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登陆广东热带气旋中尺度降水分布变化特征   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
利用每小时地面观测资料和卫星遥感资料 ,以 1 999~ 2 0 0 1年在珠江三角洲地区登陆的热带气旋为研究对象 ,从合成分析和个例分析两方面揭示了登陆广东热带气旋降水的中尺度特征及其分布变化。结果表明 ,热带气旋登陆前后中尺度强降水分布发生明显变化 ,登陆后降水不对称性加大 ;热带气旋登陆后中尺度强降水分布随时间变化 ,登陆后第 1 0个小时之前 ,中尺度强降水基本上分布于热带气旋中心附近 ;而热带气旋登陆第 1 0个小时之后 ,中尺度强降水具有明显的“离心”或“偏心”特征。  相似文献   

利用1981-2018年中国气象局上海台风研究所热带气旋最佳路径资料和国家基本气象站逐日降水资料,对登陆广东北上路径热带气旋活动及强降水特征进行统计分析.结果表明北上热带气旋从登陆时到登陆后48 h是陆地强降水产生的集中时段,登陆时24 h是陆地大暴雨最集中的时段.强降水从沿海向内陆逐渐减少,一般登陆后热带气旋持续时间...  相似文献   

利用PSU/NCAR中尺度天气预报模式MM5,成功模拟了0604号热带气旋Bilis登陆后的移动路径和降水分布。在此基础上,讨论了不同尺度涡旋自组织过程对热带气旋Bilis产生局地暴雨的影响。结果表明:(1)引发强降水的对流系统不是来源于热带气旋螺旋云带内的对流云团,而是受热带气旋外围环流与局地地形影响下形成的多个中小尺度系统之间自组织的结果;(2)与0604号热带气旋Bilis登陆前后24小时的强降水相关的自组织过程是分阶段进行的,即第一阶段的双涡自组织过程和第二阶段的多涡自组织过程;(3)局地多尺度涡旋之间的自组织过程,是0604号热带气旋Bilis陆上强降水发生的主要动力机制。  相似文献   

登陆海南的热带气旋中尺度降水分布变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯文  许向春  黄耀怀  王凡 《气象》2009,35(3):15-20
利用每小时地面观测资料和卫星资料,以1996-2005年在海南岛登陆的热带气旋为研究对象,按照气旋移动路径将其分为4大类,从4类不同路径的7个个例分析揭示了登陆海南热带气旋降水的中尺度特征及其分布变化.结果表明,不同路径的热带气旋登陆前10个小时之内,中尺度强降水基本上分布于热带气旋中心附近;而热带气旋登陆后,中尺度强降水开始出现明显的"离心"或"偏心"特征.不同路径的热带气旋在登陆前后,其最大降水中心的强度变化也有明显差异.登陆前后,中尺度强降水基本均出现在气旋中心西南到东南侧100~200km内,表现出明显的南北不对称.个例分析也证明,热带气旋强降水在空间和时间上都具有明显的中尺度特征.  相似文献   

1960—2003年我国热带气旋降水的时空分布特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
利用1960—2003年登陆影响我国的热带气旋及其造成的降水资料, 对44年间登陆我国热带气旋降水时空变化特征进行统计分析。结果表明:热带气旋降水与热带气旋登陆活动相一致, 主要发生在5—11月, 其中7—9月为盛期; 热带气旋降水量以及热带气旋暴雨日数的分布是自南向北、从沿海到内陆迅速减小, 最大出现在海南和华南、东南沿海地区; 热带气旋强度越强其最大过程降水一般也就越大, 但是两者并非严格的线性关系; 1960年以来, 我国受热带气旋影响的绝大部分地区热带气旋降水呈波动下降的趋势。  相似文献   

利用2004--2010年时间段的区域自动站雨量资料序列,选择同期登陆台州以南到闽中以北沿海的热带气旋共18例,统计分析其降水的时空分布特征,初步解释了降水分布差异性成因。结果表明:登陆闽北至浙南沿海的热带气旋平均面雨量是登陆闽中沿海的2.1倍。登陆闽北至浙南沿海的热带气旋,登陆前后平均雨量分别占总雨量平均的67%和33%;而登陆闽中沿海的热带气旋,登陆前后平均雨量刚好相反,其比例分别为33%和67%。台州地区热带气旋降水强度与主导风向关系密切,而主导风向则更多取决于登陆区段。  相似文献   

一般认为相似路径台风的影响大致相似,但实际上相似路径台风的风雨分布尤其是暴雨分布往往有很大差异,因此,对相似路径热带气旋“海棠”(0505)和“碧利斯”(0604)暴雨成因的对比分析有助于加强台风暴雨发生机制的认识和预报。“海棠”(0505)和“碧利斯”(0604)逐日降水分布对比分析表明,两者登陆前降水分布类似,而登陆后降水分布差异比较大。利用NCEP/GFS 1 °×1 °分析资料对热带气旋登陆前后天气形势、水汽通量和水汽通量散度进行诊断分析,结果表明:“海棠”(0505)和“碧利斯”(0604)登陆前引起浙闽沿海地区大降水主要是热带气旋外围偏东气流和地形共同影响下形成。“海棠”登陆后,维持在浙江东部沿海东南风急流不断输送水汽到“海棠”倒槽内引起浙东南沿海强降水,深入内陆后,降水主要由“海棠”自身环流携带的水汽辐合引起的,降水比沿海地区明显减弱;而“碧利斯”登陆后,有明显的南海季风环流输送水汽并入热带气旋南侧环流,在其南侧形成偏南风急流,使南侧水汽输送得到明显加强,造成“碧利斯”南侧水汽通量辐合,北侧水汽通量辐散,南侧降水比北侧降水强很多;深入内陆后,“碧利斯”环流仍维持并引导北方槽后弱冷空气渗透到其西南侧,使南侧降水进一步增幅。本文还探讨了包括热带气旋外核在内区域平均垂直风切变和热带气旋强降水落区的关系,结果表明:“海棠”和“碧丽斯”大暴雨落区均对应于暴雨区区域平均垂直风切矢量左侧水汽通量散度负值区。“海棠”垂直风切变矢量平行于移动路径并指向移动路径后方是造成“海棠”强降水分布在其移动路径右侧的重要原因,“碧利斯”垂直风切变矢量平行于移动路径并指向移动路径前方是造成“碧利斯”强降水分布在其移动路径左侧的重要原因。因此,利用垂直风切结合水汽输送条件可以作热带气旋大暴雨落区预报可能是一种比较有效的方法。  相似文献   

对1950-2010年影响浙西南的热带气旋降水的移动路径、影响时间、强度、西风槽、西南季风以及地形等主要因子进行分析.结果表明:在玉环南-厦门一带登陆的热带气旋是影响浙西南的热带气旋中正面影响浙西南的类型,影响时间和最大平均过程降雨量、最大过程雨量存在着正相关关系,热带气旋的强度与其降水强度相关性较高.西风槽的存在不仅影响着热带气旋路径的变化,其槽前的西南气流也为热带气旋降水提供充足的水汽,同时槽后冷空气与热带气旋相结合,使丽水的西北部出现另一个强降水中心.西南季风为登陆后的热带气旋提供了水汽条件,使降水得到增幅.浙西南独特的地形,使在厦门以北到玉环以南登陆后西进、西北行或西北行后在120°E以西转向北上的热带气旋迎着山脉进入,降水强度明显加强.  相似文献   

登陆粤西的热带气旋降水特征分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
利用1949~2000年《热带气旋年鉴》资料,对51年来登陆粤西的热带气旋在陆地维持时间、不同强度的降水之间的分布、相同量级强降水的分布等进行统计分析,揭示登陆粤西热带气旋降水分布实况和特征。结果表明,登陆粤西的热带气旋在登陆后的维持时间和其造成陆地强降水范围成正相关的关系;热带气旋造成不同强度(暴雨、大暴雨、特大暴雨)的降水在其路径左右侧分布,雨强越大,出现的几率越少;热带气旋登陆后造成的暴雨量级降水在热带气旋路径右侧比左侧产生的几率更大;而大暴雨、特大暴雨落在路径左侧的可能性比落在右侧的可能性大。  相似文献   

利用2008—2017年汛期(5—9月)杭州地区自动气象站观测资料和ECMWF ERA-Interim(0. 5°×0. 5°)全球再分析数据,对杭州地区短时强降水日(小时雨强≥20 mm)的分布特征和环流背景进行分析,结果表明:1)杭州地区短时强降水量和发生频次呈现北部大于南部,高值区位于主城区附近。2)造成杭州地区出现短时强降水的天气系统,依据其出现频率,大体可分为西风带低槽型、梅雨锋型、热带气旋型、副高边缘西风急流型和局地强对流型等5类。3)不同天气系统影响时,杭州地区短时强降水时空分布存在差异,时间分布上西风带低槽和副高边缘西风急流影响时,短时强降水主要发生在早晨到上午和傍晚到前半夜,热带气旋和局地强对流影响时降水主要集中在午后到夜里,梅雨锋型降水呈多时段频发的特点;空间分布上西风带低槽型有3个强降雨中心分别位于主城区、淳安南部和临安淳安交界山区;梅雨锋型分布较均匀,大值区位于临安中西部至富阳南部一带;热带气旋型分布呈北多南少,临安天目山区、主城区南部和富阳永安山区是3个中心;副高边缘西风急流型中心位于主城区和余杭区;局地强对流型分布不均匀,大值位于临安天目山区、建德东南部和主城区北部。4)针对不同类型的短时强降水分布特征,提出气象服务适宜采用的服务方式。  相似文献   

利用逐小时风速观测资料以及台风年鉴资料,分析了2008~2014年登陆我国大陆地区的51次热带气旋(TC)的地面风场分布特征,包括TC登陆期间大陆地面风场演变和大风分布特征、海岛站和内陆站的风速差异以及海拔对风力造成的影响等。结果表明:6级及以上大风主要发生在距离TC中心300 km内、TC强度达到台风(TY)以上时,并主要位于TC移动方向的右侧,尤其是右前象限;华南区TC风场分布主要由在此区域登陆的TC(Ⅰ类)造成,较大风速区包括广东西南部沿海、雷州半岛附近和海南西部沿岸;华东区TC风场分布主要由在此区域登陆的TC(Ⅱ类)造成,杭州湾出海口以及浙闽沿海是较大风速区;6级及以上大风广泛分布在华南和华东沿海,6~7级地面大风高频站主要位于杭州湾附近,8级及以上地面大风高频站点在杭州湾和福建沿海分布比广东西南部更为密集;TC登陆前后均可能造成大风,大风出现时间与站点至TC中心的距离密切相关;同等强度TC在海岛站造成的风速比陆地站更大,对高海拔站点造成的风力大于低海拔站点。本文研究结论对于TC大陆地面风场的预报具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

It is generally thought that the influence of comparable track typhoons is approximately similar,but in fact their wind and especially their rainstorm distribution are often very different. Therefore,a contrastive analysis of rainstorms by tropical cyclones (TCs) Haitang (0505) and Bilis (0604),which are of a similar track,is designed to help understand the mechanism of the TC rainstorm and to improve forecasting skills. The daily rainthll of TC itaitang (0505) and Bills (0604) is diagnosed and compared.The result indicates that these two TCs have similar precipitation distribution before landtall but different precipitation characteristics after landthll. Using NCEP/GFS analysis data,the synoptic situation is analyzed; water vapor transportation is discussed regarding the calculated water vapor flux and divergence.The results show that the heavy rainfall in the Zhejiang and Fujian Provinces associated with Haitang (0505) and Bitis (0604) before landlhll results ti'om a peripheral easterly wind,a combination of the tropical cyclone and the terrain. After landthll and moving far inland of the storm,the precipitation of Haitang is caused by water vapor convergence carried by its own circulation; it is much weaker than that in the coastal area. One of the important contributing thctors to heavy rainstorms in southeast Zhejiang is a southeast jet stream,which is maintained over the southeast coast. In contrast,the South China Sea monsoon circulation transports large amounts of water vapor into Bills - when a water-vapor transport belt south of the tropical cyclone significantly strengthens - which strengthens the transport. Then,it causes water vapor flux to converge on the south side of Bilis and diverge on the north side. Precipitation is much stronger on the south side than that on the north side. After Bilis travels far inland,the cold air guided by a north trough travels into the TC and remarkably enhances precipitation. In summary,combining vertical wind shear with water vapor transportation is a good way to predict rainstorms associated with landing tropical cyclones.  相似文献   

In this paper, we apply finite-mixture-model-based clustering algorithms to cluster post-landfall tracks of tropical cyclones (TCs) making landfall over China. Because existing studies find that landfall surfaces or elevations affect post-landfall TC movements, we also take account of elevations in addition to time orders in this model. Our study reveals three clusters, with cluster 1 making landfall in Hainan province and moving across the western coast of Guangdong province. Most of the TC tracks in cluster 1 move over the ocean and make secondary landfalls over Yunnan province of China and Vietnam. Cluster 1 finally dissipates inland and moves westward as a result of the westward-shift subtropical high, westward steering flow, easterly vertical wind shear and strong mountainous blocking. Cluster 2 makes landfall over Guangdong and Fujian provinces. TCs in cluster 2 subsequently move inland and disappear due largely to westward-shift subtropical high, easterly steering flow, easterly vertical wind shear and relatively strong mountainous blocking. Cluster 3 makes landfall along the Fujian and Zhejiang coast and sustains a long period of time, recurving mostly to the mid-latitude region owing to the surrounding eastward-shift subtropical high, westerly vertical wind shear, weak mountainous blocking and westerly steering flow. Because cluster 2 is significantly associated with La Niña events, TCs more likely make landfall over southeastern China coast and move westward or northwestward without recurving. Cluster 3 sustains a longer time than clusters 1 and 2 in spite of its weak horizontal and vertical water vapor supply. TCs in cluster 3 interact actively with westerlies during the post-landfall period. However, we cannot observe any analogous interactions with the mid-latitude westerlies in clusters 1 and 2. TCs of clusters 1 and 2 are influenced by summer monsoon flows. Moreover, summer monsoon exerts a greater influence on cluster 1 than cluster 2. The composite 200 hPa divergence of cluster 3 is stronger than that of clusters 1 and 2. This explains to some degree why cluster 3 sustains longer than clusters 1 and 2 after making landfall.  相似文献   

根据1961—2010年热带气旋资料,按登陆地段或移动路径将登陆影响福建的热带气旋分为11种路径,分析各种路径的致灾因子空间分布特征,结果表明:热带气旋雨灾最严重的区域位于北部和中部沿海,风灾最严重的是南部沿海;从路径来看,降水强度最强是登台入闽北路径,强风区域最大的是直接登陆闽南路径和登台入闽中部路径,风力最强的是登台入闽南路径。采用相关系数客观赋权法建立了致灾因子风险评估模型,分析不同热带气旋路径致灾因子风险等级,登台入闽中和登台入闽北路径风险最大,其次是直接登陆闽南和登陆珠江口及以东路径;高风险区域 (包括次高危险和高危险区) 集中在沿海地区、闽西和闽北的局部。  相似文献   

利用1949~2001年热带气旋年鉴资料,对53年登陆我国并经过内陆湖泊的热带气旋特征进行统计分析.结果表明:登陆过湖泊热带气旋在陆上维持时间长,登陆时强度较强;湖泊地带能延缓登陆TC强度的衰减;热带气旋经过内陆湖泊时大多表现为中心气压维持不变或降低,风速增大;长江中游地区是登陆过湖泊热带气旋消失数最多的区域.  相似文献   

In order to provide an operational reference for tropical cyclone precipitation forecast,this study investigates the spatial distributions of precipitation associated with landfalling tropical cyclones(TCs) affecting China using Geostationary Meteorological Satellite 5(GMS5)-TBB dataset.All named TCs formed over the western North Pacific that made direct landfall over China during the period 2001-2009 are included in this study.Based on the GMS5-TBB data,this paper reveals that in general there are four types of distribution of precipitation related to landfalling TCs affecting China.(a) the South-West Type in which there is a precipitation maximum to the southwestern quadrant of TC;(b) the Symmetrical South Type in which the rainfall is more pronounced to the south side of TC in the inner core while there is a symmetrical rainfall distribution in the outer band region;(c) the South Type,in which the rainfall maxima is more pronounced to the south of TC;and(d) the North Type,in which the rainfall maxima is more pronounced to the north of TC.Analyses of the relationship between precipitation distributions and intensity of landfalling TCs show that for intensifying TCs,both the maximum and the coverage area of the precipitation in TCs increase with the increase of TC intensity over northern Jiangsu province and southern Taiwan Strait,while decreasing over Beibu Gulf and the sea area of Changjiang River estuary.For all TCs,the center of the torrential rain in TC shifts toward the TC center as the intensity of TC increases.This finding is consistent with many previous studies.The possible influences of storm motion and vertical wind shear on the observed precipitation asymmetries are also examined.Results show that the environmental vertical wind shear is an important factor contributing to the large downshear rainfall asymmetry,especially when a TC makes landfall on the south and east China coasts.These results are also consistent with previous observational and numerical studies.  相似文献   

Based on observed rainfall data, this study makes a composite analysis of rainfall asymmetry in tropical cyclones(TCs) after making landfall in Guangdong province(GD) during 1998—2015. There are 3.0 TCs per year on average making landfall in GD and west of GD(WGD) has the most landfall TCs. Most of TCs make landfall in June,July, August, and September at the intensities of TY, STS, and TS. On average, there is more rainfall in the southwest quadrant of TC in CGD(center of GD), WGD, and GD as a whole, and the maximum rainfall is located in the southwest near the TC center. The mean TC rainfall in the east of GD(EGD) leans to the eastern side of TC. The TC rainfall distributions in June, July, August, and September all lean to the southwest quadrant and the maximum rainfall is located in the southwest near the TC center. The same features are found in the mean rainfall of TD, TS, STS, TY,and STY. The maximum rainfall is mainly in the downshear of vertical wind shear. Vertical wind shear is probably the dominate factor that determines asymmetric rainfall distribution of TCs in GD. Storm motion has little connection with TC rainfall asymmetry in GD.  相似文献   

利用1949-2010年热带气旋年鉴资料和常规气象观测资料,对62a来登陆辽宁热带气旋的生成源地、移动路径、登陆地点、登陆强度、登陆后影响时间等进行统计分析,揭示登陆辽宁热带气旋活动特征。结果表明:1949-2010年共有18个热带气旋登陆影响辽宁,66℅以热带低压(TD)的强度登陆,61℅在08-20时之间登陆,78℅在辽宁境内活动时间为6-12h,89℅是在其他地区登陆进入黄渤海后在辽宁再次登陆,大连是登陆次数最多的地区,33℅登陆辽宁后减弱消失,登陆后移动路径主要有向东北向、偏北向、西北向3种移动路径。在此基础上,根据业务需求建立了基于副热带高压、气旋源地和热带气旋前期路径等因子,预报登陆辽宁热带气旋后期走向[0]的预报关键区,为热带气旋预报工作提供参考。  相似文献   

This study identifies favorable synoptic backgrounds for indirect precipitation events over the Korean Peninsula that occur well in advance of tropical cyclone (TC) landfall. Two TCs, i.e., Rammasun (2002) and Maemi (2003) that made landfall and produced heavy rainfall over the Peninsula are compared. Although both had a remarkably similar accumulated rainfall pattern over the peninsula, the temporal evolutions of hourly rainfall were different. Only Maemi had an indirect precipitation event in conjunction with a midlatitude trough to its north. The confluent flows at middle-to-upper levels were strengthened due to the increased pressure gradient between the midlatitude trough and the subtropical high, and the warm advection by the confluent flows also became stronger near the confluent zone. By contrast, Rammasun encountered the subtropical ridge while moving northward, which results in slow recurvature and reduction of the thermal gradient over the peninsula. The highly baroclinic synoptic backgrounds in the Maemi case lead to the midlevel frontogenesis. Budget analyses using the three-dimensional frontogenesis equation revealed that the horizontal deformation forcing had a primary role in generating the front. The front was associated with a thermally direct circulation that contributed to strong ascent and indirect precipitation over the peninsula well in advance of the landfall of Maemi. Moreover, the indirect precipitation could intensify due to the abundant low-level moisture supply to the frontal zone by the southerly wind on the east side of the TC.  相似文献   

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