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为满足当前ADCP计量检定的迫切需求,根据ADCP在水池拖车试验检定时,换能器发射声波的主瓣、旁瓣与检定水池池壁、池底形成的几何关系,推导出了抑制旁瓣、不抑制旁瓣时检定水池的尺寸需求。以市场占有率最高的ADCP产品为研究对象,计算得出了不同工作频率ADCP对检定水池宽度和深度的理论值。导出的公式,进一步完善了ADCP计量检定的理论基础,为ADCP在室内可控环境下的检定规范制定及检定平台设施建设提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

计量检定和海上标校试验是目前船载观测设备在室内和室外开展测量精度评价的2种常用手段。为进一步推进我国计量检定和海上试验建设发展,文章系统归纳和总结室内计量检定和海上标校试验的原理、特点和工作现状,分析当前各自存在的问题,并提出具体建议。研究结果表明:军、地对于船载观测设备计量检定和海上标校试验的需求越来越迫切,我国虽已基本建成海洋设备计量技术规范体系,并强化海试全过程的质量控制,但仍存在计量标准、评价体系、维修保障和室外检定手段不足,海上试验环境和比测精度不确定以及缺少标准化海上试验设施和平台等问题;计量检定机构应综合分析计量要素的特点、社会效益和难易程度等,研究并制定行之有效的标准规范和保障措施;还应充分发挥海上试验的综合检验评价功能,研究完善比测校准方法,建设标准化的海上试验设施和平台。  相似文献   

文章基于压力式波潮仪的应用需求,根据压力式波潮仪的工作原理和量值溯源的基本方法,结合水位计(验潮仪)检定装置已有的技术和实践基础,通过对检定校准装置波浪垂向运动模拟方式、关键技术参数控制、建设工程设计和不确定度等主要内容进行分析,提出具有可行性的压力式波潮仪检定校准装置技术方案。  相似文献   

本文介绍了SLY_(1-1)型声学多普勒海流计的工作原理、仪器结构、电路设计、主要技术性能和仪器特点,叙述了仪器在检定水槽和海上的试验情况。  相似文献   

虚拟现实(VR)是典型的军民融合技术,在军民装备保障业务中应用广泛,可让用户熟练掌握高价值装备的操作和维修规程。为满足近年来国内海洋系统大量引进声学多普勒流速剖面仪(ADCP)装备在计量检定和维护保养等方面的迫切需求,文章从VR的技术定义和系统组成出发,总结ADCP国内计量检定和使用维护等保障工作的现状,并详细探讨利用VR技术构建ADCP仿真保障系统在ADCP保障业务中的可能应用和潜在价值,为我国ADCP保障业务的发展提供建议。  相似文献   

波浪测量仪器由于观测对象的随机性和本身工作原理的多样性,很难通过室内实验进行计量检定,而海上试验的进行通常采用仪器比测的方式开展,文中就波浪测量仪器进行实海况仪器比测试验的方法进行了研究和探讨。首先通过严格选取试验环境、选择合适的试验参照仪器并规定统一的试验方法和试验流程,确保比测试验获得的数据具有真实的可比性。然后进一步通过对试验数据的处理和分析,对波浪仪器的准确性、可靠性和稳定性等仪器性能进行了分析,以期对波浪仪器比测试验标准规范的建立提供理论参考。  相似文献   

针对浅地层剖面仪和侧扫声呐这2种声呐系统探讨性地提出了"两步法"的性能检测和评价方法:1)声学物理参数检测:分析了与浅地层剖面仪和侧扫声呐系统性能相关的关键声学物理参数(声源级、频率/频谱、脉冲长度、波束角或开角),并提出了在消声水池中测定这些参数的方法;2)实际探测性能评价:分析了与浅地层剖面仪和侧扫声呐系统性能相关的实际探测效果评价指标,并提出了通过海上试验来检测和评价这些指标的方法。最后对建设具备高效消声性能的大型试验水池,建设海底标准地层检测场和海底标准目标物检测场以真正实现设备性能的检定应做的后续工作进行了讨论。  相似文献   

简述了循环水槽的结构和技术指标,论述了循环水槽的技术指标能满足检定RCM4安德第流计流速传感器的技术要求。检定资料的采集和检定数据的处理方法,最后对使用中的RCM4海流计流速传感器检定和循环水槽的性能改造提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

多参数水质仪海上比测试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过试验场长期定点的海上比测试验,对国产多参数水质仪的工作稳定性、可靠性和现场可维修性进行全面客观的 评价。采用定期维护检定的YSI6600M型多参数水质仪作为比测水质仪,得出比测试验结果。在比测过程中定期采集水样, 通过国标法保证比测水质仪数据的准确性。试验结果表明该方法适用于多参数水质仪的定点长期比测,为国产水质仪在试验 场开展试验提供性能评价的依据。  相似文献   

pH(酸度)计检定装置是省级气象计量酸雨类检定项目中一项新建计量标准,在标准考核筹备中对计量标准考核规范和检定规程容易出现理解偏差和模糊点。根据酸度计工作原理,对新建标准准备中在标准器及配套设备、量值溯源及检定实验等方面易出现的技术问题进行了讨论分析,并提出了具体的解决方法。  相似文献   

In 2001 FAO published the “International Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing”. Based on this plan, national and supranational authorities have developed legislation to fight the so called IUU fishing. A key aspect of the legislation proposed so far is the mandatory recording of some data elements and the requirement that these data should be available for access through a traceability system. This article outlines a general framework for evaluation of these types of requirements, using a predictor-outcome N-way matrix. A “good practise” system is described, against which the existing systems and practises can be evaluated. The framework can be used to assess if the regulatory requirements ensure that the relevant IUU fishing identification data are made available, and it can also be used to evaluate the requirements imposed on the traceability system.  相似文献   

近海环境自动监测技术的若干发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着海洋开发的迅速发展和海洋可持续利用问题的提上议程,人们对近海环境自动监测技术提出了一系列的新要求,本文分析了这种客观需求的拉动下,90年代国外在海洋力学同步观测方面,在悬浮泥沙综合测量方面,在海洋污染连续监测方面取得了新进展,同时介绍了我国在“国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划).海洋领域.海洋监测技术主题(818)”中相应开展的研究工作。  相似文献   

Private enumeration of landings data and traceability is an emerging phenomena in developing world tuna fisheries. The general goal of these systems is to facilitate compliance with mandatory market requirements such as the European Union’s Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fisheries regulation, as well as support aspirations for voluntary requirements such as the Marine Stewardship Council. The long-term success of these systems appears to be dependent on their ability to complement and extend government data and information systems. Developing and maintaining the credibility of these voluntary private enumeration and traceability systems requires strong market incentives as well as strong state support and assurance. If this credibility can be maintained private fisheries information systems may provide a promising basis for innovative stock assessment and management approaches relevant for complex developing world fisheries such as tuna.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2003,46(6-7):487-505
The European Commission supports the development of a European Virtual Coastal and Marine Data Warehouse called CoastBase that aims to improve data and information search and exchange. This paper discusses a study of user requirements and defines relevant and obtainable data and information within the CoastBase project. Thematic as well as technical considerations were taken into account in the study. CoastBase aims to satisfy a variety of users. Potential users interested in data and information on various aggregation levels are represented within the CoastBase consortium. They described their requirements, initially unguided but later guided by a few broad questions about their present work and about the potential role of CoastBase in facilitating it. The results were grouped and summarised. Institutional user groups were formed based on the focus of the organisations on European, regional, national, and local issues, respectively. Individual users were grouped according to their function as Decision & policy maker, Policy advisor & project manager, Researcher, or Database administrator & programmer, respectively. The study has shown that the individual user groups in particular differed in their preferences for aggregation level of the data and information to be extracted from CoastBase. Implications, in the form of envisioned dissimilar use of the CoastBase system are discussed. Both institutional and individual users had different preferences for topic and geographical area to be covered in the CoastBase prototype. However, the study provided a useful synthesis for discussion in plenary, and led to identification of two thematic scenarios for development of the prototype, which are Eutrophication in the North Sea, and Planning in the North Sea and Mediterranean coastal zone. In addition, a comprehensive list of requirements and recommendations for the technical development and evaluation of the system had been compiled from the user requirements. This list, which was approved by the consortium, is included in the paper.  相似文献   

郭荣武  庄年 《海岸工程》2011,30(2):22-29
在对预应力设计基本要求及布束原则、预应力设计的理论依据及预应力筋布置形式分析的基础上,对大跨径预应力混凝土连续刚构桥的预应力钢束配置进行了研究,通过已建连续刚构桥得出预应力钢束的用量,并通过有限元程序对所得数据进行验证分析,得出了一些规律和结论,可以作为同类桥梁的设计参考.  相似文献   

电热板加热消解法和微波消解法是目前海洋沉积物样品消解的常用方法。为了比较这两种处理方法对检测结果准确性的影响程度,文章依据《测量不确定度的评定与表示》技术规定中的相关要求对海洋沉积物中铜含量测定过程中采取的两种消解方法进行了不确定度评定与对比,建立了模型,并对各不确定度分量进行分析和量化,计算出两种消解方法测量沉积物中铜含量的相对合成不确定度分别为0.06721和0.04033,扩展不确定度分别为4.0mg/kg和2.4mg/kg。通过比较两种消解方法对测定结果不确定度的贡献,发现微波消解法明显优于电热板加热法。  相似文献   

为了分析校核全钛海洋资料浮标的整体结构及拖曳强度,本文依据相关标准规范计算了全钛海洋资料浮标作业工况和极限工况下所受的风、浪、砰击载荷,利用有限元方法对全钛海洋资料浮标进行了整体及拖曳强度计算分析。依次分别计算浮标结构为8 mm板厚和6 mm板厚两种方案的应力,并对照《海上浮式装置入级规范(2014)》进行了应力衡准。研究结果表明:无论采用8 mm的板厚还是6 mm的板厚,浮标结构强度及稳定性满足规范要求。在满足强度要求的前提下,使用6 mm板厚方案更具有经济性,也有利于提高浮标的设备承载能力。  相似文献   

An examination has been conducted of fibre rope mechanical properties measured in laboratory tests on materials, constructions and terminations intended for deepwater mooring applications. This data, combined with field experience, provide a better understanding of rope behaviour and enhances the knowledge required to engineer fibre ropes for these demanding applications.This has also led to improved laboratory test techniques for measurement of mechanical properties relevant to mooring system response analyses required to meet regulatory requirements. Preliminary evaluation of the data also indicates that a post-test evaluation method to determine retained properties of insert strops removed from mooring lines may be possible.  相似文献   

石守芹  张超 《海岸工程》2011,30(1):55-60
随着建筑投资主体多元化格局的逐步形成,再加之项目规模日趋庞大和管理过程日益复杂化,业主希望寻求直接代理人以实现业主方的全过程建筑项目咨询管理.因此,新型的项目咨询管理公司就成为市场需求的必然产物.根据目前行业内企业的业务特点,建设监理咨询公司最有条件向建筑工程项目管理企业"变身".  相似文献   

通过研究基于模板的数字地图编绘技术,建立了各类数据处理模型,将制图者的编绘经验融入到模板中,从技术上保证了数字地图编绘的实用性,满足了地理信息获取和地图制图出版的双重要求,实现了数字地图和纸质地图的一体化生产。  相似文献   

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