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随着海洋石油天然气资源的不断开发,海洋结构物得到了广泛的应用。长时间持续工作于海洋环境以及一旦失效代价高昂的特点使得海洋结构物的安全问题倍加瞩目。基于风险的检测和维护将海洋结构物的风险与费用相结合,可以在满足安全要求的前提下合理地降低运营费用,是目前国际上研究领域的热点问题。通过分析基于风险的海洋结构物检测和维护的国内外研究现状,对检测及维护操作过程中的一些关键问题和目前主流的研究方法及应用情况做了概述。最后讨论了海洋结构物检测维护研究中存在的一些问题,提出了今后的研究方向。基于风险的检测和维护将是今后一个值得关注的重要课题。  相似文献   

针对传统无损检测方法对自升式海洋平台检测工作量大、费时费力等问题,提出了一种金属磁记忆(MMM)与交流电磁场(ACFM)联合检测的新方法。在简介MMM和ACFM检测机理之后,将其应用到自升式海洋平台关键部位的无损检测中。分别以齿条座板与桩腿之间的T型焊缝和桩腿环焊缝为例,首先通过MMM快速全面扫描待检测表面,基于磁场分布及梯度值确定应力集中部位;在此基础上,利用ACFM方法重点对应力集中部位进行裂纹缺陷的定量化检测,结果表明MMM对应力集中或微观缺陷非常敏感,而ACFM方法可精确给出裂纹缺陷的深度信息,为平台结构的安全可靠运行和维修方案制定提供了方法参考和理论依据。  相似文献   

海洋环境条件联合设计标准   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
刘德辅  施建刚  王锋 《海洋学报》1994,16(2):116-123
随着海洋开发事业的进展,海洋环境设计标准的选定,已成为决定工程结构安全、造价及合理形式的最主要因素之一.基于海洋环境条件的复杂性、多变性及随机性,惯用的海洋工程设计标准无法考虑多种环境条件联合出现的概率,往往过高地估计环境条件设计标准,造成不必要的浪费.本文以实测和后报资料为基础,按照多维联合概率理论,应用随机模拟技术,研究了作用在海洋工程结构物上的风、浪、流联合荷载及相应的联合概率水平问题,提出了可供工程实践采用的环境荷载联合设计标准.  相似文献   

当结构物产生损伤时,结构的动力特性会发生变化,从而引起结构振动响应产生相应的变化。小波变换是奇异性信号的良好检测工具,可以用于识别结构损伤的发生。建立了某海洋平台有限元模型,得到了随机海浪作用下不同损伤工况的结构振动响应。基于小波变换损伤检测,针对不同类型杆件损伤、不同位置杆件损伤、不同程度的噪声污染以及不同方向振动响应信号情况下,分别研究了海洋平台结构的损伤检测问题,得到了一些有用的结论。  相似文献   

数字海图生产过程中,海洋陆地层面要素和线要素的校对检测是海图校对检测的重点与核心。通过对数字海图海洋陆地层面要素、线要素和水深层数据的综合分析研究,按照航海图书编绘规范要求,基于ArcInfo地理信息系统软件平台,应用AML宏语言,主要解决了面要素的编码属性自动识别、识别结果与作业结果自动比对、面要素综合错误自动检测和多余面要素自动检测等关键问题,实现了海洋陆地层线要素与面要素的自动校对检测。  相似文献   

人工鱼礁工程的风险评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对台风暴潮影响下的嵊泗海域人工鱼礁工程做了风险评估,考虑了台风暴潮中出现的大浪和风暴潮减水对鱼礁联合作用的危害。风险评估分为危险灾害识别、失效概率计算、失效后果评估、风险准则评定和风险管理决策几个主要的步骤。在失效概率的计算中采用基于应用设计点的重点抽样法随机模拟的技术,这一随机模拟技术可以广泛的应用与海洋工程结构的风险评估当中。  相似文献   

超大型海洋浮式储油系统的风险评估   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
对超大型海洋浮式储油系统的危险灾害识别、失效概率计算、失效后果评估、风险准则评定和风险管理决策等几个主要步骤进行了风险分析,计算结果为在设置防坡堤情况下,储油船漂移的概率为2 217×10-6,沉没的概率为6 778×10-8,结构损坏的概率为6 300×10-7,总的经济损失为70万人民币;在未设置防波堤的情况下,储油船漂移的概率为3 167×10-3,沉没的概率为9 683×10-5,结构损坏的概率为9 000×10-4,总的经济损失为9 91亿人民币。结果表明,采取合理的措施,如在储油船系泊地点设置防波堤,以降低风险水平是十分必要的。  相似文献   

在建立海上油气设施的风险分析系统时,对由台风引发的极端海况造成的结构失效进行风险评估是1个十分重要的问题。为了建立实用可靠的风险评价方法,本文使用基于重点抽样法的随机模拟技术,对渤海海域CB12-C井组平台结构进行了全概率法失效概率计算,并在此基础上进行了平台结构的风险评价。该方法是1种适用于固定式海洋平台的定量风险评价方法,充分考虑了平台结构风险分析过程中各种不确定性的影响,极大提高了定量风险评价结果的可靠性。  相似文献   

基于加权贝叶斯网络的海洋灾害评估与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在全球气候变化背景下,海洋灾害的群发性、难以预见性和灾害链效应日显突出,带来的损失逐年上升,开展海洋灾害评估对于海洋经济建设、资源开发和工程建设具有重要的现实意义。文章首先基于风险理论剖析了海洋灾害风险的不确定性特征,构建了灾害评估指标体系;然后基于贝叶斯网络模型,提出了处理不确定性灾害评估的风险贝叶斯网络,进而基于主客观定权,构建了加权贝叶斯网络评估模型;最后对我国沿海地区海洋灾害开展评估研究。实验表明,该评估模型实现了海洋灾害的风险评估,具有一定的科学性和可行性。  相似文献   

海洋环境要素(如风、浪、流、周期等)极值参数的准确推算在海洋工程设计中具有重要意义。由于极值计算时存在的不确定性因素,导致不同模式、样本的组合会导致极值计算结果产生明显差异。使用南海长期波浪资料,对环境要素计算时存在的统计模型不确定性、取样不确定性和参数求解方法的不确定性等进行了系统的研究和比较,最终对极值理论总体不确定性进行了分析。结果表明,采用复合极值分布并扩大样本数量的方法,可有效减小极值预测的不确定性及海洋结构物设计阶段的风险。  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionNondestructiveinspection (NDI)isveryimportantforensuringthereliabilityofoffshorestructuresintheirservicelives (Lauraetal.,1 996 ) .Itiswellknownthatdetectionofflawsinvolvesconsider ablestatisticaluncertainties.Asaresult,theprobabilityofdetection (POD)forallflawsofagivensizehasbeenusedintheliteraturetodefinethecapabilityofaparticularNDItechniqueinagivenen vironment.SincethedataofPODusuallyscatterlargely ,itisdifficulttodeterminewhichmodelfitstheavailabledatabest.Thismodelun…  相似文献   

A framework of risk based inspection and repair planning was presented to optimize for the ship structures subjected to corrosion deterioration. The planning problem was formulated as an optimization problem where the expected lifetime costs were minimized with a eonstraint on the minimum aceeptable rehability index. The safety margins were established for the inspection events, the repair events and the failure events for ship struetures. Moreover, the formulae were derived to calculate failure probabihties and repair probabilities. Based on them, a component subjected to corrosion is investigated for illustration of the process of selecting the optimal inspection and repair strategy. Furthermore, some sensitivity studies were provided. The results show that the optimal inspection instants should take place before the reliability index reaches the minimum acceptable reliability index. The optimal target failure probability is 10^-3. In addition, a balance can be achieved between the risk cost and total expected inspection and repair costs by means of the risk-based optimal inspection and repair method, which is very effective in selecting the optimal inspection and repair strategy.  相似文献   

A model is given for the planning of the inspection and maintenance operations of a system: an application to an offshore structure is described. The objectiveis to minimize the total cost of inspections and consequences of failures, subject to an upper boundon the total failure probability of the system. An incremental algorithm is defined for the approximate solution of the problem, and a method is described for the evaluation of the quality of any feasible solution in terms of bounds of the optimal objective value. The incremental algorithm solves the problem parametrically for certain values of the system reliability. The model has been applied to obtain an optimal inspection plan against the consequences of gross errors, accidental events, fatigue and corrosion in terms of input describing element importance values, element reliability values, error detection probabilities, error detection costs and error repair costs for parametrical variations of the structural reliability.  相似文献   

- To characterize the uncertainty and fuzziness in offshore structural inspection, probability of detection (POD) must be determined. This paper presents the expressions for the POD of four different damage forms mainly existing in offshore structures. The fuzzy-set theory is applied to estimate human errors through the definition of inspection quality. Expressions of inspection quality are achieved. To verify the validity and correctness of the expressions, the data from an offshore platform field inspection of evaluation results of human errors affecting inspection quality are used to estimate the parameters of the POD. The results show that the present models can provide basis for further study of ofTshore structural inspection reliability.  相似文献   

建立了基于风险的船体结构腐蚀优化检测规划的成本-效益分析模型。以费效比作为选择最优检测策略的标准,最优的检测策略是在保证结构设计工作寿命期内的可靠指标大于最低可靠指标的基础上,使得结构生命周期内总的费效比最大。在此基础上,以受点腐蚀损伤的船体构件为例,对其检测策略进行了成本-效益评估,并对计算结果进行了敏感性分析。结果表明,基于风险的成本及效益分析方法可以将检测规划的经济性和可靠性有效地结合起来,能够在风险与成本之间达到一种平衡,它在优化检测策略时是有效的。  相似文献   

海洋平台结构超声相控阵检测成像技术的发展及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了超声相控阵检测成像技术的基本原理及其在海洋平台结构检测中的最新进展。超声相控阵技术采用区域划分法将焊缝分成垂直方向的若干区,由扫查器携带超声相控阵探头运动,对其分区进行电子扫查,检测结果以图像形式显示。探讨了超声相控阵技术用于海洋平台结构管节点焊缝检测时存在的一些问题,提出解决方法,指出其在海洋平台结构、压力容器、航空航天等工业无损检测领域将具有应用前景。  相似文献   

Owing to high costs and unnecessary inspections necessitated by the traditional inspection planning for ship structures, the risk-based inspection and repair planning should be investigated for the most cost-effective inspection. This paper aims to propose a cost-benefit assessment model of risk-based inspection and repair planning for ship structures subjected to corrosion deterioration. Then, the benefit-cost ratio is taken to be an index for the selection of the optimal inspection and repair strategy. The planning problem is formulated as an optimization problem where the benefit-cost ratio for the expected lifetime is maximized with a constraint on the minimum acceptalbe reliability index. To account for the effect of corrosion model uncertainty on the cost-benefit assessment, two corrosion models, namgly, Paik' s model and Guedes Soares' model, are adopted for analysis. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the proposed method. Sensitivity studies are also providet. The results indicate that the proposed method of risk-based cost-benefit analysis can effectively integrate the economy with reliability of the inspection and repair planning. A balance can be achieved between the risk cost and total expected inspection and repair costs with the proposed method, which is very. effective in selecting the optimal inspection and repair strategy. It is pointed out that the corrosion model uncertainty and parametric uncertaintg have a significant impact on the cost-benefit assessment of inspection and repair planning.  相似文献   

Corrosion and fatigue cracks are major threats to the structural integrity of aging offshore platforms.For the rational estimation of the safety levels of aging platforms,a global reliability assessment approach for aging offshore platforms with corrosion and fatigue cracks is presented in this paper.The base shear capacity is taken as the global ultimate strength of the offshore plaffoms,it is modeled as a random process that decreases with time in the presence of corrosion and fatigue crack propagation.And the corrosion and fatigue crack growth rates in the main members and key joints are modeled as random variables.A simulation method of the extreme wave loads which are applied to the structures of offshore platforms is proposed too.Furthermore,the statistics of global base shear capacity and extreme wave loads are obtained by Monte Carlo simulation method.On the basis of the limit state equation of global failure mode,the instantaneous reliability and time dependent reliability assessment methods are both presented in this paper.Finally the instantaueous reliability index and time dependent failure probability of a jacket platform are estimated with different ages in the demonstration example.  相似文献   

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