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黄河三角洲潮滩潮沟体系的分维特征   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
利用分形分维方法对黄河三角洲潮滩和潮沟的地貌特征进行了定量研究。结果表明,潮滩和潮沟的分维值可以较好地反映潮滩潮沟的发育演化规律。随着时间的推移和潮沟潮滩的进一步发育,黄河三角洲潮沟的分维值呈逐渐增大的趋势,而潮滩的分维值则呈逐渐减小的趋势,两者在分维值的变化上存在着负相关关系。该研究为黄河三角洲潮滩发育时空谱系的建立和深入研究提出了一种新方法和新的定量指标。  相似文献   

滩涂围垦是沿海地区耕地占补平衡的重要手段。如何进行合理的围堤选线,尽可能减小围堤对潮滩水沙环境的影响,使匡围后的潮滩演变不影响海堤安全,是围海工程设计时必须考虑的问题。以江苏辐射沙洲内缘区仓东垦区匡围工程为例,运用潮滩均衡态概念框架,对条子泥西侧岸滩平均高潮位点变化、师地岛形成及潮沟活动性等潮滩演变特征及趋势进行了分析,并重点探讨了其在围堤选线中的应用。  相似文献   

苏北辐射沙洲内侧死生港等潮沟,在本世纪70年代末80年代初,曾逐渐向岸移动,使岸滩遭受到极为严重的冲刷。潮沟水道的活动成为东台市围垦利用潮滩的主要制约因素。本文根据已有的研究成果和多次实地调查考察、测量,结合航卫片资料的应用,就死生港的西移蚀岸原因、活动规律加以论述,并对未来死生港再次发育曲流横移对东台市巴斗潮滩围垦的影响进行了分析,提出了巴斗围垦的针对性措施。  相似文献   

通过对受到围垦工程影响的江苏弶港海岸两条潮滩剖面的多期高精度实测高程及沉积物粒度数据进行分析,探讨淤涨型潮滩剖面对围垦工程的响应特征及剖面演化模式。结果表明,在物源充足的淤涨型潮滩围垦,可导致沉积物在围垦堤附近海域快速堆积、沉积物粒径变细;离海堤越远,沉积速率及沉积物粒度参数的变化越不显著。围垦堤附近海域是潮滩低能区,沉积物在此汇聚,造成潮滩剖面凸点的向岸迁移及双凸型剖面的塑造。另外,大型潮沟及其迁移也是影响剖面发育的重要因素。未来需结合海平面变化,研究围垦背景下的长周期潮滩演化趋势。  相似文献   

基于SPOT遥感影像的九段沙潮沟信息提取及分维研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭永飞  韩震 《海洋与湖沼》2013,44(6):1436-1441
以长江口九段沙为研究区, 应用灰度形态学提取了九段沙湿地的潮沟信息, 并对提取出的潮沟信息分区域采用网格法进行了分维研究, 得出了九段沙不同区域潮沟的分维值, 并对分维值进行了比较与分析。比较发现, 九段沙不同区域的分维值, 上沙最大, 下沙次之, 中沙最小。而在不同区域的不同岸段中, 处于上沙北部沿岸的潮沟分维值大于上沙其它地区; 处于中沙、下沙西北-东南沿岸的潮沟分维值分别大于中沙、下沙的其它地区。这主要与它们所处地理位置水动力条件不同有关。另外也计算了九段沙南岸与北岸的分维值, 发现南岸的分维值要大于北岸, 这与其发育时间、水动力条件和长江口深水航道工程等有一定联系。  相似文献   

以江苏弶港潮滩为典型研究区,基于2007—2012年在潮滩及条子泥匡围工程实施期间采集的9条潮滩断面高程数据,建立潮滩剖面形态的二次函数统计模型,并结合同步采集的表层沉积物粒度数据,对围垦影响下的潮滩剖面演化机制进行了探讨。结果表明,受围垦工程影响较小的北部潮间带上部的淤积强度要大于潮间带中下部淤积强度,潮滩剖面呈上凹型;正在实施的围垦工程加剧了垦区内潮滩的淤积,尤其在下部呈现高强度淤积而造成垦区内潮滩剖面的上凸趋势减缓,剖面曲率减小。此外,由于垦区内逐渐失去潮汐水动力作用,与附近非垦区类似潮滩带相比,垦区内滩面沉积物呈细化趋势。围垦工程在潮间带中下部筑堤坝,对涨潮水体有阻滞作用,使得外海带来的细颗粒沉积物在围堤外侧快速堆积,造成原潮间带下部快速淤高,形成垦区外向海侧微下凹的潮滩剖面形态。  相似文献   

通过盖州滩潮沟的“资源2”号高分辨率遥感卫星影像与TM影像等多源信息融合,同时采用形态分维的结果,获取了盖州滩潮沟的图形及逆信息树特征,并以此建立了计算模式.量化计算了盖州滩南、北部潮沟发育特征,它反映了两者间的分异度;采样监督分类分出盖州滩高、中、低潮滩分布及其相应面积以及盖州滩的贝类生境区影像特征与滩涂分布的相关性.对盖州滩的工程实施问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

崇明岛东滩潮沟体系及其沉积动力学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
崇明岛东滩潮沟系在盐沼带内特别发育,其形成与潮滩围垦工程和盐沼带的宽度密切相关。泥滩上潮沟的发育和演化与盐沼带潮盆大小、潮时(大小潮)和降雨量等相关,潮沟体系规模小,涨潮流不受其控制,退潮时潮沟成为主要泄水通道,未沉降的细悬浮颗粒和浮泥层在重力作用下向潮沟汇集,使潮沟内沉积物比滩面细。崇明岛东滩潮沟体系形成、演化及沉积物分布,完全不同于目前研究非常详细的欧美河口湾/港湾型潮道-潮沟体系,后者潮道以涨潮流占优势,沉积物明显比滩面粗。崇明岛东滩潮沟体系是发育在快速淤长的三角洲类型海岸上,通过与其他类型的对比研究,可以更全面地认识潮道-潮沟体系对泥滩和盐沼发育、演化所起的作用。  相似文献   

浙江省三门湾地区潮滩互花米草扩散迅速,已成为潮滩主要植被类型,挤占滩涂生态空间,降低海湾纳潮量,引起滩涂淤长和水交换能力下降,互花米草入侵和扩散问题引起当地生态环境和海洋管理部门高度关注。本文利用Landsat和Sentinel-2系列卫星遥感数据,结合无人机摄影测量,对三门湾北部潮滩近20年来互花米草分布和变化进行分析,结果表明,近20年间三门湾北部潮滩互花米草快速扩张,面积由2000年的21.8 km2增加到2017年高峰值为38.6 km2,年扩展面积近1 km2,主要分布在宁海县的一市港、双盘涂、三山涂和象山县的蟹钳港等湾顶潮滩区。2017年后,部分互花米草生长的上部潮滩被改造为海水养殖池,总体上互花米草面积有所下降,到2020年4月份统计的互花米草面积为34.9 km2,但潮滩下部米草扩增趋势仍然持续。扩增主要为沿潮沟两侧及先斑块后连续的特征。高程、人类活动引起的水动力环境改变是互花米草面积变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

利用6期卫星影像数据,提取出1981—2014年间不同时期台州湾大陆海岸线空间位置、长度及岸线属性等信息。通过Arcgis空间分析,以各时期岸线长度、岸线属性和陆域增长面积为数量指标对海岸线的时空变迁过程进行反演,并对台州湾大陆岸线变迁的特点和主要驱动力进行分析。研究表明,研究期台州湾大陆岸线变化显著,岸线长度增加17.5km,增幅约13.5%,受围垦工程"裁弯取直"效应影响,人工岸线在2000—2009年大幅减少,呈震荡增长趋势;自然岸线长度整体呈缓慢减少趋势,然而,由于大规模连岛围垦工程使得自然岸线在2009—2014年增长10.8km。由岸线变迁引起的陆域增长面积约177km2,海岸变迁的主要驱动力为台州湾海域大规模的围垦造陆工程。长期以来,以滩涂及近海优良自然条件为依托进行的围垦填海工程是台州湾岸线逐年向海推进的主导因素。  相似文献   

江苏Jing港潮滩地处北温带,是典型的淤涨型淤泥质潮滩。通过对2001年冬季Jing港潮滩的野外观测和样品的室内处理,在分析江苏淤泥质潮滩海冰形成机理的基础上,探讨了温带潮滩上海冰的分带性;阐析海冰作用下潮滩微地貌类型——擦痕、冲刷坑和泥斑的形成机制:最后对浮冰带的稳定性、潮沟和盐沼植被对浮冰形成的影响,海冰对潮间上带淤积过程的作用和浮冰作用形成的侵蚀型微地貌在地层中保存的可能性进行了探讨。  相似文献   

A sampling and computational approach for estimating nutrient fluxes from a salt marsh ecosystem is presented. Extensive and intensive sampling of tidal velocities, water depths, and nutrient concentrations was made synoptically across three tidal creeks, connecting a 34 km2 South Carolina salt marsh with surrounding coastal waters. An estimate of nutrient exchange over each sampling period is based on measurements over four tidal cycles during a neap and spring tidal regime. The computation of instantaneous fluxes of NO3?NO2?, NH4+, and o-PO24? was based on the cross-multiplication of concentration, velocity, and integrated over the cross-sectional area of each tidal creek. The net flux of nutrients was estimated using a least-squares regression model which included periodic functions simulating tidal and diurnal cycles. This computational approach allows for a rigorous test of the statistical significance of the measured nutrient fluxes and a basis on which interpretations of the ecological significance of the exchange can be made.Tidal patterns in inorganic nutrient concentrations and the corresponding exchanges are presented for a spring time sampling. Nitrate-nitrite was exported consistently from the marsh to the coastal ocean with a mean value of 8.0 kg per tidal cycle for the neap sampling set and 15.6 kg per tidal cycle for the spring set. This corresponded to high concentrations of nitrate-nitrite (0.6 μM) on the ebb tide with low concentrations (0.1 μM) on the flood tide. Ammonia flux was variable and did not portray a consistent tidal concentration pattern. Concentrations ranged from 1 to 6 μM. Ammonia flux was exported to the coastal ocean only during the spring tidal set with a mean value of 114 kg per tidal cycle. Ortho-phosphate was also exported only on the spring tidal set with a mean flux of 40.0 kg per tidal cycle. A tidal concentration pattern of high concentrations (0.6 μM) on the ebb tide and low concentrations (0.05 μM) on the flood was consistent for ortho-phosphate during both neap and spring tidal sets.  相似文献   

以山东半岛北部为研究区,以烟台、蓬莱、龙口和莱州4个港口的潮情为依据,分别选取1984、1995、2005、2010、2015年的Landsat系列遥感影像,分析了山东半岛北部滩涂(含潮上及潮间带)及海岸线30a来的变化.研究结果表明:(1)研究区近30a来滩涂面积减少300.66 km2,其中潮间带面积减少了84.84 km2,潮上带面积年减少了215.82 km2,减少区域主要集中在莱州湾东南部;(2)海岸线长度呈递增趋势,30a来增加103.68 km,增长速度为3.34 km/a,增加典型区集中在莱州太平湾、龙口人工岛群、蓬莱港和烟台港等区域;(3)通过实地调研发现,盐田、养殖池的大量扩建、海岸侵蚀和入海泥沙量减少是滩涂减少的主要原因;沿海养殖池的增加和填海造陆的扩张是海岸线长度增加的主要原因.  相似文献   

1Introduction Asanimportantcomponentofthecoastalsys tem,tidalflatsareformedbytidalactionunderthe conditionofabundantfine grainedsedimentsupply;theybecomeafocusofthestudyonland oceaninter actioninthecoastalzonebecausetheseareasare subjectedtointensehumanac…  相似文献   

A cross-system analysis of bulk sediment composition, total organic carbon (TOC), atomic C/N ratio, and carbon isotope composition (δ13C) in 82 surface sediment samples from natural and planted mangrove forests, bank and bottom of tidal creeks, tidal flat, and the subtidal habitat was conducted to examine the roles of mangroves in sedimentation and organic carbon (OC) accumulation processes, and to characterize sources of sedimentary OC of the mangrove ecosystem of Xuan Thuy National Park, Vietnam. Sediment grain sizes varied widely from 5.4 to 170.2 μm (mean 71.5 μm), with the fine sediment grain size fraction (< 63 μm) ranging from 11 to 99.3% (mean 72.5%). Bulk sediment composition suggested that mangroves play an important role in trapping fine sediments from river outflows and tidal water by the mechanisms of tidal current attenuation by vegetation and the ability of fine roots to bind sediments. The TOC content ranged from 0.08 to 2.18% (mean 0.78%), and was higher within mangrove forests compared to those of banks and bottoms of tidal creeks, tidal flat, and subtidal sediments. The sedimentary δ13C ranged from − 27.7 to − 20.4‰ (mean − 24.1‰), and mirrored the trend observed in TOC variation. The TOC and δ13C relationship showed that the factors of microbial remineralization and OC sources controlled the TOC pool of mangrove sediments. The comparison of δ13C and C/N ratio of sedimentary OC with those of mangrove and marine phytoplankton sources indicated that the sedimentary OC within mangrove forests and the subtidal habitat was mainly composed of mangrove and marine phytoplankton sources, respectively. The application of a simple mixing model showed that the mangrove contribution to sedimentary OC decreased as follows: natural mangrove forest > planted mangrove forest > tidal flat > creek bank > creek bottom > subtidal habitat.  相似文献   

江苏小庙洪牡蛎礁的地貌-沉积特征   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
利用卫星影象和野外实地勘察资料对江苏小庙洪牡蛎礁的地貌-沉积特征进行分析。结果表明,该牡蛎礁发育在强潮淤泥质潮坪上,造礁牡蛎主要是近江牡蛎和长牡蛎,表层的鲜活牡蛎为褶牡蛎。牡蛎礁区海水属盐度较高(27—30)的半成水,含沙量较大,为0.2—0.3g/L。活体牡蛎堆积体顶面高于周围潮间下带滩面1.0—1.5m。潮流较强,多在0.5—2.0m/s。海岸剖面可分为4个带,即礁后潮间带、潮沟、礁体生长带及礁前斜坡带。由于处于海岸侵蚀段,礁后潮坪缺失潮上带和大部分的潮间上带。礁后潮坪主要以粗粉砂为主,礁后潮沟冲淤变化较大,故礁体生长带时而为一沙洲,时而又与岸滩相连。礁体生长带分布在潮间下带,可看到独立的斑状礁体、带状礁体和大面积环状礁体群。环状礁的微地貌可以划分为礁塘(泻湖)、塘口和塘沟、塘口三角洲、礁墙和礁平台等。  相似文献   

Deforestation of mangrove forests is common occurrence worldwide. We examined fish assemblage composition in three mangrove creek systems in Tanzania (East Africa), including two creeks where the upper parts were partly clear-cut of mangrove forest due to the construction of solar salt farms, and one creek with undisturbed mangrove forest. Fish were caught monthly for one year using a seine net (each haul covering 170 m2) within three locations in each creek, i.e. at the upper, intermediate and lower reaches. Density, biomass and species number of fish were lower in the upper deforested sites compared to the mangrove-fringed sites at the intermediate and lower parts in the two creeks affected by deforestation, whereas there were no differences among the three sites in the undisturbed mangrove creek system. In addition, multivariate analyses showed that the structure of fish assemblages varied between forested and clear-cut sites within the two disturbed creeks, but not within the undisturbed creek. Across the season, we found no significant differences except for a tendency of a minor increase in fish densities during the rainy season. At least 75% of the fishes were juveniles and of commercial interest for coastal fisheries and/or aquaculture. Mugil cephalus, Gerres oyena and Chanos chanos were the most abundant species in the forested sites. The dominant species in the clear-cut areas were M. cephalus and Elops machnata, which were both found in relatively low abundances compared to the undisturbed areas. The conversion of mangrove forests into solar salt farms not only altered fish assemblage composition, but also water and sediment conditions. In comparison with undisturbed areas, the clear-cut sites showed higher salinity, water temperature as well as organic matter and chlorophyll a in the sediments. Our results suggest that mangrove habitat loss and changes in environmental conditions caused by salt farm developments will decrease fish densities, biomass and species numbers as well as alter the overall fish assemblage composition in the salt farm area but not downstream in the creek.  相似文献   

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