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贻贝(Mytilus edulis L.)是一种冷水性双壳类软体动物,它在我国沿岸分布的南限是胶州湾,但仅见于港内码头及船底上,且数量不多。 1958年青岛市水产局、原青岛市海水养殖场和中国科学院海洋研究所等单位曾一起自大连和烟台移贻贝苗至青岛试养,次年养殖架上也曾有少量幼苗附着,但未能大量繁殖起来。1971年后胶南县海水养殖试验场及青岛市第二海水养殖场等先后进行数十亩乃至数百亩移苗养殖,附苗量虽有所增长,但直至1974年仍缺乏生产意义。这种情况引起我们的思考:胶州湾贻贝苗源能否大量发展?它的限制因素是什么? 1972年至1973年,我们与烟台地区海水养殖试验场等单位曾对烟台沿岸贻贝苗源进行调查研究,确认当时烟台苗种产量不高的主要原因是附着基不足,其次是亲贝不足,据此试验成功了“废旧草绠采苗法”。之后,随着采苗器材的增加及养殖面积的不断扩大,烟台芝罘湾已发展成为一个较好的苗场,通常可供万亩以上生产用苗。这个经验对我们开发胶州湾的苗源很有启发。 1975年胶南县在胶州湾大力推广“废旧草绠采苗法”,收割海带后保留废旧海带架两万台采贻贝苗, 1976年进一步扩大贻贝养殖面积,继续留绠采苗。我们在青岛市水产局及胶南县水产局等单位的协助下,于1975年9月及1976年8-9月,对胶州湾内及湾口(青岛前海)留绠采苗的情况进行了调查,这些调查资料即为本文的主要依据。  相似文献   

海带贻贝间养对环境条件影响的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
海带贻贝间养,在我省自70年代中期开始生产性试验。几年来,各地均取得了不同程度的经济效果。如烟台市海水养殖试验场和蓬莱县大季家乡养殖场及荣成、威海等地的养殖单位,虽然试验规模大小和方法各异,但综合各地的资料看,间养贻贝亩产不低于单养,而海带亩产可增加300~500斤,说明间养是一项增产增收低耗的措施。关于增产的原因,烟台  相似文献   

我国北部沿海,大部分海区水质贫瘠,养殖贻贝(Mytilus edulis)单产较低,这给发展贻贝养殖带来某些困难。为了探索这类海区的生产潜力,1977年7月至1978年9月,我们选择山东胶南县(氵贡)口湾泊里公社海带养殖场,作为高产试验田进行试验。多年来,群众在这一海区养殖贻贝产量都较低,亩产仅有3,000—4,000斤(4台架子为1亩,每台50米长)。在进行小面积试验(4亩)的同时,我们亦搞大面积养殖,在45亩海面上,平均亩产净贻贝9,984斤,比原来群众养殖(以4,000斤/亩为基准)增产149.6%。从1977年9月包苗到1978年3月收获,生长期为了个月。试验了不同水层、包苗日期、包苗数量、不同长度的养殖苗绳对增产的关系,对贻贝生长、性腺发育、风浪和水温对产卵的关系,也进行了定期测定和检查。  相似文献   

本文对泉州湾和围头湾翡翠贻贝的生殖腺性状、繁殖期、幼虫数量分布、附苗期及海区半人工采苗技术进行了研究。两湾翡翠贻贝繁殖期为5-9月,5月中旬至6月中旬为繁殖盛期,主要的附苗季节在6月中旬和7月上旬。选用胶胎绳和棕绳为采苗器,附苗效果较好;并讨论了投挂采苗器的适宜时间。  相似文献   

根据黑泥湾近岸海域养殖期与无养殖期多站同步分层潮流泥沙实测资料,对黑泥湾大规模海带养殖区及周边海域的潮流动力特征以及悬浮体分布规律和时间变化进行了动态的研究。通过对比海带养殖期与无养殖期潮流动力与悬浮体特征的时空变化规律,分析了浅海海带筏式养殖对周边海域悬浮体动力特征的影响作用。研究结果表明,研究区大范围分布的海带筏式养殖群落使得潮流动力减弱,并改变了潮流流速和悬浮体质量浓度的垂向分布特征,海底边界层的潮流底切应力被削弱,抑制了海底泥沙的再悬浮作用,但在一定程度上加强了水体的垂向混合作用。  相似文献   

吴敬 《海洋信息》1997,(8):16-18
海带与贻贝系两种截然不同的海洋生物。海带属于植物,即大型海藻,属褐藻类,其营养价值高、食疗兼之,故有“长寿藻”之誉;而贻贝为软体动物,(北方俗称海红,南方称淡  相似文献   

本研究的第一部分,报告了山东省日照县石臼所湾海带养殖区的沿岸流的研究结果,提出了该海区海带养殖筏合理设置的措施。经过二年的生产证明,合理设筏(依主流轴向顺流设筏)后,改善了养殖区的流水条件,促进了海带的生长,减轻了风浪灾害,使该海区海带的产量得到提高。1980—1981年我们又在山东省荣成县俚岛湾,进行  相似文献   

为了研究近岸海带养殖活动对水体光学特性的影响,本文选取山东半岛黑泥湾海域为典型研究区,利用2021年4月和8月在该区的9站同步观测数据,分析其总悬浮颗粒物、藻类颗粒物、非藻类颗粒物以及有色溶解有机物的吸收特性,并计算各组分对总吸收系数的贡献率,同时采用Quasi-analytical algorithm (QAA)算法借助MODIS影像反演了水体总吸收系数,结合实测数据获得了黑泥湾水体吸收特性的季节变化情况。结果表明,有海带养殖季节表层水体藻类颗粒物、非藻类颗粒物、总颗粒物和有色溶解有机物的吸收系数明显大于无海带养殖季节,且春季海带养殖区水体的总吸收系数大于无海带养殖区;海底表层沉积物的再悬浮造成底层吸收系数较大,而在春季成熟期的海带汇聚较大量的有机物质导致中层藻类颗粒物吸收系数相对较高;参考波长向红波移动,QAA_v5算法能够较好地估算该区表层水体吸收系数,且在海带养殖季节水体组分会影响到更长的波段特征。本研究可为深入了解海带养殖对水体各组分浓度和分布、碳循环以及水生生态系统的结构和功能的影响提供参照,并有助于提高近岸水体组分的遥感反演精度。  相似文献   

翡翠贻贝是亚热带暖水性经济贝类,近几年来人工养殖发展迅速,为了充分利用海区自然苗种资源,1992~1993年我们在围头湾进行了海区半人工采苗试验。结果是翡翠贻贝1993年附苗期在5月25日至8月初,高峰期出现在6月20日至7月5日,采苗最佳水层在水面下1.5~3m间。表明在围头湾进行翡翠贻贝生产性采苗是可行的,但该海区不宜大面积发展翡翠贻贝的养成。  相似文献   

宋娴丽  杨茜  孙耀  尹晖  江双林 《海洋学报》2012,34(3):120-126
通过对取自桑沟湾南部和北部养殖海域2个站位的柱状沉积物样品进行TOC和TN测定,分析了桑沟湾沉积物中TOC和TN的分布情况,结合沉积物年代序列的测定,估算了工业革命之前、之中及规模化养殖之后桑沟湾海域沉积物中水生有机碳和总氮的含量,并对近200年来桑沟湾养殖海域有机质沉积情况进行了评价。结果显示:19世纪70年代以前,TOC含量较稳定,TN含量随深度增加而缓慢降低;19世纪70年代至20世纪70年代,TOC,TN含量波动均较大;20世纪70年代以后,TOC含量逐渐减小并趋于稳定,TN含量随养殖规模的扩大显著增加,且扇贝养殖区表层沉积物中TOC,TN的含量均低于海带养殖区。近200年桑沟湾沉积物中有机质来源变化趋势为混源-陆源-混源,近40年来的规模化养殖明显增加了水生有机碳及水生总氮在TOC和TN中所占比例。对桑沟湾沉积物中有机质污染评价结果显示,大规模的养殖活动增加了底质中沉积物TOC和TN的含量,海带筏式养殖对沉积物中的TN造成了一定的累积性自身污染。  相似文献   

Soil-sized particulates have been collected on board ship by a mesh technique from the lower troposphere of the North, Equatorial and South Atlantic Ocean, northern and southern Indian Ocean, South and East China Sea and various coastal localities.Spectrographic analysis reveals that, on average, the particulates have concentrations of Mn, Ni, Co, Ga, Cr, V, Ba, and Sr which are of the same order of magnitude as those in average crustal material. In contrast, the average concentrations of Pb, Sn, and Zn are one order of magnitude higher than those in average crustal material.Within this “world-wide” average there are significant geographical variations in the distributions of Pb, Sn, and Zn which may be related to anthropogenic sources.On the basis of trace-element distributions lower tropospheric soil-sized marine particulates have been divided into four genetic components; local, zonal, inter-zonal, and global. The proportions of these components vary geographically, and each component may have both a natural and an anthropogenic fraction.  相似文献   

鳚亚目 4 科 33 属 95 种,鰕虎鱼亚目 5 科 98 属 259 种,刺尾鱼亚目 5 科 11 属 65 种,鲈形目 19亚目 104 科 535 属 1799 种。  相似文献   

Tautog, Tautoga onitis, is an abundant species of fish in estuaries of the northeastern United States. Planktonic tautog larvae are abundant in summer in these estuaries, but there is little information on rates of growth of tautog larvae feeding on natural assemblages of food in the plankton. We examined abundance and growth of larval tautog and environmental factors during weekly sampling at three sites along a nearshore‐to‐offshore transect in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, USA during summer 1994. This is the first study of a robust sample size (336 larvae) to estimate growth rates of field‐caught planktonic tautog larvae feeding on natural diets, using the otolith daily‐growth‐increment method. The study was over the entire summer period when tautog larvae were in the plankton. The sampling sites contrasted in several environmental variables including temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), and chlorophyll a concentration. There was a temporal progression in the abundance of tautog larvae over the summer, in relation to location and temperature. Tautog larvae were first present nearshore, with a pronounced peak in abundance occurring at the nearshore sites during the last 2 weeks in June. Larvae were absent at this time further offshore. From late June through August, larval abundance progressively decreased nearshore, but increased offshore although never approaching the abundance levels observed at the nearshore sites. The distribution and abundance of tautog larvae appeared to be related to a nearshore‐to‐offshore seasonal warming trend and a nearshore decrease in DO. Otoliths from 336 larvae ranging from 2.3 to 7.7 mm standard length had otolith increment counts ranging from 0 to 19 increments. Growth of larval tautog was estimated at 0.23 mm·day?1, and length of larvae prior to first increment formation was estimated at 2.8 mm indicating that first increment formation occurs 3–4 days after hatching at 2.2 mm. Despite spatial and temporal differences in environmental factors, there were no significant differences in growth rates at any of three given sites over time, or between sites. Because larval presence only occurred at a narrow range of temperature (17–23.5 °C) and DO (6.5–9.3 mg·l?1), in situ differences in growth did not appear to be because of differences in larval distribution and abundance patterns relative to these parameters.  相似文献   

In June 1981, dissolved Zn, Cd, Cu, Ni, Co, Fe, and Mn were determined from two detailed profiles in anoxic Baltic waters (with extra data for Fe and Mn from August 1979). Dramatic changes across the O2H2S interface occur in the abundances of Cu, Co, Fe, and Mn (by factors of ?100). The concentrations of Zn, Cd, and Ni at the redox front decrease by factors between 3 to 5.Equilibrium calculations are presented for varying concentrations of hydrogen sulfide and compared with the field data. The study strongly supports the assumption that the solubility of Zn, Cd, Cu, and Ni is greatly enhanced and controlled by the formation of bisulfide and(or) polysulfide complexes. Differences between predicted and measured concentrations of these elements are mainly evident at lower ΣH2S concentrations.Cobalt proved to be very mobile in anoxic regions, and the results indicate that the concentrations are limited by CoS precipitation. The iron (Fe2+) and manganese (Mn2+) distribution in sulfide-containing waters is controlled by total flux from sediment-water interfaces rather than by equilibrium concentrations of their solid phases (FeS and MnCO3). The concentrations of these metals are therefore expected to increase with prolonged stagnation periods in the basin.  相似文献   

Concentrations of dissolved nutrients (NO3, PO4, Si), germanium species, arsenic species, tin, barium, dimethylsulfide and related parameters were measured along the salinity gradient in Charlotte Harbor. Phosphate enrichment from the phosphate industry on the Peace River promotes a productive diatom bloom near the river mouth where NO3 and Si are completely consumed. Inorganic germanium is completely depleted in this bloom by uptake into biogenic opal. The GeSi ratio taken up by diatoms is about 0·7 × 10?6, the same as that provided by the river flux, confirming that siliceous organisms incorporate germanium as an accidental trace replacement for silica. Monomethylgermanium and dimethylgermanium concentrations are undetectable in the Peace River, and increase linearly with increasing salinity to the seawater end of the bay, suggesting that these organogermanium species behave conservatively in estuaries, and are neither produced nor consumed during estuarine biogenic opal formation or dissolution. Inorganic arsenic displays slight removal in the bloom. Monomethylarsenic is produced both in the bloom and in mid-estuary, while dimethylarsenic is conservative in the bloom but produced in mid-estuary. The total production of methylarsenicals within the bay approximately balances the removal of inorganic arsenic, suggesting that most biological arsenic uptake in the estuary is biomethylated and released to the water column. Dimethylsulfide increases with increasing salinity in the estuary and shows evidence of removal, probably both by degassing and by microbial consumption. An input of DMS is observed in the central estuary. The behavior of total dissolvable tin shows no biological activity in the bloom or in mid-estuary, but does display a low-salinity input signal that parallels dissolved organic material, perhaps suggesting an association between tin and DOM. Barium displays dramatic input behavior at mid-salinities, probably due to slow release from clays deposited in the harbor after catastrophic phosphate slime spills into the Peace River.  相似文献   

A central theme of the ongoing GEOTRACES program is to improve the understanding of processes occurring at ocean interfaces with continents, sediments, and ocean crust. In this context, we studied the distributions of Al, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb around the Juan de Fuca Ridge (JdFR) in total dissolvable (td), dissolved (d), and labile particulate (lp) fractions, which represent a fraction in unfiltered samples, filtered samples through an AcroPak capsule filter, and the difference between td and d, respectively. Al and Fe were dominated by lp-species, while Ni, Zn, and Cd were dominated by d-species with undetectable amounts of lp-species. Major findings in this study are as follows: (1) The continental margin (CM) provided large sources of Al, Mn, Fe, and Co from the surface to ~2000 m in depth. The supply from CM caused high surface concentrations of dMn and dCo, a subsurface (100–300 m depth) maximum of dCo, and intermediate (500–2000 m depth) maxima of lpAl and lpFe. The supply of dFe from CM was ~10 times that from the high-temperature hydrothermal activity at station BD21, which is located at ~3 km from the Middle Valley venting site and ~ 200 km from Vancouver Island. (2) DPb was maximum at the top layer of North Pacific Intermediate Water, probably owing to isopycnal transport of anthropogenic Pb via advection of subducted surface waters. Although dCo and dPb had different sources in the upper water, they showed a strong linearity below 300 m (r 2 = 0.95, n = 38), indicating concurrent scavenging. (3) A high-temperature hydrothermal plume occurred at a depth of 2300 m at BD21, accounting for maxima of dAl, dMn, dFe, lpCu, and lpPb and a minimum of dCu. (4) Strong bottom maxima of lpAl, lpMn, lpFe, lpCo, and lpPb occurred above the abyssal plain at the western foot of the JdFR, indicating resuspension of sediments. However, bottom maxima of d-species were apparent only for dAl and dCu.  相似文献   

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