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燃煤电厂作为中国最大的CO2排放源,是中国实现碳中和目标的关键点。CO2捕集、利用与封存(CCUS)技术是目前煤电行业实现深度减排的唯一途径,碳约束情景下,CCUS技术将在实现煤电碳达峰、碳中和目标中发挥不可或缺的作用。研究中首先使用综合环境控制模型(IECM)对燃煤电厂捕集技术环节的成本构成和经济性进行核算,得到中国燃煤电厂逐厂CO2捕集成本和捕集量;其次,基于地质利用封存潜力及分布特征,构建CCUS源汇匹配优化模型,得到碳中和目标下的煤电CCUS项目分阶段布局方案;最后,以优化基础设施建设并通过规模经济降低成本为前提,使用聚类分析方法对煤电CCUS项目集群进行识别,进一步构建改进成本最小生成树模型,得到CCUS项目集群最低成本CO2输送管道网络的路线优化策略。研究表明:碳中和目标约束下,需要对总装机容量约为355 GW的300个燃煤电厂进行CCUS技术改造,2030—2060年间可实现累积减排190.11 亿t CO2。煤电CCUS项目集群主要分布在华中、华北和西北地区,通过建立CCUS枢纽以实现CO2运输基础设施共享,在松辽盆地、渤海湾盆地、苏北盆地和鄂尔多斯盆地优先开展CCUS早期集成示范项目,能显著降低运输成本,推动CCUS技术大规模、商业化发展。  相似文献   

碳捕集、利用和封存(CCUS)技术是世界公认的最有前景的碳减排技术之一,它在不改变能源结构的前提下,实现碳的有效封存,是协调经济发展和环境可持续的双赢策略。为了探讨“一带一路”沿线主要国家CCUS技术的发展前景,文中基于CO2封存机理和CO2在油藏和气藏中理论封存量的评估方法,分析了“一带一路”沿线主要国家CO2的封存潜力。结果表明,“一带一路”沿线主要国家有较高的CO2封存潜力, 在油藏和气藏中的理论封存量达到6200亿t。虽然目前沿线大部分国家CCUS技术都处于起步阶段,但在政府投资和政策的支持下,CCUS技术将为“一带一路”沿线主要国家碳减排目标的实现做出重要贡献。  相似文献   

对燃煤电厂烟道气CO2的捕集进行了综述,并针对CO2的捕集方法(吸收分离法、吸附分离法、膜法、低温蒸馏法)和燃煤电厂捕获技术工艺路线(如:燃烧后捕集、燃烧前捕集、富氧燃烧捕集、化学链燃烧技术及以煤制氢为核心的近零排放技术)进行了较为详尽的分析和讨论.  相似文献   

中国是煤转化的技术引领者,已建、拟建和审批了大量煤转化企业;随之带来了严峻的CO2排放和水资源缺乏的问题。CO2强化深部咸水开采(CO2-EWR)技术是大规模CO2减排和水资源开采的方法,特别适合缺水区域的煤化工行业。煤化工企业工艺排放的高浓度CO2结合CO2-EWR技术可以较低成本实现CO2减排,并部分解决工业缺水的问题。研究首先建立了行业尺度的包括源汇匹配、技术经济评价、CO2排放量评估和封存场地适宜性评价等方法的全流程碳捕集、利用和封存技术经济评估方法(ITEAM-CCUS),然后采用该方法对2018年的煤化工企业排放的高浓度CO2开展全流程CO2-EWR项目的源汇匹配、成本范围及减排潜力进行评价并得到:大部分的源汇组合分布在中国西北、华北及北部等干旱地区;基于煤化工厂2018年的实际产量和100%总产能计算,高浓度CO2年排放量分别是190 Mt和1726 Mt;当全流程CO2-EWR项目的平准化成本低于200元/t CO2时,累计CO2减排量分别为160 Mt/a与1569 Mt/a,地下水产量分别为241 Mt/a与2353 Mt/a。研究结果表明煤化工CO2-EWR技术是中国煤化工行业低碳可持续发展的关键技术,也为中国部署大规模CCUS提供了低成本机会。  相似文献   

碳捕集、利用与封存技术(CCUS)被认为是进行温室气体深度减排最重要的技术路径之一。为了促进CCUS技术的发展与应用,欧盟、英国、美国等国家和地区一直积极倡导CCUS实施的制度化和规范化。通过对与CCUS相关的国际公约、重点国家和地区的政策、法规进行系统的梳理,以及对中国的法律制度体系和CCUS政策法规现状的整理,中国CCUS立法和监管体系建立的关键在于解决CO2的定性、地表权和地下权的确定、保障健康、安全和环境、知识产权的转移和保护、项目审批制度以及激励政策体系的建立等,应有针对性地构建CCUS政策法规体系,逐步完善CCUS政策法规环境,从而推动CCUS在中国的健康发展。  相似文献   

使用维多利亚大学的地球系统模式进行模拟,选取1800-2500年间较高的CO2浓度情景(RCP8.5),分析由于CO2增加引起的气候变化对海洋碳循环的影响。当气候敏感度为3.0 K时,相对于无气候变化,到2100年,由于大气CO2增加造成的气候变化导致海表面温度升高2.7 K,北大西洋深水流量减少4.5 Sv,海洋对人为碳的年吸收减少0.8 Pg C;比较人为溶解无机碳在海洋中的垂直累积分布,发现气候变化对海洋吸收大气CO2的影响在北大西洋区域最明显。1800-2500年,相对于不考虑气候变化的情景,模式模拟的气候变化导致整个海洋对人为碳的累积吸收总量减少23.1%,其中北大西洋减少32.0%。此外,比较不同气候敏感度(0~4.5 K,间隔为0.5 K)的模拟结果发现,气候敏感度越高,气候变化对海洋吸收CO2能力的抑制作用越明显。  相似文献   

大气中CO2含量的增加速率已经超过了自然界所能吸收的速度,并逐步影响到全球气候变暖。利用模型模拟分析已经成为一个重要的工具用以深入对碳循环的理解。本文使用2008~2010年的生物模型SiB3(Simple Biosphere version 3)与优化后的CT2016(Carbon Tracker 2016)陆地生态系统碳通量驱动GEOS-Chem大气化学传输模型模拟全球CO2浓度。通过分析模拟CO2浓度的空间分布与季节变化,加深对全球碳源汇分布特点的理解,探究陆地生态系统碳通量不确定性对模拟结果的影响,进而认识陆地生态系统碳通量反演精度提升的重要性。SiB3与优化后的CT2016陆地生态系统碳通量都具有明显的季节变化,但在欧洲地区碳源汇的表现相反,其全球总量与空间分布也存在极大的不确定性。模拟CO2浓度结果表明:在人为活动较少地区,陆地生态系统碳通量对近地面CO2浓度空间分布起主导作用,尤其在南半球和欧洲地区模拟浓度有明显差异,且两种模拟结果的季节差异依赖于陆地生态系统碳通量的季节变化。将模拟结果与9个观测站点资料进行对比,以期选用合适的陆地生态系统碳通量来提升GEOS-Chem模拟CO2浓度的精度。实验结果表明:两种模拟结果均能较好的模拟CO2浓度的季节变化及其峰谷值,但CT2016模拟的CO2浓度在多数站点处更接近观测资料,模拟准确性更高。  相似文献   

基于二维四象限图构建了一个量化大气污染控制和温室气体减排协同效应的评估指标,建立了量化评估协同效应方法;针对《大气污染防治行动计划》评估中能源结构调整和产业结构调整措施进行了协同效应量化实施效果评估。结果显示:所有实施的减排污染物的措施均有正的CO2减排协同效应,应该积极鼓励和推荐。实现CO2和SO2减排最大协同效应的措施是减少煤炭消费总量;此外,电力替代煤炭和油品、天然气替代燃煤等也可以实现较大的SO2减排,但其CO2的减排效果相对较小;淘汰小型燃煤锅炉可以实现较高的NO2和CO2减排;淘汰落后产能和化解过剩产能等也有较高的协同效应;SO2和CO2协同效应评估指数最高的是能源消耗下降措施,其次是燃料替代措施;NO2和CO2协同效应评估指数最高的是淘汰燃煤锅炉措施,其次是天然气替代燃煤措施;烟尘和CO2协同效应评估指数最大的是燃煤替代措施,其次是能源消耗下降措施。2013—2017年《大气污染防治行动计划》能源结构调整和产业结构调整部分措施的实施,实现了SO2减排2264.78万t,NO2减排656.1万t,烟尘减排469.18万t,同时实现了CO2减排14.62亿t,具有显著的正向协同效应。  相似文献   

根据沈阳市72家供暖企业调研数据,利用IPCC温室气体清单方法核算供热企业碳排放量。结果表明:在151 d供暖期内,不同热源形式碳排放强度差异显著,小型分散锅炉房平均碳排放强度为58.25 kg CO2/m2,区域锅炉房为53.42 kg CO2/m2,热电联产为49.87 kg CO2/m2,组合式热源(燃煤锅炉+热泵)为34.49 kg CO2/m2,清洁能源为21.58 kg CO2/m2。基于不同热源形式碳排放强度和清洁发展机制推荐的基准线确定方法,设置了实际排放、历史排放、单体容量40 t/h以上区域锅炉房排放、热电联产排放、技术水平领先前30%和40%企业排放6种基准线情景。通过各个碳排放基准线值比较,结合沈阳市的经济技术发展水平和未来碳交易市场计划,建议选择技术水平领先前40%企业排放情景下的碳排放基准值46.57 kg CO2/m2作为沈阳市2013年供暖行业的碳排放基准线。以此基准线为起始基准线,对2014-2020年的碳排放基准线进行了预测。  相似文献   

IPCC AR6报告中控温1.5℃和2℃的低排放情景需要在21世纪中叶以后实现净负CO2排放,这需要在很大程度上依赖CO2移除措施。AR6对CO2移除的主要评估结论如下:CO2移除有潜力从大气中去除CO2(高信度);如果CO2移除量超过CO2排放量,将实现净负CO2排放,降低大气CO2浓度,减缓海洋酸化(高信度);通过CO2移除方法从大气中去除的CO2会部分被海洋和陆地释放的CO2抵消(非常高信度);如果净负CO2排放可以实现并且持续,CO2引起的全球升温趋势将会逐渐扭转,但是气候系统的其他变化(例如海平面升高)仍会在未来的几十年到千年尺度上持续(高信度);不同CO2移除方法会对生物化学循环和气候产生广泛的影响,这些影响会加强或减弱CO2移除的降温潜力,并且影响水资源、食物生产和生物多样性(高信度)。  相似文献   

《Climate Policy》2013,13(1):789-812
To what degree are recently built and planned power plants in the EU ‘capture-ready’ for carbon capture and storage (CCS)? Survey results show that most recently built fossil fuel power plants have not been designed as capture-ready. For 20 planned coal-fired plants, 13 were said to be capture-ready (65%). For 31 planned gas-fired power plants, only 2 were indicated to be capture-ready (6%). Recently built or planned power plants are expected to cover a large share of fossil fuel capacity by 2030 and thereby have a large impact on the possibility to implement CCS after 2020. It is estimated that around 15–30% of fossil fuel capacity by 2030 can be capture-ready or have CO2 capture implemented from the start. If CCS is implemented at these plants, 14–28% of baseline CO2 emissions from fossil fuel power generation in 2030 could be mitigated, equivalent to 220–410 MtCO2. A key reason indicated by utilities for building a capture-ready plant is (expected) national or EU policies. In addition, financial incentives and expected high CO2 prices are important. The implementation of a long-term regulatory framework for CCS with clear definitions of ‘capture- readiness’ and policy requirements will be important challenges.  相似文献   

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is increasingly depicted as an important element of the carbon dioxide mitigation portfolio. However, critics have warned that CCS might lead to “reinforced fossil fuel lock-in”, by perpetuating a fossil fuel based energy provision system. Due to large-scale investments in CCS infrastructure, the fossil fuel based ‘regime’ would be perpetuated to at least the end of this century.In this paper we investigate if and how CCS could help to avoid reinforcing fossil fuel lock-in. First we develop a set of criteria to estimate the degree of technological lock-in. We apply these criteria to assess the lock-in reinforcement effect of adding CCS to the fossil fuel socio-technical regime (FFR).In principle, carbon dioxide could be captured from any carbon dioxide point source. In the practice of present technological innovations, business strategies, and policy developments, CCS is most often coupled to coal power plants. However, there are many point sources of carbon dioxide that are not directly related to coal or even fossil fuels. For instance, many forms of bio-energy or biomass-based processes generate significant streams of carbon dioxide emissions. Capturing this carbon dioxide which was originally sequestered in biomass could lead to negative carbon dioxide emissions.We use the functional approach of technical innovations systems (TIS) to estimate in more detail the strengths of the “niches” CCS and Bio-Energy with CCS (BECCS). We also assess the orientation of the CCS niche towards the FFR and the risk of crowding out BECCS. Next we develop pathways for developing fossil energy carbon capture and storage, BECCS, and combinations of them, using transition pathways concepts. The outcome is that a large-scale BECCS development could be feasible under certain conditions, thus largely avoiding the risk of reinforced fossil fuel lock-in.  相似文献   

近年来,碳捕集利用与封存(CCUS)作为减缓气候变化的关键技术之一,得到国际社会广泛关注。政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第六次评估报告(AR6)第三工作组报告对CCUS进行了重新定位,并围绕减排潜力、减排成本、综合效益及应用前景等方面,对CCUS相关技术进行了系统全面评估。结论显示,CCUS技术是全球气候目标实现不可或缺的减排技术组合,到21世纪中叶有潜力实现累积千亿吨级减排效应,但当前CCUS技术成熟度整体处于示范阶段,成本较高,减排潜力有待进一步释放。综合考虑CCUS可以有效降低巨额资产搁浅风险、具有良好社会环境效益等因素,我国应结合自身“富煤、贫油、少气”的资源禀赋和基本国情,将CCUS作为战略性技术,统筹政策顶层设计、加速技术体系构建、探索市场激励机制、加强国际科技合作,促进CCUS技术发展。  相似文献   

China is the world's largest carbon dioxide (CO2) emitter and its energy system is dominated by coal. For China to dramatically reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions over the next few decades, it must either replace most of its uses of coal with energy supplies from renewables and nuclear power or install demonstration-size and then scaled-up carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies. Currently, China is pushing ahead with increased investment in renewables and nuclear power and with demonstration CCS projects. This strategy is consistent with a country that seeks to be ready in case global pressures prompt it to launch an aggressive GHG reduction effort while also not going so fast that it reduces the likelihood of receiving substantial financial support from wealthier countries, as it feels it is entitled to as a developing country. At such a time, given the magnitude of the coal resource in China, and the country's lack of other energy resources, it is likely the Chinese will make a substantial effort to develop CCS before taking the much more difficult step of trying to phase-out almost all use of coal in the span of just a few decades in a country that is so dependent on this domestically abundant and economically affordable resource.  相似文献   

Together, the U.S. and China emit roughly 40% of world's greenhouse gas emissions, and these nations have stated their desire to reduce absolute emissions (U.S.) or reduce the carbon intensity of the economy (China). However, both countries are dependent on coal for a large portion of their energy needs, which is projected to continue over the next several decades. They also have large amounts of coal resources, coal-dependent electricity production, and in China's case, extensive use of coal in the industrial sector, making any shift from coal socio-politically difficult. Both nations could use carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies to simultaneously decrease greenhouse gas emissions and continue the use of domestic coal resources; however, the socio-political context for CCS deployment differs substantially between the two countries and potentially makes large-scale CCS deployment challenging. Here, we examine and compare the political and institutional contexts shaping CCS policy and CCS deployment, both for initial pilot projects and for the creation of large-scale CCS technology deployment, and analyze how the socio-political context for CCS in China and the United States aligns with national climate, energy security, and economic priorities.  相似文献   

In this paper, we compare different policy incentives for overcoming investment uncertainties that are typical for low-carbon technologies prior to their commercialisation, some of which may be attributable to market failures. The paper focuses on the particular case of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies and conducts a qualitative multi-criteria analysis of different public policy support schemes for CCS demonstration to evaluate their suitability. The assessed schemes include mandatory CCS, emission performance standards and several different financial incentives (in addition to the European Union Emission Trading Scheme). Based on the available literature and on experience in the UK and Germany with promotion instruments for low-carbon technologies, the results of our analysis suggest that two alternative schemes, a CCS bonus incentive or a carbon dioxide (CO2) price guarantee, perform best in comparison with the other assessed instruments. While they reduce the uncertainty of CCS investments in the face of low European Union Allowance prices, they also avoid significant adverse impacts on operational and investment decisions in electricity markets.  相似文献   

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