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47年来深圳的严重气象灾害及其规律(二)(天气篇)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用深圳47年的各类气候系列资料,分析8~10年一遇的严重气候灾害及其规律,包括冷冬、多雨、多雷暴、干旱、多台风等,用最大熵谱分析方法研究了各序列的周期振荡,同时扼要分析了各类严重天气灾害。  相似文献   

2005年华东稻飞虱灾害气象成因及减灾对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2005年夏末秋初我国华东地区发生了一次近10年来最严重的稻飞虱灾害,影响时间长,田间虫量高,迁入峰次多,灾害面积广,稻谷减产严重。对稻飞虱灾害气象成因进行综合分析,并提出了减轻和防御稻飞虱灾害的对策建议。  相似文献   

山东省气象灾害特征与对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了更好地抗御自然灾害,分析和总结了山东省近40年气象灾害之特征,它们是:灾害种类多、范围广、频次多、持续时间长、具有群发性和诱发性、灾情严重等。同时,也提出了灾害性天气预测、防灾减灾措施等方面的建议。  相似文献   

近百年来中国的严重气候灾害   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
根据1880~1997年的各种气候序列,研究了118年中的严重气候灾害.这里严重有两重意义,首先是影响面广,其次是强度大.因此只研究了冷冬、冷夏、多台风、全国多雨、干旱及长江与黄河多雨、干旱等9种气候灾害.以大约10年一遇为严重灾害,以30~40年一遇为异常灾害.给出各种灾害出现的年份,扼要地分析了各种灾害出现的规律及可能的形成原因.  相似文献   

武汉市近百年气温变化特征   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
郑祚芳  祁文  张秀丽 《气象》2002,28(7):18-21
利用小波分析等方法对武汉市1906-2000年的气温资料进行了分析,发现武汉市气温变化具有明显的阶段性和突变性特征,气温气候基本态在20世纪经历了低、高、低、高4个阶段,目前处于高基本态高变率时段。揭示了气温变化的多时间尺度特点,年气温存在65年、33年、18年左右的主要周期,冬季气温存在67年、27年、18年、13年、7年左右的主要周期。分析了武汉市近百年来严重冷暖冬事件出现的规律和特征。  相似文献   

国家级、区域级和省级大气成分轨道建设包括各类大气成分的观测分析、预警预报、评估与服务。2006年在全国范围有力地推进各级大气成分轨道建设,在我国开始了真正意义上的大气成分网络化观测,包括观测网的规划设计、科技支撑、质量保证、人员分级培训;观测与分析技术和标校方法的研发、系列标准规范的编制;大气成分预报预测方法及预报系统的研发,形成了多项预报与服务业务产品。  相似文献   

马清霞 《气象》2002,28(12):11-14
2001年夏季,内蒙古地区发生了继1999、2000年连续两年的干旱之后的较为严重的全区性干旱。通过分析2001年内蒙古地区夏季气候特征及预测信息,研究内蒙古夏季(1739-2000年中西部地区、1774-2000年东部地区)旱涝气候变化规律,探讨影响内蒙古地区夏季干旱前期信息的变化特征。结果表明,严重干旱年多发生在La Nina事件峰值年次次,环流特征为北半球极涡强度前冬弱后冬强,自上年5月至当年4月呈现出鄂霍次克海高压偏强副高偏弱,并持续3-7个月,继而转成鄂霍次克海高压偏弱副高偏强,并持续2-6个月,可将这些特征作为内蒙古地区夏季严重干旱的前兆信号。  相似文献   

聊城市近30年来降水变化特征及趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1971-2000年聊城市8个气象站降水资料,分析了自然降水的宏观特征与变化趋势,并分别统计了各类天气系统对降水的影响;在此基础上进一步研究了各类降水云系的时空分布特征及与降水的关系。结果表明:聊城市30年来降水总体呈下降趋势,降水局地差异明显。近10年降水有所增加的主要原因是气旋活动增加、积云类对流性降水加强。  相似文献   

陈烈庭 《大气科学》2001,25(2):184-192
1997/1998年冬季青藏高原大部地区积雪异常偏多,出现了历史上罕见的严重雪灾。作者在回顾关于青藏高原雪盖与中国季风雨关系的基础上,分析了1998年夏季各月中国东部降水分布和主要雨带移动的特点,并与青藏高原多雪年夏季我国主要雨带活动的统计特征进行对比分析,探讨了1998年夏季长江流域洪涝的成因。结果表明,1998年夏季降水的一些重要特征:如6月强降雨出现在湖南、江西、浙江一线,7月二度梅发生在湖南北部、湖北南部、江西北部一带,8月长江上游、汉水流域和黄淮地区降水频繁,以及夏季我国主要雨带北移明显推迟,都与多雪年的情况非常相似。突出地反映了1998年夏季长江流域洪涝的发生,前期冬季青藏高原出现的积雪异常起着重要的作用。多雪年夏季西太平洋副热带高压北移也明显偏迟,致使中国主要雨带持续偏南,造成长江流域降水异常偏多。另外,分析表明,它还与1997年强厄尔尼诺的共同作用有密切关系。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地沙暴的分布特征及危险性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对塔里木盆地周边20多个气象台站30年沙暴日数和3年历时资料,以及塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地科考站3年的沙暴日数、历时等资料分析,给出了沙暴的时空分布特征,提出了沙暴危险性气候分级指标和天气强度等级指标,并进行了沙暴的潜在危害评价。着重探讨了危害最严重的塔中地区沙暴的历时、强度、风况特征。  相似文献   

Severe droughts have affected much of Europe over the last 40 years. A limitation to current understanding of droughts is based around drought characteristics (e.g. frequency, severity and duration) as there are limited long series (>100 years) with well documented severe droughts. This is further complicated with future climate projections, and the potential implications that these will have on drought characteristics. This paper presents reconstructed drought series from 1697, 1726 and 1767 to 2011 for three sites in southeast England. Precipitation and temperature series are reconstructed to generate long drought series using the self-calibrated Palmer Drought Severity Index, enabling determination of drought characteristics. The reconstructions identify multiple drought-rich periods, 1730–1760 and 1890-present, with an increasing tendency towards more severe droughts during the latter period. Prolonged rainfall deficiencies are found to be the primary cause of severe droughts, with rising temperatures increasing soil moisture deficit, therefore intensifying drought conditions. Cycles at the 6–10 year period identify a sub-decadal to decadal signal during drought-rich periods. Analysis of the spatial variability of droughts finds that whilst severe events are predominantly regionally coherent, there are notable variations in severity and duration between sites, which are attributed to localised rainfall variability. This study extends the temporal range of previous drought studies and places recent drought events in a longer context improving upon existing ‘benchmark’ drought analyses in southeast England; with far-reaching implications for local, national and continental scale reduction of drought vulnerability and risk.  相似文献   

Increasing frequency, intensity and duration of severe weather events are posing major challenges to global food security and livelihoods of rural people. Agriculture has evolved through adaptation to local circumstances for thousands of years. Local experience in responding to severe weather conditions, accumulated over generations and centuries, is valuable for developing adaptation options to current climate change. This study aimed to: (i) identify tree species that reduce vulnerability of cropping systems under climate variability; and (ii) develop a method for rapidly assessing vulnerability and exploring strategies of smallholder farmers in rural areas exposed to climate variability. Participatory Rural Appraisal methods in combination with Geographical Information Systems tools and statistical analysis of meteorological data were used to evaluate local vulnerability to climate change and to investigate local adaptation measures in two selected villages in Vietnam, one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change. The low predictability of severe weather events makes food crops, especially grain production, insecure. This study shows that while rice and rain-fed crops suffered over 40 % yield losses in years of extreme drought or flood, tree-based systems and cattle were less affected. 13 tree species performed well under the harsh local climate conditions in home and forest gardens to provide income, food, feed and other environmental benefits. Thus, this research suggests that maintenance and enhancement of locally evolved agroforestry systems, with high resilience and multiple benefits, can contribute to climate change adaptation.  相似文献   

The ten-year mean anomalies of seasonal and annual temperatures were reconstructed on the basis ofhistorical documents of cold events such as severe snowing and freezing of lakes and rivers.The assorted eventswere calibrated with instrumental observations of temperature and transformed into ten-year mean anomalies.The reconstructed temperature series show predominance of cold climate in the first four hundred years of theperiod examined.The centenary seasonal temperature anomalies for the 16th to the 19th century vary between-0.1 and -0.7K.The coldest decades concentrated in the middle of 17th and 19th centuries.It provided theirrefutable evidence of the occurrence of the Little Ice Age in China.The minima of ten-year mean temperatureanomalies ranged about -1.5 to 2.0K in spring and winter.Meanwhile,the variance of ten-year mean tempera-ture was increased by more than 20% in comparison to the 20th century.  相似文献   

Reporting the links (or lack of them) between human-induced climate change and individual extreme weather events poses a series of challenges for journalists. In recent years, their task has become more complicated by the increase in the number of extreme event attribution (EEA) studies which assess how climate change is affecting the intensity or likelihood of specific weather events. Such studies are complex, contain uncertainties, and can be difficult to explain to a lay audience. Previous scholarship has largely focused on media coverage of extreme events in developed countries, and on the volume of coverage of the links to climate change, without examining references to EEA studies. To help fill this gap, we take India as our case study, and the mainstream media coverage there of the Chennai rainfall event and the heat wave in Andhra Pradesh in 2015. Both events were subject to attribution studies. Amongst our findings are that journalists most commonly used generic phrases to describe the link between such events and climate change; politicians and NGOs often ‘blamed’ climate change without reference to the science; and relevant EEA studies were seldom quoted. Based on our findings, we make some preliminary recommendations for training journalists in India and elsewhere to support accurate reporting of extreme events and their possible linkages to climate change.  相似文献   

1994年世界气候概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
庄丽莉 《气象》1995,21(4):29-32
1994年,世界气候普遍偏暖。欧亚大陆中南部,北美大陆西部、南美阿根延中北部、非洲西北部、大洋洲澳大利亚西南部和太平洋岛屿一些国家和地区的许多测站年平均气温大多比常年偏高0.5-1.0℃,部分地区偏高2.0℃。北半球中纬度地区夏季因副热带高压异常偏强、位置异常偏北,高温热浪席卷了东亚,欧洲至北美大陆的大片地区。日本、韩国、中国、波兰、德国、丹麦等国若干测站盛夏高温为近几十年乃至上百年一遇。年内,全  相似文献   

利用全国754站逐日最高气温观测序列,在论证极端温度概率分布与非平稳性关系的基础上,构建和比较了多种非平稳广义极值模型,定义了极端高温的动态重现期和重现水平,提出了一种极端高温事件的新型评估思想和方法,并将其应用于极端气候变化研究。通过该方法可以更好地解释极端事件的真实极端性,有效地增强极端事件之间的可比性,从而保留更多历史极端气候事件的信息。动态重现期的变换运用可对当前极端事件发生的真实状态和趋势提出更准确评估。该方法的提出可有效澄清学术领域和公共舆论对于多年一遇极端事件的理解上长期混淆重现期的绝对值和概率性这一分歧和谬误。  相似文献   

2006年极端天气和气候事件及其他相关事件的概要回顾   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
2006年1月中旬欧洲东部地区经历10年来的最低温天气;2月,非洲南部地区遭遇20年以来的最强降水;2006年上半年美国路易斯安那州经历111年来最干旱的时期;7月,欧美地区经历破纪录的高温炎热天气;菲律宾、印尼、印度等东南亚国家遭受暴雨洪灾。2006年春季,我国北方地区遭受18次沙尘天气的侵袭;夏季重庆等地区遭遇百年一遇的大旱;我国东南沿海等地受到多次强台风袭击;波及全国31个省(市、区)的冰雹、雷雨等强对流天气……。2006年是全球有气象记录以来的第6个高温年,极端天气和气候灾害并没有缓和的迹象;我国又经历了许多极端天气和气候灾害。  相似文献   

广西2007年气候特点及其影响评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
2007年,广西全区平均气温比常年偏高、平均降水量比常年偏少、平均日照时数比常年偏多。年内出现近十年少见的春季"倒春寒"以及暴雨洪涝、干旱、高温天气、热带气旋、强对流天气等天气气候事件。除干旱较常年偏重、高温天气较常年偏多外,其它灾害属正常到偏轻年份。气候对农业、旅游业的影响属正常稍好年景,对人体健康、交通运输、盐业的影响属偏好年景,对水电的影响属偏差年景。  相似文献   

近年来,城市气候变化问题引起高度关注.综合IPCC第一工作组第六次评估报告(IPCC AR6)关于气候变暖背景下城市对极端天气气候事件影响的评估,本文得到以下科学认识:城市化加剧了局部气候变暖,全球许多城市都面临更多更强的高温热浪事件;城市化使得诸多城市区域及其下风向极端降水增加,地表径流加强;沿海城市受到日益加剧的与...  相似文献   

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