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中华绒螯蟹( Eriocheir sinensis) 幼蟹上岸病的免疫学研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
对患上岸病幼蟹和正常幼蟹体内的超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)、过氧化氢酶 (CAT)、溶菌酶活性及丙二醛含量等几项免疫学指标的测定和比较 ,探讨幼蟹上岸死亡疾病的病因。结果表明 ,患病幼蟹自由基的代谢出现紊乱 ,清除自由基的能力较正常幼蟹显著下降 ,其中超氧化物歧化酶及过氧化氢酶的活性极显著低于正常幼蟹 (P <0 .0 1 )。而在反映自由基损伤程度的丙二醛含量上 ,患病幼蟹极显著高于正常幼蟹 (P <0 .0 1 ) ;患病幼蟹的溶菌酶活性显著低于对照组 (P <0 .0 5 )。研究表明 ,大量自由基的积累对幼蟹的组织或器官造成了损伤 ,同时也降低了机体的免疫能力 ,从而导致了幼蟹上岸病的发生  相似文献   

本文对中华绒螯蟹亲蟹的选择,促产以及亲蟹培育,幼体培育,环境控制,饵料投喂及病害防治等技术进行了探讨。  相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹三倍体群体早期生长及营养的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
将中华绒螯蟹三倍体大眼幼体群体 (三倍体率 64.38% )在池塘中养殖 ,对其早期生长及营养进行测定。结果表明 ,从三倍体群体自身的生长状况看 ,放养后 68— 78天是整个测量期间三倍体群体生长最快的阶段 ,其中壳长增长显著 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,壳宽和体重的增加极显著 (P <0 .0 1 )。与二倍体群体相比 ,放养后 68— 1 0 6天 ,三倍体群体在壳长、壳宽、体重上都表现出明显的生长优势 (P <0 .0 1 )。三倍体幼蟹蟹体氨基酸总量高于正常二倍体幼蟹 ,必需氨基酸中苏氨酸、苯丙氨酸、缬氨酸、亮氨酸、精氨酸、异亮氨酸、组氨酸和赖氨酸的含量高于二倍体 ,而蛋氨酸的含量则低于二倍体幼蟹。蟹体中不饱和脂肪酸所占比例三倍体幼蟹低于正常二倍体 ,EPA、DHA及多不饱和脂肪酸所占的比例也低于二倍体。结果表明 ,三倍体幼蟹的生长比正常二倍体具有优势 ,并且在营养组成上也和二倍体有所差异。  相似文献   

2000年3月30日至5月6日,首次在低洼盐碱地进行了塑料大棚培育五期幼蟹试验。经过37天精心培育,在200m^2的土池中,1.5kg、19.5万只大眼幼体育出五期幼蟹36.7kg、8.81万只,蟹苗增重倍数24.5,成活率45.2%。实验的成功对于洼区解决蟹苗来源、推广河蟹养殖,改善养殖结构,提高经济效益将起到积极作用。  相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹幼蟹维生素C营养需求研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在每100g等氮、等能纯化饲料中分别添加0,100,200,400,800,1 000mg维生素C(Vc)多聚磷酸酯(LAPP),用这样配制成的试验饲料饲喂已淡化5d的河蟹大眼幼体及后续幼蟹25d,探讨Vc对大眼幼体和幼蟹生长、存活、蜕壳频率及抗逆性的影响,同时探明幼蟹对Vc的适宜需求量,结果表明,饲料Vc添加量为100~400mg/100g时,可以保证幼蟹正常生长、存活和蜕皮,尤其以投喂添加Vc200mg/100g(C2组)和400mg/100g(C3组)饲料的Ⅲ期幼蟹增重率、存活率和平均蜕皮频率较高,其中C2组(上述各指标值)分别为516.18%,62.83%,2.58,C3组分别为458.89%,66.17%,2.61;饲料中缺少Vc时(如C0组),Ⅲ期幼蟹的增重率、存活率和平均蜕皮频率最低,分别为265.31%,26.67%和2.26.饲料中Vc的添加量达到800mg/100g(C4)和1 000mg/100g(C5)时,幼蟹的蜕皮反而受到抑制,平均蜕皮频率降低,蜕皮周期延长,且存活率降低,到Ⅲ期幼蟹的增重率、存活率和平均蜕皮频率在C4组分别为355.7%,31.33%,2.39,在C5组分别为307.53%,28.56%,2.19.此外,各处理组幼蟹对抗逆性影响的试验表明,在一定的范围内,饲料中添加Vc能提高幼蟹的耐低氧能力和耐pH突变能力,而对耐盐度突变能力没有明显的影响.综合上述结果可以得出,为保持幼蟹良好生产性能,饲料中添加的Vc?  相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹不同发育阶段腹肢粘液腺同工酶的比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳方法对中华绒螯蟹不同发育阶段(幼蟹、未成熟蟹、成熟蟹及抱卵蟹)腹肢粘液腺的乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、醇脱氢酶(ADH)、苹果酸脱氢酶(MDH)、过氧化物酶(POD)、酯酶(EST)及淀粉酶(AMY)等同工酶进行研究。结果表明不同发育阶段中华绒螯蟹腹肢粘液腺中,LDH同工酶的表达较稳定,均只有一条酶带,酶活性呈逐步减弱趋势,至抱卵蟹时活性又增强;ADH同工酶在不同发育阶段酶带数及酶活性也呈减少趋势,至抱卵蟹时又重新增加;MDH同工酶有m-MDH和s-MDH两种类型,其比值随发育阶段不同有一定变化;不同发育阶段POD同工酶活性均较弱;EST同工酶至抱卵蟹时酶带数最多,活性相对最强;AMY同工酶随不同发育阶段,酶带数及酶活性呈逐步复杂趋势。  相似文献   

1993年,苍南县水产局从三疣梭子蟹(Portunustrituberculatus Miers)幼蟹开始,经苗种培育和养成两个阶段,完成整个池塘养殖试验过程。1材料与方法1.1试验场地苍南县沿浦镇沿浦村对虾场1号塘,面积10667m2(16亩)。设闸门一处,大潮汛直接进、排海水,小潮依靠抽水机改善水质。水位可保持1~1.5m。在该塘内侧原高坡面修建一口长38.6m,宽12.15m大规格蟹种养成塘,编号为2。塘水进出通过1m宽的缺口,与大塘相通。水位达0.6~0.7m。又在大塘中,以网片围成无底…  相似文献   

2000年笔者在日照市水产研究所利用1450m^3水进行梭子蟹全人工工厂化育苗生产,共出Ⅱ-Ⅲ期幼蟹512.7万只,创造了出苗量为3500只/m^3,总产值为150多万元的直接经济效益,同时对幼体培育的密度进行了初步试验,结果表明:从Z1至M期幼体培育密度10-15万/m^3为宜,M期以后密度以0.8-1.5万/m^3为宜。  相似文献   

本文报道了17α-甲基睾丸酮和17β-雌二醇两种外源类固醇激素对中华绒螯蟹幼蟹精巢发育的影响。17α-甲基睾丸酮可促进中华绒螯蟹幼蟹精巢发育,即精巢指数增大、加快精子的形成;17β-雌二醇对上述指标有抑制作用;酒精则对其无影响。  相似文献   

本文对中华绒螯蟹亲蟹的选择、促产以及亲蟹培育、幼体培育、环境控制、饵料投喂及病害防治等技术进行了探讨.  相似文献   

Studiesoninfluenceofdietondryweightandchemicalelement(C,H,N)contentoflarvalScyllaserrata¥//INTRODUCTIONScyllaserrata,animport...  相似文献   

1997年5月至9月25日,在山东省禹城市辛店洼进行了罗氏沼虾养殖实验。0.109公顷的池塘,放罗氏沼虾苗2.0万尾,鲢乌仔5000尾,在于旱无引黄水的情况下,用生物、物理和化学方法和水质进行综合调控,并精心管理,养殖130天,产沼虾89.6kg。鲢133.3kg,以及部分鲤鲫鱼。每公顷纯利用31723.4元,沼虾产量822.0kg。并总结了一套适合渍涝洼地的氏罗沼虾养殖新技术。  相似文献   

三疣梭子蟹与凡纳滨对虾混养实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用海水陆基围隔实验方法探讨三疣梭子蟹和凡纳滨对虾混养的适宜配比和水环境的变化,并比较其养殖效果.实验中对虾6个放养密度分别为0,15,45,75,105,135 尾/m~2;三疣梭子蟹的密度为6尾/m~2.实验结果表明,经过60 d的养殖,混养组梭子蟹的成活率、规格和净产量均优于梭子蟹单养组,其中,混养对虾密度为45尾/m~2组(45.71%,43.22 g/ind,1 191 kg/hm~2)最高,其次是75尾/m~2组(44.58%,39.13 g/ind,1 050 kg/hm~2),梭子蟹单养组(35.13%,32.87 g/ind,693 kg/hm~2)最低.混养6尾/m~2密度梭子蟹条件下,对虾的养成规格和成活率与对虾密度呈负相关.实验后期各混养组水体中总氨氮、亚硝酸盐、硝酸盐和总氮含量均显著高于单养组,且随对虾放养密度增高显著上升.水体总氨氮含量各混养组在养殖50 d后均超过500 μg/L.本实验表明:三疣梭子蟹与凡纳滨对虾混养的最佳配比为三疣梭子蟹6尾/m~2,对虾45~75尾/m~2.  相似文献   

锯缘青蟹秋苗土池越冬的试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王桂忠  林琼武 《台湾海峡》1998,17(4):468-472
本文报道1993和1994年秋季作者培育的部分锯缘青蟹仔蟹苗土池越冬试验。结果表明人工培育的青蟹苗在闽南地区的自然条件下,可以在室外土池完全越科,成活率可达60-80%,水温是影响青蟹生命活动的主要因素;由于越冬期间青蟹营养积累不足,导致难以顺利地完成越冬后的第一次生长蜕壳,造成大量死亡,这是影响青蟹越冬存活率的主要因素之一;越科后期病死青蟹肝胰组织进行涂片处理,发现6只受检蟹中2只肝胰组织中有日  相似文献   

Along the coastal areas of the Southwest Atlantic estuaries and embayments, phreatic water often circulates through very extended areas (up to several hundred meters perpendicular to the coast), dominated by dense assemblages of deep burrows of the crab Neohelice granulata (formerly Chasmagnathus granulatus). This crab inhabits the intertidal area, from mudflats to marshes vegetated by species of Spartina, Sarcocornia and Juncus, generating extensive burrowing beds where burrow density may reach up to 60 burrows m−2. Since the lower limit of the crab burrows is usually the water table, we investigated through field experiments the effect of N. granulata and their burrows on the chemical characteristics of this phreatic water. Water analysis from experimental (1) occupied burrows (with crabs), (2) unoccupied burrows (where crabs were excluded), and (3) sediment pore water show remarkable differences. Water oxygenation, and nitrate, ammonium and sulphate concentrations inside occupied burrows were higher than in the water inside unoccupied burrows or pore waters. Moreover, directed sampling of phreatic water entering and leaving the crab bed, shows that dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration is enhanced as the water crosses the crab bed. These results may be ascribed to the fact that in the salt marsh the crabs spend most of their time within burrows, where presumably they store food (plants) and defecate. These activities generate an area of accumulation of excrements and nutrients in different decomposition states. The present work shows a novel way by which bioturbating organisms can affect nutrients exportation from salt marshes to the open waters.  相似文献   

蟹类底栖动物对河口潮滩无机氮界面交换的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以长江河口的沿岸及岛屿潮滩高潮滩湿地为研究区域,结合现场调查和实验室模拟分析,初步研究了大型穴居底栖动物无齿相手蟹(Sesarma denaan)活动对长江口潮滩沉积物-水界面无机氮交换以及界面处氮的生物地球化学循环的影响。结果表明,高潮滩蟹类底栖动物活动对潮滩滩面地貌施加了显著的改造作用,蟹类活动较集中的地段,蟹洞覆盖率达到2%~3%,滩面掘出沉积物高达1~1.5 kg/m2。潮水淹没情况下,小范围内高密度的蟹类活动能通过机体排泄、加强沉积物再悬浮及促进沉积物-水界面溶质交换等方式致使沉积物出现三态无机氮的巨大释放。蟹类活动造成的洞穴结构及对沉积物的翻动混合能增加沉积物中的氧气含量,促进沉积物中有机氮的矿化和NH4 的释放,造成无机氮在沉积物中的剖面分布特征发生较大变化。  相似文献   

通过设置15℃、20℃、25℃、30℃4个干露温度梯度,检测不同发育阶段三疣梭子蟹幼体的露空时间、死亡率、含水量、失水率及体重消耗率等指标,分析干露温度、发育阶段与幼体死亡率的关系。结果表明,各发育阶段的幼体死亡率均随干露时间的增加而升高(P<0.05);不同温度条件下,Ⅰ期幼蟹(CⅠ)的含水量、失水率和体重消耗率均高于Ⅱ期幼蟹(CⅡ)(P<0.05);CⅡ20℃时的露空时间最长,为11h,半致死时间为7—8h;30℃时最短,为2h;CⅠ15℃时的露空时间最短,为0.5h;20℃时最长,为4h。相同温度下,幼体各发育阶段的耐干露能力为CⅡ>CⅠ>ZⅣ>ZⅢ=M。结果说明,温度≤15℃不利于幼体的存活,温度≥25℃干露耐受性降低。因此,20℃更有利于幼体获得长存活时间。  相似文献   

The mean effective fishing area (EFA) of a Japanese-type crab trap fishing for Geryon maritae on the northern South West African red-crab grounds was calibrated as 2 160 m2. The commercial fishery uses traps covered with 90-mm mesh. In order to be able to use the density results obtained by this survey from traps covered with 60-mm mesh, a preliminary mesh selectivity study was carried out. The carapace width at 50-per-cent retention for 90-mm mesh was estimated as 72 mm. Based on the EFA results, it seems that most commercial fishing takes place in areas of crab density varying between 46 and 231 crabs·ha?1, but that densities can reach ~510 crabs·ha?1. It is suggested that crab traps would fish more efficiently on the northern South West African crab grounds if longlines were set across the depth contours rather than in a longshore direction.  相似文献   

The density of red crab Geryon maritae between 18°00′ and 18°30′S and in depths of 350-1 000 m was quantitatively examined by photography. This area, estimated to be approximately 92 000 ha, is part of the commercial crab ground off South West Africa. The biomass of red crab, up to 55,5 kg·ha?1, is one of the highest recorded off the African coast for the species. Density of red crab was highest in depths exceeding 600 m, the greatest density (350,2 crabs·ha?1) being recorded in the 600-699 m depth zone. Another crab, Bathynectes piperitus, was also photographed in the shallower depths of the survey area (300-500 m), and some density estimates for this species at those depths are presented.  相似文献   

We investigated sources of inter-annual variability in larval supply to crab and sea urchin populations at Bodega Head and Point Reyes in northern California. During the spring and summer upwelling seasons of the years 1992 through 1997 we monitored the weekly settlement rates of nine species of crabs and two species of sea urchins. As observed in previous studies, daily values of alongshore windstress, temperature and salinity provided evidence for the poleward flow of relatively warm, low salinity water from south of Point Reyes, an apparent retention zone, during upwelling relaxation events. In years dominated by these events (1992, 1993, 1995 and 1996) we observed that alongshore windstress, temperature and salinity were coherent and temperature was significantly correlated with cancrid crab settlement. During these years the magnitude of cancrid crab settlement and the fraction of cancrid crabs relative to other crab species settling were high. Over four years of concurrent sampling there was consistently greater cancrid crab settlement at the Point Reyes site, within the retention zone, than at Bodega Head. Settlement of non-cancrid crabs (porcellanids, grapsids, pagurids and majids) was not as closely linked to intra-annual patterns of upwelling and relaxation, possibly due to the shorter seasonal availability of larvae allowing for the influence of fewer relaxation events. Settlement of this group among years was positively correlated with environmental indicators of strong seasonal upwelling; high salinity, Bakun upwelling index and low temperature. Sea urchin settlement events were observed in June and July of 1992, 1994 and 1997 during warming periods when salinity and temperature were increasing and alongshore windstress was low. Across the six years of the study, we found that cancrid crab larvae had a more even seasonal availability than larvae of non-cancrid species, which settled in greatest numbers during the early portion of the upwelling season. Sea urchins settled in greatest numbers during the later part of the upwelling season. Together these patterns demonstrate the taxon-specific way that inter-annual variability in larval supply is forced by the coincidence of larval availability with favorable physical transport mechanisms.  相似文献   

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