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用QuikSCAT资料分析"黄蜂"登陆前后近地层风场的分布特征   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
利用QuikSCAT资料对"黄蜂"近地层风场分布的演变特征进行了诊断分析.并采用了离散余弦转换(DCT)对其方差的波谱结构进行了讨论.结果表明台风近地层风场分布具有明显的不对称性,其方差大部分产生于波数1和2的气流中,并且与波的方向有关.当台风沿纬向西移时,有两个纬向排列的波谱中心,主要是纬向波数2和经向波数1的气流;而当台风沿径向北上时,有两个经向排列的波谱中心,主要是纬向波数1和经向波数2的气流.波数1的气流对切向风的方差做主要贡献,波数2的气流对径向风的方差做主要贡献.不对称性分布的特征随大尺度环境场和台风自转气旋环流的改变而改变.当台风靠近大陆时台风大风出现的在台风前进方向前沿,类似于陈联寿等分析的第二类台风大风模式,在左前方是西北偏北大风,在右前方是东南大风.  相似文献   

将谱逼近方法应用到台风Megi(2010)数值模拟试验中,通过选择不同物理量配置,分析得到影响台风Megi路径变化的关键环境场因子,并在此基础上分析关键因子不同高度范围和不同尺度信息对台风路径变化的影响。结果表明,采用谱逼近方法能够有效降低整个模拟时段,尤其是路径北折阶段台风路径模拟偏差,其中天气尺度环境风场是影响台风路径变化的关键因子。在过岛阶段,谱逼近850 hPa以上的中低层环境风场造成模拟路径偏差增大,但是改善了台风路径北折阶段的路径模拟结果;此外500~1 000 km尺度的中尺度环境风场对Megi转折以及转折后的移速移向具有重要影响,也减小了过岛阶段路径偏差的增长程度。通过分析各试验对主要天气系统、引导气流以及台风内部结构的模拟结果表明,谱逼近环境风场能够改善模式对中低纬环流系统的模拟,有利于更为准确地得到路径转折阶段的引导气流;同时谱逼近环境风场后会影响台风内部结构,对台风路径模拟的移速移向造成影响。   相似文献   

基于NCEP再分析资料和NOAA高分辨率海温资料,采用空间傅里叶滤波法,分析了台风Megi(2010)路径北折过程中越赤道气流强度随时间的变化,以及其不同波长分量对台风移动路径转折的影响,利用谱逼近方案的数值模拟对分析结果进行验证。结果表明,加里曼丹岛附近越赤道气流突然增强北涌对台风移动路径北折具有重要影响。经纬向波长为500km以上的低层风场分量的环流结构能明显反映出加里曼丹岛附近越赤道气流中的中尺度反气旋系统。模拟试验结果与分析结果一致,即环境风场的中尺度分量是影响台风路径北折的重要因子,其中经纬向波长为500 km以上风场分量体现了加里曼丹岛附近越赤道气流风场结构中的中尺度反气旋系统对台风路径的影响,因此,其模拟路径与观测路径最为接近。  相似文献   

2004年台风“艾利”与“米雷”路径异常变化分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
2004年西北太平洋上生成的台风"艾利"和"米雷"开始都是向西北方向移动,当快要进入东海时两个台风的路径均发生变化,"艾利"转向西南方向,形成倒抛物线形的路径,而"米雷"突然向东北方向转折。通过对这两个台风的不同时间尺度环境场及其与台风相互作用的分析表明,对于西南转向的"艾利",副热带高压(副高)西伸明显,台风位于副高的南侧,天气尺度风场对副高低频分量的涡度平流,使得台风西北侧出现负涡度,同时由于罗斯贝波能量频散,台风东南侧出现负涡度,与负涡度相联系的天气尺度异常环流导致台风西北侧和东南侧的天气尺度引导气流的作用相互抵消,台风主要在低频环流引导下向西南方向移动;对于突然向东北转向的"米雷",副高位置偏东,转向时刻只有东南侧增强的天气尺度西南风,天气尺度引导气流导致台风向东北转折。  相似文献   

越赤道气流准双周振荡对西北太平洋台风路径的调制作用   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
利用美国联合台风预警中心(Joint Typhoon Warning Center,JTWC)热带气旋(tropicalcy—clone,TC)数据、NCEP/NCAR再分析风场资料,研究了越赤道气流准双周振荡对西北太平洋台风路径的调制作用。将西北太平洋台风路径划分为:西行路径、西北行路径、转向登陆中国路径、转向中日之间路径、转向登陆日本路径、转向日本以东路径和140°E以东路径。利用超前滞后回归方法,合成分析了6—10月不同路径台风对应的越赤道气流准双周振荡的低频环流演变过程。结果表明,925hPa越赤道气流及与其相联系的经向风存在明显10~20d准双周振荡现象,且对西北太平洋台风路径预报具有一定的指示作用。在西太平洋赤道地区,低频越赤道气流强度、演变特征影响着西北太平洋低频气旋的位置和移动方向,调节风场强辐合带与季风槽的位置与强度,继而对台风生成位置、移动路径产生重要的影响。初步认为,强向北低频越赤道气流分量有利于北侧低频气旋加强和向北传播,继而使得强辐合带、季风槽位置偏北,台风易于在此区域生成且沿着强辐合带位置移动。而弱向北低频分量或向南低频分量则不利于台风转向移动。  相似文献   

台风“梅花”(1109)双眼墙生消过程的卫星资料分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用CIMSS/MIMIC微波、AMSU微波、静止红外、TRMM卫星资料,详细地叙述了“梅花”台风三次双眼墙生消的演变过程,定量分析了这三次过程之间及其与以往研究的异同点,包括双眼墙的生消周期、空间尺度、结构、强度以及所伴随的台风强度变化,在此基础上提出了双眼墙生消的演变模型。结果表明:(1) 螺旋云带型态演变是双眼墙生消过程的外在表现形式:随着台风眼墙与螺旋云带的脱离,螺旋云带自身首尾相连,在原台风眼墙的外围形成另一圈闭合环流,即双眼墙结构形成。外眼墙环流在加强加宽后向内收缩,内眼墙环流减弱并消失,只剩一单圈环流,或外眼墙环流演变为螺旋云带,则双眼墙结构消失;(2) 双眼墙结构持续的时间可以由几小时至数天,这可能与内、外眼墙直径无关,而与台风环流特别是外眼墙结构有关。当外眼墙环流对称化后,内、外眼墙将在数小时内完成眼璧置换过程;(3) 在一个成熟的双眼墙台风中,外眼墙对流发展高度较内眼墙高,内外眼墙之间是类似台风眼的下沉气流控制区;(4) 基于ADT的台风业务定强,可能不能正确地描述双眼墙台风强度的变化特征,而AMSU-A所反映的台风暖心强度,能较好说明双眼墙生消过程中台风强度的剧烈变化。   相似文献   

位涡倾向在Muifa台风路径转折中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁敏  平凡  李国平 《大气科学》2018,42(2):281-291
利用ECMWF资料诊断分析了位涡倾向方程中的水平平流项和非绝热加热项分别在Muifa台风两次路径转折中的作用。结果表明:第一次路径转折过程中,非绝热加热项的量级比水平平流项小一个量级,水平平流项所表征的外部大尺度环流因素是第一次路径转折的主要原因;第二次路径转向过程由水平平流项和非绝热加热项共同控制,其中水平平流项控制台风的移向,非绝热加热项表征的内部非对称结构对台风转向有抑制作用。  相似文献   

于堃  沈新勇  张驰  李小凡 《气象科学》2020,40(3):333-340
利用NCL滤波方法将NCEP提供的FNL风场资料分离出天气尺度,准双周振荡(QBWO,Quasi-Biweekly Oscillation)和热带季节内振荡(MJO,Madden-Julian Oscillation)环流场,研究不同时间尺度环流对台风"天鹅"(1515)突变路径的影响。台风路径的特征能够分3个阶段,其中第二阶段台风发生突然转折。第一阶段,天气尺度上台风东侧的反气旋和QBWO环流场中的波列共同引导台风向西偏北方向运动,而MJO环流场中的引导气流作用较小;第二阶段,天气尺度上台风东侧的反气旋和低频环流场中台风附近的气旋共同促进了"天鹅"近90°的突然转向,其中,高、低频分量分别促使台风突然向北、向东转向;第三阶段,天气尺度上的气旋与反气旋、QBWO环流场中的反气旋以及MJO环流场中的脊共同引导"天鹅"向东北方向运动,其中MJO环流场中气旋附近的偏东风促使"天鹅"向西运动,但由于它被天气尺度上强烈的偏西风所抵消,故"天鹅"仍向东运动。  相似文献   

利用中国气象局(CMA)提供的热带气旋最佳路径资料和欧洲中心(ECMWF)提供的ERA interim再分析资料,对2018年两个北上影响山东的台风"摩羯"和"温比亚"路径差异的原因进行分析发现:"摩羯"和"温比亚"台风路径的差异主要与周围天气系统分布差异有关,两台风均先后受到副热带高压和大陆高压的影响,"温比亚"还受高空槽的影响,使其转向角度较大,而台风与高压系统相互作用形成的引导气流是影响这两个台风路径的主要因素。"摩羯"和"温比亚"的最佳引导气流均位于台风中心5个纬度半径内,不同阶段所受引导气流的高度存在差异,台风登陆前中低层引导气流对台风移向的指示作用均优于高层,登陆后转向前纬向引导气流均优于经向,但稳定性稍差,转向后除"温比亚"经向引导气流相关较差外均整层相关较好,中高层略优于低层,且高层风(300~200hPa)可以提前12h预报台风转向。此外,台风总是向着台风附近的正涡度平流方向移动,正涡度平流越强,台风移动越快。  相似文献   

多时间尺度环流对热带气旋海棠(0505)路径的影响   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
苏源  吴立广 《气象科学》2011,31(3):237-246
利用滤波方法将NCEP/NCAR提供的FNL风场资料分离出天气尺度和低频环流场,研究不同时间尺度环流对台风海棠(0505)路径的影响。热带气旋海棠路径的特征可以分两个主要阶段,在第一阶段,海棠西侧的天气尺度反气旋和低频流场副高南侧气流共同引导海棠向西南运动;第二阶段初期,天气尺度环流抑制海棠向北转向,但海棠西侧的QBW气旋和MJO尺度的气流共同引导海棠向北运动。海棠运动后期,海棠与低频气旋的相互作用导致了天气尺度流场中波列的产生和发展,形成了热带气旋的传播分量,令海棠产生了向东北转向的趋势,但是由于MJO环流场中副高的北抬和QBW气旋的引导,最终导致海棠向西运动。  相似文献   

Summary An intriguing picture is emerging of coupled track and intensity links in tropical cyclones. Since recurvature represents a dramatic track shift, recurving tropical storms are isolated in this study and their time of maximum lifetime intensity is compared to their time of recurvature. Thirty-one percent of all western North Pacific tropical storms and 28% of all such storms in North Atlantic recurve. Seventeen years of track and intensity data for recurving tropical cyclones in these basins are examined here.The overwhelming majority (80%) of western North Pacific tropical storms (including typhoons) reach their lifetime maximum intensity prior to recurvature. More than 45% of all recurving storms have coincident recurvature and lifetime maximum intensity, with weaker tropical storms clearly more likely to reach peak intensity at recurvature than strong systems.Inspection of tropical storm intensity and track data for North Atlantic systems reveals few clear patterns. The most robust observation to be made here is that the majority of these systems reach their peak intensity prior to recurvature. Exclusion of landfalling extratropically transforming tropical cyclones from this sample greatly reduces the number of systems, making the significance of any results questionable.With 2 Figures  相似文献   

1109号“梅花”台风对辽宁降水的影响分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
孙欣  陆井龙  韩江文 《气象科学》2013,33(3):333-339
利用逐日NCEP再分析、常规观测、加密自动站、卫星云图及多普勒雷达等资料,分析了1109号台风“梅花”路径、结构和降水变化的原因,并对“梅花”的物理量特征进行了诊断分析.结果表明:副热带高压外围引导气流较强时,台风沿引导气流方向行进,引导气流较弱时,台风受高空槽的吸引,移动路径产生向西的分量;中低层冷空气的侵入,破坏了台风自上而下的暖心、不对称结构,呈现上暖下冷的稳定结构,趋于向温带气旋变性.“梅花”影响辽宁前期,主要受台风外围气流影响,水汽厚度浅薄,但维持时间长,产生的累计雨量较大.后期台风残余云系,在冷空气的作用下,冷暖空气交界处激发出整层上升运动,同时在台风外围水汽、偏南季风水汽共同作用下水汽厚度增加,更充沛的水汽来源为更强降水提供了有利的水汽条件,在辽宁中南部产生暴雨大暴雨天气.此外,雷达、自动站反映的中尺度切变、涡旋,为对流系统发展起到了触发作用.  相似文献   


Low‐level cloud motion vectors determined by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the University of Wisconsin in a 5‐degree square centred at 0°, 152°30’ W were intercompared with moored buoy wind measurements made at 0°, 152°W during April 1979‐February 1980. At the site of the intercomparison test the prevailing wind direction was easterly; monthly mean values of the meridional wind speed were less than 20% of the zonal component. The surface winds measured during the observational period were similar to the climatological‐mean wind conditions. Although the satellite wind speeds were larger than buoy wind speeds, as a priori expected, because of the vertical separation between the measurements, the comparison indicated that in the case of the zonal component there was a maximum usable frequency (muf) below which cloud drifts and surface wind vectors were 95% significantly correlated and the correlation was greater than the 50% noise level. The muf were 0.17 and 0.3 cpd for the NOAA and Wisconsin cloud motion vectors, respectively. At frequencies below the muf, an algorithm describing the frequency‐dependent differences of the rms zonal wind speed amplitudes was developed. Coherences involving the meridional wind speeds were too low for the estimation of a muf.  相似文献   

Summary This paper examines the characteristics of the asymmetric flow associated with tropical cyclone (TC) motion using the Final Analysis dataset produced after the Tropical Cyclone Motion Experiment (TCM-90). The wind data vertically-integrated between 850 and 300 hPa around a TC are first separated into an environment flow and a vortex circulation using the filtering algorithm of Kurihara et al. (1995). The latter is then Fourier-decomposed azimuthally to obtain the symmetric and asymmetric components. Nine TCs that occurred during the TCM-90 Experiment are examined.For generally westward-moving TCs, the wavenumber-1 (WN-1) component is found to dominate the asymmetric flow. However, its pattern does not always exhibit a pair of counterrotating gyres as would be expected from previous modelling results (Fiorino and Elsberry, 1989). Further, the ventilation flow associated with WN-1 does not necessarily point towards the northwest. For a TC undergoing recurvature, the WN-2 flow becomes significant, and even has a larger magnitude than the WN-1 component, starting from about one day before recurvature. Consistent with the modelling results of Williams and Chan (1994), the WN-2 component also rotates counter-clockwise with time.The growth and decay of the asymmetric components result from the interaction between the environmental flow and the symmetric flow of the TC through an energy exchange, in addition to such exchanges between the asymmetric components. Energy generally flows from the environment and the symmetric circulation of the TC to the WN-1 component during intensification but vice versa when the TC is weakening. The growth of the WN-2 component in recurving TCs is due to a transfer of energy from the environment, the symmetric circulation and the WN-1 flow. It is for this reason that the WN-1 flow becomes weaker than the WN-2 flow in such cases. The WN-1 component of fast-moving TCs is found to extract energy from the WN-2 component, in addition to those from the environment and the symmetric flow.With 15 Figures  相似文献   

Summary A model of a frictionless rotating axisymmetric flow in an incompressible fluid is extended to the spun-up flow in the lower of two incompressible fluids, the upper fluid remaining at rest. It is shown that a steady state can be maintained only if the upper fluid extends to the surface in an inner core (the eye), the surface radius of which is determined by the strength of the tangential flow, as is the configuration of the eye wall. A secondary (meridional) circulation may also be present provided that the tangential flow has its maximum strength at middle levels.In order to relate this idealised model of a mature hurricane to the physical processes involved in its evolution, the eye wall, treated as a flow separation discontinuity in the idealised case, is considered as a transition zone between the fluids. The physical processes involved in the creation of this zone from a pre-existing ring of deep moist convection are proposed. Finally, the dynamics of the inflow layer, taking account of momentum transfer by small-scale eddies, is considered using a boundary layer model based on a modification of the classical Ekman-Taylor spiral.With 7 Figures  相似文献   

周括  冉令坤  蔡仁  屈涛  陈蕾 《大气科学》2022,46(3):745-761
针对2021年6月15~17日发生在昆仑山脉北坡的南疆极端暴雨过程,本文综合考虑地形对暴雨发生、发展的作用后,利用地形追随坐标控制方程并采用Boussinesq近似推导建立了地形追随坐标的非静力平衡广义垂直运动方程。诊断结果表明,经向气压梯度力耦合经向散度项(项一)、垂直气压梯度力耦合纬向散度项(项二)和非绝热加热经向梯度项(项三)是激发暴雨垂直运动发展演变的三个主要强迫项。项一体现了偏北风逐渐增强,在昆仑山脉的阻挡下导致经向辐合增强,触发了垂直上升运动。经向气流辐合始终是对流活动最主要的强迫过程,其次为纬向气流辐合。在地形追随坐标形式下,经向和垂直气压梯度能够增强项一和项二。对流发展阶段,水汽辐合与非绝热加热过程增强了非绝热加热经向梯度,促进了垂直上升运动发展。在地形的影响下,对流层中高层西风过山气流波动特征明显。重力波活动导致的高层辐散进一步促进了山脉迎风坡对流活动。经向和纬向气流辐合、非绝热加热过程以及重力波活动等多个因素共同造成了此次南疆极端暴雨。  相似文献   

The anthropogenic changes during boreal winter in the thermal and zonal flow structure over Eastern Atlantic and Western Europe (EAWE) have been investigated using an ensemble of CMIP3 and CMIP5 models. The ensemble mean change in the zonal wind at 500 hPa over this region is characterized by an eastward extension of the belt of zonal winds. Using the thermal wind relation these wind changes are found to be consistent with the changes in the tropospheric temperature profile. An enhanced warming is simulated in the subtropical upper troposphere and a relative surface cooling in the mid-latitudes. The subtropical upper tropospheric warming is related to the downward branch of the mean meridional circulation, whereas the mid-latitude lower tropospheric relative cooling is linked to the ocean processes that govern changes in its surface temperatures. Inter-model differences in the simulated change of the zonal wind over the EAWE by the CMIP3 and CMIP5 models relate well with differences in the upper tropospheric subtropical warming and the mid-latitude lower tropospheric relative cooling. The simulated change of the zonal wind over the EAWE region by the CMIP3 and CMIP5 models correlates well with changes in the meridional SST gradient. We conclude that uncertainties in the projected changes of the zonal flow over Europe are at least partly due to uncertainties in the response of the North Atlantic Ocean to increased levels of greenhouse gases.  相似文献   

Multisatellite data is used to analyze the characteristics of three eyewall replacement cycles (ERCs) during the lifetime of Typhoon Muifa (1109). Spiral rainbands evolutions, concentric eyewall (CE) structure modes, CE durations, and intensity changes are discussed in detail. In addition, an ERC evolution model of Typhoon Muifa is given. There are four main findings. (1) The outer spiral rainband joins end to end to form the outer eyewall after it disconnects from the original (inner) eyewall. The inner eyewall weakens as the outer eyewall becomes axisymmetric and is intensified. The contraction of the outer eyewall causes the inner eyewall to dissipate rapidly. Finally, the ERC ends with an annular eyewall or spiral rainbands. (2) Although the CE duration times of Typhoon Muifa’s three ERCs covered a large range, the CE structures were all maintained for approximately 5 h from the formation of the axisymmetric outer eyewall to the end of the cycle. (3) There is no obvious precipitation reflectivity in the eye or moat region for the subsidence flow. The convection within the two eyewalls is organized as a radially outward slope with increasing height. (4) Typhoon intensity estimation results based on ADT may not explain the intensity variations associated with ERC correctly, while the typhoon’s warm core data retrieved from AMSU-A works well.  相似文献   

This study analyzes landfall locations of tropical cyclones(TCs)over the western North Pacific during 1979–2018.Results demonstrate that the landfall locations of TCs over this region have shifted northward during the last four decades,primarily due to the shift of landfalling TC tracks,with the decreasing/increasing proportion of westward/northward TC tracks.In particular,the northward shift of the landfalling TCs was not related to their formation locations,which have not markedly changed,whereas"no-landed"TCs have significantly shifted northward.TC movement was significantly and positively correlated to the zonal component of the steering flow,while the correlation between TC movement and the meridional component of the steering flow was relatively unobvious.The westward steering flow in the tropical central Pacific that occurred around the formation and early development of the westward TCs was significantly weakened,which was unfavorable for their westward movement,thereby,causing the higher proportions of northward moving tracks.This weakened westward flow was related to the northward shift of the subtropical high ridge,which was caused by significant weakening of the southern part of the subtropical high.The vertical wind shear,sea surface temperature,and convective available potential energy also showed that the northern region of the western North Pacific became more favorable for TC development,whereas the upper divergence,low-layer relative vorticity,and accumulated water vapor content were not obviously related to the northward shift of TCs.  相似文献   

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