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西沙周缘新生代构造演化与盆地充填响应特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用南海西沙周缘地震资料,进行了地震相研究,并结合邻区地质资料,进行了南海西沙周缘新生代沉积相分析,讨论了盆地的充填演化历史。研究认为,南海西沙周缘盆地充填断陷期以陆相和海陆过渡相沉积为主;坳陷期以海陆过渡相和海相沉积为主,自下而上充填了一套冲积相-湖相(始新统)-海陆交替相(渐新统)-滨浅海台地相(中-下中新统)-浅海、半深海相(上新统-第四系)沉积序列,盆地的充填历史反映了南海西沙周缘沉积环境由陆相向海相逐渐过渡的过程。通过对油气地质条件分析,认为始新世-渐新世早期是重要的烃源岩发育期;渐新世晚期-中新世中期是储层发育期;中新世晚期后是区域该层发育时期。  相似文献   

近期在琼东南盆地超深水区发现了L18气田上新统地层圈闭气田,但在聚气背景、烃源岩、储层沉积成因及天然气输导体系等气田形成条件和成藏模式认识存在争议。通过对该气田形成条件的综合分析,认为上新世轴向古洼槽内地层圈闭、陵水凹陷东洼下渐新统崖城组浅海相烃源岩、上新统限制型重力流砂岩储层和渐新统-中新统断裂垂向沟源通道是形成上新统地层圈闭气田的4个基本条件。中中新世以来盆地中央继承性发育轴向古洼槽和限制型重力流沉积,随着后期地层沉积迁移、差异压实作用,上新统莺歌海组砂岩顶面在轴向洼槽内起伏,并被周边泥岩封盖、封堵,形成了地层圈闭;约3.4 Ma BP,陵水凹陷东洼下渐新统崖城组浅海相烃源岩生成了成熟天然气,沿渐新统-中新统断裂向上运移到上新统莺歌海组重力流沉积砂岩中,再侧向运移至地层圈闭中聚集成藏,具有"烃源岩、圈闭、断裂+砂岩输导层"三要素控藏的上新统地层圈闭成藏模式。  相似文献   

尖峰北盆地位于南海北部大陆边缘南部,是一个新生代沉积盆地。盆地发育了A、B、C、D、E5套地震层序;盆地内地质构造复杂,断裂发育,平面上断裂展布方向主要有NE向、近EW向和NW向三组,断裂可分为正断层及平移断层,以正断层为主。古新世—始新世为盆地形成时期即断陷阶段,盆地内部充填了大量河湖相沉积。渐新世—中中新世为盆地发展期即坳陷阶段,盆地沉积类型由陆相逐步过渡到海陆过渡相和海相。中中新世末期,盆地相对隆升,部分地区遭受剥蚀。晚中新世—全新世为区域沉降阶段,盆地及其围区以稳定的浅海-半深海相沉积为主。盆地早期河湖相、三角洲相沉积分布范围较广,最大沉积厚度超过4500m,具有一定的生烃能力;盆地储盖条件良好,油气运移条件良好;尖峰北盆地具备较好的油气潜力。  相似文献   

目前东海陆架盆地的勘探形势良好,在新生界陆续发现多个油气田,但在盆地中生界尚未有大的勘探突破。为提高油气勘探效率,利用含油气系统的理论与方法对研究区白垩系油气成藏要素及成藏作用进行了分析,总结出了研究区油气成藏模式。结果表明:研究区白垩系烃源岩主要发育在基隆凹陷,岩性推测为海湾相暗色泥岩,有机质丰度高,类型好;储层主要为中―新生代砂岩,储集空间主要为原生孔隙和次生裂缝,白垩系砂岩整体为中孔中渗储层,新生界储集性能较好,并以始新统平湖组和渐新统花港组砂岩最为重要;中新生代盖层主要为泥岩,发育两套生储盖组合;受构造演化所控制,基隆凹陷可能经历了白垩纪晚期、古近纪、新近纪―至今3次生烃,其他地区只经历了后两次生烃;油气主要是通过优势输导砂体、不整合面、断裂和裂缝所组成的输导体系向周围圈闭运移;东海陆架东南部白垩系油气主要存在3种油气藏类型。本次研究结果可以为东海陆架盆地东南部白垩系的油气资源评估提供依据。  相似文献   

近几年,东非海岸坦桑尼亚盆地发现了14个大中型气田,使得坦桑尼亚成为全球深水油气勘探的焦点。以收集到的盆地最新地质基础资料和油气田资料为依据,归纳总结该盆地构造沉积演化特征,分析烃源岩、储集层、盖层及含油气系统特征,预测其勘探前景。研究认为,盆地发育3套烃源岩,主力烃源岩为中上侏罗统页岩、下白垩统三角洲相页岩和上白垩统海相页岩。主要储层是下白垩统河流三角洲砂岩以及上白垩统、古新统和渐新统的深水水道砂岩。潜在储层包括卡鲁群河流三角洲砂岩、中侏罗统砂岩和灰岩。盆地内具有优良盖层质量的黏土岩层序出现在整个侏罗系—新近系地层,形成了区域和层间盖层。陆上及浅水区以构造成藏组合为主;深水区以重力流砂体在陆坡形成的构造—地层成藏组合为主。勘探的目标应着重于白垩纪以来重力流砂砾沉积物及河道充填沉积物形成的斜坡扇和海底扇。  相似文献   

厄瓜多尔Oriente盆地南部区块沉积特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过构造演化和地层发育特征分析,将厄瓜多尔Oriente盆地南部区块Napo组划分为4个层序。根据岩心中的潮汐层理、羽状交错层理、冲洗交错层理、具有大量贝壳等特征,识别研究区具有潮坪沉积环境。针对其沉积坡度缓,碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩互层沉积的特点,建立了缓坡混积陆棚边缘的沉积相模式,认为Oriente盆地南部区块Napo组发育有海岸平原、潮坪、局限台地和混积陆棚相。相序的垂向组合和平面迁移受海平面升降的控制,指出潮坪砂岩主要出现在各层序的陆架边缘体系域,水下浅滩砂岩出现在海侵体系域。从沉积角度看,潮汐水道砂体是最好的储层砂体。  相似文献   

西非下刚果盆地为一典型被动大陆边缘含盐盆地,下刚果盆地北部海域在白垩系海相碳酸盐岩层系获得丰富油气发现。研究区海相碳酸盐岩领域油气勘探面临的核心瓶颈问题,即白垩系碳酸盐岩的沉积模式、演化规律、储层特征以及沉积储层发育控制因素。综合钻井、地震、区域地质等资料,分析认为自下向上相对海平面的上升控制了沉积演化,沉积体系演化模式为浅海碳酸盐岩台地→浅海混积陆棚→半深海-海底扇。下刚果盆地碳酸盐岩储层展布在纵向及平面上均可以划分为内中外3个储层发育带,碳酸盐岩储层最主要发育于下白垩统Albian阶下Sendji组。该时期研究区整体发育浅海碳酸盐岩混积缓坡台地沉积体系,沉积亚相可进一步划分为混积滨岸、后缓坡、浅水缓坡以及深水缓坡4种类型,其中浅水缓坡亚相颗粒滩微相与后缓坡亚相台内浅滩、砂质浅滩微相储层最为发育。碳酸盐岩储层岩性组合主要包括颗粒灰岩、砂岩、砂质灰岩、白云岩4种类型;储层发育主要受沉积相带的控制,并受成岩作用的影响。  相似文献   

东格陵兰陆架深水盆地群是目前深水油气勘探的热点地区之一,但勘探程度还很低。以收集到的东格陵兰陆架的最新地质基础资料和油气田资料为依据研究发现,研究区主力烃源岩为上侏罗统Hareelv组海相页岩和下侏罗统KapStewart组三角洲相泥页岩,主力储层为中侏罗统浅海相砂岩和白垩系深海浊积砂岩,发育陆生海储海盖型和海生海储海盖型两大类生储盖组合,圈闭主要为伸展构造圈闭、地垒断块圈闭、盐构造圈闭以及地层圈闭等。东格陵兰陆架油气成藏条件优越,资源潜力巨大,储量约为323.4亿桶油当量,待发现油气田约300个。  相似文献   

东海陆架盆地是在元古界、古生界复杂基底上发展形成的中—新生代叠合含油气盆地,蕴藏丰富的油气资源,对中国的能源战略意义重大,东海陆架盆地中生界将是未来中国东部油气勘探新区及重要领域。台北坳陷位于东海陆架盆地西部坳陷带南部,中生界陆相河湖沉积体系发育福州组泥岩、石门潭组泥岩两套主力烃源岩。根据台北坳陷烃源岩、储盖组合、输导体系等油气藏形成的静态要素为基础,结合油气来源和成藏期次分析,研究其成藏过程,明确了台北坳陷以福州组、石门潭组为主力烃源,福州组、石门潭组及始新世瓯江组砂体为主要储层,油气沿着凹陷边缘的砂体、活动的断层运移,砂体尖灭和断层封闭时期,油气早期成藏;始新世末-渐新世的全盆性挤压反转,油气重新调整聚集成藏。从而建立起台北坳陷中生界早期成藏,后期调整的成藏模式。  相似文献   

Taranaki盆地是新西兰国家唯一在产油气的盆地。其勘探活动和油气发现主要在陆上和浅水区,深水区目前勘探程度极低,是近年来全球深水油气勘探关注的重要新领域之一,但存在构造沉积演化不清、勘探潜力不明的问题。从盆地的构造-沉积演化背景入手,追溯新西兰板块漂离冈瓦纳古陆东缘之前的沉积环境及特征,结合地震地层层序的识别,划分深水区地层层序;同时运用地质类比评价方法和地球物理技术相结合,分析研究了深水区烃源岩生烃潜力、储盖组合类型、圈闭条件以及可能的油气运聚成藏模式及其勘探方向。指出:①盆地深水构造-沉积演化与目前研究认识程度较高的陆上及浅水区有差异,其地层系统及地层沉积充填格架可划分为4个层序;②深水区存在比盆地陆上及浅水区更老的新含油气系统,其沉积充填了裂谷期陆相煤系和裂后期海侵泥岩2套烃源层系,且具有"裂谷期生气、裂后期生油"的成烃特点,生烃潜力较大;③深水油气藏主要勘探目的层为三角洲砂岩及晚白垩世浅海相滨岸砂岩,而东部隆起之上的火山披覆构造圈闭为该区的主要勘探目标。  相似文献   

Significant oil and gas accumulations occur in and around Lougheed Island, Arctic Canada, where hydrocarbon prospectivity is controlled by potential source rock distribution and composition. The Middle to Upper Triassic rocks of the Schei Point Group (e.g. Murray Harbour and Hoyle Bay formations) contain a mixture of Types I and II organic matter (Tasmanales marine algae, amorphous fluorescing bituminite). These source rocks are within the oil generation zone and have HI values up to 600 mg HC/g Corg. The younger source rocks of the Lower Jurassic Jameson Bay and the Upper Jurassic Ringnes formations contain mainly gas-prone Type II/III organic matter and are marginally mature. Vitrinite reflectance profiles suggest an effective geothermal gradient essentially similar to the present-day gradient (20 to 30°C/km). Maturation gradients are low, ranging from 0.125 to 0.185 log%Ro/km. Increases in subsidence rate in the Early Cretaceous suggest that the actual heat flow history was variable and has probably diminished from that time. The high deposition rates of the Christopher Formation shales coincide with the main phase of rifting in Aptian-Albian times. Uplift and increased sediment supply in the Maastrichtian resulted in a new sedimentary and tectonic regime, which culminated in the final phase of the Eurekan Orogeny. Burial history models indicate that hydrocarbon generation in the Schei Point Group took place during rifting in Early Cretaceous, long before any Eurekan deformation.  相似文献   

A basin modeling system was used to numerically reconstruct the burial, thermal, and catagenesis histories of the rocks in the sedimentary sections of four boreholes in the Kaigan-Vasyukan part of the Sakhalin-5 area on the northeastern shelf of Sakhalin. The sedimentary section of the basin includes the Late Cretaceous complex in addition to the Cenozoic one. The region of the shelf considered here is located within the Okhotsk block margin near to the East Sakhalin accretion complex in the region subjected to active fault tectonics. Consequently, two limiting versions of the basin’s development are analyzed in this paper: the first with the local-isostatic response of the basin’s lithosphere during the basin’s entire history and the second with the isostatic behavior of the lithosphere beginning from the time of the Kuril Island Arc’s formation (about 34 Ma BP). The modeling suggests a rather high thermal mode of the basin at intensive sedimentation during the last 10 Ma. The rocks of the upper half of the Late Cretaceous formation; the Eocene, Machigar, and Daekhurin formations; and the lower half of the Uinin complex could generate oil up to the present time. In contrast, the rocks of the upper half of the Uinin complex and the Dagi, Okobykai, and Lower and Upper Nutov formations are interesting only as the reservoir and cap rocks for the hydrocarbons generated in the lower levels.  相似文献   

旅大6构造是渤海海域新近发现的一个中型油田.该构造位于辽东低凸起中南段陡坡带,为层状构造油气藏,垂向上多层系含油,形成典型的“阶梯式”陡坡带复式油气藏.走滑作用对构造形成、储层发育、断层封堵、油气运移都有重要的作用.构造转折端对沉积卸载形成优质储层具有重要作用,奠定了旅大6构造是辽东低凸起中南段有利成藏区的物质基础;辽中一号断层与区域走滑断层同向,具有走滑压扭性质是控圈断层侧封的关键.南北区块以及东二下段、东三段油气丰度迥异,伸展断层的运移能力和控圈断层的封堵能力共同决定了旅大6构造南区东二下段油气的差异富集成藏.  相似文献   

Calcite veins and cements occur widely in Carboniferous and Permian reservoirs of the Hongche fault zone, northwestern Junggar Basin in northwest China. The calcites were investigated by fluid inclusion and trace-element analyses, providing an improved understanding of the petroleum migration history. It is indicated that the Hongche fault behaved as a migration pathway before the Early Cretaceous, allowing two oil charges to migrate into the hanging-wall, fault-core and footwall reservoirs across the fault. Since the Late Cretaceous, the Hongche fault has been sealed. As a consequence, meteoric water flowed down only into the hanging-wall and fault-core reservoirs. The meteoric-water incursion is likely an important cause for degradation of reservoir oils. In contrast, the footwall reservoirs received gas charge (the third hydrocarbon event) following the Late Cretaceous. This helps explain the distribution of petroleum across the fault. This study provides an example of how a fault may evolve as pathway and seal over time, and how reservoir diagenetic minerals can provide clues to complex petroleum migration histories.  相似文献   

法尔维海盆位于西南太平洋海域豪勋爵海丘东侧、新喀里多尼亚岛西侧,是全球油气勘探的前沿地区。但目前对于该海盆的构造演化研究较为薄弱,限制了该海盆油气资源的进一步勘探开发。本文通过从新西兰塔斯曼海数据库搜集到大量地球物理资料,使用2D Move软件,通过平衡剖面技术进行构造演化模拟,结合区域动力学机制将海盆北部和南部的构造演化分为7个阶段:(1)早白垩世至晚白垩世陆内裂谷阶段;(2)晚白垩世断坳过渡阶段;(3)始新世早期坳陷阶段;(4)始新世晚期一次构造反转阶段;(5)始新世至渐新世热沉降阶段;(6)渐新世至中新世二次构造反转阶段;(7)中新世至今海洋沉降阶段。由于海盆中部未发现有明显的二次构造反转阶段,所以将海盆中部的构造演化划分为5个阶段:(1)早白垩世至晚白垩世陆内裂谷阶段;(2)晚白垩世断坳过渡阶段;(3)始新世早期坳陷阶段;(4)始新世晚期构造反转阶段;(5)中新世至今海洋沉降阶段。此阶段海盆整体下坳,逐渐形成现今样貌。法尔维海盆北部受到区域构造活动影响较大,白垩系地层发育较多的断裂构造;海盆中部晚白垩统地层发生较多的底辟构造;海盆南部从形成至今,受到构造活动影响较小,发育地层完整,前新生代地层较厚。整个法尔维海盆北部构造活动较强,中部较弱,南部较小。沉积地层从北到南由厚变薄。  相似文献   

Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Mukalla, Harshiyat and Qishn formations from three wells in the Jiza sub-basin were studied to describe source rock characteristics, providing information on organic matter type, paleoenvironment of deposition and hydrocarbon generation potential. This study is based on organic geochemical and petrographic analyses performed on cuttings samples. The results were then incorporated into basin models in order to understand the burial and thermal histories and timing of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion.The bulk geochemical results show that the Cretaceous rocks are highly variable with respect to their genetic petroleum generation potential. The total organic carbon (TOC) contents and petroleum potential yield (S1 + S2) of the Cretaceous source rocks range from 0.43 to 6.11% and 0.58–31.14 mg HC/g rock, respectively indicating non-source to very good source rock potential. Hydrogen index values for the Early to Late Cretaceous Harshiyat and Qishn formations vary between 77 and 695 mg HC/g TOC, consistent with Type I/II, II-III and III kerogens, indicating oil and gas generation potential. In contrast, the Late Cretaceous Mukalla Formation is dominated by Type III kerogen (HI < 200 mg HC/g TOC), and is thus considered to be gas-prone. The analysed Cretaceous source rock samples have vitrinite reflectance values in the range of 0.37–0.95 Ro% (immature to peak-maturity for oil generation).A variety of biomarkers including n-alkanes, regular isoprenoids, terpanes and steranes suggest that the Cretaceous source rocks were deposited in marine to deltaic environments. The biomarkers also indicate that the Cretaceous source rocks contain a mixture of aquatic organic matter (planktonic/bacterial) and terrigenous organic matter, with increasing terrigenous influence in the Late Cretaceous (Mukalla Formation).The burial and thermal history models indicate that the Mukalla and Harshiyat formations are immature to early mature. The models also indicate that the onset of oil-generation in the Qishn source rock began during the Late Cretaceous at 83 Ma and peak-oil generation was reached during the Late Cretaceous to Miocene (65–21 Ma). The modeled hydrocarbon expulsion evolution suggests that the timing of oil expulsion from the Qishn source rock began during the Miocene (>21 Ma) and persisted to present-day. Therefore, the Qishn Formation can act as an effective oil-source but only limited quantities of oil can be expected to have been generated and expelled in the Jiza sub-basin.  相似文献   

部分元素对氧化还原环境非常敏感,氧化还原条件往往决定着这些元素的迁移或富集,这些元素被称为氧化还原敏感性元素(redox sensitive elements,RSE).除Fe、Mn外大部分RSE在氧化环境条件下以溶解态离子形式存在于海洋水体而发生迁移,在还原环境条件下则容易从海洋水体中析出向沉积物中迁移并发生富集.RSE的这种特性常被用来判断现代或地质历史中的沉积环境.本文在总结RSE与沉积氧化还原环境判别的基础上,分析了影响RSE地球化学行为的因素,进而探讨了RSE应用中存在的主要问题及今后研究方向.RSE及相关指标在沉积环境判别中的应用主要包括:氧化还原状态的识别、指示海洋水体生产力变化、指示海洋水体的局限程度、指示沉积物物源等.影响或控制RSE迁移、转化、沉积和富集的主要因素有:成岩作用、陆源物质加入、粒控效应、Fe-Mn氧化物/氢氧化物的吸附、有机质含量、水体局限、人类活动等.迄今对部分RSE的迁移富集机制还不十分清楚,元素指标的应用较粗略.近期在RSE的应用中应重视样品的选取与保存、测量分析技术的提升以及多指标的互相印证,通过综合分析判断,才能得出更接近实际的结果.  相似文献   

Palynological and biomarker characteristics of organic facies recovered from Cretaceous–Miocene well samples in the Ras El Bahar Oilfield, southwest Gulf of Suez, and their correlation with lithologies, environments of deposition and thermal maturity have provided a sound basis for determining their source potential for hydrocarbons. In addition to palynofacies analysis, TOC/Rock-Eval pyrolysis, kerogen concentrates, bitumen extraction, carbon isotopes and saturated and aromatic biomarkers enable qualitative and quantitative assessments of sedimentary organic matter to be made. The results obtained from Rock-Eval pyrolysis and molecular biomarker data indicate that most of the samples come from horizons that have fair to good hydrocarbon generation potential in the study area. The Upper Cretaceous–Paleocene-Lower Eocene samples contain mostly Type-II to Type-III organic matter with the capability of generating oil and gas. The sediments concerned accumulated in dysoxic–anoxic marine environments. By contrast, the Miocene rocks yielded mainly Type-III and Type-II/III organic matter with mainly gas-generating potential. These rocks reflect deposition in a marine environment into which there was significant terrigenous input. Three palynofacies types have been recognized. The first (A) consists of Type-III gas-prone kerogen and is typical of the Early–Middle Miocene Belayim, Kareem and upper Rudeis formations. The second (B) has mixed oil and gas features and characterizes the remainder of the Rudeis Formation. The third association (C) is dominated by amorphous organic matter, classified as borderline Type-II oil-prone kerogen, and is typical of the Matulla (Turonian–Santonian) and Wata (Turonian) formations. Rock-Eval Tmax, PI, hopane and sterane biomarkers consistently indicate an immature to early mature stage of thermal maturity for the whole of the studied succession.  相似文献   

As worldwide hydrocarbon exploration has extended from shallowly to deeply buried strata, reservoir quality has attracted substantial and persistent interest in petroleum geology. In particular, deeply buried strata (>5500 m) in the Tarim Basin have attracted considerable attention because carbonate reservoirs that have experienced fracture or dissolution have also been shown to demonstrate considerable hydrocarbon potential. Therefore, it is necessary to determine how these reservoirs are developed and distributed in detail from both scientific and practical standpoints.In this paper, we address this issue using a case study in the southern Tahe area, which is contained within the largest Palaeozoic marine oilfield in China. In the northern Tahe area, mega-paleokarst systems developed in the Ordovician strata; however, the reservoir quality in the southern part of the Tahe area is relatively poor because it is covered by insoluble formations during karstification. Observations of cores and analyses of images of well logging demonstrate that these reservoirs are dominated by caves, vugs and fractures that have developed near faults. We speculate that the faults penetrating insoluble formations represent the main dissolution passages that originally developed these karstic fault systems. Additionally, we analyse a series of outcrops, seismic data, and structures to characterize the spatial geometry of these major faults and their surrounding fractures in detail. Most of these are strike-slip faults, and their subsequent reservoirs can be divided into three categories based on their development, including dendritic, sandwich and slab reservoirs. Recent studies demonstrate that karstic fault reservoirs are most common traps in the study area. Although various types of carbonate karstic fault reservoirs are represented in this region, the dendritic karstic fault reservoir is the most hydrocarbon-rich.Guided by these initial results, 108 wells were drilled from 2013 to 2014, producing 485 thousand tons of oil and yielding success ratios greater than 89%. The average production of dendritic reservoirs is 37.4 tons per day (t/d), while those of sandwich and slab types are 20.2 t/d and 14.0 t/d, respectively. These results represent significant references for future hydrocarbon exploration and the development of similar deeply buried karstic fault reservoirs in the Tarim Basin and elsewhere.  相似文献   

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