservoirs within fluvial systems: (1) standing riparian biomass; (2) dead biomass as large wood (LW) in the stream and on the floodplain; (3) OC on and beneath the floodplain surface, including litter, humus, and soil organic carbon (SOC). This review focuses on studies that have framed research questions and results in the context of OC retention, accumulation and storage within the three primary pools along riparian ecosystems. In this paper, we (i) discuss the various reservoirs for OC storage in riparian ecosystems, (ii) discuss physical conditions that facilitate carbon retention and storage in riparian ecosystems, (iii) provide a synthesis of published OC storage in riparian ecosystems, (iv) present a conceptual model of the conditions that favor OC storage in riparian ecosystems, (v) briefly discuss human impacts on OC storage in riparian ecosystems, and (vi) highlight current knowledge gaps. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of ditch blocking on fluvial carbon concentrations and fluxes at a 5‐year, replicated, control‐intervention field experiment on a blanket peatland in North Wales, UK. The site was hydrologically instrumented, and run‐off via open and blocked ditches was analysed for dissolved organic carbon (DOC), particulate organic carbon, dissolved carbon dioxide, and dissolved methane. DOC was also analysed in peat porewater and overland flow. The hillslope experiment was embedded within a paired control‐intervention catchment study, with 3 years of preblocking and 6 years of postblocking data. Results from the hillslope showed large reductions in discharge via blocked ditches, with water partly redirected into hillslope surface and subsurface flows, and partly into remaining open ditches. We observed no impacts of ditch blocking on DOC, particulate organic carbon, dissolved carbon dioxide or methane in ditch waters, DOC in porewaters or overland flow, or stream water DOC at the paired catchment scale. Similar DOC concentrations in ditch water, overland flow, and porewater suggest that diverting flow from the ditch network to surface or subsurface flow had a limited impact on concentrations or fluxes of DOC entering the stream network. The subdued response of fluvial carbon to ditch blocking in our study may be attributable to the relatively low susceptibility of blanket peatlands to drainage, or to physical alterations of the peat since drainage. We conclude that ditch blocking cannot be always be expected to deliver reductions in fluvial carbon loss, or improvements in the quality of drinking water supplies.  相似文献   

Effects of gully and channel erosion on the export of sediments are in general well understood, but the effects on carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) export remain an open question. We examined these effects and the role of flow magnitude, total wet season rainfall, catchment size and the C and N content and solubility of most probable sediment sources in a subtropical catchment. We sampled the baseflow and the rising stage of high‐flow events for one wet season and analysed 5 years of water quality data from event sampling stations. Total suspended sediment was the main variable explaining N export followed by rainfall, flow and catchment size. N was exported mainly in particulate organic form and C in dissolved form. The quality of most probable sediment source fractions explains these results and points to fractionation during transport into C and N richer and C and N poorer fractions, with travel distance ultimately determining the average quality of transported sediment for different flow magnitudes. Erosion would have caused a lower C and N concentration in sediments, a lower proportion of mineralized N, a larger proportion of dissolved organic C and a larger C : N ratios of the soluble fraction as compared with unincised grassed valleys. This would alter the rates of nutrient cycling and energy flow within and across ecosystem compartments in streams receiving this export. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Peatlands cover a very small area of the Earth, but store globally significant quantities of carbon and export disproportionate quantities of fluvial organic carbon, especially when the peatlands are degraded or disturbed. Peatland headwater catchments with high concentrations of dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC) provide an opportunity to investigate the possibility of competing effects that could lead to enhanced or diminished turnover of DOC in the presence of POC. Both POC and DOC can be degraded by light and microbes, producing smaller molecules and releasing CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere, and POC can inhibit light penetration, stabilize DOC by providing adsorption sites and providing surfaces for microbes to interact with DOC. However, the majority of peatland fluvial carbon studies are conducted using filtered water samples, and measure only the DOC concentration, so the impact of the particulate organic matter (POM) on in-stream processing of organic carbon is relatively unknown. It is therefore possible that studies have underestimated carbon transformations in rivers as they have not considered the interaction of the particulate material on the dissolved concentrations; there could be higher losses than previously estimated, increasing the contribution of peatland headwaters to GHG emissions. In this study, we assessed if the current approach of DOC degradation studies accurately represent the impact of POM on DOC degradation, by quantifying DOC production from POM, and therefore POC, over time in water with manipulated POM concentrations. Both filtered and unfiltered water lost 60% of the DOC over 70 hours, whereas the treatment with additional POM lost only 35%. The results showed that filtering does not significantly impact the DOC degradation rates; however, when the POC concentration was doubled, there was a significant reduction in DOC degradation, suggesting that filtering would still be necessary to get accurate rates of DOC transformations in waters with high POC concentrations.  相似文献   

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