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葛骏  余晔  解晋  昝蓓蕾 《大气科学》2017,41(5):918-932
利用青藏高原北麓河观测站(退化高寒草甸)和玛曲观测站(高寒草原)2014年地面观测资料,通过组合分类法,对比分析了两类下垫面生长季土壤含水量、水汽压差和净辐射对地表能量分配的直接影响和间接影响,并且利用路径分析法研究了影响地表能量分配的关键气候因子。结果表明:北麓河站和玛曲站潜热占比(潜热通量与地表可利用能量的比值)对土壤含水量的响应分别处于土壤水分抑制阶段和能量抑制阶段。其中,北麓河站潜热占比在水汽压差较大时随土壤含水量增长较快,受净辐射的影响较小;而玛曲站潜热占比随土壤含水量的变化趋势受水汽压差和净辐射的影响均较小。北麓河站潜热占比随水汽压差的增大先减小后趋于不变,并且潜热占比对水汽压差的敏感性随土壤含水量的增大而减小;而玛曲站潜热占比随水汽压差的增大先增大后趋于不变,几乎不受土壤含水量和净辐射的影响。北麓河站和玛曲站潜热占比均随净辐射的增大趋于稳定,其稳定值分别与土壤含水量和水汽压差有关。路径分析结果显示,降水是影响北麓河站潜热占比的主要气候因子,而气温是影响玛曲站潜热占比的主要气候因子。  相似文献   

利用中国科学院那曲高寒气候环境观测研究站2013年9月1日至2014年8月31日一个完整年的观测资料,对陆面过程模式CLM4.5在青藏高原(下称高原)高寒草甸下垫面地表能量交换的模拟性能进行了评估。模拟结果表明,CLM4.5能够较好的模拟高原春季、夏季和秋季非冻结期地面长波、反射辐射和地表净辐射、感热和潜热通量以及地表土壤热通量等的季节变化和日循环特征。但对冬季冻结期地表温度的模拟偏低,导致模拟与观测的感热反相,对地面反射辐射模拟偏大。截断冬季降水的敏感性试验进一步指出,模式冬季反射辐射偏大主要是由于积雪引起的地表反照率偏高造成,进而造成地表温度以及感热通量的模拟偏低。因此,高原积雪参数化方案以及与积雪相关的反照率参数化方案还需进一步改进和完善。  相似文献   

利用东帕米尔高原塔什库尔干国家基本气候站2020年6月至2021年6月观测的辐射数据,分析了东帕米尔高原不同时间尺度和不同天气条件下各辐射通量及地表反照率变化特征。结果表明:(1)各辐射通量在逐日均值变化上呈“V”型曲线;向下短波辐射、向上短波辐射、向下长波辐射、向上长波辐射和净辐射年曝辐量分别为5001.6, 1370.3, 6090.7, 8550.8和1189.0 MJ·m-2;在季节尺度上,各辐射通量总体表现为夏季>春季>秋季>冬季,而向上短波辐射在冬季最高。(2)不同天气下,辐射通量也不同,晴天时,各辐射通量变化均为较平滑的单峰型,少云、多云时均为不规则单峰型,降水时,除冬季外均为多峰型,辐射通量均值变化表现为晴天>少云>多云>降水。(3)地表反照率在观测期间平均值为0.29,最大值出现在1月,最小值出现在7月,分别为0.58和0.24;在季节上表现为冬季最大,夏季最小;春、夏、秋季地表反照率呈“U”型,冬季为倒“U”型;降雨时地表反照率下降,降雪时则地表反照率上升,说明不同降水类型对地表反照率影响不同。  相似文献   

利用青藏高原玛多地区高寒草甸和玉树隆宝地区高寒湿地的观测资料,比较分析了土壤水分、地表反照率和土壤热通量在土壤完全融化期、土壤逐渐冻结期、土壤完全冻结期和土壤逐渐融化期的变化情况,并计算了各月份的感热通量和潜热通量。结果表明:在10~50 cm深处,土壤完全融化期高寒湿地土壤含水量为0.66~0.82 m3·m-3,高寒草甸土壤含水量为0.15~0.18 m3·m-3,土壤完全冻结期高寒湿地土壤含水量为0.13~0.21 m3·m-3,高寒草甸土壤含水量为0.01~0.04 m3·m-3。高寒草甸和高寒湿地地表反照率在土壤冻结期间较高,融化期间较低。高寒草甸土壤热通量年变化幅度小,高寒湿地土壤热通量年变化幅度大。高寒草甸月平均感热通量均高于高寒湿地,高寒湿地月平均潜热通量均高于高寒草甸。  相似文献   

地表反照率是表征陆面过程地表能量收支的关键物理参数,对于准确以及定量化地理解高原上的能量和水分循环过程有着至关重要的作用。利用黄河源区玛曲和玛多两个高寒草地站点长达8年的地表反照率观测数据,对GLASS (Global Land Surface Satellite)、MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)和GlobAlbedo地表反照率产品进行了评估与分析。结果显示,玛曲地表反照率的年际变化较小,集中在0. 16~0. 28。各遥感产品在玛曲地区精度各有不同:GlobAlbedo反照率平均比地面观测偏高0. 048;而GLASS和MODIS反照率分别偏低0. 074和0. 063。统计值表明,MODIS产品精度相对最高,其中RMSE=0. 069,R=0. 710。受积雪影响,玛多地区地表反照率年际变化较大。遥感产品中,GLASS产品精度相对较高,其中RMSE=0. 104,R=0. 598。玛曲站地表反照率值为:冬季春季秋季夏季,平均值依次为0. 25,0. 22,0. 19和0. 18。玛曲站年平均地表反照率为0. 21;玛多站为0. 25,而且季节变化较玛曲站更显著,呈现近似"U"形分布。夏季反照率最小,平均值为0. 18,秋季为0. 22,与春季较为接近,冬季平均值最大为0. 33。基于两个观测站点的对比表明,三种遥感地表反照率产品春夏季与地面观测一致性较好,秋季反照率开始增大的时间比观测早,冬季后期反照率的值明显小于地面观测。另外,GLASS和MODIS产品的差异也在秋冬季达到最大。MODIS分离雪和云的能力使其在秋冬季的表现更好。  相似文献   

中国北方疆域辽阔,多种植被类型交错分布,陆面过程较为复杂。研究该区域地表能量平衡及分配过程,有助于进一步了解其生态系统的生产力及气候变化。本文使用"中国北方协同观测实验"观测资料,选取中国北方四种植被类型——高寒草甸、荒漠草地、玉米农田及半干旱草地,在深入认识地表能量分配特征的基础上,讨论了环境因子对能量分配的影响。结果表明,上述四类典型下垫面能量闭合度在71%~91%,其中半干旱草地最大,玉米农田最小。从各能量分量与净辐射的比率来看,荒漠草地、半干旱草地净辐射主要通过感热形式加热大气,感热通量占净辐射的百分比分别为29%和36%;高寒草甸、玉米农田潜热通量占主导地位,其值分别占净辐射的42%和37%。影响各下垫面水热综合参数Bowen比的气象因子中,半干旱草地受地-气温差(R2=0.64)和饱和水汽压差(R2=0.56)的影响;玉米农田则主要受地-气温差(R2=0.52)的影响;荒漠草地地-气温差(R2=0.37)和平均风速(R2=0.23)是其主要影响因子。Bowen比与NDVI之间存在显著的指数关系(R2=0.74),且随NDVI的增大而减小。  相似文献   

主要利用架设在黑河流域中游绿洲和荒漠区的3套自动气象观测系统在2003年9月1日—2004年8月31日的同期观测资料,对比分析了干旱区农田、草地和荒漠生态系统的辐射收支及其变化特征。结果表明:荒漠和草地太阳辐射相差不大,分别为6238.7 MJ.m-2和6135.8 MJ.m-2,农田生态系统为5889.0 MJ.m-2,比荒漠地区小4%。随着植物覆盖度的增大,草地和农田的地面反射逐渐减弱,荒漠地区反射辐射和地表反射率明显高于绿洲地区。大气逆辐射在3个地区相差不大,平均约为280 W.m-2。地表放射辐射和地表有效辐射在不同季节表现出较大的差异性。总体上讲,农田和草地地表有效辐射要低于荒漠,特别是在作物或牧草的主要生长季节。荒漠、草地和农田年总净辐射量分别为1705.8,2150.7和2458.2 MJ.m-2,农田和草地分别高出荒漠44%和26%,农田和荒漠净辐射差值主要由地表有效辐射差异引起。  相似文献   

基于对"全球能量水循环亚洲季风青藏高原试验研究"(GAME/Tibet)和"全球协调加强观测计划(CEOP)之亚澳季风青藏高原试验"(CAMP/Tibet)设在藏北高原的安多站、BJ站、D105站和NPAM站以及中国科学院珠峰站和中国科学院纳木错站10~20年晴天日间的辐射观测资料求年均值,分析了高原草甸(草高为5 cm的高原草甸,10 cm的高原草甸和高原稀疏草甸,15 cm的高原草甸)、戈壁和临湖高原草甸这些典型下垫面观测站多年观测的短波向下辐射、短波向上辐射、长波向上辐射、长波向下辐射、净辐射通量和地表反照率的年际变化,得出了青藏高原地表辐射通量的气候特征,发现高原上大部分站点观测到的短波向下辐射有不同程度的减小的年变化趋势,基本所有站点观测的长波向上辐射有不同程度的逐年增加趋势,且高原上基本所有站点观测的长波向下辐射有不同程度的增加趋势,高原地区大部分站点的净辐射通量的年变化趋势基本与短波向下辐射的年变化相一致,青藏高原大部分站点的地表反照率在不同程度上逐年减小。  相似文献   

利用黄土高原半干旱区"定西陆面过程综合观测试验站"2004年11月至2005年10月的各种陆面物理量综合资料,比较系统地研究了黄土高原半干旱区土壤温度、降水量、地表反照率、地表辐射分量和能量平衡分量的年变化和日变化特征及其影响机制。结果显示,黄土高原陆面过程特征与其他地区有很大不同。土壤温度变化向下传播速度约为2.5~3.5 h/10cm;地表反照率随土壤湿度的增大而减小,两者的相关系数达到了0.5338;而地表反照率随降雪量增大而增大,与降雪量的相关系数为0.6645;长波辐射年最大值出现的时间比总辐射迟1个月左右,年平均日变化中地表和大气对太阳辐射加热大约需要1个小时的响应时间;潜热通量夏季是冬季的5倍多,感热通量有了两个比较明显的峰值,潜热通量、感热通量和土壤热通量的日峰值比净辐射滞后30 min~1 h。  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地流动沙丘与玉米地辐射特性比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用2001年夏季内蒙古科尔沁沙地地区大气边界层实验观测资料,对比分析了流动沙丘和临近流动沙丘的玉米地两种典型下垫面的辐射通量特征。结果表明:流动沙丘和玉米地地区的总辐射与大气逆辐射相近,差异不足2%。净辐射、地表反照率、有效辐射存在较大差异,流动沙丘的净辐射明显小于玉米地,其中反照率差异的贡献约为60%,长波辐射差异的贡献约为40%。流动沙丘的反照率、有效辐射明显大于玉米地,反照率高出中国西北HEIFE实验沙漠地区约10%,有效辐射则小于沙漠地区。  相似文献   

高寒草原水热交换的季节性特征显著,土壤冻融过程对地-气水热交换有着重要的影响.本文利用黄河源区汤岔玛小流域2014年5月至2015年5月陆面过程观测数据,将土壤冻融过程划分为完全融化(TT)和完全冻结(FF)两种状态与融冻(T-F)和冻融(F-T)两个过程,并分析了期间高寒草原下垫面净辐射、感热通量、潜热通量和地表热通...  相似文献   

不同土壤类型的热通量变化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用2004—2007年中国科学院中国生态系统研究网络(CERN)生态站实测土壤热通量、辐射等资料,分析了不同土壤类型表层热通量的日变化和季节变化,以及不同土壤类型的热通量与总辐射、净辐射的关系。结果表明,由于导热率越大,热量传输就越快;热容量越小,热量传输也越快,造成土壤热通量的日较差和年较差较大,所以黄绵土和紫色土的表层热通量日较差最大(220~280 W.m-2),高寒草甸土和水稻土最小(55W.m-2);季节变化中土壤表层热通量的年较差变化范围在12~28W.m-2之间,灰漠土最大,为28W.m-2,热通量年较差从大到小依次为灰漠土、黄绵土、盐碱潮土、红壤土、紫色土、沼泽土、水稻土和高寒潮土,高寒潮土最小,为12W.m-2。不同土壤类型的热通量与总辐射、净辐射呈正相关关系,但不同土壤类型的土壤热通量在12:00(地方时)所占净辐射的比例各不相同,高寒草甸土最小,约为8%;黄绵土最大,为38%,多数土壤的热通量占净辐射的比例在15%~20%之间,这充分表明不同土壤类型表层热通量的传输存在很大差异。  相似文献   


This study reports on tower measurements from the intertidal zone taken during the ice‐free period between August 1 and September 20, 1985. Sea and air temperatures showed ranges of 8 and 14°C, respectively, and both were colder during onshore than during offshore winds. Onshore winds were associated with a nearly saturated atmosphere whereas offshore ones were quite dry. Surface albedo was twice as great for low tide as for high tide. The ratio net/solar radiation was 13% less at low tide owing to both the larger albedo and the stronger long‐wave radiation loss. Heat fluxes into the bottom sediments were small with net gains in August and net losses in September. During the day, heat storage in the water was large and positive. This occurred even with the tide out, when the ponded water continued to warm. At night the water gave up heat, both for low and high tide, and especially late in the season. The latent heat flux was always positive and was largest by day during low tide and by night during high tide. The sensible heat flux was positive for onshore winds and often negative for offshore winds. Under all wind directions heat storage constituted 60% of net radiation, the latent heat flux 35% and the remainder was proportioned equally between the sensible heat flux and the flux into the bottom sediments.  相似文献   

青藏高原中部季节冻土区地表能量通量的模拟分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
郭东林  杨梅学  李敏  屈鹏 《高原气象》2009,28(5):978-987
利用“全球协调加强观测计划之亚澳季风青藏高原试验(CAMP/Tibet)”中那曲地区BJ站2002年8月1日\_2003年8月31日的观测资料作为水热耦合模式(Simultaneous Heat and Water, SHAW)的强迫场,对青藏高原中部季节冻土区地表能量通量特征进行了单点模拟研究。通过对实测值与模拟结果的对比分析,发现SHAW模式能较成功地模拟该地区地表能量通量特征, 短波净辐射和长波净辐射的模拟值与观测值吻合较好, 净辐射和土壤热通量在夏半年的模拟值与观测值也吻合,但相对夏\, 秋季而言,它们在冬\, 春季的模拟值较观测值略偏大。模拟的感热和潜热通量的季节变化比较合理,由模拟的感热和潜热通量计算的Bowen比能较好地解释不同季节太阳辐射的能量转化。  相似文献   

The atmospheric latent energy and incoming energy fluxes of the atmosphere are analyzed here based on the historical simulations of nine coupled models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5(CMIP5)and two reanalysis datasets.The globally averaged atmospheric latent energy is found to be highly correlated with several types of energy flux,particularly the surface latent heat flux,atmosphere absorbed solar radiation flux,and surface net radiation flux.On the basis of these connections,a hydrological cycle controlled feedback(HCCF)is hypothesized.Through this feedback,the atmosphere absorbed solar radiation is enhanced and causes intensification of the surface latent heat flux when the atmospheric latent energy is abnormally strong.The representativeness of the HCCF during different periods and over different latitudinal zones is also discussed.Although such a feedback cannot be confirmed by reanalysis,it proves to be a common mechanism for all the models studied.  相似文献   

根据动力与热力指标,2004和2005年南海季风建立前后可分成明显的4个阶段——季风建立前的雨期、非雨期;季风建立后的活跃期与非活跃期。对2004和2005年南海季风建立前后的广州番禺综合外场观测资料进行分析,得到了这4个阶段陆气热量交换与热力边界层的主要特征:净辐射与净短波辐射的变化趋势基本一致,净短波辐射与净长波辐射之比为3.49—4.81,净短波辐射是净辐射的主要贡献项,云量与降水是控制净短波辐射与净辐射的直接因素;季风活跃期间午间对流云系对太阳辐射衰减显著,造成了辐射各分量以及热通量的峰值区变窄,量值急剧变小;季风建立前后感热与潜热均是净辐射的主要消耗项,占净辐射的90%以上,潜热明显大于感热,2005年较2004年潜热的分配额有明显的增加,其原因可能与近地层的风速较大,总是维持向上的湿度梯度有关;季风建立前后除季风活跃期外边界层位温结构均具有明显的日变化特征,午间混合层可发展至1070m,而季风活跃期间午间混合层发展受到对流云释放潜热的抑制,导致季风活跃期混合层消失的现象,分析还发现季风建立前后各阶段夜间残余混合层均不明显。分析表明引起陆气能量过程及边界层热力结构差异的关键因素之一是云系与降水,加强边界层过程与降水宏微观过程相互作用的研究是深入认识陆气过程与边界层结构特征的关键。  相似文献   

A physically-based solar radiation transmission model and a slope energy budget model were available which used climatic observations, averaged over 10-deg north-south latitude bands. This made possible the systematic examination of the diurnally changing energy budget components of net radiation, conduction, sensible, and latent heat flux occurring at all slope angles (0 to 90 deg) and slope directions (south-, west-, and north-facing). The present analysis utilized two contrasting landscapes along a latitudinal transect of the east coast of the Americas (northern hemisphere). Among the results, the maximum net radiation for all slope angles and directions occurred at noon on a 40-deg, south-facing slope for latitude 60. Generally, latent and sensible heat fluxes were similar in trend and magnitude between latitudes 0 and 35. Poleward, sensible heat flux increased with advancing latitude at the expense of latent heat flux. A great diversity in net radiation, sensible, and latent heat flux was obtained between different slopes and their orientation at a paniculate latitude. In addition to hourly rates of the energy budget components, daily positive sums of net radiation, sensible, and latent heat flux were examined. It is assumed that the portrayed patterns are general enough to add to our increasing understanding of the contrasts possible in a real-world north-south transect.  相似文献   

南海夏季风爆发前后海-气界面热交换特征   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
文中利用 2 0 0 0与 2 0 0 2年二次南海海 气通量观测资料和同期西沙站资料 ,研究了南海夏季风爆发前后海洋表面热收支变化特征。研究表明 :南海夏季风爆发前后 ,影响海面热收支变化的主要分量是净短波辐射通量和潜热通量 ,在季风爆发前后不同阶段 ,二个分量的变化有不同表现形式 ,但不论二者如何变化 ,季风爆发与活跃期 ,海面热收入减小或为净支出 ;季风爆发前及中断期间 ,海面热收入逐渐增加 ;由于大的热惯性 ,海温变化落后于海面热收支的变化 ,海温的这种滞后效应通过影响潜热通量调节海面热收支的变化 ,又反过来影响自身的变化 ,形成短期振荡过程 ,这种振荡过程与季风的活跃、中断过程相对应。  相似文献   


This study treats the energy balance during fast‐ice and floating‐ice conditions and examines overall seasonal patterns. The rate of ablation of the fast ice was controlled equally by net radiation and air temperature. The ratio of net/solar radiation increased 2.5 times during the ablation period owing to the decrease in ice albedo. Air temperature in the ablation zone was up to 8°C colder than that over the adjacent snow‐free terrestrial surface and remained near 0°Cfor the full ablation period. The sensible heat flux was small and downward (negative), whereas the evaporative heat flux was small and positive. Thus, the energy used in melting the ice was approximately equal to that provided by the net radiation. Above‐freezing air temperatures decreased the albedo through surface melting thus increasing net radiation. This combination of higher temperature and large net radiation was associated with offshore winds and resulted in large ablation relative to periods with colder onshore winds.

The floating‐ice period is one of great variability owing to changing ice conditions, variable current behaviour, tidal cycles and changing wind direction. The intertidal zone acts as a major heat sink, both early and late in the floating‐ice period. The turbulent heat fluxes were small and were either positive or negative. Nearly all of the energy from net radiation was used in melting ice and in warming tidal water during high tide and in warming the residual tidal ponds and in melting stranded ice rafts during low tide.

The overall study period, from May to September, included most of the season of positive radiation balance and above‐freezing temperatures. Winds were dominantly onshore in the first half of the period and equally onshore and offshore in the second half. Wind frequencies resembled longer term averages for other stations on James Bay and Hudson Bay. The ratio of net to solar radiation was at a maximum during the ice‐free period in August, whereas for adjacent terrestrial surfaces, it was largest at the summer solstice. Land‐sea breezes first developed in mid‐July and were influential in making offshore winds the dominant nocturnal regime. As a result, offshore winds were associated with small magnitudes of net radiation. Onshore winds were more than 5°C colder than those blowing offshore and their vapour pressure deficits were three times smaller. Convective heat fluxes were small for onshore winds and very small and usually negative for offshore winds. For all wind directions throughout the period, most of the available radiant energy was used to melt ice and to heat the sea water. This is a pattern similar to that of the ice‐covered or open sea and dissimilar to that of the adjacent terrestrial environment. It implies that the main energy‐balance transitions, during onshore airflow, occur at the high‐tide line.  相似文献   

The authors present a case study investigating the impacts of dust aerosols on surface atmospheric variables and energy budgets in a semi-arid region of China. Enhanced observational meteorological data, radiative fluxes, near-surface heat fluxes, and concentrations of dust aerosols were collected from Tongyu station, one of the reference sites of the International Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observations Project (CEOP), during a typical dust storm event in June 2006. A comprehensive analysis of these data show that in this semi-arid area, higher wind velocities and a continuously reduced air pressure were identified during the dust storm period. Dust storm events are usually associated with low relative humidity weather conditions, which result in low latent heat flux values. Dust aerosols suspended in the air decrease the net radiation, mainly by reducing the direct solar radiation reaching the land surface. This reduction in net radiation results in a decrease in soil temperatures at a depth of 2 cm. The combination of increased air temperature and decreased soil temperature strengthens the energy exchange of the atmosphere-earth system, increasing the surface sensible heat flux. After the dust storm event, the atmosphere was dominated by higher pressures and was relatively wet and cold. Net radiation and latent heat flux show an evident increase, while the surface sensible heat flux shows a clear decrease.  相似文献   

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