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川滇活动地块东边界强震危险性研究   总被引:39,自引:7,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
以川滇活动地块东边界为例,利用最近31年的地震资料,根据精细b值计算结果,研究该边界断裂带的应力空间分布及其强震危险性. 研究结果显示:(1)沿川滇活动地块东边界,b值空间分布显示在不同断裂以及同一断裂不同断裂段存在较大差异,从而反映出应力积累水平的空间差异.(2)小江断裂带主干断裂上的嵩明凹凸体及存在于主干断裂附近巧家与东川间以及嵩明北西的2个凹凸体、存在于安宁河断裂冕宁附近和则木河断裂西昌附近的凹凸体以及位于鲜水河断裂中南段道孚—乾宁间大尺度的凹凸体将是川滇活动地块东边界未来大震或强震的震源区.  相似文献   

四川马边地震地质背景浅探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
彭云金 《四川地震》2001,1(1):39-41
马边是川南地震活动较活跃的地区,地震活动显示出一种与四川其它地区不同的特点。马边地区地震活动具有地台区地震活动的一般规律,即地震活动与荥经一马边一盐津深大活动断裂带和上、下地壳间的滑脱面有关。该地区的6.0级以上强震与川西地区的强震活动相一致,它们受到地表活动断裂的控制;6.0级以下地震则与地表活动断裂关系不密切,呈现出一种弥散的图像,但其空间展布范围不超过荥经—马边—盐津深大活动断裂带所展布的区域。  相似文献   

根据最近28年的区域台网地震资料,利用b值空间分布及断裂带分段的多地震活动参数值的组合方法,结合历史强震背景,分析了沿川北龙门山-岷山断裂带不同断裂段的现今活动习性,并初步判别出了潜在的强震危险段落。研究结果表明:龙门山断裂带中-南段存在6个具有不同现今活动习性的段落,其中,绵竹-茂县段处于相对高应力背景下的频繁中-小震活动状态,被认为是龙门山断裂带上未来最可能发生强震的地段;江油-平武段处于相对高应力背景下的稀疏中-小震活动状态,未来有可能发生中强地震。而岷山断裂带中的岷江断裂段和虎牙断裂段,以及叠溪隐伏逆断层地区均具有相对偏低的应力水平,可能与其不久前分别发生过大地震和强震有关,未来不太长的时期内复发大地震的可能性较小。  相似文献   

王辉  曹建玲  田勤俭 《地震》2021,41(2):14-28
新疆于田地区位于青藏高原与塔里木盆地相交会的地方, 强震频发。 2008年以来, 该地区陆续发生的4次M6以上强震都位于阿尔金断裂带南分支的龙木错—郭扎错断裂带附近。 这些地震的发生为研究于田地区中强震活动的空间分布及其之间的相互作用及提供了很好的实例。 首先, 利用小震目录对区域地震活动进行分析, 给出了地震活动性参数b值的空间分布。 然后, 采用分层黏弹性模型研究了区域4次中强地震所造成的区域应力转移。 我们发现, 于田地区近年来强震活动的时空分布特征可能与区域地壳应力水平的差异有关。 康西瓦断裂带上历史强震活跃, 但是现今地震较平静, b值较高; 而龙木错—郭扎错断裂带附近的b值相对较低, 现今强震活动频繁。 于田地区4次中强震造成的应力转移则比较复杂, 2012年地震受到2008年地震的卸载作用, 而2014年和2020年2次地震的发生均受到前序地震的促进作用。 综合区域地震活动和强震之间应力转移的分析, 可以认为阿尔金断裂带南支的龙木错—郭扎错断裂带上, 应力水平仍然相对较高, 未来的地震危险性仍然较大。  相似文献   

大凉山次级块体周边断层的闭锁特征   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
利用1999—2007期和2009—2013期中国大陆GPS速度场数据,采用DEFNODE负位错反演程序估算了大凉山次级块体周边断层——大凉山断裂、马边-盐津断裂、会泽-彝良断裂在汶川地震前后的断层闭锁程度和滑动亏损空间分布动态变化特征,并结合地震空区和b值空间分布等结果分析了这几条断裂带的强震危险性。结果表明,汶川地震对这3条断裂带的影响可能较弱,它们在地震前后闭锁程度基本一致,两期结果均显示大凉山断裂南段、马边-盐津断裂、会泽-彝良断裂(西南端除外)基本为完全闭锁;汶川地震前后3条断裂带的滑动亏损速率均较小,大凉山断裂以左旋滑动亏损为主,马边-盐津断裂具有很弱的左旋和挤压滑动亏损分量并在震后均稍有增强,会泽-彝良断裂以挤压滑动亏损为主、兼有右旋滑动亏损,汶川地震后其右旋分量消失。结合其他方法的研究结果,认为目前这3条断裂带仍具有较大地震发生的危险性。  相似文献   

小江断裂带及周边地区强震危险性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
根据历史地震资料及现今区域台网中小地震观测资料,对小江断裂带及周边地区的历史地震活动特征,特别是小江断裂带不同段落的现今断层活动习性进行了研究,依据b值,结合其它地震活动性参数,勾画出了该区未来强震的潜在危险区:①石屏一建水断裂段6.8级地震重现期为88~193年,目前已平静121年;小江断裂带的宜良-嵩明段6.8级地震蕈现期是108~225年,目前已平静175年.②小江断裂东川段具有中等偏大应力水平,属于中小地震活动频繁的地段;小江断裂华宁段具有较低应力水平,属于以小震活动为主的地段;通海-峨山断裂具有中等应力水平,属于中小地震活动频繁地段.③石屏-建水断裂和小江断裂宜良-嵩明段存在较低的6值和较小强震复发周期,具有较高应力水平,属于潜在地震震级偏大的区域,是未来发生7级以上大震的潜在危险区.  相似文献   

易桂喜  闻学泽 《地震地质》2007,29(2):254-271
为了分析将地震活动性参数用于判定断裂带现今活动习性、进而评估长期地震危险性的可行性,文中介绍了沿断裂带进行b值扫描与填图的方法,以及进行断裂带分段的多参数值(—b、E、n和—a/—b)组合分析的资料处理、计算及分析步骤;提出了为进行多参数计算的、断裂带分段的参考判据,进而概括了根据计算的参数值、结合强震历史背景、现今地震分布综合分析断裂带现今活动习性空间差异的方法与思路。以5条地震活动水平和监测能力各异的断裂带为试验对象,基于归纳的方法综合分析了各断裂带现今活动习性的空间差异及潜在的地震危险段。文中还就断裂的震后调整运动与低b值的关系以及精定位的地震资料在参数计算中的合理使用等问题进行了讨论。主要认识为:以b值为主的若干地震活动性参数的空间分布可有效地用于断裂带现今活动习性及潜在强震危险段落的判定。沿断裂带b值扫描与填图以及断裂带分段多参数值组合分析两种方法,可分别应用于地震监测能力强和一般的地区;若在监测能力强的地区将两种方法结合起来使用,可获得更可靠的结果。晚期余震活跃或者大震后调整运动的断裂段也可表现出较低b或—b值的特点  相似文献   

本文对龙门山断裂带和鲜水河断裂带上1970年以来记录的小震数据进行了收集、整理和分析,采用基于Matlab平台的Zmap软件,去除了断裂带上的丛集数据和余震,划定了有效地震数据的时间和震级范围,通过最大似然法求取了断裂带所在区域的b值分布图。基于b值大小与应力高低成反比的原理,通过断裂带上低b值区识别凹凸体的位置。就龙门山断裂带,通过低b值区识别出的凹凸体的位置与汶川地震发生的起始破裂位置和极震区的位置基本保持一致;而鲜水河断裂带由于受到小震数据的限制,部分段缺失b值分布,但整条断裂带仍可清晰识别出凹凸体位置,且1725年以来的历史强震和1970年以来5级以上的历史地震基本上都位于此区域。断裂带的实例分析结果证明,利用小震数据通过最大似然法计算b值分布图,其相对低b值区与历年强震发生的位置存在较大的相关性,为验证利用低b值区识别凹凸体方法的可行性和实用性提供了有力的证据。  相似文献   

马边—大关构造带震源参数及应力状态研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用2000~2009年马边—大关构造带上的115次3级以上中小地震波形资料,计算了地震震源机制解和视应力等震源参数。根据震源机制解分析,马边—大关构造带平均主应力方向为NWW—SEE,错动类型显示,走滑型和倾滑型的地震所占比例相当。地震活动丛集的3个区段荥经—峨边、马边—盐津、鲁甸—巧家的平均主应力方向分别为NWW—SEE、NW—SE、NWW—SEE,呈现局部构造应力场方向特征。马边—大关构造带视应力分布不均匀,高值出现在云南大关—盐津一带地下20km区域,而利店断裂及以北的地区视应力值相对较低。分析认为马边—大关构造带南段未来存在潜在的强震危险性。  相似文献   

红河断裂带库仑应力演化及未来地震危险性估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
现今地震活动性显示红河断裂带强震主要发生在断裂带的北段,中段长期存在地震空区.为了更好地理解红河断裂带不同段落地震活动性差异和评估未来潜在地震危险性,本研究基于分层半无限空间黏弹性地球模型计算了自1833年嵩明M8.0地震以来,红河断裂带上及其周边共25次强震由于同震应力阶变、震后黏滞松弛和震间构造应力加载的综合作用,红河断裂带上库仑应力变化的演化过程.结果表明,在近180年红河断裂带南北两段得到加载,中段始终位于应力影区,这可能部分解释红河断裂带南北段地震相对活跃、中段长期存在的地震平静现象.假设未来三十余年该地区不再发生大震,考虑震后和震间作用,红河断裂带中段应力影区仍然存在,但范围在缩小;洱源附近、大理至大斗门以北地区、元江以南地区应力增加超过0.1 MPa,可能仍是地震潜在危险区段.  相似文献   

Based on seismic data from the regional network for the last 34 years,we analyzed the present fault behavior of major fault zones around the Mabian area,southern Sichuan,and identified the risky fault-segments for potential strong and large earthquakes in the future.The method of analysis is a combination of spatial distribution of b-values with activity background of historical strong earthquakes and current seismicity.Our results mainly show:(1) The spatial distribution of b-values indicates significant heterogeneity in the studied area,which reflects the spatial difference of cumulative stress levels along various fault zones and segments.(2) Three anomalously low b-value areas with different dimensions were identified along the Mabian-Yanjin fault zone.These anomalies can be asperities under relatively high cumulated stress levels.Two asperities are located in the north of Mabian county,in Lidian town in western Muchuan county,and near Yanjin at the south end of the fault zone.These two areas represent potential large earthquake seismogenic sites around the Mabian area in the near future.Besides them,the third relatively smaller asperity is identified at southern Suijiang,as another potential strongearthquake source.(3) An asperity along the southwestern segment of the Longquanshan fault zone indicates the site of potential moderate-to-strong earthquakes.(4) The asperity along the segment between Huangmu town in Hanyuan county and Longchi town in Emeishan city on Jinkouhe-Meigu fault has potential for a moderate-strong earthquake.  相似文献   

Dense strong motion observation networks provided us with valuable data for studying strong motion generation from large earthquakes. From kinematic waveform inversion of seismic data, the slip distribution on the fault surface of large earthquakes is known to be spatially heterogeneous. Because heterogeneities in the slip and stress drop distributions control the generation of near-source ground motion, it is important to characterize these heterogeneities for past earthquakes in constructing a source model for reliable prediction of strong ground motion. The stress changes during large earthquakes on the faults recently occurring in Japan are estimated from the detailed slip models obtained by the kinematic waveform inversion. The stress drops on and off asperities are summarized on the basis of the stress change distributions obtained here. In this paper, we define the asperity to be a rectangular area whose slip is 1.5 or more times larger than the average slip over the fault according to the previous study for inland crustal earthquakes. The average static stress drops on the asperities of the earthquakes studied here are in the range 6?C23?MPa, whereas those off the asperities are below 3?MPa. We compiled the stress drop on the asperities together with a data set from previous studies of other inland earthquakes in Japan and elsewhere. The static stress drop on the asperity depends on its depth, and we obtained an empirical relationship between the static stress drop and the asperity??s depth. Moreover, surface-breaking asperities seemed to have smaller stress drops than buried asperities. Simple ground motion simulations using the characterized asperity source models reveal that deep asperities generate larger ground motion than shallow asperities, because of the different stress drops of the asperities. These characteristics can be used for advanced source modeling in strong ground motion prediction for inland crustal earthquakes.  相似文献   

We developed an objective method to define the aftershock areas of large earthquakes as a function of time after the main shock. The definition is based upon the amount of energy released by aftershocks, the spatial distribution of the energy release is first determined and is contoured. The 1-day aftershock area is defined by a contour line corresponding to the energy release level of 1015.6 ergs/(100 km2 · day). The 10-day, 100-day and 1-y aftershock areas are similarly defined by contour lines corresponding to 1014.8, 1014.0, and 1013.5 ergs/(100 km2 · day), respectively. We also define the expansion ratios at time t by the ratio of the aftershock area at t to that at 1 day.Using this method we study the aftershock area expansion patterns of 44 large (Ms ? 7.5) and five moderate shallow earthquakes which occurred from 1963 to 1980. Each aftershock sequence is examined at four different times, i.e., 1 day, 10 days, 100 days, and 1 y after the main event. We define the aftershock area expansion ratios η and ηe by S(100)/S(1) and L(100)/L(1), respectively: here S(t) and L(t) are the area and the length of the aftershock area, respectively, at time t. Our study suggests that a distinct regional variation of aftershock area expansion patterns is present; it is strongly correlated with the tectonic environment. In general, the subduction zones of the “Mariana” type have large expansion ratios, and those of the “Chilean” type have small expansion ratios. Some earthquakes that occurred in the areas of complex bathymetry such as aseismic ridges tend to have large expansion ratios.These results can be explained in terms of an asperity model of fault zones in which a fault plane is represented by a distribution of strong spots, called the asperities, and weak zones surrounding the asperities. The rupture immediately after the main shock mostly involves asperities. After the main rupture is completed, the stress change caused by the main shock gradually propagates outward into the surrounding weak zones. This stress propagation manifests itself as expansion of aftershock activity. In this simple picture, if the fault zone is represented by relatively large asperities separated by small weak zones (“Chilean” type), then little expansion of aftershock activity would be expected. On the other hand, if relatively small asperities are sparsely distributed (“Mariana” type), significant expansion occurs. The actual distribution of asperities is likely to be more complex than the two cases described above. However, we would expect that the expansion ratio is in general proportional to the spatial ratio of the total asperity area to the fault area.  相似文献   

Because of the viscoelastic behaviour of the earth, accumulation of elastic strain energy by tectonic loading and release of such energy by earthquake fault slips at subduction zones may take place on different spatial scales. If the lithospheric plate is acted upon by distant tectonic forces, strain accumulation must occur in a broad region. However, an earthquake releases strain only in a region comparable to the size of the rupture area. A two-dimensional finite-element model of a subduction zone with viscoelastic rheology has been used to investigate the coupling of tectonic loading and earthquake fault slips. A fault lock-and-unlock technique is employed so that the amount of fault slip in an earthquake is not prescribed, but determined by the accumulated stress. The amount of earthquake fault slip as a fraction of the total relative plate motion depends on the relative sizes of the earthquake rupture area and the region of tectonic strain accumulation, as well as the rheology of the rock material. The larger the region of strain accumulation is compared to the earthquake rupture, the smaller is the earthquake fault slip. The reason for the limited earthquake fault slip is that the elastic shear stress in the asthenosphere induced by the earthquake resists the elastic rebound of the overlying plate. Since rapid permanent plate shortening is not observed at subduction zones, there must be either strain release over a large region or strain accumulation over a small region over earthquake cycles. The former can be achieved only by significant aseismic fault slip between large subduction earthquakes. The most likely mechanism for the latter is the accumulation of elastic strain around isolated locked asperities of the fault, which requires significant aseismic fault slip between asperities.  相似文献   

Maximum earthquake size varies considerably amongst the subduction zones. This has been interpreted as a variation in the seismic coupling, which is presumably related to the mechanical conditions of the fault zone. The rupture process of a great earthquake indicates the distribution of strong (asperities) and weak regions of the fault. The rupture process of three great earthquakes (1963 Kurile Islands, MW = 8.5; 1965 Rat Islands, MW = 8.7; 1964 Alaska, MW = 9.2) are studied by using WWSSN stations in the core shadow zone. Diffraction around the core attenuates the P-wave amplitudes such that on-scale long-period P-waves are recorded. There are striking differences between the seismograms of the great earthquakes; the Alaskan earthquake has the largest amplitude and a very long-period nature, while the Kurile Islands earthquake appears to be a sequence of magnitude 7.5 events.The source time functions are deconvolved from the observed records. The Kurile Islands rupture process is characterized by the breaking of asperities with a length scale of 40–60 km, and for the Alaskan earthquake the dominant length scale in the epicentral region is 140–200 km. The variation of length scale and MW suggests that larger asperities cause larger earthquakes. The source time function of the 1979 Colombia earthquake (MW = 8.3) is also deconvolved. This earthquake is characterized by a single asperity of length scale 100–120 km, which is consistent with the above pattern, as the Colombia subduction zone was previously ruptured by a great (MW = 8.8) earthquake in 1906.The main result is that maximum earthquake size is related to the asperity distribution on the fault. The subduction zones with the largest earthquakes have very large asperities (e.g. the Alaskan earthquake), while the zones with the smaller great earthquakes (e.g. Kurile Islands) have smaller scattered asperities.  相似文献   

本文以构造应力场观测结果、 岩石圈流变特性为约束, 采用摩擦接触单元反映断裂带空间分段特征, 以最接近真实地下环境的非线性黏弹性材料为模型的本构关系, 建立包括安宁河—则木河—小江断裂带的三维有限元模型, 模拟在速度边界条件和重力势能等动力因素共同作用下的断裂带应力分布特性. 研究结果表明, 模拟得到的断裂带现今构造应力场与地震活动有明显的对应关系, 应力比较集中的区域, 如石棉、 西昌、 巧家、 东川附近, 极有可能是未来的地震危险区域.   相似文献   

川滇交界东段昭通、莲峰断裂带的地震危险背景   总被引:29,自引:8,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
川滇交界东段NE向昭通、莲峰断裂带的研究程度较低.为了了解该断裂带是否存在发生强震/大地震的危险背景,我们基于区域活动构造与动力学、重新定位的小震分布和震源机制解、历史地震破裂区、GPS形变场、现代地震活动及其参数图像等多学科的信息进行综合研究.结果表明:昭通、莲峰断裂带是川滇-华南活动块体/地块边界带的一部分,也是活动及变形的大凉山次级块体与相对稳定的华南地块之间的边界带;结构上表现为2个平行展布、朝南东推覆的断裂带,现今运动为带有显著逆冲分量的右旋走滑性质.沿昭通断裂带无大地震的时间至少为1700 余年,目前存在地震空区.GPS变形图像反映昭通、莲峰断裂带已不同程度闭锁.另外,昭通断裂带的鲁甸附近以及莲峰断裂带的南段分别存在异常低b值区或高应力区.已由低b值区和小震空白区识别出昭通断裂带上的鲁甸-彝良之间存在高应力闭锁段,并估计出其潜在地震的最大矩震级为MW7.4.本研究因此认为昭通断裂带存在发生强震/大地震的中-长期危险背景, 而莲峰断裂带的危险性还需进一步研究.  相似文献   

利用2000年7月-2017年6月地震资料,计算张渤地震构造带中西段地震活动性参数b值、a值和a/b值。基于沿断裂带的b值空间分布,结合多地震活动参数值组合、历史强震背景分布特点,分析张渤地震构造带中西段不同段落的强震危险性。研究结果表明,河北涿鹿及山西大同一带具有低b值、低a值、较高a/b值的参数组合,反映该区域具有高应力积累,未来具有强震发生的危险。  相似文献   

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