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系统介绍了近年来应用等熵位涡理论研究平流层-对流层动力相互作用所发现的一些新的事实和机理,包括平流层冬季极涡振荡过程中平流层、对流层环流异常的时空传播特征,以及等熵质量理论框架下的平流层-对流层动力耦合机理,还介绍了影响平流层环流年际尺度异常的因子及影响过程。回顾了夏季青藏高原的热力作用所激发的负位涡强迫源对东亚及全球大气环流的影响。并基于对夏季高原周边等熵位涡经向输送垂直分布的诊断进一步说明,夏季青藏高原的存在使高原东缘及东亚地区成为平流层和对流层物质交换的独特区域,探讨了夏季青藏高原影响平流层-对流层动力耦合的一种重要途径及其影响全球气候的重要意义。  相似文献   

位温、等熵位涡与锋和对流层顶的分析方法   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
陶祖钰  郑永光 《气象》2012,38(1):17-27
等熵位涡分析是位涡理论的分析基础。此文的目的是介绍等熵位涡分析所必需掌握的基本概念和方法。文中从位温和位涡、对流层和平流层、锋和对流层顶的基本性质出发,讨论了锋和对流层顶在剖面图、等压面图及等位温面(即等熵面)图上的特征。文中给出了各种分析实例图形,并通过分析和对比指出:平流层的高位涡是对流层顶以上位温随高度急剧增加位温垂直梯度特别大的结果;位温垂直梯度是决定位涡分布的主要因子;等熵位涡图主要反映极地气团的活动,同时也是与极地气团密切关联的锋、急流、对流层顶的综合反映。最后提出了等熵位涡分析中需要避免的一些错误认识,特别是不能将等位温面上的流线当成轨迹的错误,并由此得出平流层空气侵入对流层下部的错误推论。  相似文献   

基于1979—2014年ERA-Interim逐日再分析温度资料,依据温度递减率插值法计算出青藏高原及同纬度其他地区热带对流层顶气压数据,比较了高原和同纬度其他地区热带对流层顶气压季节变化和长期变化趋势,讨论了热带对流层顶气压与高空温度的关系。结果表明:1)在季节变化上,除12月和1月外,青藏高原热带对流层顶气压全年低于同纬度其他地区;青藏高原热带对流层顶气压、对流层中上层以及平流层下部平均温度均表现出比同纬度其他地区更明显的单峰型特征。2)热带对流层顶气压与高空温度变化关系密切,对流层中上层(平流层下部)平均温度升高(降低),有利于热带对流层顶气压降低;相对于同纬度其他地区,青藏高原对流层顶气压与对流层中上层平均温度的关系更密切。3)1979—2014年青藏高原和同纬度其他地区各季节的热带对流层顶气压均呈现出不同程度的下降趋势,冬春季下降趋势更加显著;青藏高原各季节对流层中上层增温和平流层下部降温的幅度均超过同纬度其他地区,导致其热带对流层顶气压的下降趋势比同纬度其他地区更加明显。  相似文献   

基于总臭氧测绘光谱计TOMS和太阳向后紫外线散射仪SBUV结合得到的30年(1979-2008年)全球月平均臭氧总量资料,首先分析了近30年青藏高原(下称高原)上空臭氧总量的下降趋势,然后讨论了高原动力抬升作用对臭氧总量的影响,最后探讨了高原臭氧总量亏损与高原对流层顶高度的联系。结果表明,高原臭氧总量及其下降趋势均存在着明显的季节差异,与同纬度非高原区相比,高原地区各月的臭氧总量均偏低,特别是在3-9月臭氧亏损严重;近30年高原地区臭氧总量在各季节均呈现出下降趋势,除了秋季外,其下降幅度均超过同纬度其他地区;春、夏季高原动力抬升有利于对流层低浓度的臭氧含量向平流层输送,从而导致高原臭氧总量的减少。近30年春、夏季高原臭氧总量亏损与夏季高原第二对流层顶高度的抬升存在着密切关系。  相似文献   

基于1979~2014年ERA-Interim逐日再分析温度资料,依据温度递减率插值法,计算出北半球两类对流层顶(热带对流层顶和极地对流层顶)频率数据。对比分析了青藏高原与同纬度地区两类对流层顶频率在季节变化上的差异,并讨论了青藏高原两类对流层顶频率分布与高空温度的关系。结果表明:1)依据温度递减率插值法计算出的再分析两类对流层顶频率可以反映青藏高原两类对流层顶频率季节变化特征:热带对流层顶全年频率高,冷、暖季节差异不明显;极地对流层顶盛夏频率极低,冷、暖季节差异明显。与极地对流层顶频率相比,青藏高原热带对流层顶频率的可信度更高。2)青藏高原和同纬度地区热带(极地)对流层顶频率在暖季增加(减少),在冷季减少(增加)。相比同纬度地区,青藏高原热带(极地)对流层顶频率在冬季偏少(多),其他季节偏多(少)。青藏高原两类对流层顶频率等值线的梯度更大,表明青藏高原对流层顶更易断裂。3)青藏高原两类对流层顶频率与高空温度关系密切。青藏高原对流层中上层(平流层下部)温度升高(降低),有利于青藏高原热带对流层顶频率增加,极地对流层顶频率减少,反之亦然。  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR再分析月平均资料,通过构造青藏高原(下称高原)对流层顶气压指数以及选取1992年和1998年这两个高原对流层顶气压正、负异常最大值年份进行对比分析,研究了北半球夏季高原对流层顶气压异常变动的物理机制。结果表明:(1)高原对流层顶气压异常变动与平流层和对流层气温及位势高度异常有密切联系,同时,与地表...  相似文献   

利用2005-2008年青藏高原(下称高原)地区微波临边探测器MLS(Microwave Limb Sounder)、高光谱分辨率大气红外探测仪AIRS(Atmosphere Infrared Sounder)、ECMWF的ERA-Interim资料,以及NCEP/NCAR再分析数据和NOAA HYSPLIT(Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model)轨迹模式资料,讨论了高原上空对流层顶附近的水汽分布和变化特征及高原上空平流层与对流层之间的物质交换。结果表明,3-4月高原南侧对流层顶附近100 hPa存在一个水汽低值带,而7-8月和9-10月此处存在一个明显的水汽高值区。3-4月夏季风未发展之前,受高原大地形抬升和西风气流的影响,高原以南地区存在对流层与平流层的物质交换,而215 hPa的高原中部地区(80°E-90°E)则由于空气的下沉运动将上层的干空气向下输送而出现一个水汽低值中心。7-8月,受印度夏季风和高原上空反气旋式环流的影响,高原上空有明显的水汽穿过对流层顶向平流层输送,反气旋环流中心的水汽经过2~4天的上升过程可以从对流层进入平流层。高原及其以东、以西地区的水汽在对流层顶附近的季节变化基本一致,100 hPa三个不同区域的水汽在3月达到最低。  相似文献   

张人禾  周顺武 《气象学报》2008,66(6):916-925
利用台站探空观测资料和卫星观测资料,分析了1979—2002年青藏高原上空温度的变化趋势。结果表明:高原地区上空平流层低层和对流层上层的温度与对流层中低层具有反相变化趋势。平流层低层和对流层上层降温,温度出现降低趋势,降温幅度无论是年平均还是季节平均都比全球平均降温幅度更大。高原上空对流层中低层增温,温度显示出增加的趋势,并且比同纬度中国东部非高原地区有更强的增温趋势。对1979—2002年卫星臭氧资料的分析表明,青藏高原上空臭氧总量在每个季节都呈现出明显的下降趋势,并且比同纬度带其他地区下降得更快。由于青藏高原上空臭氧有更大幅度的减少,造成高原平流层对太阳紫外辐射吸收比其他地区更少,使进入对流层的辐射更多,从而导致高原上空平流层低层和对流层上层降温比其他地区更强,而对流层中低层增温更大。因此,高原上空比其他地区更大幅度的臭氧总量减少可能是造成青藏高原上空与同纬度其他地区温度变化趋势差异的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

樊雯璇  王卫国  卞建春 《大气科学》2008,32(6):1309-1318
利用1958~2001年ECMWF资料, 根据Wei公式估算了青藏高原及其邻近区域穿越对流层顶的质量通量 (CTF), 分析了CTF的时空分布特征。分析结果表明: (1) CTF分布呈现纬向型, 在副热带西风急流北侧即对流层顶断裂带中存在东西向的TST (对流层向平流层输送)[CD*2]STT (平流层向对流层输送)[CD*2]TST的波列结构 (水平输送项决定), 而南侧分布决定于垂直输送项。 (2) 在80°E~105°E范围内, 冬春季节, 青藏高原南部及其以南区域为TST, 北部为STT; 夏秋季节, 整个区域几乎由TST所控制。西风急流南侧的CTF主要决定于垂直项, 而北侧主要决定于水平项, 再往北, 垂直项与水平项贡献相当。 (3) 青藏高原与孟加拉湾区域平均CTF在所有季节均为TST, 即有从对流层到平流层净的向上输送, 2月强度最大, 7月为另一个极大值; 两个极大值有不同的产生机制, 后者决定于垂直项, 而前者由水平项决定。 (4) 青藏高原 (及孟加拉湾) 区域年平均CTF在1958~2001年之间的变化趋势在1982年左右出现一个转折: 1982年之前, CTF为递减过程; 而之后CTF为相对较强的增长。上述结果表明: 尽管冬季高原上空为下沉气流, 但高原上空的水平输送项有很强的向上贡献, 这与丛春华等 (2003) 得出的STT不一致。但需要指出的是, 根据Wei公式计算的CTF, 〖JP2〗尤其在急流附近, 对资料中存在的误差十分敏感 (Gettleman等, 2000), 因此青藏高原主体上空在冬季是STT还是TST, 有待于进一步的分析研究。  相似文献   

采用UARS卫星1993—2004年卤素掩星试验的观测资料(HALOE),分析了青藏高原(下称高原)上空大气中H2O和CH4的分布和季节变化,也与同纬度其它地区作对比,找出它们的差异,并分析了H2O和CH4的多年变化趋势。结果表明:高原上空H2O混合比在对流层上层随高度迅速减少,在对流层顶和平流层底达到极小值,平流层里水汽混合比随高度增加。高原上空CH4混合比从140 hPa直至1 hPa随高度递减。在对流层上部和平流层下部H2O和CH4混合比季节差异最明显。高原上空H2O和CH4混合比与同纬度带其它地区相比有不少差异,这种差异在对流层上部和平流层下部更明显。分析还表明:高原上空对流层上部和平流层下部H2O和CH4的分布明显受到高原热力作用引起的垂直运动的影响,高原区域是平流层和对流层交换的活跃区。平流层中上层H2O和CH4的关系很密切,其原因主要是在平流层中上层CH4很容易被氧化成H2O。趋势分析表明,在对流层顶附近,水汽在1993—2004年呈下降趋势,而CH4在1998年以前和2001年以后也呈下降趋势;平流层中层1993—2000年H2O混合比呈增加趋势,CH4呈下降趋势,2000—2004年H2O混合比呈下降趋势,而CH4呈增加趋势。  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent progress in understanding isentropic potential vorticity (PV) dynamics during interactions between the stratosphere and troposphere, including the spatial and temporal propagation of circulation anomalies associated with the winter polar vortex oscillation and the mechanisms of stratosphere- troposphere coupling in the global mass circulation framework. The origins and mechanisms of interannual variability in the stratospheric circulation are also reviewed. Particular attention is paid to the role of the Tibetan Plateau as a PV source (via its thermal forcing) in the global and East Asian atmospheric circulation. Diagnosis of meridional isentropic PV advection over tile Tibetan Plateau and East Asia indicates that the distributions of potential temperature and PV over the east flank of the Tibetan Plateau and East Asia favor a downward and southward isentropic transport of high PV from the stratosphere to the troposphere. This transport manifests the possible influence of the Tibetan Plateau on the dynamic coupling between the stratosphere and troposphere during summer, and may provide a new framework for understanding the climatic effects of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

Variation in the location of the South Asian High(SAH) in early boreal summer is strongly influenced by elevated surface heating from the Tibetan Plateau(TP) and the Iranian Plateau(IP). Based on observational and ERA-Interim data,diagnostic analyses reveal that the interannual northwestward–southeastward(NW–SE) shift of the SAH in June is more closely correlated with the synergistic effect of concurrent surface thermal anomalies over the TP and IP than with each single surface thermal anomaly over either plateau from the preceding May. Concurrent surface thermal anomalies over these two plateaus in May are characterized by a negative correlation between sensible heat flux over most parts of the TP(TPSH)and IP(IPSH). This anomaly pattern can persist till June and influences the NW–SE shift of the SAH in June through the release of latent heat(LH) over northeastern India. When the IPSH is stronger(weaker) and the TPSH is weaker(stronger)than normal in May, an anomalous cyclone(anticyclone) appears over northern India at 850 hPa, which is accompanied by the ascent(descent) of air and anomalous convergence(divergence) of moisture flux in May and June. Therefore, the LH release over northeastern India is strengthened(weakened) and the vertical gradient of apparent heat source is decreased(increased)in the upper troposphere, which is responsible for the northwestward(southeastward) shift of the SAH in June.  相似文献   

Effects of the Tibetan Plateau on total column ozone distribution   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The relatively low total column ozone (TCO) above the Tibetan Plateau (TP) observed in summer is only partly due to the thinness of the atmospheric column. In this paper the effect of the TP on the TCO is further investigated using satellite data [Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) ozone column and Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment II (SAGE II) ozone profiles], ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis data and a 3-D chemistry-climate model (CCM). It is found that the low TCO over the TP is also closely related to large-scale uplift and descent of isentropic surfaces implied by seasonal and longitudinal variations in the tropopause height. The variations in tropopause height, with a maximum in summer, can be driven by various processes including convective activity, air expansion as well as the monsoon system. While previous studies have showed an important role of troposphere-to-stratosphere transport in contributing to the observed low ozone column over the TP, the mechanism revealed in this study is an alternative amendment to the causes of the TCO low over the TP. It is also found that the monsoon anticyclone circulation induces an isentropic transport of trace gases from high latitudes towards the TP in the lower stratosphere and hence modifies tracer distributions. For the vertical distribution of ozone, the modulation by the TP is most significant below ∼20 km, that is, in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). The smaller differences in NO x between Eastern TP and TP compared to large dynamically caused differences in ozone and methane imply the TCO low over the TP is mainly due to transport processes rather than chemistry.  相似文献   

王黎娟  葛静 《大气科学》2016,40(4):853-863
利用1983~2012年NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料对夏季青藏高原大气热源和南亚高压东西振荡的低频特征以及两者的关系进行了讨论,发现夏季青藏高原东部大气热源与南亚高压纬向运动的主要低频周期都是10~20 d。在高原东部大气热源10~20 d振荡峰值位相,青藏高原上空被低频气旋控制,高原西部被低频反气旋控制,导致南亚高压主要高压中心向西移动呈伊朗高压模态;在大气热源10~20 d振荡谷值位相,低频环流形势完全相反,青藏高原上空被低频反气旋控制,高原西部被低频气旋控制,致使南亚高压主要高压中心向东移动呈青藏高压模态。高原热力场异常导致其上空暖中心变化从而引起的高层风场变化可以解释南亚高压的东西振荡。  相似文献   

This study presents a 44-year climatology of potential vorticity (PV) streamers in the Northern Hemisphere based upon analyses of the ERA-40 reanalysis data set. A comparison to an existing 15-year climatology yields very good agreement in the locations of PV streamer frequency maxima, but some differences are found in the amplitude of frequencies. The climatology is assessed with the focus on links between PV streamer frequencies and the synoptic- and planetary-scale variability of the dynamical tropopause.
A comprehensive overview is provided on where (zonally) and when (seasonally) short-term variability throughout the extra-tropical and sub-tropical tropopause is enhanced or reduced. Several key processes that influence this variability are discussed. Baroclinic processes, for example, determine the variability in the storm-track areas in winter, whereas the Asian summer monsoon significantly influences the variability over Asia.
The paper also describes links between the frequency of PV streamers in the extra-tropical and subtropical tropopause and three major northern hemisphere teleconnection patterns. The observed changes in the PV streamer frequencies are closely related to concomitant variations of PV and its gradient within the tropopause region. During opposite phases of the North Atlantic Oscillation the location of the streamer frequency maxima shifts significantly in the Atlantic and European region in both the extra-tropics and subtropics. The influence of ENSO on the streamer frequencies is most pronounced in the subtropical Pacific.  相似文献   

夏季南亚高压(SAH)中心呈青藏高原和伊朗高原双模态分布,表现为东—西振荡的形式。同时,SAH的东缘还存在规律性的向东亚地区东伸或西退至青藏高原,表现为另一种形式的东西振荡。本文利用NCEP1逐日再分析资料、APHRODITE逐日降水数据以及印度地区逐日降水数据,研究了SAH这两类东—西振荡的联系以及它们对亚洲地区环流和天气影响的差异。结果表明,SAH中心的双模态东—西振荡位相可显著影响其东缘东伸/西退的发生及其幅度。尽管在SAH中心呈青藏高原和伊朗高原模态时,均可以出现SAH东缘的向东亚东伸,但青藏高原模态下发生东伸的频率明显高于伊朗高原模态;在伊朗高原模态时则更容易出现SAH东缘的西退。而且,在青藏高原模态下发生的SAH东缘东伸的幅度也比伊朗高原模态时更大。进一步研究发现,SAH中心的双模态东—西振荡主要与印度北部及整个青藏高原地区的降水异常型密切联系,并与异常降水有关的热力和动力作用变化相耦合。而SAH东缘的东伸/西退则通过引起西太副高的西进/东退,与东亚地区偶极子型的降水异常(青藏高原中东部、长江与黄河之间的中下游地区的降水异常与长江以南地区的相反)相联系。此外,SAH中心为青...  相似文献   

夏季亚洲季风区是对流层向平流层物质输送的主要通道,其对平流层水汽的变化有重要贡献。以往的研究表明亚洲季风区向平流层的水汽传输主要在青藏高原及周边地区。本文利用多年平均的逐日ERAi、MERRA再分析数据和微波临边观测仪(Microwave Limb Sounder,MLS)数据,首先对比分析夏季青藏高原周边上空水汽的分布特征,再利用再分析资料分析了对流层—平流层水汽传输的特征。结果表明:青藏高原周边特定的等熵面和对流层顶结构分布有利于水汽向平流层的绝热输送;在南亚高压的东北侧,从青藏高原到中太平洋地区,340~360 K层次存在最为显著的水汽向平流层的纬向等熵绝热输送通道,7~8月平均输送强度可达约7×103 kg s-1。此外,在伊朗高原及南亚高压的西部,350~360 K层次也存在一支水汽向平流层的经向等熵绝热输送通道,但强度相对较弱(约2.5×103 kg s-1)。在青藏高原南侧370~380 K层次存在强的水汽向平流层的非绝热输送,主要由深对流和大尺度上升运动引起,7~8月平均输送强度约0.4×103 kg s-1。落基山以东到大西洋西部,350~360 K层次存在水汽向平流层的纬向等熵绝热输送通道,但强度也弱得多(约2.5×103 kg s-1)。  相似文献   

青藏高原感热气泵影响亚洲夏季风的机制   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文回顾了二十年来关于青藏高原感热驱动气泵(TP-SHAP)及其影响亚洲夏季风的研究进展,并从能量(θ)、位涡—加热(PV–Q)、和角动量守恒(AMC)的不同角度阐述其影响机制。指出高原斜坡上的表面感热加热改变了移向高原的大气质块的能量从而出现垂直抽吸的重要性。强调了高原加热产生的位涡强迫在近地层制造了强度大范围广的、环绕高原的气旋式环流,把丰沛的水汽从海洋输运到大陆,为季风对流降水提供充足的水汽条件。证明高原加热还通过改变其上空的温、压场的结构从而制造出高原上空近对流层顶的绝对涡度和位涡的最小值,在角动量平衡约束下,在亚洲季风区激发出与Hadley环流反向的季风经圈环流,从而为季风发生发展提供了大范围上升运动的背景。文中还对近年来有关青藏高原影响亚洲夏季风机制的讨论进行概述,并展望了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

A global atmospheric general circulation model has been used to perform eleven idealized numerical experiments, i.e., TP10, TP10, .., TP100, corresponding to different percentages of the Tibetan Plateau altitude. The aim is to explore the sensitivity of East Asian climate to the uplift and expansion of the Tibetan Plateau under the reconstructed boundary conditions for the mid-Pliocene about 3 Ma ago. When the plateau is progressively uplifted, global annual surface temperature is gradually declined and statistically significant cooling signals emerge only in the Northern Hemisphere, especially over and around the Tibetan Plateau, with larger magnitudes over land than over the oceans. On the contrary, annual surface temperature rises notably over Central Asia and most parts of Africa, as well as over northeasternmost Eurasia in the experiments TP60 to TP100. Meanwhile, the plateau uplift also leads to annual precipitation augmentation over the Tibetan Plateau but a reduction in northern Asia, the Indian Peninsula, much of Central Asia, parts of western Asia and the southern portions of northeastern Europe. Additionally, it is found that an East Asian summer monsoon system similar to that of the present initially exists in the TP60 and is gradually intensified with the continued plateau uplift. At 850 hPa the plateau uplift induces an anomalous cyclonic circulation around the Tibetan Plateau in summertime and two anomalous westerly currents respectively located to the south and north of the Tibetan Plateau in wintertime. In the mid-troposphere, similarto-modern spatial pattern of summertime western North Pacific subtropical high is only exhibited in the experiments TP60 to TP100, and the East Asian trough is steadily deepened in response to the progressive uplift and expansion of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

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