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A number of general circulation model studies have assessed the impact of degradation of the land surface in the Sahel, mostly with idealized degradation scenarios. This paper builds on the previous research by testing the sensitivity of Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCS) and associated rainfall amounts to observed vegetation changes using a regional atmospheric model. Over the last 20 years, the vegetation in the Sahel has recovered from the drought in the 1980s and vegetation cover values have increased up to 20%. The sensitivity for both a vegetation increase and a decrease by these realistic amounts is investigated. The model simulations span 42 days of the rainy season and are centred over the region of the Hydrological and Atmospheric Pilot Experiment in the Sahel (HAPEX-Sahel), of which the data are used to evaluate model results. The model is able to correctly reproduce rainfall amounts and atmospheric profiles. Total precipitation is found to be insensitive to the applied vegetation changes, but the latter do have an impact on the rainfall patterns and the location of MCS. The model results indicate that the change in vegetation cover influences the MCS in two different ways: Firstly, the vegetation change is found to affect the surface fluxes and this in turn is found to affect the Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) and thereby the strength of the convective systems. The relation between vegetation cover and CAPE turns out to be affected by the time in-between precipitation events. Secondly, a change in atmospheric dynamics, especially the mid-tropospheric zonal flow, is modelled as response to a change in the spatial temperature and humidity distribution. Both mechanisms are likely to play a role in determining the characteristics of the rainfall pattern.  相似文献   

梅雨锋上两类中尺度对流系统形成的边界层特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用具有较高时空分辨率的地面观测资料以及WRF(Weather reasearch and forecasting)模式输出资料,分析了2009年6月29一-30日梅雨锋暴雨过程中两类不同的中尺度对流系统(rnesoscale convective system,MCS)边界层特征及边界层对两类MCS的触发维持机理,重点分析了海平面气压场特征、边界层冷池、干线及其在MCS中的影响。结果表明:两类中尺度对流系统的海平面气压特征存在着明显的差异,对流爆发阶段地面风场存在辐合线,再次激发阶段气压场呈“跷跷板”型的中尺度扰动,即由前置中低压和后置中高压组成,最强的对流带位于中低压和中高压之间的过渡区内;边界层辐合线是第一类中尺度对流系统(MCSl)维持的重要因素;MCSl爆发后边界层冷池生成,冷池前的冷出流与低层环境风产生的强辐合触发了第二类中尺度对流系统(MCS2);存在于中低压和中高压之间的中尺度干线是MCS2的重要特点之一。  相似文献   

李佳英  俞小鼎  王迎春 《气象》2006,32(7):13-17
提高对流天气临近预报准确率的关键问题之一是了解大气的垂直稳定度和垂直风切变。中尺度数值模式产品提供了高时空分辨率的大气稳定度和垂直风切变信息,需要首先检验其精度才能进一步考虑其在对流天气预报中的应用。利用北京加密探空资料检验北京市气象局3km分辨率的MM5模式结果,对强对流天气的背景参数包括温湿风垂直廓线、对流有效位能CAPE和垂直风切变进行模式分析和预报与探空对比检验。结果表明:模式模拟的各种大气廓线中,风廓线和温度廓线都具有一定的参考价值,与实况有较好的一致性,但在廓线出现转折的地方,如:逆温层和风向转折时,模式预报较差。露点(湿度)廓线的预报误差较大,不能反映出真实水汽场的分布。因此,模式预报的深层(地面至500hPa)垂直风切变与探空具有较好的一致性,而模式给出的对流有效位能CAPE由于露点预报结果不理想,其值与实际偏差较大。因此模式输出的对流有效位能CAPE必须经过适当订正才能用于诊断强对流天气发生的可能性。  相似文献   

利用可分辨云模式及中国南海北部试验区加密探空的平均水平风场、位温场和水汽场模拟分析了1998年5月15日至6月11日中国南海北部地区中尺度对流系统(Mesoscal Convective System,简称MCS)中冰相相变潜热对云和降水、辐射传输以及大尺度环境场的影响作用。研究表明,冰相相变潜热总体上不会引起明显的大气辐射通量的变化,但会引起较明显的下垫面热通量的变化。凝华潜热释放显著地增加了大气稳定度,造成对流和下垫面热通量的减弱,从而导致地面降水减小10.11%。碰冻潜热释放也使得大气稳定度增加,不利于中尺度对流系统对流的发展,区域累积降水量减小2.2%。融化潜热的冷却效应,使得融化层以下的大气降温,从而增加了低层大气的不稳定性,有利于海面热通量的输送,导致MCS降水增加4.1%。因此,冰相相变潜热对降水的影响主要是通过影响大气环境稳定,进而影响洋面感热通量和潜热通量的垂直输送和对流的发展,导致区域降水改变。  相似文献   

李强  王秀明  张亚萍  何跃  张勇  黎中菊 《气象》2019,45(2):203-215
利用自动站观测资料、FY-2G卫星资料和多普勒雷达等资料,对发生在副热带高压影响下的重庆局地强风暴过程进行了观测和数值模拟分析,探讨了其中尺度对流系统(MCS)演变,抬升触发和维持机制。结果表明:(1)在副热带高压影响下,重庆处于高温、高湿气团中,大气层结极不稳定;(2)此次局地风暴抬升触发的关键因子是地面附近浅薄边界层中尺度辐合线,辐合线由川渝盆地中西部MCS的雷暴高压与重庆地面热低压共同作用形成;(3)中尺度辐合线触发的对流风暴形成小范围冷池出流与环境风场形成新的辐合线,加强对流风暴发展,并再次触发新的对流单体。承载层平均风为偏南风,使得对流单体向北缓慢移动,冷池出流和边界层辐合线共同作用使得风暴单体向西向北传播和长时间维持。  相似文献   

能量参数在南通地区强对流天气中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对南通地区1991--2003年强对流天气气候特征进行了统计分析;将强对流天气的大范围环流形势作了分型和总结;利用常规观测资料和1°×1°的NCEP再分析资料,通过MMSV3.7高分辨率数值模拟结果,对典型个例进行了分析研究。结果表明:有利的天气系统影响,大气不稳定能量的累积和释放是强对流天气形成的关键条件之一。利用数值模拟结果计算的有效位能、强天气威胁指数等对强对流天气都具有很好的指示意义。  相似文献   

山脉地形对热带风暴Fitow结构和运动影响的数值试验   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
段丽  陈联寿  徐祥德 《气象学报》2006,64(2):186-193
热带风暴自东向西穿越琼州海峡时常常与海南西部的强天气相对应,尤其当风暴中心在海峡中部或海峡西端出口处有向西南方向的偏折时。Fitow(0114)是这类热带风暴的一个典型。通过对Fitow热带风暴的研究和分析,揭示了一个事实:Fitow在沿海峡西行过程中,其外围中尺度结构发生明显变化———风暴中心西南象限有一个中尺度对流(MCS)小涡生成和发展。受到这个诱生MCS小涡的“吸引”,Fitow在穿行海南岛北部和琼州海峡时,路径向西南方向偏折。数值模拟结果表明,海南岛中部的五指山地形对Fitow自东向西穿行海峡时的这种结构变化有显著影响:(1)当热带风暴Fitow(0114)自东向西穿过岛屿北部和琼州海峡时,其外围西北气流与山脉的辐合地带往往会诱生出中尺度强对流涡旋系统(MCS)。这种系统经过尺度分离和滤波处理后便会在山脉西北麓显现出来。(2)MCS小涡只生成在地形高度之下的大气层;地形高度之上并不显现这一小涡。用0高度作敏感试验的结果,在相同位置并不生成这种MCS小涡。(3)诱生小涡(MCS)的存在,对Fitow会产生“吸引”作用,使其向西南方向MCS所在处偏折。且MCS越深厚,维持时间越长,对Fitow中心的“吸引”程度越大,其中心向西南方向的偏折和移动越明显。0.0 km高度无MCS小涡时,Fitow中心并无这种偏折,而是向西北方向移动,在雷州半岛登陆。  相似文献   

利用中国气象局地面自动气象站、探空、天气雷达等观测资料和ERA-Interim再分析资料,分析2016年9月8日川藏高原一次强对流天气过程。结果表明:该过程多站出现8级雷暴大风、10 mm以上小时强降水且伴有最大直径为18 mm的冰雹,是川藏高原一次混合型强对流过程。对流系统发生在500 hPa弱冷平流和低层切变线影响下,中低层深厚湿层、环境中等强度对流有效位能和垂直风切变为超级单体的形成和维持提供有利条件。初始北侧多单体和南侧弱对流在地面辐合线上生成,向东南移入适宜环境后,北侧多单体发展成线状对流系统,与南侧单体合并且促使其迅速发展成超级单体。成熟超级单体低层具有清晰的前侧入流缺口、钩状回波和中气旋特征。强回波区随高度前倾,呈显著的上冲云顶突起、回波悬垂和有界弱回波区。风暴内中层径向辐合、上升气流减弱和反射率因子核心快速下降预示下击暴流的产生。中层干空气的夹卷和水凝物快速下落的拖曳作用加强下沉气流,结合峡谷地形的狭管效应,引起地面大风。  相似文献   

一次MCS过程的卫星云图和数值模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文应用卫星云图与数值模拟结果对2000年6月2日发生的一次影响江苏的江淮气旋暴雨过程进行研究分析,阐述了这次暴雨过程表现的MCS基本特征。分析表明:MCS的形成可以由几个中β尺度对流云或对流带开始,在特定的环境场中汇合成合并;在其发展过程中必须维持湿度平流,低层到中层有暖平流,骨强偏南风急流伸向形成区,同时在其东北方向有一支高空西风急流相耦合;低层的辐合、整层凝结潜热的释放、垂直运动的增强、高层的辐散引起的正反馈机制是MCS发展的动因。  相似文献   

2005年05号台风“海棠”登陆福建后,在外围云系里有1个明显发展的中尺度对流云团经过温州东部及北部地区,引起了强降水。通过分析这次中尺度对流系统的环流形势,得到该次中尺度对流系统的垂直结构特征,并对中尺度强对流系统的形成和发展机制进行研究。结果表明:台风东南急流在温州附近冷区边缘处低层受地形影响发生强烈辐合引起的垂直上升运动和冷暖空气相汇产生的对流不稳定性是台风环流内中尺度对流系统的主要形成机制;对流系统在暖湿空气和冷空气中心交汇处发展,西北侧的冷空气堆迫使暖湿东南气流沿西北倾斜的等熵面爬升,有利于倾斜对流系统的发展;低层条件不稳定区与中层条件对称不稳定区叠加,产生对流对称不稳定,在湿等熵面倾斜引起的涡旋发展的强迫机制下在中层产生范围较广的倾斜上升对流;由于等熵面的倾斜,大气水平风垂直切变或湿斜压性增加,进一步加强涡度的发展,使得对流系统向西北方向发展;另外,源于东南沿海,由台风东南气流输送的水汽为特大暴雨的产生提供了有利的热力条件。  相似文献   

As a follow-up of a previously published article on the synoptic background of the development of the severe convective weather that happened in Chongqing on 6 May 2010, this study further examines the initiation of the severe convective weather via a better high-resolution simulation with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. It is found that the cold front approaching Chongqing from the northwest played a critical role in the initiation of the severe convective weather. As the cold front approached Chongqing, the low-to-mid level updrafts ahead of the front acted to increase the atmospheric lapse rate via the stretching effect, which in combination with the low-level diabatic heating induced by the sensible heat fluxes and infrared radiation emitted from the ground surface led to the continuous decrease of the low-level static stability and the increase of the convective available potential energy (CAPE) in Chongqing area. This provided necessary unstable energy for the development of deep moist convection. Furthermore, along with the reaching of a nearly east-west-oriented mesoscale convergence line from the southeast of Chongqing, the outflow right above the cold front began to interact with that above the mesoscale convergence line and induced distinct convergence at the altitude of approximately 1-2 km in the triangular area sandwiched by the cold front and the mesoscale convergence line. It is found that the updrafts associated with this convergence provided lifting necessary for the initiation of the severe convection. The sensitivity experiment without the terrain west of Chongqing indicates that the local topography did not play an important role in the initiation of this severe convective weather.  相似文献   

对2005-2007年4-9月安徽省冰雹、雷雨大风等强对流天气日数进行统计,分析了基于探空资料计算的不稳定指标与强对流天气发生的关系。结果表明:K指数、A指数、沙氏指数和对流有效位能、归一化对流有效位能和对流抑制能量这几个指标对于强对流天气指示意义较好。基于此结果,挑选K指数、沙氏指数和对流有效位能针对不同季节划分闽值,建立强对流天气潜势预警指标,并利用中尺度模式MM5的数值预报产品计算该指标,对2005—2010年13个强对流天气过程预报结果进行对比检验表明。MM5模式给出的强对流天气潜势预警产品对大多数过程均能起到预警作用。对其中两次强对流天气过程分析表明,模式具备预报强对流发生潜势的能力,预报结果对强对流天气发生的时间、落区有预警意义。  相似文献   

对2005-2007年4-9月安徽省冰雹、雷雨大风等强对流天气日数进行统计,分析了基于探空资料计算的不稳定指标与强对流天气发生的关系。结果表明:K指数、A指数、沙氏指数和对流有效位能、归一化对流有效位能和对流抑制能量这几个指标对于强对流天气指示意义较好。基于此结果,挑选K指数、沙氏指数和对流有效位能针对不同季节划分阈值,建立强对流天气潜势预警指标,并利用中尺度模式MM5的数值预报产品计算该指标,对2005-2010年13个强对流天气过程预报结果进行对比检验表明,MM5模式给出的强对流天气潜势预警产品对大多数过程均能起到预警作用。对其中两次强对流天气过程的进一步分析表明,模式具备预报强对流发生潜势的能力,预报结果对强对流天气发生的时间、落区有预警意义。  相似文献   

The cumulus merging processes in generating the mesoscale convective system (MCS) on 23 August 2001 in the Beijing region are studied by using a cloud-resolving mesoscale model of MM5. The results suggest that the merger processes occurred among isolated convective cells formed in high mountain region during southerly moving process play critical role in forming MCS and severe precipitating weather events such as hailfall, heavy rain, downburst and high-frequency lightning in the region. The formation of the MCS experiences multi-scale merging processes from single-cell scale merging to cloud cluster-scale merging, and high core merging. The merger process can apparently alter cloud dynamical and microphysical properties through enhancing both low- and middle-level forcing. Also, lightning flash rates are enhanced by the production of more intense and deeper convective cells by the merger process, especially by which, the more graupel-like ice particles are formed in clouds. The explosive convective development and the late peak lightning flash rate can be found during merging process.  相似文献   

The results are presented ofmodeling the formation and evolution ofmesoscale convective systems (MCS) accompanied by severe weather events over the territory of the Western Urals by the WRF-ARW numerical model of the atmosphere. Twenty-three cases of mesoscale convective complexes and mesoscale squall lines are considered for 2002-2015. The Terra/Aqua MODIS data, the data of weather radars installed in Perm and Izhevsk, and the data from the Roshydromet observation network were used to verify the model forecasts. It is demonstrated that the parameters of MCS intensity are simulated by the model with high reliability; however, the quality of the forecast of the spatial position of MCS is unsatisfactory in most cases. It is revealed that the model grid spacing strongly affects the forecast skill scores. In some cases the model successfully simulates the formation and evolution of MCS accompanied by severe weather events and can be used for their short-range forecast with the time accuracy of ±(1-2) hours.  相似文献   

The conventional and intensive observational data of the China Heavy Rain Experiment and Study (CHeRES) are used to specially analyze the heavy rainfall process in the mei-yu front that occurred during 20-21 June 2002, focusing on the meso-β system. A mesoscale convective system (MCS) formed in the warm-moist southwesterly to the south of the shear line over the Dabie Mountains and over the gorge between the Dabie and Jiuhua Mountains. The mei-yu front and shear line provide a favorable synoptic condition for the development of convection. The GPS observation indicates that the precipitable water increased obviously about 2 3 h earlier than the occurrence of rainfall and decreased after that. The abundant moisture transportation by southwesterly wind was favorable to the maintenance of convective instability and the accumulation of convective available potential energy (CAPE). Radar detection reveals that meso-β and -γ systems were very active in the Mα CS. Several convection lines developed during the evolution of the MαCS, and these are associated with surface convergence lines. The boundary outflow of the convection line may have triggered another convection line. The convection line moved with the mesoscale surface convergence line, but the convective cells embedded in the convergence line propagated along the line. On the basis of the analyses of the intensive observation data, a multi-scale conceptual model of heavy rainfall in the mei-yu front for this particular case is proposed.  相似文献   

青藏高原上中尺度对流系统(MCSs)的个例分析及其比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对1995年7月25—28日高原上连续数日出现MCSs的现象进行了红外云图特征及其演变、大尺度环境背景场和对流有效位能的分析。可以发现,所有这些MCSs有着相似的日变化演变过程;它们的初始对流在中午由于日射加热开始活跃,之后迅速发展,这些MCSs在后下午形成,在傍晚达到最强,之后逐渐减弱。其中26日MCS最为强大,它是在单一的强大的近于圆形的高原反气旋高压背景下受强的低层热力强迫和条件不稳定的驱动而发生的。这些发生条件都与高原本身的热力作用紧密相关,所以它的发生发展主要与高原特有的较为纯粹的热力因子相联系。28日MCS是另一个很强的MCS,它明显地受到中纬度西风槽的斜压区的影响,这二个很强的MCS有着不同的发展机制和显著不同的表现特征。  相似文献   

A study has been carried out in León (in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula) on atmospheric convection during summer periods, by analyzing the values of the Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) around 07:00 UTC. The project analyzed the data provided by a network of voluntary observers, a hailpad network, and a meteorological station on a sample of 224 days. The CAPE values found were not high: they never reached 2000 J/kg, not even on hail days, i.e. on days with high convective activity. These values are much lower than the ones measured in convective situations in tropical regions, but they are within the usual values found in Europe. The same happens with the wet bulb potential temperature measured in León. The frequency distribution of the CAPE values shows a clear prevalence of very low or zero values. The group of days with the lowest CAPE value is that which included days with no storm. The mean value increases on storm days, and it is even higher for the days with recorded hailfalls. All these differences are significantly marked. Nevertheless, the differences across the years are not significant enough to be able to speak of an influence of the climatic change on the CAPE. The correlation of the CAPE with some of the variables previously used for hail forecasts was analyzed, and the correlation found was higher for the lifted index. The possible use of the CAPE as a thunderstorm and hailstorm forecasting method was considered. The results were encouraging, especially for hail forecasting, although the CAPE should not be used as the only variable, but combined with other parameters. Moreover, the relationships between the CAPE and the wet bulb potential temperature and between the CAPE and the physical parameters of the hailstones were also analyzed. A relationship was observed with the parameters of the hailstone size distribution. Nonetheless, these results are provisional, and they should be confirmed by analyzing a more representative sample. With a more detailed analysis of these and other relationships, the present forecast model used by the Laboratory for Atmospheric Physics at the University of León is expected to be greatly improved by including the CAPE in this model.  相似文献   

摘要:利用西安多普勒天气雷达、L波段风廓线雷达和加密自动站探测资料,结合天气实况,对2018年7月26日发生在陕西一次副热带高压影响下的的强风暴过程进行了中尺度分析。结果表明:(1)本次强风暴伴随的阵风锋共维持了4h,其中有3h出现7级以上的大风,且最大风力10级。(2)在副热带高压影响下,陕西处于高温、高湿气团中,大气层结极不稳定。(3)此次强风暴在高的对流有效位能环境下(CAPE)下,抬升触发的关键因子是关中地区中尺度辐合线,当初生的对流云团下山后,中尺度辐合线触发的对流风暴形成小范围冷池出流与环境风场形成新的辐合线,加强对流风暴发展。(4)当阵风锋移动过程中遇到前方的对流云团时,将低层暖湿空气抬升,并随着上升气流输送到主体对流风暴中,迅速补充了主体风暴的能量,使得主体风暴再次强烈发展,延长了阵风锋的生命史。  相似文献   

利用自动气象站、多普勒雷达、FY4A、ECMWF模式、NCEP再分析资料,对2020年7月17—19日特大暴雨过程进行分析。结果表明:特大暴雨出现在安徽大别山附近和庐江两地,是中尺度气旋扰动环境下准静止的中尺度对流系统(MCS)以及MCS中准静止的涡旋状单体所产生。特大暴雨在高能量、强不稳定背景下,由中部和东部的中尺度气旋传播所致。中尺度气旋传播过程中单体不断新生、合并增强且移动缓慢,配合急流、辐合、干侵入、垂直环流等因素对组织化的MCS发展演变起到相当作用。低层切变线南侧到华南的西南急流,将水汽输送到安徽并在此有强烈辐合;高空、低空和超低空都存在急流,高低空急流耦合加剧MCS的强烈发展;地面辐合线是前期MCS的触发机制,伴随干冷空气的入侵,加大了大气的斜压性和MCS的对流不稳定;梅雨锋南北两侧都有垂直环流圈,即对流与高空急流之间通过对流加热在高空急流入口处产生热成风调整,维持梅雨锋的发展演变,强的上升下沉运动促进MCS的加强和降水的连续发生;大别山地形抬升和上游狭管效应是两地特大暴雨诱因。  相似文献   

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