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减少毁林可为减缓大气温室气体浓度上升做出重要贡献,因此减少毁林的议题已被提上气候公约谈判的议事日程(议题6),将成为今后相当长时间内谈判的重要议题之一。通过调研和分析各缔约方提交的对减少毁林提案的意见及附属科学技术咨询机构(SBSTA)第24届会议的谈判情况,对各国的观点进行了归纳总结和剖析。  相似文献   

气候变化、生物多样性、土地荒漠化的国际协作在全球范围内越来越受到重视。本文系统梳理了里约三公约交叉议题及其进展情况,并对其进行了综合评价。里约三公约交叉议题可归纳为减缓领域、适应领域、损失和损害以及战略计划和目标四大类,未来会日益强调基于生态系统方式实现协同增效。本文还提出了中国谈判及履约建议:(1)主动引领交叉议题谈判进程;(2)构建和完善国家协同履约机制;(3)结合南南合作、一带一路等开展区域合作。  相似文献   

增强发展中国家能力建设是全球应对气候变化的重要前提条件,而在联合国气候变化框架公约(UNFCCC)的谈判进程中,能力建设部分一直进展缓慢。自缔约方第7次会(COP7)上确定了发展中国家能力建设框架后,能力建设的机制建设一直没有取得实质性进展。在巴黎气候变化大会(COP21)上,缔约方一致通过了《巴黎协定》。《巴黎协定》首次授权通过执行附属机构(SBI)建立巴黎能力建设委员会(PCCB)。该委员会将全面协调对发展中国家能力建设的支持,同时监管2016-2020年的能力建设工作计划,全面系统地促进和增强发展中国家应对气候变化的能力建设活动。另外,《巴黎协定》还同意建立透明度能力建设倡议(CBIT)用以增强2020年前后的机制和技术能力。随后,全球环境基金(GEF)为该倡议成立了CBIT信托基金。至此,公约下能力建设议题已经建立了相对完整的国际机制。未来议题的谈判将走向务实与细节。随着全球应对气候变化迈向一个新阶段,中国在能力建设议题的谈判上也应做相应的调整。  相似文献   

适应气候变化是发展中国家的重要谈判议题。《联合国气候变化框架公约》2015年达成《巴黎协定》后如何落实适应议题实施细则成为关注焦点。发达国家以温室气体排放总量大为理由,施压中国等发展中大国出资全球适应气候变化行动;发展中国家内部对适应气候变化受害方和出资方的划分存在较大分歧,造成适应议题下发展中国家集团难以形成合力,《巴黎协定》实施细则谈判进展缓慢。中国气候变化南南合作作为中国与其他发展中国家之间重要的气候变化领域合作形式,能否通过寻找发展中国家契合点,依据合理机制,对适应谈判发挥一定作用,须及早进行利弊分析及顶层设计。文章通过分析美欧日对外援助的机制、梳理非洲小岛国等主要发展中国家集团在应对气候变化不利影响方面的需求、总结以往中国适应项目对外援助情况的基础上,提出了今后中国气候变化南南合作与适应谈判中需要注意的问题,包括区分适应援助和减缓援助、避免中国气候变化南南合作的属性被误读等问题,为争取广阔外交利益、合理构建南南合作机制提供政策建议。  相似文献   

正减缓和适应是应对气候变化的两大策略。由于适应"有潜力减少未来几十年气候变化带来的负面影响和潜在风险,而减缓在这个时间段却几乎无法产生作用",因此适应在《联合国气候变化框架公约》(简称《公约》)谈判中一直是发展中国家的优先议题[1-2]。经过发展中国家的不懈努力,2007年《巴厘路线图》提出减缓和适应并重,2010年《坎昆适应框架》提出增强适应行动,此后适应在《公约》谈判中的地位不断上升,议题也不断增多[3]。2015年,  相似文献   

2012年《联合国气候变化框架公约》(简称《公约》)多哈会议期间,应对气候变化不利影响的损失与危害问题突然升温,成为影响大会能否成功的关键议题之一。通过回顾《公约》下损失与危害问题谈判的背景历程,对主要集团的观点和核心问题进行了分析,认为发达国家出于自身利益考虑,弱化《公约》下承担的历史责任,甚至向发展中国家转嫁责任,是损失与危害谈判进展缓慢的根本原因。并提出在2013年第十九次缔约方大会(COP19)上损失与危害谈判中,发展中国家需要坚持损失与危害议题的本质是要求发达国家承担历史责任,坚决抵制责任转嫁;损失与危害谈判必须加强发展中国家的团结,必须清醒地认识到让部分发展中大国承担出资义务是不公平的要求;确保损失与危害国际机制具备活动组织、资金来源、效果评估与报告等一系列核心职能,以争取损失与危害议题谈判取得成功。  相似文献   

详细介绍了《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方会议第13次会议通过的"巴厘路线图"的具体内容。"巴厘路线图"规划了未来两年将要谈判的重要议题,包括发达国家在2012年后减排温室气体义务;发展中国家未来温室气体减排行动;适应气候变化;发达国家未来向发展中国家提供技术转让、资金支持和能力建设等。这些议题谈判的成败,将对未来保护气候的国际努力、对未来全球的气候环境产生决定性影响,从而对谈判前景做了分析  相似文献   

 详细介绍了《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方会议第13次会议通过的"巴厘路线图"的具体内容。"巴厘路线图"规划了未来两年将要谈判的重要议题,包括发达国家在2012年后减排温室气体义务;发展中国家未来温室气体减排行动;适应气候变化;发达国家未来向发展中国家提供技术转让、资金支持和能力建设等。这些议题谈判的成败,将对未来保护气候的国际努力、对未来全球的气候环境产生决定性影响,从而对谈判前景做了分析  相似文献   

伐木制品碳储量议题的谈判进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
伐木制品碳储量对森林生态系统和大气之间的碳平衡起着至关重要的作用,伐木制品替代化石燃料,以及延长产品使用寿命对于减缓温室气体的排放具有很大的潜力。因此,伐木制品的碳储量议题已被列为《联合国气候变化框架公约》谈判的重要议题,并且将成为今后林业议题谈判的重要内容之一。在参与林业议题谈判和分析相关谈判资料的基础上,对各主要谈判方的观点作了简要总结,指出了目前该议题谈判存在的主要问题,并指出了今后谈判和研究的主要方向以及我国谈判的建议,以期为我国今后的履约战略提供支持。  相似文献   

联合国气候变化框架公约适应委员会职能谈判焦点解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在《联合国气候变化框架公约》(简称《公约》)下建立适应委员会是当前气候变化国际谈判中发展中国家和发达国家争论的焦点之一。通过对《公约》下现有机构的职能分析和已开展的适应行动的回顾,提出适应委员会需赋予适应规划、政策制定、资金需求评估、项目实施、协调区域中心等关键职能。针对谈判中的焦点问题,发展中国家应坚持以下三点:将适应委员会建立在《公约》之下,提高适应委员会的作用;发展中国家在适应委员会中占多数席位;适应委员会与资金和技术机制直接联系,落实开展具体适应活动的资金和技术支持。  相似文献   

《Climate Policy》2013,13(2):216-231
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) in developing countries has been at the centre of negotiations on a renewed international climate regime. Developing countries have made it clear that their ability to engage in REDD activities would depend on obtaining sufficient and stable funding. Two alternative REDD financing options are examined to find possible ways forward: financing through a future compliance market and financing through a non-offset fund. First, global demand for hypothetical REDD credits is estimated. The demand for REDD credits would be highest with a base year of 1990, using gross—net accounting. The key factors determining demand in this scenario are the emission reduction targets and the allowable cap. A proportion of emission reduction targets available for offsets lower than 15% would fail to generate a sufficient demand for REDD. Also examined is the option of financing REDD through a fund. Indirectly linking the replenishment of a REDD fund to the market is a promising mechanism, but its feasibility depends on political will. The example of overseas development assistance for global health indicates the conditions for possible REDD financing. The best financial approach for REDD would be a flexible REDD mechanism with two tracks: a market track serving as a mitigation option for developed countries, and a fund track serving as a mitigation option for developing countries.  相似文献   

If a binding agreement can be reached on a post-2012 international climate regime, it is likely to include the phased introduction of a market-linked mechanism for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD). Under such a scheme, countries that reduce net REDD emissions below a pre-set baseline would receive credits that could be sold in carbon markets and used by purchasing nations to meet their international mitigation obligations. This paper draws on the Australian experience with deforestation to identify some of the issues that might obstruct progress on REDD. For the past 20 years, Australia has had the highest rate of deforestation in the developed world; ~416,000 ha of forests were cleared annually between 1990 and 2009, resulting in the emission of almost 80 MtCO2-e/yr. It is also the only developed country that will rely on reduced deforestation emissions as the primary way of meeting its quantified emissions target under the Kyoto Protocol. Australia’s approach to deforestation issues provides valuable insights into the difficulties an international REDD scheme might encounter.  相似文献   

《Climate Policy》2013,13(2):207-220
Since 2005, Parties to the UNFCCC have been negotiating policy options for incentivizing reductions of (greenhouse gas) emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD) in a future climate regime. Proposals on how to operationalize REDD range from market-based to pure fund-based approaches. Most of the current proposals suggest accounting for REDD at the national level. Accounting for emission reductions and implementing policy reform for curbing deforestation will take time and imply high levels of technical and institutional capacity. Therefore it is essential that developing countries receive sufficient support to implement national REDD programmes. To save time and ensure prompt action in reducing deforestation, a REDD approach is proposed that integrates project-level and subnational REDD schemes into national-level accounting. This ‘nested approach’ can achieve meaningful reductions in GHG emissions from improved forest governance and management, while allowing for an immediate and broad participation by developing countries, civil society and the private sector.  相似文献   

This paper offers a normative analysis of the current negotiations on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Drawing on existing theories of distributive justice, we seek to determine which interpretations of equity are embodied in the key proposals and policy approaches to REDD in the run up to a post-Kyoto climate agreement. Our analysis indicates that whilst the various proposals are characterised by different and sometimes contradictory notions of equity, it is the ideas that are more consistent with neoliberal concepts of justice that tend to prevail. The result is that despite abiding contestations and controversies, emerging REDD policy solutions for the post-2012 climate regime looks very likely to reflect a commitment to market-based approaches to forest governance. However, whilst such market-based approaches might serve the preferences of powerful players, their effectiveness in terms of forest preservation, the protection of indigenous peoples and sustainable community development remains extremely dubious. On a broader note, our analysis reinforces the growing realization that the international arena is not beyond the pale of moral arguments but rather that the governance of global environmental change implicates elemental ethical questions regarding which ways of life human beings ought to pursue.  相似文献   

气候变化适应行动进展及对我国行动策略的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巴厘岛会议,即《联合国气候变化框架公约》(简称《公约》)第13次缔约方会议,明确了将气候变化适应和减缓并重的立场,并对适应工作进行了一系列的安排和部署。通过介绍《公约》下适应认识的发展过程,阐述了巴厘岛会议针对适应行动的一些进展,讨论了我国在适应方面可开展的行动和关注的领域。分析认为,目前适应已成为和减缓并重的关注议题,适应行动的呼声越来越强烈,但行动的落实还需要经过漫长的过程,适应基金募集和分配在发达国家和发展中国家之间、发展中国家内部也将有一个艰难而激烈的谈判交锋。  相似文献   

 巴厘岛会议,即《联合国气候变化框架公约》(简称《公约》)第13次缔约方会议,明确了将气候变化适应和减缓并重的立场,并对适应工作进行了一系列的安排和部署。通过介绍《公约》下适应认识的发展过程,阐述了巴厘岛会议针对适应行动的一些进展,讨论了我国在适应方面可开展的行动和关注的领域。分析认为,目前适应已成为和减缓并重的关注议题,适应行动的呼声越来越强烈,但行动的落实还需要经过漫长的过程,适应基金募集和分配在发达国家和发展中国家之间、发展中国家内部也将有一个艰难而激烈的谈判交锋。  相似文献   

Despite remaining uncertainties, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation in developing countries (REDD) projects are being planned and implemented across the tropics, primarily targeting countries with high forest cover and high deforestation rates. However, there is growing recognition that REDD planning requires a broadened approach; a future REDD mechanism should incentivise emissions reduction in all developing forested countries, and should address critical non-carbon dimensions of REDD implementation—quality of forest governance, conservation priorities, local rights and tenure frameworks, and sub-national project potential. When considering this broader suite of factors, different REDD priorities can emerge, including in countries with low forest cover that would be overlooked by conventional site selection criteria. Using the Philippines as a case study, the paper highlights the importance of an enabling environment to REDD implementation, and presents a more comprehensive and inclusive approach for thinking about what comprises a “REDD country.”  相似文献   

Policy initiatives in India, such as the Social Forestry Program and later the Joint Forest Management, were introduced for their co-benefits, including forest protection, employment opportunities, and added income for communities living in and around the forests. The evolution of these forest policies is critically reviewed. It is argued that India is perfectly positioned to benefit from climate change mitigation efforts, due to a rich, albeit chequered, history in forest management. National forestry policies are examined to assess how they can complement international climate change mitigation instruments, such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and the more recent Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD or REDD+ with conservation, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks) and aid national sustainable development objectives. There is a need to heed the experiences from India's evolving forest policies, particularly those concerning land tenure and resource rights, which lack specificity within international mechanisms. The active engagement of rural communities must be integral to any programmes that make any claim to development and to environmental integrity as a whole.

Policy relevance

India's forestry programmes are examined for their effectiveness in informing international initiatives such as the CDM and REDD+. Forestry policies in India can evolve to complement international climate mitigation tools. By examining current and historical forest legislation, and their subsequent impacts, it is shown how communities can sustain their system of forest management and retain/obtain rights to land and resources under the CDM and REDD+. Looking for such synergies within existing national policies to implement newer international initiatives can greatly facilitate and increase the momentum of global environmental change.  相似文献   

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