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An attempt has been made to estimate the fishery potentials of the EEZ of India on the basis of data on primary and secondary production. The total column primary production and zooplankton production have been calculated to be 265·9 and 9 million tonnes of carbon per year, respectively. From these values the fishery potential has been estimated as 2·5 million tonnes per year. To this, if we add the estimated demersal fish catch, being 1·2 million tonnes per year, the total potential yield comes to 3·7 million tonnes per year. Since the present average total catch is about 1·6 million tonnes in a year, the fish catch could be doubled.  相似文献   

介绍了海鸟系列温盐深测量仪(CTD)原始数据预处理的方法和步骤,解释各个过程中的原理,根据规范和工作实际对处理过程中存在的问题进行分析,提出解决方案,针对资料的标准化提出建议和意见。  相似文献   

文章讨论了波浪场可视化实现过程中的一些关键的算法。文中针对表示波浪面的数据集的特性,采用了一种简单的节点法矢量算法。绘制结果表明,用这种简单算法取代二维和三维的数据场节点法矢量的常用算法,能够保持波浪场三维图形的光照效果。利用层次模型算法进行波浪的动态演示,比较了相同面积的波浪场在不同网格密度情况下图形的显示质量,提出波浪场图形质量有与特征波长相匹配的最佳经验网格密度。  相似文献   

光辐射对海洋微藻脂肪酸含量的效应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
不同光辐射强度下三角褐指藻和小球藻脂肪酸的气相色谱分析表明 ,光辐射对海洋微藻脂肪酸的含量和组成影响很大。三角褐指藻和小球藻总多不饱和脂肪酸含量随着照度的增加呈下降趋势。在本实验条件下 ,在较低光强 (0 .2 5× 10 3 L ux~ 1.7× 10 3 L ux)时 ,EPA、DHA、C18∶ 3等多不饱和脂肪酸含量较高。  相似文献   

乐清湾水域纳潮量演变分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于1965年以来的不同时期水深地形数据和卫星遥感影像资料,对乐清湾岸线和不同特征值水深所围水域面积的历史变化进行研究,根据GIS技术计算乐清湾近50年的不同水域面积的演变特征。利用实测地形资料和水文数据建立乐清湾海域二维潮流数学模型分析乐清湾水域纳潮量的演变情况。结果表明:(1)乐清湾海域纳潮量近50年减少3.16×10~8 m~3,2013年较1965年减少17.69%,年均递减速率由0.06×10~8 m~3/a增加至近年的1.96×10~8 m~3/a;(2)海湾不同区域围填海造成相应海区水域面积的缩减,但纳潮量对水域面积改变的响应程度有显著差别。内湾滩涂围垦对乐清湾不同湾区纳潮量影响十分有限,外湾围垦对纳潮量的影响由外湾向内湾明显递减。漩门湾二期工程显著改变乐清湾的潮流形态,造成各个湾区纳潮量均出现大幅度的调整。本研究可以为海湾的生态环境保护和预测海湾的发展趋势提供量化的参考数据。  相似文献   

对墨西哥湾北部水深2200m的Alaminos Canyon645区块(AC645区)和水深540m的Green Canyon185区块(GC185区)冷泉碳酸盐岩的有机质进行了研究,结果显示深水和浅水区冷泉碳酸盐岩的有机质丰度和烷烃组成差别较大,下陆坡深水AC区样品有机质含量低,正构烷烃、萜烷、甾烷各组分的含量相对较高,正构烷烃以低碳数占绝对优势,并含有种类丰富的三环萜烷和五环三萜烷,且以17a(H),21B(H)-藿烷为主峰碳,反映了深水区冷泉碳酸盐岩的有机质来源于细菌和低等藻类,有少量的深部油气藏有机质的渗漏输入,并受微弱的微生物作用改造。上陆坡浅水GC区样品有机质含量较高,其中正构烷烃含量较低,并且以难以分开的复杂混合物(UCM)为主,同样含有种类丰富的以17α(H),21β(H)-降藿烷为主峰碳的三环萜烷和五环三萜烷,表明有机质主要来源于深部油气藏渗漏的有机质,并遭受了强烈的微生物降解。本文系统地研究了冷泉碳酸盐岩中正构烷烃、萜烷、甾烷的组成和分布特征,并探讨了有机质来源和冷泉渗漏的关系。  相似文献   

This article discusses the interaction of aniline and ocean algae based on the standard appraisal method of chemical medicine for algae toxicity. It is showed by experimental results that aniline has pretty toxic effects on algae. Suspended substances in water can offset some effects of aniline. It also discusses the dynamic constant of first order degradation reaction rate of algae on aniline from the point of view of chemical dynamics.  相似文献   

本文对近年来蓝藻基因组研究进展进行了综述.介绍了聚胞藻PCC6803基因组研究方法和成果,包括最佳分析软件的选择,所获得的基因组基本信息,以及后基因组研究的部分成果.蓝藻基因组间差异很大,文中介绍了其它蓝藻基因组的基本信息和在各个藻种里的重要发现.文章最后探讨了蓝藻基因组的研究意义和前景.  相似文献   

分析IP电话的国内外发展状况,探讨IP电话的发展趋势,研究中国政府及IP电话运营商应采用的应对策略,通过研究和分析,为IP电话下一步发展战略提供参考作用。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThecontentsandtheirvariationofcellularbiochemicalcomponentsinnormallygrowingmarinealgaereflectthedifferenceinecologicalenvironments,reportedbymanyresearchers(MomsandSkea,1978;SmithandMoms,1980;LiandHarrison,1982;SmithandGeider,1985;Yangetal.,1991,1992).Lightintensity,temperatureandnutrientsaremostimPOrtantenvironmentalfactorsintheocean.ThispaperemphasizestheeffectsofenvironmentalfactorsonthecompositionofPhaendactylumtricornutum,Dunaliellaspp.,SkeletonemacostatumandIsOChr…  相似文献   

本文据1988年8~11月共6个航次采用多船同步、浮子跟踪和化学监测相结合的方法所获得的资料,研完了筼筜湖纳潮排污污水对厦门西港水质影响的范围和污染程度。  相似文献   

《长春市城市总体规划》图集的编辑制作   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
孙庆荣 《海洋测绘》2004,24(2):56-58
简要阐述了用MapGIS、CoreIDRAW两种软件结合制作《长春市城市总体规划》图集的设计、编制方法,采用图层模式有效管理地图集的数据.根据实践得出了一些经验和技巧。  相似文献   

Stomach contents of 68 black petrels, Procellaria parkinsoni, 12 Westland black petrels, P. westlandica, and 3 white‐chinned petrels, P. aequinoctialis, were compared. The main prey were Cephalopoda and fish, and these indicated predominantly nocturnal feeding with selection for bioluminescent forms. There is marked latitudinal variation in the Cephalopoda available to these petrels.  相似文献   

牡蛎肉提取物主要营养成份的分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
陈荣忠  杨丰  王初升 《台湾海峡》1999,18(2):195-198
牡蛎肉中含有丰富的糖元、牛磺酸以及微量元素锌等。牡蛎肉提取物的氨基酸通过 HPLC分析,表明含有丰富的牛磺酸(7%);经 酮比色定糖法测定其糖元含量为 14.5%;石墨炉原子吸收法测得其锌含量为 89. 5 × 10~-6(m/m)。牡蛎肉在保健补品方面能起到陆源食品所不能代替的独特作用。可以预言,牡蛎肉将作为开拓保健补品的新资源。  相似文献   

尹朝阳 《海洋测绘》2005,25(3):74-75
影像地图的编制方法、内容展现有别于线划地图。较详细地介绍了《南京市老城区影像图册》比例尺、开本选择、影像编辑处理、图面内容要素表示、计算机编图的方法和手段。  相似文献   

根据板东构造板东4井等长兴组钻探资料,对长兴组的生物礁进行了研究。研究表明板东构造长兴组储集岩有生物(屑)泥晶灰岩-含生物(屑)泥晶灰岩、礁灰岩和白云岩。综合储集岩物性特征、区域钻、测井资料及野外剖面,总结了生物礁的形成与演化模式及模式各部位所对应的岩性和物性。通过地震响应特征、反演等技术建立了长兴组储层识别模式,利用对应速度、Landmark属性提取的储层有效厚度经计算机网格化编制出了长兴组储层厚度分布预测图,与钻测井厚度对比,证实板东4井生物礁为点礁。  相似文献   

We examine the processes underlying the generation and propagation of the small meander of the Kuroshio south of Japan which occurs prior to the transition from the non-large meander path to the large meander path. The study proceeds numerically by using a two-layer, flat-bottom, quasi-geostrophic inflow-outflow model which takes account of the coastal geometries of Kyushu, Nansei Islands, part of the East China Sea, and the Izu Ridge. The model successfully reproduces the observed generation and propagation features of what is called "trigger meander" until it passes by Cape Shiono-misaki; presumably because of the absence of the bottom topography, the applicability of the present numerical model becomes questionable after the trigger meander passes by Cape Shiono-misaki. The generation of the trigger meander off the south-eastern coast of Kyushu is shown to be associated with the increase in the supply of cyclonic vorticity by the enhanced current velocity in the upper layer along the southern coast of Kyushu where the no-slip boundary condition is employed. Thereafter, the trigger meander propagates eastward while inducing an anticyclone-cyclone-cyclone pair in the lower layer. The lower-layer cyclone induced in this way, in particular, plays a crucial role in intensifying the trigger meander trough via cross-stream advection in the upper layer; the intensified trigger meander trough then further amplifies the lower-layer cyclone. This joint evolution of the upper-layer meander trough and the lower-layer cyclone indicates that baroclinic instability is the dominant mechanism underlying the rapid amplification of the eastward propagating trigger meander.  相似文献   

介绍了我国生物海岸的分布现状,总结出以柽柳为代表的灌木群落、以芦苇为代表的草本群落、以红树林为代表的常绿灌木与乔木群落以及珊瑚礁是我国海岸带四类典型生物群落。生物海岸的生态、旅游、渔牧和科研价值极高,但从20世纪50年代起,由于对生物海岸的价值认识不足,我国生物海岸被大量破坏,主要破坏原因可归纳为:1)土地功能转换式开发引起的红树林和草本岸线破坏;2)过度采挖及环境恶化引起的珊瑚礁破坏;3)土壤盐碱化引起的柽柳群落退化。从20世纪80年代至今,一系列海岸带保护与生态修复的举措陆续实施,减缓了我国海岸带生态加速破坏的态势,较好地保护和修复了我国生物海岸,其中最重要的举措包括:1)设立生物海岸湿地公园和自然保护区;2)建立健全生物海岸保护相关法律体系;3)开展典型生物海岸相关研究与修复技术探索;4)推进并实施"十三五"海洋规划中三大海洋重点工程。为了解我国海岸带生态修复的现状,于2017-2018年期间,分别在山东日照、潍坊,上海,广东汕头、汕尾以及徐闻进行了实地调研和测量,调研结果表明:在政策支持下,调研地区的生物海岸得到了很好的保护和修复,推进我国海岸带生态修复步入快速发展阶段。基于调研成果,指出我国在海岸带生态修复中应特别重视的一些问题。  相似文献   

We here present and discuss the results of the analysis and qualitative interpretation of two magnetic surveys performed in the Bay of Naples in 1998 and 2000. A map of the Bay of Naples based on the data acquired during these surveys has already been published by the Italian CNR-IAMC Research Institute. We re-processed the same data to produce maps of the pole reduced, analytic signal and horizontal derivative data and correlated them with the bathymetry and the gravimetric data of the area. The analysis shows strong anomalies in the NW and NE volcanic areas of the Bay of Naples, while the central area seems magnetically quiet. In the Phlegrean area the maps clearly show the southern rim of the Phlegrean caldera and demonstrate that while the Magnaghi Canyon is correlated to gravimetric highs and magnetic structures, and can therefore be interpreted as an active lineament, most of Dohrn Canyon is not characterized by volcanic activity and does not correlate to any gravimetric or magnetic structures. An important round-shaped magnetic anomaly is for the first time identified in the central slope of the gulf between the two canyons, probably correlated to a large buried volcanic edifice. In the Vesuvian area some intense circular anomalies, aligned in the NNW–SSE direction, are localized in the Torre del Greco and Torre Annunziata offshore, related to the submerged part of Vesuvius and possibly connected to buried vents.  相似文献   

调查了养殖海马(Hippocampus)卵甲藻病的发病流行规律,并研究其防治方法。结果表明养殖海马在自然水温23℃以上时易发生淀粉卵甲藻病,致病死亡主要原因为淀粉卵甲藻抱囊附着在海马的鳃部引起海马呼吸困难。从而导致海马缺氧。采用含Cu^2+药物可以一般预防和治疗海马淀粉卵甲藻病。流水及网箱养殖海马不易发生此病,也是较好的防治方法。  相似文献   

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