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红色精灵是一种发生于闪电放电活跃的雷暴云上空的中高层大气瞬态发光现象,它们通常由中尺度对流系统层状云降水区内的强地闪回击产生,是对流层和中间层之间的一种能量耦合过程。目前,有关中国南海及东南亚地区的红色精灵观测鲜有报道。为了进一步了解热带地区产生红色精灵事件的沿海性雷暴特征,于2019年利用低光度光学观测系统和低频磁场天线在马来西亚马六甲地区开展了地基观测。实验于11月9日、12月11日和12月15日三次在沿海雷暴上空共捕捉到7例红色精灵事件,其中包括4例圆柱型、2例胡萝卜型和1例舞蹈型。结合闪电定位、云顶亮温和低频磁场信号等同步数据,分析表明所有事件均由正极性地闪回击产生,且母体闪电回击位于雷暴对流区附近(云顶亮温≤ 210 K处),这可能是该地区产生红色精灵的沿海性雷暴的共同特征。此外,红色精灵生成期并不是闪电活动最强期,而是发生于闪电频数短暂降低后,这表明红色精灵的发生可能是该地区成熟雷暴中对流减弱的一个信号。  相似文献   

红色精灵是一种发生于闪电放电活跃的雷暴云上空的中高层大气瞬态发光现象, 它们通常由中尺度对流系统层状云降水区内的强地闪回击产生, 是对流层和中间层之间的一种能量耦合过程。目前, 有关中国南海及东南亚地区的红色精灵观测鲜有报道。为了进一步了解热带地区产生红色精灵事件的沿海性雷暴特征, 于2019年利用低光度光学观测系统和低频磁场天线在马来西亚马六甲地区开展了地基观测。实验于11月9日、12月11日和12月15日三次在沿海雷暴上空共捕捉到7例红色精灵事件, 其中包括4例圆柱型、2例胡萝卜型和1例舞蹈型。结合闪电定位、云顶亮温和低频磁场信号等同步数据, 分析表明所有事件均由正极性地闪回击产生, 且母体闪电回击位于雷暴对流区附近(云顶亮温≤210 K处), 这可能是该地区产生红色精灵的沿海性雷暴的共同特征。此外, 红色精灵生成期并不是闪电活动最强期, 而是发生于闪电频数短暂降低后, 这表明红色精灵的发生可能是该地区成熟雷暴中对流减弱的一个信号。   相似文献   

红色精灵是发生在雷暴云上空的一种大尺度瞬态放电发光现象,它们通常出现在地面上空40~90 km之间,是由地闪回击和随后可能存在的连续电流产生的。目前,由于综合同步观测资料较少,与夏季红色精灵相比,全世界对冬季红色精灵的研究屈指可数。2008年12月27~28日,受高空槽及低层暖湿气流的影响,北美阿肯色州地区爆发了一次冬季雷暴天气过程,搭载于FORMOSAT-2卫星上的ISUAL(Imager of Sprites and Upper Atmospheric Lightning)探测器有幸在这次雷暴上空记录到了两例红色精灵事件。本文利用ISUAL获取的红色精灵观测资料、多普勒天气雷达资料、美国国家闪电定位资料、超低频磁场数据、美国国家环境中心/气候预测中心提供的云顶亮温和探空数据等综合观测数据,对产生红色精灵的这次冬季雷暴特征和相关闪电活动规律进行了详细研究。结果表明,在两例红色精灵中,ISUAL均未观测到伴随的“光晕(halo)”现象,第一例为“圆柱状”红色精灵,第二例红色精灵由于发光较暗,无法判断其具体形态。产生红色精灵的母体雷暴是一次中尺度对流系统,该系统于27日15:00(协调世界时,下同)左右出现在阿肯色州北部附近,并自西向东移动。23:59系统发展到最强,最大雷达反射率因子(55~60 dBZ)的面积达到339 km2,之后开始减弱。03:03雷暴强度有所增加,随后云体便逐渐扩散,雷暴开始减弱,并在11:00完全消散。两例红色精灵发生分别在04:46:05和04:47:14,此时雷暴处于消散阶段,正负地闪频数均处于一个较低水平且正地闪比例显著增加,并且多位于云顶亮温?40°C~?50°C的层状云区上空。红色精灵的出现伴随着30~35 dBZ回波面积的增加。在红色精灵发生期间,雷达反射率大于40 dBZ的面积减少,10~40 dBZ的面积增加,表明红色精灵的产生与雷暴对流的减弱和层状云区的发展有关,这与已有的夏季红色精灵的研究结果类似。红色精灵的母体闪电为正地闪单回击,位于中尺度对流系统雷达反射率为25~35 dBZ的层状云降水区,对应的雷达回波顶高分别为2.5 km和5 km,峰值电流分别为+183 kA和+45 kA。根据超低频磁场数据估算两个母体闪电的脉冲电荷矩变化(iCMC)分别为+394 C km和+117 C km。超低频磁天线记录到了第一例红色精灵内部的电流信号,表明这例红色精灵放电很强。  相似文献   

本文利用福卫二号卫星(FORMOSAT-2)搭载的高空大气闪电影像仪(Imager of Sprites and Upper Atmospheric Lightnings, ISUAL)于2004~2015年期间获得的数据,分析了青藏高原南麓地区(22°~30°N, 86°~98°E)观测到的多例红色精灵事件。通过与全球闪电定位网(World Wide Lightning Location Network,WWLLN)的观测资料进行对比,在分析了17次个例后发现对于大部分红色精灵事件,ISUAL给出的定位效果较好,与WWLLN的闪电定位结果偏差一般小于50 km,这与在北美及其邻近地区得到的结果一致。在此基础上,我们结合风云二号卫星的云顶亮温数据分析了青藏高原南麓地区红色精灵的母体雷暴特征,发现在青藏高原南麓地区除了中尺度对流系统外,小尺度对流系统也是这个地区产生红色精灵的主要天气系统。  相似文献   

利用北京闪电综合探测网(Beijing Lightning NETwork)在2011年8月9日的一次中尺度对流系统过境期间获得的7个站同步闪电地面电场变化资料,在采用蒙特卡罗数据处理方法对资料进行误差订正的基础上,基于非线性最小二乘拟合算法,深入分析了51次负地闪的127次回击中和电荷源的特征。多回击负地闪回击中和电荷源的水平分布尺度Le和垂直分布尺度ΔHe分别为13.0±9.3 km和2.1±1.7 km;两者之比Le/ΔHe为61.2±278.5。随着垂直分布尺度ΔHe的增大,水平分布尺度Le以及水平和垂直分布尺度之比Le/ΔHe呈减小趋势。对雷暴不同阶段负地闪回击中和电荷源的分析发现,雷暴自发展到成熟,再到消散阶段,回击中和电荷源最大高度呈先缓慢上升、后显著减小的变化趋势;这期间,电荷源的最低高度始终在距地面5 km左右,电荷源水平分布总体上自西北向东南方向移动,与雷暴云移动方向一致。与雷达回波的叠加发现,负地闪回击中和的电荷源主要分布在回波强度25 d BZ的区域,其中高度值≥7 km的电荷源占34%,主要分布在雷暴云对流活动较强的区域内部;高度值7 km的电荷源占66%,在雷暴云对流活动较强的区域内部和外围都有分布。  相似文献   

顾雷  陶祖钰 《高原气象》1998,17(2):198-203
利用卫星云图和闪电资料对1994年8月2日影响首都机场的一次雷暴过程进行了详细的分析。结果表明,这次雷暴过程中有3个尺度对流系统的发生和发展,因而对首都机场的影响持续了约5h。闪电资料的分析表明,闪电活动的位置、频率和极性与对流系统的发展阶段有关。因此,除了每小时一次的卫星云图外,即时的闪电观测资料也是预报中尺度对流系统很有用的工具。  相似文献   

影响首都机场的一次雷暴过程的红外云图和闪电分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用卫星云图和闪电资料对1994年8月2日影响首都机场的一次雷暴过程进行了详细的分析。结果表明,这次雷暴过程中有3个中尺度对流系统的发生和发展,因而对首都机场的影响持续了约5h。闪电资料的分析表明,闪电活动的位置、频率和极性与对流系统的发展阶段有关。因此,除了每小时一次的卫星云图外,即时的闪电观测资料也是预报中尺度对流系统很有用的工具。  相似文献   

蓝渝  张义军  吕伟涛  郑栋  陈绍东 《高原气象》2009,28(5):1025-1033
利用宽带傅立叶分析法对2008年7月30日和8月4日两次雷暴过程中, 距离观测点5~20 km范围内的55次负地闪回击过程, 33次云内闪电过程以及20次双极性窄脉冲事件(NBE)的电磁辐射信号进行了观测分析, 得到地闪回击、 云闪放电初始阶段以及双极性窄脉冲事件在0.1~40 MHz频带宽度下的电磁辐射能量谱密度。结果表明, 这三类闪电放电过程的辐射频谱波形均呈现出随频率增加、 幅值减小的趋势, 但在辐射强度和衰减速率上存在一定的差异。负地闪回击幅频波形在6~28 MHz频段上衰减速率相对缓慢; 云闪初始阶段在全频带上始终遵循f-1.2~f-1.4之间的衰减率递减, 且其频谱幅值与地闪回击的辐射能量谱幅值相差不大; NBE事件在0.1~40 MHz频带中辐射能量谱幅值基本都明显大于其他两类闪电放电过程, 特别是在10 MHz以上的HF、 VHF频带上其差异可达到20 dB。  相似文献   

从一般雷暴、灾害性雷暴和台风的闪电活动特征以及雷暴闪电尺度特征四个方面对相关研究进行梳理。一般雷暴通常具有正常极性电荷结构,云/地闪比例在3左右(中纬度地区),地闪中正地闪占比为10%左右,负地闪位置往往更集中于对流区。灾害性雷暴倾向具有活跃的云闪,低比例的地闪,易出现反极性电荷结构,正地闪比例偏高。闪电活动与灾害性天气现象之间存在关联性,部分雹暴过程具有两次闪电活跃阶段。台风中大部分闪电发生在外雨带,眼壁/外雨带闪电爆发很可能预示气旋强度的增强以及路径的改变。由闪电持续时间、通道空间扩展所表征的闪电尺度与雷暴对流强度相关。弱对流雷暴或雷暴的弱对流区域可能由水平扩展、垂直分层的电荷分布形态主导,闪电频次低,闪电空间尺度大;强对流雷暴或雷暴的强对流区域可能由交错分布的小电荷区主导,闪电频次高,闪电尺度小。   相似文献   

甘肃中川地区雷暴的地闪特征   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
利用在甘肃中川地区一次雷暴过程的5站电场变化同步观测资料,对1996年8月12日的4次地闪过程分析发现甘肃中川地区负地闪回击所中和的负电荷离地高度为2.74~5.41km(对应环境温度为-2.0~-15.0℃),而正地闪回击所中和的正电荷离地高度低于2.0km(对应环境温度为±5.0℃)。正地闪放电过程较负地闪中和的电荷量要大7倍左右。在雷暴初期及活跃期前期,地闪回击发生之前有持续170~300ms的云内放电过程,它发生在云下部正电荷区和主负电荷区。与雷达回波的对比发现,负地闪发生在雷暴大于20dBz的强回波区或40dBz强回波边缘而正地闪却发生在相对较弱的回波区域。  相似文献   

利用低光度相机首次观测到了2013年7月31日华北地区一次中尺度对流系统(MCS)上空产生的中高层Sprite放电现象。结合闪电定位、天气雷达等同步观测, 对一次MCS诱发的Sprite的形态学特征及其对应的母体闪电和雷暴系统的雷达回波特征等进行了详细分析。研究除发现了2例圆柱型、3例胡萝卜型和1例舞蹈型 Sprite外, 还发现了2例发光主体发育不完全的Y字型Sprite。估算的Sprite的底部平均高度低于61.8±3.5 km, 顶部平均高度为84.3±6.8 km。Sprite持续时间算术平均值为25.7±9.8 ms, 几何平均值为24.4 ms。Sprite的母体闪电均为正地闪, 峰值电流在+62.5~+106.2 kA之间, 算术平均值为+77.1±22.2 kA, 是本次MCS所有正地闪平均峰值电流的1.4倍。Sprite母体闪电的脉冲电荷矩变化(iCMC)在+475~+922 C km之间, 几何平均值为+571.0 C km。Sprite母体闪电发生在MCS雷达回波25~35 dBZ的层状云降水区, 弱回波(<30 dBZ)面积的突然增加对Sprite的产生有重要指示作用。Sprite易发生在MCS成熟—消散阶段正地闪比例(POP)显著增加的时段。在本次MCS消散阶段中, 有两个时间段可能有利于产生Sprite。在Sprite集中发生时间段, 北京闪电综合探测网(BLNET)探测到的正地闪比例为54.2%, 正地闪连续电流比例70.24%, 连续电流持续时间为58.17±50.31 ms, 有利于Sprite的产生。  相似文献   

In this paper, we report the location results for the parent lightning strokes of more than 30 red sprites observed over an asymmetric mesoscale convective system(MCS) on 30 July 2015 in Shandong Province, China, with a long-baseline lightning location network of very-low-frequency/low-frequency magnetic field sensors. The results show that almost all of these cloud-to-ground(CG) strokes are produced during the mature stage of the MCS, and are predominantly located in the trailing stratiform region, which is similar to analyses of sprite-productive MCSs in North America and Europe. Comparison between the location results for the sprite-producing CG strokes and those provided by the World Wide Lightning Location Network(WWLLN) indicates that the location accuracy of WWLLN for intense CG strokes in Shandong Province is typically within 10 km, which is consistent with the result based on analysis of 2838 sprite-producing CG strokes in the continental United States. Also, we analyze two cases where some minor lightning discharges in the parent flash of sprites can also be located, providing an approach to confine the thundercloud region tapped by the sprite-producing CG strokes.  相似文献   

Sprites are brief optical emissions occurring above thunderstorms. Features of sprites and their parent thunderstorms and lightning activities have been studied by many researchers. Here, we report a single sprite recorded over a mesoscale convective system during its life cycle in Northeast China. The results show that the sprite might have been a dancing one,with a 20 km horizontal displacement from its parent cloud-to-ground flash(CG) and a 38 ms time delay; all the sprite elements occurred during the continuing current process of the parent flash. The peak current of the parent CG was the largest during the almost one-hour time window containing the sprite, and the absolute values of all the negative flashes were smaller than 100 k A during the same time period and did not produce sprite. The sprite did not occur during the time period in which the maximum area of the thunderstorm reached. The occurrence of sprite corresponded well with the decay of the thunderstorm convection, and no significant relationship between the occurrence of sprite and the increase in the 30–35 d BZ and 35–40 d BZ interval was found. The large wind gradient in the 8–12 km region of the thunderstorm may have played an important role in the sprite production.  相似文献   

We report the results of two observation campaigns conducted during the Northern Hemisphere winters of 2005–6 and 2006–7 aiming to detect transient luminous events (TLEs) above winter thunderstorms in the vicinity of Israel and the eastern coastline of the Mediterranean Sea. In 10 out of 31 different observation nights we detected 66 events: 56 sprites and 10 Elves. The detection ranges varied from 250 to 450 km. Sprites were found to be produced by active cells with a vertical dimension of 5–9 km and cloud top temperature ~ − 40 °C, embedded in a much larger matrix of stratiform precipitating cloudiness. This configuration closely resembles the conditions for winter sprites in the Hokuriku region of Japan. Synchronized with the optical observations, ELF data were recorded at two observation stations in Israel and Hungary in order to qualify and quantify parameters of the parent lightning discharge associated with the TLEs. These stations are located 500 km and 2100 km respectively from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, where most TLEs occur. Among the optically observed TLE events, we found that all the ELF signals were produced solely by positive cloud-to-ground flashes (+ CGs), most of which were recorded in Israel (88%) and Hungary (77%). Calculation of the Charge Moment Change showed average values of 1400 ± 600 C km, with some extreme events exceeding 3500 C km. The average time delay between the ELF transient of the parent + CG and the observed sprites was 55 ms, with shorter delays for column sprites (42 ± 34 ms) compared to carrot sprites (68 ± 34). Furthermore, based on the ELF data, there were no early identifiable precursors to TLE occurrence in the regional lightning activity. From the spatial formation of the observed columniform sprites, we propose that columniform sprites are sometimes arranged in a 3-dimensional circular pattern, thus mapping the instantaneous electric field in the mesosphere.  相似文献   

Three summer thunderstorms in the eastern region of China were analyzed in detail using multiple data, including Doppler radar, lightning location network, TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission), MT- SAT (Multi-Function Transport Satellite) images, NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) Reanalysis, and radiosonde. Two of the three storms were sprite-producing and the other was non-sprite- producing. The two sprite-producing storms occurred on 1 2 August and 2~28 July 2007, producing 16 and one sprite, respectively. The non-sprite-producing storm occurred on 29-30 July 2007. The major ob- jective of the study was to try to find possible differences between sprite-producing and non-sprite producing storms using the multiple datasets. The results showed that the convection in the 1-2 August storm was the strongest compared with the other storms, and it produced the largest number of sprites. Precipitation ice, cloud ice and cloud water content in the convective regions in the 1-2 August storm were larger than in the other two storms, but the opposite was true in the weak convective regions. The storm microphysical prop- erties along lines through parent CG (cloud-to-ground lightning) locations showed no special characteristics related to sprites. The flash rate evolution in the 1-2 August storm provided additional confirmation that major sprite activity coincides with a rapid decrease in the negative CG flash rate. However, the evolution curve of the CG flash rate was erratic in the sprite-producing storm on 27-28 July, which was significantly different from that in the 1 2 August storm. The average positive CG peak current in sprite-producing storms was larger than that in the non-sprite-producing one.  相似文献   

During the summers of 2003 to 2006 sprites were observed over thunderstorms in France by cameras on mountain tops in Southern France. The observations were part of a larger coordinated effort, the EuroSprite campaigns, with data collected simultaneously from other sources including the French radar network for precipitation structure, Meteosat with images of cloud top temperature and the Météorage network for detection of cloud-to-ground (CG) flash activity. In this paper two storms are analyzed, each producing 27 sprite events. Both storms were identified as Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCS) with a trailing stratiform configuration (ST) and reaching a maximum cloud area of ~ 120,000 km2. Most of the sprites were produced while the stratiform area was clearly developed and during periods of substantial increase of rainfall in regions with radar reflectivity between 30 and 40 dBZ. The sprite-producing periods followed a maximum in the CG lightning activity and were characterized by a low CG flash rate with a high proportion of + CG flashes, typically around 50%. All sprites were associated with + CGs except one which was observed after a − CG as detected by the Météorage network. This − CG was estimated to have − 800 C km charge moment change. The peak current of sprite-producing + CG (SP + CG) flashes was twice the average value of + CGs and close to 60 kA with little variation between the periods of sprite activity. The SP + CG flashes were further characterized by short time intervals before a subsequent CG flash (median value < 0.5 s) and with clusters of several CG flashes which suggest that SP + CG flashes often are part of multi-CG flash processes. One case of a lightning process associated with a sprite consisted of 7 CG flashes.  相似文献   

Unusual atmospheric light emissions were observed from a station located in Shandong Province of East China. The main morphology of these events includes a bright glowing spot, which differs distinctly from any type of transient luminous events (TLEs) well recognized in literature, such as sprites, halos, elves, gigantic jets, blue jets, and blue starters. A comparison between the observations of four such light emission events and the data from lightning detection networks reveals no correlation between these events and the intense lightning activity in the adjacent area. The events reported in this paper may imply the existence of a new phenomenon with a mechanism that remains to be investigated with further observation and complementary lightning measurement.  相似文献   

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