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XML在海洋数据服务领域的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
陈继香 《海洋通报》2004,23(2):46-50
XML是W3C组织推出的作为下一代网页发布的语言。本文分别从XML在海洋数据表达、海洋数据交换、海洋信息发布三个方面对XML在海洋数据服务领域的应用模式进行了研究和探讨。在海洋数据的XML表达中描述了XML有效集成海洋原始数据、质量控制记录、编辑修改的数据的原理:在海洋数据交换中,提出了基于XML的星状交换模式:在海洋信息发布应用中,设计了基于XML的三层结构的海洋信息发布系统模型。最后对XML在海洋领域的发展前景进行了展望,旨在推动XML在中国海洋领域的应用与发展。  相似文献   

近年来,在海洋灾害预测、预报等海洋信息产品的开发中,对准确、大量、连续、实时的海洋要素监测数据的依赖性日趋增强。同时,由于海洋数据的复杂性,数据来源的多源性,数据平台异构,数据格式不规范等原因,增大了数据集成的难度,降低了数据使用的效率。文章提出了用XML作为传输媒介,结合Socket网络通信技术,建立实时海洋数据传输网络系统,实现了海洋数据集成与交换格式的统一,屏蔽了影响海洋数据集成和使用效率的因素。文章对XML在海洋信息产品开发中的应用做出了有益的探索和尝试,旨在促进XML在我国海洋信息领域的应用。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展和海洋地质数据的积累,人们对海洋地质信息共享服务的需求不断增强,如何有效地集成异构数据成为海洋地质信息领域的一个关键性问题.分析了海洋地质数据的异构性、海洋地质数据集成的目标和要求、集成中的关键问题等,初步提出了基于中间件技术、Web Services技术、XML技术的海洋地质数据集成的解决方案,旨在...  相似文献   

海洋XML数据集成系统原型的设计与实现   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
针对海洋学科中数据源的异构性,文中采用XML技术进行集成,实现了海洋数据的统一表示。本文以Java,XML和Web为支撑技术,提出并实现了1个多层B/S体系结构的海洋XML数据集成系统原型,其中利用了XML的新兴技术——可伸缩矢量图形(SVG)技术来实现基于XML的海洋数据的交互。作为国内海洋XML数据集成的第1个原型系统,旨在推动我国海洋XML的研究和开发工作。  相似文献   

结合XML技术和海洋元数据标准,在分析遥感卫星地面站运行情况的基础上提出了一种基于XML的海洋遥感卫星数据格式,旨在为海洋遥感数据格式的规范化和为海洋遥感卫星数据的交换与集成奠定标准基础.  相似文献   

全国海洋突发事件应急管理系统设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
全国海洋突发事件应急管理系统是全国海洋生态环境监督管理系统的重要组成部分,该系统利用XML技术整合现有应急业务工作流程,实现对赤潮、绿潮、溢油、化学品泄漏和核辐射等应急事件的定位、敏感区分析、应急监视监测、模拟预测、应急处置、辅助决策支持、信息通报等的信息化管理,全面提高了海洋行政主管部门应急响应能力。  相似文献   

随着海洋经济发展和海战场信息建设进程的加快,现有海洋磁力测量技术不能满足新的应用需求。总结了海洋磁力测量技术在军事斗争和海洋工程中的应用现状,对海洋磁力测量传感器技术、要素信息、测量平台、测量成果等相关技术发展现状进行分析。结合当前技术发展现状和军民应用需求,对海洋磁力测量技术发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

ARGO浮标是用于建立全球海洋观测网的一种专用测量设备。本文基于XML技术,设计了一个ARGO数据交换原型系统,以Internet为数据交换平台、XML为数据中介,实现了一种海洋数据的集成和交换关键技术方法。  相似文献   

海洋数据仓库及数据挖掘技术方法研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
针对“数字海洋”应用目标,分析海洋数据管理与应用需求,研究数据仓库与数据挖掘技术在海洋信息领域的应用现状,提出海洋数据仓库与数据挖掘关键技术问题,以及构建海洋数据仓库及数据挖掘系统技术方法。  相似文献   

海洋大数据具有分布式获取的特点和一体化应用的特性,分布式网络环境下海洋大数据服务技术是避免"信息壁垒、信息孤岛、重复建设"的重要途径。从海洋信息基础设施建设和需求导向的角度,论证了海洋数据共享与信息服务的辩证关系;提出了基于统一时空数字地球模型构建海洋大数据空间关联的空间抽象坐标参考基准的技术方法;解决了分布式网络环境下的海洋监测与调查数据标准化格式网络发布、海洋再分析产品数据主动推送,海洋业务数据定制等3项关键技术;实现了以"多中心、多节点"为特征的分布式网络环境下海洋大数据服务模式。结合我国数字海洋信息基础框架的专网环境下的实验,验证了其可行性并结合"智慧海洋"建设,提出了未来发展方向与研究重点。  相似文献   

在随机海洋资料的分析中,需要从大量的实际数据中提取出有用的信息来建立或检验各种海洋理论模型,因此我们要正确运用适当的手段来分析处理各种实际数据。文中简要介绍了数据挖掘中一项新的技术支持向量机,着重介绍了最优化问题的求解算法,以及如何应用于海洋资料的分析处理。  相似文献   

随着海洋仪器在海洋调查、海洋监测、海洋科研等领域的广泛应用,开展海洋仪器的计量检定校准工作成为了国家海洋计量站最基本的业务工作之一。“海洋仪器计量检定校准数据处理系统”是专门为海洋仪器计量检定、校准数据的处理而设计的软件系统,文章详细介绍了该系统的结构和功能。  相似文献   

Channel temporal variability, resulting from fluctuations in oceanographic parameters, is an important issue for reliable communications in shallow-water-long-range acoustic propagation. As part of an acoustic model validation exercise, audio-band acoustic data and oceanographic data were collected from shallow waters off the West Coast of Scotland. These data have been analyzed for temporal effects. The average impulse response for this channel has been compared with simulations using a fast broad-band normal-mode propagation model. In this paper, we also introduce a novel technique for estimating and removing the bistatic reverberation contribution from the data. As propagation models do not necessarily account for reverberation, it has to be extracted from the signals when comparing measured and modeled transmission loss  相似文献   

在进行大数据量海洋调查数据处理的过程中,以通常的普通文件操作的方式读取这些数据往往需要应用程序持续不断地努力执行与硬盘间的大量数据交换任务,其不但占用大量计算机内存,而且完成的效率之低往往令人难以忍受。为满足大数据量海洋调查数据计算机处理工作的需要,利用内存映射文件的方法实现了对大数据量海洋调查数据进行高效率读取和分析的软件设计。文中阐述了该软件的设计思路和内存映射文件方法的具体实现过程。通过实际应用证明该软件稳定可靠,在运行效率上较普通应用程序方式有显著提高。  相似文献   

通过简要回顾半个世纪以来海洋雷达技术发展历程的特点和规律,结合海洋雷达技术发展现状,介绍海洋雷达涉及的关键技术并进行应用场景分析。总结我国海洋雷达技术近30 a来的发展及其与国际水平的主要差距,提出"十三五"期间我国海洋雷达技术优先发展项目的建议,即超视距雷达广域海洋监测技术、浮动/机动平台高分辨率海洋雷达技术、新体制微波海洋雷达技术以及海洋雷达数据管理与应用技术等。  相似文献   

RS与GIS在海洋地质调查中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几十年来,海洋的重要性愈来愈明显,海洋地质调查作为获取海洋数据的重要手段逐渐受到关注。海洋数据与陆地数据相比,具有多样性和时空复杂性的特点。近年来遥感技术和地理信息系统技术发展迅速,遥感的实时性、大面积监测性的特点以及地理信息系统对空间数据的有序管理及支持辅助决策的功能为海洋地质调查开辟了新的前景。笔者结合遥感和地理信息系统的特点、发展趋势,介绍了其在海洋地质调查领域中的应用,并对其应用前景做出展望。  相似文献   

The ocean acoustic tomographic (OAT) approach to sound speed field estimation is generalized to include a variety of sources of information of interest such as an oceanographic model of the sound speed field, direct local sound speed measurements, and a full field acoustic propagation model as well as measurements. The inverse problem is presented as a four-dimensional field estimation problem using a variational approach commonly used in oceanographic data assimilation. The current OAT approach is shown to be a special case of the general framework. The matched-field tomography (MFT) approach is also discussed within this context. A simple implementation of this novel approach is then investigated in the absence of a suitable oceanographic model, and acoustic propagation is accounted for using a standard parabolic equation model. The inverse equations derived are validated numerically through a simple inversion example, and some issues on environmental mismatch and computations are discussed. The developments then provide a basic framework for ongoing data-model melding in acoustically focused oceanographic sampling (AFOS) network  相似文献   

A down-scaled operational oceanographic system is developed for the coastal waters of Korea using a regional ocean modeling system(ROMS).The operational oceanographic modeling system consists of atmospheric and hydrodynamic models.The hydrodynamic model,ROMS,is coupled with wave,sediment transport,and water quality modules.The system forecasts the predicted results twice a day on a 72 h basis,including sea surface elevation,currents,temperature,salinity,storm surge height,and wave information for the coastal waters of Korea.The predicted results are exported to the web-GIS-based coastal information system for real-time dissemination to the public and validation with real-time monitoring data using visualization technologies.The ROMS is two-way coupled with a simulating waves nearshore model,SWAN,for the hydrodynamics and waves,nested with the meteorological model,WRF,for the atmospheric surface forcing,and externally nested with the eutrophication model,CE-QUAL-ICM,for the water quality.The operational model,ROMS,was calibrated with the tidal surface observed with a tide-gage and verified with current data observed by bottom-mounted ADCP or AWAC near the coastal waters of Korea.To validate the predicted results,we used real-time monitoring data derived from remote buoy system,HF-radar,and geostationary ocean color imager(GOCI).This down-scaled operational coastal forecasting system will be used as a part of the Korea operational oceanographic system(KOOS) with other operational oceanographic systems.  相似文献   

Oceanographic data are complex in that they incorporate multiple measurements and various scales. They are truly three-dimensional, and often vary in time. As the ability to acquire data is constantly being enhanced by the introduction of new and increasingly sophisticated instruments, it is challenging for oceanographers to inspect oceanographic processes by analyzing the complex data conventionally. In this article, we discuss an integrated GIS/visualization approach to visualize oceanographic data in Monterey Bay in order to get a better understanding of upwelling processes. The GIS system performs data interpolation, unifies map projection, and filters the processed data to a computer visualization package. The multidimensional visualization and animation features of the visualization tool are used to gain insight into marine upwelling processes. In such an integrated environment, the water properties (i.e., temperature, salinity, and density) in Monterey Bay during upwelling are visualized, and the characteristics of upwelling are examined. The center of upwelling and the maximum depth of upwelling in Monterey Bay during the 1995 upwelling season are identified. The differences in temperature changing patterns between a typical upwelling year and an El Nino year are shown in this study. The integration of GIS and visualization makes it easier for oceanographers to discover and understand upwelling.  相似文献   


The Seasat Program was initiated as a proof‐of‐concept mission to evaluate the effectiveness of remotely sensed oceanographic phenomena from a satellite platform. From inception, this program has been user‐oriented. These users, within the academic, government, and commercial ocean communities, have served as the architects of the program and are continuing to be involved in the validation and application of the satellite‐derived data. While an early failure of the satellite deprived the user communities of a real‐time multiseasonal data set, the program did yield a rare and valuable archive of data now being analyzed and validated by a variety of users.

A unique program of evaluation exists to assess the impact of satellite‐derived oceanographic observations in several segments of the commercial sector. Commercial users from such segments as marine transportation, ocean mining, offshore oil and gas exploration and operations, marine Fisheries, and marine safety are analyzing Seasat data to understand the operational and economic impact of such data on their various business activities.

Early results from these studies show that satellite observations alone can provide commercial users with historical data for new and remote areas of operation which, to obtain by in situ measurements, would require enormous expenditures of funds for oceanographic instrumentation. More significantly, these studies are showing that timely oceanographic and weather forecasts, improved by the use of satellite‐derived observations of winds, waves, and surface temperatures, can result in more efficient and safe operations, yielding industry savings of millions of dollars annually.  相似文献   

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