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南海海域海-气耦合模式及其数值模拟试验   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
在NCAR区域气候模式RegGM2和普林斯顿海洋模式POM基础上发展适用于区域海-气相互作用研究的区域海-气耦合模式,模式采用同步耦合、海洋模式将海表温度提供给大气模式,大气模式为海洋模式提供太阳短波辐射、感热能量、潜热通量。海洋与大气模式每15min交换一次通量。耦合过程没有使用通量校正。使用该模式对中国南海区域1995年5-7月大气和海洋进行了模拟试验,将模拟结果与COADS通量强迫的模拟结果  相似文献   

利用卫星可见通道反演整层大气气溶胶光学厚度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘广员  孙毅义 《气象科学》1997,17(2):159-167
本文提出了一种基于大气辐射传输方程,利用NOAA-14极轨卫星甚高分辨率辐射计见光单通道反射率资料,运用低光谱分辨率大气辐射传输模式程序反演晴空和上、均匀下垫面上的气象能见度和大气气溶胶光学厚度的算法。  相似文献   

辐射参数化方案对气候模拟和回报的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
研究两种不同辐射参数化方案(Morcrette 方案和Ritter方案)对一个大气环流模式及其与一个海洋环流模式的耦合模式的模拟和回报效果的影响. 大气模式的模拟结果表明,采用Morcrette方案模拟的降水较采用Ritter方案有明显改进.采用Morcrette辐射方案的大气模式对夏季500 hPa高度场的模拟比采用Ritter方案的大气模式有明显改进,但对冬季500 hPa高度场的模拟没有改进.大气-海洋耦合模式的20年夏季回报结果表明采用Morcrette方案回报的夏季降水在华北和江淮地区明显比采用Ritter辐射方案好;对于夏季温度,带有Morcrette方案的耦合模式的回报在江淮地区没有带有Ritter方案的耦合模式好,但在黄河以北和新疆等地区,前者明显好于后者.  相似文献   

人工神经网络法反演晴空大气湿度廓线的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
刘旸  官莉 《气象》2011,37(3):318-324
高光谱分辨率大气红外探测器AIRS(Atmospheric Infrared Sounder)作为第一个超高光谱大气红外探测仪,开辟了卫星大气探测的新时代.以无线电探空值与SARTA(Stand-Alone Radiative Transfer Algorithm辐射传输模式)v1.05版的前向模式模拟出的AIRS辐射...  相似文献   

大气环流模式(SAMIL)海气耦合前后性能的比较   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
王在志  宇如聪  包庆 《大气科学》2007,31(2):202-213
基于耦合器框架,中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室大气环流谱模式 (SAMIL)最近成功地实现了与海洋、海冰等气候分量模式的耦合,形成了“非通量调整”的海-陆-气-冰直接耦合的气候模式系统(FGOALS-s)。在耦合系统中,由于海温、海冰等的分布由预报模式驱动,大气与海洋、海冰之间引入了相互作用过程,这样大气环流的模拟特征与耦合前会有不同。为分析耦合系统的性能,作者对耦合前后的模拟结果进行了分析比较,重点是大气模拟特征的差异。结果表明,耦合前、后大气环流的基本特征相似,都能成功地模拟出主要的环流系统分布及季节变化,但是由于海温和海冰的模拟存在系统性的偏差,使得耦合后的大气环流受到明显影响。例如耦合后热带海温偏冷,南大洋、北太平洋和北大西洋等中纬度地区的海温偏高,导致海温等值线向高纬海域的伸展较弱,海温经向梯度减小。耦合后海冰在北极区域范围偏大,在南极周边地区则偏小。海温、海冰分布模拟的偏差影响到中、高纬低层大气的温度。热带海温偏低,使得赤道地区降水偏弱,凝结潜热减少,热带对流层中高层温度比耦合前要低,大气温度的经向梯度减小。经向温度梯度的改变,直接影响到对平均经圈环流及西风急流强度的模拟。尽管耦合系统中海温、海冰的模拟存在偏差,但在亚洲季风区,耦合后季风环流及降水等的分布都比耦合前单独大气模式的结果合理,表明通过海[CD*2]气相互作用可减少耦合前季风区的模拟误差,改善季风模拟效果。比较发现,海温、海冰模拟的偏差,除与海洋模式中经向热输送偏弱、海冰模式中海冰处理等有关外,也与大气模式中总云量模拟偏低有关。大气模式本身的误差,特别是云、辐射过程带来的误差,对耦合结果具有极为重要的影响。完全耦合后,这些误差通过与海洋、海冰的反馈作用而放大。因此,对于FGOALS-s而言,要提高耦合系统的整体性能,除改进各气候分量模式的模拟性能外,需要重点改进大气模式中的云、辐射过程。  相似文献   

云通过辐射反馈机制影响着云系的演变过程,对天气和气候系统起重要的调节作用。目前在研究辐射传输问题时普遍采用基于一维平面平行辐射传输的独立柱近似方法,忽略水平云大气柱之间的辐射传输过程,无法考虑三维云辐射效应,由此造成偏差可能影响天气和气候预报的准确性。为此,该文基于Linux系统,采用MCARaTS模式,基于大涡模拟的大气和地表光学性质参数,通过模拟光子随机路径,得到0.67 μm、2.13 μm、11 μm 3个波段下三维蒙特卡罗辐射传输和独立柱近似的向上反射和向下透射的三维辐射通量以及大气加热率空间分布场,通过Matlab进行数据预处理和图表绘制。三维辐射传输模式考虑了在水平方向上的光子传输,得出的辐射场具有真实的三维辐射现象,比独立柱近似模拟结果具有更高的准确性。  相似文献   

辐射传输模式中地表参数对大气长波辐射的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
王可丽  钟强 《大气科学》1995,19(5):606-614
本文利用Liou-Ou一维宽带辐射传输模式,对地表热力参数取值部分作了改进,使用模式大气和青藏高原实测资料对下垫面温度与地表空气温度两者不能合二为一的问题进行了分析,同时还讨论了下垫面温度的日变化对大气长波辐射通量日变化的影响及地表比辐射率的变化对大气长波辐射通量计算结果的修正作用。  相似文献   

陆面过程中冠层四流辐射传输模式的模拟性能检验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用实际观测资料检验新发展的植被冠层四流辐射传输模式的模拟性能.将浙江大学田间观测数据用于模式试验,其结果表明:在可见光波段,因叶片散射率值较小,四流模式和二流模式模拟结果差别不大,模拟的冠层反照率都接近观测值.这表明在可见光波段,二流模式已经能够较好模拟芯层反照率,四流模式能够提高的精度范围有限;在近红外波段,因叶片散射率值较大,两个模式模拟结果差别较明显,四流模式模拟的冠层反照率相对二流模式的模拟结果更接近观测值.利用第2次雪模式比较计划SNOWMIP资料和改进的10层陆面模式BATS进行耦合试验,将四流模式以及二流模式均耦合到该陆面模式中,其目的是为考察四流模式对陆面模式模拟地表反射太刚短波辐射通量的影响.耦合后得到的结果与SNOWMIP中加拿大BERMS草地站和森林站的观测资料进行了对比.对比结果表明,采用网流模式、二流模式、BATS原辐射传输模式后,耦合四流模式的陆面模式模拟地表反射太阳短波辐射通量最接近观测值.说明采用四流模式能够改善陆面模式对地表反射太阳短波辐射通啦的模拟.  相似文献   

林一骅  薛峰  练树民 《大气科学》2001,25(1):111-117
在局地热平衡情况下研究了简单热带海气耦合模式中不同扰动形式间的耦合,依次讨论了由大气准定常Kelvin波与海洋R0ssby波、大气准定常Rossby波与海洋Kelvin波、大气准定常Kelvin波与海洋KelVin波、大气准定常Rossby波与海洋Rossby波组成的耦合系统的性质,并研究了存在于其中的耦合扰动的特征。  相似文献   

张人禾 《大气科学》1995,19(5):563-574
为了分析热带海气耦合系统中不稳定扰动究竟由哪种自由波占主导地位,根据本文第I部分提出的热带海气耦合模式,讨论了取耦合系统中不同的径向模时耦合波的性质,即分别讨论了大气长Rossby波和海洋长Rossby波、大气Kelvin波和海洋长Rossby波、大气长Rossby波和海洋Kelvin波的耦合波以及考虑了大气和海洋中所有这些波动时耦合波的性质。结果指出,这些耦合波对海气耦合模式中参数的取值很敏感,不同的参数可以产生性质不同的耦合波。本文的结果也说明了海气耦合系统的性质与热带大气的性质和结构有很大关系。  相似文献   

The radiative transfer model (RT3), a vector radiative transfer (VRT) scheme in a plane-parallel atmosphere, was bounded by a rough ocean surface in this study. The boundary problem was solved using a Fourier series decomposition of the radiation field as a function of the azimuth. For the case of a rough ocean surface, the decomposition was obtained by developing both the Fresnel reflection matrix and the probability distribution of the water facet orientation as Fourier series. The effect of shadowing by ocean surface waves was also considered in the boundary condition. The VRT model can compute the intensity and degree of polarization of the light at the top of the atmosphere (TOA), the ocean surface, and any level of the atmosphere in the ocean-atmosphere system. The results obtained by our model are in good agreement with those computed by Ahmad’s model. The simulated results showed that the shadow effects of wave facets on the intensity and the degree of polarization are negligible except at the ocean surface near the grazing angle, possibly because we did not consider the effect of white caps.  相似文献   

A hybrid coupled model(HCM) is constructed for El Nino–Southern Oscillation(ENSO)-related modeling studies over almost the entire Pacific basin. An ocean general circulation model is coupled to a statistical atmospheric model for interannual wind stress anomalies to represent their dominant coupling with sea surface temperatures. In addition, various relevant forcing and feedback processes exist in the region and can affect ENSO in a significant way; their effects are simply represented using historical data and are incorporated into the HCM, including stochastic forcing of atmospheric winds, and feedbacks associated with freshwater flux, ocean biology-induced heating(OBH), and tropical instability waves(TIWs). In addition to its computational efficiency, the advantages of making use of such an HCM enable these related forcing and feedback processes to be represented individually or collectively, allowing their modulating effects on ENSO to be examined in a clean and clear way. In this paper, examples are given to illustrate the ability of the HCM to depict the mean ocean state, the circulation pathways connecting the subtropics and tropics in the western Pacific, and interannual variability associated with ENSO. As satellite data are taken to parameterize processes that are not explicitly represented in the HCM, this work also demonstrates an innovative method of using remotely sensed data for climate modeling. Further model applications related with ENSO modulations by extratropical influences and by various forcings and feedbacks will be presented in Part II of this study.  相似文献   

We have developed models of physically-based cloud and ocean surfacesfor use in photochemical models. These surface models are described in termsof a flux albedo and a normalized reflection function.Through these, the dependence of albedo on wavelength, solar zenithangle, cloud optical depth (cloud surfaces) and surface windspeed (ocean surfaces) are allowed for. In addition, the non-Lambertian nature of these surfaces is accounted for.We have integrated these surfacemodels into a multiple scattering radiative transfer model to assess their effects on the stratospheric radiation field and J-values. This was accomplished by comparison with results obtainedusing Lambertian, constant albedo surfaces. Comparisons of stratospheric radiation fields revealed that boththe wavelength and directional dependences of the cloud and oceansurfaces could be large effects.Differences between calculated J-values varied from 0 to 12% depending upon species, solar zenith angle, andheight.The J-values were then used as input for a chemical box model to examine the effects these surfaces had on stratospheric chemistry. Comparisons were made against box model runs using J-values fromconstant surfaces. Overall, the effect was on the order of 10%.Differences in number densities using these different surfacesvaried with latitude, height and species.Runs were made with and without heterogeneous chemistry.  相似文献   

朱正心 《气象学报》1987,45(1):39-47
本文采用一个高截断的斜压谱模式、探讨了在热力强迫作用下副热带夏季对流层高层准定常涡旋系统形成和维持的动力机制。模式中考虑了纬向不对称的热力强迫作用,带状流与波动分量之间的非线性相互作用以及随纬度而变的基本气流的共同影响,所得到的一类稳定平衡态的高层流场特征说明了上述准定常涡旋系统的一些主要特点,并进而讨论了热力强迫的控制作用等问题。  相似文献   

正压准平衡海洋模型及其解Ⅱ:中纬度自由涡旋波动   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文研究了正压准平衡海洋模型中的自由涡旋波.得到的主要结论有:该模型中的解为波包,其载频都是西传的.在仅考虑大洋西海岸时其载频频率是连续谱;而同时考虑大洋东、西海岸时则其为离散谱;且均有其载频频率越高(周期越短)其水平尺度越大的特点,对过分低频的波动,则会使准平衡的假定不再适用.模型中波包载频的周期约在26 d至24 ...  相似文献   

 Decadal time scale climate variability in the North Pacific has implications for climate both locally and over North America. A crucial question is the degree to which this variability arises from coupled ocean/atmosphere interactions over the North Pacific that involve ocean dynamics, as opposed to either purely thermodynamic effects of the oceanic mixed layer integrating in situ the stochastic atmospheric forcing, or the teleconnected response to tropical variability. The part of the variability that is coming from local coupled ocean/atmosphere interactions involving ocean dynamics is potentially predictable by an ocean/atmosphere general circulation model (O/A GCM), and such predictions could (depending on the achievable lead time) have distinct societal benefits. This question is examined using the results of fully coupled O/A GCMs, as well as targeted numerical experiments with stand-alone ocean and atmosphere models individually. It is found that coupled ocean/atmosphere interactions that involve ocean dynamics are important to determining the strength and frequency of a decadal-time scale peak in the spectra of several oceanic variables in the Kuroshio extension region off Japan. Local stochastic atmospheric heat flux forcing, integrated by the oceanic mixed layer into a red spectrum, provides a noise background from which the signal must be extracted. Although teleconnected ENSO responses influence the North Pacific in the 2–7 years/cycle frequency band, it is shown that some decadal-time scale processes in the North Pacific proceed without ENSO. Likewise, although the effects of stochastic atmospheric forcing on ocean dynamics are discernible, a feedback path from the ocean to the atmosphere is suggested by the results. Received: 23 January 2000 / Accepted: 10 January 2001  相似文献   

In this paper,the influence of the El NioSouthern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle on the sensitivity of nonlinear factors in the numerical simulation is investigated by conducting numerical experiments in a simple air-sea coupled model for ENSO prediction.Two sets of experiments are conducted in which zonal nonlinear factors,meridional nonlinear factors,or both are incorporated into the governing equations for the atmosphere or ocean.The results suggest that the ENSO cycle is very sensitive to the nonlinear factor of the governing equation for the atmosphere or ocean.Thus,incorporating nonlinearity into air-sea coupled models is of exclusive importance for improving ENSO simulation.  相似文献   

卫星微波仪器接收的来自地气系统的被动热辐射与主动传感器发射的信号相混合,被称为无线电频率干扰 (RFI),在主动及被动微波遥感探测领域已成为越来越严重的问题。海洋表面反射的静止通讯、电视卫星下发信号是干扰海洋上星载被动微波辐射计观测的主要来源。该文以先进的微波扫描辐射计AMSR-E为例,采用双主成分分析方法对美国陆地上大面积水体、附近洋面和中国海岸线附近的RFI进行识别,研究表明:美国附近洋面区域星载微波辐射计18.7 GHz通道观测主要受静止电视卫星DirecTV的干扰,由于海表反射引起的RFI非常依赖于静止卫星和星载被动仪器的相对几何位置,只有当闪烁角θ(观测视场镜面反射的静止电视卫星信号方向与视场到星载仪器方向之间的夹角) 较小时卫星观测易受到污染。美国海洋区域较强RFI分布在五大湖区域,离内陆越近RFI越强,东西海岸RFI较强,而整个南海岸干扰相对较弱。中国海岸线附近AMSR-E 6.925 GHz通道观测受RFI影响,而18.7 GHz通道观测未受到干扰。  相似文献   

The El Nin o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is modulated by many factors; most previous studies have emphasized the roles of wind stress and heat flux in the tropical Pacific. Freshwater flux (FWF) is another environmental forcing to the ocean; its effect and the related ocean salinity variability in the ENSO region have been of increased interest recently. Currently, accurate quantifications of the FWF roles in the climate remain challenging; the related observations and coupled ocean-atmosphere modeling involve large elements of uncertainty. In this study, we utilized satellite-based data to represent FWF-induced feedback in the tropical Pacific climate system; we then incorporated these data into a hybrid coupled ocean-atmosphere model (HCM) to quantify its effects on ENSO. A new mechanism was revealed by which interannual FWF forcing modulates ENSO in a significant way. As a direct forcing, FWF exerts a significant influence on the ocean through sea surface salinity (SSS) and buoyancy flux (Q B ) in the western-central tropical Pacific. The SSS perturbations directly induced by ENSO-related interannual FWF variability affect the stability and mixing in the upper ocean. At the same time, the ENSO-induced FWF has a compensating effect on heat flux, acting to reduce interannual Q B variability during ENSO cycles. These FWF-induced processes in the ocean tend to modulate the vertical mixing and entrainment in the upper ocean, enhancing cooling during La Nin a and enhancing warming during El Nin o, respectively. The interannual FWF forcing-induced positive feedback acts to enhance ENSO amplitude and lengthen its time scales in the tropical Pacific coupled climate system.  相似文献   

In this study a coupled air–sea–wave model system, containing the model components of GRAPES-TCM, ECOM-si and WAVEWATCH III, is established based on an air–sea coupled model. The changes of wave state and the effects of sea spray are both considered. Using the complex air–sea–wave model, a set of idealized simulations was applied to investigate the effects of air–sea–wave interaction in the upper ocean. Results show that air–wave coupling can strengthen tropical cyclones while air–sea coupling can weaken them; and air–sea–wave coupling is comparable to that of air–sea coupling, as the intensity is almost unchanged with the wave model coupled to the air–sea coupled model. The mixing by vertical advection is strengthened if the wave effect is considered, and causes much more obvious sea surface temperature (SST) decreases in the upper ocean in the air–sea coupled model. Air–wave coupling strengthens the air–sea heat exchange, while the thermodynamic coupling between the atmosphere and ocean weakens the air–sea heat exchange: the air–sea–wave coupling is the result of their balance. The wave field distribution characteristic is determined by the wind field. Experiments are also conducted to simulate ocean responses to different mixed layer depths. With increasing depth of the initial mixed layer, the decrease of SST weakens, but the temperature decrease of deeper layers is enhanced and the loss of heat in the upper ocean is increased. The significant wave height is larger when the initial mixed layer depth increases.  相似文献   

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