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闽北汛期强降水中尺度特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为揭示闽北暴雨的中尺度规律,利用1980~2005年南平市10县(市、区)气象站5~6月雨量大于等于50mm达到或超过3个站的43个暴雨过程129个暴雨日的逐时降水自记资料,分析了汛期暴雨日雨团和强雨团的时空分布、强度及持续时间、移动规律、雨团与影响系统的关系以及地形对雨团的产生、分布、移动等的影响等,得出闽北汛期强降水的中尺度若干特征,其结论可为预报人员在业务实践中提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

The mei-yu front heavy rainstorms occurred over Nanjing on 3 5 and 8 9 July 2003 and were simulated in this paper using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRFv3.1) with various mesoscale convection parameterization schemes (MCPSs). The simulations show that the temporal and spatial evolution and distribution of rainstorms can be modeled; however, there was incongruity between the comparative simulations of four different MCPSs and the observed data. These disparities were exhibited in the simulations of both the 24-hour surface rainfall total and the hourly precipitation rate. Further analysis revealed that the discrepancies of vertical velocity and the convective vorticity vector (CVV) between the four simulations were attributed to the deviation of rainfall values. In addition, the simulations show that the mid-scale convection, particularly the mesoscale convection system (MCS) formation, can be well simulated with the proper mesoscale convection parameterization schemes and may be a crucial factor of the mei-yu front heavy rainstorm. These results suggest that, in an effort to enhance simulation and prediction of heavy rainfall and rainstorms, subsequent studies should focus on the development and improvement of MCPS.  相似文献   

利用地面加密自动站观测资料以及NCEP再分析资料,对1211号“海葵”台风登陆后在江苏引发的两段降水对流特征差异明显的大暴雨天气进行对比分析。结果表明:第一段区域性大暴雨天气发生在台风环流中心及北侧偏东风急流附近,此时台风环流完整,中心维持正压结构,环流中心及其北侧偏东急流附近伴有较大范围的水汽辐合和强上升运动,有利于区域性大暴雨天气发生,但降水发生在近乎中性的层结下,降水分布较均匀,发展平缓,降水期间对流活动较弱;第二段大暴雨则发生在远离环流中心的台风倒槽顶部,降水期间暴雨区中高层伴有较明显的冷平流,有利于对流不稳定层结发展,降水发展过程中,地面风场出现中尺度扰动,增强了局地辐合和气旋性涡度,加之地面锋区发展,促进了中尺度对流系统的形成和发展,此段降水中尺度特征显著,发展迅速,雨强大,伴有明显的对流特征,导致出现局地特大暴雨天气。  相似文献   

不同降水方案对"03.7"一次暴雨过程模拟的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
观测和数值模拟研究已经表明,潜热释放对中国东部夏季梅雨锋系统及其锋面降水的维持和发展发挥着非常重要的作用.然而,目前对于梅雨锋降水模拟中各种降水方案的相互协调和系统评估方面的工作仍不多见,为了增进对梅雨锋暴雨模拟中降水过程的认识,作者针对2003年7月4~5日一次梅雨锋暴雨过程,构造了四组试验,利用MM5模式考察了两种分辨率(36 km、12 km),各种隐/显式方案搭配下,对所生成的雨带、雨量和降水类型的配置进行了仔细的研究,得到了一些有意义的结论,为今后更好地使用模式、利用数值模式来认识中尺度降水过程中的气象问题打下基础.主要结论包括:模拟总降水的水平分布和强度,以及显式降水和隐式降水的划分对积云参数化方案的选择非常敏感.但对特定积云参数化方案而言,降水的模拟对36 km、12 km水平分辨率不敏感(除Betts-Miller方案外);在中尺度网格分辨率10~50 km范围内,不同积云参数化方案对梅雨锋降水分布和降水量模拟的影响比不同显式方案带来的变化大得多.  相似文献   

During the Heavy Rainfall Experiment in South China (HUAMEX) of 1998, a record heavy rainfall event occurred in the delta of the Pearl River during the 24 hours from 1200 UTC 8 June to 1200 UTC 9 June, 1998, and a 24-hour precipitation maximum of 574 mm was reported in Hong Kong. In this paper, some mesoscale characteristics of this heavy rainfall event are studied using data from satellites, Doppler radar, wind profilers, and automatic meteorological stations collected during HUAMEX. The following conclusions are drawn: (1) During this heavy rainfall event, there existed a favorable large-scale environment, that included a front with weak baroclinity in the heavy rain area and with an upward motion branch ahead of the front. (2) Unlike most extratropical or subtropical systems, the closed low in the geopotential height field does not exited. The obvious feature was that a southerly branch trough in the westerlies existed and Hong Kong was located ahead of the trough. (3) The rainfall areas were located in the warm sector ahead of the front, rather than in the frontal zone, which is one of the characteristics of heavy rainfalls during the pre-rainy season of South China. A southerly warm and moist current contributed to the heavy rainfall formation, including the transportation of rich water vapor and the creation of strong horizontal wind convergence. (4) The observations show that the heavy rainfall in Hong Kong was directly caused by a series of meso β systems rather than a mesoscale convective complex (MCC). These meso β systems moved with the steering current in the lower-mid troposphere, their life cycles were 3-6 hours, and their horizontal sizes were 10-100 km. (5) The disturbances in the lower and mid troposphere, especially that in the planetary boundary layer (PBL) were very shallow. However, they are a possible trigger mechanism for the occurrence and development of the mesoscale convective systems and related heavy rainfalls. Finally, a conceptual model of the heav  相似文献   

杨晓霞  夏凡  张骞  侯淑梅  刘畅 《气象科技》2018,46(3):605-618
利用各种观测资料和NCEP/NCAR 1×1°再分析资料,对2012年7月30日夜间和31日夜间鲁西北连续两天强降雨天气进行诊断和对比分析。结果表明:强降水产生在西风槽前和副热带高压边缘的偏南暖湿气流中,西风槽稳定少动,台风在东南沿海北上,副高加强北抬,为鲁西北连续两天的强降水提供了天气尺度背景。925hPa及以下的低层,来自于渤海的偏东气流和来自于华东沿海的东南气流同时向鲁西北强降水区输送水汽,低层比湿大,CAPE和K指数较高。第1次强降水产生在偏南气流的暖区中,降水强度大,维持时间短。第2次强降水期间,低层有冷空气锲入,把暖湿气流抬升,前期为对流性降水,中后期转为稳定性降水,降水强度小,维持时间较长。850hPa及以下倒槽式切变线和中尺度低涡环流是造成强降水的中尺度影响系统,近地面层来自于渤海的东北气流与来自于东南沿海的东南暖湿气流形成中尺度涡旋,产生气旋式辐合上升,触发对流不稳定能量释放。对流云团在鲁西北形成长形的中尺度对流系统(MCS),稳定少动,有明显的列车效应和后向传播特征。强降水具有较强的日变化,夜间发展增强,白天减弱。  相似文献   

针对2007年7月8~10日四川盆地南部的特大暴雨天气过程,利用逐小时红外云顶黑体亮度温度结合地面加密雨量资料对其进行了对比分析。分析指出此次特大暴雨是由西南低涡内几个中尺度对流云团连续生消造成的,在其开始阶段有一中尺度对流复合体沿基本气流方向强烈发展,此阶段云团虽发展旺盛,但由于雨团随系统移动较快,并未造成洪灾。此云团减弱后,低涡环流仍维持并少动,又依次触发了3个中尺度对流的生成,这3个中尺度对流云团逆基本气流向SSW方向缓慢移动,造成的降水落区集中,中心雨强大,持续时间长,由此导致了暴雨洪涝的产生。强降水位置对于前向传播系统,一是在其发展的前端,二是在冷云中心的略偏后的位置,最大雨强出现在云团成熟之前发展最剧烈时,而后向传播的低涡云团强降水主要在冷云中心附近,最大雨强出现在云团发展最旺盛(冷云中心TBB最低)时。  相似文献   

The heaviest rainfall over 61 yr hit Beijing during 21-22 July 2012.Characterized by great rainfall amount and intensity,wide range,and high impact,this record-breaking heavy rainfall caused dozens of deaths and extensive damage.Despite favorable synoptic conditions,operational forecasts underestimated the precipitation amount and were late at predicting the rainfall start time.To gain a better understanding of the performance of mesoscale models,verification of high-resolution forecasts and analyses from the WRFbased BJ-RUCv2.0 model with a horizontal grid spacing of 3 km is carried out.The results show that water vapor is very rich and a quasi-linear precipitation system produces a rather concentrated rain area.Moreover,model forecasts are first verified statistically using equitable threat score and BIAS score.The BJ-RUCv2.0forecasts under-predict the rainfall with southwestward displacement error and time delay of the extreme precipitation.Further quantitative analysis based on the contiguous rain area method indicates that major errors for total precipitation(〉 5 mm h~(-1)) are due to inaccurate precipitation location and pattern,while forecast errors for heavy rainfall(〉 20 mm h~(-1)) mainly come from precipitation intensity.Finally,the possible causes for the poor model performance are discussed through diagnosing large-scale circulation and physical parameters(water vapor flux and instability conditions) of the BJ-RUCv2.0 model output.  相似文献   

新疆地区一次对流性降水的三维中尺度风场研究   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用2004年外场试验获得的乌鲁木齐和五家渠C波段双多普勒雷达资料, 分析了双多普勒雷达风场反演方法和资料的可靠性, 研究了2004年8月8日发生在乌鲁木齐和五家渠的一次强对流性降水的回波和风场中尺度结构及演变过程。结果表明:这两部雷达观测的回波强度相关很好, 雷达基线上的径向速度基本一致, 资料可靠, 适合进行双多普勒雷达观测; Cressman插值的影响半径的变化对风场的中尺度结构基本没有影响, 径向速度误差引起的风场反演误差与该点所处的位置有关, 1 m/s径向速度误差也不会改变风场的中尺度结构。该过程为对流单体发展为对流带状回波的过程, 在对流单体的左侧生成新的对流单体, 逐步发展为长度约90 km范围的带状对流系统, 该系统恰与较强的东北风和较弱的西风形成的辐合相对应, 上升气流与强对流回波相对应, 不同对流单体有各自相独立的风场结构。用双多普勒雷达观测得到对流系统的内部风场有利于了解对流系统的内部动力过程, 从而探讨降水的形成和演变机理。  相似文献   

利用自动站资料、卫星云图、新一代天气雷达资料与NCEP再分析资料,分析了2010年7月17—19日黄淮地区低涡暴雨过程中两次强降水过程(分别简称“7.17”过程和“7.18”过程)的环境条件及其中尺度系统发生、发展演变过程。结果表明:(1)两次强降水均发生在充足的水汽输送、大的不稳定能量和较强的辐合上升运动等有利环境条件下,“7.17”过程热力条件更好,降水强度大,但降水范同小;“7.18”过程动力条件更好、强降水落区范围大,但雨强比“7.17”过程小。(2)“7.17”过程累积暴雨带落区位于气旋中心移动路径两侧约30—80km范围内,“7.18”过程累积暴雨、大暴雨带落区位于气旋中心移动路径两侧约70~100km范同内。(3)中尺度雨团(带)和短时强降水主要出现在地面中尺度气旋周围附近,地面中尺度气旋活动的不同阶段强降水落区不同。(4)卫星云图上,两次过程强降水均由发展旺盛的对流云团自西南向东北移动而产生,对流云顶亮温低至210~220K。(5)雷达回波图上,“7.17”过程涡旋特征更明显,“7.18”过程冷暖切变回波带特征更明显。两次过程中尺度雨带与大于等于43dBz的螺旋回波带对应关系较好,短时强降水和螺旋雨带上大于等于48dBz的强回波有较好的对应关系。  相似文献   

8.19华北暴雨模拟中微物理方案的对比试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在中尺度模式多种物理过程中,微物理过程是一个非常关键的环节,其不仅直接影响降水预报,而且也影响模式的动力过程.微物理方案有明确的物理基础,但是在实际暴雨模拟中,究竟采取哪一种方案的结果更理想,需要深入比较,因为不同的微物理方案对降水模拟结果有着很大的差异.本文利用中尺度非静力模式WRF (V3.2.1版本),采用36 km、12 km和4 km的格点分辨率,选用七种微物理方案,对2010年8月18~19 日华北地区的暴雨过程进行了敏感性试验.从降水落区和强度方面对总降水的预报性能进行了对比,模拟结果表明:选用不同的微物理方案,可以不同程度地模拟这场暴雨的范围和强度,且选择合理的微物理方案对细网格(4 km)嵌套的模拟也可以相应的提高,从而提高了暴雨模拟的分辨率,为暴雨中小尺度成因分析提供了参考.其中,水平分辨率为36 km时,Lin方案模拟的雨带范围和降水强度与实况拟合的最好;水平分辨率为12 km时,Thompson方案模拟的强降水位置、强度与实况最为接近;而水平分辨率为4 km时,WSM6方案模拟的强降水位置、强度与实况拟合得较好.再结合垂直速度、涡度、散度和雨水混合比等基本物理量的诊断分析,可以更好地理解各微物理方案对降雨预报的影响,所得的结论对我国华北暴雨强降水预报和中尺度模式微物理过程在业务和研究方面有相当的参考价值.  相似文献   

采用PSU/NCAR等共同研制的新一代细网格WRF(WeatherResearchandForecasting)中尺度数值模式,对2006年6月6-7日福建地区出现的一次特大暴雨过程进行了数值模拟,并利用模式输出的高分辨率动力协调资料进行了初步诊断分析。结果表明,中尺度低涡是本次暴雨过程的主要影响系统之一,低涡的时空演变特征与暴雨中心的移动和雨强的变化相一致。暴雨中心的强上升运动及低层辐合、高层辐散的配置有利于中尺度对流系统的发生发展,高低空急流耦合是此次强降雨爆发的重要机制。暴雨区域850hPaθse场呈现典型的“Ω”型,高湿能条件的维持,保证了强降雨过程的能量供给,是强降雨持续的重要条件。暴雨中心位于最大垂直速度中心附近,暴雨区两侧存在垂直的次级环流,对流层中低层负湿位涡区、高层正湿位涡区的配置有利于造成较强烈的中尺度上升运动。  相似文献   

利用中尺度模式MM4,研究了中尺度模式的暴雨模拟对于不同不汽输送方案的敏感性。采用5种平流差分格式来计算水汽的水平输送,用该模式对3次暴雨过程作了数值试验。并把不同方案的降水模拟结果与实况进行了对比。结果表明,中尺度模式的暴雨模拟对水汽输送方案十分敏感,正定高精度的Prather格式的模拟结果最接近实况。  相似文献   

利用辽宁省291个国家气象观测站的降水资料,对2019年夏季(6-9月)8种模式降水预报及中央气象台格点降水预报进行了检验评估和比较,并采用消空方法进行晴雨预报技术研究。结果表明:2019年,EC模式具有最优的暴雨预报性能,而日本模式暴雨TS评分最高;中尺度模式对于局地性暴雨和短时强降水具有较好的预报潜力,性能较好的是GRAPES_MESO模式和睿图东北3 km模式;全球模式对24 h暴雨的预报频率比实况偏低30%,3 h强降水则偏低60%,中尺度模式对24 h暴雨的预报频率比实况偏高30%,3 h强降水则偏低20%。由于对小量级降水存在较多空报,各模式原始预报的晴雨预报大多呈现空报偏多的情况;使用小量级降水剔除的消空策略能够明显提高晴雨准确率,消空之后EC模式具有最优的晴雨预报性能。分别使用24 h和3 h累计降水量优化消空策略,发现分别取1.0 mm和0.8 mm的阈值进行消空可以使24 h晴雨准确率提高15.58%,3 h晴雨准确率提高10%-30%。  相似文献   

A heavy storm rainfall caused by Typhoon Acre (No.0418) when landing at Fujian has been successfully simulated by using AREM model. The simulation result is scale-separated by spatial band-pass filtering, which reveals the mesoscale low pressure and convergence line that has direct impact on this rainfall process. The physical characteristics of the two mesoscale systems and their relation with rainfall are also analyzed. Study shows that there exists a well corresponding relationship between the storm rainfall and mesoscale divergence and strong updraft arising from the convergence, which is caused by the interactions between the mesoscate systems and topographic features, and is directly responsible for the rainfall.  相似文献   

梅雨锋两类中尺度低压(扰动)及其暴雨的数值研究   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5  
对1999年6月梅雨锋频发型中尺度低压(扰动)及其暴雨代表个例,利用区域中尺度数值模式MM5进行了数值研究.基准试验成功复制出中尺度低压(扰动)和暴雨的发生发展过程,系统和降水的演变与强度结果比较合理.借助于高时空分辨率的模式输出,在一定程度上可以揭示中尺度低压(扰动)发生发展较详细的演变过程,同时也可描述出发展演变中某些更加细微的特征和反映对流层高低空气流的特征以及它们之间的相互作用.在基准试验基础上设计的一组数值试验,探讨了同中尺度低压(扰动)暴雨相关的物理过程,包括降水的显、隐式参数化方案,凝结潜热释放,行星边界层过程,局地地形对中尺度低压(扰动)及其所伴暴雨发生发展的影响.这些结果能在更加深入理解梅雨锋上两类中尺度低压(扰动)及其暴雨过程的具体物理图象方面提供一些有益的帮助.  相似文献   

The multi-scale weather systems associated with a mei-yu front and the corresponding heavy precipitation during a particular heavy rainfall event that occurred on 4 5 July 2003 in east China were successfully simulated through rainfall assimilation using the PSU/NCAR non-hydrostatic, mesoscale, numerical model (MM5) and its four-dimensional, variational, data assimilation (4DVAR) system. For this case, the improvement of the process via the 4DVAR rainfall assimilation into the simulation of mesoscale precipitation systems is investigated. With the rainfall assimilation, the convection is triggered at the right location and time, and the evolution and spatial distribution of the mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) are also more correctly simulated. Through the interactions between MCSs and the weather systems at different scales, including the low-level jet and mei-yu front, the simulation of the entire mei-yu weather system is significantly improved, both during the data assimilation window and the subsequent 12-h period. The results suggest that the rainfall assimilation first provides positive impact at the convective scale and the influences are then propagated upscale to the meso- and sub-synoptic scales.
Through a set of sensitive experiments designed to evaluate the impact of different initial variables on the simulation of mei-yu heavy rainfall, it was found that the moisture field and meridional wind had the strongest effect during the convection initialization stage, however, after the convection was fully triggered, all of the variables at the initial condition seemed to have comparable importance.  相似文献   

The mesoscale moist adjoint sensitivities related to the initiation of mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) are evaluated for a mei-yu heavy rainfall event. The sensitivities were calculated on a realistic background gained from a four-dimensional variational data assimilation of precipitation experiment to make the sensitivity computation possible and reasonable within a strong moist convective event at the mesoscale. The results show that the computed sensitivities at the mesoscale were capable of capturing the factors affecting MCS initiation. The sensitivities to the initial temperature and moisture are enhanced greatly by diabatic processes, especially at lower levels, and these sensitivities are much larger than those stemming from the horizontal winds, which implies that initiation of MCSs is more sensitive to low-level temperature and moisture perturbations rather than the horizontal winds. Moreover, concentration of sensitivities at low levels reflects the characteristics of the mei-yu front. The results provide some hints about how to improve quantitative precipitation forecasts of mei-yu heavy rainfall, such as by conducting mesoscale targetted observations via the adjoint-based method to reduce the low-level errors in the initial temperature and moisture.  相似文献   

A strong cyclonic wind perturbation generated in the northern South China Sea (SCS) moved northward quickly and developed into a mesoscale vortex in southwest Guangdong Province, and then merged with a southward-moving shear line from mid latitudes in the period of 21-22 May 2006, during which three strong mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) formed and brought about torrential rain or even cloudburst in South China. With the 1° ×1° NCEP (National Centers for Environment Prediction) reanalysis data and the Weather and Research Forecast (WRF) mesoscale model, a numerical simulation, a potential vorticity inversion analysis, and some sensitivity experiments are carried out to reveal the formation mechanism of this rainfall event. In the meantime, conventional observations, satellite images, and the WRF model outputs are also utilized to perform a preliminary dynamic and thermodynamic diagnostic analysis of the rainstorm systems. It is found that the torrential rain occurred in favorable synoptic conditions such as warm and moist environment, low lifting condensation level, and high convective instability. The moisture transport by strong southerly winds associated with the rapid northward advance of the cyclonic wind perturbation over the northern SCS provided the warm and moist condition for the formation of the excessive rain. Under the dynamic steering of a southwesterly flow ahead of a north trough and that on the southwest side of the West Pacific subtropical high, the mesoscale vortex (or the cyclonic wind perturbation), after its genesis, moved northward and brought about enormous rain in most parts of Guangdong Province through providing certain lifting forcing for the triggering of mesoscale convection. During the development of the mesoscale vortex, heavy rainfall was to a certain extent enhanced by the mesoscale topography of the Yunwu Mountain in Guangdong. The effect of the Yunwu Mountain is found to vary under different prevailing wind directions and intensities. The location o  相似文献   

Mesoscale predictability of mei-yu heavy rainfall   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently reported results indicate that small amplitude and small scale initial errors grow rapidly and subsequently contaminate short-term deterministic mesoscale forecasts. This rapid error growth is dependent on not only moist convection but also the flow regime. In this study, the mesoscale predictability and error growth of mei-yu heavy rainfall is investigated by simulating a particular precipitation event along the mei-yu front on 4-6 July 2003 in eastern China. Due to the multi-scale character of th...  相似文献   

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