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地温资料的计算机自动审核方法   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
地温观测资料的计算机自动审核技术,是地面气象观测资料计算机自动审核中的一个关键性技术难点。综合分析了地温观测资料的特点和地温观测资料的人工审核方法,提出了地温观测资料“相邻差”的标准差分析方法,详细说明了该方法在计算机自动审核中的具体实现步骤和该方法的特点。由于该方法从本质上讲是对人工审核方法的计算模拟,同时由于采用客观计算方法,避免了主观因素,所以审核质量能达到人工审核质量的要求,且比人工审核更全面。该方法在浙江省地面气象资料计算机自动审核软件中进行了试用,实践证明该方法对提高地温观测资料的审核质量具有明显效果。  相似文献   

浅谈地面气象观测中云状的误记或漏记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云状在地面气象观测中是一种目测项目,尽管《地面气象观测规范》中对各类云的外形特征有详细描述,但在实际观测记录中,云的变化是错综复杂的,有时即使是经验相当丰富的观测员在云状的判断和记录上也难免出错。因此,云状观测是地面气象观测中的一大难点。这里,结合多年从事地面测报工作的实际,对可能出现的各种云状误记或漏记情况进行了归纳和分析。1.1观测员对云状的习惯性误记或漏记一个观测员工作时间久了,对当地出现频率较高的几种云一清二楚,久而久之,在云状的记法上也习惯成自然。比如,只要有雷暴就记满天积雨云,无雷暴即使有雨呈明显…  相似文献   

在对云南省地面气象观测数据记录月报表审核中发现部份台站对A、J文件首部参数中降水要素的标识不清;自动观测项目中气压和相对湿度分钟数据异常时极值的处理及降水、风、地温、蒸发等要素自记读数异常时的处理不正确;人工观测项目中云状与天气现象的记录与配合、电线结冰观测、气候概况等记录上均存在不符合规范规定问题。该文将2014年以前遇到的以上这些问题进行归纳、总结、分析,依据地面气象观测规范与业务技术规定提出相应的处理方法,为地面气象观测人员及审核人员在今后的业务工作中提供借鉴。  相似文献   

目测项目是地面气象观测的难点,云状观测更为突出。近年来云状观测中暴露出的一些问题,给气象资料的“三性”带来一定的影响。如笔者在报表审核中发现,一些站的云状记录中很少出现关于Ns的记载,有的甚至全年未出现一次;实况出现大暴雨,但云状却记为满天的Sccug等等。这些不合理记录的出现故然带有一定的人为因素,但仍有相当一部分是出于技术上的原因。下面就目前云状观测中存在的一些较为普遍的问题,谈谈笔者的看法。  相似文献   

1云状的观测大气中的云、外貌各异,形状繁多。云状的不同特征,对天气状况的指示性是不同的,正确地判断并记录云状是地面气象观测工作的重要任务之一。首先,要严格按照《地面气象观测规范》的技术规定根据各类云的外形特征、结构特点、云底高度以及它的排列形式、色泽等认真细致  相似文献   

为保证地面气象观测资料的准确可靠,地面气象观测记录、报表必需进行审核,纠正记录、报表中的错误,保证观测资料的质量。一、制作审核报表对审核员的基本要求1.审核工作是一项平凡而细致的工作,审核人员应严格掌握规范、地面测报操作手册和各种技术规定,以便及时处理各种疑误异  相似文献   

在地面气象观测的目测项目中,云状的观测有一定的难度。在相同的天气条件下,不同的观测员因技术原因,可能会有不同的记录。还有一些观测员为减少云状记录过程中的错情,有意避免记录一些较少出现的云状。这些原因都可造成云状记录简单化,一些测站由此产生云状记录的习惯性错误。  相似文献   

几年来,对云南省自动站地面气象观测数据A、J文件的审核,以及从国家气象局对以前A文件重新进行审核后反馈的信息中看出:审核时仔细检查一下A文件中的数据、备注中的内容也是保证资料正确和完整的关健.审核中发现有的审核员对自动站地面气象观测数据A、J文件的审核全部依赖于计算机审核,只要审核程序能通过就算完成审核任务.为此,根据出现的这些问题,结合云南省的实际情况,总结出一套既能提高审核质量又能节省时间按时上报的审核经验,供审核人员参考.  相似文献   

辐射观测是气象观测的主要观测项目之一。辐射观测数据质量控制(审核)的目的是为了保证观测记录的完整性和准确性。通过多年来对辐射资料的审核发现,因电磁干扰,辐射观测数据正点出现缺测、野值的情况经常发生。通过对数据缺测、野值及其他常见问题及处理方法进行探讨,旨在预审、审核工作中减少错误,提高地面气象信息化资料的质量。  相似文献   

集体观测是正确判定云状的有效途径廖丽光(广西凭祥市气象局532600)。在地面气象观测中,云状的判定是靠目测完成。由于观测员的专业知识水平和实践工作经验的差异对云状的观测结果往往有习惯性、传统性的不同:同一种云有不同的观测结果。这样就会造成观测记录的...  相似文献   

韩海涛 《气象科技》2018,46(3):468-473
气象辐射观测数据是气象业务、服务和科学研究的基础,其质量控制很重要。本文通过对近几年甘肃省地面气象辐射观测记录中出现的问题进行梳理,根据地面气象观测规范要求和实际工作中的审核经验,对气象辐射观测记录的质量控制方法及容易发生异常的地方进行总结,以期对台站提高辐射月报表数据文件的质量提供参考,对从事省级气象数据质量控制工作尤其是刚从事该项工作的人员的提供有益的帮助。结果显示:仪器正常时的异常记录参考云量云状、能见度、天气现象、定时降水量等气象要素进行人工判别,是现阶段气象辐射数据质量控制的最有效办法;对于仪器故障时的异常记录的判别要分情况考虑,遵从业务规定的方法取代异常值和缺测值;对于记录中容易出错的其他问题,则需要台站观测员及质量控制人员加强业务学习,总结工作经验,避免类似问题再次出现。  相似文献   

自动站地面月报表预审方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
简要介绍了我国地面气象台站自动观测系统应用软件在地面气象记录月报表预审工作中的运用,并对自动气象站地面气象记录月报表预审的常规操作步骤和在预审过程中应注意的问题作了较详细的描述,以帮助预审员在预审工作中避免错情的发生,保证地面月报表的编制质量。  相似文献   

采用NCEP分析场,选取2010年梅雨期长江流域的一次降水过程,分别基于Slingo方案、NCAR方案和钱氏方案,利用相对湿度计算云量,并以LAPS(Local Analysis and Prediction System)系统输出的云量分析场作为观测值,分别在高层(400 h Pa)与低层(850 h Pa),从宏观比较与统计分析的角度,与计算结果进行云量大小与区域分布的对比分析。结果表明,三个云量计算方案对云量中心位置的把握均较为准确,但对云量值的计算存在大小不等的误差。NCAR方案计算结果和LAPS输出场最为吻合,能够体现出云量大值区,但区域一般偏大;Slingo方案相较NCAR方案来说略差,但也能较好地描述云带分布;此外,钱氏方案计算出的云量值始终偏小,但其能够较好地描述云带轮廓与云量的分布特征。综合对比结果,NCAR云量计算方案比其余两者更优,且在低层(850 h Pa)表现尤为明显。  相似文献   


An analysis of surface observations of cloud characteristics from a selected high‐latitude station, Resolute (N.W.T., Canada), is described. The data set has a high temporal resolution (1 h) and is extensive although here we report only on an analysis of 10 years: 1970–1979, inclusive. The pattern of cloudiness variations is more complex than previous studies of Arctic data have suggested. The predominant reported low‐level cloud type is stratocumulus, not stratus. The generally overcast summer conditions are found to extend over a considerable period when cloud cover is composed of several layers, often of types other than stratus. This observation of multilayering suggests that middle and high cloud layers may occur more frequently than they can be observed. Clearly a more accurate awareness of hidden cloud is important for improving solutions of the planetary radiation budget. The surface radiation budget is found to be strongly affected by the development of the summertime overcast but also exhibits features caused by the mid‐summer break‐up of the lower cloud layer.  相似文献   

Summary Interannual variability of meteorological conditions produces cloud amount sequences that statistically cannot be regarded as samples from the same population. Consequently in order to treat cloud amount distributions the traditional methods of mathematical statistics are useless. In this paper a method is presented that enables to approximate the cloud amount histograms by means of mixtures of Gaussian components. When a component can be found that is common to the histograms of different years, it may be regarded as a characteristic of a quasistationary cloudiness regime that is induced by stable meteorological conditions above the respective target area during the given period.The procedure to separate a cloud amount frequency distribution into Gaussian components is demonstrated on the basis of an example of March–May cloudiness analysis in the mid-ocean regions of the belt 0°–13.5° S. The monthly mean cloud amount data in the (500 km)2 squares have been determined from Nimbus-7 short-wave albedo measurements in 1979–1986. It has been demonstrated that even in the years that are not affected by the El Niño event the interannual variability of the autumn cloud amount histograms is essential at the 95% significance level. But separating the frequency distributions into Gaussian components, a part can be found that is common to all the autumns and, thus, may be regarded as a characteristic of the contemporary climate.With 6 Figures  相似文献   

随着我国气象自动化观测技术的发展,全国已经建成了70 000多个自动观测站点,全面实现了气象观测自动化。自动化观测技术使得气象常规观测资料量得到了飞速增长,这也使得通过质量控制提高自动观测站资料的利用率尤为重要。利用江苏省气象局提供的2019年12月1日00时—7日23时共168个时次的地面自动站温度观测资料,及ECWMF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts)的ERA5(ECMWF Reanalysis V5)再分析资料中的温度格点资料作为背景场,结合常规质量控制方法及EOF (Empirical Orthogonal Function)质量控制方法,建立了适用于高时空密度的地面温度资料质量控制方法,并对我国中东部地面自动站温度观测资料进行质量控制试验。结果表明,在利用常规质量控制方法剔除观测资料中明显异常的资料后,针对自动站高密度的特点,通过选择合适的分析区域,EOF分析方法可以很好提取有组织的观测系统信息,从而保证剩余信息更好地满足随机分布特点,利用随机概率分布特点就可以很好剔除异常观测资料,并且可以避免天气变化的影响。  相似文献   

利用玛曲国家基本气象观测站1971—2010年的总云量、低云量等观测数据,用线性趋势分析、小波分析等方法对玛曲地区近40 a总云量、低云量的月、季、年际、年代际变化和周期性变化特征进行分析。研究表明,近40 a来,平均总云量距平在-0.1%~0.1%之间,保持了很好的稳定性,平均低云量以4.0%/10 a的速率递增;春、夏、秋季低云量呈现出不同程度的增多趋势,夏季增加趋势非常明显达7.3%/10 a。平均总云量周期变化不明显,平均低云量有明显的6~7 a的周期。玛曲地区在总云量保持稳定的情况下低云量不断增多,夏季低云量的增多趋势非常明显,且积雨云的增多是主要特征,是对玛曲草原气候变化的一种响应机制,反映出在气候变暖的大背景下,玛曲草原对流性天气活动频繁。  相似文献   

A one-dimensional radiative-convective model extending from 0 to 70 km is used to study the sensitivity of surface temperature to perturbations in the ozone profile. Several simulations have been performed for 03 reductions in various altitude ranges. For each case, the resulting perturbation in the thermal structure is analysed. These calculations have been repeated for several types of cloud layers with different opacities and altitudes. It is shown that the sensitivity of the surface temperature to ozone changes is dependent on the cloudiness assumed. Ozone decreases in the lower atmosphere (0–30 km) cool the surface, since the greenhouse effect is dominant in this region, and the climate sensitivity is enhanced in the presence of a cloud layer. For higher-altitude 03 changes (30–70 km), the sign of the surface temperature variation depends on the cloud characteristics. In fact, the latter result is mostly the consequence of the different equilibrium temperature profiles corresponding to the various types of cloudiness. When high stratospheric ozone is reduced, positive and negative surface temperature changes of several tenths of degree are respectively associated with cold and warm climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Summary A method to estimate monthly cloud conditions (monthly cloud frequencies) from multispectral satellite imagery is described. The operational cloud classification scheme SCANDIA (the SMHI Cloud ANalysis model using DIgital AVHRR data), based on high resolution imagery from the polar orbiting NOAA-satellites, has been used to produce monthly cloud frequencies for the entire year of 1993 and some additional months in 1991, 1992, 1994 and 1995. Cloud analyses were made for an area covering the Nordic countries with a horizontal resolution of four km. Examples of seasonal, monthly and diurnal variation in cloud conditions are given and an annual mean for 1993 is presented.Comparisons with existing surface observations showed very good agreement for horizontal cloud distributions but approximately 5% smaller cloud amounts were found in the satellite estimations. The most evident problems were encountered in the winter season due to difficulties in identifying low-level cloudiness at very low sun elevations. The underestimation in the summer season was partly fictious and caused by the overestimation of convective cloud cover by surface observers.SCANDIA results were compared to ISCCP (International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project) cloud climatologies for two selected months in 1991 and 1992. ISCCP cloudiness was indicated to be higher, especially during the month with anticyclonic conditions where a cloudiness excess of more than 10% were found. The regional variation of cloud conditions in the area was found to be inadequately described by ISCCP cloud climatologies. An improvement of the horizontal resolution of ISCCP data seems necessary to enable use for regional applications.The SCANDIA model is proposed as a valuable tool for local and regional monitoring of the cloud climatology at high latitudes. More extensive comparisons with ISCCP cloud climatologies are suggested as well as comparisons with modelled cloudiness from atmospheric general circulation models and climate models. Special studies of cloud conditions in the Polar areas are also proposed.With 14 Figures  相似文献   

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