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青藏高原作为“亚洲水塔”,研究其降水来源对我国水安全和水资源利用有重要意义。采用诊断分析和拉格朗日模式模拟的方法,对高原涡引起的一次那曲强降水进行了分析研究,确定了那曲地区的水汽来源并进一步量化了水汽源区对研究区夏季降水的贡献。结果表明:那曲上空上升运动强烈,且具备良好的水汽条件。有多次多个强对流云团相继生成,形成短时强降水。影响降水的绝大多数目标气块来自目标区域以南的相对较低的大气层,可追溯到孟加拉湾、阿拉伯海和印度洋。此外,青藏高原以西路径有一小部分目标气块来自中、低层大气。高层水汽主要为南亚高压反气旋输送。少数气块来自中国东部和南海。西边界和南边界的水汽输送为本次那曲强降水的主要来源,水汽源区主要为印度洋、阿拉伯海、印度、孟加拉湾、新疆和中亚。来自印度洋和阿拉伯海的水汽对降水区起到了关键的水汽贡献,局地水汽贡献忽略不计。  相似文献   

薛一迪  崔晓鹏 《大气科学》2020,44(2):341-355
利用拉格朗日轨迹追踪模式FLEXPART(the Flexible Particle Model)和水汽源区定量贡献分析方法,研究了超强台风"威马逊"登陆期间(2014年7月17日06:00至19日06:00,协调世界时)强降水的水汽来源和源区定量贡献。结果表明,大量目标气块源自目标降水区西南侧和东侧,西南侧气块可追溯到阿拉伯海和孟加拉湾等地区,且大部分气块来自相对较低层大气,高度在输送途中变化不大,来自东侧的气块可追溯到西太平洋海域,气块初始位置相对较高,在输送途中逐渐降低;源区定量贡献分析显示:南海区域(C)贡献最大,目标降水区域(T)局地贡献次之,孟加拉湾(B)和西太平洋南部区域(D)贡献相当且均低于区域T;区域C和T对"威马逊"登陆期间降水贡献较大源于其较高的源区水汽摄取率(尤其是区域C)和较低的沿途损耗率(尤其是区域T);区域B源地水汽摄取量高于区域D,但从前者摄取的水汽到达目标降水区域而未被释放的比例明显高于后者,同时,两者沿途损耗率相当,造成两者对目标降水区域的最终贡献也相当;尽管阿拉伯海区域(A)水汽摄取亦较明显,但由于沿途的显著消耗,导致其对目标降水区域的最终贡献显著降低。FLEXPART轨迹追踪模式和水汽源区定量贡献分析方法,与以往常用的环流和水汽通量进行定性分析相比,可更为清晰和定量地揭示热带气旋降水的水汽来源特征。  相似文献   

朱丽  刘蓉  王欣  王作亮  文军  赵阳  谢琰  张堂堂 《高原气象》2019,38(3):484-496
依据近10年黄河源区流域气象台站的降水观测资料,提取夏季降水最强月对应的异常特征,利用拉格朗日粒子扩散模式(Flexible Particle Dispersion Model,FLEXPART),针对目标时段开展大气粒子群(气块)的后向模拟,着重分析了流域内降水正负异常状态下的水汽输送特征及其差异,并评估各水汽源地对流域内三类降水的贡献。结果表明,以“S”型跨赤道输送(“由阿拉伯海至孟加拉湾和印度半岛再由青藏高原西南侧进入黄河源区”)和“几”型输送(“由南中国海经长江中下游平原后途径四川盆地再进入黄河源区”)为代表的南支路径是2012年7月黄河源区对应的主要水汽输送路径;而以东、西风急流作用下的两条远距离输送(“由南中国海至孟加拉湾和印度半岛东北部附近后再经由青藏高原西侧或北侧进入黄河源区”以及“由欧洲平原东部和中亚地区进入青藏高原西侧或北侧后到达黄河源区”)为代表的北支路径是2015年7月黄河源区对应的主要水汽输送路径。在对气块后向模拟追踪的同时,对其运动过程中的比湿变化进行了对应经纬度网格的空间平均,变化特征显示出喜马拉雅山南麓、四川盆地周边、孟加拉湾和青藏高原北侧是黄河源区流域降水对应的潜在水汽源地。由定量评估贡献率的结果可知:青藏高原北侧的广大干旱及半干旱草原地区是2015年7月黄河源区降水的最主要水汽来源,其贡献率高达52.9%;而在2012年,三个主要源地的贡献率差异远不及2015年显著;无论对应何种类型的降水,青藏高原西南部和北侧提供了黄河源区主要可供降水的外来水汽。  相似文献   

崔晓鹏  杨玉婷 《大气科学》2022,46(6):1543-1556
2021年7月19~22日,河南省部分地区出现极端暴雨(简称“21·7”河南暴雨),造成严重城市内涝和人员伤亡。本文借助降水观测资料和再分析数据,分析了此次暴雨过程的大尺度环流形势,并利用拉格朗日轨迹追踪模式FLEXPART及水汽源区定量贡献分析方法,考察了暴雨过程的水汽源地、输送路径和源区水汽定量贡献。结果表明:此次暴雨期间以及暴雨发生前数天,东亚地区500 hPa环流形势极为稳定,西太平洋副热带高压(简称副高)异常偏北,与北侧高压脊连通、位置少动,欧亚大陆高空槽偏西,东亚中高纬环流显著平直,暴雨过程期间,热带气旋“烟花”和“查帕卡”与副高等持续协同影响,建立明显水汽输送通道,提供充足水汽,河南暴雨区维持显著近地面湿区和高可降水量;向前追踪数天发现,暴雨区目标气块主要来自西北太平洋和中国南海等地,且所处大气高度较低,此外,还有少量气块来自日本海附近和欧亚大陆中部(所处高度相对较高);定量贡献分析显示,水汽主要来自河南南侧中国中东部大陆(D)和西北太平洋(F),前者水汽贡献率(52.59%)达后者(25.51%)2倍以上,此外,河南暴雨区(T,3.68%)、中南半岛—中国南海(E,3.32%)和暴雨区北侧亚洲大陆(B,2.28%)也有一定贡献;目标气块在D区域水汽摄取量最大,略高于F区域,但前者沿途损耗率明显低于后者,造成D区域水汽贡献显著高于后者;B区域水汽摄取量略高于E区域,但其沿途损耗和未释放部分占比之和高于后者,导致后者水汽贡献相比略高;此外,T区域也有不可忽视的降水再循环率;延长向前追踪天数后,目标气块轨迹和各源区水汽摄取与贡献率相对变化不大,但所有源区水汽总贡献明显提升,可见,对于类似此次河南极端特大暴雨的强降水过程的水汽来源追踪而言,适当延长追踪天数十分必要。  相似文献   

基于1961-2016年中国地面台站降水观测资料和多种再分析资料,分析了东部型和中部型两类厄尔尼诺事件对中国夏季水汽输送和降水的不同影响。结果表明:(1)厄尔尼诺事件对中国夏季降水的影响在发生当年和次年有明显的不同,主要影响是在其发生的次年,中国大部分地区的夏季降水明显偏多。(2)东部型厄尔尼诺事件当年夏季,西北太平洋副热带高压(副高)偏东偏弱,水汽输送条件较弱,不利于中国大范围降水的发生;中部型事件当年夏季,低纬度印度洋和西太平洋蒸发异常偏强,来自阿拉伯海、孟加拉湾和西北太平洋向华南地区的水汽输送和净水汽收支增加,有利于华南地区降水的异常增多。(3)东部型厄尔尼诺事件次年夏季,副热带太平洋蒸发异常偏强,副高西伸,由于东亚-太平洋(EAP)遥相关型的建立,副高西侧的强西南气流将来自太平洋蒸发的大量水汽持续输送至中国中东部地区。此外,在东亚-太平洋遥相关型影响下中高纬度地区建立了亚洲双阻型环流,其间的低槽冷涡与上游阻高之间的强偏北气流有利于北冰洋的水汽持续输送到西北和华北北部地区,中国大部分地区净水汽收支均增加,中国北方和南方地区的降水均产生了明显的同步性增多响应,形成了南北两条异常雨带。中部型厄尔尼诺事件次年夏季,副高较常年偏西且偏北,来自太平洋蒸发的大量水汽输送到江淮地区,使其净水汽收支增加和降水偏多。因此,厄尔尼诺事件的发生不仅对长江流域和淮河流域等南方地区的降水有重要影响,对华北、东北和西北地区的降水异常也有相当的作用。  相似文献   

任伟  任燕  张庆 《气象科技》2022,50(1):94-102
利用拉格朗日后向轨迹追踪模式HYSPLIT,结合蒸发—降水诊断法及相关的水汽贡献定量分析法,分析了台风“温比亚”影响期间山东极端强降水的水汽来源及输送特征。结果表明:区域极端强降水的发生与大尺度的水汽输送和辐合密切相关;影响强降水的水汽源地主要有4个,它们分别位于印度洋→孟加拉湾→南海、低纬西太平洋、中纬度西北太平洋和中国东部;源区贡献定量分析表明,低纬西太平洋对极端降水的水汽贡献最大,中纬度西北太平洋次之,印度洋→孟加拉湾→南海与中国东部的贡献相当且均低于中纬度西北太平洋;进一步对比不同源区的水汽输送差异发现,虽然印度洋→孟加拉湾→南海初期摄取的水汽较多,但输送过程中过高的沿途水汽损耗,显著降低了其对极端降水的水汽贡献,尽管中纬度西北太平洋和中国东部地区初期摄取的水汽较少,但两者沿途的水汽损失亦小并且两者摄取的水汽在目标区实际转为降水的比例较高,因此两者最终的水汽贡献不容忽视。  相似文献   

2016年7月31日至8月1日,新疆伊犁河谷发生了一次极端强降水事件,多站突破降水极值。利用NCEP/NCAR 1°×1°和2.5°×2.5°再分析资料、中国地面卫星雷达三源融合逐小时降水产品、新疆地区常规观测资料、基于地基GPS观测的大气可降水量资料及基于拉格朗日方法的HYSPLIT轨迹模式结果,通过对水汽输送流函数、势函数、水汽输送轨迹和暴雨区水汽收支计算,结合伊犁河谷GPS观测分析,揭示了此次强降水期间的大尺度水汽输送、辐合特征及伊犁河谷局地水汽变化特点。结果表明:(1)强降水期间大西洋及红海均对伊犁河谷的水汽供应具有贡献,河谷处于水汽通量辐合区,向西开口的地形辐合和抬升为局地暴雨的发生提供有利的动力辐合条件。低纬度印度夏季风环流和中纬度大西洋向东输送的气流共同构成伊犁河谷极端降水天气的水汽输送通道,其中印度夏季风西南水汽输送主要集中在对流层低层,对流层中层水汽的输送以大西洋向东气流和低槽自身水汽输送为主。(2)HYSPLIT模拟结果表明暴雨区3000 m中纬度偏西路径的水汽输送最为强盛,偏南路径水汽源于阿拉伯海,对流层底层偏西、偏东路径和中层偏北路径水汽通过垂直运动补充对流层低层的水汽;5000 m水汽输送轨迹以偏西路径和低槽自身携带的水汽为主。(3)降水期间水汽集中在对流层低层,通过垂直输送项向高层输送;强降水时段暴雨区对流层低层南边界水汽流入量迅速增强,中高层水汽流入主要集中在西边界。(4)降水前槽前西南气流造成伊犁河谷测站GPS-PWV明显跃升,强降水时段受印度西南季风影响,测站PWV快速增高并维持,局地GPS-PWV的增加与大尺度水汽输送辐合增强有关。  相似文献   

利用欧洲中期天气预报中心格点再分析资料和HYSPLIT模式对袁河流域5次极端降水天气过程的平均环流背景、主要影响系统、物理量场以及降水发生过程中的120 h气块后向轨迹特征进行分析。结果发现:(1)极端降水发生时,高层袁河流域处于南亚高压东侧辐散气流中,中层副热带高压位置适中,受584 dagpm线附近的西南气流控制,低层正好处于切变线上,且有强盛的西南气流向降水区输送能量和水汽。(2)物理量场上,袁河流域附近低层辐合、高层辐散,垂直速度场、水汽分布、水汽通量散度场都有利于该区域出现暴雨天气。(3)与袁河流域一般性暴雨的平均t-lnp图对比分析可见,极端暴雨的能量条件更好,降水对流性更强,水汽条件也更为充沛。(4)袁河流域极端降水上空的水汽路径总体上可以归纳为5条。来源于孟加拉湾附近、中南半岛南部和云南南部的西南水汽路径最多,占轨迹总数的59.5%;其次是来源于我国南海的南方路径,主要位于1 500 m以下,占轨迹总数的15.0%。  相似文献   

青藏高原作为"亚洲水塔",研究其降水来源对我国水安全和水资源利用有重要意义。本文使用中国地面气候资料日值数据集,并用GDAS资料驱动HYSPLIT(Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory)拉格朗日模式,分析了那曲地区2014年夏季的水汽输送轨迹和不同等级降水的轨迹。结果表明:(1)夏季水汽输送轨迹有明显的月、旬变化,主要是由于夏季风的向北推进造成的。印度洋、阿拉伯海、孟加拉湾、大西洋和中亚为5条主要的水汽输送路径。(2)小雨和中雨存在南方路径和西方路径,而大雨只存在南方路径;海洋的水汽输送对降水等级具有决定性作用。(3)1天前水汽来源大值区为雅鲁藏布江流域;3天前水汽来源大值区为印度与不丹的交界;大雨的水汽来源较小雨和中雨更加集中;水汽贡献分布集中的区域与水汽轨迹追踪的终点有较好的对应关系。(4)水汽源地:小雨主要来自阿拉伯海、孟加拉湾、印度、新疆以及中亚地区;中雨主要来自印度洋、阿拉伯海、孟加拉湾、印度、新疆以及中亚地区;大雨主要来自阿拉伯海和孟加拉湾。  相似文献   

春季高原东南角多雨中心的气候特征及水汽输送分析   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
利用藏东南及滇西北的雨量资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,揭示了青藏高原东南角多雨中心春季的"早雨季"气候事实,发现多雨中心雨季长达9个月,春汛期雨量占全年总雨量的30%~40%,降水极大值也可出现在春汛期。通过整层水汽通量诊断分析,研究了春季青藏高原东南角多雨中心的水汽输送特征,结果表明:青藏高原东南角多雨中心上游雅鲁藏布江流域存在一个水汽通量大值中心,在阿拉伯海北部与孟加拉湾北部及印缅北部也存在水汽通量大值区,相关分析发现,多雨中心的降水与上述水汽通量大值区存在显著相关性;水汽流场显示出雅鲁藏布江—布拉马普特拉河、孟加拉湾、阿拉伯海和南支槽前偏西水汽流向多雨中心输送水汽,使其成为"水汽汇",雅鲁藏布江、阿拉伯海的远距离水汽输送是多雨中心水汽来源不可忽视的重要因素。  相似文献   

This study presents results of the pilot experiments made with new parametric multi-site multi-variable stochastic daily weather generator (WG) SPAGETTA. The experiments are performed for eight European regions and we focus on spatial characteristics of temperature. The WG is calibrated using the gridded weather data E-OBS. In evaluating the generator, the spatial and temporal temperature autocorrelations derived from the synthetic series were found to perfectly fit the values derived from the calibration data. Next, the WG is validated in terms of the frequency of “spatial hot days” and the annual maximum length of “spatial hot spells”. The results indicate a very good correspondence between characteristics derived from synthetic and calibration data. As part of the validation tests, the performance of the WG is compared with a regional climate model (RCM), which shows a similar performance as the generator. In a final experiment, the use of the WG for the future climate is demonstrated, the WG parameters (including the temperature autocorrelations) calibrated with the observed data are modified according to the RCM-based changes in these parameters. While analyzing synthetic series produced with the modified generator, we discuss partial impacts due to changes in individual WG parameters on the spatial hot days and spells. We show that the impacts are mainly (but not only) due to changes in temperature averages. The projected changes in temperature autocorrelations have also some impacts, larger for the spatial hot spells than for the spatial hot days. Climate change impacts on spatial hot days/spells based on the WG are compared with impacts based on the RCM, and we conclude that the differences are mainly due to simplifying assumptions adopted in our pilot experiment.  相似文献   

Information is presented regarding the function D(h/L) which appears in the expression for the atmospheric boundary-layer resistance law for water vapor. Using a data set which includes directly measured evapotranspiration and utilizing the conventional definition of D(h/L), this function is found to resemble the analogous C(h/L) function, which appears in the expression for the heat transfer coefficient. There is no evidence of systematic differences between these two functions for the unstable case. On the stable side, the scatter was so great that no conclusions could be drawn except that D(h/L) is negative.  相似文献   

Trends and variability in column-integrated atmospheric water vapor   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An analysis and evaluation has been performed of global datasets on column-integrated water vapor (precipitable water). For years before 1996, the Ross and Elliott radiosonde dataset is used for validation of European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalyses ERA-40. Only the special sensor microwave imager (SSM/I) dataset from remote sensing systems (RSS) has credible means, variability and trends for the oceans, but it is available only for the post-1988 period. Major problems are found in the means, variability and trends from 1988 to 2001 for both reanalyses from National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and the ERA-40 reanalysis over the oceans, and for the NASA water vapor project (NVAP) dataset more generally. NCEP and ERA-40 values are reasonable over land where constrained by radiosondes. Accordingly, users of these data should take great care in accepting results as real. The problems highlight the need for reprocessing of data, as has been done by RSS, and reanalyses that adequately take account of the changing observing system. Precipitable water variability for 1988–2001 is dominated by the evolution of ENSO and especially the structures that occurred during and following the 1997–98 El Niño event. The evidence from SSM/I for the global ocean suggests that recent trends in precipitable water are generally positive and, for 1988 through 2003, average 0.40±0.09 mm per decade or 1.3±0.3% per decade for the ocean as a whole, where the error bars are 95% confidence intervals. Over the oceans, the precipitable water variability relates very strongly to changes in SSTs, both in terms of spatial structure of trends and temporal variability (with a regression coefficient for 30°N–30°S of 7.8% K?1) and is consistent with the assumption of fairly constant relative humidity. In the tropics, the trends are also influenced by changes in rainfall which, in turn, are closely associated with the mean flow and convergence of moisture by the trade winds. The main region where positive trends are not very evident is over Europe, in spite of large and positive trends over the North Atlantic since 1988. A much longer time series is probably required to obtain stable patterns of trends over the oceans, although the main variability could probably be deduced from past SST and associated precipitation variations.  相似文献   

The Lagrangian advection scheme ATTILA has been applied for the transport of water vapor and cloud water in the general circulation model (GCM) ECHAM4.L39(DLR) (E39) instead of the operational semi-Lagrangian transport scheme (SLT). ATTILA is a purely Lagrangian scheme that is numerically non-diffusive, while the operational semi-Lagrangian scheme exhibits a considerable numerical diffusion in the presence of sharp gradients. The model version E39/SLT significantly overestimates the water vapor mixing ratio in the extratropical lowermost stratosphere (wet bias) by a factor of 3–5 compared to HALOE observations. Compared to E39/SLT, E39/ATTILA shows substantially reduced water vapor mixing ratios in the extratropical lowermost stratosphere up to 70%, and a steeper meridional water vapor gradient in the subtropics which is in better agreement with observations. Furthermore, the temperature distribution as simulated with E39/SLT is characterized by a pronounced cold temperature bias in the extratropical lowermost stratosphere (cold bias) and in the polar stratosphere above 50 hPa in winter (cold pole). The improvements concerning the water vapor distribution in E39/ATTILA lead to a substantial reduction of the simulated cold bias by approximately 5–7 K which also results in a better representation of the modeled tropopause, especially in the extratropics. Sensitivity studies indicate that the warming of the extratropical lowermost stratosphere in E39/ATTILA is directly related to the reduced wet bias resulting in a less infrared radiative cooling. Additionally, the cold pole problem is also slightly reduced in E39/ATTILA by approximately 2–5 K.  相似文献   

The Balloon Intercomparison Campaign (BIC) was set up to intercompare remote sensing measurements of a number of compounds other than water vapor; however, water vapor has strong absorption features throughout the infrared and mm wave regions of the spectrum. Therefore many of the investigators involved in BIC have absorption or emission features due to water vapor in the data they obtained during the balloon flights made under the campaign. These features have been used by the investigators to determine the stratospheric water vapor profiles which are compared in this paper. The profiles allow comparison of a wide range of remote sensing techniques involving both emission and absorption in the mid-infrared and emission techniques in the far infrared.  相似文献   

A few years ago, we identified a deep convective transport mechanism, of water vapor through the tropopause, namely, storm top gravity wave breaking, such that tropospheric water substance can be injected into the lower stratosphere via this pathway. The main evidence presented previously was taken from the lower resolution AVHRR images of the storm anvil top cirrus plumes obtained by polar orbiting satellites. Recent observations have provided further supporting evidence for this important cross-tropopause transport mechanism. There are now many higher resolution satellite images, mainly from MODIS instrument, that show more definitely the existence of these plumes, many of which would probably be unseen by lower resolution images.Furthermore, a thunderstorm movie taken in Denver (USA) area during STEPS2000 field campaign and another thunderstorm movie taken by a building top webcam in Zurich also demonstrate that the jumping cirrus phenomenon, first identified by T. Fujita in 1980s, may be quite common in active thunderstorm cells, quite contrary to previous belief that it is rare. We have used a cloud model to demonstrate that the jumping cirrus is exactly the gravity wave breaking phenomenon that transports water vapor through the tropopause.These additional evidences provide increasing support that deep convection contributes substantially to the troposphere-to-stratosphere transport of water substance. This corroborates well with recent studies of the stratospheric HDO/H2O ratio which is much highly than it would be if the transport is via slow ascent. The only explanation that can be used to interpret this observation at present is that water substance is transported through the tropopause via rapid vertical motion, i.e., deep convection.  相似文献   

Slant-path water vapor amounts (SWV) from a station to all the GPS (Global Positioning System) satellites in view can be estimated by using a ground-based GPS receiver. In this paper, a tomographic method was utilized to retrieve the local horizontal and vertical structure of water vapor over a local GPS receiver network using SWV amounts as observables in the tomography. The method of obtaining SWV using ground-based GPS is described first, and then the theory of tomography using GPS is presented. A water vapor tomography experiment was made using a small GPS network in the Beijing region. The tomographic results were analyzed in two ways: (1) a pure GPS method, i.e., only using GPS observables as input to the tomography; (2) combining GPS observables with vertical constraints or a priori information, which come from average radiosonde measurements over three days. It is shown that the vertical structure of water vapor is well resolved with a priori information. Comparisons of profiles between radiosondes and GPS show that the RMS error of the tomography is about 1–2mm. It is demonstrated that the tomography can monitor the evolution of tropospheric water vapor in space and time. The vertical resolution of the tomography is tested with layer thicknesses of 600 m, 800 m and 1000 m. Comparisons with radiosondes show that the result from a resolution of 800m is slightly better than results from the other two resolutions in the experiment. Water vapor amounts recreated from the tomography field agree well with precipitable water vapor (PWV) calculated using GPS delays. Hourly tomographic results are also shown using the resolution of 800 m. Water vapor characteristics under the background of heavy rainfall development are analyzed using these tomographic results. The water vapor spatio-temporal structures derived from the GPS network show a great potential in the investigation of weather disasters.  相似文献   

Two techniques are described by which the flux of water vapor can be derived from concentration measurements made by a Raman-Lidar. Monin-Obukhov similarity theory and dissipation techniques are used as the basis for these methods. The resulting fluxes are compared to fluxes from standard point instruments. The techniques described are appropriate for measuring the flux of any scalar quantity using Lidar measurements in the inner region of the boundary layer.  相似文献   

为了揭示深对流云直接向平流层输送水汽的物理机制,利用WRF中尺度模式的理想个例运行方式对CCOPE(Cooperative Convective Precipitation Experiment)试验期间的一次超级单体进行了数值模拟。选用Thompson云微物理过程方案设置一系列初始云滴数浓度(N_c)进行模拟试验后发现,N_c=175 cm~(-3)情形下模拟云的最大垂直风速与实测结果最为接近,并且模拟出了超级单体。因此,本文利用该模拟结果分析了超级单体向平流层输送水汽的机制。1 min一次的输出结果表明:冻干脱水机制与本次所模拟出的平流层加湿没有直接的关系,超级单体向平流层输送水汽的主要机制可能为湍流输送机制,而升华加湿机制的作用很小。这是由于超级单体云上部的冰晶大部分被消耗而形成雪,因此被输送到平流层的主要是雪这种落速较大粒子,这种粒子不易被向上输送但又容易降落,因此升华所形成的水汽量相比湍流输送的水汽量小很多。湍流造成的水汽输送通量密度的量级约为10~(-9)kg·m~2·s~(-1)。  相似文献   

Characteristics of the Mean Water Vapor Transport over Monsoon Asia   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Yi Lan 《大气科学进展》1995,12(2):195-206
CharacteristicsoftheMeanWaterVaporTransportoverMonsoonAsiaYiLan(伊兰)(InshtuteofAtmosphericPhysics,ChineseAcademyofSciences,Bei...  相似文献   

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