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柘林湾网箱鱼类养殖环境氮磷负何研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过建立模型估算了柘林湾网箱养殖因投饵所产生的环境氮磷总负荷及不同来源、形式的氮磷负荷组成.结果显示,2006年柘林湾网箱养殖因投喂冰鲜鱼饵料产生的氮负荷为2760.39t、磷负荷为679.11t,其中残饵氮1695.24 t,占氮负荷的61.4%,残饵磷441.36 t,占磷负荷的65.0%,残饵是构成氮磷负荷的主要...  相似文献   

应用数值模拟方法计算小尺度海域养殖容量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以无机氮作为污染控制因子,应用扩散数值模拟方程估算了三盘港投饵网箱养鱼的养殖容量。结果显示:三盘港海域水交换能力较强,但富营养化程度严重,其中网箱养殖对无机氮贡献率约占82%。按照目前的养殖布局,以网箱养殖对水体无机氮增量的影响小于0.049mg/L,即养殖区无机氮浓度值不超过0.400mg/L为标准,三盘港投饵网箱养殖容量约为2100口。  相似文献   

网箱养殖水污染及其治理对策   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
王福表 《海洋科学》2002,26(7):24-26
上世纪90年代中期以来 ,各地对渔业捕养关系加大了调整力度 ,网箱养殖业发展迅猛。但随之而来的是网箱养殖水域的水污染问题日益突出 ,制约了网箱养殖业的健康发展。以宁波市辖区内的象山港水域为例 ,近年来 ,投饵网箱养鱼遍及全港 ,网箱数量已超过50000余只。而这些网箱投喂的过剩饵料和鱼类排出的粪便正以每年几十厘米的厚度沉积水底 ,日积月累已达1m多厚。除了靠风浪冲刷等自然作用外 ,没有办法将其清除 ,致使水质严重恶化 ,鱼病蔓延。同时由于水质的“富营养化” ,促使藻类繁衍 ,赤潮时有发生。因此 ,有专家断言 ,网箱养殖的“…  相似文献   

继海带、对虾、扇贝三次水产养殖浪潮之后,青岛市网箱养鱼发展势头迅猛,已成为全市水产养殖的新热点,受到全社会的重视。目前全市网箱养鱼已突破万箱大关,新一轮水产养殖高潮即将形成。 青岛市的网箱养鱼始于1996年,当初只有黄岛区水产研究所和薛家岛街道办顾家岛村开  相似文献   

中国对虾胃容量的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人工养殖中国对虾Penaeus orientalis Kishinouye需要投喂饵料,常常因投饵数量不恰当导致养虾失败:投少了不能满足对虾需要;投多了不仅浪费饵料,还会败坏水质。为了寻找合理的投饵标准,不少学者通过称剩饵或胃内含物的重量来推导出各种计算摄饵量的公式。但其准确性因受回收量不全、饵料种类不同和胃饱满程度差异等因素的影响,各公式所计算的日摄饵量不尽一致。因此,探索对虾的胃容量,关系到阐明投饵量  相似文献   

探讨淡水养殖尤其是大水域网箱养鱼中由于投饵方式的不当和投饵量过多导致过剩饵料沉积引起水域环境污染的解决方法。本研究利用鱼类的听觉生物学特性,参考音响驯化技术的有关参数,结合投饵用400 Hz正弦波连续音对鲤(Cyprinus carpioLinnaeus)进行了音响驯化实验。结果表明,最初放声时,实验鱼产生惊愕反应,迅速离声源而去;但驯化6 d后,实验鱼在放声后迅速游向声源,摄食时间由最初的150 s缩短到实验后期的60 s。整个实验阶段放声组与对照组摄食时间差异极显著(P<0.01),摄食率和特定生长率无显著差异(P>0.05)。根据实验鱼的生长参数,求得了参考投饵量曲线和方程。本实验结果为音响驯化技术在淡水鱼养殖中的推广应用提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

龙须菜在鱼藻混养系统中的生态功能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来 ,随着海水养殖产业的迅速发展 ,养殖规模的不断扩大 ,养殖区的自身污染问题也日益显露 ,以人工投饵和网箱养殖方式为主的浅海鱼类养殖 ,残饵和鱼体的代谢产物往往导致水体的富营养化和底质的有机污染 ,既影响周围环境 ,又不利于鱼类的生长和健康 ,长远意义上还会制约整个鱼类养殖业的持续发展。怎样减轻海水养殖造成的自身污染和对生态环境的破坏 ,已成为人们日益关注的问题 ,国内外学者已提出多种解决这一问题的途径 ,其中一条重要途径是通过优化养殖结构 ,实施综合养殖 ,发展生态养殖技术 (杨圣云等 ,1 996;杨红生 ,2 0 0 0 ;阎希…  相似文献   

我国海水鱼类网箱养殖现状及其发展前景   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张雅芝 《海洋科学》1995,19(5):21-24
海水鱼类网箱养殖是我国近年新兴的现代化养殖方式,它具有集约化、高密度、高效益等特点,因而发展迅速。同时也出现一系列问题,制约着这一养殖方式的进一步发展。现就我国海水鱼类网箱养殖发展的现状及出现的问题概述如下。1我国海水鱼类网箱养殖现状我国海水鱼类网箱养殖相对于藻、贝、虾类的养殖起步较晚,但发展迅速。其生产性网箱养殖70年代末、80年代初始于广东。1979~1983年珠海市科委开展海水网箱养鱼试验,共试养7科20多种,以新鲜小杂鱼为饵料,有时搭配植物性饵料混合使用,取得初步成果。1982年广东阳江…  相似文献   

圆柱形沉浮式深海养殖网箱的受力分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
应用一系列力学关系,研究了深海圆柱形沉浮式养殖网箱所承受的波浪力情况。导出深海沉浮式养殖网箱的运动方程,并给出数值计算。在网箱波浪力的研究中采用绕射理论和Morison方程,讨论了在波高、波长及周期变化下水动力的变化趋势,得出网箱所受到的水平波浪力远大于竖直波浪力,波高的变化对波浪力的影响最大的结论,为深海网箱的设计校核提供1种参考方法。  相似文献   

温文 《海洋信息》1999,(9):21-21
广东省渔民沿用多年的网箱养鱼法,在不久的将来将会被一种更先进、更科学的养殖法——沉箱养殖法所取代。据悉,前不久,广东省有关科研部门已把沉箱养鱼法列入星火发展计划,并已向渔民推广使用。这项海水沉箱养殖法将成为发展海洋养殖业的新方向。 海水沉箱养鱼法是近年来日本发展起来的一种养殖新技术、新方法,1997年被引入我国,并进行小范围试验。沉箱养鱼法的具体做法是:  相似文献   

随着近海渔业的枯竭,海洋养殖业逐渐向深远海发展,但深远海养殖易受极端天气影响,本文基于海洋采油平台设计了一种八边形单元升降式网箱,为降低极端天气对养殖效益的影响提供了可能。针对单元升降式网箱结构安全性问题,本文基于ANSYS/Mechanical建立了单个单元网箱和四单元网箱在水面和水下两种状态的分析模型,通过相位角搜索程序确定不同状态下的工况,最终计算出两组网箱在两种状态下的应力和变形情况,完成对网箱强度的校核。仿真计算结果表明:单元升降式网箱可以通过下降到水面以下的方式有效应对极端天气;支撑桩腿与套筒之间的连接处是单元升降式网箱的结构薄弱处。单元升降式网箱为模块化、高效益化、灵活化深海养殖提供了一种解决方案。  相似文献   

双壳类食悬浮物类与食沉积物类的发育变化是反映水动力环境的一种指标。对南海南部NS93- 1 2 - 58柱样 1 4ka来微型双壳类营养结构分析表明 ,晚更新世末次冰期向冰后期全新世转化阶段 ,食沉积物类一度较为发育 ,表明南海南部表层环流很不活跃 ,从这一转化阶段到全新世早期 ,双壳类食悬浮物类与食沉积物类的比例有规律地变大 ,表明随着气候转暖 ,海水温度增高 ,海平面上升 ,海流作用显著增强。该柱样整样分析表明 ,双壳类食悬浮物类占据着明显的优势 ,显示了 1 4ka来南海海流作用一直比较强烈。在全新世中晚期 ,双壳类主要栖息在次表层水团的海底 ,仍以食悬浮物类为主 ,可能与南海南部陆坡上升流发育有关  相似文献   

设计了一种新型网箱浮架系统,利用SESAM对其进行了频域水动力分析以及考虑不规则波浪、风、流载荷和系泊共同作用的时域耦合分析,并与传统双浮管网箱浮架系统进行了分析对比,得到方形网箱与圆形网箱的水动力特性的差异以及各自的优缺点,对实际中网箱的开发设计有一定的借鉴意义;通过计算,证明新型网箱浮架系统在工作海况能正常工作,在极端海况下也能满足安全性的要求;最后对4种常见系泊方式进行了时域耦合分析,得到了四种系泊方式的系泊特性,对实际工程中系泊方式的选择有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

Analysis of 326 stomachs of the kahawai, Arripis trutta (Bloch and Schneider), from Wellington Harbour showed that the fish is a voracious carnivore which feeds mainly on fishes and to a lesser extent on planktonic crustaceans. The kahawai is principally a pelagic feeder, but occasionally takes food from the sea bottom; it appears to feed on those fishes which are locally most abundant, and follows shoals of small fish on which it preys. Small kahawai below 100 mm in length eat mainly copepods.  相似文献   

本文论述了海湾扇贝大水体人工育苗的高产技术和亲贝暂养、幼体培育,海上育成等的有关技术环节。并提出在相同的管理条件下,采用网箱暂养亲贝比网笼成活率提高14%,产卵时间提前5天,孵化率提高15%,幼体选育应及时进行。且在相同的孵化条件下下,产卵后26小时倒池比30小时后倒池成活率可提高38%,饵料投喂应坚持勤投、少投和混合投喂原则。在一定量的投饵条件下,日投10次比日投3次成活率高70%以上。但海上疏苗密度不宜过大,以每袋1000~2000个稚贝为宜。  相似文献   

通过设置在刺参(Apostichopus japonicus Selenka)养殖池塘中的9个2 m3保苗网箱(2 m×1 m×1 m)进行现场实验,比较研究了波形网(CU)、地笼(地笼网CN+地笼板CP)、尼龙网片(NM)等3种类型附着基(共4种附着基材料)在投苗状态下表面附着生物的发生与演替,及其在刺参苗种中间培育过程中对刺参生长、存活和产量的影响。结果表明:不同附着基表面的附着生物群落具有相似的演替过程。地笼板(CP)上附着生物的干质量、无灰分干质量显著高于其他3种附着基材料(P0.05),而CU、CN和NM之间差异不显著(P0.05);4种附着基材料表面附着生物的叶绿素a含量表现为CUCPNMCN,且相互间差异显著(P0.05);参苗培育12周时,采用波形网附着基的网箱苗种产量显著高于地笼(P0.05),波形网成活率最高,且显著高于其他2种附着基(P0.05)。参苗培育17周后,采用波形网附着基的网箱,苗种产量显著高于地笼和尼龙网片(P0.05),波形网的苗种成活率和特定增长率显著高于尼龙网片(P0.05),地笼与其他两者之间差异不显著(P0.05)。上述结果显示,附着基类型对刺参中间培育过程中苗种产量、成活率、增长率有显著影响。通过对刺参保苗效果的综合分析,推荐采用波形网作为刺参室外池塘保苗的附着基。  相似文献   

Chrysophaeum taylorii Lewis & Bryan (Pelagophyceae) is a mucilage‐producing benthic microalga that has recently begun to spread in the Mediterranean Sea, where a range expansion is occurring. This paper presents the results of three field experiments that aimed to increase the knowledge on mucilage provision mechanisms for this benthic microalga and to evaluate the importance of mucilage in its range expansion. By means of two correlative field experiments (several years of data were considered to encompass the variability of mucilage cover) we found that, on the sea bottom, mucilage cover does not depend on epilithic cell density and that both its cover and settling are affected by water flow. We also tested the hypothesis that cells embedded in floating mucilage fall on the underlying substratum, where their abundance depends on water flow. To this aim, in the field we manipulated the presence of floating mucilaginous aggregates in cages with different levels of exposure to winds. The abundance of C. taylorii cells on the substratum under cages with mucilage was compared with that of two control treatments: cages without mucilage and mucilage in still water, in the field and lab, respectively. The results suggested that mucilage can represent an excellent strategy for the species to disperse, as C. taylorii cells fall from the floating mucilage and, if the water flow is unimportant, settle on hard substrata just underneath the cage. This study enriches the portfolio of knowledge of the dispersal strategies of microalgae and contributes to the understanding of the spread of invasive species.  相似文献   

根据海洋测绘中垂直基准构建的需求,提出了一种基于主成分-逐步回归分析的建立局域无缝海图深度基准面的方法。在此基础上,利用中国某海区多个验潮站深度基准面值及分潮调和常数振幅,建立了该海区局域无缝深度基准面值回归方程。实例计算表明,该方法所建立的局域海区无缝海图深度基准面值能够达到厘米级精度,可为海图深度基准面体系的重新构建提供技术支持。  相似文献   

The feed intake, growth and body composition of juvenile blackhead seabream Acanthopagrus schlegelii schlegelii (Sparidae) (5.6 g fish?1) were investigated for 16 weeks in sea cages under seven repetitive feeding cycles: every day feeding (control), 6-day feeding and 1-day fasting (F6.1), 5-day feeding and 1-day fasting (F5.1), 4-day feeding and 1-day fasting (F4.1), 3-day feeding and 1-day fasting (F3.1), 2-day feeding and 1-day fasting (F2.1), and 1-day feeding and 1-day fasting (F1.1). The survival of the fish during the experimental period was not different among the feeding cycles. The greatest weight gain of fish was observed in the control, but not significantly different from that of the F6.1 and F5.1 groups (p > 0.05). Total feed intake and daily feed intake decreased with the increase of fasting frequency, however, actual feed intake, feed efficiency and protein efficiency ratio increased with the increase of the fasting frequency. Proximate composition of the whole body of fish was not affected by different feeding cycles. These results suggest that juvenile blackhead seabreams subjected to repetitive feeding cycles of 6- or 5-days feeding and 1 day fasting for 16 weeks could achieve compensatory growth, and that such mild feeding deprivation could save significant amounts of feed without causing any profit reduction that might result from a decrease in fish size or quality.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with a mathematical model of a heaving-buoy Wave Energy Converter (WEC) equipped with high-pressure hydraulic power take-off machinery for energy conversion. This model is based on linear hydrodynamic theory, and a hybrid frequency-time domain model is used to study the dynamics of the heaving-body exposed to an irregular incident wave. For the power take-off system, end-stop devices are provided to protect the hydraulic machinery when the buoy is exposed to severe sea states. The model also takes into account the lubricated friction force and pressure drops of orifice flow through the valves in the hydraulic system. All the forces mentioned in the hydraulic power take-off machinery have non-linear features. A complete non-linear state space model for the WEC system is presented in this study.The WEC system was numerically simulated for different cylinder lengths under a fixed volume. The effect of fluid compressibility in the cylinder has been investigated in the mathematical model. High frequency oscillations (HFOs) caused by the compressibility of the fluid are displayed in the time series and in corresponding power spectra, and variation is shown for different cylinder sizes. Piston ring and cylinder bore wear damage is estimated by using Archard’s equation on the basis of the simulation results. A comparison of these results with a performance of an identical WEC system which neglects fluid compressibility has been done in this work. It shows that although the spectral power is small, HFO can make a large contribution to both the ring and cylinder bore wear. For the purpose of wear prediction, oscillations at or below the wave frequency and HFO may be equally important.  相似文献   

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