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水下开沟机是海底管道、电(光)缆铺设施工中的重要作业装备,而水下监测技术和装置则是水下开沟机必不可少的重要组成部分。本文介绍水下施工作业对开沟机的监测要求着手,分析水下开沟机的基本监测方法与设备,探讨水下开沟机监测装置的配置原则,并结合对国外水下开沟机监测技术的发展应用回顾和评价,总结了我国目前在水下开沟机监测技术和装备研究开发方面的主要成果,以及在工程实践中的应用尝试与体会。  相似文献   

海底水力喷射开沟技术在海底管道、光缆埋设等工程中得到广泛应用,然而黏土尤其是硬质黏性土中的水力开沟施工较为困难,为阐明其中的破土机制,开展了二维垂向淹没射流开沟物理模拟实验。通过观察射流破土的过程,发现:软黏土与硬质黏性土中冲坑发展的特点有所不同,破土机制也存在差异。射流对硬质黏性土的破坏中,压力导致的剪切破坏起到很大作用,在土力学原理上近似于地基土整体剪切破坏,据此建立了硬质黏性土射流破土模型,同时提出冲坑颈口直径在硬质黏性土冲坑形态中的重要性,并以此取代原有的冲坑直径作为一个预测指标。  相似文献   

海底峡谷是海底长条形且窄而深的负地形,在主动和被动大陆边缘以及岛弧附近都有出现。澎湖海底峡谷群具有坡度大、地貌复杂的特点。运用高分辨二维单道地震资料,解释了峡谷的下切侵蚀面。分析表明,澎湖海底峡谷在剖面上表现为"V"型、"U"型或者底部宽缓的"U"型下凹状地震反射。峡谷上游受到的侵蚀作用较强,谷底次级沟槽发育,坡面冲沟发育,峡谷内部未见现代沉积物充填。澎湖海底峡谷群的形成与第四纪晚期海平面的变化有关,低水位时期,陆架大片出露,大量碎屑物质可以直达陆架边缘甚至上陆坡,此时重力流活跃,不断切割地层,逐步形成了澎湖海底峡谷群。  相似文献   

鉴于海底管道的服役水深越来越深,主要采用犁式挖沟机对预铺设于海床之上的海底管道采取后挖沟的方式将海底管道埋设于海床之下,以保护其免受不必要的损伤。针对后挖沟深度H是海底挖沟机的重要设计参数,也是影响管道悬跨的重要因素的问题,对SMD(UK)犁式挖沟机展开参数优化,确保作业过程中悬跨段管道在外部静水压力作用下,海底管道不会发生屈曲破坏。采用ABAQUS软件,分别建立了作业前和作业中两种工况下的悬跨模型,分析机械手对接触部分管道的损伤,结果显示,作业中的机械手对悬跨管道的损伤更大;同时,建立了作业中不同管径下,后挖沟深度对管道损伤的安全裕量关系曲线。进一步,结合作业中不同挖沟深度下的管跨段屈曲数值模型,对处于外部静水压力作用下的悬跨管的屈曲失效展开分析,结果显示,随着后挖沟深度的加大,不同管径下的悬跨段管道局部出现塑性压溃的临界压力值不断降低;管道外径的增大,降低了同一后挖沟深度下发生屈曲失效的压力值。最后,在后挖沟深度与外部静水压力组成的区域内,建立屈曲失效临界关系曲线,并划分出工作区和压溃区,为深海管道后挖沟埋管的施工提供工程参考。  相似文献   

海底埋设双层管管道隆起屈曲分析是海洋管道设计的重要技术之一。在管道隆起屈曲分析中实现管土作用和内外管相互作用的准确模拟一直是工程应用追求的目标,也是其中的难点。利用管土作用单元和管中管单元等技术,建立了海底埋设双层管管道隆起屈曲分析有限元模型。该模型不但考虑了管道初始形状、压力、温差载荷、管道材料非线性等常规因素,还考虑了非线性管土作用和内外管相互接触作用,并能对管道屈曲前和屈曲后全程进行模拟。应用该模型,计算了一条高温高压埋设双层管管道隆起屈曲过程中的应力等。算例表明该模型有较好收敛性,能对一般海底高温高压埋设双层管管道隆起屈曲进行准确模拟。  相似文献   

渔业活动对东海海域海底光缆安全的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对东海海域海底光缆路由区作业渔场的捕捞方式、作业范围等的分析,结合已建海底光缆故障的调查结果,探讨了渔业活动对东海海域海底光缆路由调查和已建海底光缆安全的影响。结果表明,东海海域海底光缆主要穿越了长江口、江外、舟山、舟外、鱼外等5大主要作业渔场,各渔场的渔业活动频繁,拖网、张网和流刺网等不同捕捞作业方式集中,对海底光缆的安全带来严重威胁。同时,捕捞渔船船只的数量逐年增多、触底深度的不断增加、作业时间的不断延长,使海底光缆路由调查时所获得调查资料的质量受到严重影响,船只、渔具的日益大型化以及拖网、张网、围网等捕捞活动范围的持续扩大,更使得海底光缆的故障频繁发生。为保护海缆的安全,在目前的经济技术条件下,建议选择休渔期时进行路由调查,在捕捞活动的频繁区,选择双层铠装型(DA)的海底光缆,并适当加大埋设深度,以降低渔业活动对海底光缆工程的影响。实践表明,将海底光缆埋设深度增加至3.0 m以上,可有效地保护海底光缆的安全。  相似文献   

海底塌陷凹坑是黄河三角洲地区常见的一种地貌现象,广泛分布于近代沉积海床中。虽然目前海底塌陷凹坑形成机理尚未明确,但普遍认为其成因与波浪引起的海床渗流有关。为此,设计模拟波压力的实验装置,对粉土施加40kPa循环水压荷载,研究正常固结粉土在液化渗流条件下的侵蚀过程。试验过程中,粉土液化时产生2种不同的裂隙,即倾斜状的"干裂隙"和水平状的"水夹层";孔隙水从"水夹层"中渗出,把从土样侧壁冲刷下的物质运移至土样表面堆积,形成"泥火山"。试验表明,土体内气泡溢出对表层土的侵蚀具有强化作用;循环荷载产生的孔隙水压力梯度是粉土液化渗流动力,而渗流过程对土的粒径成分具有粗化作用;分析结果表明,波压力引起的海床渗流是长效的作用机制,不同于地震荷载引起的渗流侵蚀。这种侵蚀模式是海底塌陷凹坑形成的主要原因。  相似文献   

在总结了目前海底底质分类研究的基础之上,率先提出利用计算机数值模拟技术对海底底质进行分类识别研究。相较于目前海底底质分类研究中所使用的水槽实验法,提出采用计算机数值正演技术模拟实际地震勘探中数据采集过程。在分类识别算法上,分别采用支持向量机(SVM)和模糊C均值聚类(FCM)算法对采集的数据进行分类,为使支持向量机分类识别率达到最大,引入差分进化算法对支持向量机中关键参数进行最优化搜索,并研究了向原始地震记录中加入10%,30%,50%的高斯白噪音时算法的稳定性。在分析了这两种算法分类识别的正确率及其各自的优缺点后,提出了海底底质分类识别的两步法,即(1)先利用模糊C均值聚类进行一粗糙的预测分类,在每一类中挑选聚类性较好的数据作为支持向量机的训练样本;(2)将上一步中筛选的样本作为支持向量机的训练样本,并用差分进化算法优化支持向量机分类参数,再利用训练好的支持向量机对其余数据做预测分类。鉴于计算机数值模拟的可重复性、高效快速性及本文提出的模糊C均值聚类-支持向量机方法的鲁棒性,为便于开展进一步研究,归纳总结了一套行之有效的采用计算机数值模拟技术开展海底底质分类识别研究的一般化流程。  相似文献   

海底地形不易进行实地探测及核实,海底地形格网数据产品精度指标的确定不具备实地核实的条件,为了确定海底地形格网数据精度指标,通过大量的数据实验,分析得出单位面积内,一定比例的极值水深差值的平均值与海底地形之间有一定的线性关系,从而提出了通过单位面积水深插值来划分海底地形的一种量化方式,并依据实验数据,分析误差规律,给出了海底地形格网数据中误差的精度指标及方法。  相似文献   

夹具维修技术目前已经成熟地应用在陆地和海底油气管道维修作业中。根据夹具维修技术在海底油气管道的应用情况,介绍了海底管道夹具维修方法。针对海底油气管道维修技术中的关键部件海底管道夹具,依据不同密封形式,对"国外夹具"设备性能进行了介绍,并分析了海底管道夹具设备研发设计需依据的标准、关键点,为海底管道夹具研发设计做参考。最后根据我国目前海底管道运行及建设情况,提出了开发海底管道夹具维修技术的建议。  相似文献   

Trenching depth calculation of traveling jet is a very important field in both pipeline burying and dredging engineering. The trenching ability of a noncontact control flow jet trencher was predicted by experimental method according to the geometry similarity. In the test, the jet pressure, the shear strength of clay, and the translational speed of nozzle were the same with the design parameters, while the nozzle was a reduced scale model. The trenching depth was found about seven to nine times of the nozzle’s diameter. The width of the trench was about four times of the nozzle’s diameter. Based on the test results the noncontact jet trencher was produced and succeeded in practical usage.  相似文献   

As there are no specific guidelines on design of subsea pipelines crossing active seismic faults, methods for land buried pipelines have been applied to. Taking the large seismic fault movement into account, this paper proposes improved methods for seismic designs of subsea pipelines by comprehensively investigating the real constraining of soil on the pipelines, the interaction processes of soil with the pipeline, the plastic slippage of the soil, and the elastic-plastic properties of the pipeline materials. New formulas are given to calculate the length of transition section and its total elongation. These formulas are more reasonable in mechanism, and more practical for seismic design of subsea pipelines crossing active faults.  相似文献   

海底管道开沟机械的技术经济性能评定与选型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对水下管道开沟机械的需求市场、实际应用和研制开发动向作深入调研的基础上,选择水下管道开沟机械特有的技术先进性、适用性、安全可靠性以及经济性评价指标,构造评价模型,对水下管道施工作业中广为应用的水力冲射开沟机械、海底管道犁、机械开沟机和土壤液化法埋管设备及其机型的技术经济性能作了较为详尽地分析对比及综合评价。在此基础上,笔者提出了水下管道开沟机械的一般选型原则和对我国海底管道开沟机械研究开发工  相似文献   

张力腿平台(TLP)水下丛式井口布局设计关系到立管服役期间的安全性,是含有丛式井口平台设计过程中考虑的主要因素。根据TLP立管安装、钻井以及防碰等要求,考虑尾流效应对丛式立管的影响,研究水下丛式井口布局设计准则,对丛式井口—立管系统进行碰撞分析以确定水下井口间距阈值,提出水下丛式井口圆形布局方法和相应的布局设计流程。通过算例对计算方法进行了具体运用。研究表明:与目前采用的"等边三角形网格"方法相比,水下丛式井口圆形布局方法可允许水下整体基盘安装位置误差达到水下井口间距阈值的20%,立管的最大倾角可达到0.5°,安装作业窗口增加1倍以上。本方法对水下整体基盘安装位置误差的容错能力强,能有效扩大丛式立管钻井和安装作业窗口,提高丛式立管作业安全性,研究结果可为TLP丛式井口的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

An industry accepted standard does not currently exist for determination of compression limits in a subsea cable. This has resulted in most manufacturers specifying that subsea cables are not permitted to be axially loaded in compression.Additionally industry guidance does not exist regarding the consequences of inducing compression forces within subsea cables and the resulting effect on cable integrity. Industry recommended practice and guidance also does not have any information regarding experimental test arrangements to determine allowable compression levels within a subsea cable. This lack of modelling/testing guidance along with manufacturer recommendations of zero compressive loads within subsea cables results in overly conservative and restrictive design parameters for subsea cable installation and use.Due to the complex interaction within a subsea cable structure, such as contact interaction and friction between cable strands, theoretical modelling has been unable to provide reliable stress predictions and therefore an experimental testing regime is required if compression limits within the cable are to be appropriately determined. This paper describes combined axial and bending test arrangements that can be used as a guideline for determination of allowable compression limits for subsea cables.  相似文献   

Application of Atomic Force Microscopy to Observation of Marine Bacteria   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a recently developed, bench-top instrument that can image the surface structures of biological specimens at high resolution with simultaneous measurement of their size. This paper describes the application of AFM to marine bacteria. Both natural and cultured bacteria were retained on a filter or placed on glass, washed, air-dried and observed by AFM. The instrumental condition, the choice of suitable filter, effect of fixation and filtration, comparison with epifluorescent microscopic (EFM) count, and the size and shape of bacterial cells were investigated. An Isopore filter was best for concentration and subsequent observation because of its surface flatness. Cross section images showed that both rod and coccoid cells were flattened, the former usually having a two-humped shape. Bacterial cells were differentiated from non-living particles based on their cross section shape and size. Bacterial counts by AFM and EFM showed good agreement. Although size measurement is easily done by the instrument, AFM tends to overestimate the size of microspheres. More work is thus needed on the size measurement of living organisms. Because AFM easily provides images of natural bacterial cells at high magnification, it can be used as a new tool to study the fine structures of marine bacteria. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this paper, the movements of the analytical models of complete underwater tracked vehicle (UTV) and cutter bar (CB) tool systems on a surface as well as their movements up and down a slope in the up-cutting mode operation are fully studied and analyzed. First, the mathematical expression of the mechanics, for which the forces, moments, and energy from the CB to the UTV are analyzed, is related. Next, analyses on the systemic parameters and their sensitivity are conducted to observe the variations of the operational and geometric parameters, as well as the cutter-tool and material-condition effects on the force, moment, and power components. Also, a design process composed of seven typical steps is proposed as the reference of a trencher-machine design. The important design parameters of the trenching machine such as the length of the CB, the nose radius of the CB, and the height of the pivot point are designed according to the proposed design process; furthermore, these parameters are used for the estimation of the slope-angle range when the trencher system is working on the slope. To demonstrate the application of derived equations to practical problems of the machine design, a number of numerical simulations are performed. Through the numerical simulations, the important parameters of the system such as the tangential force, Ft, the tractive thrust, H, the normal reaction, V, the cutting moment, Mc, the maximum carrier weight, W, and the available power are analyzed. From these, as a reference data for the designing of a trencher machine, the previous design of the system can be improved.  相似文献   

刘润  刘孟孟  杨树耕 《海洋学报》2016,38(3):131-144
防沉板基础是水下井口、管汇节点与管汇终端等的永久支撑结构,其承受的荷载具有明显的复杂性、非线性和不确定性,给防沉板基础的稳定性研究带来了巨大挑战。本文研究了在剪切强度随深度线性增长的不排水饱和软黏土中,相同用钢量条件下矩形、方形、六边形和圆形防沉板基础的承载特性。采用数值模拟方法确定了竖向荷载V、水平向荷载H(Hx、Hy)、弯矩荷载M(Mx、My)和扭矩荷载T联合作用下,防沉板基础在V-H、V-M、V-T、Hx-Hy、Mx-My、T-H和T-M荷载空间的地基承载力包络线,并建立了相应的拟合公式。研究表明,不同的基础形状对其承载力影响显著,当V较大时,适宜选用圆形基础;当H较为显著时,应选用矩形或方形基础;圆形、方形和矩形基础的抗弯特性分别适用于不同条件下M为主控荷载的情况;当T的影响不可忽视时,矩形或方形基础为首选形式,六边形和圆形基础次之。  相似文献   

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