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北美五大湖水环境保护经验分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了位于美国和加拿大边界的世界上最大的淡水水体--北美五大湖的基本情况及水环境污染和治理历程,讨论美加两国政府在水环境保护方面合作的经验,概括了五大湖环境保护工作所取得的成就.实践证明,五大湖水资源综合管理体制、水环境保护策略是行之有效的.经过几十年的努力,五大湖的水质状况已有明显改善,尤其是在人群健康保障、富营养化治理和有毒物质消减方面取得了长足的进步.  相似文献   

基于熵权的水环境质量评价物元分析模型及其应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
水环境质量评价是水环境保护和治理工作中的一项重要任务。应用熵权法来确定评价指标的权重,建立了基于熵权的水环境质量评价物元分析模型,对重庆市凤嘴江的水环境质量进行了评价,并与传统物元分析方法和BP网络法进行对比。结果表明,该方法的评价结论合理,用熵权法确定评价指标的权重客观、计算简便。  相似文献   

基于熵权的水环境质量评价物元分析模型及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水环境质量评价是水环境保护和治理工作中的一项重要任务。应用熵权法来确定评价指标的权重,建立了基于熵权的水环境质量评价物元分析模型,对重庆市凤嘴江的水环境质量进行了评价,并与传统物元分析方法和BP网络法进行对比。结果表明,该方法的评价结论合理,用熵权法确定评价指标的权重客观、计算简便。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖流域综合管理的探索   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
在介绍鄱阳湖流域背景和综合管理机构职能,以及相应地方法规的完善和流域总体发展规划编制的基础上,系统地阐述了近20a来流域综合管理的内容与措施,并就取得的成效进行了科学的分析和研究。研究结果认为,近20a来,尤其是进入21世纪以来,针对鄱阳湖流域生态环境恶化与资源开发利用中存在的问题,江西省积极动员各方面的力量,根据《江西省山江湖开发治理总体规划纲要》要求和“五年发展规划”的具体部署,坚持既要金山银山,更要绿水青山;坚持实施可持续发展战略要注重社会、经济和生态环境协调发展,流域管理要注重系统性和综合性,以及以先进技术为依托、因地制宜、试点先行的科学原则,把流域作为一个互相联系的生态经济系统,以开放促开发,治山、治江、治湖和治穷有机结合,持续开展了大规模的保护环境、治理山水、建设美好江西的山江湖开发治理工程的建设和实践,为流域综合治理和区域可持续发展进行了富有成效的探索,取得了可喜的成效。  相似文献   

动力气象学吕美仲周毅侯志明本书为高等院校大气科学专业本科教材。主要讲述动力气象学中的基本概念和基本原理,同时也介绍了一些动力气象学方面的新进展。本书内容丰富,物理概念清晰,数学推导严谨;深入浅出、简明易懂、便于自学。16开本定价:40.0元环境与可持续发展(2003年卷)张坤主编本书是关于环境保护与可持续发展的最新论文集,汇集了国内科研和管理人员在环境保护各个领域的最新研究成果,反映了我国在环境科学及应用、环境政策研究、环境技术支持和环境管理服务等方面所取得的成果。本书包括生态环境的现状分析、GIS在环境评价中的应…  相似文献   

首先分析了我省近 10 a(年)来水、旱、病虫灾害发生的原因及内在联系,提醒人们不仅要重视 研究水灾,也要重视旱灾与病虫灾害的研究;然后根据我省实际情况,从环境保护、水土保持等方面 提出综合防灾减灾和标本兼治的对策意见。  相似文献   

新媒体环境下,以雾霾为切入点的环境问题迅速成为公众、媒体和政府关注的焦点,各利益相关方表现出对雾霾科学信息的不同需求。科学成果在传播内容及其表现形式、传播主体、传播路径等方面呈现出新的模式:成果传播的受众由少至多,成果传播的内容和形式不断多样化,成果数量呈现爆发式增长,更新速率不断加快,传播主体大众化,传播路径由单一向多元化转变;新媒体在有助于推动公众参与环境保护的同时,也给科学传播工作带来了挑战,建议有效利用新媒体的传播渠道,加强环境信息及科学知识的公开和普及,以提高环境保护和治理的能力。  相似文献   

自1980年以来,各种模糊综合决策数学模型相继提出,并在环境保护、地震、农业气候、天气预报等方面都得到了广泛的应用,且取得了明显的效果。模糊综合决策的数学模型在天气预报方面应用也较广,它不仅适用于多因子的综合天气预报,而且也适用于不同时段的逐步订正预报,以及各种预报方法的综合决策。  相似文献   

如何提高自动气象站数据文件质量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在环境影响评价工作中,提出合理的环境保护对策、措施,对发展生产保护环境是非常重要的,而污染治理的手段既与工程排污特征有关,也随时在发展变化,本文仅对高炉出铁场无组织排放烟气的成熟治理技术进行介绍,以便提高建设项目环境影响报告书的质量,加快建设项目环境影响报告书技术评估的速度。  相似文献   

许焕斌 《干旱气象》2009,27(4):305-307
中国人工影响天气已进行了50a,对它在水资源、减(水、旱、雹)灾、环境保护等方面的需求又很急迫,因而在这一领域逼着我们在世界上要做先行者,必需在这一科学技术领域有所创新、有所作为。除了要提升具体的科技水平外,更新一些学术观念也许是必要的,这样可能更有利于明确问题,抓住重点,尽快见效,还可以为年青人的创新或解除困惑营造一个宽松的环境。  相似文献   

2005年7月30-31日新乡市连续两夜暴雨过程分析   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
对2005年7月30-31日新乡市连续两夜出现的暴雨过程诊断分析结果表明:两夜暴雨均是在有利的大尺度环境条件下,激发中尺度系统发生发展而引起.连续两夜出现的暴雨,均处在强上升气流区域的北部边缘,而不是强上升气流中.在θse陡立密集区有利于湿斜压不稳定能量的聚集和中尺度天气系统的发生发展.对流场进行尺度分离,有利于发现形成暴雨的中尺度系统.  相似文献   

Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on the Great Lakes Shoreline Wetlands   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
Great Lakes shoreline wetlands are adapted to a variable water supply. They require the disturbance of water level fluctuations to maintain their productivity. However, the magnitude and rate of climate change could alter the hydrology of the Great Lakes and affect wetland ecosystems. Wetlands would have to adjust to a new pattern of water level fluctuations; the timing, duration, and range of these fluctuations are critical to the wetland ecosystem response. Two "what if" scenarios: (1) an increased frequency and duration of low water levels and (2) a changed temporal distribution and amplitude of seasonal water levels were developed to assess the sensitivity of shoreline wetlands to climate change. Wetland functions and values such as wildlife, waterfowl and fish habitat, water quality, areal extent, and vegetation diversity are affected by these scenarios. Key wetlands are at risk, particularly those that are impeded from adapting to the new water level conditions by man-made structures or geomorphic conditions. Wetland remediation, protection and enhancement policies and programs must consider climate change as an additional stressor of wetlands.  相似文献   

The North American Laurentian Great Lakes hold nearly 20 % of the earth’s unfrozen fresh surface water and have a length of coastline, and a coastal population, comparable to frequently-studied marine coasts. The surface water elevations of the Great Lakes, in particular, are an ideal metric for understanding impacts of climate change on large hydrologic systems, and for assessing adaption measures for absorbing those impacts. In light of the importance of the Great Lakes to the North American and global economies, the Great Lakes and the surrounding region also serve as an important benchmark for hydroclimate research, and offer an example of successful adaptive management under changing climate conditions. Here, we communicate some of the important lessons to be learned from the Great Lakes by examining how the coastline, water level, and water budget dynamics of the Great Lakes relate to other large coastal systems, along with implications for water resource management strategies and climate scenario-derived projections of future conditions. This improved understanding fills a critical gap in freshwater and marine global coastal research.  相似文献   

Climate change impacts on Laurentian Great Lakes levels   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Scenarios of water supplies reflecting CO2-induced climatic change are used to determine potential impacts on levels of the Laurentian Great Lakes and likely water management policy implications. The water supplies are based on conceptual models that link climate change scenarios from general circulation models to estimates of basin runoff, overlake precipitation, and lake evaporation. The water supply components are used in conjunction with operational regulation plans and hydraulic routing models of outlet and connecting channel flows to estimate water levels on Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, St. Clair, Erie, and Ontario. Three steady-state climate change scenarios, corresponding to modeling a doubling of atmospheric CO2, are compared to a steady-state simulation obtained with historical data representing an unchanged atmosphere. One transient climate change scenario, representing a modeled transition from present conditions to doubled CO2 concentrations, is compared to a transient simulation with historical data. The environmental, socioeconomic, and policy implications of the climate change effects modeled herein suggest that new paradigms in water management will be required to address the prospective increased allocation conflicts between users of the Great Lakes.GLERL Contribution No. 645.  相似文献   

Hydrological models of the Great Lakes basin were used to study the sensitivity of Great Lakes water supplies to climate warming by driving them with meteorological data from four U.S. climate zones that were transposed to the basin. Widely different existing climates were selected for transposition in order to identify thresholds of change where major impacts on water supplies begin to occur and whether there are non-linear responses in the system. The climate zones each consist of 43 years of daily temperature and precipitation data for 1,000 or more stations and daily evaporation-related variables (temperature, wind speed, humidity, cloud cover) for approximately 20–35 stations. A key characteristic of these selected climates was much larger variability in inter-annual precipitation than currently experienced over the Great Lakes. Climate data were adjusted to simulate lake effects; however, a comparison of hydrologic results with and without lake effects showed that there was only minor effects on water supplies.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONA Growing concern over the potential effects of a possible change in the future climatecontinues to motivate research into cycles,variability,and trends in the temperatures of theGreat L akes.These temperatures have a major influence on the water balance of the GreatL akes watershed through evaporation and the forcing of atmospheric effects.Before a futuretemperature structure and cycle can be estimated,the present water temperature climatologymust be sucessfully simulated…  相似文献   

Is the prospect of possible climate change relevant to water resources decisions being made today? And, if so, how ought that prospect be considered? These questions can be addressed by decision analysis, which we apply to two investments in the Great Lakes region: a regulatory structure for Lake Erie, and breakwaters to protect Presque Isle State Park, PA. These two decisions have the elements that potentially make climate change relevant: long lived, "one shot" investments; benefits or costs that are affected by climate-influenced variables; and irreversibilities. The decision analyses include the option of waiting to obtain better information, using Bayesian analysis to detect whether climate change has altered water supplies. The analyses find that beliefs about climate change can indeed affect optimal decisions. Furthermore, ignoring the possibility of climate change can lead to significant opportunity losses—in the cases here, as much as 10% or more of the construction cost. Yet the consequences of climate uncertainty for Great Lakes management do not appear to be qualitatively different from those of other risks, and thus do not deserve different treatment. The methods of sensitivity analysis, scenario planning, and decision analysis, all of which are encouraged under US federal guidelines for water planning, are applicable. We recommend increased use of decision trees and Bayesian analysis to consider not only climate change risks, but also other important social and environmental uncertainties.  相似文献   


We have made a preliminary study of cloud‐to‐ground lightning over southern Ontario and the adjoining Great Lakes region. The lightning data set, using magnetic direction finding, is sufficiently accurate to study lightning climatology. Cloud‐to‐ground flash totals have been found for the three warm seasons 1989–91. A large variation in flash total, lightning‐day frequency and number of high flash density storms occurs over the area, with the maximum in southwestern Ontario. The area of the maximum also has a strong diurnal cycle and relatively few positive flashes. Several physical causes may contribute to this. Lake areas usually have slightly fewer flashes than nearby land areas and warm water usually has more flashes than cold water. The Great Lakes do produce more lightning than ocean areas. Convergence lines of lake breezes and other lake circulations can, however, be sites for storms with intense lightning. High surface temperature and moisture leads to an increase in lightning generation. Over land, upslope flow increases lightning‐producing storms and downslope flow decreases them. High flash density storms may be favoured by smooth rather than rough ground, and by open farmland rather than forest. On the other hand, there does not seem to be a clear urban effect increasing lightning in the Great Lakes  相似文献   

F.M. Boyce 《大气与海洋》2013,51(3):195-206

The paper discusses the possibility of extracting electrical energy from the thermal energy stored in stratified lakes. Three situations are examined, an open lake or pond acting as a solar collector, a combination of waste heat and solar energy, and selective withdrawal of warm and cold streams from a stratified hydroelectric reservoir. Approximate calculations of the energy returns are made for typical conditions. The returns are limited by environmental factors as well as a short operating season. By using the deep stratified Great Lakes (Superior, Huron, Michigan and Ontario) as solar collectors, a few thousand megawatts of electrical power could be produced in the Great Lakes Basin during the summer months. This power could be produced on a year‐round basis by a single large nuclear generating station.  相似文献   

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