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张昊  孟俊敏  孙丽娜 《海洋学报》2020,42(9):110-118
本文基于2017年634幅MODIS影像分析了安达曼海3个典型区域的内波空间分布特征,定量统计了波峰线长度、波包面积等特征参数,利用射线追踪法探讨了内波的潜在激发源并推算了内波的生成周期。研究表明,安达曼海北部海域的内波空间尺度较小,前导波波峰线的平均长度约为107 km,平均波包面积约为1 860 km2,内波的传播方向主要为东向以及西南向。安达曼海中部海域内波前导波波峰线的平均长度约为133 km,平均波包面积约为3 503 km2,超过70%的内波沿东偏北方向传播。苏门答腊岛北部海域内波前导波波峰线的平均长度约为131 km,平均波包面积约为2 997 km2,内波的传播方向主要为东向、东北向及东南向。安达曼海共有7个潜在内波激发源,内波的生成时间间隔介于11.5~13 h,具有明显的半日周期特征。  相似文献   

安达曼海是内波频繁发生的海区之一,对其内波的研究是当今海洋研究的热点。本文利用2013—2016年间覆盖整个安达曼海的3 000多幅Terra/Aqua MODIS、GF-1、Landsat-8、Sentinel-1 等卫星遥感图像,从中提取和解译了内波波列线和波向信息,得到安达曼海海洋内波的时间分布特征,并绘制了内波空间分布图。结果表明,安达曼海及其邻近海域内波主要出现在4个区域:苏门答腊岛以北海域、安达曼海中部海域、安达曼海北部海域以及尼科巴群岛以西海域,尺度较大的内波主要分布在苏门答腊岛以北海域和安达曼海中部海域。在时间分布上,2013—2016年间安达曼海内波的年发生次数相近;在热季、雨季及冬季遥感都能观测到内波的发生;2-4月遥感观测到的内波最多,其次为8、9月,7月遥感观测到的内波较少,这可能是由于雨季光学影像受云影响,安达曼海海域晴空影像过少造成,还需要借助更多的遥感影像进一步证明。在波向上,安达曼海多数内波向岸传播,在苏门答腊岛北部、安达曼海中部海域,内波向东或向东南传播;在安达曼群岛东部,内波向东传播,传播一定距离后与海底地形交互作用,一部分继续向前传播,一部分产生反射,向西南方向传播至安达曼群岛;在尼科巴群岛以西海域,内波由尼科巴群岛向孟加拉湾传播。  相似文献   

基于遥感与现场观测数据的南海北部内波传播速度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
南海北部是全球海洋中内波最为活跃、生成和演变机制较为复杂的海域,本文利用多源卫星遥感数据(MODIS、GF-1、ENVISAT ASAR、RADARSAT-2)和现场观测数据开展了南海北部内波传播速度的研究。通过匹配捕获同一条内波的相邻两幅遥感图像,由内波的空间位移和时间间隔反演传播速度,并以0.5°×0.5°网格给出了南海北部内波传播速度的分布图。研究结果表明,内波传播速度受背景流场、水体层结和底地形变化等多因素影响,特别是水深。在南海北部由东至西、由南至北方向,内波传播速度逐渐递减。深海区内波传播速度最大,可达3m/s以上;内波在向西大陆架传播过程中,随着水深变浅速度逐渐减慢,传播速度为1—2m/s;大陆架浅海的内波传播速度较小,仅为零点几米每秒。同时,利用Kd V方程反演了内波传播速度理论值,对遥感数据提取的内波传播速度进行了精度验证,结果较为一致。  相似文献   

本文通过对卫星遥感图像中的内孤立波及相互作用现象进行统计分析,讨论了南海北部内孤立波及相互作用现象的时空分布特征,验证了利用卫星遥感图像反演内孤立波振幅和传播速度以及研究内波相互作用现象的可行性。统计结果表明,南海北部的内孤立波主要集中在东沙群岛以及海南岛南部,内波相互作用主要集中在东沙岛西北部以及海南岛南部。本文对此给出解释:内波传播至东沙岛附近发生绕射,绕射的内波分裂成两列后以不同的传播方向继续向西传播,相遇并发生相互作用;内波在海南岛浅滩处发生反射,与后续传来的内波发生相互作用。同时,本文利用Korteweg-de Vries (KdV)方程和Benjamin-One(BO)方程,结合观测数据,对内波振幅和传播速度进行了反演实验。反演所得的内波振幅和传播速度与南海北部实际内波振幅和传播速度相近。  相似文献   

张涛  张旭东 《海洋与湖沼》2020,51(5):991-1000
苏禄海和苏拉威西海是内孤立波频发海域,本文基于2016年10月至2019年9月的中分辨率成像光谱仪(Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer,MODIS)和可见光红外成像辐射计(Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer,VIIRS)光学遥感数据开展了苏禄海和苏拉威西海的内孤立波特征分析研究。空间分布特征表明,苏禄群岛的西北部海域(118°—121°E, 6°—10°N)和苏拉威西海南部海域为内孤立波多发区域。苏拉威西海南部海域存在南向和西向交叉传播的内孤立波。苏禄海和苏拉威西海的内孤立波波峰线最长可达400—500km,主要集中在100—150km范围内。利用射线追踪法结合遥感图像分析表明,锡布图岛和锡穆努尔岛附近海域存在4个内波发生源,生成的内孤立波分别向苏禄海的西北方向和苏拉威海的东南方向传播。遥感观测表明苏拉威西海也存在自东向西传播的内孤立波,共有3个发生源,位于邦加岛与比亚罗岛附近海域。苏禄海的内孤立波主要向西北方向传播,其传播速度在2m/s左右。苏拉威西海自东向西传播的内孤立波的速度在3.1m/s左右,自北向南传播的内孤立波的速度为3.0m/s左右。  相似文献   

内波为发生在层结海洋内部的亚中尺度波动,是物理海洋学研究,特别是海洋混合及能量级串研究,不可或的缺环节。孤立内波的突发性巨大冲击能量可对水下航行和工程设施构成灾难性威胁,实现实时监测与预报海洋内波具有重大现实意义。南海是全球海洋中超强内波多发海区之一。长期现场观测表明,吕宋海峡以西海域内孤立波振幅高达150~200 m,且终年发生。因此,南海是目前海洋内孤立波观测与研究热点海域。本文以2015年至2021年间发表的论文为依据,评述南海内波研究新进展,认为7 a来研究成果取得质的提升。第一,实现了由卫星为主要手段2D观测到以卫星与潜标同步3D观测为主要手段的提升。由此催生出振幅240 m超强内孤立波、中尺度涡对内波的调制作用、重现周期23 h 内孤立波、浅海内孤立波裂变现象、深海盆内波及动能级串等创新成果。第二,研究区开始呈现向中部深海盆扩展趋势。迄今为止,南海内波观测与研究集中在吕宋海峡以西和北部陆架,现已出现向中部深海盆扩展趋势。第三,海洋探测高新技术应用于南海内波观测与研究,取得了突破性成果。由卫星高度计沿轨海面高度场二维平面波分解技术得出的南海M2内潮辐射图,解决了多年争论不休的南海北部内波生成机制和生成源地问题。人工智能技术成功应用于建立南海邻近的边缘海内波传播预报模式。模式预报的一个潮周期之后内波波峰线位置与后续卫星图像上显示的位置之间的平均相关系数达95%,平均距离均方根差为3 km。快速深潜剖面浮标技术应用于南海北部深海盆,得出0~3 500 m 全水深内波波段(周期为0.1~1.8 d)波动引起的水温起伏幅度垂直分布。高分辨水下声成像技术,包括人工地震技术和回声探测仪,成功应用于南海北部陆架内波观测与研究。其中回声探测仪图像空间分辨率达10 cm,清楚显示出内孤立波波包精细结构,可精确测得水平尺度仅为2 m的孤立波特征半宽度。可以预期,大量科学研究成果的积累,特别是采用人工智能技术建立内波传播预报模式的成功实例,必将为开发南海内波精准预报模式奠定基础。  相似文献   

漫长狭窄的马六甲海峡是重要的航道,研究该海峡内孤立波特征对潜艇、船只航行和海洋工程都是急需解决的问题。利用高空间分辨率的哨兵1号(Sentinel-1)和高分三号(GF-3)SAR遥感数据,对马六甲海峡的内孤立波特征开展了详细研究。利用哨兵一号2015年6月到2016年12月20景有内孤立波的SAR图像和高分三号2018年4月到2019年3月24景有内孤立波的SAR图像,统计分析了马六甲海峡海域的内孤立波空间分布特征。发现内孤立波多以内孤立波包以及单根内孤立波形式出现,内孤立波头波的波峰线最长可达39km。采用高阶非线性薛定谔方程反演模型可以计算出内孤立波的振幅与群速度,计算得到的内孤立波振幅和波包的传播群速度分别为4.7m ~ 23.9m和0.12m/s ~ 0.40m/s。由KdV方程得到的单根内孤立波的相速度为0.26m/s ~ 0.60m/s。可以得到,马六甲海峡内孤立波的振幅与传播速度与地形密切相关。  相似文献   

中国南海是内波频发海域,卫星遥感在内波参数特征的统计分析中得到了广泛应用,但是卫星轨道的重复访问时间长,不能连续观测内波参数的变化特征。X波段海洋雷达具有高时间和空间分辨率,可以长期连续观测内波的变化,本文提出了利用X波段海洋雷达图像提取内波参数的方法,并利用连续观测的数据研究了各参数的分布特征。首先,对雷达图像进行预处理,包括平均处理及斜坡校正两步;利用二维快速傅里叶变换确定内波的传播方向,进而根据该方向上的径向廓线确定内波的相速度大小、波长及周期。最后,利用在南海石油平台上观测的X波段雷达图像对内波各参数进行提取和统计分析,结果表明,研究区域内波的传播方向多为西北向及西向传播,相速度多为0.6~0.8 m/s,波长一般为400~600 m,周期大部分不超过1000 s。  相似文献   

高分一号(GF-1)光学遥感卫星的发射为海洋内波的研究提供了精细的观测资料,利用其图像高空间分辨率的优势,结合高时间分辨率的中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)的匹配数据,能够对南中国海东沙岛附近的内波开展特征参量的反演。本文处理了GF-1和MODIS的准同步图像,选取东沙岛附近的相邻时刻的同一条内波进行分析,提取其空间位移,计算出内孤立波传播的群速度。分析GF-1和MODIS图像上同一条内波的灰度剖面,计算了明暗条纹间距,结合当地水深和温盐数据,应用非线性薛定谔方程反演内孤立波的振幅,探究大陆架附近内孤立波的振幅演变。研究结果表明:内孤立波的群速度在东沙岛附近向西传播过程中逐渐变小;在相似的温盐条件下,遥感图像中内波的明暗条纹间距和振幅呈现负相关,在深海区水深和振幅呈现正相关关系,在浅海区由于非线性作用增强会出现振幅随水深变小反而增大的现象。  相似文献   

在海南岛东部海域内波生成区和传播区,采用CTD与温度链实测数据,结合潮流资料,从发生周期、时间与振幅等方面分析了海南岛东部海域内波的特性,发现此处内波与潮汐间存在较强的对应关系,周期表现为不规则全日潮周期,内波多发于高潮时后1~4h内,占总发生次数的75%。2009年观测得到的内波周期范围主要集中在10~29min之间,约占总数的70%,振幅主要集中在6~15m,约占总数的80%;2010年观测得到的内波周期主要集中在10~45min之间,约占总数66.8%,振幅集中在10~29m,约占总数75%。海南岛东部海域潮致内波的周期与振幅的差异性可能是由海水深度与上升流的影响导致的。  相似文献   

浅水方程被广泛应用于海啸预警报业务及研究,而针对线性浅水方程与非线性浅水方程在不同海区水深地形条件下的适用范围、计算效率问题是海啸研究人员急需了解的。本文应用基于浅水方程的海啸数值预报模型就海啸波在南海、东海传播的线性、非线性特征以及陆架对其传播之影响进行了数值分析研究。海啸波在深水的传播表征为强线性特征,此时线性系统对海啸波幅的模拟计算具有较高的精度和效率,而弱的非线性特征及弱的色散特征对海啸波幅的预报影响甚微,可以忽略不计。海啸波传播至浅水大陆架后受海底坡度变化、海底粗糙度等因素影响,波动的非线性效应迅速传播、积累,与线性浅水方程计算的海啸波相比表现出较大差异,主要表现为:在南海区,水深小于100m时,海啸波首波以后的系列波动非线性特征比较明显,两者波幅差别较大,但首波波幅的区别不大,因此对于该区域在不考虑海啸爬高的情况下,应用线性系统计算得到的海啸波幅也可满足海啸预警报的要求;在东海区由于陆架影响,海啸波非线性特征明显增强,水深小于100m区域,首波及其后系列波波幅均差异较大,故在该区域必须考虑海啸波非线性作用。本文就底摩擦项对海啸波首波波幅的影响进行了数值对比分析,结果表明:底摩擦作用对海啸波首波波幅影响仅作用于小于100m水深。最后,该文通过敏感性试验,初步分析了陆架宽度及陆架边缘深度对海啸波波幅的影响,得出海啸波经陆架传播共振、变形后,海啸波幅的放大或减小与陆架的宽度及陆架边缘水深有关。  相似文献   

A field program to measure acoustic propagation characteristics and physical oceanography was undertaken in April and May 2001 in the northern South China Sea. Fluctuating ocean properties were measured with 21 moorings in water of 350- to 71-m depth near the continental slope. The sea floor at the site is gradually sloped at depths less than 90 m, but the deeper area is steppy, having gradual slopes over large areas that are near critical for diurnal internal waves and steep steps between those areas that account for much of the depth change. Large-amplitude nonlinear internal gravity waves incident on the site from the east were observed to change amplitude, horizontal length scale, and energy when shoaling. Beginning as relatively narrow solitary waves of depression, these waves continued onto the shelf much broadened in horizontal scale, where they were trailed by numerous waves of elevation (alternatively described as oscillations) that first appeared in the continental slope region. Internal gravity waves of both diurnal and semidiurnal tidal frequencies (internal tides) were also observed to propagate into shallow water from deeper water, with the diurnal waves dominating. The internal tides were at times sufficiently nonlinear to break down into bores and groups of high-frequency nonlinear internal waves.  相似文献   

Streaks of elevated concentrations of surface chlorophyll a (Chl_a) of various spacing were found to be associated with internal waves in their transmission zone and dissipation zone in the summertime in the deep open northern South China Sea. At an anchored station in the dissipation zone north of the Dongsha Atoll with a water depth of ca. 600?m, undulations of the mixed layer depth with an amplitude of ca. 30?m and a periodicity of ca. 12?h were observed, and they were accompanied by similar undulation in the isotherm and isopleth of the nutrients. These observations are consistent with the enhancement of vertical mixing by internal waves and the resulting transfer of cold, nutrient-rich subsurface water to the surface mixed layer to fuel biological productivity. In the transmission zone and dissipation zone, respectively, the summertime (May–October) average sea surface temperature was 0.5 and 0.8?°C lower and Chl_a was 19 and 43?% higher than those in a nearby subregion that was minimally affected by internal waves. The mean net primary productivity was elevated by 15 and 37?%. These results indicate that the enhancement of biological activity by internal waves is not confined to the shallow waters on the shelf. The effect can be detected in all phases of the internal waves although it may be especially prominent in the dissipation zone where mixing between subsurface and surface waters is more effective.  相似文献   

Internal wave propagation carries considerable vertical shear which can lead to turbulence and mixing. Based on the analysis of more than 2 500 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and optical satellite images, the internal wave propagation in the whole South China Sea was investigated systematically. The results show that (1) in the northeastern South China Sea, most internal waves propagate westward from the Luzon Strait and are diffracted by coral reefs near the Dongsha Islands. Some impinge onto the shelf and a few are reflected; (2) in the northwestern South China Sea, most internal waves are generated at the shelf and propagate northwestward or westward to the coast; (3) in the western South China Sea, most internal waves propagate westward to the Vietnamese coast, except a few propagate southward to the deep sea; and (4) in the southern South China Sea, most internal waves propagate southwestward to the coast. Some propagate southeastward to the coast of Kalimantan Island, and a few propagate southeastward because of the influence of the Mekong River.  相似文献   

海平面变化及其海岸响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
第四纪气温的大幅度冷暖变化,导致全球海平面的变化,引起陆架海侵扣海退。海岸上的各种地貌如海滩、沙坝、三角洲扣陆架沙脊等响应海平面升降而发生新的演化扣变异。东海陆架古岸线、围绕古岸线发育的陆架沙脊、陆架深切河谷扣河谷充填沉积以及冰后期海进型扣海退型沙坝的形成乖演化等沉积事件都是响应海平面升降的结果。近百年来特别是近30年全球海平面普遍上升,引起风暴潮的频度扣幅度的增大。近岸波能增强,越滩浪增多,导致海滩侵蚀,岸线后退。Bruun法则扣其他一些模型能够说明海滩随海平面上升而蚀退的规律,但在预测速率时仍存在很多问题。使用时应注意海平面变化的区域性、海滩发育的滞后性和海滩蚀退因素间的权重关系。  相似文献   

Widespread short-period internal wave (SPIW) activity in the White Sea has been revealed for the first time based on long-term (2009–2013) monitoring performed using satellite and in situ observations, and the statistical characteristics of these waves have been obtained. Two main regions where short-period waves constantly exist have been identified: the shelf area near the frontal zone at the boundary between the Basin and the Gorlo Strait and the shallow shelf area where the depths are about 30–50 m near Solovetskie Islands. Intense internal waves (IIWs), which are substantially nonlinear and are related to specific phases of a barotropic tide, are regularly observed near frontal zones. The wave height can reach half the sea depth and the wave periods vary from 7 to 18 min.  相似文献   

Traditional wave steepness s = H/L does not define steep asymmetric waves uniquely. Three additional parameters characterising single zero-downcross waves in a time series are crest front steepness, vertical asymmetry factor and horizontal asymmetry factor. Parametric models for joint probability density distributions for deep water waves are presented. The joint distributions are for crest front steepness-wave height, vertical asymmetry factor-wave height, total wave steepness-wave height and wave height-wave period. The parametric models are estimated from zero-downcross analysis of wave data obtained from measurements at sea on the Norwegian continental shelf. The results of the analysis presented here can be used in the estimation of the probabilities of occurrence of steep asymmetric waves and breaking waves in deep water. Thus the results are useful for the practical naval architect and ocean engineer who are considering unusual events in the sea, the associated accidents or responses and the probability of occurrence of such events.  相似文献   

A case study of internal solitary wave propagation during ASIAEX 2001   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the recent Asian Seas International Acoustics Experiment (ASIAEX), extensive current meter moorings were deployed around the continental shelf-break area in the northeastern South China Sea. Thirteen RADARSAT SAR images were collected during the field test to integrate with the in situ measurements from the moorings, ship-board sensors, and conductivity/temperatire/depth (CTD) casts. Besides providing a synoptic view of the entire region, satellite imagery is very useful for tracking the internal waves, locating surface fronts, and identifying mesoscale features. During ASIAEX in May 2001, many large internal waves were observed at the test area and were the major oceanic features studied for acoustic volume interaction. Based on the internal wave distribution maps compiled from satellite data, the wave crests can be as long as 200 km with an amplitude of 100 m. Environmental parameters have been calculated based on extensive CTD casts data near the ASIAEX area. Nonlinear internal wave models have been applied to integrate and assimilate both synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and mooring data. Using SAR data in deep water as an initial condition, numerical simulations produced the wave evolution on the continental shelf and compared reasonably well with the mooring measurements at the downstream station. The shoaling, turning, and dissipation of large internal waves at the shelf break have been studied and are very important issues for acoustic propagation.  相似文献   

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