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本文探讨了海底水力冲射开沟机械总体设计主要参数的计算方法及确定原则。基中包括作业水深,挖掘射水压力、流量,气举排泥风压、风量,水举排泥射冲射泵面积比,喷头的直径与数量,脐带软管直径,排泥角,主跨度,橇板尺度,开沟速度,牵引力和整机重量等。  相似文献   

鉴于海底浅表层软黏土强度测试精细化程度不足的现状,引入流体测试中的流变仪,对青岛海域海底浅表层软黏土开展多组原状和重塑试样的不排水剪切强度试验,通过对比静力触探和微型十字板测试结果,验证了流变仪测试方法的有效性。基于流变仪试验结果,揭示了海底软黏土原状和重塑状态下不排水剪切破坏模式,探讨了海底软黏土不排水剪切强度和灵敏度随埋深及液性指数的发展演变趋势,评价了软黏土的结构性特征。最后,引入含水率与液限之比对海底浅表层软黏土重塑不排水剪切强度进行了归一化分析,为近海海洋开发活动提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

水力冲射开沟机械是使用最早、最普遍的海底施工机械。作者评述了海底水力冲射开沟机械的主要类型特征和技术水平之后,分别对海底施工环境条件及开沟设备自身影响水力开沟作业效率的主要因素进行了详尽地分析。最后,初步探讨了提高水力冲射开沟机械作业效率的措施及水力冲射开沟机械施工的适用原则。  相似文献   

总结了国外海底犁式开沟机技术进展,海底犁式开沟机可分为"V"型开沟犁和矩形开沟犁两种,"V"型开沟犁开沟截面面积较大,沟槽截面形状为V型,适合与海底管道埋设,其回填方式有专门回填犁回填和回填模块回填两种。矩形开沟犁开沟面积较小,截面狭长且为矩形,多适用于海底电缆埋设。其土壤排出方式有垂向排土和侧向挤压排土两种,沟槽靠重力自动回填。犁式开沟机开沟速度快,造价相对较低,目前正在朝大型化、模块化发展。开沟犁的关键技术包括犁式开沟机的开沟阻力减小方法以及在崎岖海底地形上开沟时的开沟深度稳定性等,这也是目前研究的重点。对国外犁式开沟机技术的总结,对开沟犁设计和海上施工作业有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

黏性泥沙在黄河水下三角洲广泛分布,其在外部载荷作用下易引发泥沙淤积、冲刷、海床流化等问题,对港口、航道、海底管线等工程设施构成巨大威胁。利用黄河水下三角洲埕岛海域所取海底表层沉积物,制备不同固结时间和不同含水率的高浓度黏性泥沙样品。采用R/S流变仪,对所制备高浓度黏性泥沙样品进行全剪切速率下的流变试验,分析黄河水下三角洲高浓度黏性泥沙流变特性及含水率和固结时间对流变特性的影响。结果表明,高浓度黏性泥沙在剪切荷载作用下流化失稳,发生相态转化;屈服应力在固结120 min后增加了35%;含水率50%以上高浓度黏性泥沙在高剪切速率下表现出剪切增稠行为,且随含水率增加剪切增稠行为越明显;Power模型适用于含水率大于50%的高浓度黏性泥沙在高剪切速率下的流变行为。本研究可为海底黏性泥沙运动过程数值模拟与海底重力流等灾害预测提供参考。  相似文献   

利用在渤海湾北部取得的大量海底表层样、原状箱式样和柱状岩心样品,通过现场十字板剪切试验和室内土工试验得出研究区海底表层土的各项物理力学性质和抗剪强度指标.研究表明,研究区的表层沉积物主要有砂-粉砂-黏土、黏土质粉砂、粉砂、砂质粉砂、粉砂质砂、砂及砾砂7种.根据表层沉积物的不排水抗剪强度,发现研究区中部表层土的抗剪强度明...  相似文献   

基于海底管线周围流场复杂,管线运行过程中易于出现冲刷悬空破坏等诸多特征。本文根据导流板作用下海底管线的冲刷防护机理,提出了一种透空导流板与海底管线结合的防冲刷措施。通过量纲分析得到了影响海底管线冲刷深度的无量纲公式,并通过物理模型试验,研究了单向流作用时,不同流速、不同管孔比、不同透水比的工况下透空导流板对海底管线的冲刷防护的影响。研究发现,由于透空导流板的存在,泥沙受到的推移力减小,导致泥沙淤积,海底管线的冲坑深度小于无导流板防护的冲坑深度,透空导流板防护的管线最大冲刷深度在管轴线前0.3 D处,且在管线下方冲刷坑深度明显减小。基于试验资料分析,拟合得到了平衡冲刷深度的计算公式,其公式与实测资料拟合较好,说明该公式具有较好的适用性。  相似文献   

海底管道开沟机械的技术经济性能评定与选型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对水下管道开沟机械的需求市场、实际应用和研制开发动向作深入调研的基础上,选择水下管道开沟机械特有的技术先进性、适用性、安全可靠性以及经济性评价指标,构造评价模型,对水下管道施工作业中广为应用的水力冲射开沟机械、海底管道犁、机械开沟机和土壤液化法埋管设备及其机型的技术经济性能作了较为详尽地分析对比及综合评价。在此基础上,笔者提出了水下管道开沟机械的一般选型原则和对我国海底管道开沟机械研究开发工  相似文献   

刘书杰  何连  刘正  包兴先  王腾 《海洋科学》2023,47(10):25-31
深水井口导管在黏土中的贯入阻力与导管土体界面的黏性摩擦系数密切相关。在导管安装过程中,管土界面会产生大位移剪切,使得导管-黏土界面剪切力产生退化。本文针对传统剪切试验装置小位移剪切的限制,无法正确描述井口导管贯入时导管-黏土界面大位移剪切时的退化机理,采用GDS多功能界面剪切试验仪在恒应力条件下进行大位移单调剪切试验,研究法向应力对导管管土界面摩擦退化机理的影响规律。试验结果表明,大位移单调剪切时,界面剪应力随剪切位移先增大后减小,最终趋于稳定,界面表现出剪应力退化现象,随着法向应力的增大界面峰值应力与残余应力均增大;土样法向位移随着剪切位移、法向应力的增加而增大最终趋于稳定。最后在对试验数据分析的基础上,基于剪应力随无量纲位移的退化规律,提出了界面剪应力随累积位移退化的计算方法。并结合算例对比分析了井口导管在贯入80 m深度处,由于界面摩擦退化效应导致导管贯入阻力降低了28.48%。  相似文献   

通过对莺歌海中部区域调查资料的研究发现,该研究区存在起伏不平的硬质海底。多波束测深和旁侧声呐资料显示,其反射强度明显或略微强于周围底质,区域分布呈现不均匀性。硬质海底集中分布于地形等深线舌状体附近。地层剖面资料表明,硬质海底区域与浅部地层结构密切相关,即与A层很薄或者缺失而直接裸露B层有着密切关联。地质取样结果显示,A层土质为非常软的褐灰色黏土,下伏B层为硬到坚硬的棕黄色粉质黏土(代表氧化沉积环境)。进一步研究表明,硬质海底区主要分布于埋藏古河道/古湖沼区域外、距离较近的边缘地带,二者呈现一定的相关性,证明了硬质海底区域为海退时期地层裸露而形成。通过对硬质海底特征的认识,分析、探讨其成因和工程影响,对海底管道路由设计、施工、维护运营,自升式钻井船插桩就位以及抛锚稳定性等具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

The performance of traveling jet trenching in stiff clay was tested. All the key parameters varied in the experiment, including the jet velocity, the shear strength of clay, the diameter of the nozzle, and the translational velocity of the nozzle. The jet–soil interface was found to be an arc. An equation was given to describe the interface. On the basis of the erosion failure mechanism, a new method is presented for predicting jet trenching depth. We first calculated the trajectory of the jet–soil interface and then predicted the distribution of the boundary layer shear stress along the jet–soil interface. The point where the wall shear stress was equal to the critical shear strength of clay was the ultimate trenching depth. The predictive results were found to fit the experimental results well.  相似文献   

Trenching depth calculation of traveling jet is a very important field in both pipeline burying and dredging engineering. The trenching ability of a noncontact control flow jet trencher was predicted by experimental method according to the geometry similarity. In the test, the jet pressure, the shear strength of clay, and the translational speed of nozzle were the same with the design parameters, while the nozzle was a reduced scale model. The trenching depth was found about seven to nine times of the nozzle’s diameter. The width of the trench was about four times of the nozzle’s diameter. Based on the test results the noncontact jet trencher was produced and succeeded in practical usage.  相似文献   

Most offshore and coastal structures are supported by pile foundations, which are subjected to large lateral loads due to wind, wave, and water currents. Water currents can induce scouring around piles that reduces lateral capacity and increases lateral deflection of a pile. Current design methods mostly consider the complete removal of soil layers around piles by scouring. In reality, however, scouring creates scour holes at different shapes, sizes, and depths. Their effects on the behavior of laterally loaded piles are not well investigated. A numerical model of a single pile in soft marine clay was first calibrated against field test data without scour. Then several key factors of scour were analyzed, such as the depth, width, and slope of the scour hole and the diameter and head fixity of the pile. The relationships of the ultimate lateral capacity of the single pile with the depth, width, and slope angle of the scour hole were obtained. The numerical results show that the scour depth had more significant influence on the pile lateral capacity than the scour width. In addition, the pile with a free head was more sensitive to scour than the pile with a fixed head.  相似文献   

This study investigates the topographic deformation due to the erosion of a sand bed impinged by a moving submerged turbulent round jet in a large-scale laboratory. The test conditions represent the case of discharges beneath a vessel while operating in water with a limited clearance such as a shallow navigation channel. The jet moves horizontally and discharges water vertically downward towards the bed. The distance between the jet nozzle and the bed equals six times the jet diameter so the jet flow is in the potential core region. The speed of the jet horizontal motion was varied to examine its effect on the scour profile. The characteristic lengths of the scour profile in the asymptotic state were determined by modifying the empirical formulas in Aderibigbe and Rajaratnam [1996. Erosion of loose beds by submerged circular impinging vertical turbulent jets. Journal of Hydraulic Research 34(1), 19–33]. The maximum scour depth, the scour hole radius, and the ridge height were found to be a function of the ratio of the jet exit to jet translation velocities and were modeled using a hyperbolic function. Empirical equations describing the scour profile were developed and the scour profile was found to be self-similar when normalized by appropriate length scales.  相似文献   

Experimental investigations are carried out on wave-induced pressures and uplift forces on a submarine pipeline (exposed, half buried and fully buried) in clayey soil of different consistency index both in regular and random waves. A study on scour under the pipeline resting on the clay bed is also carried out. It is found that the uplift force can be reduced by about 70%, if the pipeline is just buried in clay soil. The equilibrium scour depth below the pipeline is estimated as 42% of the pipe diameter for consistency index of 0.17 and is 34% of the pipe diameter for consistency index of 0.23. The results of the present investigations are compared with the results on sandy soil by Cheng and Liu (Appl. Ocean Res., 8(1986) 22) to acknowledge the benefit of cohesive soil in reducing the high pore pressure on buried pipeline compared to cohesionless soil.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case history of geotextile-reinforced dry cover placement on a reclaimed clay deposit treated by progressive trenching method. In order to investigate the effects of the cover material's characteristic of ensuring trafficability with respect to bearing failure and ground deformation, two types of covers were considered in pilot tests: a layer of weathered granite soil cover and a layer of weathered granite soil over stiff crushed stone. A number of in-situ plate load tests were conducted for various cover conditions to assess the bearing capacity of the reclaimed deposit and to determine the thickness and material compositions that satisfy the bearing capacity requirement. In full-scale pilot tests for cover placement, field monitoring was carried out for the surface settlement and pore pressure that developed in the reclaimed clay layer. The results of plate-loading tests and monitoring during staged cover placements are discussed and compared using numerical predictions obtained from both finite element analyses and undrained stability analyses. The comparison results showed that the drainage condition of the ground surface facing the dry cover is strongly related to the ground response and stability.  相似文献   

The obstruction to flow around a pile placed in an erodible seabed causes scour leading to changes in the bed elevation in the vicinity of the pile. In the present investigation, scour around piles induced by the seabed current has been studied in a wave flume using model piles of diameters 50, 90 and 110 mm embedded in a silty clay soil bed. The particulate movement due to scour is time dependent and in case of sediments with particle sizes ranging upto clay fractions, the measurement of scour becomes extremely difficult. This paper presents a simplified experimental technique for the measurement of scour depth with time around a pile foundation in a silty clay soil.  相似文献   

Stability of many ocean structures is affected by seabed scour induced by under-currents. The depth of scour is an important parameter for determining the minimum depth of foundations as it reduces the lateral capacity of the foundations. A review of the literature reveals that there is not much information available in the field of scour in cohesive soils. Hence, a detailed laboratory testing programme on model piles of diameters 50 mm to 110 mm embedded in soft silty clay soil was carried out in a wave flume of 30 m long, 2.0 m wide and 1.7 m deep, which has the capability of simulating steady currents. Scour around the pile due to steady streaming is monitored by using special instrumentation. A procedure has been suggested to predict the ultimate scour depths based on the observed variation in scour depth over a limited time period. The study indicates that the ultimate scour depth is controlled by diameter of obstruction, current velocity, model Reynolds number, flow Froude number, shear stress, and soil characteristics. Based on these results, a few functional relationships are suggested between scour depth and other parameters like Reynolds number, Froude number, and strength of the soil bed.  相似文献   

The scour hole around a pile will reduce the capacity of a laterally loaded pile. The strain wedge model is capable to derive a py curve for the analysis of a lateral loaded pile on a nonlinear Winkler foundation. To improve and extend the ability of the strain wedge method, a modified strain wedge (MSW) method is developed, in which a nonlinear lateral deflection of the pile is assumed to describe the varied soil strain distribution in the passive wedge. And then by treating the soil weight involved in the strain wedge as a vertical load at the bottom of the scour hole, an equivalent wedge depth is obtained to consider the effect of scour hole dimensions on the response of laterally loaded piles in sand. The validity of the MSW model is proved by comparisons with a centrifuge test without scour. And its applicability in the problem of a pile with scour is performed by a comparison with a model test and a FE analysis. The analysis shows the pile displacement at the pile head with scour can be obtained by multiplying the corresponding deflection without scour with an amplification factor related to scour depth at large load level.  相似文献   

要研究波流共同作用下桩墩的基础冲刷问题,首先需要了解水流和波浪单独作用下桩墩冲刷的机理和特征。针对波、流及其共同作用下桩墩的局部冲刷问题,从流速、水深、桩径、波长、波高、相对底层流速、粒径和粒径级配等方面系统地简述了恒定流、波浪和波流作用下桩、墩局部冲刷的研究进展。根据实验资料比较了各家经典计算公式的计算结果发现我国规范65-1式计算值偏大,65-2式计算值偏小等结论。桩墩局部冲刷是一个复杂的过程,今后可以针对淤泥质海岸底床、粉沙质海岸底床、复杂桩群结构、物理模型比尺效应、非恒定水动力条件、复杂基础形式方面对波流作用下基础冲刷的最大冲刷深度、冲刷过程、冲刷范围进行研究,以弥补桩墩局部冲刷在这些方面的不足。  相似文献   

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