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A criterion ratio is proposed which allows to estimate the possibility of origination of avalanche-like motion of a mudflow with hyperconcentration of debris in a certain mudflow-bearing watercourse.  相似文献   

Considered is the method of determination of atmospheric turbidity using weak lidar signals when the problem is mathematically incorrect due to the presence of the background noise. An accuracy of the method can be increased by means of using the procedure of effective averaging and linear approximation of the transmission in the case of the low attenuation coefficient.  相似文献   

简要比较了中国科学院大气物理研究所对2005年夏季中国降水跨季度预测与实况的异同,并对2005年夏季我国主要雨带及降水偏少区的形成与东亚热带、副热带以及中高纬度大气环流系统的配置进行了分析。对2005年夏季西太平洋副高的异常活动预测不好,这是造成跨季度降水预测有失误之处的主要原因之一。2005年夏季在亚洲对流层中高层,沿着副热带急流轴准静止Rossby波有几次能量传播过程,西太平洋副高的北抬与西伸与副热带急流中Rossby波的活动强度有一定的对应关系,因而产生了亚洲不同地区高影响性的灾害性天气。  相似文献   

陕西冬季一次大雾天气生消机制的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
林杨  沈桐立  邓小丽  胡琳 《高原气象》2010,29(2):437-446
利用非静力平衡中尺度模式WRF、NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料及常规观测资料,对2005年12月30~31日发生在陕西的大雾天气过程进行了数值模拟,分析了大雾天气过程形成的主要原因及雾的生消机制。结果表明,WRF模式能较好地模拟出雾的水平分布特征、强度和生消过程,反映出实际雾的生消变化规律。适当提高模式水平分辨率能较明显地改进模拟效果。这次大雾为平流辐射雾,长波辐射冷却是大雾形成和发展的主要原因。逆温层的发展、维持和近地面层较高的相对湿度对雾的产生和发展起着重要作用。近地面层有弱的水汽辐合是大雾发展和维持的主要原因之一。大雾形成和发展阶段,900 hPa以下的辐合上升运动和900 hPa以上的辐散下沉运动有利于在上升和下沉运动区的界面层中形成逆温层,逆温层的形成有利于低层水汽的积累。随着高空转为辐合上升运动,900 hPa以下为辐散下沉运动,接着日出后,太阳短波辐射增温等的共同作用,使逆温减弱直至被破坏。中高云的存在影响了近地面层逆温的形成和加强,推迟了雾的形成和消散。暖平流的输入有利于逆温层的形成发展。  相似文献   

Issues concerning the growth and biological time of agricultural crops are under consideration. A closed system of equations is derived for calculating total dry biomass and biological time of plants. The model parameters are given, and the model is verified based on the experimental data of observations of the sunflower in the southern conditions of the Ukraine.  相似文献   

基于球载式下投北斗探空仪测风观测试验,建立了针对下投式的测风试验评估方法.试验结果表明上升段北斗测风的准确度接近RS92探空仪的探测准确度要求,两者一致性较好;下降段RS92测风误差基本上与上升段的属于同一量级水平,下降初期测风数据在使用时需要做预处理或者有效控制;下降段BD探空仪测风误差与下降段RS92的基本相当,除了球炸初期外,基本上接近WMO的测量要求,此外初期的急速下降对导航定位测风提出了更高的技术要求.整体而言,球载式下投探空观测在时间上可以实现对原有的1次探空进行加密,在空间上可以增加1个区域的探测,并为对现有探空站网分布进行合理优化提供依据,具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

罗怀洁  林鸿钧 《气象》2005,31(8):50-53
介绍湿度测量不确定度评定的一般方法和基本模式,以及评定过程中所应注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

疏勒河上游流域多年冻土区辐射变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2008年7月-2010年10月祁连山区西段疏勒河上游流域多年冻土区苏里梯度观测系统的辐射数据,分析了该区域的辐射变化特征.结果表明,向下短波辐射、向下和向上长波辐射、净辐射月总量季节性变化明显,冬、春季较小,夏、秋季较大;向上短波辐射月总量的季节变化不明显.日平均向下短波辐射、向下和向上长波辐射有明显的季节变化,1月或12月达到最小值,6月或7月达到峰值;1-3月和12月日平均向上短波辐射振幅变化较小,而4月和10月则变化较大.净辐射日变化冬、春季较小,且振幅也较小,夏、秋季较大,且振幅也较大;辐射四分量的日变化都呈单峰型.生长季节的地表反照率较小,非生长季较大;每年10月地表反照率的日平均变化起伏较大,日变化基本呈“U”形,早晚高、中午低.  相似文献   

利用1995年7~9月、1996年7~8月24~144h、1000~500hPa的T106格点资料与赣南17个县(市)的最高、最低、平均温度作相关分析;用逐步回归方法建立了分县逐日滚动预报方程。并用1996年9月份T106格点资料对方法进行检验,同时对预报方法及T106产品在温度预报中的释用能力作了初步分析。  相似文献   

热带气旋眼墙非对称结构的研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
热带气旋的眼墙非对称结构与其发展过程密切相关。在热带气旋移动过程中,非对称风场伴随着边界层内非对称摩擦而引起的辐合,影响着热带气旋眼墙内的对流分布。此外,风垂直切变作为影响热带气旋强度的重要因子,将上层暖心吹离表层环流,引起眼墙垂直运动的非对称,导致云、降水在方位角方向的非均匀分布。当存在平均涡度的径向梯度时,罗斯贝类型的波动可以存在于涡旋内核区域,影响眼墙非对称结构。海洋为热带气旋提供潜热和感热形式的能量,是热带气旋发展的重要能量来源,关于海洋如何影响热带气旋眼墙非对称结构的相关研究较少。文中着重回顾了热带气旋与海洋相互作用的研究成果,并提出海洋影响热带气旋眼墙非对称结构的机制。海洋对热带气旋最显著的响应特征是冷尾效应,该效应通过降低海表温度,减少海洋向大气输送的潜热和感热,从而影响热带气旋眼墙非对称结构。此外,海浪改变海表粗糙度,通过边界层影响移动热带气旋的眼墙结构。  相似文献   

Criteria of the free meandering tracks of typhoons are derived from the general solutions of typhoon motion equations. It is suggested that the meandering motion of a typhoon is caused by the combination of the internal force, the initial speed of the typhoon and the average pressure gradient force of the typhoon volume affected by the environmental pressure field. It is also revealed that under specified circumstances, the meandering may be caused only by the typhoon’s internal force. Finally two examples of fitting calculation are given for illustration.  相似文献   

差分吸收光谱技术(DOAS)已经被广泛用于各种污染气体浓度的测量,其中影响其测量精度的主要因素就是气体吸收截面的测量.利用Lambert Beer 吸收定律以及自主设计的测量装置对大气的主要污染气体NO的吸收截面进行了测量,并采用多项式拟合的方法提高了测量的精度,根据所测得的吸收截面反演了NO气体的浓度值,取得了良好的效果.  相似文献   

Presented is a review of the results of the studies that have been carried out in recent 15 years at the Hydrometcenter of Russia and deal with the objective analysis of atmospheric fronts and with diagnostic computations on the base of the results obtained. A unique experiment on the quantitative estimation of the measure of subjectivity of the frontal analysis carried out by weather forecasters in operational mode was accomplished in the process of the method development. Differences turned out to be so significant that no concrete synoptic archive can be considered as a source of actual data on the position of fronts. At the same time, the degree of agreement between different forecasters concerning the position of primary cold and warm fronts remains practically significant. The statistical method of objective analysis of atmospheric frontal zones is worked out as a method of postprocessing the results of numerical forecast (objective analysis) of the fields of pressure (geopotential), temperature, and humidity. The proposed method was operationally tested and recommended for the operational use by the Roshydromet Central Methodological Committee for Hydrometeorological and Heliophysical Forecasts. The data on precipitation at the stations (a degree of precipitation intensity on the front characterizes its activity) are used as a predictant (criterion of the absence or presence of a front). The frontal parameter initially obtained as a probability of the fact that the forecaster draws the front through the given grid cell is (in its physical essence) a quantitative characteristic of baroclinity near the surface and in the layers of 850-500 and 925-700 hPa and of cyclonicity of the surface pressure field. This variable turned out to be an effective diagnostic characteristic of baroclinic forcing of vertical circulations and formation of clouds and precipitation in frontal zones. The spectra of the frequency of precipitation of various intensity for different seasons and regions of the European part of the former USSR are constructed using the long-term data on two main characteristics of precipitation forcing, namely, the frontal parameter and the height of the convection level. Given are other potential application areas of the frontal parameter including the verification of numerical models.  相似文献   

It is shown that the influence of coherence of radiometeorological parameters on errors in their sample statistical characteristics must be taken into account. Formulas are proposed for estimating errors in calculating the mean and standard deviations of radiometeorological parameters with consideration of their coherence. It is shown that these errors under particular conditions may be 1.5 to 2 times as large as those calculated without taking into account their coherence.  相似文献   

在四川甘孜、阿坝、凉山三个少数民族自治州中,选取石渠、色达、理塘、稻城等八个气象站地面上温度、露点、降水量、风速等气象要素,通过计算得到相对湿度后,自动替换生成最近连续五天的与草原火险有关的气象资料库.通过干燥度指数计算得着火指标,风湿指数计算得蔓延指数;通过着火指数(蔓延指数)与着火(蔓延)阀值的比较得出着火(蔓延)等级初值;再通过降水量的客观预报值对其初值进行修订得出未来24小时川西高原草原着火、蔓延危害等级预报.以上全过程均自动实现.  相似文献   

菏泽市小麦干热风气候特征分析及预报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张翠英 《山东气象》2004,24(2):46-47
根据1954-2001年菏泽市小麦干热风气象资料,分析了小麦干热风的气候特征,通过相关分析寻找干热风发生前期的显著相关因子,用逐步回归的方法建立干热风发生日数预报方程,拟合效果较好。  相似文献   

Review of measurements of the RF spectrum of radiation from lightning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary A review is presented of the measurements reported in the literature of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation from lightning in the frequency range from 1 kHz to 1 GHz. Measurements have been made either by monitoring the power received at inidividual frequencies using a narrow bandwidth recording device or by recording the transient (time dependent) radiation with a wide bandwidth device and then Fourier transforming the waveform to obtain a spectrum. Measurements of the first type were made extensively in the 1950's and 1960's and several composite spectra have been deduced by normalizing the data of different investigators to common units of bandwidth and distance. The composite spectra tend to peak near 5 kHz and then decrease roughly as 1/(frequency) up to nearly 100 MHz where scatter in the data make the behaviour uncertain. The spectrum obtained with measurements of the second type is similar. Recent experiments have extended the frequency range covered to several 10's of MHz and include spectra for return strokes, the stepped leader and for some intracloud processes. The spectrum of first return strokes obtained in this manner is very similar to the spectrum of the composite flash obtained from the narrowband measurements.With 9 Figures  相似文献   

小麦腥黑穗病气象条件分析及防治措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要通过对晋城市2005年、2006年及历年平均气象要素与农业气象观测资料对比,分析气象条件对小麦腥黑穗病农业病害的影响程度,从而提出治理对策。  相似文献   

国内民航机场主要使用的雨量观测设备为芬兰维萨拉公司生产的RG13型雨量传感器,为保证雨量测量数据的真实可靠,对其测量结果的不确定度分析很有必要。根据自动气象站现场校准方法,分别进行大雨强和小雨强的重复测试,并依据JJF1059.1-2012测量不确定度的评定与表示要求,进行A类不确定度评定。分析测量过程中的B类不确定度来源,进行B类评定,最终给出扩展不确定度。结果表明:在小雨强下,测量不确定度为U95=0.17mm,包含因子k=2。在大雨强下,测量不确定度为U95=0.16mm,包含因子k=2。该研究完善了雨量传感器的现场校准工作流程,对雨量传感器测量结果的可信度评定具有参考价值。  相似文献   

利用玉屏国家地面气象观测站1961—2016年逐日平均气温资料,采用《气候季节划分》(QX/T15—2012)方法,对玉屏县四季起始日期及长度进行分析。结果表明:(1)玉屏县常年四季起始日期:入春3月5日,入夏5月23日,入秋9月22日,入冬11月28日;四季长度:春季79 d,夏季122 d,秋季67 d,冬季97 d。(2)56 a来玉屏县春季起始日期呈提前趋势,长度呈增加趋势,两者均在20世纪90年代前后出现了转折,但未发生气候突变;夏季起始日期及长度趋势变化不明显;秋季起始日期呈推后趋势,长度变化不明显;冬季起始日期变化不明显,长度呈减少趋势;春季长度增加、冬季长度减少主要为春季起始日期提前所致。(3)玉屏县四季起始日期的年际变幅大,起始日期比常年偏早(晚)连续2候以上的异常年份,春季为23%,夏季为27%,秋季为32%,冬季为25%。(4)玉屏县春季开始后出现低于季节指标≥1候的概率达41%,表明玉屏县春季出现倒春寒天气的概率很大。(5)比较气象行标法与稳定通过法的四季起始日期及长度,气象行标法对玉屏县的四季划分更能满足于农业生产的需要。  相似文献   

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