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在大田条件下,研究了模拟地表UV-B辐射增强对花生(开农49号)的产量及品质的影响.UV-B辐射设3个水平,即对照、增强20%和增强40%.结果表明:UV-B辐射增强能显著降低花生产量,产量下降的原因主要是由单位面积产量、株荚果数、百仁重减少造成的;花生品质受UV-B影响较为复杂,UV-B增强20%时,花生脂肪质量分数为51.02%,蛋白质质量分数为22.34%,油酸/亚油酸质量比为1.19,较对照组提高了0.02;UV-B增强40%时,花生脂肪质量分数为51.82%,蛋白质质量分数为22.56%,油酸/亚油酸质量比为1.28,较对照组提高了0.11.研究认为,UV-B辐射增强,不足以对花生的品质产生显著影响,这可能与设定的UV-B辐射强度、试验设计方案及花生的品种有关.  相似文献   

本文简要讨论Gronwall不等式的研究进展,并给出关于如下的一类非线性Volterra积分不等式的一个结果:w(u(t))≤g(t))+∑i=1nαi(t0)αi(t)fi(t,s)∏j=1mHij(u(s))Gij(maxs-hξs u (ξ))ds.  相似文献   

μ传输线是一种通过串联电容加载来获得等效负磁导率的人工电磁材料,利用其零传播常数的性质,可以设计具有无限大波长且谐振频率与尺寸无关的谐振器,从而实现天线的小型化和宽带化.本文以基于分段线结构的负μ传输线为例,分别设计了具有宽带特性的电偶极子和环天线.测试结果表明长度为107 mm(1.03λ0@2.9 GHz)的电偶极子可获得的阻抗带宽约为1.4 GHz(2.2~3.6 GHz,48%),并且该天线在工作带宽内具有稳定的E面方向图.直径为52 mm(0.5λ0@2.9 GHz)的环天线可获得的阻抗带宽约为1 GHz(2.4~3.4 GHz,34%),并且环上具有均匀的电流分布,从而具有磁偶极子的辐射特性.测试和仿真结果吻合较好.  相似文献   

过氧乙酰硝酸酯(PAN)是由VOCs和NOx的光化学反应生成的一种典型二次污染物,比O3更适合作为光化学污染的指示剂.2019年6—10月对浙江中部盆地金华市大气中PAN进行了在线监测,并对影响其体积分数变化的因素进行了分析,同时还分析了一次典型的光化学污染过程.结果表明,观测期间PAN的平均体积分数为0.656×10-9,最高体积分数为4.348×10-9,日均体积分数水平在0.130×10-9~2.203×10-9之间.PAN日变化特征显著,9月为明显的双峰变化,其他月份均为单峰.受气象条件的影响,夏季的污染程度显著低于秋季.9月27—30日典型污染时段内,PAN的小时均值是整个观测期均值的2.8倍,污染以本地积累为主.前体物浓度水平差异与去除机制的不同是影响PAN和O3相关性的重要因素,此外NO/NO2的比值是影响PAN生成速率的重要因素,PAN的峰值基本出现在NO/NO2比值较低的时段.在生成PAN的VOCs物种中,丙烷、乙烷和间/对二甲苯所占比例较大.  相似文献   

The characteristics of net radiation (Rn)(0.3--10 μm) in Lhasa and Haibei in the Tibetan Plateau were analyzed based on long-term in-situ measurements of surface radiation data. The monthly average of daily Rn reached a minimum during the winter period followed by an increase until May and then a decline until January. This variation is consistent with solar activity. The annual mean daily total Rn values were 0.92 MJ m-2 d-1 and 0.66 MJ m-2d-1 in Lhasa and Haibei, respectively. A relationship between Rn and broadband solar radiation (Rs) was demonstrated by a good linear correlation at the two sites. Rn can be an accurate estimate from Rs. The estimated Rn values were similar to the observed values, and the relative deviations between the estimates and measurements of Rn were 2.8% and 3.8% in Lhasa and Haibei, respectively. The application of the Rn estimating model to other locations showed that it could provide acceptable estimated Rn values from the Rs data. Furthermore, we analyzed the influence of clouds on Rn by different clear index (Ks), defined as the ratio of Rs to the extraterrestrial solar irradiance on a horizontal surface. The results indicate that more accurate results are associated with increased cloudy conditions. The influence of the albedo was also considered, but its inclusion in the model resulted in only a slight improvement. Because surface albedo is not usually measured, an expression based solely on global solar radiation could be of more extensive use.  相似文献   

基于典型城市站太原站2018年3月—2019年2月的大气CO2在线观测资料,利用筛分法(Meteorological filtering method,MET)和黑碳示踪法(Black Carbon tracer,BC)进行本底/非本底的筛分,得到了本底浓度的变化特征。结果表明,太原大气CO2浓度季均值冬季最高,夏季最低;不同季节呈"单峰型"日变化特征,日振幅均在26.0×10-6以上;4个季节CO2浓度与地面风速存在显著负相关关系;CO2浓度抬升区域主要受当地工业布局的影响,最大抬升幅度在秋季达17.4×10-6;使用气象筛分法(MET)得到年均本底浓度为(431.4±19.9)×10-6,人为排放等对其影响为23.5×10-6,年振幅比同纬度其它本底站大,为34.5×10-6;黑碳示踪法(BC)得到冬季季均本底浓度为(445.0±22.9)×10-6,比MET筛分法得到的季均值高0.8×10-6,两种筛分法得到的CO2浓度变化趋势一致。  相似文献   

利用2004年以来东亚地区10个本底观测站大气φ(CO2)观测资料,分析了各站大气φ(CO2)的变化特征及其各站之间的差异,讨论了下垫面特征、源汇作用等对φ(CO2)变化的影响.结果表明:10个本底站大气月均φ(CO2)有明显的季节变化,高值多出现在冬春等寒冷季节,而低值则多出现在6—9月,属于北半球的夏季;大气φ(CO2)日变化趋势较为一致,15时(当地时间)前后达到全天最低,随后φ(CO2)升高,并在日落后继续积累,至清晨7时(当地时间)前后达到全天最高,之后φ(CO2)随着太阳辐射的增强而逐渐降低,且平均φ(CO2)水平与下垫面植被量成反比,φ(CO2)日变化的幅度与下垫面植被量成反比.作为全球基准站之一的瓦里关山站,2004—2008年φ(CO2)年均值逐年增加,年增长率为2.28×10-6/a.  相似文献   

传统的空气质量模型多使用简化的光化学反应机制来模拟大气污染物的形成.这些机制主要基于烟雾箱实验拟合的反应速率和产物来模拟二次产物(如臭氧(O3))前体物的氧化反应,具有一定的不确定性,导致模拟结果产生偏差.针对该问题,本研究将详细的大气化学机理(MCMv3.3.1)与美国国家环境保护局研制的第三代空气质量预报和评估系统CMAQ相结合(CMAQ-MCM),模拟研究长三角地区2015年8月27—9月5日臭氧高发时段的空气质量.CMAQ-MCM模型可以较好地模拟长三角地区6个代表城市O3和其前体物随时间的变化趋势.对模拟的O3日最大8 h平均浓度的统计分析表明,徐州表现最好(标准平均误差=-0.15,标准平均偏差=0.23).在长三角地区,居民源对挥发性有机物(VOCs)的贡献最大,占39.08%,其次是交通运输(33.25%)和工业(25.56%).能源对总VOCs的贡献最小,约为2.11%.对活性氧化氮(NOy)的分析表明,其主要组分是NOx(80%),其次是硝酸(HNO3)(<10%).O3的空间分布与NOy和NOx非常相似.HCHO等其他氧化产物的分布与NOx相似,这很可能是由于在高NOx条件下VOCs氧化产生的产物.甲基乙烯基酮(MVK)和甲基丙烯醛(MACR)的空间分布与自然源VOCs (BVOCs)非常相似,表明长三角地区MVK和MACR主要由BVOCs氧化生成.长三角地区受到人为源和自然源排放相互作用的影响.  相似文献   

基于能量场的变化与台风移动有密切关系的事实,本文试图从讨论能量场的变化入手,探讨通过预报能量场系统的移动以预报台风移动的方法。通过对7504、7708、7806、7909、7910号台风总湿位能场的分析,发现台风在各层等压面上均对应着闭合的能量场系统(700毫巴以上▽2Eσ<0,低层▽2Eσ>0),且两者的移动路径一致。此外,能量通量场和能量通量散度场的分析结果表明,在台风的进路方向有明显的强能量输送带,台风基本上沿着500毫巴能量水平通量散度梯度的方向移动。VEσ图和▽·(Eσ)图可以作为定性判断台风疑难路径的一种辅助工具。  相似文献   

G.Birkhoff用代数的方法证明了如果一个矩阵是双随机矩阵,则它能表示成置换矩阵的凸线性组合.设G是具有两分类(X,Y)的二部图,则G中含有饱和X中的所有顶点的匹配M的充分必要条件为:对∀S⊆X,有dG(S)≥|S|.文章借助上述二部图的匹配思想,给出这一结论的图论证明.  相似文献   

To assess the impact of ultraviolet B (UV-B) radiation under laboratory conditions on lichens from different biomonitoring sites, thalli of the lichen Ramalina lacera were transplanted from a clean air site to nine different polluted sites in Israel. Our objective was to determine the probability of synergistic/antagonistic effects on physiological parameters by considering two stressors: chemical contamination and UV-B. Exposure to both airborne pollutants in the field and subsequent UV-B radiation in the laboratory which led to a severe disintegration of cell membranes, followed by electrolyte leakage, indicate the probability of a synergistic effect. The impairment of the potential quantum yield of electron transfer through photosystem II (PSII) of photosynthesis indicated by a significant decrease of the ratio Fv/Fm, further demonstrated the synergistic effect of both chemical contamination and UV-B radiation. Besides enlarged amounts of stress-ethylene in lichens at contaminated sites, the reduced levels of ethylene production upon UV-B radiation in the present study suggest the likelihood of an antagonistic effect of xenobiotic elements and UV-B radiation as a result of an impaired ethylene-producing system.  相似文献   

Summary Forty years of daily global and diffuse radiation data have been used to characterize the atmospheric optical conditions at 14 premium radiation stations in China. The clearness index (K T ), diffuse ratio (K D ), and diffuse coefficient (K C ) have been analyzed for long-term and seasonal variations, correlations of relative sunshine (R S ) versus clearness index and diffuse coefficient, respectively. Two polynomial models have been developed to simulate clearness index and diffuse ratio by using relative sunshine data and have been shown to be reasonable at most of the 14 stations. The results show that there are significant declining trends in clearness index and increasing trends in diffuse ratio at most of the 14 premium radiation stations, but there are no significant trends for diffuse coefficient. The seasonal variations of clearness index are determined by the regional climate and changes with relative sunshine.  相似文献   

The energy balance was measured for the dry canopy of narrow-leaved snow tussock (Chionochloa rigida), and measurements of transpiration were obtained from a large weighing lysimeter.Typical maximum summer transpiration rates of 0.21–0.43 mmhr-1 (140–290 W m-2) were recorded. The latent heat flux accounted for less than 40% of net radiation. The estimated value of the bulk stomatal resistance (r ST) for 29 days was 158 s m-1, and the decoupling parameter () was 0.17. Transpiration rates were not driven directly by net radiation, but were closely linked to the size of the regional saturation deficit imposed at the level of the canopy by efficient overhead mixing, and were constrained by a large bulk stomatal resistance. A linear relationship between r ST and the saturation deficit is proposed as a realistic method for estimating transpiration for water yield studies of tussock catchments.  相似文献   


This study investigates the influence of low ozone episodes on UV-B radiation in Austria during the period 1999 to 2015. To this aim observations of total column ozone (TCO) in the Greater Alpine Region (Arosa, Switzerland; Hohenpeissenberg, Germany; Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic; Sonnblick, Austria), and erythemal UV-B radiation, available from 12 sites of the Austrian UV-B monitoring network, are analyzed. As previous definitions for low ozone episodes are not particularly suited to investigate effects on UV radiation, a novel threshold approach—considering anomalies—is developed to provide a joint framework for the analysis of extremes. TCO and UV extremes are negatively correlated, although modulating effects of sunshine duration impact the robustness of the statistical relationship. Therefore, information on relative sunshine duration (SDrel), available at (or nearby) UV-B monitoring sites, is included as explanatory variable in the analysis. The joint analysis of anomalies of both UV index (UVI) and total ozone (∆UVI, ∆TCO) and SDrel across sites shows that more than 65% of observations with strongly negative ozone anomalies (∆TCO < −1) led to positive UVI anomalies. Considering only days with strongly positive UVI anomaly (∆UVI > 1), we find (across all sites) that about 90% correspond to negative ∆TCO. The remaining 10% of days occurred during fair weather conditions (SDrel ≥ 80%) explaining the appearance of ∆UVI > 1 despite positive TCO anomalies. Further, we introduce an anomaly amplification factor (AAF), which quantifies the expected change of the ∆UVI for a given change in ∆TCO.


To assess the impact of UV-B radiation combined with NaHSO3 in solution under laboratory conditions, we compared the amounts of stress-ethylene produced by two lichen species of the same genus. Ramalina lacera, an epiphytic Mediterranean lichen, was found to be rather sensitive to UV-B combined with NaHSO3, relative to the epilithic desert lichen R. maciformis. The impact of high temperatures with FeCl2 in solution, measured by amounts of stress ethylene accentuated the adaptability of R. maciformis to desert conditions, whereas R. lacera appeared to be rather sensitive to extreme temperatures especially in the case of chemical contamination. The adaptability of R. maciformis to UV-B appears to be related to the photoprotective capabilities of lichen substances.  相似文献   

Water loss by evapotranspiration (ET) is a principal component of the hydrologic cycle in wetlands. Using micrometeorological techniques, we measured ET from a Sphagnum-dominated open fen in northcentral Minnesota (U.S.A.) from May to October in 1991 and 1992. The daily ET rate ranged from 0.2–4.8 mm d-1 with a growing season average of 3.0 mm d-1. The evapotranspiration rate of the fen was near the potential rate of open water evaporation when the vascular plants were actively growing and the water table level was within or above the rooting zone. Using a dual-source modification of the Penman-Monteith equation (Massman, 1992), we partitioned the measured ET into evaporation from the non-vascular Sphagnum surfaces and transpiration from vascular plants. The analysis indicated that about two thirds of the water vapour flux to the atmosphere was from evaporation when the Sphagnum surface was wet. Such an evaporative flux was expected because of vertical distribution of vascular plant leaves which had a small leaf area index (0.4–0.7) and intercepted only about 30% of net radiation (R n ) during the day. The remainder of R n was thus available for evaporation from Sphagnum. Evaporation significantly decreased as the Sphagnum surface dried out. When the water table was within the rooting zone (0–0.4 m), the vascular plants absorbed Sphagnum-generated sensible heat, which amounted up to one third of their transpiration energy flux. Under these conditions, the total water vapour flux remained near its potential rate owing to the enhanced transpiration from vascular plants. A drop in water table of 0.15–0.2 m below the hollow bottom during vascular plant senescence resulted in ET rates lower than the potential rates by 5–65%.  相似文献   

Integrated observations were made of solar irradiance (including photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), visible radiation (VIS), global radiation (G), etc.), and meteorological parameters at 4 stations in North China between September, 2004 and October, 2006. The ratios of hourly sum of PAR to G (H PAR/H), VIS to G (H VIS/H), and PAR to VIS (H PAR/H VIS) varied smoothly but exhibited significant diurnal, daily, seasonal variations, and were influenced by several factors, such as water vapor, cloud, haze, etc. The objective of this paper is to develop empirical formulas for estimation of hourly and daily sums of PAR and VIS and their relationship under all sky conditions in North China. The calculated PAR and VIS were in agreement with measured values, the relative biases were 13.0?% and 12.4?% for hourly sums, 9.9?% and 9.0?% for daily values, respectively.  相似文献   

Simulated impacts of global and regional climate change, induced by an enhanced greenhouse effect and by Amazonian deforestation, on the phenology and yield of two grain corn cultivars in Venezuela (CENIAP PB-8 and OBREGON) are reported. Three sites were selected:Turén, Barinas andYaritagua, representing two important agricultural regions in the country. The CERES-Maize model, a mechanistic process-based model, in theDecision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) was used for the crop simulations. These simulations assume non-limiting nutrients, no pest damage and no damage from excess water; therefore, the results indicate only the difference between baseline and perturbed climatic conditions, when other conditions remain the same. Four greenhouse-induced global climate change scenarios, covering different sensitivity levels, and one deforestation-induced regional climate change scenario were used. The greenhouse scenarios assume increased air temperature, increased rainfall and decreased incoming solar radiation, as derived from atmospheric GCMs for doubled CO2 conditions. The deforestation scenarios assume increased air temperature, increased incoming solar radiation and decreased rainfall, as predicted by coupled atmosphere-biosphere models for extensive deforestation of a portion of the Amazon basin. Two baseline climate years for each site were selected, one year with average precipitation and another with lower than average rainfall. Scenarios associated with the greenhouse effect cause a decrease in yield of both cultivars at all three sites, while the deforestation scenarios produce small changes. Sensitivity tests revealed the reasons for these responses. Increasing temperatures, especially daily maximum temperatures, reduce yield by reducing the duration of the phenological phases of both cultivars, as expected from CERES-Maize. The reduction of the duration of the kernel filling phase has the largest effect on yield. Increases of precipitation associated with greenhouse warming have no effects on yield, because these sites already have adequate precipitation; however, the crop model used here does not simulate potential negative effects of excess water, which could have important consequences in terms of soil erosion and nutrient leaching. Increases in solar radiation increased yields, according to the non-saturating light response of the photosynthesis rate of a C4 plant like corn, compensating for reduced yields from increased temperatures in deforestation scenarios. In the greenhouse scenarios, reduced insolation (due to increased cloud cover) and increased temperatures combine to reduce yields; a combination of temperature increase with a reduction in solar radiation produces fewer and lighter kernels.A report of thePAN-EARTH Project, Venezuela Case Study.  相似文献   

China experienced worsening ground-level ozone(O2) pollution from 2013 to 2019. In this study, meteorological parameters, including surface temperature(T2), solar radiation(SW), and wind speed(WS), were classified into two aspects,(1) Photochemical Reaction Condition(PRC = T2× SW) and(2) Physical Dispersion Capacity(PDC = WS). In this way, a Meteorology Synthetic Index(MSI = PRC/PDC) was developed for the quantification of meteorology-induced ground-level O2pollution. The positive linear relationship between the 90 th percentile of MDA8(maximum daily 8-h average) O2concentration and MSI determined that the contribution of meteorological changes to ground-level O-3 varied on a latitudinal gradient, decreasing from ~40% in southern China to 10%–20% in northern China. Favorable photochemical reaction conditions were more important for ground-level O2pollution. This study proposes a universally applicable index for fast diagnosis of meteorological roles in ground-level O2variability, which enables the assessment of the observed effects of precursor emissions reductions that can be used for designing future control policies.  相似文献   

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