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海豚是海洋哺乳动物的一种,因为格外“聪明”而备受喜爱。最近,科学家甚至认为它们是生活在海洋里的人类。瓶鼻海豚又叫宽吻海豚,是我们最容易见到的那种海豚,在海洋馆表演节目的就是它,  相似文献   

赵琪 《海洋世界》2004,(5):46-48
提起瓶鼻海豚(以下简称海豚),常听朋友们说:“这个我知道,不就是在海洋馆见到的那种最可爱、最聪明的鱼吗!”海豚的确是生活在大海中的,可如果你把它理解成鱼可就大错特错了。鱼的全身覆盖有鳞片、尾鳍是  相似文献   

野生海豚的妊娠、分娩及哺育过程很难进行科学、系统地观察监测,人工饲养海豚的繁殖情况却屡见报道。我馆于2003年3月20日从日本购进6头雌性太平洋瓶鼻海豚(Tursiops truncatus aduncus),其中1头编号为“270”的海豚于2003年6月19日顺利产下1头雄性幼仔,作者对其母子进行每天24h看护达2周之久。此后的1年中,幼仔生长良好。本文就海豚“270”的妊娠、分娩及哺育过程进行详细描述,并将工作人员对“270”母子采取的护理措施作一具体说明。  相似文献   

本文设计了一套基于FPGA的鲸豚声信号实时数据采集与分析系统,在采集存储水族馆内声信号的同时,应用改进的HHT算法处理鲸豚叫声中的click信号,实现实时的甄别瓶鼻海豚和白鲸功能,可用于针对大型哺乳动物的远洋实时跟踪科考。  相似文献   

刘振国 《海洋科学》2003,27(4):26-27
海豚是鲸类的一种 ,是用肺呼吸的恒温热血动物 ,它非常聪明。但随着世界各国经济的发展和繁荣 ,人民物质和文化生活水平的不断提高 ,海豚的用途也由军事、科研方面转为被人们饲养、训练以提供人们观赏。海豚的捕获地常常离其最终目的地有数百公里或数千公里之遥 ,要将其运到指定地点必须有一套相应的运输技术 ,且须有经过训练的押运人员 ,经常检查动物的呼吸、体温调节、姿势和行为是否有异常 ,以便在早期发现问题并及时予以纠正 ,确保安全地将海豚运到目的地。海豚的整个生活是在水中度过的 ,而水体又将水压平均分配给动物身体的各个部分 ,…  相似文献   

早在50年代, Kellogg, Scheyil1l, Evans和Norris等人分别记录和研究了海豚的声信号, Schevill和 Lawrence通过实验有力地证实了海豚具有很好的回声定位能力。60年代以来,各国对海豚动物声呐进行了广泛研究,取得了很大进展。多年来,不少国外学者在实验工作的基础上对海豚的声发射与接收机制提出了一些近似的物理模型,不同程度地解释了一些海豚声呐系统中的现象,但与仿生学的综合研究的目标还相距甚远。对海豚水下声信号进行深入的定量测量与分析,仍是海豚仿生学中一项重要的基础工作,它对进一步研究、改进水下声学探测设备和强背景噪声下弱信号的识別与检测都有着实际指导意义。目前在大约五十余种海豚中,除对胆鼻海豚(Tursiops truncates)国外有过较多的研究外,对其他海豚的研究则很少。 江豚属齿鲸亚目,是体型最小的一种海豚。它主要分布在日本海和中国及东南亚各国沿岸海域,在中国长江口分布最为集中。每年3,4月份江豚到长江口一带生殖,有时沿江深入甚远。日本学者 Kazuhiro Mizue等(1968)和英国的Purves(1983)都对江豚的水下声信号作过记录与测量,但Kazuhiro Mizue等只记录到4kHz, Purves也只记录了30Hz-35kHz的信号;遗憾的是,由于信噪比太低,他们都没有进行详细的频谱分析。本实验所记录到的江豚声信号,由于记录器频带范围的限制,频率范围仅是40Hz-70kHz,其中包括了几种不同波形的较高频和低频脉冲信号,本实验对其频谱和周期作了较为详细的分析测量。  相似文献   

正北瓶鼻鲸又称北大西洋瓶鼻鲸、平头鲸、瓶头鲸和陡头鲸。北瓶鼻鲸是一种深海鲸类,最大能长到8米,喜欢群居。这类鲸鱼能潜入3000米深处,最长能坚持1小时不换气,很少出现在浅水区。北瓶鼻鲸可说是人类研究最深入的喙鲸类,其中有一部分要归因于长期的捕鲸历史。  相似文献   

鲸类物种和延绳钓渔具之间的相互作用是一种全球性现象,该相互作用威胁到鲸类物种的保护和延绳钓渔业的经济可行性。尽管认识到鲸类兼捕问题,但很少对其影响进行全面评估。根据中西部太平洋渔业委员会(WCPFC)科学机构提供的2013—2019年期间的观察员数据,利用广义可加模型(GAM)分析金枪鱼延绳钓渔业中兼捕的鲸类与时空和环境因子的关系。结果表明:在中西太平洋海域,共兼捕260头鲸类,隶属于2目5科19种,主要的兼捕对象是伪虎鲸(Pseudorca crassidens)、瓶鼻海豚(Tursiops truncatus)、里氏海豚(Grampus griseus)、短鳍领航鲸(Globicephala macrorhynchus)、糙齿海豚(Steno bredanensis)等。GAM模型对BPUE的总偏差解释率为71.7%,经度的贡献率最大为34.3%,各预测变量的相对重要性分别为经度>海表温度>叶绿素a浓度>纬度>单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)。鲸类兼捕主要由空间和环境因子所决定,其中海表温度主要影响鲸类的相对丰度,叶绿素a浓度影响鲸类的分布。未来,渔业管理者...  相似文献   

台湾海峡南部及闽南沿岸的鲸豚记录   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1991~1999年,在台湾海峡南部和闽南沿海获52只鲸豚标本,1种须鲸、5种齿鲸.已对其中3种海豚进行过专题报道.本文对另3种,即花斑原海豚、伪虎鲸和鲲鲸进行研究.给出了这3种的体表颜色、大小、性别、齿式,各部位测量记录;以及心、肺等内脏的重量.  相似文献   

宽吻海豚属(Tursiops)包括宽吻海豚(T.trunca-tus)和北太平洋宽吻海豚(T.gille)两种,现在世界各国大型水族馆均有饲养,已成为主要表演动物。为了便于简便地了解海豚的大致年龄,本文将对有关的实践经验予以小结。众所周知,要想知道海豚的确切年龄,必须是在人工繁殖饲养条件下,或者是动物死后根据牙齿上存在着的层状结构将牙齿纵剖或横切、酸蚀、染色观察切面上“年轮”而定,这就为海豚的年龄鉴定带来了难度。因此,对于捕来的海豚生前的确切年龄是不知道的。为解决这一问题,笔者根据实践经验,总结了下列方法对海豚进行年龄鉴定。刚生下来的…  相似文献   

Southern Resident killer whales (SRKWs) (Orcinus orca) are an endangered population in the United States and Canada, partly due to declines of their primary prey species, Chinook salmon. Prey availability influences various aspects of SRKW behavior, including distribution patterns and social structure. Yet, it is unclear to what extent a limited prey source influences the frequency of surface‐active behaviors (SABs), behaviors with important ecological implications. Here, we used long‐term datasets (1996–2019) to examine the relationships between the abundance of Chinook salmon, vessel presence, and the frequency with which SRKWs perform SABs. Salmon abundance was a significant predictor of SAB frequency, with fewer SABs performed in times of lower salmon abundance. SRKWs displayed more SABs when more whale watching vessels were present, and the whales spent a greater amount of time in the study area, performing more milling as opposed to traveling behavior, when vessel numbers were higher. Lastly, we found pod‐specific differences, such that K pod displayed significantly fewer SABs than either J or L pods. The observed relationships between SRKW behavior and both salmon abundance and vessel presence have implications for social network cohesion and foraging success. Our study adds to a growing body of literature highlighting factors affecting SRKW behavior as they experience increased threats from decreased prey availability, habitat loss, and anthropogenic disturbance, with implications for trans‐boundary management and conservation efforts.  相似文献   

The Soft Yoke Mooring System (SYMS) is a single point mooring system for shallow water. It is composed of a mooring framework, mooring legs, yoke, and single point, and is located at the Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) through 13 hinge joints, such as universal joints and thrust bearings. Mooring restoring force, motions and postures of mooring components, and mechanical behaviors of hinge joints are major criteria for the structural design of the SYMS. Aiming at the difficulties of the multibody dynamics in traditional design of the SYMS, a multi-body dynamic mathematical modeling with seven independent degrees of freedom (DOFs) which is applicable to prototype field engineering was developed in this study. The proposed mathematical modeling of the SYMS multibody dynamic system has several advantages: 1. Internal tribological behaviors in hinge joints are considered within the presented multibody dynamics model to illustrate the good dynamic effects of the SYMS. 2. The multibody dynamic model can be applied in field service. Correctness and feasibility of the proposed multibody dynamic simulation method for describing motions and postures of hinges and single-body were validated by the prototype monitoring data. 3. The horizontal restoring force of the SYMS was calculated according to field measurement data. The motion state of each single body and internal stress distributions at each hinge joint in the SYMS are given. 4. The multibody dynamics calculation program can be directly used for the real-time monitoring of mechanical behaviors of the SYMS under the service state. The simulated results can provide real-time guarantee for safety alarming of the system. The vulnerability of the mooring system in service was evaluated based on long-term monitoring data analysis.  相似文献   

自然海域中曼氏无针乌贼产卵亲体性成熟提前和小型化现象明显,这可能是一种适应性进化,人工干预背景下曼氏无针乌贼繁殖期行为的动态变化值得关注。2020年4-6月室内采用聚焦个体扫描法和定点连续记录法分别观察和记录了曼氏无针乌贼繁殖期的行为活动,并按其生活习性和行为的生物学功能等进行系统化分类,构建了繁殖期行为谱。结果表明,曼氏无针乌贼繁殖期行为谱主要包括三大类12种行为:(1)游泳行为主要分为前进和后退,繁殖期的雌性多处于静潜水底或静浮水中的状态;(2)捕食行为主要分为发现、定位、捕捉和咀嚼等系列动作,曼氏无针乌贼能够快速感知周围17.0-36.0 cm范围内的饵料,捕捉的有效距离为8.0-22.0 cm,能在2.0-10.0 s内完成对饵料的高效捕获;(3)繁殖行为复杂,主要分为求偶、伴游、交配、产卵等,其中求偶行为体现在雄性对雌性的自我展示、追逐配对和争斗护卫等过程,雄性在争斗护卫和伴游过程中的护雌行为尤为激烈。曼氏无针乌贼交配时采用"头对头"的方式,平均交配持续时间42.9 s。曼氏无针乌贼对产卵附着基有选择性且偏好于最初的附卵物,卵群对雌性产卵行为有诱导和刺激作用,每次产卵到附卵过程平均用时108.6 s。曼氏无针乌贼繁殖期行为谱特征的研究可为后续曼氏无针乌贼行为机制和基于全生活史的资源保护等方面提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The study focused on the evaluation of probable changes in the severity of sea ice conditions occurring in 3 selected areas of the Baltic Sea: the Gulf of Bothnia, Gulf of Finland and the Southern Baltic Sea up to the year 2100. The areas have been chosen due to the high intensity of marine traffic (the Gulfs??of Bothnia and of Finland) and due to differences in sea ice conditions; winters in the Gulf of Bothnia were characterized as the most severe, whereas in the Southern Baltic were classified as the mildest ones. Consequently, three scenarios were taken into account in the study: A2 (slow rate of global economic development, market scenario), A1B (regional scenario, rapid economic development, with ecological priorities), B1 (sustainable, median economic development with strong ecological priorities), all three constructed on the basis of Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES models of greenhouse gas emission). The probable changes of sea ice conditions expressed as severity index S were calculated from these models. The main results of the investigation are as follows, the variety of sea ice conditions occurring in specific regions of the Baltic will remain stable (i.e. the most severe winter conditions will still occur in Gulf of Bothnia, while the mildest in the Southern Baltic Sea). The most significant changes are likely to occur in the Southern Baltic, where some winters without ice cover in the Vistula Lagoon may happen. Nonetheless, some extremely severe winters will occur and also within specific seasons more winters with a lower number of days with ice will occur.  相似文献   

The compressibility characteristics of Singapore marine clay in reconstituted and undisturbed states were studied using oedometer, constant rate of strain, Rowe cell, and isotropic consolidation tests. The intrinsic compression curve of the reconstituted clay was found to be similar to that proposed earlier with some minor deviations at low vertical stresses of less than 100?kPa. The field and laboratory compression behaviors were found to be similar, hence the laboratory curve could be used as a reference for interpreting the field behavior. Factors affecting the measurements of compression index and yield stress were discussed. As the coefficient of lateral earth pressure at the top upper clay was close to 1, the compression curves of vertically and horizontally trimmed samples were almost similar. The yield stress was mainly controlled by the strain rate; i.e., the higher strain rate resulted in the higher yield stress. Constrained modulus as derived from cone penetration tests and flat dilatometer tests were also examined and compared with laboratory test results. The in situ tests showed the decrease in constrained modulus with depth and generally the dilatometer test was found to register a higher modulus value.  相似文献   

青藏高原地区近千年气候变化的时空特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究青藏高原地区过去千年气候变化的时空特征,对预测未来气候情景下该地区冰冻圈的变化及其水文-生态效应具有重要科学意义。基于15条反映青藏高原地区近千年气候变化的高分辨率重建序列,通过综合分析及经验正交函数(EOF)方法,进一步探讨了青藏高原地区过去千年气候变化的时空特征。综合重建序列显示:整体而言,青藏高原地区中世纪暖期(MWP)约持续到1450s,小冰期(LIA)约发生于1450—1870s,此后近百年来的温度在波动中逐渐升高;对比分析表明青藏高原地区MWP与20世纪前半叶的温暖幅度可比、也与其他北半球温度序列中同时期的气候特征相似,LIA较之我国中东部地区相对温暖。EOF分析结果揭示了过去千年典型气候特征(MWP、LIA及20世纪暖期等)在青藏高原的区域差异:对于MWP,其在高原东北部、中北部及西部地区约持续至1450s(其中约1250—1300s为冷波动),在喀喇昆仑及高原中东部地区约至13世纪初,高原南部诸多代用资料间接表明MWP约发生于11—15世纪(而在反映高原南部地区气候信息的第三主分量中MWP特征并不明显);对于LIA,高原东北部及西部地区的冷波动约为1450—1520s、1650—1750s、1780—1850s,喀喇昆仑地区的冷波动约为1450—1650s、1740—1780s、1820—1850s,高原南部、中东部及中北部地区的冷波动约为1580—1650s、1740—1780s(其中1670—1730s为相对暖期,并在喀喇昆仑地区也有所体现);对于近百年的全球显著升温过程,高原大部分地区均有记录,而南部与中东部地区的部分树轮年表则显示近几十年来夏季温度存在一定的下降趋势,这可能与全球变暖过程中不同季节(冬夏季节)温度变化的不一致性有关。  相似文献   

Relationships between light intensity and substrate concentration and rates of assimilation and oxidation of ammonium by microorganisms were investigated at four stations off the Washington coast and three stations in the Southern California Bight. Ammonium oxidation rates were negatively correlated with light in the photic zone at all stations; light inhibition of nitrifying bacteria forms an important control over the depth distribution of ammonium oxidation activity. Both assimilation and oxidation were positively correlated with ammonium concentration at the Washington coast stations, where ambient ammonium concentrations were high. Light and ammonium assimilation rate were positively correlated at the Southern California Bight stations (within the photic zone; i.e., excluding depths greater than 150m), but unrelated at the Washington coast stations. Assimilation and oxidation have nearly opposite distribution patterns with depth in the water column, but phytoplankton and nitrifying bacteria probably compete for ammonium at depths near the bottom of the photic zone.  相似文献   

中国南大洋水团、环流和海冰研究进展(1995-2002)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结了1995年以来中国在南大洋物理海洋学研究和南极海冰研究中所取得的成果。普里兹湾海区是中国南大洋研究的重点区域,研究表明,在该海区存在显著的深层水涌升和陆架水北扩现象,某些年份深层水与陆架水混合后产生了较重的水体,但是尚未发现生成南极底层水的直接证据。在普里兹湾所处的印度洋区段,亚热带锋、亚南极锋和极锋表现出显著的时空变化,特别是不同年份的锋面位置存在较大的摆动。该海区的南极绕极流既是风生的,也受到密度场的影响。在凯尔盖朗海台的地形引导作用下,南极绕极流表现出显著的非纬向性特征。南极海冰除了显著的季节变化以外,也表现出长期变化的趋势。此变化与海洋、大气中的其它变化有一定的相关性,表现为两极海冰涛动、南方海洋涛动等多种变化模态,对我国气候也有一定的影响。  相似文献   

We investigated, with a series of field and laboratory observations, the possible effect of the starfish Marthasteria glacialis predation on the operational sex ratio (OSR), i.e. the number of sexually mature males divided by the total number of sexually mature adults of both sexes at any one time, of the edible sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus . The OSR was estimated three times during the sea urchin summer spawning period (July 2004, June 2005 and July 2006) on barren substrates of Ustica Island Marine Protected Area (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). Four sites were selected: two characterized by high M. glacialis density (take zone C) and two controls with low starfish density (no-take zone A). Mature sea urchins were independently collected by SCUBA diving and sexed. The adult sex ratio was skewed towards males at high M. glacialis density sites, whereas it was balanced (1:1) at predator low-density sites. Results of sex-selective feeding experiments in the laboratory showed that females of P. lividus were more vulnerable to M. glacialis predation. These outcomes underline the possible importance of M. glacialis in regulating the OSR of P. lividus populations.  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of community-based social marketing (CBSM) techniques to encourage more sustainable behaviors within community-based co-managed (CBCM) fisheries. An overview of the CBSM theory and practice is provided along with an evaluation of how CBSM has been successfully used to foster sustainable behaviors in other analogous resource management sectors (e.g., agriculture). It is argued that CBSM is highly conducive to CBCM fisheries arrangements due to the shared goals of stakeholder participation and empowerment and that, currently, CBSM has been overlooked as a tool for fostering more sustainable behaviors, particularly in the case of CBCM fisheries.  相似文献   

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