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本文简要地介绍我们在对旱涝规律与成因研究的基础上所提出的综合旱涝预报方法及其改进,方法是由一个IAP二层大气环流数值模式加滤波方案、物理相关分析、环流型、时间序列与回归分析等的综合。经过多年的预报实践,证明它是提高旱涝季度与超季度预报准确率的一种可行方法。利用改进的综合旱涝季度预报方法对1991~1995年夏季汛期全国旱涝分布进行了预报试验,这5年预报试验结果与实况基本相符,并且对于像1991年和1994年夏季大范围的严重旱涝基本上没有漏报,表明此方法对于中国汛期旱涝分布有较高的预报能力,受到有关部门的重视  相似文献   

陕西省旱涝季度,年度预报和集成预报方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王玉玺  田武文 《高原气象》1998,17(4):427-436
在大量天气预报实践的基础上,通过分析地理环境,气候背景,大型天气过程的转型及“突变”、太阳活动及天文原因选取预报因子,分析了降水特征,确定了旱涝指标。并采用人工神经元网络、等方法建立了预报模型。  相似文献   

徐群 《气象科学》2000,21(3):302-308
本文总结了作者近40年在季度天气趋势预报研究与实践的历程和主要进展。六十年代提出并利用中高纬和低纬前期大气环流特征与夏季江淮流域旱涝趋势的隔季遥联制作预报,80年代补进一步考虑外在因子影响改进为“前期物理成因综合相似法”:1968~87这20年长江中下游夏季旱涝趋势预报取得较好成绩。随后的预报实践表明,因全球气候异常增长,预报难度有所增大。1995年开始建立一种短期气候系统多变因子的物理一统计预报  相似文献   

近20年长江中下游汛期旱涝趋势季度预报的检验及分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
徐群 《大气科学》1990,14(1):93-101
本文就作者近20年(1968—1987)长江中下游汛期旱涝趋势季度预报作了检验,预报评分显著超过了气候期望。通过对预报因子的分析,作者认为季度长期预报能达到基本可行的程度,关键是预报方法应建立在对长期天气过程形成和发展的物理分析基础上。  相似文献   

一、引言目前旱涝预报大都采用统计方法。这种方法多缺乏对预报对象的物理分析,因而难以取得准确的稳定的效果。另一种方法是数值预报。它物理基础较好,但由于计算过程复杂,往往难以分析预报成功和失败的原因,因而亦很难对具体的旱涝过程做出准确的物理分析。  相似文献   

根据自然天气季节并结合农时,对齐齐哈尔地区天气季节进行了重新划分,并对春、夏季的旱涝天气进行了综合分析,得出齐齐哈尔市旱涝天气的预报着眼点和预报指标。所得结论对齐齐哈尔旱涝的短期气候预测有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

通过对双鸭山市50a春季降水的分析,评定出各时段的旱涝,并建立了预报春季降水、旱涝的预报方程。  相似文献   

针对影响呼盟农业生产的主要气象灾害--旱涝进行了全面系统的分析。建立了较为客观符合实际的旱涝指数;利用K-均值法选取了农区代表站;列出了呼盟农区旱涝年表;指出了旱涝出现的基本规律;对旱涝出现的前期和同期500百帕环流特征进行了综合分析。发现呼盟农区春夏季旱涝虽然和乌拉尔山上空500百帕高度、鄂霍茨克海上空500百帕高度,东亚大槽强度及西风带强弱有关,但相关最密切的还是西太平洋副热带高压及北半球500百帕月平均极涡中心强度。在对旱涝环流特征综合分析的基础上,用数理统计方法建立了旱涝预报方程,指出了旱涝造的危害。  相似文献   

我院的业务预报与服务工作主要包括汛期预报、农气情报预报、京津冀灾害性天气监测与短时预报及城市环境评价与污染预报等。汛期预报多年来气科院特别重视将天气预报和气候预测方面的研究成果应用于汛期预报,每年制作全国汛期旱涝趋势预测和各种长中短期预报,参加全国汛期会商会、补充预报会商会和中国气象局重大天气联合服务组组织的专家会商。为了提高预报的准确性‘使用了双重筛选逐步回归方法、带有周期分量的逐步回归方法、客观预报方法、均生函数场模型法‘天文因子法、综合物理因子预报法及数值预报方法等取得了较好的预报效果。19…  相似文献   

陈菊英 《气象》1986,12(9):14-17
海河流域降水大部分集中在盛夏(7—8月),而此时段降水量的年际变率又较大,因而,旱涝发生也较频繁。本文着重分析了海河流域旱涝的天文背景,及其前期高度场上的遥相关因子,并分析了典型的厄尼诺年海河流域发生旱涝的情况。最后,在综合分析的基础上,作出了盛夏旱涝的分级预报工具。  相似文献   

GIS-Amur system offlood monitoring, forecasting, and early warning was developed at the Hydrometcenter of Russia and Planeta Research Center for Space Hydrometeorology for the effective surveill ance of hydrological conditions in the Amur River basin. The system is based on the use of hydrometeorological information, that is, observational data from weather and gaging stations, data from hydrological forecasts, and satellite data. The GIS- and web-based GIS-Amur system provides high reliability, safety, and operational speed. During the operational practice in the spring and summer 2015, the system demonstrated the forecast accuracy and reliability, the timely delivery of output products to end users, and the great variety of the output product types and formats. The system provides near-real time access to all available hydrometeorological data in the Amur River basin that favors correct and timely decision-making for flood risk reduction.  相似文献   

本文利用兰州1944~1997年的月平均降水资料,建立了线性平稳序列的降水预测模型,该模型使用了功谱密度函数中的最大熵法(或叫全极模型),并将特征多项式模大于1的根反射到单位圆内,再返回修正后的线性预测的系数。并对1986~1997年11年的月降水做了预测试验,试验结果表明,该模型具有一定的预报能力,其中取15阶预报效果较好。此方法在短期气候预测业务中,可作为台站月、季、年降水预测走向客观化、定量化方法的一种初步尝试  相似文献   

正1.Overview The 10th Antarctic Meteorological Observation,Modeling,and Forecasting Workshop(hereinafter AMOMFW)took place June 17–19,2015 in the historic city of Cambridge,United Kingdom.The meeting followed its purpose of connecting Antarctic atmospheric science to weatherrelated operational issues and advances in observing,modeling,forecasting,and understanding the Antarctic environ-  相似文献   

康学良 《贵州气象》2009,33(2):22-25
利用闪电定位监测系统、天气雷达系统、地面气象站构成雷电监测网络,结合气象卫星资料、高空探测资料和天气影响系统进行综合分析,进一步了解、掌握雷电发生发展物理过程和雷电形成机制,做出雷暴天气潜势、短时和临近预报、达到对雷暴等强对流灾害性天气的监测和预警。  相似文献   

Although an official observatory was established in Toronto in 1839, governmental attempts to organize a national meteorological service were not begun until 1871. Storm warnings and general weather forecasts for Eastern Canada were instituted in 1876, and this service was extended across the West and throughout the settled portions of the country by the early years of the 20th century. Historical climatological data were published annually after 1871, but very little statistical data, delineating the climate of the country, were available prior to 1900. A beginning was made at expanding meteorological activities into the North before World War I, but it was not until the 1920's that a significant number of observing stations were located there. By 1930 the need for extensive aviation meteorological services was becoming apparent, but the economic depression prevented an expansion of both aviation and meteorological services.  相似文献   

The Delphi technique for judgmental forecasting by expert groups is described and the controversy surrounding its use is summarized. The technique clearly does not eliminate all unwanted psychological effects on group judgment. Furthermore, the design of most Delphi studies makes it impossible to separate the signal from the noise in expert judgment. A methodological standard for evaluating judgmental forecasts is proposed.  相似文献   

This is an essay and report on the social forecasting industry-the collection of individuals and organizations, both profit and nonprofit, supplying forecasts of social futures in direct exchage for pay. It begins with a review of the industry's size, growth, and scope; contrary to initial impressions, the industry is by any comparative standard quite small, occupying a precarious niche in the much larger market for statistical services. Hallmark methodologies of the industry, including the Delphi method and cross-impact analysis, are discussed extensively. These methodologies are linked to a domain assumption of the industry—namely, that the complexities of the social world are best rendered tractable by forming consensuses of experts' judgments. It is argued that the key characteristic differentiating the social forecasting industry from forecasting in the social sciences proper—the existence of a direct, paying market for services—is an important element in maintaining the most salient methodological and product differences between the two arenas: The marketplace for forecasts is not the same as the marketplace for ideas.  相似文献   

The water-bearing numerical model is undergone all round examinations during the operational forecasting ex-periments from 1994 to 1996. A lot of difficult problems arising from the model’s water-bearing are successfully re-solved in these experiments through developing and using a series of technical measures. The operational forecasting running of the water-bearing numerical model is realized stably and reliably, and satisfactory forecasts are obtained.  相似文献   

Fog and low stratus forecasting experiments have been carried out with the numerical weather prediction model ALADIN on a case of long lasting fog. The model has been used with different radiation, cloud diagnosing and horizontal diffusion schemes, different representation of orography, increased vertical resolution and with or without prognostic condensates and turbulent kinetic energy (TKE). Some of the numerical set-ups are able to reproduce the fog (low stratus) field as seen in the satellite images as well as the measured 2m temperature and relative humidity diurnal cycles. The results show that cloud diagnosing schemes and overlap assumptions play a more important role than a more sophisticated radiation scheme, or introduction of prognostic cloud water, ice, rain, snow or TKE. More realistic orography representation and a more physical horizontal diffusion scheme significantly improve the modelled low stratus and 2m temperature in the areas with variable orography.  相似文献   

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