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15万年左右黄河切穿三门峡后,建造了广阔的华北平原,并在其上频繁摆动入海,其中1 000年以来年均入海沙量高达11~12亿t。入海泥沙的大量沉降,形成了众多古黄河三角洲,现代黄河三角洲形成于1855年。根据黄河三角洲YDZ1孔沉积粒度的垂向变化,结合AMS14 C测年数据和历史资料,分析了末次冰盛期后黄河三角洲潮滩的沉积信息及其沉积环境演变。结果表明,黄河三角洲潮滩沉积物类型主要有砂、粉砂质砂、砂质粉砂、粉砂和黏土质粉砂;从上而下各沉积层段之间的平均粒径Ф值和分选系数表现为减小—增加—减小的变化趋势,偏态和峰态表现为增加—减小—增加的变化趋势;沉积相序经历了泛滥平原相—河流相—三角洲前缘相—浅海相—潮坪相—河流相,这表明沉积动力环境表现为强(陆相)—弱(海相)—强(陆相)的变化过程。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲飞雁滩HF孔沉积物的磁性特征及其环境意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对黄河三角洲飞雁滩HF孔岩芯磁性特征的研究表明,大多数沉积物的磁性特征由PSD和SD磁铁矿所主导,少数以SD和PSD磁铁矿所主导。按磁化率等磁参数的变化可将该孔划分为7个层位,参照前人研究成果,结合岩性分析以及沉积物粒度和磁性特征,推断HF孔所在飞雁滩地区大致经历了河流—海陆过渡—浅海—前三角洲—三角洲前缘的沉积过程。沉积物磁性参数与粒度之间具有良好的相关性,可将χARM、χARM/χ和χARM/S IRM视作细粒级组分含量的代用指标。  相似文献   

对埕岛海域CBG4a孔岩芯进行粒度分析,划分出海滩、三角洲支流河口滨线、海滩附近沙丘、黄河三角洲河口沙坝、黄河三角洲水下三角洲前缘隆起、水下天然堤、河流等7种沉积环境。对样品进行Q型聚类分析,识别出分辨力及代表性更强的一组分类统计量:各粒组百分含量及相关的粒度参数(C,Md,Mφ,δ1,Sk,Kg,Q1,Q3)。Mφ-δ1,Kg-Sk等结构参数散点图与沉积环境有很好的相关性,河流、海滩、沙丘等沉积物有较明确的界线。粒度象图反映了沉积物分布总体特征,其中水下天然堤、三角洲支流河口滨线沉积、海滩及其附近沙丘沉积等亚相易于在F-M图中区分,而黄河水下三角洲前缘隆起沉积、黄河三角洲河口沙坝沉积、河流沉积等在L-M图和A-M图中均易于区分。  相似文献   

通过对渤海湾西岸BXZK11孔沉积物黏土矿物、地球化学元素组分、粒度分析以及AMS14C年代测定并与研究区周边6个具有较好年龄控制的钻孔剖面对比,结合黏土矿物蒙脱石/(伊利石+绿泥石)比值以及元素Al/Si和Al/Na比值对气候变化的响应,探讨了渤海湾西岸地区全新世以来沉积环境以及气候变化过程。结果表明,末次盛冰期到8830 cal.aBP,海平面快速上升,海水临近研究区,沉积物以黄河古河道沉积为主,气候温凉略湿;8830~6255 cal.aBP,海侵范围达到最大,研究区主要为潮坪-浅海环境,气候温暖湿润;6255~3650 cal.aBP,海平面逐渐降低,沉积环境为前三角洲沉积,沉积物为黄河三角洲的一期超级叶瓣,气候转为温凉稍湿;3650~2780 cal.aBP,海平面趋于稳定,三角洲不断进积,为三角洲前缘环境,气候向凉干方向变化;2780 cal.aBP至今,古黄河三角洲不断进积,该区变成三角洲平原环境,气候凉干与现今相似。  相似文献   

胶州湾西北部沉积物中重金属元素分布特征及评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了胶州湾西部大沽河口附近沉积物中As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Pb、Zn等7种重金属元素含量在平面和垂向上的分布特征。研究表明,表层沉积物化学要素性质与沉积环境密切相关,重金属元素高值区主要分布在三角洲侧缘、前三角洲等泥质发育区,而低值区主要在分流河道、河口沙坝发育区。重金属元素的垂向变化特征表明沉积物环境质量总体上变化不大,仅Hg元素有逐渐富集规律,但在某一事件沉积过程中沉积物的环境质量有较大的变化。从平面分布特征分析,大沽河对胶州湾沉积物中重金属元素的贡献不及湾东部主要的排污河流,但在不同区域的不同沉积环境中重金属含量有相应的变化,在对全区进行含量对比以及污染源的分析时应考虑沉积环境和沉积相的影响。用地质累积指数对表层沉积物环境质量进行评价,结果显示沉积物主要受到Pb,Zn的污染,但污染程度较轻,沉积物环境质量总体较好。  相似文献   

ZK14孔是位于苏北老黄河三角洲北部地区的1个50m全取心钻孔,对其上部(1.0~22.0m)岩心沉积物的沉积特征分析,结合AMS14 C测年结果,表明末次冰盛期以来该地区主要沉积了硬黏土层和河流沉积(末次冰盛期至全新世早期,22.00~16.63m)、潮坪—浅海—老黄河三角洲沉积(全新世早期至公元1855年,16.63~1.00m),沉积物主要以黏土质粉砂和粉砂为主,夹少量细砂薄层。沉积物粒度频率曲线在16.63m以上为单峰-双峰分布交替出现,而在16.63m以下则出现三峰分布,向下过渡为双峰和单峰分布。沉积物粒度参数(分选系数、偏态和峰度)变化频繁,表明了物源(河流和海域来源)和沉积动力环境(径流、潮汐及波浪作用)的复杂性。ZK14孔末次冰盛期以来沉积序列的形成,受到海平面与物源变化以及沉积动力条件的共同影响。  相似文献   

现代黄河三角洲的结构、发育过程和形成模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对现代黄河三角洲典型河道——钓口流路的不同钻孔剖面分析,阐明现代黄河三角洲单个流路所形成的三角洲叶片体的沉积物与沉积相的空间分布特征.结合单流路河道的小循环演化规律,划分现代黄河三角洲的发育过程为四个阶段,提出了三角洲的河口坝沉积相间分布的横向沉积序列、主河道型与出汊河道型两个不同的纵向沉积序列及河口坝型与口坝侧湾型两个不同的垂向沉积序列.在此基础上,提出了现代黄河三角洲的形成模式.  相似文献   

对珠江三角洲中山地区ZK201-2钻孔微体生物群的分布特征及壳体保存状况进行了研究,共发现有孔虫12属23种,介形类16属19种。根据优势属种的分布及部分特殊种的生态环境指示意义,识别出7个有孔虫组合和3个介形虫组合,分别指示了不同的沉积环境。应用上述分析结果,并结合岩性变化特征,恢复了晚更新世晚期以来研究区沉积环境演变过程。晚更新世晚期,在ZK201-2钻孔河床相砂砾沉积之上的细粒沉积物中发现海相腹足类及双壳类生物碎片,判断是受到海水影响的河口湾沉积;末次盛冰期海平面下降,原有海相沉积暴露地表风化形成杂色黏土沉积层;冰后期首先出现河漫滩至滨海河湾相沉积,未发现钙质微体生物化石;约9cal.kaBP后开始进入潮汐河口湾至前三角洲沉积阶段,沉积速率较快,有孔虫和介形类以壳体保存较好的半咸水-浅海种为主,其丰度、分异度及属种组合变化受海平面变化和河流输砂影响频繁;至全新世中期7cal.kaBP前后珠江三角洲中部出现最大海侵,有孔虫和介形类丰度、分异度值出现相对高值;全新世晚期海平面逐渐下降,研究区进入低速沉积阶段,依次发育河口沙坝、潮下带至滨海湿地、三角洲平原相沉积,期间发现多期风暴潮沉积,见大量异地分子。  相似文献   

对辽河三角洲地区ZK2孔(孔深0~32m)的92个沉积物样品中碎屑矿物进行鉴定和统计分析,结果显示:所有样品中轻矿物质量百分含量均超过95%,以石英和长石为主;重矿物质量百分平均含量仅为0.82%,以普通角闪石、绿帘石、阳起石、石榴子石、赤-褐铁矿和自生黄铁矿等为主。轻矿物组合和含量在地层中变化相对稳定,而重矿物组合和含量则在地层中变化显著。以所有重矿物各自百分含量为变量,利用Tilia软件进行有序聚类,自下而上可以划分出4个不同的重矿物组合带,这些组合带分别大致对应河道、湖沼、潮坪-浅海、三角洲4个沉积相环境。研究表明:不同组合带中各重矿物百分含量的变化与沉积环境紧密相关,其中沉积环境中水动力条件和离河口的远近,是控制重矿物中稳定矿物特别是金属矿物变化的主导因素。ZK2孔自晚更新世晚期以来沉积物源没有发生明显的变化,其主要物源来自辽河,其次为大辽河。  相似文献   

主要针对黄河三角洲表层土壤及沉积物的重金属分布调查,2006—2008年间采集表层土壤样品219个(其中浅海湿地25个),运用先进的现代分析测试手段进行测试,得到黄河三角洲表层土壤中重金属元素的富集程度为:CrPbZnAsCuCdHg,浅海湿地中近海表层沉积物中重金属元素的富集程度较低,并根据研究区重金属的分布,将三角洲划为三个区域,北部油气开采影响区,中部黄河河流影响区,南部农业活动和生活污水排放联合影响区,黄河三角洲表层土壤中虽然具有较高的有机质,但是其对上三角洲平原表层土壤中重金属元素仅具有中等以下的富集作用,而对浅海湿地近海沉积物中的重金属具有中等以上的富集作用。  相似文献   

末次冰盛期后黄河三角洲沉积物的磁性特征及其沉积环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On the basis of measuring the magnetic parameters of sediment in Core YDZ1, combined with a grain size analysis and Carbon-14 dating, the magnetic properties of sediment and sedimentary environment in the Huanghe(Yellow River) Delta area after the last glacial maximum have been studied. The results show that the ferrimagnetic minerals of a pseudo single domain and multi domain particles dominate the magnetic properties of sediment in Core YDZ1. The imperfect anti ferrimagnetic minerals have more contribution on sediment in a depth of 24.0–22.1 m, and more stable-single domain and pseudo single domain particles exist. The susceptibility of anhysteretic remanent magnetization and the ratio of the susceptibility of anhysteretic remanent magnetization to saturation isothermal remanent magnetization show a decrease trend below depth of 24 m, a marked increase trend in a depth of 24.0–13.5 m, and a rapid decrease at depth of 13.5 m, then a fluctuation trend upward. The above two magnetic parameters and the ratio of the susceptibility of anhysteretic remanent magnetization to the mass susceptibility can be regarded as the proxy indicators for the content of clay(4 μm)and the fine-grained size(32 μm). The sedimentary environment after the last glacial maximum in the Huanghe Delta area has experienced the fluvial facies, the tidal flat facies, the neritic facies, the pro delta facies, the delta front facies and the floodplain facies. Thickness of the Holocene transgression layer is 10.5 m and the depth of substrate is about 24 m according to the YDZ1 core. The sedimentary dynamic has a variation trend with strongweak-strong, which has been proved by the Flemming triangular schema.  相似文献   

渤海南部表层沉积的相特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过海上调查及实验室分析,查明渤海南部表层沉积物在结构类型、矿物组合、生物组分及沉积构造等相特征方面具有明显的分区性。渤海南部存在五种沉积相:黄河水下三角洲相、陆架盆地相、海湾相、潮流浅滩相及古滨岸相。黄河水下三角洲相从河口延至水深15—20米处,沉积速率很高,沉积物富含碎屑云母及CaCo_3。陆架盆地相的沉积为粉砂质粘土,具有生物扰动构造。  相似文献   

现代黄河三角洲钓口叶瓣体沉积相及其沉积动力环境特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Huanghe River captures the Diaokou River in 1964 and forms a deltaic lobe in the subsequent 12 a. The progradational process of the Diaokou lobe is in associated with complicated evolution of riverine sheet flooding,merging, and swinging. On the basis of 11 borehole cores and 210 km high resolution seismic reflection data set,the sedimentary sequence and dynamic environment of the Diaokou lobe(one subdelta lobe of the modern Huanghe River Delta) are studied. The stratigraphy of the lobe is characterized by an upward-coarsening ternary structure and forms a progradational deltaic clinoform. Totally six seismic surfaces are identifiable in seismic profiles, bounded six seismic units(SUs). These SUs correspond to six depositional units(DUs) in the borehole cores, and among them, SUs 4–6(DUs D to F) consist of the modern Diaokou lobe. Lithological and seismic evidences indicate that the delta plain part of the Diaokou lobe is comprised primarily by fluvial lag sediments together with sediments from sidebanks, overbanks, fluvial flood plains and levees, while the delta front part is a combination of river mouth bar sands(majority) and distal bar and deltaic margin sediments(minority). As a result of the high sedimentation rate and weak hydrodynamic regime in the Huanghe River Delta, the sediments in the delta front are dominated by fine-grained materials. The grain size analysis indicates the Huanghe River hyperpycnal-concentrated flow shows the suspension, transportation and sedimentation characteristics of gravity flow, and the sediment transportation is primarily dominated by graded suspension, while uniform suspension and hydrostatic suspension are also observed in places. The strength of the hydrodynamic regime weakens gradually offshore from riverbed, river mouth bar, sidebank, distal bar subfacies to delta lateral margin and flooding plain subfacies.  相似文献   

客观定量地确定沉积动力环境分区是理解区域沉积动力过程的重要基础。本文以黄河水下三角洲表层沉积物的粒度分析数据为基础,运用模糊c均值聚类(FCM)等方法对该区域的沉积动力环境进行了分类、识别、分区及制图表达。结果表明,研究区域的沉积动力环境可分为3个类别,分别代表了冲刷、冲淤混合和淤积3类不同形式的沉积动力环境。各类别沉积动力环境的隶属度分布图具有指示其在不同空间位置处出现的可能性大小及其优势分布区的作用,而由模糊隶属度值生成的沉积动力环境分区图也与研究区域实际的沉积动力空间格局有着较高的吻合度,表明制图结果是合理和有效的。研究结果可为黄河三角洲滨海区地貌演变趋势分析和海岸防护提供重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

现行黄河口水下三角洲海底形貌及不稳定性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高分辨力的声学仪器调查表明,现行黄河口水下三角洲海底的形貌十分复杂,由于高浓度巨量黄河泥沙快速沉积的结果,使河口底坡出现了大量的不稳定性现象,如塌陷冲沟,高密度沉积物重力流,切割—充填结构海底,V形水下河谷、滑塌等。根据海底扰动程度作了分区,划分了地形单元,并对不同的海底形态的成因作了分析。比较了1985和1986年两个航次考查结果的变动,分析了原因。  相似文献   

Evolution history and trend of the modern Huanghe River Delta   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The evolvement history of modern Huanghe River Delta tidal flat, coastline and underwater terrain were studied based on the analysis of remote sensing images and water depth data. Based on the analysis of seafloor terrain evolution on different historical stages, a formula simulating the erosion and deposition evolvement model of subaqueous Huanghe River Delta slope was proposed, and the evolvement trend of the subaqueous delta terrain was predicted. The result shows that the equilibrium transition zone is near the water depth of 12 m with seabed erosion in shallower water and accumulation in deeper water during the first 150 a after the river channel was deserted. In the meantime, the underwater slope became gentler and the coastal erosion rate became slow gradually. Then, the subaqueous delta slope changed to up concave from upper convex, and the shape of subaqueous delta disappeared. The coast type changed to silt-mud coast about 100-150 a after the river course was deserted. The erosion depth in the foot of the seawall is calculated based on the formula.  相似文献   

黄河、长江和珠江三角洲近代沉积物的沉积化学特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
蓝先洪 《台湾海峡》1995,14(1):44-50
黄河、长江和珠江是我国直接入海的三条最大河流,流域面积之和占我国直接入海主要河流流域面积的90%。三大河三角洲近代沉积物的沉积化学特点是:黄河三角洲CaO含量高,而A12O3、TiO2和有机质含量均较低;长江三角洲的MgO、MnO含量略高;珠江三角洲的Fe2O3、TiO3含量高,CaO含量低。这种沉积化学特征的差别,是由于沉积化学成分受地带性的生物气候及河口地球化学环境制约的结果。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲区域水动力条件下岸滩侵蚀研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
An ideal nature system for the study of post-depositional submarine mass changing under wave loading was selected in the intertidal platform of the subaqueous Huanghe River Delta, a delta formed during period from 1964 to 1976 as the Huanghe River discharged into the Bohai Gulf by Diaokou distributary. A road embankment constructed for petroleum recovery on the inter-tidal platform in 1995 induced the essential varieties of hydrodynamic conditions on the both sides of the road. With both sides sharing similarities in (1) initial sedimentary environment, (2) energetic wave loading, (3) differential hydrodynamic conditions in later stages, (4) enough long-range action, and (5) extreme shallow water inter-tidal platforms; the study is representative and feasible as well. Two study sites were selected on each side of the road, and a series of measurements, samplings, laboratory experiments have been carried out, including morphometry, hydrodynamic conditions, sediment properties, granularity composition, and fractal dimension calculation of the topography in the two adjacent areas. It was observed that in the outer zone, where wave loading with high magnitude prevailed, the tidal flat was bumpy and exhibited a high erosion rate and high fractal dimension. Further, the fractal dimension diminished quickly, keeping with the enlarging of calculative square size. However in the inner zone, where the hydrodynamic condition was weak, the tidal fiat was fiat and exhibited a low erosion rate and low fractal dimensions; the fractal dimension diminished with the enlarging of calcu- lative square size. The fractal dimensions in the different hydrodynamic areas equalized increasingly as the calculative square size accreted to threshold, indicating that the hydrodynamic condition plays a significant role in topography construction and submarine delta erosion process. Additionally, the later differentiation of sediment properties, granularity composition, microstructure characteristics, and mineral composition  相似文献   

Post-depositional slope instability and bottom mass-movement processes strongly modify the progradational subaqueous slopes of the modern Huanghe (Yellow River) Delta. Wide, shallow gullies dissect the submarine slopes with gradients of 0.3 to 0.4°. Lower delta-front sediments experiencein situ subsidence, forming numerous collapse depressions. These processes are pronounced over much of the delta, incising and redistributing the most recently deposited silt-rich sediment. Principal causative factors include low sediment strengths created by rapid deposition in the delta during annual peak discharges from the river and severe bottom perturbations by surface storm-generated waves.  相似文献   

Fossil diatom groups from 85 samples of drill holes and 13 samples of the known depositional environment are analysed. The boundary of the Zhujiang Delta is discussed from the distribution of fossil diatom. The horizonal variation of Holocene sedimentary facies can be divided into four kinds of depositional environment corresponding to the delta plain subfacies and the delta front subfacies. The vertical variation of Holocene depositional facies shows twice changes of transgression from weak to vigorous.  相似文献   

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