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为参加第六次国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6)和进一步提高模式的模拟能力,大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室(LASG)模式团队发展了新一代的格点大气版本的FGOALS-g耦合模式。新版本模式在大气分辨率、海洋网格,以及各分量模式的物理过程等方面都有一定的改进,并正在参与CMIP6最核心的试验以及多个CMIP6模式比较子计划试验。给定CMIP6外强迫,模式在工业革命前参照试验(piControl)和大气模式比较计划(AMIP)试验中模拟的初步结果都比较合理。  相似文献   

海洋模式比较计划(OMIP)是第六次国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6)中的一个支撑子计划。OMIP致力于CMIP6中模式系统偏差来源及其影响这样一个重要科学问题。同时,OMIP也将在区域海平面变化和近期气候(未来10~30 a)或者年代际气候预测的相关科学问题上有重要贡献,这些问题被世界气候研究计划(WCRP)列为气候科学领域巨大挑战的科学问题。OMIP采用统一的大气外强迫数据集和通量计算方案,进行全球海洋-海冰耦合试验、示踪物试验以及生物地球化学循环试验。同时,OMIP提供了一套针对海洋变量的详细的诊断框架,这个框架既可以评估和改进模式模拟,也可以用于理解海洋-海冰过程在整个气候系统中的作用。  相似文献   

目前,世界气候研究计划(WCRP)组织的国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP)已经进入到第六阶段(CMIP6),CMIP6试验的开展也已成为国内外地球系统模式工作组的首要工作之一。自然资源部第一海洋研究所地球系统模式FIO-ESM是以耦合自主开发的海浪模式为特色的地球系统模式。在参与CMIP5的FIO-ESM v1.0的基础上,通过升级分量模式、改进海气通量相关物理过程和提高分辨率等,FIO-ESM v2.0现已完成研发,正在开展CMIP6科学计划的相关试验。文中围绕FIO-ESM v2.0的特色和计划参与CMIP6的情况,介绍了FIO-ESM v2.0的模式框架、包含的特色物理过程以及拟参加的CMIP6科学计划情况,以方便气候研究领域的科学家了解和使用。  相似文献   

当今气候系统模式发展的重要趋势之一,是通过提高模式的空间分辨率,改进对气候系统中多尺度相互作用过程和极端事件的模拟能力。过去5年里,中国科学院大气物理研究所发展并完善了25 km分辨率大气环流分量模式FAMIL2.2、1/10°分辨率海洋环流分量模式LICOM3.0,并以此为基础建立了高分辨率气候系统模式FGOALS-f3-H。利用上述高分辨率模式,开展了大量的数值模拟试验和预报/预测研究,其中包括国际耦合模式比较计划第六阶段(CMIP6)的高分辨率模式比较子计划(HighResMIP),建立了海洋环流预测系统(LFS)等。初步评估分析表明,相对于低分辨率模式,高分辨率模式对气候平均态和气候变率的模拟能力均有明显改进。其中高分辨率大气环流模式可以更好地模拟台风、极端降水事件,高分辨率海洋模式可以更好地模拟海洋中尺度涡旋和西边界流,而高分辨率耦合模式则可以更好重现中尺度海气相互作用过程、热带不稳定波动(TIW)等事件。  相似文献   

为揭示造成火山强迫气候响应模拟不确定性的原因,第六次国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6)设立了火山强迫的气候响应模拟比较计划(VolMIP)。该计划由基于历史火山爆发的理想火山扰动试验组成,包括三组主要的试验:第一组关注短期(季节至年际)大气动力响应;第二组关注海气耦合系统的长期(年际至年代际)响应;第三组关注气候系统对火山群的响应。VolMIP旨在通过给定相同的辐射强迫并进行多成员集合模拟,揭示模式对外强迫响应的不确定性,通过设定不同的背景气候态,阐明内部变率和外强迫对气候响应的相对贡献。  相似文献   

表层洋流对外强迫响应敏感度的数值研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用数值模拟研究了海表流场对外强迫(风应力和海表热通量)的响应特征,探讨了其对该类外强迫异常响应的敏感性以及较敏感区域。在确认本文所用的海洋环流模式能够较好地模拟表层海洋流场的气候状态之后,通过几个敏感性试验与控制(对照)试验结果的比较,发现海洋表层环流对海表风应力异常响应的敏感区域主要在赤道附近及大洋西边界海区;相对于热带外地区,热带海域(20°S~20°N)的风应力异常对于大洋表层环流的变化有着更重要的显著作用,它不仅会导致热带海域表层流场有较大的变化,对中高纬海区的表层流场特别是西边界流也有明显影响;海洋表层环流对海表热通量异常的响应除了在赤道附近海域明显之外,在中高纬海区也十分显著;在外强迫有同等异常幅度(20%)的情况下,大洋西边界海域对热通量的响应明显要强于对风应力的响应。此外,热通量异常还对南太平洋东海岸的洋流和南极大陆的绕极环流有较为明显的影响。  相似文献   

世界气候研究计划(WCRP)组织开展的耦合模式比较计划已实施到第六阶段(CMIP6),中国气象科学研究院发展的气候系统模式CAMS-CSM是注册参加CMIP6的模式之一。除CMIP6要求的气候诊断、评估和描述试验(DECK)以及历史气候模拟试验(Historical)外,CAMS-CSM还计划参加情景模式比较计划(ScenarioMIP)、云反馈模式比较计划(CFMIP)、全球季风模式比较计划(GMMIP)和高分辨率模式比较计划(HighResMIP)这4个模式比较子计划(MIPs)。文中通过介绍CAMS-CSM的基本情况和模拟性能,以及计划参加的CMIP6试验及MIPs,为模式试验数据使用者提供参考。  相似文献   

利用全球海洋—大气快速耦合模式(Fast Ocean-Atmosphere Model,FOAM),采用模式中的初值方法,研究了湾流区海温再现过程及其对北半球大气环流和气候的影响。FOAM模式很好地模拟了北大西洋湾流区的海温"再现"过程,模式中海面热通量异常与SST异常表现出不同步的响应特征。海面热通量异常在初冬季节达到最大值,而SST异常滞后,在冬季晚期达到最大值,从而在初冬和晚冬对北半球大气环流造成不同的影响。初冬季节北半球大气环流主要受海洋热通量异常的强迫,在北大西洋和北太平洋上空呈现相当正压的异常低压槽响应,北极地区为异常高压脊,类似北极涛动的负位相,可能造成欧洲南部和北非大陆气温偏高,亚洲大陆气温偏低。而晚冬季节北半球大气环流主要受SST异常的驱动,在北大西洋和北太平洋上空表现为相当正压的异常高压脊响应,北极地区为异常低压槽,类似北极涛动的正位相,可能造成欧洲南部和北非大陆气温偏低,亚洲大陆气温偏高,中国东部降水异常偏多30%左右。北太平洋大气环流的异常由北大西洋湾流区海洋热通量和SST异常强迫下游大气环流所激发,进一步通过Rossby驻波的能量频散东传至北太平洋而造成的。  相似文献   

世界气候研究计划(WCRP)组织实施第六次国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6),清华大学联合国内多家单位,通过多年的模式研发,完成联合地球系统模式(CIESM),除了CMIP6的气候诊断、评估和描述试验(DECK)和历史气候模拟试验(Historical),模式拟参与6个CMIP6子计划。通过介绍该模式的基本情况及其参与的试验子计划,为今后模式试验数据使用者提供参考。  相似文献   

第六次国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6)评述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
世界气候研究计划(WCRP)发起了新一轮的国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6),目的是回答当前气候变化领域面临的新的科学问题,为实现WCRP“大挑战”计划所确立的科学目标提供数据支撑。文中回顾了CMIP的发展历程,介绍了CMIP6的组织思路,阐述了CMIP6核心试验及23个模式比较子计划(MIPs)的科学关注点,总结了参与CMIP6的全球模式概况以及中国的贡献。最后,从继承性和创新性等角度对CMIP6进行了评述,指出了CMIP6组织和实施中存在的问题,并对CMIP未来的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

The Flux-Anomaly-Forced Model Intercomparison Project(FAFMIP) is an endorsed Model Intercomparison Project in phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP6). The goal of FAFMIP is to investigate the spread in the atmosphere–ocean general circulation model projections of ocean climate change forced by increased CO_2, including the uncertainties in the simulations of ocean heat uptake, global mean sea level rise due to ocean thermal expansion and dynamic sea level change due to ocean circulation and density changes. The FAFMIP experiments have already been conducted with the Flexible Global Ocean–Atmosphere–Land System Model, gridpoint version 3.0(FGOALS-g3). The model datasets have been submitted to the Earth System Grid Federation(ESGF) node. Here, the details of the experiments,the output variables and some baseline results are presented. Compared with the preliminary results of other models, the evolutions of global mean variables can be reproduced well by FGOALS-g3. The simulations of spatial patterns are also consistent with those of other models in most regions except the North Atlantic and the Southern Ocean, indicating large uncertainties in the regional sea level projections of these two regions.  相似文献   

The second version of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Earth System Model(CAS-ESM2.0)is participating in the Flux-Anomaly-Forced Model Intercomparison Project(FAFMIP)experiments in phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP6).The purpose of FAFMIP is to understand and reduce the uncertainty of ocean climate changes in response to increased CO2 forcing in atmosphere-ocean general circulation models(AOGCMs),including the simulations of ocean heat content(OHC)change,ocean circulation change,and sea level rise due to thermal expansion.FAFMIP experiments(including faf-heat,faf-stress,faf-water,faf-all,faf-passiveheat,faf-heat-NA50pct and faf-heat-NA0pct)have been conducted.All of the experiments were integrated over a 70-year period and the corresponding data have been uploaded to the Earth System Grid Federation data server for CMIP6 users to download.This paper describes the experimental design and model datasets and evaluates the preliminary results of CAS-ESM2.0 simulations of ocean climate changes in the FAFMIP experiments.The simulations of the changes in global ocean temperature,Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation(AMOC),OHC,and dynamic sea level(DSL),are all reasonably reproduced.  相似文献   

Sea level change predicted by the CMIP5 atmosphere–ocean general circulation models (AOGCMs) is not spatially homogeneous. In particular, the sea level change in the North Atlantic is usually characterised by a meridional dipole pattern with higher sea level rise north of 40°N and lower to the south. The spread among models is also high in that region. Here we evaluate the role of surface buoyancy fluxes by carrying out simulations with the FAMOUS low-resolution AOGCM forced by surface freshwater and heat flux changes from CO2-forced climate change experiments with CMIP5 AOGCMs, and by a standard idealised surface freshwater flux applied in the North Atlantic. Both kinds of buoyancy flux change lead to the formation of the sea level dipole pattern, although the effect of the heat flux has a greater magnitude, and is the main cause of the spread of results among the CMIP5 models. By using passive tracers in FAMOUS to distinguish between additional and redistributed buoyancy, we show that the enhanced sea level rise north of 40°N is mainly due to the direct steric effect (the reduction of sea water density) caused by adding heat or freshwater locally. The surface buoyancy forcing also causes a weakening of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, and the consequent reduction of the northward ocean heat transport imposes a negative tendency on sea level rise, producing the reduced rise south of 40°N. However, unlike previous authors, we find that this indirect effect of buoyancy forcing is generally less important than the direct one, except in a narrow band along the east coast of the US, where it plays a major role and leads to sea level rise, as found by previous authors.  相似文献   

State-of-the-art coupled general circulation models(CGCMs)are used to predict ocean heat uptake(OHU)and sealevel change under global warming.However,the projections of different models vary,resulting in high uncertainty.Much of the inter-model spread is driven by responses to surface heat perturbations.This study mainly focuses on the response of the ocean to a surface heat flux perturbation F,as prescribed by the Flux-Anomaly-Forced Model Intercomparison Project(FAFMIP).The results of ocean model were compared with those of a CGCM with the same ocean component.On the global scale,the changes in global mean temperature,ocean heat content(OHC),and steric sea level(SSL)simulated in the OGCM are generally consistent with CGCM simulations.Differences in changes in ocean temperature,OHC,and SSL between the two models primarily occur in the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans(AA)and the Southern Ocean(SO)basins.In addition to the differences in surface heat flux anomalies between the two models,differences in heat exchange between basins also play an important role in the inconsistencies in ocean climate changes in the AA and SO basins.These discrepancies are largely due to both the larger initial value and the greater weakening change of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation(AMOC)in CGCM.The greater weakening of the AMOC in the CGCM is associated with the atmosphere–ocean feedback and the lack of a restoring salinity boundary condition.Furthermore,differences in surface salinity boundary conditions between the two models contribute to discrepancies in SSL changes.  相似文献   

The simulated Arctic sea ice drift and its relationship with the near-surface wind and surface ocean current during 1979-2014 in nine models from China that participated in the sixth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP6)are examined by comparison with observational and reanalysis datasets.Most of the models reasonably represent the Beaufort Gyre(BG)and Transpolar Drift Stream(TDS)in the spatial patterns of their long-term mean sea ice drift,while the detailed location,extent,and strength of the BG and TDS vary among the models.About two-thirds of the models agree with the observation/reanalysis in the sense that the sea ice drift pattern is consistent with the near-surface wind pattern.About the same proportion of models shows that the sea ice drift pattern is consistent with the surface ocean current pattern.In the observation/reanalysis,however,the sea ice drift pattern does not match well with the surface ocean current pattern.All nine models missed the observational widespread sea ice drift speed acceleration across the Arctic.For the Arctic basin-wide spatial average,five of the nine models overestimate the Arctic long-term(1979-2014)mean sea ice drift speed in all months.Only FGOALS-g3 captures a significant sea ice drift speed increase from 1979 to 2014 both in spring and autumn.The increases are weaker than those in the observation.This evaluation helps assess the performance of the Arctic sea ice drift simulations in these CMIP6 models from China.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic climate forcing will cause the global mean sea level to rise over the 21st century.However,regional sea level is expected to vary across ocean basins,superimposed by the influence of natural internal climate variability.Here,we address the detection of dynamic sea level(DSL)changes by combining the perspectives of a single and a multimodel ensemble approach(the 50-member CanESM5 and a 27-model ensemble,respectively,all retrieved from the CMIP6 archive),under three CMIP6 projected scenarios:SSP1-2.6,SSP3-7.0 and SSP5-8.5.The ensemble analysis takes into account four key metrics:signal(S),noise(N),S/N ratio,and time of emergence(ToE).The results from both sets of ensembles agree in the fact that regions with higher S/N(associated with smaller uncertainties)also reflect earlier ToEs.The DSL signal is projected to emerge in the Southern Ocean,Southeast Pacific,Northwest Atlantic,and the Arctic.Results common for both sets of ensemble simulations show that while S progressively increases with increased projected emissions,N,in turn,does not vary substantially among the SSPs,suggesting that uncertainty arising from internal climate variability has little dependence on changes in the magnitude of external forcing.Projected changes are greater and quite similar for the scenarios SSP3-7.0 and SSP5-8.5 and considerably smaller for the SSP1-2.6,highlighting the importance of public policies towards lower emission scenarios and of keeping emissions below a certain threshold.  相似文献   

This paper includes a comprehensive assessment of 40 models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5) and 33 models from the CMIP phase 6 (CMIP6) to determine the climatological and seasonal variation of ocean salinity from the surface to 2000 m. The general pattern of the ocean salinity climatology can be simulated by both the CMIP5 and CMIP6 models from the surface to 2000-m depth. However, this study shows an increased fresh bias in the surface and subsurface salinity in the CMIP6 multimodel mean, with a global average of ?0.44 g kg?1 for the sea surface salinity (SSS) and ?0.26 g kg?1 for the 0–1000-m averaged salinity (S1000) compared with the CMIP5 multimodel mean (?0.25 g kg?1 for the SSS and ?0.07 g kg?1 for the S1000). In terms of the seasonal variation, both CMIP6 and CMIP5 models show positive (negative) anomalies in the first (second) half of the year in the global average SSS and S1000. The model-simulated variation in SSS is consistent with the observations, but not for S1000, suggesting a substantial uncertainty in simulating and understanding the seasonal variation in subsurface salinity. The CMIP5 and CMIP6 models overestimate the magnitude of the seasonal variation of the SSS in the tropics in the region 20°S–20°N but underestimate the magnitude of the seasonal change in S1000 in the Atlantic and Indian oceans. These assessments show new features of the model errors in simulating ocean salinity and support further studies of the global hydrological cycle.  相似文献   

As a member of the Chinese modeling groups,the coupled ocean-ice component of the Chinese Academy of Sciences’Earth System Model,version 2.0(CAS-ESM2.0),is taking part in the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project Phase 1(OMIP1)experiment of phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP6).The simulation was conducted,and monthly outputs have been published on the ESGF(Earth System Grid Federation)data server.In this paper,the experimental dataset is introduced,and the preliminary performances of the ocean model in simulating the global ocean temperature,salinity,sea surface temperature,sea surface salinity,sea surface height,sea ice,and Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation(AMOC)are evaluated.The results show that the model is at quasi-equilibrium during the integration of 372 years,and performances of the model are reasonable compared with observations.This dataset is ready to be downloaded and used by the community in related research,e.g.,multi-ocean-sea-ice model performance evaluation and interannual variation in oceans driven by prescribed atmospheric forcing.  相似文献   

Various ocean reanalysis data reveal that the subarctic Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) has been cooling during the twentieth century. A similar cooling pattern is found in the doubling CO2 experiment obtained from the CMIP3 (coupled model intercomparison project third phase) compared to the pre-industrial experiment. Here, in order to investigate the main driver of this cooling, we perform the heat budget analysis on the subarctic Atlantic upper ocean temperature. The net surface heat flux associated with the increased concentration of greenhouse gases heats the subarctic ocean surface. In the most of models, the longwave radiation, latent heat flux, and sensible heat flux exert a warming effect, and the shortwave radiation exerts a cooling effect. On the other hand, the thermal advection by the meridional current reduces the subarctic upper ocean temperature in all models. This cold advection is attributed to the weakening of the meridional overturning circulation, which is related to the reduction in the ocean surface density. In particular, greater warming of the surface air than of the sea surface results in the reduction of surface evaporation and thereby enhanced freshening of the ocean surface water, while precipitation change was smaller than evaporation change. The thermal advections by both the wind-driven Ekman current and the density-driven geostrophic current contribute to cooling in most of the models, where the heat transport by the geostrophic current tends to be larger than that by the Ekman current.  相似文献   

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