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利用塔克拉玛干沙漠北缘肖塘陆气相互作用观测站2009年8-10月探测的资料,对该地区能量收支状况进行了初步分析。结果表明:2009年8-10月的平均能量闭合率为78%,闭合差为22%。夏季白天,感热、潜热、土壤热通量各占净辐射的52%、6%、16%,夜间依次占净辐射的53%、3%、6%。夏季白天、夜间能量不平衡率分别为26%、38%。8月肖塘的总体输送系数CD平均值为4.5×10-3,CH为2.2×10-3。CD、CH季节变化和日变化显著,都是夏季大于秋季,白天大,夜间小。  相似文献   

黄土高原半干旱草地近地层湍流温湿特征及总体输送系数   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用兰州大学半干旱气候与环境观测站(简称SACOL站)2008年夏季晴天近地层湍流观测资料,分析了SACOL站近地层湍流温、湿统计特征,确定了大气动力学和热力学粗糙度长度,讨论了总体输送系数随大气稳定度的变化规律。结果表明,大气层结不稳定条件下,无量纲温度和比湿脉动方差与稳定度Z/L之间均满足-1/3次规律;大气层结稳定条件下,温湿脉动方差总体趋势是随大气稳定度增加而减小。水汽通量全天大于零,最大值为0.063 g·m-2·s-1,地表日平均蒸发量为1.9 mm。中性条件下,黄土高原半干旱草地动力学粗糙度长度为6.6×10-3m,热力学粗糙度为1.85×10-5m。大气层结不稳定条件下,CD平均值为4.4×10-3,CH平均值为3.9×10-3;中性条件下,CD和CH平均值分别为4.2×10-3和2.8×10-3;层结稳定条件下,CD平均值为3.1×10-3,CH平均值为2.1×10-3,表明总体输送系数随稳定度的增大而减小。  相似文献   

基于对"全球能量水循环亚洲季风青藏高原试验研究"(GAME/Tibet)和"全球协调加强观测计划(CEOP)之亚澳季风青藏高原试验"(CAMP/Tibet)设在藏北高原的安多站、BJ站、D105站和NPAM站以及中国科学院珠峰站和中国科学院纳木错站10~20年晴天日间的辐射观测资料求年均值,分析了高原草甸(草高为5 cm的高原草甸,10 cm的高原草甸和高原稀疏草甸,15 cm的高原草甸)、戈壁和临湖高原草甸这些典型下垫面观测站多年观测的短波向下辐射、短波向上辐射、长波向上辐射、长波向下辐射、净辐射通量和地表反照率的年际变化,得出了青藏高原地表辐射通量的气候特征,发现高原上大部分站点观测到的短波向下辐射有不同程度的减小的年变化趋势,基本所有站点观测的长波向上辐射有不同程度的逐年增加趋势,且高原上基本所有站点观测的长波向下辐射有不同程度的增加趋势,高原地区大部分站点的净辐射通量的年变化趋势基本与短波向下辐射的年变化相一致,青藏高原大部分站点的地表反照率在不同程度上逐年减小。  相似文献   


利用2015年8月锦州气象站的观测资料和中国地面气候资料日值数据集(V3.0),分析东北半干旱地区夏季能量水分传输过程。结果表明:锦州地区8月两次降水过程对近地面气象要素造成的差异较为明显。锦州站2 m气温和比湿都具有明显的日变化特征,较深层土壤升温与浅层土壤升温相比存在滞后效应。8月锦州站的CO2通量平均值为-0.17 mg/(m2·s),表现为"碳汇"。陆—气之间的能量交换主要依赖于水汽相变所传输的能量。地表反照率的日变化趋势大致为"U"型。潜热通量和感热通量平均值分别为71.9、29.7 W/m2。强烈的向下短波辐射使土壤和地表增温,同期降水量也偏少,是2015年夏季该地区出现的干旱的主要原因。能量不平衡的现象普遍存在,在考虑能量平衡时,考虑土壤热储量情况下的能量闭合率比不考虑时高2%~3%,夜间数据可以忽略。云量的增多会降低能量闭合程度。  相似文献   

利用“中国西北干旱区陆气相互作用观测试验(NWC-LAIEX)”所获取一年的地面辐射观测资料(2000年5月~2001年4月),比较分析了我国典型干旱区敦煌戈壁、临泽沙漠和藏北高原五道梁地区地表辐射能量的收支特征。结果表明:3个地区各辐射分量季节变化明显,春季一般为跳跃式增加,而秋季则急剧减小,敦煌和临泽地区总辐射月总量几乎全年都小于藏北高原的五道梁地区,冬季最为明显。五道梁和临泽地区的地表反照率有较明显的季节变化和日变化,季节变化是夏季较小,冬季大;而敦煌戈壁地区的反照率不论是季节变化还是日变化,都比较平缓;3个地区相比,临泽沙漠地区的反照率最大,五道梁地区次之,敦煌戈壁地区最小。敦煌戈壁和临泽沙漠地区的地面向上长波辐射和大气逆辐射都比藏北高原的五道梁地区大。地面有效辐射在敦煌戈壁和临泽沙漠地区是夏季大,冬季小;而在藏北高原的五道梁地区则是春秋季大,冬夏季小。地面有效辐射与地面吸收辐射之比敦煌戈壁和临泽沙漠地区量值相近,藏北高原的五道梁地区较小,夏季尤为突出。在夏季,五道梁的地表净辐射要远远大于其他两个地区,冬季3个地区量值相当。与地表净辐射相对应,五道梁地区的地面热源强度在夏季大于敦煌戈壁地区,在冬季相差不大。  相似文献   

利用东帕米尔高原塔什库尔干国家基本气候站2020年6月至2021年6月观测的辐射数据,分析了东帕米尔高原不同时间尺度和不同天气条件下各辐射通量及地表反照率变化特征。结果表明:(1)各辐射通量在逐日均值变化上呈“V”型曲线;向下短波辐射、向上短波辐射、向下长波辐射、向上长波辐射和净辐射年曝辐量分别为5001.6, 1370.3, 6090.7, 8550.8和1189.0 MJ·m-2;在季节尺度上,各辐射通量总体表现为夏季>春季>秋季>冬季,而向上短波辐射在冬季最高。(2)不同天气下,辐射通量也不同,晴天时,各辐射通量变化均为较平滑的单峰型,少云、多云时均为不规则单峰型,降水时,除冬季外均为多峰型,辐射通量均值变化表现为晴天>少云>多云>降水。(3)地表反照率在观测期间平均值为0.29,最大值出现在1月,最小值出现在7月,分别为0.58和0.24;在季节上表现为冬季最大,夏季最小;春、夏、秋季地表反照率呈“U”型,冬季为倒“U”型;降雨时地表反照率下降,降雪时则地表反照率上升,说明不同降水类型对地表反照率影响不同。  相似文献   

青藏高原不同地区辐射特征对比分析   总被引:13,自引:7,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
武荣盛  马耀明 《高原气象》2010,29(2):251-259
利用"全球协调加强观测计划(CEOP)之亚澳季风青藏高原试验"(CAMP/Tibet)在藏北高原的BJ站、NPAM站及中国科学院珠穆朗玛峰大气与环境综合观测研究站、纳木错多圈层相互作用综合观测研究站和藏东南高山环境综合观测研究站2007年的辐射观测资料,分析了这些地区不同下垫面地表辐射各分量及地表反照率的日变化和月际变化特征。结果表明,向下短波辐射受太阳高度角的影响存在明显的日变化和月际变化;向上短波辐射的月际变化基本与总辐射一致,在个别月份由于高原积雪造成地表反照率较高,从而使晴天向上短波辐射全年较高;向下长波辐射存在基本的季节变化,最大值出现在天空总云量较多的夏季(6~8月),最小值出现在冬季(12月和1月);向上长波辐射基本上都是夏季为全年最大,冬季为全年最小。这与地表温度的年变化情况相一致。高原不同地区各季节晴天地表净辐射存在差异,NPAM站和藏东南站由于下垫面植被覆盖较好,净辐射值各季节均高于其它各站;NPAM站、纳木错站和珠峰站地表反照率日变化曲线呈"U"型,BJ站和藏东南站日变化相对复杂,藏东南站全年月平均地表反照率较小且变化不大,其他各站存在基本的年变化趋势。  相似文献   

台风“珍珠”登陆期间动量通量的多尺度分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用台风"珍珠"登陆前后的近地层湍流观测资料,分析了该台风经过观测场地前后地面气象要素的变化及其动量通量特征。结果表明,台风"珍珠"经过观测场地前后的近地层气象要素发生了急剧的变化,并且在台风前部存在强的中尺度对流系统,反映在风速能谱密度结构上,频率f在3×10-4~2×10-3Hz之间的中尺度信号对能谱的贡献比平稳天气形势下的能谱贡献大很多,尤其是顺风方向风速的能谱密度的峰值与湍流信号的峰值相当;动量通量分析结果表明,台风中心经过观测场地的前后三小时,近地层通量以向下输送的中尺度通量为主,湍流通量的贡献相对于中尺度通量较小,也是向下输送的;而在其他时段,近地层通量主要以向上输送的湍流通量为主,中尺度通量量值很小,可以忽略。  相似文献   

巴丹吉林沙漠与小尺度湖泊夏季地表特征对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2009年7 9月"巴丹吉林沙漠陆气相互作用及其对区域气候的影响研究"试验所得观测资料,系统分析了夏季典型晴天下巴丹吉林沙漠和沙湖不同下垫面的辐射和能量收支特征。结果表明:(1)沙漠点和沙湖点土壤温湿度都有明显的日变化,表现为准正弦曲线。地表向下日较差逐步变小,日峰值和谷值都有明显的滞后性。5~10 cm土壤温、湿度受地表温度影响较大,20 cm以下不再有明显的日变化。沙湖点土壤湿度较大,且出现逆湿现象。(2)沙漠点和沙湖点太阳总辐射的日变化趋于一致;沙漠点大气长波辐射、地表长波辐射、有效辐射均比沙湖点略低,地表反射辐射大于沙湖点。沙漠的地表长波有效辐射均小于沙湖点,两观测点净辐射差异较小。(3)两观测点的地表反照率呈"U"形分布;沙漠点的日平均反照率为0.32,沙湖点为0.23。(4)沙漠点以感热输送为主,波文比为3.4;沙湖点则以潜热输送为主,波文比为0.2。  相似文献   

In different synoptic conditions and at different time scales,the analysis of the energy budgets by Bowen Ratio Method and Bulk Schemes over Huaihe River Basin during the field observation periods of HUBEX in 1999 shows that,(1) the averaged latent heat flux is an order of magnitude more than the averaged sensible heat flux during the observation period:(2) the variation of totalcloud amount is out of phase with the terms of energy budgets except for the downward longwave radiation which maybe is related to the cloud's height and class:(3) the values of sensible and latent heat fluxes are small during rain episodes,but thereafter,the values become high and then up to maximum.It is similar to the other terms of the energy budgets except for the downward longwave radiation.The diurnal variation of energy budgets indicates that the daytime precipitation exerts great influence to the energy budgets,but the nighttime precipitation makes little influence;(4) the variation of the latent heat flux is in phase with the evaporation,which indicates that the latent heat flux calculated by bulk schemes is reliable:(5) the means of the sensible and latent heat flux and momentum flux by bulk schemes for the time period from May to August are,respectively,30.71W/m2.116.81W/m2.2.86×10-2N/m2 in 1998 and 30.28W/m2,107.35W/m2,2.74×10-2N/m2 in 1999.The values of these two years are similar.During summer in 1999 the magnitude and activity of sensible heat flux are strongest in June and those of the latent heat flux are in August.  相似文献   

新疆东部黑戈壁作为气候恶劣、人迹罕至的生态脆弱区,具有丰富的太阳能资源。利用红柳河陆气相互作用观测站2019年4、7、9月观测资料,分析东疆黑戈壁地表辐射及能量收支演变特征。结果表明:(1)地表辐射及能量收支各分量日变化均为单峰型。就不同季节而言,太阳总辐射和净辐射为夏季>春季>秋季,反射短波辐射为春季>夏季>秋季,地表和大气长波辐射为夏季>秋季>春季。(2)能量收支各分量季节变化明显,感热通量为春季>夏季>秋季,潜热通量为夏季>秋季>春季,地表土壤热通量为秋季>夏季>春季;能量分配在不同季节均以感热为主,地表土壤热通量次之,潜热通量极其微弱。(3)地表反照率日变化均为“U”型,在不同季节表现为春季>秋季>夏季,依次为0.29、0.27、0.26。东疆黑戈壁地表反照率整体较高,这是下垫面为黑色砾石所致。  相似文献   

湿地是由陆地和水体形成的自然综合体,具有重要的生态、水文和生物地球化学功能,黄河源高寒湿地作为黄河重要的水源涵养区,对其下垫面水热交换特征及关键影响参数的研究具有非常重要的意义。本文利用中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院麻多黄河源气候与环境变化观测站2014年6~8月观测资料,分析了黄河源区高寒湿地-大气间暖季水热交换特征,并利用公用陆面模式(Community Land Model,简称CLM)模拟了热通量变化,提出针对高寒湿地的粗糙度优化方案。主要结果如下:(1)暖季向上、向下短波与净辐射的平均日变化规律一致,向上、向下长波平均日变化平缓,地表温度升高相对于向下短波具有滞后性,潜热通量始终为正值并大于感热通量;(2)温度变化显著层结为20 cm以上土壤浅层,存在明显的日循环规律,土壤中热量09:00(北京时,下同)下传至5 cm深度,温度升高,11:00至10 cm深度,13:00至20 cm深度,18:00后开始上传,温度降低,40 cm及以下深度受此影响较小,热量在土壤中整体由浅层向深层输送;(3)土壤湿度平均日变化小,5 cm深度为土壤湿度最小层,10 cm深度为最大层;(4)麻多高寒湿地动力学粗糙度Z0m在暖季变化稳定,可作为常数,Z0m=0.0143 m;(5)提出更加适合高寒湿地下垫面暖季附加阻尼kB-1参数化方案,使得热通量模拟效果较CLM原始方案有所提高。以上结果对于研究湿地下垫面陆面过程具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The Summer Surface Energy Balance of the High Antarctic Plateau   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The summertime surface energy balance (SEB) at Kohnen station, situated on the high Antarctic plateau (75°00′ S, 0°04′ E, 2892m above sea level) is presented for the period of 8 January to 9 February 2002. Shortwave and longwave radiation fluxes were measured directly; the former was corrected for problems associated with the cosine response of the instrument. Sensible and latent heat fluxes were calculated using the bulk method, and eddy-correlation measurements and the modified Bowen ratio method were used to verify these calculated fluxes. The calculated sub-surface heat flux was checked by comparing calculated to measured snow temperatures. Uncertainties in the measurements and energy-balance calculations are discussed. The general meteorological conditions were not extraordinary during the period of the experiment, with a mean 2-m air temperature of −27.5°C, specific humidity of 0.52×10−3kg kg−1 and wind speed of 4.1ms−1. The experiment covered the transition period from Antarctic summer (positive net radiation) to winter (negative net radiation), and as a result the period mean net radiation, sensible heat, latent heat and sub-surface heat fluxes were small with values of −1.1, 0.0, −1.0 and 0.7 Wm−2, respectively. Daily mean net radiation peaked on cloudy days (16 Wm−2) and was negative on clear-sky days (minimum of −19 W m−2). Daily mean sensible heat flux ranged from −8 to +10 Wm−2, latent heat flux from −4 to 0 Wm−2 and sub-surface heat flux from −8 to +7 Wm−2.  相似文献   

黄土高原陆-气相互作用预试验及其晴天地表能量特征分析   总被引:23,自引:8,他引:15  
详细介绍了在2004年8月24日~9月11日在甘肃平凉进行的陆-气相互作用野外预试验,对观测仪器进行了对比和标定,并利用观测资料,初步分析了黄土高原塬上裸地、塬上和塬下玉米地的地表净辐射各分量、感热、潜热和地热流的特征。由于作物(玉米)的存在,降低了地表反射率,使白天地面向上短波减少,同时向上长波也减少,增大了地表净辐射,地表潜热明显增大,玉米地白天向下的地热流和夜晚向上的地热流都比裸地小。与塬上相比,塬下玉米地的向下短波略小,向上短波明显偏小,向上长波基本一致;净辐射只在中午附近略小,地热流上午偏小,下午偏大,夜晚基本一致;感热和潜热在白天基本一致;塬下玉米地在凌晨明显存在负感热通量。  相似文献   

青藏高原总体输送系数的特征   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
利用中日亚洲季风机制合作研究计划设在西藏的 4个自动气象站(AWS)获得的5a多(199年7月~1998年12月)时次密集、观测连续的近地层梯度资料,以最小二乘法确定出相应站点各季节的地表粗糙度,并应用廓线-通量法计算了4站逐日的总体输送系数,分析了其随时间的变化特征。结果表明:青藏高原动量输送系数的多年平均值为3.53×10-3~4.99×10-3,热量输送系数为4.67×10-3~6.73×10-3,并且两种输送系数都存在明显的日变化和季节变化,部分站点还存在较明显的年际变化。另外,还讨论了总体输送系数与近地层大气层结稳定度、地表粗糙度以及地面风速等因子的关系,初步建立了可用常规气象站地面观测资料计算青藏高原总体输送系数的拟合公式。  相似文献   

利用2009年7月在青藏高原理塘、林芝、海北、拉萨获得的气象观测资料,对比分析了这些地区近地层气象要素、辐射收支及湍流通量日变化特征。结果表明:无论是高原东部、中部还是北部,无论是高原台地还是高山峡谷区,7月份近地层各气象要素、湍流通量、辐射收支都有明显的日变化。各地区的地表辐射、感热、潜热等最高值都出现在中午,最低值出现在早晨。地表反照率日变化均呈早晚高中午低的“U”型分布。地面热源强度在白天均为热源,正午为强热源,在夜间表现为弱的冷、热源交替出现。7月份近地层地气热量交换中,感热输送作用小,潜热输送占主导地位。动量通量和摩擦速度均在风速较大的下午较大,风速小的早晨小。   相似文献   

The link between the sea-ice cover of the Amundsen Gulf and the overlying atmospheric boundary layer was explored on a weekly timestep from winter to summer 2008. The total sea-ice cover was around 97% (3% leads) from 7 January to 21 April. From 28 April to 12 May, the total sea-ice cover approached 100%. From May 19, the total sea-ice declined rapidly to its July minimum of 3%. During the winter, a turbulent internal boundary layer (IBL), attributed to the upward flux of sensible heat (mean = 46 W m−2), was present in most of the mean daily potential temperature profiles. The mean latent heat flux was 1.7 Wm−2. A turbulent IBL was also present in most of the mean daily profiles for early spring. Surface fluxes were not estimated. During late spring and early summer, a stable IBL, attributed to the downward flux of sensible heat (mean = −19 W m−2), was present in most of the potential temperature profiles. Both downward and upward fluxes of latent heat occurred in this period (means = −3.3 and 1.1 W m−2). The sensible heat flux estimates are consistent with the results of others; however, the latent heat flux estimates may be too small due to condensation/deposition within the IBL. The unconsolidated nature of the pack ice in the Amundsen Gulf, and the low sea-surface temperatures following break-up, were critical factors controlling the presence and type of IBL.  相似文献   

Summary Measurements of the surface heat budget were conducted on an ice cap in the Andes of Southern Peru at 5645 m during an expedition in July 1977. Because of the high surface albedo, net software radiative gain is nearly offset by the longwave loss in the average over the diurnal cycle. The diurnal temperature wave has at the surface an amplitude of about 5°C, and by 50 cm depth this is nearly dampened out. During the day, the shortwave radiative gain is in part used to balance the longwave loss, some heat is stored in the top snow layer and lost by sensible heat transfer to the overlying atmosphere, and the greater part fuels the sublimation. At night, the longwave radiative loss is not completely compensated by heat depletion and downward directed sensible heat transfer. This deficit is made up by the downward transfer of latent heat, resulting in heat release at the surface and deposition. Regarding the mass balance, the nighttime deposition approximately cancels the daytime sublimation. At lower elevations of the ice cap, albedo is much less, allowing larger absorption of solar radiation. As a consequence, more energy is available for ablation. Melting occurs during the day, so that re-freezing and concurrent latent heat release can help to compensate the longwave radiative loss at night.With 4 Figures  相似文献   

There is not much information in the literature about the energy partitioning and micrometeorological features of sunn hemp. Therefore, in this study, the variations in the energy-balance components and plant characteristics such as aerodynamic and surface conductance, crop coefficient, albedo, short- and long wave down- and upward radiation have been measured and estimated for the time period from August to October 2004 over an irrigated sand field at the Arid Land Research Center in Tottori, Japan. The Bowen ratio energy-balance method was used to calculate the partitioning of heat fluxes of sunn hemp. The Bowen ratio values at the first growing stages in August were found to be higher than the Bowen ratio values at the latest growing stages in September and October because of the heavy rain and high soil-water content. The daytime averaged Bowen ratio was 0.19. During the measurement period, the daytime average net radiation, and soil, latent and sensible heat fluxes were approximately 231, 28, 164, and 39 W m–2, respectively. The net radiation and soil heat flux showed decreasing trends from the beginning to the end of the experiment period due to the atmospheric and crop growth conditions. The daytime averages of aerodynamic and surface conductance for sunn hemp were around 31 and 17 mm s–1, respectively. Also, the daytime average albedo of sunn hemp was around 19%. Finally, the high precipitation amount due to typhoons, high soil-water content, low available energy and low vapor-pressure deficit lead to decreasing trend of the energy fluxes during the generative phase of sunn hemp.  相似文献   

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