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海南岛南渡江三角洲的废弃与侵蚀   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
讨论了海南岛南渡江三角洲由发展到废弃的演化过程,分析了不同废弃阶段的河口平面形态由东向西变化等特征,对比活动三角洲与废弃三角洲的显着地貌差异.此外还讨论了活动三角洲前缘潮流在岸外较深水区的侵蚀作用和泥沙的向东搬运,以及波浪在近岸较浅水区的侵蚀作用和泥沙的向西和向岸的搬运.  相似文献   

Wind-induced Kuroshio intrusion into the South China Sea   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The Kuroshio flows north along the east coasts of the Philippines and Taiwan. Between these two land masses lies the Luzon Strait which connects the Pacific Ocean to the South China Sea. The Kuroshio usually flows north past this strait, but at times part or all of it flows west through the strait into the South China Sea forming a loop current. It has been suggested that the loop current forms when the northeast monsoon deflects the Kuroshio through the Luzon Strait. In this study, satellite-derived sea-surface temperature images are used to observe the Kuroshio in the Luzon Strait region. Together with wind data from the region, these observations indicate a loop-current development process which is largely determined by an integrated supercritical wind stress parameter. The loop current grows when a four-day average of the local wind-stress component directed to the south exceeds 0.08 Nm–2. When this average wind-stress component drops below the critical value, the Kuroshio returns to its northward path.  相似文献   

We discussed the detailed current structures in the Eastern Channel of the Tsushima Strait, using four sets of acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) data, which were taken by the quadrireciprocal method (Katoh, 1988), for removing tidal currents, in summers of 1987–1989. In the Eastern Channel, diurnally averaged currents balanced almost geostrophically. In the upper layer of the deepest part of the Eastern Channel, there existed a current core which corresponded to one branch of the Tsushima Current. The current direction in this core was between NE and ENE in all observations but the magnitude of velocity in 1987 differed largely from that in 1988. Another current core with lower velocities was found near the north coast of Kyushu. Near the bottom at the deepest part of the Eastern Channel, the velocity was more or less 0.3 kt (15 cm s–1). Along the east coast of Tsushima and in waters northeast of it, countercurrents were observed. The continuity of these countercurrents was interpreted as follows: A part of the current flowing from the Western Channel of the Tsushima Strait into the Japan Sea turns clockwise in waters northeast of Tsushima, and flows southwestward along the east coast of Tsushima. The southwestward current along Tsushima was correlated with the northeastward current in the central part of the Eastern Channel. The transport through the Eastern Channel was between 0.59 and 1.30 Sv (1 Sv=106 m3s–1). The baroclinic component, which was defined as the transport based on calculations of geostrophic current with assuming zero velocity near the bottom, was very small.  相似文献   

The Fukuoka Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station has been carrying out oceanographic observations on a fixed line in the East Tsushima Strait since 1913. Seasonal and secular changes in water temperature were investigated based on these data from 1919 to 1979. The deviations from the mean water temperature were large in summer, especially in the thermocline layer at 50 m. Abnormally high temperatures appear from spring to autumn whereas abnormally low temperature appears from autumn to spring. The secular variation of water temperature in the East Tsushima Strait shows a 6- or 8-year periodicity from 1919 to 1943 and a 6-year periodicity after 1948.  相似文献   

The ADCP data obtained in the Tsushima Strait in the period from February 1987 to November 1990 on board twelve patrol vessels and one research vessel belonging to Maritime Safety Agency was analyzed. Total amount of the data is 200,053, but after quality check, we used 158,401 data for the analysis of the current field and its variability in the strait. The seasonal variation of the currents had been believed to be large. However, no direct current observation throughout the season had been made, and the knowledge on the seasonal variation was derived indirectly from the data of the sea level difference across the strait and of the density field given by hydrographic observations. ADCP data indicates that the seasonal variation of the current field is considerably small in all sub-regions. In the relatively strong current region to the west of the Tsushima Island, the northeast current component has maximum value in the early winter season.  相似文献   

夏季粤西沿岸流特征及其产生机制   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
根据粤西海域漂流瓶的运动轨迹、海流周日定点连续观测结果、温盐大面站调查的资料、船测ADCP的流矢量和卫星遥感SST的综合分析结果发现,夏季珠江口以西的近岸流大部分时间向西运动,它构成琼州海峡东部气旋涡的北翼;向西的沿岸流还有一部分海水通过琼州海峡向西进入北部湾.并不像传统观点认为的那样,琼州海峡冬季余流向西,夏季余流向东.如果西南风强盛,向西的沿岸流方向可以暂时转而向东北.还揭示了粤西海域、琼州海峡和北部湾北部海域夏季沿岸流的重要特征并进行了机制分析.  相似文献   

介绍在台湾海峡北口中部水深约65m处进行临时验潮的方法和过程,并将其测验结果与台湾海峡东西两岸验潮站的资料进行了比较分析。结果显示:海峡北口中部海域与纬度较相近的海峡西岸平潭(东澳)站及东岸的淡水站相比,潮型基本一致,均为正规半日潮,在月赤纬大时,潮汐的日不等现象明显;潮差与西岸较接近,而明显大于东岸;潮时与西岸基本相同而早于东岸。  相似文献   

黄、东海水母质点追踪影响因素分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
基于数值模型采用质点追踪的方法对大型水母的运移规律及其聚集的影响因素进行了研究。本文共设置6个质点释放区,分别从3、4、5月1日释放后追踪至9月30日。主要结论有:(1)采用不含潮汐过程与包含潮汐过程的水动力模式分别对表层质点进行追踪,结果表明含潮汐混合和潮汐非线性效应的POM模式对质点时空分布的模拟较为可靠;(2)基于含潮汐过程的POM模式气候态模拟结果,考虑质点垂直运动进行追踪,质点运移速度较表层追踪大大减慢,进入朝鲜/对马海峡的质点减少;其中济州岛沿岸质点几乎全部穿过朝鲜/对马海峡进入日本海,其它释放区质点最终广泛分布在南黄海以及东海中陆架,主要在黄海潮汐锋区和长江口以南沿岸锋聚集;(3)通过分析不同释放时间对质点在9月末分布的影响发现,质点释放时间偏早,即水母幼体形成较早,将使相对较多的质点向朝鲜/对马海峡聚集。  相似文献   

山东庙岛海峡的峡道动力地貌   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在庙岛海峡的动力、沉积、地貌条件比较系统的分析基础上,对庙岛海峡的峡道效应和动力地貌进行了研究,主要包括峡道形成及演变、潮流聚散与侵蚀堆积、涨落潮流歧路与登州浅滩形成、峡道泥沙搬运与沉积效应,结果表明,庙岛海峡具有显著的峡道效应,且峡道东西两段差异明显,对峡道以东的山东半岛北部沿岸海底泥沙运动和沉积具有重要影响。  相似文献   

广州市地面沉降危险性评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
地面沉降是珠江三角洲主要城市地质灾害之一,广州市尤为严重。在GIS技术和基础地理信息数据库的支持下,采用模糊数学层次分析法(AHP)和相应的指标体系对广州市地面沉降危险性进行了评价。广州市主城区地面沉降危险性可分为5个等级,极不稳定级主要分布在珠江沿岸和珠江环绕地区;不稳定级主要分布在北部和东北部部分地段;次不稳定级主要分布在西北角和西南角;基本稳定级分布零散,东部、西部均有所见;稳定级分布在北部和东部的外围地带。  相似文献   

Wind-induced circulation and the distribution of hypoxia corresponding to the upwelling of oxygen-depleted water (called “Aoshio” in Japan and “Sumishio” locally in Omura Bay) in Omura Bay, Japan, was examined field observations and by three-dimensional modeling. During the calm weather in summer, well-mixed strait water, in rich oxygen at the mouth of the bay intruded into the middle layer of the bay, southward and northward along the west and east coast, respectively, forming basin-scale cyclonic circulation. A stagnant water mass was formed below the center of this cyclonic circulation, and it became hypoxic water. As a result of the prevailing strong southeast (northeast) wind, the bottom hypoxia moved in a southeasterly (northeasterly) direction. This induces the upwelling of hypoxic water, accompanied by mass mortality of marine organisms.  相似文献   

厦门岛东南部海岸演变与泥沙输移   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
陈坚  蔡锋 《台湾海峡》2001,20(2):135-141
通过海岸地貌调查、沉积物分布、岸线对比、沿岸输沙率计算等手段,分析研究了厦门岛东南部海岸海滩的演变特征,认为厦门岛东南部海岸的沿岸净输沙方向是由东北向西南,由东向西;黄厝湾中北部存在反向输沙。文中划分了中-强侵蚀海岸、中侵蚀海岸、中-弱侵蚀海岸、弱侵蚀海岸、弱淤积海岸和不确定海岸等6种类型。人工采沙是引起海岸侵蚀的最重要因素之一。  相似文献   

本文从杭州湾北岸历史变迁和上海南汇新老海塘建塘史叙述了南汇嘴发育过程的间歇性特点。位于南汇嘴嘴尖的芦潮港岸滩近50年也呈现冲淤交替的特征,且冲淤过程由东向西传递。诱发这种冲淤波动的直接原因是摇头沙的偏转,而其根源应追溯到长江口河势的变化。本文以近50年来长江口的两个事件──北槽和江亚南泓的形成──阐述了它们对芦潮港岸滩动态的影响。  相似文献   

The seasonal variation in the barotropic mode of motion caused by joint effect of the baroclinicity and bottom relief (Jebar effect) in the Tsushima Strait is investigated with the use of the diagnostic numerical model in this study. The Jebar effect in the Tsushima Strait is mainly caused by the intrusion of the Bottom Cold Water along the Korean coast in summer. This Jebar effect along the Korean coast locally supplies the negative vorticity in situ, and it forces the coastal current to be intensified. In summer, the volume transport of the Tsushima Warm Current entering the Tsushima Strait is biassed to the western part of the strait comparing with the flow pattern calculated in winter.  相似文献   

The kuroshio,originating from the sea southeast of Taiwan andeast of bashi channel,is the western boundary current of the pacific and has the characterisics of strong flows,high temperature and high salinity.mesoscale eddies have strong kinetie energy with a vertical extent of 100m and a horizontal magnitude of 100km. the submarine topography northeast of Taiwan has complicated strucrures.the continental shelf region shallower than 200m occupies the western and middle part of the east china sea(ecs).in the southeastern ECS lies the deep okinawa trough,in which the main depth can reach more than 1000m.it is the geomorphological separatrix between the continental shelf and the ryukyu islands,. the kuroshio enters the ECS along the east coast of taiwen,flows northeastward along the shelf slope,and hence intrudes across the shelf break.in this paper,our concern is the interaction between the kuroshio in ECS and the taiwan strait waters on the continental shelf. meanwhile the mesoscale eddies in the north of Taiwan is another attention point.  相似文献   

东北季风期台湾海峡的逆温现象   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用2006-2008年3个航次水文资料,结合日本海洋数据中心(JODC)的历史温度数据分析了东北季风期台湾海峡的逆温现象。结果显示,除台湾浅滩及海峡西岸浅水区外,几乎整个台湾海峡皆有逆温现象。逆温幅度和发生频率在海峡西部较高,海峡东部及粤东近海较低。逆温层上界深度春季较秋、冬季深,逆温频发区(发生频率大于60%)随着季节南北向移动,秋季频发区的最南端位于厦门近海,冬季扩展至台湾浅滩北部,春季回退至平潭近海。分析表明,浙闽沿岸水随季节南北向伸缩导致了逆温频发区的同步移动。除了季节变化外,逆温现象在2006年和2007年冬季有显著差异,2006年逆温仅出现在海峡西部近岸海域,2007年扩展至海峡东部且向南伸至粤东近岸,浙闽沿岸水的横向伸缩是造成此差异的主因。  相似文献   

应用日本JMA数值产品的格点资料和实况场分析资料,重点对1013号超强台风“鲇鱼”西行进入南海后发生近90°直角转向偏北移动,直至登陆福建的这一阶段路径进行分析.“鲇鱼”先是受位于华南的西环大陆副高引导,向西南西移动,之后转受加强北上的赤道高压引导,折向北到北偏东方向移动,最后受东环副高引导北偏西行至登陆福建.在这3个...  相似文献   

基于SWAN波浪传播模型建立包含风暴潮与天文潮耦合传播的台风浪数值模型,将1949年以来登陆我国大陆沿海最强的5612#台风作为典型的超强台风,计算了超强台风沿中线和北线路径登陆遭遇天文潮高潮位时产生的沿海波高过程。结果显示:河口波高总体分布下游大于上游,北岸大于南岸,两岸代表断面堤前最大有效波高可达5.5 m;中线路径生成的近岸台风浪波高为单峰过程,北线路径时北岸的波高出现双峰过程,波高峰值与风暴高潮位并非总是同步出现,两者时间差最大为4 h;根据频率曲线分析,中线、北线路径超强台风作用下乍浦站台风浪的重现期分别为135 a和350 a;中潮时的近岸台风浪波高比大潮降低0.1~0.2 m,小潮时再比中潮降低同样幅度。这些结论对海堤工程设计和防灾减灾具有重要意义。  相似文献   

By using Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements with the four round-trips method to remove diurnal/semidiurnal tidal currents, the detailed current structure and volume transport of the Tsushima Warm Current (TWC) along the northwestern Japanese coast in the northeastern Japan Sea were examined in the period September–October 2000. The volume transport of the First Branch of the TWC (FBTWC) east of the Noto Peninsula was estimated as approximately 1.0 Sv (106 m3/s), and the FBTWC continued to flow along the Honshu Island to the south of the Oga Peninsula. To the north of the Oga Peninsula, the Second Branch of Tsushima Warm Current and the eastward current established by the subarctic front were recombined with the FBTWC and the total volume transport increased to 1.9 Sv. The water properties at each ADCP line strongly suggested that most of the upper portion of the TWC with high temperature and low salinity flowed out to the North Pacific as the Tsugaru Warm Current. In the north of the Tsugaru Strait, the volume transport of the northward current was observed to be as almost 1 Sv. However, the component of the TWC water was small (approximately 0.3 Sv).  相似文献   

Recent investigation suggests that volume transport through the Tsushima/Korea Strait often has double peaks during the summer to autumn period with decreasing transport in September. The satellite-observed wind changes from weak northwestward (across-strait) in summer to strong southwestward (along-strait) in early autumn (September) in the strait. Such a strong along-strait wind is related to tropical cyclones, which frequently pass through the East China Sea in September. The effect of the along-strait wind component on the transport variation is examined using a three-dimensional numerical model. The simulated volume transport through the Tsushima/Korea Strait shows realistic seasonal and intra-seasonal variations. According to sensitivity experiments on local winds, the transport variations in September are mainly generated by strong along-strait (southwestward) wind rather than weak across-strait wind. The strait transport responds to the along-strait wind (southeastward), which produces a sea level increase along the Korean coast, resulting in the geostrophic balance across the strait. The transport minimum through the Tsushima/Korea Strait in September can be determined by the combination of the across-strait geostrophic and along-strait ageostrophic balances. The Editor-in-Chief does not recommend the usage of the term “Japan/East Sea” in place of “Sea of Japan”.  相似文献   

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